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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), P.L. 111-5, directs
us to make one-time $250 Economic Recovery Payments (ERPs) to certain Social
Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. In some instances,
the ERP of an appropriately certified beneficiary is returned due to the death of
that beneficiary and we have received a request from the estate, or the estate
representative, asking us to issue the ERP to the deceased individual’s estate. The
original POMS references have no provisions to pay ERPs to estates.
Summary of Changes
GN 02820.010 Title II Eligibility under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
• Subsection B. has been revised to extend eligibility for Economic Recovery
Payments (ERPs) to estates.
• Former language has been stricken and the reference in GN 02820.010 B. has
been changed to reflect that an ERP will be made to an estate upon the
request of a legally appointed or authorized representative if the original
payment was returned due to death of the beneficiary.
• Subsection G. ERP to estates has been added to address Field Office (FO),
Office of Public Service and Operations Support (OPSOS), Office of the
General Counsel (OGC), Office of Financial Policy and Operations (OFPO),
and Systems responsibilities in the event a representative contacts the
agency seeking to obtain the ERP of a deceased beneficiary.
• Subsection H. is new and contains references moved from subsection G.
GN 02820.020 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Eligibility under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
• Subsection B. has been revised to extend eligibility for Economic Recovery
Payments (ERPs) to estates.
• Former language has been stricken and the reference in GN 02820.020 B. has
been changed to reflect that an ERP will be made to an estate upon the
request of a legally appointed or authorized representative if the original
payment was returned due to death of the beneficiary.
• Subsection G. ERP to estates has been added to address Field Office (FO),
Office of Public Service and Operations Support (OPSOS), Office of the
General Counsel (OGC), Office of Financial Policy and Operations (OFPO),
and Systems responsibilities in the event a representative contacts the
agency seeking to obtain the ERP of a deceased beneficiary.
• Subsection H. is new and contains references moved from subsection G.
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02820.010 Title II Eligibility under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
A. Introduction
This section explains which Social Security beneficiaries can receive the one-time
$250 Economic Recovery Payment (ERP) under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
Social Security beneficiaries who are concurrently entitled to Title II and Title XVI
benefits will receive a single $250 payment.
We will send notices in April 2009 to beneficiaries who can receive an ERP in May
2009. When there is a representative payee, We will send the notice to the
representative payee and not the beneficiary. The Department of Treasury (DT) will
issue the first $250 payments throughout May 2009.
See Also
GN 02820.001, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA):
B. Who is eligible
• All adult Social Security beneficiaries and Childhood Disability Beneficiaries
(CDB) can receive an ERP. Minor children and students receiving auxiliary
or survivor benefits are not eligible.
• Any individual who receives Social Security benefits or who was eligible to
receive Social Security benefits for any month in the 3-month period prior to
enactment of the ARRA (i.e., November 2008, December 2008, and January
2009) may receive the ERP if the address of record is, at the time of payment,
one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
• Individuals receiving Statutory Benefit Continuation (SBC) or Provisional
Payments made in the 3-month period are not considered eligible months for
the ERP. Any month in the 3-month period that a young mother or father
does not have a child “in care” (LAF S4, RFST NOCICS) will not be
considered an eligible month for the ERP.
• In concurrent Title II/Title XVI cases, the ERP will be paid based on SSI
• If a beneficiary, who was certified to receive an ERP, dies prior to receiving
the payment, the returned ERP will be reissued to an authorized
representative of the deceased’s estate upon request.
See Details
DI 12027.001, Statutory Benefit Continuation (SBC)
DI 13050.025, Provisional Benefits - Title II
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C. Who is eligible, but not payable
All beneficiaries are eligible for an ERP if the limitations to payment in GN
02820.010D do not exist during the 3-month period. However, there are certain
suspension status conditions that will not allow a payment pending resolution of the
reason for suspense.
The following suspense status codes indicate necessary development for better
address, whereabouts unknown, representative payee, or death and an ERP will not
be paid until all issues have been resolved, provided no other limitation applies.
The Benefit Paid Designation (BPD) code of “0,” indicating that a benefit was not
paid, and the applicable Reason for Suspension or Termination (RFST) are on the
Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) in the HISTORY data field per SM 00510.585.
(Reason for Suspension
or Termination)
Beneficiary suspended for better
Beneficiary suspended while developing
for Rep Payee.
Beneficiary suspended due death of Rep
Payee and developing for new payee.
Beneficiary suspended due to Rep Payee
identified as a Fugitive Felon and
developing for a new payee.
