Cs-10-249; Cs-10-260; Cs-10-261; Cs-10-262; Cs-10-263; Cs-10-264; Cs-10-265; Cs-10-266; Cs-10-267; Cs-10-268; Cs-10-269; Cs-11-270; Cs-11-271; Cs-11-272; Cs-11-273; Cs-11-274

Voluntary Customer Surveys to Implement E.O. 12862 Coordinated by the Corporate Planning and Performance Division on Behalf of All IRS Operations Functions


CS-10-249; CS-10-260; CS-10-261; CS-10-262; CS-10-263; CS-10-264; CS-10-265; CS-10-266; CS-10-267; CS-10-268; CS-10-269; CS-11-270; CS-11-271; CS-11-272; CS-11-273; CS-11-274

OMB: 1545-1432

Document [doc]
Download: doc | pdf

Attachment A- Cover Letter to Accompany LITC Directors’ Survey

(An e-mail similar to the cover letter will be sent to the LITCs the day of the surveys are mailed.)

Dear LITC Directors:

Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), requires federal agencies to periodically assess the needs of their LEP customers.

Because Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) that assist LEP taxpayers are key stakeholders in this assessment process, I am asking you to participate in the LITC Directors’ Survey. Your participation will help the IRS determine the best ways to meet your needs or improve our products/services to you.

A survey will be mailed to you on February 28, 2011. This survey, which is completely voluntary, will only take about 10 minutes to complete and will be strictly anonymous. Please complete the survey and return it in the enclosed postage paid envelop by April 22, 2011.

At the end of the survey period, a report will be compiled and made available to the LITCs.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Gail Richardson (615-250-6038) or Lisa Scott (404-338-9119), Wage & Investment Research and Analysis Group 1.

I greatly appreciate your support.

Cynthia Lee, Program Analyst

Language Services Branch

Attachment B- LITC Directors’ Survey OMB #1545-1432

The Multilingual Initiative (MLI) Strategy Office is soliciting your help as a Low Income Tax Clinic (LITC) in determining if IRS products/services provided to Limited English Proficient (LEP) taxpayers are meeting their needs. Your answers will also help the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reduce the burden on taxpayers in preparing and filing their taxes. The survey is strictly voluntary and your responses will be anonymous. It will only take you about 10 minutes to complete. Just fill in the appropriate area next to the responses that best apply to you. Thank you in advance for your participation.

1. What is the ZIP code for your LITC? (_____________)

2. Individuals who do not speak, write, or understand English can be defined as Limited English Proficient, or "LEP." What percent of your client base are LEP?

( ) 0% (If “0%,” do not complete the survey) ( ) 26 – 50% ( ) Over 75%

( ) 1 – 25% ( ) 51 – 75%

3. What percent of your clients do you currently assist in the following languages? (Choose all that apply.)


Percent of LEP Clients Assisted


1 – 25%

26 - 50%

51 – 75%

Over 75%






Other (_________________)

4. Does the LITC provide outreach and educational services to LEP taxpayers?

( ) Yes ( ) No (If no, please skip to question 6.)

5. If Yes to question 4, what services are currently provided by your LITC? (Choose all that apply.)

( ) English as a Second Language (ESL) classes

( ) Low cost or pro-bono representation of LEP clients

( ) Letters/brochures in foreign languages about available tax services

( ) Tax information forums for LEP taxpayers

( ) Tax preparation services for LEP taxpayers

( ) Other (____________________________________________________________________)

6. Which of the following IRS products/services does the LITC use in assisting clients complete their tax returns? (Choose all that apply.)

( ) IRS forms, publications, and instruction booklets

( ) Foreign language translations of IRS forms, publications, and instruction booklets

( ) IRS website (IRS.gov)

( ) IRS website in Spanish (IRS.gov/Espanol)

( ) Free-File

( ) E-File

( ) Over-the-Phone Interpreter

( ) Other (________________________________________________________________________)

7. How does the LITC use IRS.gov/Espanol, the IRS Spanish-language website? (Choose all that apply.)

( ) Download Spanish-language forms and publications

( ) Access tax law information in Spanish

( ) Obtain other IRS information in Spanish (_____________________________________________)

( ) Unaware of IRS.gov/Espanol

( ) Don’t use IRS.gov/Espanol

8. Are you aware of the Multilingual Gateway (IRS.gov information for other languages)? If so, have you used it?

Aware of Have Used

( ) Yes ( ) Yes

( ) No ( ) No

9. What additional services should the IRS provide LITCs to better assist LEP clients? Please comment:


Thank you for completing this survey.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB control number on all public information requests along with the address where you can send comments regarding this study. The OMB number for this study is 1545-1432. If you have any comments regarding this study, please write to: IRS Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, IIII constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224

