Various Demographic Pretesting Activities

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Various Demographic Pretesting Activities

OMB: 0607-0725

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Protocol for 2011 Public Police Contact Survey



FIELD REPRESENTATIVE - Read introduction

INTRO 1- Now I would like to ask some questions about any contacts you may have had with the police. We estimate the survey will take between 2 to 10 minutes depending on your responses.

1. Before I get to the questions about contacts you may have had with the police, I would like to find out how often you usually drive. Do you currently drive…

(Read answer categories.)

1 □ Everyday or almost every day?

2 □ A few days a week?

3 □ A few days a month?

4 □ A few times a year?

5 □ Never?

2. I am going to read some questions about experiences you may have had seeking help or assistance from the police in your community.

In the last 12 months, have you:

  1. Reported a crime to the police?

  2. Reported other non-crime emergencies such as a traffic accident or medical emergency to the police?

  1. Reported a suspicious person or noises to police?

  1. Contacted police about neighborhood concerns or problems?

  1. Participated in block watch or other anti-crime programs WITH police?

  1. Approached or sought help from the police in the last 12 months for something I haven’t mentioned?

  1. Been stopped by the police while walking?

  1. Been stopped by the police while driving a motor vehicle?

(NOTE: a ‘motor vehicle’ includes motorcycle, bus, private and commercial cars, or trucks)

  1. Been the passenger in a motor vehicle that was stopped by the police?

(NOTE: a ‘motor vehicle’ includes motorcycle, bus, private and commercial cars, or trucks)

  1. Been involved in a traffic accident that was reported to police?

  1. Been stopped and frisked?

  1. Been arrested?

Cognitive probe: For any yes Can you tell me more about that?

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

If Yes, Ask: What was the reason? _________________

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

1 □ Yes 2 □ No

Proceed to Check Item A1

Check Item A1 Are all subquestions 2g-2l above marked ‘No’?

1 □ Yes - Skip to Question 2m

2 □ No - Skip to Question 3a

2m. Have you EVER been stopped or approached by the police in the last 12 months?

Cognitive probes: What time period were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Tell me more about that.

1 □ Yes – Skip to Question 3a

2 □ No - Proceed to Check Item A2

Check Item A2 Did the respondent report any contact with the police, that is, are there any ‘Yes’ responses marked in question 2a-2l?

1 □ Yes - Goto Question 3a

2 □ No - End the PPCS interview

3a. How many face-to-face contacts did you have with the police during the last 12 months?

(Note: A face-to-face contact is defined as one that involved verbal communication or contact in which the officer turns his or her direct interaction towards you.)

Cognitive probes: How did you come up with your answer?

What does “face to face contact” mean to you in this question?

_______ Number of contacts - Goto Check Item A3

Check Item A3 Is the response to question 3a greater than 1?

1 □ Yes - Goto question 3b

2 □ No – Goto question 4

3b. Which of the previous contacts was your most recent?

Cognitive probe: How did you come up with your answer?

1 □ Reported crime to police

2 □ Reported an emergency or suspicious person

3 □ Contacted police about neighborhood issues

4 □ Participated in block watch

5 □ Sought help from police

6 □ Been stopped by police while walking

7 □ Been stopped by police while driving

8 □ Been a passenger in a car that was stopped by police

9 □ Been involved in a traffic accident that was reported to police

10 □ Been stopped and frisked by police

11 □ Been arrested

12 □ Been stopped or approached by police for another reason

CHECK ITEM A4 Did the respondent report more than one contact with the police in item 3a?

1 □ Yes -READ INTRO 2

2 □ No - SKIP to item 4


FIELD REPRESENTATIVE- Read introduction.

INTRO 2 - For the rest of the interview, please tell me ONLY about the MOST RECENT face-to-face contact you had with the police.

4. About what time did this contact occur?

Cognitive probe: How did you come up with your answer?

During day

1 □ After 6 a.m. - 12 noon

2 □ After 12 noon - 6 p.m.

