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pdfCrosswalk of STEM Faculty Survey Items to Research Questions and Uses in Analysis
A. Respondent Characteristics
Number of years the respondent has held current position
Current position
Tenure Status
Content area discipline of department
B. Respondent's Relationship with the Noyce Program
Respondent's familiarity with the Noyce program
C. Teacher Preparation Activities of Respondent and Department
Was STEM K‐12 teaching designated career track or major in respodent's department?
Number of years the respondent had responsibilities for preparing K‐12 STEM teachers
Responsibilities for preparing K‐12 STEM teachers outside of teaching STEM content courses/and before Noyce
Activities other faculty members had responsibilities for in preparing K‐12 STEM teachers outside of teaching
Proportion of faculty members in the respondent’s department involved with the teacher certification program
D. Respondent's Involvement with Noyce
Noyce related activities that the respondent participated in
Noyce related activities that other faculty members participated in
E. Respondent's Opinions of the Noyce Program
Did the Noyce respondent make any changes in their own teaching or courses that they would attribute to their
participation in or exposure to the Noyce program?
Most important changes made that they would attribute to participation in or exposure to the Noyce program
(open‐ended text response)?
Respondent's agreement with statements about how their institution may or may not have changed as a result
of receiving Noyce funding or participating in Noyce program activities
Respondent's opinions on anything else that may have changed as a result of receiving Noyce finding or
participating in Noyce program activities
Research Questions Answered by STEM Faculty Survey
RQ1b: What strategies do Noyce awardees use to recruit and select Noyce candidates?
RQ1d: What activities do teacher preparation programs that have Noyce awards use to support Noyce completers once they are teaching
in high‐need schools/districts?
RQ2a: What effects do PIs and STEM faculty believe the Noyce award has had on recruitment of STEM teachers, in terms of quantity,
quality, and diversity, the retention of those teachers? How do they perceive the burdens imposed by the Noyce award?
RQ 2d
RQ 2a
RQ 1b
Survey Item
RQ 1d
Research Questions
What are STEM departmental/faculty responsibilities for preparing K‐12 mathematics and science teachers? What are STEM
faculty/departments perceptions of the effects of the Noyce award on their departments?
Analysis Notes
A: indicates that the variable from this item is used for administrative purposes (e.g., backgorund information, to drive skip patterns)
D: indicates that the variable from this item is used in descriptive analysis
P: indicates that the variable from this item is used as a predictor for relational/impact analysis
O: indicates that the variable from this item is used as an outcome
C: indicates that the variable from this item is used as a control variable
M: indicates that the variable from this item could be used to describe the teaching certification program but it is not tied to a particular
research question
STEM Faculty Survey Items
Dear [Respondent Name],
As a STEM Faculty member at a college or university participating in the Robert Noyce Teacher
Scholarship program, you are invited to participate in a short survey about your experiences.
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc., an independent social research firm, for
the National Science Foundation (NSF) to gain a better understanding of how institutions of
higher education are implementing activities associated with the Noyce award, and how the
program as a whole is attracting and retaining science and math teachers. It is part of a
comprehensive evaluation, the results of which will be used to make recommendations
regarding the Noyce Program.
OMB Clearance Number: XXXX‐XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Burden Disclosure Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond
to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid
OMB control number for this collection is XXXX‐XXXX. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your
institution. You may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. Your
responses to this survey will be protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach
of confidentiality. Procedures are in place to minimize this risk. All information that would
permit identification of an individual respondent will be held in strict confidence, will be used
by only persons engaged in and for the purpose of the survey, and will not be disclosed or
released to others for any purpose except as required by law. Your responses will be combined
with about 500 others.
If you have questions about the study, please contact the Project Director at Abt Associates,
Ellen Bobronnikov, by e‐mailing [email protected] or calling (617) 349‐2718. You may
also contact Connie Kubo Della‐Piana, the Program Evaluation Officer at the Division of
Undergraduate Education within the National Science Foundation, by e‐mailing
[email protected].
STEM Faculty Survey
Completing the Survey
Please use the survey's navigation buttons (not your browser buttons) to move through the
questionnaire. You may exit the survey by closing your browser window and returning to the
survey to finish at a later time; simply click the link below and you will return to the point where
you left off.