Beneficiary suspended pending
development of whereabouts.
Beneficiary suspended while developing
for Death.
An ERP will not be paid if, at the time of payment, the address of record is not one
of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands,
American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
A foreign address is indicated on the MBR by a consular code in the ADDRESS data
field (See, Exhibit of foreign address SM 00510.110B) or the presence of a Payment
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Status Code (PSC) code of “FOREIGN” in the PAYMENT data field (see SM
D. Who is not eligible
Any termination month in the 3-month period (November 2008, December 2008,
and January 2009) will not be considered in determining eligibility for an ERP.
Therefore, beneficiaries who are in terminated status for all months of the 3-month
period are not eligible for an ERP.
Beneficiaries who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits in the most
recent month of entitlement in the 3-month period (November 2008, December 2008,
or January 2009) due to the following conditions, are not eligible for the ERP:
• Prisoner,
• Fugitive felon status,
• Violation of probation or parole,
• No longer lawfully present in the United States, and
• Under administrative sanction for giving false or misleading representation
in regard to Title II eligibility or benefit amount.
The MBR shows payment status:
• 11/08, BPD-1 (Current pay),
• 12/08, BPD-0, RFST-PRISON (prisoner suspense), and
• 01/09, BPD-0, RFST-CHDAGE (CIC termination, last child attains age 16).
The beneficiary cannot receive an ERP because, in the most recent month of
entitlement in the 3-month period (12/08), the beneficiary was ineligible for Title II
payment due to prisoner suspense.
The Benefit Paid Designation (BPD) code of “0” (indicating that a benefit was not
paid and the applicable Reason for Suspension or Termination (RFST)) will be in
the HISTORY data field on the MBR SM 00510.585.
(Reason for
Suspension or
Prisoner Suspension.
Sexual predator or similar sexually
dangerous person confined by court order
in an institution following a prison
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(Reason for
Suspension or
Beneficiary is a Fugitive Felon.
Individual confined by a court order after
a “not guilty by reason of insanity”
finding, the individual is “incompetent to
stand trial,” or similar findings.
Failure to be lawfully present in the U.S.
Benefits suspended-administrative
E. Economic Recovery List Query (ERLQ)
The web-based Economic Recovery List Query (ERLQ) provides pre-payment and
post-payment information for each individual selected to receive an ERP because of
eligibility for SSI, Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), or Veterans
Administration (VA) benefits. Beneficiaries who are determined ineligible to
receive an ERP at selection will not have information posted to the ERLQ. Only
SSA employees may access the ERLQ.
The ERLQ consists of six tabs:
1. Pre-Payment
This section will be available upon the individual’s selection for the ERP.
• Social Security Number (SSN)
• Selection Date
• Agency Identity
• ERP Issue Date
• T2 Claim Account Number (CAN)
• T2 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)
• T16 Housed Under Number (HUN)
2. Payment
This section will be available upon issuance of the ERP.
• T2 Ledger Account File (LAF)/T16 Payment Status Code (PSY)
• ERP Issue Date
• Last Address (ADDR) Change
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ERP Payment Method
Last Direct Deposit (DIR DEP) Change
Treasury Offset Amount (AMT)
Reason For Suspension
Reason ERP Not Paid
3. Post-Payment
This section will display information about a returned ERP or a previous nonreceipt report of the ERP, if involved.
• Returned Payment Information
• Non-receipt Information
4. Reclamation and Limited Payability
This section will display Treasury status information on a previous nonreceipt report or a limited payability issue regarding an ERP, if involved.
• Reclamation Information
• Treasury Report of Payment Over Cancellation (POC) of Original ERP
After Reissuance as a Courtesy Payment
• Reclamation Information
• Limited Payability Credit Returned (Unnegotiated ERP Checks)
5. RRB and VA Referrals
This section provides referral information that is useful when an ERP inquiry
requires referral to either of these agencies:
• Railroad Retirement Board
• Dept. of Veterans Administration
6. All
This section will display all of the information contained in the ERLQ except
RRB and VA Referrals.
• Pre-Payment Status
• Payment Status
• Post-Payment Status
ERLQ alerts
If you attempt to access a beneficiary who was not selected for an ERP you will
receive the following alerts when:
• The Beneficiary’s Own Account Number (BOAN) is entered and no response
returned, “Individual not found on ERL check alternate CAN and BIC.”
• The CAN and BIC are entered and no response returned, “Individual not
selected for ERP.”