3 □ Don’t know what time of day

At night

4 □ After 6 p.m. - 12 midnight

5 □ After 12 midnight - 6 a.m.

6 □ Don’t know what time of night


7 □ Don’t know whether day or night

5. Did the police do any of the following:

a. Shout at you?

b. Curse at you?

c. Threaten to use force against you?

d. Actually push or grab you?

e. Handcuff you

f. Actually kick or hit you?

g. Actually spray you with chemical or pepper spray

h. Actually use an electroshock weapon against you, such as a stun gun?

i. Actually point a gun at you?

j. Use any other type of force?


1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

Please specify for ‘Yes’ response


6. Do you feel any of the actions used or threatened against you were necessary?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “necessary” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

7. Were you injured as a result of this contact?

Cognitive probe: Tell me more about that.

1 □ Yes – Go to question 7a

2 □ No – Skip to question 8

7a. Did you seek medical attention for these injuries?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Do not remember

8. During this contact were you arrested?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

9. During this contact were you handcuffed?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

10. At any time during this contact, did you argue with, curse at, insult, or verbally threaten the police?

Cognitive probe: If yes Tell me more about that.

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

11. At any time during this contact, did you ...

a. Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)?

b. Try to get away?

c. Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)?

d. Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or searched?

e. Physically do anything else?

Cognitive probe: For any yes Tell me more about that.


1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

1 □ 2 □

If ‘Yes’ please specify



12. Did the police officer(s) give a reason for stopping you?

1 □ Yes -

2 □ No - SKIP to item 15

13. What was the reason given for this stop?

1 □ Police suspected you of something

2 □ You matched the description of someone the police were looking for

3 □ Police were seeking information about another person

4 □ Police were investigating a crime

5 □ Police were providing a service or assistance to you

6 □ Someone you were with matched the description of someone the police were looking for.

7 □ Someone you were with was suspected of something.

8 □ Another reason was given.

Please specify______________________

14. Would you say the officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “legitimate” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

15. In your initial contact with police, was there one or more than one officer present?

Cognitive probes: How did you come up with your answer?

What does this question mean in your own words?

If needed What do you think we mean by “initial contact” in this question?

1 □ One officer - ASK item 16

2 □ More than one officer - SKIP to item 17

16. Was the race of the police officer White, Black, or some other race?

1 □ White - SKIP to Item 18

2 □ Black - SKIP to Item 18

3 □ Some other race - SKIP to Item 18

4 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Item 18

17. Were the police officers:

(Read answer categories 1-7.)

1 □ All White?

2 □ All Black?

3 □ All of some other race?

4 □ Mostly White?

5 □ Mostly Black?

6 □ Mostly some other race?

7 □ Equally mixed?

8 □ Don’t know race of any/some

18. Were there any other persons with you at the time of the stop?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No- SKIP to Item 20

19. How many other persons were with you at the time of the stop?

______________Number of persons

20. Were you stopped on the street in the same city/town/village as your present residence?

Cognitive probe: What does this question mean in your own words?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

21. How many minutes would you say this stop lasted?

Cognitive probe: How did you come up with your answer?

_______number of minutes

21a. Do you believe this stop was an appropriate length of time?

Cognitive probe: How did you come up with your answer?

What does “an appropriate length of time” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No, too long

3 □ No, too short

4 □ Don’t know

Skip to question 50


22. Did the police officer(s) give a reason for stopping the vehicle?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 21a

2 □ No - SKIP to item 23

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 23

22a. Was the reason speeding?

22b. A vehicle defect?

22c. A record check?

22d. A roadside check for drunk drivers?

Cognitive probe: Tell me more about that.

22e. A seatbelt violation?

22f. An illegal turn or illegal lane change?

22g. A stop sign or stop light violation?

22h. Using a cell phone while driving?

22i. Was there some other reason?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes – SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

1 □ Yes - Please specify ________________

2 □ No

23. Would you say that the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “legitimate” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know


24. In your initial contact with police, was there one or more than one officer present?

Cognitive probes: How did you come up with your answer?

What does this question mean in your own words?

