NHTSA Form 1082 National Survey of Distracted Driving Attitudes and Beha

NHTSA 2009 Distracted Driving Survey Project

Appendix C - 20 Minute National Distracted Driving Survey (REVISED 1-22-10)

NHTSA 2009 Distracted Driving Survey Project

OMB: 2127-0665

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OMB # XXXX-XXXX Expiration Date: [Month] 31, 2012

Appendix C - National Telephone Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2127-XXXX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 20 minutes per response including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, DC, 20590.


State: ______________ County: ______________ Metro Status: ______________

Date: ______________ CATI ID: ______________

Interviewer: ____________________________ Telephone Number: ________________

Time Start: ______________ Time End: ______________ Total Time: ______

introduction - land line phone SAMPLE (LS)

LS.1) Hello, I'm __________________ calling for the U.S. Department of Transportation. We are conducting a national study of Americans' driving habits and attitudes.

This collection of information is Voluntary and will be used for statistical purposes only so that we may develop and evaluate programs designed to reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and deaths. Public reporting burden is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Your participation is anonymous, and we will not collect any personal information that would allow anyone to identify you. Please note that a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2125-XXXX.

Could we begin now?

In order to select just one person to interview, could I speak to the licensed driver in your household, 16 or older, who (has had the most recent/will have the next) birthday?

1) Respondent is the person…. [SKIP TO Q.1]

2) Other respondent comes to phone…. [REPEAT SL.1]

3) Respondent is not available…. [ARRANGE CALLBACK]

4) This is a business line…. [end call]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [end call]

introduction - CELL PHONE SAMPLE (CS)

CS.1) Hello, I'm __________________ calling for the U.S. Department of Transportation. I know I am calling you on your cell phone, are you in a safe place to talk right now?

1) Yes


3) No, callback on land-line…. [ARRANGE CALLBACK]

99) (VOL) Refused

CS.2) We are conducting a national study of Americans' driving habits and attitudes.

This collection of information is Voluntary and will be used for statistical purposes only so that we may develop and evaluate programs designed to reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and deaths. Public reporting burden is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Your participation is anonymous, and we will not collect any personal information that would allow anyone to identify you. Please note that a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2125-XXXX.

Could we begin now?

1) Yes


3) No, callback on land-line…. [ARRANGE CALLBACK]

99) (VOL) Refused… [end call]

CS.3) Do you also have a landline at your primary place of residence that you use to place and receive calls, or do you only use your cellular phone?

1) Yes - Landline Also… [end call]

2) No - Cell Only

99) (VOL) Refused… [end call]

CS.4) Are you 16 years old or older?

1) Yes

2) No…. [END CALL]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [end call]

CS.5) Is the cell phone number we called a personal phone, or one used exclusively for business?

1) Personal

2) Mixed use

3) Exclusively business…. [END CALL]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [end call]

CS.6) Is this cell phone owned and used exclusively by you, or does someone else share this phone number with you?

1) My cell only [SKIP TO CS.8]

2) Shared use

99) (VOL) Refused…. [end call]

CS.7) In order to select just one person to interview, could I speak to the licensed driver that uses this cellular phone, 16 or older, who (has had the most recent/will have the next) birthday?

1) Respondent is the person….

2) Other respondent comes to phone…. [REPEAT CS.2]

3) Respondent is not available…. [ARRANGE CALLBACK]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [end call]

CS.8) Can I please have the zip code of the town where you currently live? We will not use it to identify you personally, we just need to know what part of the country you are in.

[record Value]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

general driving information

Q.1) How often do you drive a motor vehicle? Almost every day, a few days a week, a few days a month, a few days a year, or do you never drive?

[do not read list]

1) Almost every day

2) Few days a week

3) Few days a month

4) Few days a year

5) Never…. [SKIP TO Q.2]

6) (VOL) Other (specify)

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.1.A) Is the vehicle you drive most often a car, van, motorcycle, sport utility vehicle, pickup truck, or other type of truck?


1) Car

2) Van or minivan

3) Motorcycle

4) Pickup truck

5) Sport Utility Vehicle

6) Other truck (SPECIFY)

7) (VOL) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.1.B) How much of your driving is done between Midnight and 4:00 AM?