ERLQ indicators
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In the event a beneficiary was selected as eligible to receive an ERP but an
ineligible suspense event occurs prior to payment of the ERP, the event will be
captured and identified on the ERLQ by the following indicators:
• Selection Date – the date of beneficiary selection for an ERP in
MM/DD/CCYY format
• Reason for Suspension - the reason that Social Security benefits have been
• Reason ERP Not Paid - indicates the reason that an ERP could not be paid
F. Examples
1. Claimant receives a notice, but no ERP
A beneficiary reports on May 30, 2009, that he received a notice, but did not
receive an ERP. A Claims Representative (CR) reviews the ERLQ. The ERP
Issue Date field shows the date the ERP was issued and the ERP Pmt.
Method field shows that payment was issued as a paper check. The CR will
explain that the payment was mailed and, if the beneficiary does not receive
the $250 payment by June 4, he should report a non-receipt of the ERP.
2. Claimant receives a notice, but no ERP
A beneficiary reports on June 8, 2009, that he received a notice, but did not
receive an ERP. A Claims Representative (CR) reviews the ERLQ. The
Selection Date field shows that the beneficiary was selected as eligible to
receive an ERP. The ERP Issue Date field is blank but the Reason for
Suspension field shows an RFST of DEVADD and the Reason ERP Not Paid
field shows Dev for Address. The CR reviews the MBR and finds that,
effective May 2009, the beneficiary is in suspense for “Development for Better
Address” (BPD-0, RFD-6, RFST DEVADD). The CR explains why the
payment was not made and obtains the current address information from the
beneficiary. The CR takes action to correct the address and informs the
beneficiary that he will receive payment in the next release of ERPs. The
beneficiary will be advised to inform us in the event there are any future
changes that may affect receipt of his ERP.
3. Claimant receives no notice and no ERP
A beneficiary reports in June 2009 that he did not receive an ERP. He does
not remember if he received a notice. The Claims Representative (CR) enters
the beneficiary’s SSN to review the ERLQ and receives an alert, “Individual
not found on ERLQ check alternate CAN and BIC.” The CR enters the CAN
and BIC for the beneficiary and receives the following alert from the ERLQ,
“Individual not selected for ERP.” The CR reviews the MBR HISTORY field
for November 2008, December 2008, and January 2009 and finds that the
beneficiary is not eligible for an ERP because he was in terminated status for
the entire period and explains this to the beneficiary.
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G. ERP to estates
For any beneficiary who died after certification for ERP and the payment was
returned to us because of death, the ERP can be repaid to the estate upon
request from a valid representative. Regardless of the method of return,
these ERPs must have been returned for the estate to be eligible for
reissuance. The representative must provide us with proof of his or her
authority to represent the estate. NOTE: Any public inquiries (written or
telephone call) should be referred to the servicing field office.
Field office responsibilities:
1. Review the ERLQ to determine if the deceased was certified for an ERP and
if the ERP was returned.
• If no ERP was certified or if no ERP was returned, the estate is not due an
ERP. (This would include situations when an ERP payment was cashed
or direct-deposited to an active account.) Contact the requester by phone,
explain that his or her request has been denied, and provide the reason.
• If an ERP was certified and the ERP was returned, the estate is eligible
for the ERP. Proceed with the ERP to estate procedures.
NOTE: If the representative returns an ERP check while inquiring about
payment to the estate, follow check return procedures in GN 02820.051.B.
and proceed with the ERP to estate process.
2. Provide the representative with a printed copy of the Privacy Act and the
Paperwork Reduction Act statements provided below:
3. Request that the representative provide valid documentation of his or her
status as representative of the estate as soon as possible to expedite the
payment process. Any proof that the representative may provide must be
verified as authentic documentation.
4. Fax any submitted documentation into NDRed. See GN 02301.035 for
guidance. Requested documentation includes:
the deceased individual’s name;
the estate’s taxpayer identification number, if available;
the deceased individual’s Social Security or Claim Number;
the identity of the individual or entity to whom the check should be
made payable; and
a mailing address.
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Forward all contact information via email to ^DCO OPSOS ERP
The email must contain:
Information about the Estate
Email address (if available)
Phone number
Mailing address
SSN/Claim Number/Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN)
Date of death
State/Territory of death
State/Territory of residence
FO must give a brief
description of any evidence
provided and stored in
NDRed. Any document with
questionable authenticity
should be mentioned in this
Information about the Deceased
Information about evidence
OPSOS responsibilities
1. Review the e-mail from the FO to ensure it is complete. If the e-mail is not
complete, OPSOS will return it to the FO with a request for any missing
2. If the email is complete, forward the e-mail to OGC.
OGC responsibilities
1. Review the e-mail and any documents in NDRed.
2. Determine the proper document(s) required to qualify as a representative of
an estate.