We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey. If you need
help accessing the survey or navigating the screens, you may contact Paul Schroeder, the
survey director at Abt SRBI, at [email protected]. Or, call us toll‐free at 1‐888 772‐4269
between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. EDT, and ask to speak to someone about Study XXXX.
Throughout this survey, key terms will be underlined and include definitions as you roll‐over the
text with your mouse. For a complete list of these key terms, click here. [Add Hyperlink to
For answers to commonly asked questions about this study, click here [Add Hyperlink].
If you agree to participate in this study, please press “Next” to continue with the survey.
Programming Instructions:
Programming instructions are indicated in blue text.
Terms that require rollover definitions are highlighted in blue. See Glossary document for
full list of definitions.
A text box should appear whenever a respondent selects a response option with the text
“Other (Specify)”, “Other (Explain)” or something similar.
Unless otherwise indicated, only one response is allowed per question.
If response list includes “None of the above,” only allow this to be checked if all the other
items are unchecked.
STEM Faculty Survey
A. Respondent Characteristics
First, we are going to ask you a few questions about your faculty position at [IHE] and the types
of activities you participated in during the most recently completed academic year (2009‐2010).
A1. Up to and including the most recently completed academic year (2009‐2010), for how
many years have you held a faculty position at [IHE]?
I have been teaching here for a total of: [dropdown menu]
Less than 1 year (2010‐2011 is my 1st year as a faculty member at this institution)
1 year (2009‐2010 was my 1st year as a faculty member at this institution)
2 years
3 years
4 years
[Programming Instruction: List individual years through 20]
Over 20 years
[Programming Instructions: This is a required question. If “less than 1 year” is checked, go
to “Thank You Script” and end the survey]
A2. What was your academic position at [IHE] during the most recently completed academic
year (2009‐2010)? (Check one)
1 Full Professor
2 Associate Professor
3 Assistant Professor
4 Instructor
5 Lecturer
6 Adjunct Faculty
7 Visiting Faculty
8 Emeritus Faculty
9 Postdoctoral Fellow
10 Teaching Fellow
95 Other faculty position (Specify)
96 Non‐faculty position (Specify)
[Programming Instructions:
This is a required question.
If respondent is in a non‐faculty position, go to “Thank You Script” and end the survey.
Insert roll‐over or hyperlink definition for each title.]
STEM Faculty Survey
A3. What was your tenure status during the 2009‐2010 academic year?
1 Tenured
2 Tenure‐Track, Not‐Tenured
3 Not in a tenure‐track position
A4. Which of the following disciplines listed below were most closely aligned with the content
area of your department during the 2009‐2010 academic year? (Select all that apply)
Biological sciences
Computer science
Geosciences/environmental sciences
K‐12 mathematics education
K‐12 science education
Other STEM discipline (Specify)
Non‐STEM discipline (Specify)
[Programming Instructions: A4 is a required question. If respondent chooses “Non‐STEM
discipline”, go to “Thank You Script” and end the survey.]
STEM Faculty Survey
B. Respondent’s Involvement in the Noyce Program
B1. The National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program awards
grants to teacher preparation programs in higher educational institutions to provide
scholarships and stipends to talented Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) undergraduates who commit to teaching in K‐12 settings, particularly in high‐need
How familiar are you with the Noyce Program?
1 I have never heard of it
2 I am aware of it, but I know little about it.
3 I am familiar with the Noyce Program, but I have not been involved with any
activities associated with the award in our institution.
4 I used to be involved with activities associated with the Noyce award in our
institution, but I was not involved in it during the most recently completed academic
year (2009‐2010).
5 I was involved with activities associated with the Noyce award in our institution
during the most recently completed academic year (2009‐2010).
[Programming Instruction: This is a required question. If B1=1 or 2, go to “Thank You
Script” and end the survey]
STEM Faculty Survey
C. Teacher Preparation Activities of Respondent and Department
Questions in this section ask about your department within [IHE] and academic activities during
the most recently completed academic year (2009‐2010).
C1. Was STEM K‐12 teaching a designated career track or major in your department during
the 2009‐2010 academic year?