If needed What do you think we mean by “initial contact” in this question?

1 □ One officer - ASK item 24a

2 □ More than one officer - SKIP to item 24b

24a. Was the race of the police officer White, Black, or some other race?

1 □ White - SKIP to Item 25

2 □ Black - SKIP to Item 25

3 □ Some other race - SKIP to Item 25

4 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Item 25

24b. Were the police officers:

(Read answer categories 1-7.)

1 □ All White?

2 □ All Black?

3 □ All of some other race?

4 □ Mostly White?

5 □ Mostly Black?

6 □ Mostly some other race?

7 □ Equally mixed?

8 □ Don’t know race of any/some

25. Were there any other persons in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

1 □ Yes – ASK item 26

2 □ No – SKIP to item 27

26. How many other persons were in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

_________ Number of persons

27. Did this traffic stop occur in the same city/town/village as your present residence?

Cognitive probe: What does this question mean in your own words?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

28. How many minutes would you say the traffic stop lasted?

Cognitive probe: How did you come up with your answer?

_________ Number of minutes


29. At any time during this stop, did the police officer(s)

If Q8 or Q9=1

a. ASK PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

If Q8 or Q9=1

b. Actually conduct a vehicle search?

c. ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

d. Actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

30. Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at any time during this stop did you GIVE the police officer(s)...

If Q8=1

a. PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

b. PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

Check Item X Is item 29B marked ‘Yes’.

1 □ Yes - Ask Item 31

2 □ No - Skip to - Skip to Check Item Y

3 □ Don’t know - Skip to Check Item Y

If Q8 or Q9=1

31. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search the vehicle?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “legitimate” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

Check Item Y

Is Item 29d marked ‘Yes’?

1 □ Yes - Ask Item 32

2 □ No - Skip to Check Item B

3 □ Don’t know - Skip to Check Item B

32. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “legitimate” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

CHECK Did the police officer(s) search the vehicle OR the respondent?

ITEM B Is box 1 marked in item 29b or item 29d?

1 □ Yes - Ask item 34

2 □ No - SKIP to item 36

33. During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

CHECK Was the respondent arrested and searched?

ITEM C Is box 1 marked in item 9 and box 1 marked in item 29b or 29d?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 35

2 □ No - SKIP to item 36

34. Earlier you said that you were arrested and searched. Did the search occur before you were arrested?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know


35. During this contact were you given a traffic ticket? Please exclude any verbal or written warnings given to you by the police.

1 □ Yes - Go to Check Item Z

2 □ No - SKIP to item 39

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 39

Check Item Z Did the police give the respondent a reason for stopping the vehicle. Is question 20 marked ‘Yes’?

36. Earlier you said that the police stopped you for import from item 22a-22h, was this what you were ticketed for?

1 □ Yes – SKIP to item 37b

2 □ No - ASK item 38

3 □ Don’t know – ASK item 38

36a. Were you ticketed for anything else?

1 □ Yes - Ask item 37

2 □ No - Skip to item 40 or 41

37. What were you ticketed for?

Please specify -


SKIP to item 41

38. During this contact were you given a warning?

39. Were you given a written warning or a verbal warning?

1 □ Verbal

2 □ Written

3 □ Don’t know

40. Did you get out of the vehicle at any time because the police asked or told you to?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

41. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “properly” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 43

2 □ No - ASK item 42

3 □ Don’t know -SKIP to Item 43

42. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1 □ Yes-SKIP to item 42a

2 □ No

3 □ Other (please specify) ______________________

42a. With whom did you file the complaint?

Cognitive probes: probe as needed to get the details of the filing situation.

then tell me more about the complaint (to get information about the complaint itself).

1 □ the police

2 □ citizen review board

3 □ Don’t know

43. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “respectfully” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Check Item D

2 □ No - SKIP to Check Item D

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Check Item D


44. During this contact were you given a warning?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 45

2 □ No - SKIP to item 46

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 46

45. Were you given a written warning or a verbal warning?

1 □ Verbal

2 □ Written

3 □ Don’t know

46. Did the police ask or tell you to do something during this contact?

Cognitive probes: if yes Can you tell me more about that?