• If documentation in NDRed is not sufficient or if no documentation was
initially provided, contact the representative and request any required
document(s) that will qualify him/her as a representative of the estate.
• Advise the representative to take or mail any document(s) to the local FO.
3. Verify the submitted document(s).
• If the estate is eligible to receive the ERP, forward the information to
OFPO for payment. OGC must provide: (a) the deceased individual’s
name; (b) the estate’s taxpayer identification number, if available; (c) the
deceased individual’s Social Security or Claim Number; (d) the identity of
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the individual or entity to whom the check should be made payable; and (e)
a mailing address.
• If the estate is not eligible to receive the ERP, contact the representative
and explain why no payment will be sent.
Note: Any contact with the representative should be made via phone when
OFPO responsibilities
1. Release the ERP to the estate representative.
2. File estate payment information in dedicated folder.
3. Provide OGC with payment information for its records.
4. Notify Systems to annotate the ERLQ that the estate payment has been
Note: Any allegation of non-receipt by the estate will be processed under the
guidelines of GN 02820.052.
Systems responsibilities
Update the ERLQ to indicate that an ERP was paid to the estate.
H. References
• GN 02820.001 – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA) - Introduction
• SM 00630.341 – BPO Economic Recovery Payment Treasury
• SM 00630.409 – PMT Economic Recovery Payment
• SM 00510.175 – Benefit (BENEFIT) Data Line
02820.020 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Eligibility under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
A. Introduction
This section explains which SSI recipients are eligible to receive the $250 Economic
Recovery Payment (ERP) provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009 (ARRA) (GN 02820.001). SSI recipients, who were due a Federal SSI cash
payment for any month in the 3-month period prior to enactment (i.e., November
2008, December 2008, and January 2009) may receive an ERP. Concurrent Social
Security and SSI beneficiaries will only receive a single one-time $250 payment.
We will send notices in April 2009 to recipients who can receive an ERP in May
2009. When there is a representative payee, we will send the notice to the
representative payee and not the recipient. The Department of Treasury (DT) will
issue the first $250 payments throughout May 2009.
This section also explains how to answer recipient inquiries about the ERP using
the new Economic Recovery List Query (ERLQ) system and the Supplemental
Security Record (SSR).
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B. Who is eligible
• All SSI recipients, adults, members of eligible couples, and children, can
receive an ERP if they were SSI eligible and due a Federal SSI cash payment
for any month in the 3-month period (i.e., November 2008, December 2008,
and January 2009), unless an exception exists in GN 02820.020C..
• If a beneficiary, who was certified to receive an ERP, dies prior to receiving
the payment, the returned ERP will be reissued to an authorized
representative of the deceased’s estate upon request.
See Details
DI 12027.001, Statutory Benefit Continuation (SBC)
DI 13050.025, Provisional Benefits - Title II
C. Who is eligible but not payable
Recipients who are SSI eligible in any month in the 3-month period cannot receive
an ERP if, at the time of payment, one of these conditions is on the record:
• whereabouts unknown (S06),
• check returned for a miscellaneous reason (S07),
• development for a representative payee (S08), or
• temporary institutionalization (TI) (S09).
Any of these conditions may indicate a change in a recipient’s situation that
requires development of an address, living arrangement or of a representative
payee. The recipient can receive an ERP only after we resolve the condition,
provided no other limitations apply.
D. Who Is Not Eligible
SSI recipients cannot receive an ERP if the only SSI payment due in the 3-month
period was:
• SI 00520.001 a maximum of $30 a month for a resident of medical care
facility ,
• DI 12027.001 statutory benefit continuation (SBC) ,
• SI 01410.001 only a federally-administered State Supplementary Payment
(SSP) ,
• DI 11055.240 presumptive disability (PD) or presumptive blindness (PB) , or
• DI 13050.030 provisional payments under expedited reinstatement
procedures .
An SSI recipient cannot receive an ERP if, for the most recent month of eligibility in
the 3-month period, he or she was:
• A resident of a public institution (N02),
• An inmate of a penal institution (N22),
• Under an administrative sanction for making a false or misleading statement
(N24), or
• A fleeing felon or a parole/probation violator (N25).