Privacy Statement

The authority requesting the information is 5 USC 301. The primary purpose of asking for the information is to determine steps IRS can take to improve our service to you. The information may be disclosed as authorized by the routine uses published for the Privacy Act System of Records entitled, Treas/IRS 00.001 Correspondence Files, including Stakeholder Partnership File, and Correspondence Control Files, as published in the Federal Register: December 10, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 237) [Notices] pages 63785-6. Providing the information is voluntary. Not answering some or all the questions will not affect you.

Attachment C- Reminder E-mail for LITC Directors’ Survey

Dear LITC Directors:

In February, we offered you the opportunity to participate in the LITC Directors’ Survey conducted by the Wage & Investment Research and Analysis (WIRA), one of the research functions within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The survey along with a postage paid envelope was mailed to each of you on February 28.

In case you would like a chance to participate and haven’t yet responded, we are attaching a copy of the survey to be completed and returned by April 22 to this e-mail. It should only take 10 minutes to complete. Please return the survey in the postage paid envelope and mail to:

Internal Revenue Service

W&I Research and Analysis Group 1

401 W Peachtree St

Atlanta, GA 30308-3510

Attn: Lisa Scott or Mark Richards

Thank you for partnering with us in this effort. Your participation is completely voluntary and will not affect your grant funding. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Gail Richardson (615-250-6038) or Lisa Scott (404-338-9119) (these are not toll-free numbers).

Attachment D- Cover Letter to Accompany LITC Clients’ Survey

(An e-mail similar to the cover letter will be sent to the LITCs the day of the surveys are mailed.)

Dear LITC Directors:

I am asking for your help in the following endeavor:

The IRS is gathering information from taxpayers with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in order to better understand their needs, and assist them in understanding and meeting their tax responsibilities. The information provided by taxpayers surveyed will help the IRS improve its services and products. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), requires federal agencies to periodically assess the needs of their LEP customers.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) are a key stakeholder in the products and services provided by the IRS to non-English and limited-English speaking taxpayers. The attached LITC survey was designed to help convey the needs of these taxpayers to the IRS and is for your information only. The surveys that will be distributed have been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Russian languages.

Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 7526(b)(1)(A)(ii)(II), LITCs provide services to taxpayers who speak English as a second language. An individual could be an ESL taxpayer but be perfectly fluent in English, and therefore, would not necessarily be an LEP taxpayer. Nonetheless, we are providing surveys to all LITCs. Each clinic will receive in the mail 60 surveys per language (English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Spanish) to provide to your LEP clients.

We ask that you, or someone you designate, gather completed surveys from your LEP taxpayers and mail them directly to W&I Research and Analysis in the postage-paid envelopes that will be included. Please be sure to inform taxpayers that the survey is completely anonymous and voluntary.

The survey period will run from February 28 – April 22, 2011. After the survey period ends, the results will be compiled in a report and made available to LITCs.

If you have any questions about administering the survey, the survey itself, or other survey issues, please contact Gail Richardson (615-250-6038) or Lisa Scott (404-338-9119), Wage & Investment Research and Analysis Group 1.

I greatly appreciate your support.

Cynthia Lee, Program Analyst

Language Services Branch

Attachment E- LITC Clients’ Survey OMB #1545-1432

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is trying to improve its services to you, the taxpayer. Your answers will help the IRS provide better service to taxpayers like yourself. Please fill in the appropriate area next to the responses that best apply to you. Because your responses are anonymous, please do not include your name on the survey. The survey is voluntary and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation.

1. What is your ZIP Code? (_____________)

2. Why did you visit the LITC today?

( ) Obtain legal representation to resolve federal tax disputes, such as, audits or tax collections

( ) Obtain information about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in a language other than English

( ) Attend a tax education and/or outreach seminar for taxpayers in a language other than English

( ) Attend English as a Second Language (ESL) class

( ) Learn what type of services the LITC offers

( ) Other (____________________________________)

3. How did you first become aware of the LITC?

( ) Family or friends

( ) Television

( ) Radio

( ) Newspaper or brochure

( ) Internet

( ) IRS walk-in office

( ) IRS website

( ) Other (____________________________________)

4. What language do you primarily speak at home?

( ) English ( ) Vietnamese ( ) Spanish

( ) Chinese ( ) Russian ( ) Other (___________________)

