IVR Wage and Investment Survey
(For IRS administrator) Thank you for. The IRS is trying to improve its service to the public. You can help in this important mission by answering the questions below. This voluntary survey should take less than 9 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept completely anonymous to the IRS. If you have any questions about this survey, you may call the Survey Helpline at 1-866-960-7897.
The questions that follow ask your opinion regarding how the IRS handled your most recent audit. For each question, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the final outcome, please indicate your answer by checking the box that best represents your opinion.
Please enter your five-digit site code.
A. Please enter the resolution of this call from your perspective.
For completely resolved, press 1
For partially resolved, press 2
For not resolved, press 3
B. Please enter the issue that the taxpayer called about.
Status of exam, press 1
Check if IRS received information mailed or faxed in, press 2
EITC Issue, press 3
Discretionary Issue, press 4
Recon, press 5
Explanation of letter received, press 6
Closed case, press 7
Other, press 8
Thank you. Please transfer caller now
(For Respondent)
Press the star key when you are ready to take the survey
Caller hears: Thank you for participating in this voluntary survey. This survey allows taxpayers to provide anonymous and private information to assist the IRS in improving its services. It will take less than 8 minutes to complete. During this survey you will be asked to rate the service you received from the IRS during this call.
Please rate the following questions using the following scale:
If you were very satisfied, press 5
For somewhat satisfied, press 4
For neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, press 3
For somewhat dissatisfied, press 2
For very dissatisfied, press 1
If you are not sure, press 9
Press the star key to repeat the question.
Question 1 Did this call relate to a notice, bill, or letter you received recently from the IRS?
If yes, press 1
For no, press 2 (Skip to Q4)
If you are not sure, press 9 (Skip to Q4)
Question 2 Please rate your level of satisfaction with the clarity of the notice, bill, or letter. (1, 2 and 3 go toQ3) (4 and 5 skip to Q4)
Question 3 What can the IRS do to improve the clarity of the notice, bill, or letter you received? Begin speaking at the tone. Press any key when you are finished.
Caller hears The following questions have to do with the IRS’s automated answering system. The response scale is the same. You may enter your response as soon as you know your answer.
Question 4 Rate your satisfaction with the ease of understanding the automated answering system menu and instructions.
Question 5 Rate your satisfaction with the time it took to get through to the IRS using the automated answering system.
Caller hears The following questions have to do with the IRS representative with whom you spoke. If you spoke to more than one representative, please consider the one with whom you spent the most time on the phone.
Question 6 Rate your satisfaction with the friendliness of the representative who handled your call.
Question 7 Rate your satisfaction with the representative’s willingness to help you with your issue.
Question 8 Rate your satisfaction with the fairness with which you were treated.
Question 9 Rate your satisfaction with the knowledge of the representative.
Question 10 Rate your satisfaction with getting all the information you needed during the call.
Question 11 Rate your satisfaction with the length of time it took to complete your call from when you first reached a representative.
Question 12 If you think the time you spent on the phone with the representative was too short, press 1. If you think it was too long, press 2. If the time spent with the representative was just right, press 3.
Question 13 Rate your satisfaction with the clarity of the explanation given to you by the IRS employee regarding your issue
Question 14 Rate your satisfaction with the representative’s description of what will happen if you do not take those actions.
Question 15 Rate your satisfaction with the ability of the representative to make decisions regarding your issue.
Question 16 Were you requested to follow-up on this issue at a later date?
If yes, press 1 (Go to Q17)
If no, press 2 (Skip to Q18)
Question 17 Rate your satisfaction with the amount of time you were given today to follow-up with the IRS on this issue.
Question 18 Everything considered, whether you agree or disagree with the final outcome, rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received during this call. (Completion Point)
Question 19 Do you have any other comments or suggestions for the IRS regarding your experience today? Begin speaking at the tone. Press any key when you are finished.
Caller hears There are just a few more questions left. Please listen carefully to the new response choices.
Question 20 At the completion of your phone call, did you feel your issues were resolved?
If you feel they were completely resolved, press 1…skip to question 22
For partly resolved, press 2…go to question 21
For not resolved, press 3…go to question 21
If you are not sure, press 9… skip to question 22
Question 21 Why do you feel the issue was not completely resolved? Begin speaking at the tone. Press any key when you are finished.
Question 22 Including today, how many times have you called and discussed this particular issue with an IRS representative?
Press 1 through 4 for the number of times you have called
Press 5 for 5 or more times.
Question 23 How many minutes did you spend on this call including any time on hold, but not including the time spent answering this survey?
If less than 10 minutes, press 1
10 to 20 minutes, press 2
21 to 30 minutes, press 3
31 minutes or longer, press 4
Question 24 Why did you call today?