See Example 1 in GN 02820.020F.
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E. Economic Recovery List Query (ERLQ)
The web-based Economic Recovery List Query (ERLQ) provides pre-payment and
post-payment information for each individual selected to receive an ERP because of
eligibility for SSI, Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), or Veterans
Administration (VA) benefits. Beneficiaries who are determined ineligible to
receive an ERP at selection will not have information posted to the ERLQ. Only
SSA employees may access the ERLQ.
The ERLQ consists of six tabs:
1. Pre-Payment
This section will be available upon the individual’s selection for the ERP.
• Social Security Number (SSN)
• Selection Date
• Agency Identity
• ERP Issue Date
• T2 Claim Account Number (CAN)
• T2 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)
• T16 Housed Under Number (HUN)
2. Payment
This section will be available upon issuance of the ERP.
• T2 Ledger Account File (LAF)/T16 Payment Status Code (PSY)
• ERP Issue Date
• Last Address (ADDR) Change
• ERP Payment Method
• Last Direct Deposit (DIR DEP) Change
• Treasury Offset Amount (AMT)
• Reason For Suspension
• Reason ERP Not Paid
3. Post-Payment
This section will display information about a returned ERP or a previous nonreceipt report of the ERP, if involved.
• Returned Payment Information
• Non-receipt Information
4. Reclamation and Limited Payability
This section will display Treasury status information on a previous nonreceipt report or a limited payability issue regarding an ERP, if involved.
• Reclamation Information
• Treasury Report of Payment Over Cancellation (POC) of Original ERP
After Reissuance as a Courtesy Payment
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Reclamation Information
Limited Payability Credit Returned (Unnegotiated ERP Checks)
5. RRB and VA Referrals
This section provides referral information that is useful when an ERP inquiry
requires referral to either of these agencies:
• Railroad Retirement Board
• Dept. of Veterans Administration
6. All
This section will display all of the information contained in the ERLQ except
RRB and VA Referrals.
• Pre-Payment Status
• Payment Status
• Post-Payment Status
ERLQ alerts
If you attempt to access a beneficiary who was not selected for an ERP you will
receive the following alerts when:
• The Beneficiary’s Own Account Number (BOAN) is entered and no response
returned, “Individual not found on ERL check alternate CAN and BIC.”
• The CAN and BIC are entered and no response returned, “Individual not
selected for ERP.”
ERLQ indicators
In the event a beneficiary was selected as eligible to receive an ERP but an
ineligible suspense event occurs prior to payment of the ERP, the event will be
captured and identified on the ERLQ by the following indicators:
• Selection Date – the date of beneficiary selection for an ERP in
MM/DD/CCYY format
• Reason for Suspension - the reason that Social Security benefits have been
• Reason ERP Not Paid - indicates the reason that an ERP could not be paid
F. Examples: Answering Inquires About Receiving an ERP
1. Recipient is not eligible and asks why
A recipient reports that he did not receive a $250 payment. The Claims
Representative (CR) checks the ERLQ and the recipient was not selected. The
recipient asks why he cannot get a payment. The CR reviews the Computation
History (CMPH) field on the SSR for the 3-month period and it shows:
• November C01 – Current Pay
• December N22 – Inmate of a Penal Institution
• January N07 – Cessation of Disability
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ERP eligibility for this recipient can only be considered for November 2008 (i.e.,
N22 for December 2008) and December 2009 because the recipient was SSI
ineligible, N07, in January. Because he was an inmate in a penal institution in
his most recent month of SSI eligibility, (December 2008, N22), he cannot get an
ERP GN 02820.020D. The CR explains the reason to the recipient and the
recipient disagrees with the determination for December. The CR explains how
he can appeal the December determination.
2. Recipient receives a notice but no ERP
A recipient reports on June 4, 2009, that she did not receive her May 2009 SSI
check. She also received a notice about the $250 payment but she did not receive
it. An 800# agent reviews the ERLQ and it shows a selection date, April 29,
2009, and a nonpayment reason, PSY S06 (whereabouts unknown), at the time
of payment. The SSR shows that her current payment status is S06. The agent
develops the recipient’s address and living arrangement and corrects the SSR.
The agent explains that her checks will start again beginning with May 2009
and she will receive another notice regarding the ERP and a $250 payment.