[read list]

1) None or almost none

2) A lot less than half

3) About half

4) A lot More than Half

5) All/Almost all

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused


Q.2) When you pass a driver stopped by the police in the daytime, what do you think the stop was for?


1) Speeding

2) Seat Belt Violation

3) Drunk Driving

4) Reckless Driving

5) Cell phone use

6) Texting or sending emails while driving

7) Registration Violation

8) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.2.A) When you pass a driver stopped by the police in the nighttime, what do you think the stop was for?


1) Speeding

2) Seat Belt Violation

3) Drunk Driving

4) Reckless Driving

5) Cell phone use

6) Texting or sending emails while driving

7) Registration Violation

8) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

ownership of mobile electronics

Q.3) Do you currently own any of the following devices?

[read a-H and code for each:]

1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.3.A) A cellular phone

Q.3.B) [ASK If Q.3.a = 1] A ‘smartphone’ such as a Palm Pilot, iPhone, or Blackberry

Q.3.C) A pager or beeper

Q.3.D) A portable music player, such as a CD player, iPod, or Zune

Q.3.E) A portable navigation system, such as TomTom or Garmin

Q.3.F) A navigation system built into the vehicle, such as OnStar or Sync

Q.3.G) A laptop computer with cellular internet access, such as with Sprint or Verizon

Q.3.H) [ASK IF Q.3.A = 1] A hands-free headset for your cellular phone, such as one that plugs into the phone or works wirelessly

NOTE: [For Landline Sample IF Q.3.A = 2 THEN SAMPLE = Landline Mostly]

LS.2) [ASK FOR LANDLINE SAMPLE IF Q.3.A = 1] Throughout the course of the day, which of your phone lines do you use most frequently, the landline that I’ve called you on or your cellular phone?

1) Landline most often… [Sample = Landline Mostly]

2) Cell phone most often… [Sample = Cell Mostly]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.4) [ASK if Q.3.a = 1] Think about the FIRST cellular phone that you ever owned. For how long have you owned a cellular phone?


1) Less than 6 months

2) 6 months to 1 year

3) 1 to 3 years

4) 4 to 6 years

5) 6 to 8 years

6) 9 or more years

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.4.A) [ASK if Q.3.a = 1] How would you rate your level of expertise in using the various features of your cellular phone?

[read list]

1) Expert

2) Advanced

3) Experienced

4) Novice

5) Inexperienced

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused


Q.5) I’m going to read a list of activities, and for each I’d like you to tell me how often YOU do each while driving? For each, please tell me if you do the activity [read 1-6]? How often do you…

[read A-O and code for each:]

1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.5.A) Talking to other passengers in the vehicle

Q.5.B) Eating or Drinking

Q.5.C) Talking on a cellular phone

Q.5.D) Reading, such as a book, newspaper, or electronic text

Q.5.E) Sending text messages or emails

Q.5.F) Interacting with children in the back seat

Q.5.G) Interacting with animals

Q.5.H) Personal grooming, such as putting on make-up, shaving, looking at yourself in the mirror

Q.5.I) Adjusting the car radio

Q.5.J) Changing CDs, DVDs, or tapes

Q.5.K) Using a laptop computer

Q.5.L) [ask if Q.3.d = 1] Use a portable music player with headphones on

Q.5.M) [ask if Q.3.d = 1] Use a portable music player with external speakers or with the car’s speakers

Q.5.N) [ask If Q.3.B = 1] Use your Smartphone for driving directions

Q.5.O) [ask if Q.3.e or Q.3.f = 1] Use a navigation system for driving directions

NOTE: If Q.3.C or Q.3.E = 1 continue with Q.6

If Q.3.C AND Q.3.E = 2 SKIP TO Q.17


Q.6) How many phone calls on your cell phone do you RECEIVE in an average day?


1) Zero

2) Less than 5

3) 5 to 10

4) 11 to 15

5) 16 to 20

6) 20 to 25

7) 26 or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.6.A) How many phone calls on your cell phone do you MAKE in an average day?