For an explanation about the letters you received from the IRS, press 1
To let the IRS know you had mailed/faxed documents in, press 2
To obtain the status of your case, press 3
For a general question not related to a specific case, press 4
For any other reason, press 5
End Section
Q29 We often do research on behalf of the IRS and need respondents for our research. Would you be willing to participate in future research? If so, please provide us with your phone number and email address if you have one. This information will be anonymous and used only for the purpose of survey research. Research participants may receive a small monetary incentive to participate depending on the survey.
If you would like to participate, press 1……go to Q29a
If you do not want to participate, press 2…..skip to Q25
Q29a Please type in phone number:
Q29b Please state and spell your first and last name:
Caller hears That completes the survey; however, we are required by law to report to you the OMB Control Number for this public information request. That number is 1545-1432. In addition, if you have any comments about the time used to complete this survey or ways to improve the survey, you may write to the IRS.
Question 25 Would you like the address to mail your comments?
If yes, press 1
If no, press 2
If yes, the caller hears:
Mail your comments to:
Internal Revenue Service
Tax Products Coordinating Committee
1111 Constitution Ave, NW, Room 6510-S
Washington, DC 20224
Question 26 To repeat this address, press 1.
Otherwise, press 2.
Question 27 If you have tried unsuccessfully to resolve a problem with the IRS or if you have a complaint, you may contact the Taxpayer Advocate’s office by calling a toll-free telephone number. If you would like the telephone number of the Taxpayer Advocate, press 1. Otherwise, press 2.
If 1, the caller hears:
The toll-free Taxpayer Advocate phone number is 1-877-777-4778.
Question 28 To repeat this telephone number, press 1.
Otherwise, press 2.
Thank you for participating in this survey. Your information will help improve the services provided by the IRS. Thank you. Goodbye.
Mail Survey, Examples:
Advance letter (pre-note) about the survey
Gwen Garren
ANYTOWN, US 12345-6789
Dear Gwen Garren:
I need your help with an important initiative I am undertaking to improve our service to America’s
taxpayers. I want to get feedback from taxpayers like you who have had a recent correspondence
audit conducted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
In a few days, you will receive a questionnaire asking your opinions about the service you received from the IRS to resolve the issues raised in your audit. If you are not the person who had the most contact with the IRS on this matter, please direct the survey to the person who did. This brief questionnaire should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your answers will be combined with others to give us an evaluation of customer satisfaction with IRS service.
To keep all replies anonymous to the IRS, we have asked an independent research firm to
administer the survey. Contractor will process the questionnaires and
report only aggregate totals to us.
I am committed to improving IRS service to every taxpayer. Please help me in this effort
by completing and returning the questionnaire as soon as possible. If you do not receive a
questionnaire, please contact Contractor Survey Helpline at 1-888-260-0052.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Director, Compliance
Wage and Investment Division
Cover letter with the survey
IRS Customer Survey
P.O. Box 64529
St. Paul, MN 55164-9610
ANYTOWN, US 12345-6789
Dear John Doe:
A few days ago you received a letter from __________, Director, Compliance, Wage and
Investment Division, asking for your help with an important research project.
We are administering a nationwide survey among people who have had contact with the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). Your name was selected for this survey through a random sample of
taxpayers who were audited. We want to know your opinions regarding the audit process and the
service you received. Your responses are critical to the accuracy of our evaluation of the IRS’s
service. If any other person was primarily responsible for dealing with the IRS on this matter, please
direct the survey to that person and encourage him or her to respond.
Contractor will hold your identity anonymous and will not provide any of your identifying
information to the IRS. Your answers will be grouped with others, so that no individual reply can be traced back to a person or case number.
This brief survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. We have included a postage-paid
reply envelope for you to return your completed survey. If you have any questions or concerns,
please feel free to contact Contractor Survey Helpline at 1-888-260-0052.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Project Director
Postcard reminder
Do We Have Your Input Yet?
Recently, you received a questionnaire asking your opinions
about the service you received from the IRS in a recent
contact. If you have already completed and returned the
questionnaire, please accept our sincere thanks. If not, please
take a few minutes to complete and return it today. We want
to be sure we have your opinions and suggestions for improving
the IRS’s service to the public.
If you did not receive the questionnaire, or it has been misplaced,
please call us at 1-888-260-0052.
Project Director
Survey- Cover Letter [second package]
IRS Customer Survey
P.O. Box 64529
St. Paul, MN 55164-9610
ANYTOWN, US 12345-6789
Dear John Doe:
Recently you received a survey requesting your feedback about your experiences during a recent
IRS audit. So far, we have not received your completed survey. If you have already completed the survey, thank you. If you have not completed the survey, please take a few minutes to fill in your responses. If another person was primarily responsible for dealing with the IRS on this matter, please direct the survey to that person and encourage him or her to respond.