0 No
98 Don’t Know
C2. Excluding the current 2010‐2011 academic year, for approximately how many years have
you had responsibilities for preparing K‐12 STEM teachers?
Note: This includes teaching courses on K‐12 STEM teaching; mentoring or supervising
students in the teacher preparation program; advising the teacher preparation program
on STEM‐related issues; and helping to place graduates into K‐12 STEM teaching positions.
I have prepared K‐12 STEM teachers for a total of: [dropdown menu]
I have never had responsibilities for preparing K‐12 STEM teachers
1 year (2009‐2010 was my 1st year with this responsibility)
2 years
3 years
[Programming Instruction: List individual years through 30]
Over 30 years
C3. Please check all of the activities below that you participated in during the most recently
completed academic year (2009‐2010) at [IHE]. (Select all that apply)
I discussed the possibility of being a K‐12 STEM teacher with a student.
I taught a course designed specifically for students majoring in STEM disciplines
preparing to be K‐12 educators.
I helped find K‐12 STEM teaching positions for former students.
I supervised, advised, or mentored future K‐12 STEM teachers during their teaching
practicum, field experiences, or first years of teaching.
I advised or consulted with the teacher preparation program on issues related to
teaching STEM disciplines in K‐12 schools.
Other (Specify)
I did not participate in any of these activities
[Programming Instruction: Prompt if none are selected. At least 1 response is required.]
STEM Faculty Survey
C4. You mentioned that you participated in the following activities during the 2009‐2010
academic year. Which of these activities did you participate in before the Noyce award
was received at your institution? (Choose one response in each row)
Before the Noyce award was received in our institution …
a. I discussed the possibility of being a K‐12 STEM teacher with a
b. I taught a course designed specifically for students majoring in
STEM disciplines preparing to be K‐12 educators.
c. I helped find K‐12 STEM teaching positions for former students.
I advised or consulted with the teacher preparation program on
issues related to teaching STEM disciplines in K‐12 schools.
[Other Response from C4]
[Programming Instruction: Limit response list to those that were selected under C3.]
C5. Did any other faculty members in your department have responsibilities for preparing K‐
12 STEM teachers?
Note: This includes teaching courses on K‐12 STEM teaching; mentoring or supervising
students in the teacher preparation program; advising the teacher preparation program
on STEM‐related issues; and helping to place graduates into K‐12 STEM teaching positions.
0 No [Skip to D1]
98 Don’t Know [Skip to D1]
C6. As far as you know, approximately what proportion of the faculty members in your
department were involved with preparing K‐12 STEM teachers?
1‐25% of the faculty members in my department were involved
Don’t Know
STEM Faculty Survey
D. Respondent’s Involvement with Noyce
The following questions concern involvement in activities associated with the Noyce award at
[IHE] and activities associated with it during the most recently completed academic year (2009‐
[Programming Instruction: If B1 5, SKIP to D2.]
D1. Please check all the Noyce‐related activities below that you participated in during the
2009‐2010 academic year. (Select all that apply)
I mentioned to a STEM class or a student majoring in a STEM discipline about the
availability of Noyce support for STEM majors who are interested in getting teacher
I recommended a student majoring in a STEM discipline for receipt of a Noyce
scholarship or stipend.
I participated in deciding which applicants would receive Noyce support (e.g., this
could include interviewing candidates, reviewing applications, and/or making award
I taught a class, seminar, or other educational activity designed specifically for Noyce
I mentored Noyce recipient(s) during teacher certification preparation.
I mentored Noyce recipient(s) during their first few years of teaching.
I helped Noyce recipients find teaching positions.
I attended meetings developing or managing activities associated with the Noyce
award. [Ask D1a]
I was a member of an advisory board or otherwise provided advice or oversight to the
Noyce award.
Other (specify)
[Programming Instruction: If R checks “I attended meetings developing or managing
activities associated with the Noyce award” for D1, ask D1a.]
D1a. Which of the following best describes your attendance at Noyce meetings?
1 I attended only one meeting
2 I attended meetings occasionally, but not regularly
3 I attended meetings regularly
STEM Faculty Survey
D2. Please check the Noyce‐related activities below that other faculty members in your
department participated in (besides yourself) during the 2009‐2010 academic year.