1) Zero

2) Less than 5

3) 5 to 10

4) 11 to 15

5) 16 to 20

6) 20 to 25

7) 26 or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.6.B) How often are you available by cell phone while driving?


1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.6.C) Is it more important to you to be reachable during day or night hours?


1) The daytime

2) The nighttime

3) About the same

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.6.D) Do you feel like you NEED to be available by cell phone at all times while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.8]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.8]

Q.7) Is that because you need to be reachable BY PHONE for…


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.7.A) Work boss/supervisor

Q.7.B) Work colleagues

Q.7.C) Work customers/clients

Q.7.D) Spouse or significant other

Q.7.E) Family - parents

Q.7.F) Family - children

Q.7.G) Family - other

Q.7.H) Medical emergency

Q.7.I) Close friends

Q.7.J) Casual friends

Q.8) How often do you keep your phone turned on while you are driving?


1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never…. [SKIP TO Q.12]

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.8.A) When you RECEIVE a call on the phone while you are driving, how often do you answer the call?


1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never…. [SKIP TO Q.9]

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.8.B) What influences your decision to answer a call while driving?


1) Who is calling

2) How important I think the call is

3) Call is work-related

4) Call is personal or social

5) If the call is routine or expected

6) If the call is unexpected

7) Call is from someone I know

8) Call is from a number I don’t recognize

9) Traffic conditions

10) Weather conditions

11) Speed

12) Time of day

13) Boredom

14) In need of directions or other information

15) State law

16) Presence of police officers

17) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.8.C) When you answer a call while driving, do you USUALLY…


1) Answer and continue to drive while completing the conversation

2) Answer and promptly pull over to a safe location

3) Answer and inform the caller you will call back later

4) Pull over to a safe location first and then speak to the caller

5) Hand the phone to a passenger to answer if I have one

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.8.D) Which of the following do you usually do when you answer a call while driving?


1) Hold the phone in your hand

2) Squeeze the phone between your ear and shoulder

3) Use a hands-free earpiece

4) Use a built-in-car system (OnStar, Sync, or built-in Bluetooth)

5) Use the cellular phone’s speakerphone feature

6) Varies

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.8.E) [ASK IF Q.3.H = 1] When using your hands-free headset, when do you USUALLY put it on?


1) Before you start driving

2) While driving, but before I receive or make a call

3) While driving, but only IF I receive or make a call

4) When temporarily stopped

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.9) How often do you MAKE a call using your cellular phone while driving?


1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never…. [SKIP TO Q.9.D]

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.9.A) Do you make more calls while driving during the daytime or nighttime?


1) Daytime

2) Nighttime

3) About the same

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.9.B) What influences your decision to MAKE a call while driving?


1) Who I’m calling

2) How important I think the call is

3) Work-related

4) Personal or Social

5) Traffic conditions

6) Weather conditions

7) Speed

8) Time of day

9) Boredom

10) In need of directions or other information

11) State Law

12) Report a traffic crash/emergency

13) Report a medical emergency

14) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.9.C) Which of the following ways do you usually MAKE a call while driving?


1) Manual dialing

2) Voice-dial (speaking a name or phone number)

3) Speed dial or favorites

4) Scroll through save numbers and select

5) Varies

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.9.D) How many minutes do you typically spend, per call, on your cellular phone while driving?

1) Less than 1 minute

2) 1 to 3 minutes

3) 4 to 6 minutes

4) 7 to 9 minutes

5) 10 to 15 minutes

6) 16 to 20 minutes

21) 21 minutes or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.10) When talking on the phone while driving, do you notice that you…


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.10.A) Drive slower

Q.10.B) Drive faster

Q.10.C) Change lanes more frequently

Q.10.D) Change lanes less frequently

Q.10.E) Avoid changing lanes altogether

Q.10.F) Apply the brakes suddenly

Q.10.G) Drift out of the lane or roadway

Q.10.H) Use turn signal less regularly

Q.10.I) Use turn signal more regularly

Q.10.J) Increase distance from lead vehicle

Q.10.K) Follow lead vehicle more closely

Q.10.L) Look in your rear or side view mirrors more frequently

Q.10.M) Look in your rear or side view mirrors less frequently

Q.11) In the following situations, would you talk on your cell phone while driving?