3. Recipient receives no notice and no ERP
A recipient reports in June 2009 that he did not receive a $250 payment. He
does not remember if he received a notice about the payment. The Claims
Representative (CR) reviews the ERLQ and the recipient was not selected. The
CMPH field on the SSR shows that the recipient was not due a Federal SSI
payment for any month in the 3-month period because he was in a public
institution (N02). The CR explains why the recipient cannot get a $250 payment.
G. ERP to Estates
For any beneficiary who died after certification for ERP and the payment was
returned to SSA because of death, the ERP can be repaid to the estate upon
request from a valid representative. Regardless of the method of return,
these ERPs must have been returned for the estate to be eligible for
reissuance. The representative must provide us with proof of his or her
authority to represent the estate. NOTE: Any public inquiries (written or
telephone call) should be referred to the servicing field office.
Field office responsibilities:
1. Review the ERLQ to determine if the deceased was certified for an ERP and
if the ERP was returned.
• If no ERP was certified or if no ERP was returned, the estate is not due an
ERP. (This would include situations when an ERP payment was cashed
or direct-deposited to an active account.) Contact the requester by phone,
explain that his or her request has been denied, and provide the reason.
• If an ERP was certified and the ERP was returned, the estate is eligible
for the ERP. Proceed with the ERP to estate procedures.
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NOTE: If the representative returns an ERP check while inquiring about
payment to the estate, follow check return procedures in GN 02820.051.B.
and proceed with the ERP to estate process.
2. Provide the representative with a printed copy of the Privacy Act and the
Paperwork Reduction Act statements provided below:
3. Request that the representative provide valid documentation of his or her
status as representative of the estate as soon as possible to expedite the
payment process. Any proof that the representative may provide must be
verified as authentic documentation.
Fax any submitted documentation into NDRed. See GN 02301.035 for
guidance. Requested documentation includes:
the deceased individual’s name;
the estate’s taxpayer identification number, if available;
the deceased individual’s Social Security or Claim Number;
the identity of the individual or entity to whom the check should be
made payable; and
• a mailing address.
Forward all contact information via email to ^DCO OPSOS ERP
The email must contain:
Information about the Estate
Email address (if available)
Phone number
Mailing address
SSN/Claim Number/Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN)
Date of death
State/Territory of death
State/Territory of residence
Information about the Deceased
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FO must give a brief
description of any evidence
provided and stored in
NDRed. Any document with
questionable authenticity
should be mentioned in this
Information about evidence
OPSOS responsibilities
1. Review the e-mail from the FO to ensure it is complete. If the e-mail is not
complete, OPSOS will return it to the FO with a request for any missing
2. If the email is complete, forward the e-mail to OGC.
OGC responsibilities
1. Review the e-mail and any documents in NDRed.
2. Determine the proper document(s) required to qualify as a representative of
an estate.
• If documentation in NDRed is not sufficient or if no documentation was
initially provided, contact the representative and request any required
document(s) that will qualify him/her as a representative of the estate.
• Advise the representative to take or mail any document(s) to the local FO.
3. Verify the submitted document(s).
• If the estate is eligible to receive the ERP, forward the information to
OFPO for payment. OGC must provide: (a) the deceased individual’s
name; (b) the estate’s taxpayer identification number, if available; (c) the
deceased individual’s Social Security or Claim Number; (d) the identity of
the individual or entity to whom the check should be made payable; and (e)
a mailing address.
• If the estate is not eligible to receive the ERP, contact the representative
and explain why no payment will be sent.
Note: Any contact with the representative should be made via phone when
OFPO responsibilities
1. Release the ERP to the estate representative.
2. File estate payment information in dedicated folder.
3. Provide OGC with payment information for its records.
4. Notify Systems to annotate the ERLQ that the estate payment has been
Note: Any allegation of non-receipt by the estate will be processed under the
guidelines of GN 02820.052.
Systems responsibilities
GN 02820
OISP 2010-17
Update the ERLQ to indicate that an ERP was paid to the estate.
H. References
GN 02820.001 – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Introduction
SI 02301.215 – Summary of Posteligibility (PE) Suspension, Stop Payment and
Termination Events by Payment Status Code (PSC)
SM 01311.025 – PMTH (Payment History)
SM 01601.835 – Payment History - PMTH
HI 03020.050 – Unearned Income Exclusions
HI 03030.020 – Resource Exclusions
GN 02820
OISP 2010-17
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | The following is SAMPLE TEXT for macro template development |
Author | David Silfies |
File Modified | 2010-07-16 |
File Created | 2010-07-16 |