(Select all that apply)
a. Making presentations (or allowing presentations to be made) in STEM classes
introducing students to the Noyce award.
b. Recommending students majoring in STEM disciplines to apply for a Noyce
c. Participating in deciding which applicants would receive Noyce scholarshipships or
stipends (e.g., this could include interviewing candidates, reviewing applications,
and/or making award decisions).
d. Teaching or leading a class, seminar, or other educational activity designed
specifically for Noyce recipients.
Mentoring a Noyce recipient during teacher certification preparation.
Mentoring a Noyce recipient during their first few years of teaching.
Helping find Noyce recipients teaching positions.
Attending meetings developing or managing activities associated with the Noyce
Participating in an advisory board or providing advice or oversight to the Noyce
Other (Specify)
D2. Please check the Noyce‐related activities below that any faculty members in your
department participated in during the 2009‐2010 academic year. (Select all that
STEM Faculty Survey
Programming Instruction: If Respondent skipped D1 because B1 5, use the following
wording for this question:
E. Respondent’s Perceived Impacts of The Noyce Award
The questions in this section ask what you perceive the impacts of the Noyce award to be on
the STEM teacher preparation program. When answering the questions, please consider all of
the years that your institution has received Noyce funding up through the most recently
completed academic year (2009‐2010).
E1. Have you made any changes in your own teaching or courses that you would attribute to
your participation in or exposure to activities associated with the Noyce award?
No [Skip to E3]
E2. What are the most important changes you have made?
[Programming Instruction: Open‐ended text response]
STEM Faculty Survey
E3. Please review the list below and indicate whether or not you agree with each statement
about how [IHE] may have changed as a result of receiving Noyce funding or participating
in activities associated with the Noyce award. When answering the questions, please
consider all of the years that your institution has received Noyce funding up through the
most recently completed academic year (2009‐2010).
As a result of receiving Noyce funding or participating in activities
associated with the Noyce award …
A greater proportion of STEM teacher certification candidates
a. are from STEM undergraduate programs.
A greater proportion of STEM teacher certification candidates
are recruited from STEM fields of employment.
A greater proportion of undergraduates from STEM
departments are becoming K‐12 STEM teachers.
The diversity of K‐12 STEM teachers trained in our teacher
d. preparation program has increased.
The quality of candidates recruited to be K‐12 STEM teachers
e. has increased.
New K‐12 STEM teachers trained in our institution begin
teaching with more skills and preparation than they did
before Noyce funding began.
STEM Faculty members are more involved in recruiting STEM
K‐12 teaching candidates.
STEM Faculty members are more involved in training STEM K‐
i. 12 teachers.
STEM content has strengthened in STEM K‐12 teacher
j. certification courses.
New K‐12 STEM teachers trained in our institution begin
g. teaching with more STEM knowledge than they did before
Noyce funding began.
Noyce recipients receive more support than most new STEM
teachers when they begin teaching.
Noyce recipients are more prepared to meet the needs of
students in high‐need schools than most new STEM teachers.
Noyce recipients are more likely to remain as K‐12 STEM
m. teachers for many years than most new STEM teachers.
The number of faculty members in my department
n. participating in STEM K‐12 teacher preparation has increased.
The number of faculty members in my department that have
relationships with or that participate in activities in K‐12
schools has increased.
Faculty members in my department have become more
actively involved in STEM K‐12 teacher preparation.
STEM Faculty Survey
E4. Are there any other ways that your students or institution have changed as a result of
receiving Noyce funding? If there are, please describe them in the space below.
[Programming Instruction: The response will be in a text box with space for a large
amount of text].
Thank you for completing this survey!
STEM Faculty Survey
Throughout this survey, the following terms are used.
Alternative teacher certification program
In these programs, preparation for teaching is typically accelerated, to get individuals employed as
full‐time teachers as quickly as possible, and is followed by ongoing support to help the individual
achieve full or regular certification/licensing.
Clinical Supervisor
A “clinical supervisor” is someone from your higher education institution who supervised your
student teaching (practicum) experience.
Cooperating Teacher
A “cooperating teacher” is the teacher of record in the classroom where you completed student
teaching (practicum).
Elementary school
Schools that offer any of grades K‐4, and no grade higher than 8.