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.11.A) At stop signs or stop lights

Q.11.B) On long trips

Q.11.C) On short trips

Q.11.D) Fast moving traffic (freeway)

Q.11.E) Bumper to bumper traffic

Q.11.F) On an empty roadway

Q.11.G) About to exit the roadway

Q.11.H) About to enter the roadway

Q.11.I) Inclement weather

Q.11.J) Driving a familiar route

Q.11.K) Driving in unfamiliar area/roads

Q.11.L) Driving at nighttime

Q.11.M) Marked school zones

Q.11.N) Residential streets

Q.11.O) Parking lots

Q.11.P) With other adult passengers in the car

Q.11.Q) With a baby or child on board

Q.11.R) Winding/Curving roads

Q.11.S) Marked construction zones

Q.11.T) When you see a police officer

texting or emailing on CELL PHONEs

Q.12) Do you use your cellular phone to send or receive text or email messages?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.17]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.12.A) How many text messages or emails do you READ ON YOUR PHONE in an average day?


1) Zero

2) 1 to 4

3) 5 to 10

4) 11 to 30

5) 31 to 50

6) 51 to 75

7) 75 or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.12.B) How many text messages or emails do you SEND ON YOUR PHONE in an average day?


1) Zero

2) 1 to 4

3) 5 to 10

4) 11 to 30

5) 31 to 50

6) 51 to 75

7) 75 or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.12.C) Have you ever sent a text message or email by voice command?

[Interviewer note: voice command means the user speaks and the phone automatically converts what is spoken to a written text message]

1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.12.D) How often are you available by text messages or emails while you are driving?


1) On all driving trips

2) On most driving trips

3) On some driving trips

4) Rarely

5) Never

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.12.E) Do you feel like you NEED to be available by text message or email at all times while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.14]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.14]

Q.13) Is that because you need to be reachable by text or email for…


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.13.A) Work boss/supervisor

Q.13.B) Work colleagues

Q.13.C) Work customers/clients

Q.13.D) Spouse or significant other

Q.13.E) Family - parents

Q.13.F) Family - children

Q.13.G) Family - other

Q.13.H) Medical emergency

Q.13.I) Close friends

Q.13.J) Casual friends

Q.14) When you SEND a text message or email while driving, do you USUALLY…


1) Continue to drive while completing the message

2) Pull over to a safe location to send the message

3) Hand the phone to a passenger to answer if I have one

4) Use a Voice Command feature

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.14.A) What influences your decision to SEND a text message or email while driving?


1) Who I’m messaging

2) How important I think the message is

3) Work-related

4) Personal or Social

5) Traffic conditions

6) Weather conditions

7) Speed

8) Time of day

9) Boredom

10) In need of directions or other information

11) State Law

12) Report a traffic crash/emergency

13) Report a medical emergency

14) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.15) When SENDING a text or email message on the phone while driving, do you notice that you…


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.15.A) Drive slower

Q.15.B) Drive faster

Q.15.C) Change lanes more frequently

Q.15.D) Change lanes less frequently

Q.15.E) Avoid changing lanes altogether

Q.15.F) Apply the brakes suddenly

Q.15.G) Drift out of the lane or roadway

Q.15.H) Use turn signal less regularly

Q.15.I) Use turn signal more regularly

Q.15.J) Increase distance from lead vehicle

Q.15.K) Follow lead vehicle more closely

Q.15.L) Look in your rear or side view mirrors more frequently

Q.15.M) Look in your rear or side view mirrors less frequently

Q.16) In the following situations, would you SEND a text or email messages on your cellular phone while driving?