As described in our previous communication, we are administering a nationwide survey among
people who had a recent audit conducted by the IRS. Your name was selected for this survey
through a random sample of those who were audited. We want to know your opinions regarding
the audit process and the service you received. Your responses are critical to the accuracy of our
evaluation of the IRS’s service.
Contractor will hold your identity anonymous and will not provide any of your identifying
information to the IRS. Your answers will be grouped with others, so that no individual reply can be traced back to a person or case number. Your participation is voluntary.
The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. We have included a postage-paid reply
envelope for you to return your completed survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Contractor Survey Helpline at 1-888-260-0052.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. The IRS is committed to improving its performance and service to the American public. A vital step in this process is to gather reliable information from those who have had contact with IRS employees and services. Your honest opinions will help bring about these changes.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Project Director
PO BOX 65429
Wage and Investment Survey
INNOCENT SPOUSE MAIL Wage and Investment Survey. The IRS is trying to improve its service to the public. You can help in this important mission by answering the questions below. This voluntary survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept completely anonymous to the IRS. If you have any questions about this survey, you may call the Survey Helpline at 1-866-960-7897.
questions that follow ask your opinion regarding how the IRS handled
your most recent audit. For each question, regardless
of whether you agree or disagree with the final outcome, please
indicate your answer by checking the box that best represents your
Mail Surveys for Compliance Center Examination, Compliance Center Examination Toll-Free, and Automated Under Reporter
The IRS is trying to improve its service to the public. You can help in this important mission by answering the questions below. This voluntary survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept completely anonymous to the IRS. If you have any questions about this survey, you may call the Survey Helpline at 1-866-960-7897.
The questions that follow ask your opinion regarding how the IRS handled your most recent audit. For each question, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the final outcome, please indicate your answer by checking the box that best represents your opinion.
Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Don’t Know/Not Applicable
How would you rate the ...
a. Explanation of why your tax return was being audited? .............
b. Clarity of notices in explaining what records you needed to send in?
c. Ease of understanding the letter you received with the
examination report? ....................................................................
d. Ease of understanding the examination report you received? .....
e. Ease of collecting the information requested by the IRS? ...........
f. Ease of using the automated phone system to get help? ..............
g. The length of time you had to wait to talk to an IRS representative
by phone? ...................................................................................
h. Representative’s willingness to help you with your issue? .........
i. Courtesy and professionalism of IRS employees? ......................
j. IRS employees’ knowledge of your case? ..................................
k. Time you were given to respond to the IRS? ...............................
l. Consideration given to the information you sent to the IRS? ......
m.Consistency of information received from the IRS? ...................
n. IRS keeping you informed of the status of your case? ................
o. Length of the audit process, from start to fi nish? ........................
p. Amount of time you had to spend on this audit? .........................
q. Explanation of why adjustments were made? .............................
r. Fairness of treatment by the IRS? ..............................................
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the fi nal
outcome, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with
the way your audit was handled? ................................................
Did you contact the IRS Toll-free Exam number listed on the letter you received?
Don’t recall
Approximately how many times did you contact the IRS (by mail or by phone) before your issue was resolved?
Please continue on back
OMB # 1545-1432
Form 13257 (Rev. 2-2009) Cat. No. 34051T Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service
Prior to the examination, what was your expectation of the length of time in months for the examination to
be completed? (Write number of months.)
Who was the main person who prepared your taxes? (Mark only one.)
You (yourself)
Professional tax preparer
Friend or relative
IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) employee
Volunteer at VITA or TCE site
Occasionally, we conduct additional in-depth IRS-related research. Research participants may receive a
small monetary incentive to participate depending on the research. If you are interested in participating in
future research, please provide us with your telephone number and your e-mail address (if available). This
information will not be shared with the IRS and will be used only for the purpose of survey research.
Telephone number: __________________________ E-mail address: _____________________________
If you have been unable to resolve any specific problems with your tax matter through the normal IRS channels,
or now face a significant hardship due to the application of the tax law, we encourage you to contact the Taxpayer
Advocate Service at 1-877-777-4778.
Use this space for comments or suggestions for improvement.
Thank you for completing the survey.
Please return the questionnaire to P.O. Box 64530, St. Paul, MN 55164-9610 USA.
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB control number on all public information requests. The OMB Control Number for this study is 1545-1432. Also, if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making this process simpler, please write to the: Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20224.
Form 13257 (Rev. 2-2009) Cat. No. 34051T Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service
W&I Reporting Compliance Survey
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Program Background |
Author | xdffb |
Last Modified By | qhrfb |
File Modified | 2010-12-16 |
File Created | 2010-12-15 |