( ) Korean

5. How well, would you say you can carry on a conversation in English, both understanding and speaking?

( ) Very well

( ) Pretty Well

( ) Just a little

( ) Not at all

6. How well, would you say you can read a newspaper or book in English?

( ) Very well

( ) Pretty Well

( ) Just a little

( ) Not at all

7. Who prepared your tax return last year?

( ) Self ( ) Paid tax preparer ( ) Other (________________)

( ) Friends or family ( ) IRS walk-in office

( ) Volunteer tax preparation clinic ( ) Don’t know

8. Where do you go as your primary source of tax law information?

( ) Post office ( ) Low Income Tax Clinic (LITC)

( ) Public library ( ) IRS walk-in office

( ) Volunteer tax preparation clinic ( ) IRS website

( ) Paid tax preparer ( ) Other (__________________)

9. Please indicate your awareness, use and satisfaction with the following IRS products and services.

IRS Product or Service

Are you


If you are aware, have you used?

If you are aware and have used

the IRS product or service








IRS forms and instruction booklets





Foreign language translation of IRS forms and instruction booklets





IRS Multilingual Gateway





IRS website (www.irs.gov)





IRS website in Spanish (www.irs.gov/espanol)





IRS phone representatives





Automated IRS phone system





IRS Over-the-Phone Interpreter





IRS walk-in office





10. Please indicate your awareness, use and satisfaction with each of the following IRS.gov/Espanol resources.

Application on


Are you


If you are aware, have you used?

If you are aware of and have used an IRS

application, how satisfied were you with it?








EITC Assistant





Where’s My Refund





Free File





Electronic Filing (e-File)





Online Payment Agreement





11. What can the IRS do to better serve you? Please comment:

12. Which category best describes your household income from all sources before taxes for 2010 ?

( ) No Earnings ( ) $25,000 - $34,999 ( ) $75,000 - $124,999

( ) $1 - $14,999 ( ) $35,000 - $49,999 ( ) $125,000 or more

( ) $15,000 - $24,999 ( ) $50,000 - $75,999

13. What category best describes the highest level of education you have completed?

( ) No schooling completed

( ) 1st grade to 5th grade

( ) 6th grade to 9th grade

( ) Some high school

( ) High School Diploma

( ) Some college, but no degree

( ) Associate degree

( ) Bachelor’s degree

( ) Master’s degree

( ) Doctorate degree or other post graduate degree


Thank you for completing this survey.

Please return the questionnaire to the survey administrator.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB control number on all public information requests along with the address where you can send comments regarding this study. The OMB number for this study is 1545-1432. If you have any comments regarding this study, please write to: IRS Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, IIII Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224

Privacy Statement

The authority requesting the information is 5 USC 301. The primary purpose of asking for the information is to determine steps IRS can take to improve our service to you. The information may be disclosed as authorized by the routine uses published for the Privacy Act System of Records entitled, Treas/IRS 00.001 Correspondence Files, including Stakeholder Partnership File, and Correspondence Control Files, as published in the Federal Register: December 10, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 237) [Notices] pages 63785-6. Providing the information is voluntary. Not answering some or all the questions will not affect you.

Attachment F- Draft of Reminder E-mail for LITC Clients’ Survey

(An e-mail similar to the cover letter will be sent to the LITCs the day of the surveys are mailed.)

Dear LITC Directors:

In February, we alerted you to an opportunity to partner with the IRS in the LITC Clients’ Survey. The survey is sponsored by the Multilingual Initiative Strategy Office (MLISO) and conducted by the Wage & Investment Research and Analysis (WIRA), one of the research functions within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Surveys, along with four postage paid envelopes, were mailed to the LITCs on February 28.

Please ask your Limited English Proficient (LEP) taxpayers to complete a survey. Each LITC should have received 60 surveys per language (English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Spanish) depending on the languages served. Four postage paid envelopes were also included for the LITCs to collect and send completed and semi-completed surveys directly to WIRA on the following dates:

March 14 April 11

March 28 April 22

Your participation in administering the surveys is completely voluntary and choosing whether to participate will not impact your grant funding. Once again, thank you for partnering with us in this effort.

Attachment G- List of LITC Sites by State

Attachment G- List of LITC Sites by State (continued)

Attachment G- List of LITC Sites by State (continued)

Attachment G: List of LITC Sites by State (continued)

Attachment G: List of LITC Sites by State (continued)

Attachment G: List of LITC Sites by State (continued)

Source: Taxpayer Advocate Service


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Byqhrfb
File Modified2011-02-09
File Created2011-02-09

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