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.16.A) At stop signs or stop lights

Q.16.B) On long trips

Q.16.C) On short trips

Q.16.D) Fast moving traffic (freeway)

Q.16.E) Bumper to bumper traffic

Q.16.F) On an empty roadway

Q.16.G) About to exit the roadway

Q.16.H) About to enter the roadway

Q.16.I) Inclement weather

Q.16.J) Driving a familiar route

Q.16.K) Driving in unfamiliar area/roads

Q.16.L) Driving at nighttime

Q.16.M) Marked school zones

Q.16.N) Residential streets

Q.16.O) Parking lots

Q.16.P) With other adult passengers in the car

Q.16.Q) With a baby or child on board

Q.16.R) Winding/Curving roads

Q.16.S) Marked construction zones

Q.16.T) When you see a police officer

perceptions about danger of distractions

Q.17) How long could you take your eyes off the road before driving becomes more dangerous?


1) Less than 1 second

2) 1-2 seconds

3) 3-4 seconds

4) 5-10 seconds

5) 10 seconds or more

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.18) Now I’m going to read a list of things drivers sometimes do while driving. Tell me how safe you would feel driving next to this person.


1) Very unsafe

2) Somewhat unsafe

3) No opinion

4) Somewhat Safe

5) Safe, no problem, would not pay any more attention

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

Q.18.A) Talking to other passengers in the vehicle

Q.18.B) Reading a traffic sign

Q.18.C) Smoking a cigarette

Q.18.D) Eating or Drinking

Q.18.E) Talking on a cellular phone while holding the phone’

Q.18.F) Talking on a cellular phone with a hands-free device

Q.18.G) Glancing in the rear view mirror

Q.18.H) Adjusting the side view mirrors

Q.18.I) Reading, such as a book, newspaper, or electronic text

Q.18.J) Sending text messages or emails

Q.18.K) Looking at a printed billboard

Q.18.L) Looking at a video billboard

Q.18.M) Interacting with children in the back seat

Q.18.N) Looking over the shoulder to change lanes

Q.18.O) Personal grooming, such as putting on make-up, shaving, looking in the mirror

Q.18.P) Adjusting the car radio

Q.18.Q) Changing CDs, DVDs, or tapes

Q.18.R) Singing along to a song on the radio

Q.18.S) Using a laptop computer

Q.18.T) Using a portable music player with headphones

Q.18.U) Using a Smartphone for driving directions

Q.18.V) Using a navigation system for driving directions

Q.18.W) Watching a movie

changes in distracted driving

Q.19) [ASK IF Q.3.A = 1] In the past 30 days, has your use of a cellular phone to make and receive calls while driving increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

1) Increased…. [SKIP TO Q.19.b]

2) Decreased

3) Stayed the same…. [SKIP TO Q.19.b]

4) New Driver…. [SKIP TO Q.19.b]

5) Never used a phone while driving

98) (VOL) Don’t know…. [SKIP TO Q.19.b]

99) (VOL) Refuse…. [SKIP TO Q.19.b]

Q.19.A) [ASK IF Q.3.A = 1] What caused your use of a cellular phone to make and receive calls while driving to decrease?


1) Increased awareness of safety

2) Law that bans cell phone use

3) Don’t want to get a ticket

4) Was in a crash

5) Influence/pressure from others

6) More long distance driving

7) The weather

8) The holidays

9) Driving faster

10) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.19.B) [ask if Q.12 = 1] In the past 30 days, has your use of a cellular phone to send and receive text messages or emails while driving increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

1) Increased…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

2) Decreased

3) Stayed the same…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

4) New Driver…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

5) Never used a phone while driving…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

98) (VOL) Don’t know…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

99) (VOL) Refuse…. [SKIP TO Q.20]

Q.19.C) [ask if Q.12 = 1] What caused your use of a cellular phone to send and receive text messages or emails while driving to decrease?


1) Increased awareness of safety

2) Law that bans texting/emailing

3) Don’t want to get a ticket

4) Was in a crash

5) Influence/pressure from others

6) More long distance driving

7) The weather

8) The holidays

9) Driving faster

10) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Distracted driving laws

Q.20) Does (RESP’S STATE) have a law banning talking on a hand-held cellular phone while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.20.D]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.20.D]

Q.20.A) Assuming it is the driver’s first cell phone offense, what is the fine in (RESP’S STATE) for talking on a hand-held cellular phone while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.20.B) Assume that over the next six months you frequently talk on a hand-held cellular phone while driving. How likely do you think you would be to receive a ticket for talking on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very likely

2) Somewhat likely

3) Somewhat unlikely

4) Very unlikely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.20.C) Would you be more likely, less likely, or just as likely to receive a ticket for talking on a cellular phone while driving DURING NIGHTIME HOURS?