What is this question asking in your own words?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

46a. Did you comply with the request of the police officer(s)

1 □ Yes-Skip to item 46b

2 □ No-Skip to item 46c

3 □ Don’t know

46b. Why did you comply with this request?

Cognitive probes: What does “comply with” mean to you in this question?

Is there a different word we could have used that would be easier to understand?

1 □ because it was a police officer

2 □ because the officer was respectful

3 □ because the officer pushed me to

4 □ because the officer yelled at me

5 □ because the officer handcuffed me

6 □ because the officer threatened to use a weapon

7 □ because the officer aimed a weapon at me.

8 □ Don’t know why

46c. Why did you fail to comply with the request of the police officer?

Cognitive probes: What does “comply with” mean to you in this question?

Is there a different word we could have used that would be easier to understand?

1 □ because I don’t trust police

2 □ because the police were hassling me

3 □ because I was already late for something

4 □ because the officer yelled at me

5 5 □ because the officer handcuffed me

6 □ because the officer threatened to use a weapon

7 □ because the officer aimed a weapon at me.

8 □ because the officer was disrespecting me

9 □ because the officer was rude.

10 □ Don’t know why

47. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “properly” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 49

2 □ No - ASK item 48

3 □ Don’t know -SKIP to Item 49

48. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1 □ Yes –SKIP to Item 48a

2 □ No

48a. To whom did you complain?

Cognitive probes: probe as needed to get the details of the filing situation.

then tell me more about the complaint (to get information about the complaint itself).

1 □ the police

2 □ citizen review board

3 □ Don’t know

49. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “respectfully” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Check Item D

2 □ No - SKIP to Check Item D

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Check Item D

M. OTHER THAN TRAFFIC STOP CONTACT - PERSONAL SEARCH (Both street stops and voluntary contacts get these Qs?)

50. Did this contact occur at or near your home?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

51. At any time during this contact, did the police officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don=t know

52. Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at any time during this contact did you GIVE the police officer(s) PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don=t know

53. Did the police officer(s) actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No - SKIP to item 55

3 □ Don’t know – SKIP to item 55

54. During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

55. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate

reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “legitimate” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know


56. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved


Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “properly” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes – SKIP to Item 58

2 □ No - ASK item 57

3 □ Don’t know – SKIP to Item 58

57. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1 □ Yes- SKIP to item 57a.

2 □ No

57a. With whom did you file the complaint?

Cognitive probes: probe as needed to get the details of the filing situation.

then tell me more about the complaint (to get information about the complaint itself).

1 □ The police

2 □ Citizen review board

3 □ Don’t know

58. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer?

Tell me more about that.

What does “respectfully” mean to you in this question?

1 □ Yes - Go to Check Item D

2 □ No -Go to Check Item D

3 □ Don’t know - Go to Check Item D

CHECK ITEM D Did the respondent have more than one face-to-face contact in the last 12 months?

1 □ Yes - Go to Check Item E

2 □ No – SKIP to Check Item G

CHECK ITEM E Was the respondent the driver in a traffic stop in

the most recent contact?

Is box 7 marked in item 3b?

1□ Yes - SKIP to Check Item F

2□ No – ASK item 59

59. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, were you the DRIVER in a TRAFFIC STOP?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer to this question?

If necessary Tell me more about that.

1 □ Yes – Go to Check Item F

2 □ No – Go to Check Item F

CHECK ITEM F Was force used or threatened against the respondent in the most recent contact?

1 □ Yes – SKIP to Check Item G

2 □ No – ASK Item 60

60. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, did the police USE or THREATEN TO USE force against you?

Cognitive probes: How did you decide on your answer to this question?

If necessary Tell me more about that.

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

CHECK ITEM G Is this the last household member to be interviewed?


2 □ No - Interview next NCVS household member


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Last Modified Bydemai001
File Modified2010-12-01
File Created2010-12-01

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