[do not rEAD LIST]

1) More likely

2) Same

3) Less likely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.20.D) Does (RESP’S STATE) have a law banning texting or emailing on a cellular phone while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.20.H]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.20.H]

Q.20.E) What is the fine in (RESP’S STATE) for sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.20.F) Regardless of your actual behavior, assume that over the next six months you frequently send text messages or emails on cellular phone while driving. How likely do you think you would be to receive a ticket for sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very likely

2) Somewhat likely

3) Somewhat unlikely

4) Very unlikely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.20.G) Would you be more likely, less likely, or just as likely to receive a ticket for sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving DURING NIGHTIME HOURS?


1) More likely

2) Same

3) Less likely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.20.H) Does (RESP’S STATE) have a law banning the use of a laptop computer while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.21]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.21]

Q.20.I) What is the fine in (RESP’S STATE) for using a laptop computer while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.20.J) Assume that over the next six months you frequently use a laptop computer while driving. How likely do you think you would be to receive a ticket for using a laptop computer while driving?

1) Very likely

2) Somewhat likely

3) Somewhat unlikely

4) Very unlikely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.20.K) Would you be more likely, less likely, or just as likely to receive a ticket for using a laptop computer while driving DURING NIGHTIME HOURS?

1) More likely

2) Same

3) Less likely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.21) Do you support a State law banning talking on a hand-held cellular phone while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.21.B]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.21.B]

Q.21.A) What do you think the fine should be for talking on a hand-held cellular phone while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.21.B) Do you support a State law banning texting or emailing on a cellular phone while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.22]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.22]

Q.21.C) What do you think the fine should be for sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.21.D) Do you support a State law banning the use of a laptop computer while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.22]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.22]

Q.21.E) What do you think the fine should be for using a laptop computer while driving?


0) No fine

997) $997 or more

998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

program awareness

Q.22) Yes or No -- in the past 30 days, have you seen or heard of any special effort by police to ticket drivers in your community for using handheld cellular phones while driving?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.22.B]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.22.B]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.22.B]

Q.22.A) Where did you see or hear about that special effort?

[Do not read list - multiple record]

1) TV - advertisement/public service announcement

2) TV - news

3) Radio - advertisement/public service announcement

4) Radio - news

5) Online news/blog

6) Internet ad/banner

7) Social networking website (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

8) Online video (YouTube, Google Video)

9) Friend/Relative

10) Newspaper /magazine

11) Personal observation/on the road

12) Billboard/signs

13) Educational Program

14) I’m a police officer/judge

15) Direct contact by police officer

16) Internet game

17) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.22.B) Were you personally stopped by police for using a handheld cellular phone while driving in the past 30 days?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

Q.22.C) Did you receive a ticket or warning?

1) Yes - ticket for talking on a cell phone

2) Yes - warning for talking on a cell phone

3) Yes - ticket for texting or sending an email

4) Yes - warning for texting or sending an email

5) No…. [SKIP TO Q.22.E]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.22.E]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.22.E]

Q.22.D) Have you used a handheld cellular phone while driving since you received the ticket?

1) Yes…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.23]

Q.22.E) Do you think you would continue to use a handheld cellular phone while driving even if you received a ticket?

1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

other educational messages

Q.23) Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about educational or other types of activities. In the past 30 days, have you seen or heard any messages that encourage people not to talk on phones or send electronic messages while driving? This could be public service announcements on TV, messages on the radio, signs on the road, news stories, or something else.

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.23.C]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q. 23.C]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q. 23.C]

Q.23.A) Where did you see or hear these messages?

[Do not read list - multiple record]

1) TV - advertisement/public service announcement

2) TV - news

3) Radio - advertisement/public service announcement

4) Radio - news

5) Online news/blog

6) Internet ad/banner

7) Social networking website (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

8) Online video (YouTube, Google Video)

9) Friend/Relative

10) Newspaper/magazine

11) Personal observation/on the road

12) Billboard/signs

13) Educational Program

14) I’m a police officer/judge

15) Direct contact by police officer

16) Internet game

17) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.23.B) Would you say that the number of these messages you have seen or heard in the past 30 days is more than usual, fewer than usual, or about the same as usual?

[do not read list]

1) More than usual

2) About the same as usual

3) Fewer than usual

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.23.C) Thinking about everything you have heard, how important do you think it is for (RESP’S STATE) to enforce cell phone and texting laws more strictly?

[do not read list]

1) Very important

2) Fairly important

3) Somewhat important

4) Not that important

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.24) Do you recall hearing or seeing the following slogans in the past 30 days?


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.24.A) Friends don't let friends drive drunk

Q.24.B) Click it or Ticket

Q.24.C) Buckle Up America

Q.24.D) Eyes on the Road, Hands on the Wheel

Q.24.E) u txt i tikit

Q.24.F) Is the Call Worth the Fine?

Q.24.G) Children In Back

Q.24.H) You Drink and Drive. You Lose.

Q.24.I) Didn't see it coming? No one ever does

Q.24.J) Get the keys

Q.24.K) Over the Limit under Arrest

Q.24.L) Four Steps for Kids

Q.24.M) You wouldn't treat a crash test dummy like a child (National only)

Q.24.N) If they're under FOUR FEET, NINE INCHES, they need a booster seat (National only)

Q.24.O Do you recall seeing a video in which… [insert brief description of video plot]

Q.24.P Do you recall hearing a radio ad in which… [insert brief description of radio ad]

exposure to distracted driving crashes and stories

Q.25) Have you personally been involved in a crash or near-crash in the past year?

1) Yes - near crash

2) Yes - crash

3) No…. [SKIP TO Q.26]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.26]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.26]

Q.25.A) [ASK IF Q.3.A = 1] Were you using your a cellular phone at the time of the LAST [crash/near-crash] you were in?

1) Yes - talking

2) Yes - reading electronic text

3) Yes - sending text message or email

4) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.26) In the past 30 days, have you seen or heard any news stories about any crashes that involved a driver who was using a cellular phone?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

98) (VOL) Don’t Know…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

Q.26.A Did you see any photographs or video that crash?

1) Yes - Photo

2) Yes - Video

3) Yes - Photo and Video

4) No photo or video…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

98) (VOL) Don't know…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

99) (VOL) Refused…. [SKIP TO Q.27]

Q.26.B) Where did you see it?

[Do not read list - multiple record]

1) TV - advertisement/public service announcement

2) TV - news

3) Radio - advertisement/public service announcement

4) Radio - news

5) Online news/blog

6) Internet ad/banner

7) Social networking website (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

8) Online video (YouTube, Google Video)

9) Friend/Relative

10) Newspaper /magazine

11) Personal observation/on the road

12) Billboard/signs

13) Educational Program

14) I’m a police officer/judge

15) Direct contact by police officer

16) Internet game

17) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.26.C) Who was involved in the crash?

[Do not read list - multiple record]

1) Passenger vehicle(s)

2) Commercial vehicle(s)

3) Mass Transit vehicle(s)

4) Pedestrian(s)

5) Children

6) Other (SPECIFY)

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.26.D Has having heard about that crash made you more or less likely to talk on your cellular phone or send text and email messages while driving?

[do not read list]

1) Much more likely to talk or send

2) More likely to talk or send

3) No change

4) Less likely to talk or send

5) Do not talk or send

98) (VOL) Don't know

99) (VOL) Refused

perceptions of and responses to other distracted drivres

Q.27) What percentage of drivers do you believe talk on a cellular phone while driving?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.27.A) What percentage of drivers do you believe send text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.28) In your experience, do drivers that you see talking or sending text or email messages on a phone…


1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.28.A) Drive slower

Q.28.B) Drive faster

Q.28.C) Change lanes more frequently

Q.28.D) Change lanes less frequently

Q.28.E) Avoid changing lanes altogether

Q.28.F) Apply the brakes suddenly

Q.28.G) Drift out of the lane or roadway

Q.28.H) Use turn signal less regularly

Q.28.I) Use turn signal more regularly

Q.28.J) Increase distance from lead vehicle

Q.28.K) Follow lead vehicle more closely

Q.28.L) Look in the rear or side view mirrors more frequently

Q.28.M) Look in the rear or side view mirrors less frequently

Q.30) When you observe another driver talking or sending text or email messages on a phone, how does that USUALLY influence your driving behavior around them?

[read list - multiple record]

1) Slow down to let them in front of you

2) Speed up to get in front of them

3) Change lanes

4) Honk your horn to get their attention

5) Give them extra room

6) Report them to the police

7) Signal to the driver to pay attention

8) Make a hostile/obscene gesture

9) No influence/response

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refuse

interviening as a passenger

Q.31) When riding as a passenger, how comfortable would you feel if your driver was talking on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very comfortable

2) Comfortable

3) Neutral

4) Uncomfortable

5) Very Uncomfortable

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.31.A) When riding as a passenger, how comfortable would you feel if your driver was sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very comfortable

2) Comfortable

3) Neutral

4) Uncomfortable

5) Very Uncomfortable

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.31.B) How likely are you to intervene with your driver if they’re talking on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very likely

2) Somewhat likely

3) Somewhat unlikely

4) Very unlikely

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.31.C) How likely are you to intervene with your driver if they’re sending text messages or emails on a cellular phone while driving?


1) Very likely

2) Somewhat likely

3) Somewhat unlikely

4) Very unlikely

5) Never would intervene

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.31.D What determines whether or not you would intervene if the driver of the vehicle you are a passenger of is using a cellular phone while driving?

[Do not read list - multiple record]

1) Sex (SPECIFY)

2) Age (SPECIFY)

3) Family member (SPECIFY)

4) Relationship status (SPECIFY)

5) Experience driving

6) Experience driving distracted

7) How safe you feel with that driver

8) Commercial driver

9) Speed

10) Traffic conditions

11) Weather conditions

12) Alcohol or drug impaired

13) Other (SPECIFY

14) Would never intervene

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

demographic questions

[SAY:] Now, I need to ask you some basic information about you and your household. Again, this information is confidential and will not be used to identify you personally.

Q.32) What is your age?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.32.A) Including yourself, how many persons, age 16 or older, are living in your household at least half of the time or consider it their primary residence?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.32.B) How many children age 15 or younger are living in your household at least half of the time or consider it their primary residence?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.32.C) Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?

1) Yes

2) No

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.32.D) Which of the following racial categories describes you? You may select more than one.

[read list - multiple record]

1) American Indian or Alaska Native

2) Asian

3) Black or African American

4) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

5) White

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.32.E) What is the highest level of education you completed?

[read list - multiple record]

1) Some high school

2) High school / GED

3) Some college

4) College

5) Graduate or professional school

98) (VOL) Don’t know

99) (VOL) Refused

Q.32.F) Do you have more than one telephone number in your household?

1) Yes

2) No…. [SKIP TO Q.32.H]

98) (VOL) Don’t know…. [SKIP TO Q.32.H]

99) (VOL) Refused… [SKIP TO Q.32.H]

Q.32.G) Not including cells phones, and phones used primarily for fax or computer lines, how many different telephone numbers do you have in your household?


998) (VOL) Don’t know

999) (VOL) Refuse

Q.32.H) What is your household income?

[read list]

1) Less than $10,000

2) $10,000 to $14,999

3) $15,000 to $24,999

4) $25,000 to $49,999

5) $50,000 to $99,999

6) $100,000 to $149,999

7) $150,000 to $199,999

8) $200,000 or more

98) (VOL) Don’t Know

99) (VOL) Refused


1) Male

2) Female

99) Cannot be determined

[READ:] That completes the survey. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. If you would like information about traffic safety, please visit www.nhtsa.gov.

NTSA Form 1082 38 of 38

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOMB # 2127-0646
AuthorScott Roberts
Last Modified ByScott Roberts
File Modified2010-01-21
File Created2010-01-21

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