A classification indicating general ethnic heritage based on self‐identification, as in data collected
by the U.S. Census Bureau. These categories are in accordance with the Office of Management and
Budget standard classification scheme presented below:
Hispanic or Latino—A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central or South
American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race
Not Hispanic or Latino—A person whose ethnicity is not Hispanic or Latino
Not Reported—The data are unavailable or the participant has indicated that he or
she does not want to provide this information.
High‐Need District
A school district that serves an elementary or secondary school located in an area in which there
1. a high percentage of individuals from families with incomes below the poverty line;
2. a high percentage of secondary school teachers not teaching in the content area in which
the teachers were trained to teach; or
3. a high teacher turnover rate.
High School
Schools that have at least one grade higher than 8 and no grade in K–6.
An undergraduate student (freshman or sophomore) who participated in a Noyce summer
internship to introduce them to STEM K‐12 education as a career option
This acronym refers to the grades kindergarten (K) through 12th grade (12). It indicates that an
individual has experience working with students or teachers in one or more of these grade levels.
STEM Faculty Survey
A field of study in which an individual has taken substantial academic coursework at the
postsecondary level, implying that the individual has substantial knowledge of the academic
discipline or subject area.
When an individual serves as a student’s counselor or advisor, especially in a direct, one‐on‐one
Middle school
Schools that have any of grades 5–8, and no grade lower than 5 and no grade higher than 8.
Noyce Program
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF),
awards grants to institutions to provide scholarships, stipends, fellowships, and internships to
recruit and prepare talented Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
professionals and students who commit to teaching in K‐12 settings, particularly in high‐need
Practicum: see entry for student teaching.
A “pre‐service” is an individual enrolled in a post‐baccalaureate teacher preparation program.
A classification indicating general racial or ethnic heritage based on self‐identification. The
following descriptions should be used:
American Indian or Alaska Native—A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North or South America (including Central America), and who maintains
tribal affiliation or community attachment
Asian—A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast
Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India,
Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
Black or African American—A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander—A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands
White—A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle
East, or North Africa
Not Reported—The data are unavailable or the participant has indicated that he or she
does not want to provide this information.
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program: see entry for Noyce Program.
This acronym “STEM,” stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics.
Stipend Recipient
STEM Faculty Survey
An individual who:
First began receiving Noyce funding as a post‐baccalaureate (i.e., someone already
holding a baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degree);
Is enrolled in a teacher preparation or teacher certification program;
Has received Noyce funding during the current reporting period.
This includes career changers.
Student Teaching
“Student teaching,” sometimes called “practicum teaching,” is a period of apprenticeship during
which you have responsibility for teaching and day‐to‐day instruction under supervision by a
host/cooperating teacher. You are not considered the “teacher‐of‐record,” nor are you employed
(paid) as a teacher‐of‐record. Student teaching generally occurs after you have completed
coursework, fieldwork, or other teacher preparation activities.
Teaching certification
A license or certificate awarded to teachers by the state to teach in a public school. Types of
certification include: regular or standard state certification or advanced professional certificate;
probationary certificate issued to persons who satisfy all requirements except the completion of a
probationary period; provisional certificate issued to persons who are still participating in what the
state calls an "alternative certification program;" temporary certificate issued to persons who
need some additional college coursework, student teaching, and/or passage of a test before
regular certification can be obtained; and emergency certificate issued to persons with insufficient
teacher preparation who must complete a regular certification program in order to continue
Teacher Preparation Program
A program designed to prepare college students or college graduates to obtain a license or
certificate to teach in a public school. In a traditional program, coursework and pre‐practicum
field experiences are followed by supervised student teaching‐‐also called a practicum‐‐before an
individual assumes full‐time teaching responsibilities. In alternative certification programs,
preparation for teaching is typically accelerated, to get individuals employed as full‐time teachers
as quickly as possible, and is followed by ongoing support to help the individual achieve full or
regular certification/licensing
The teacher‐of‐record is the “official” teacher in charge of a classroom, not a student teacher.
Traditional teacher education program
In a traditional program, coursework and pre‐practicum field experiences are followed by
supervised student teaching‐‐also called a practicum‐‐before an individual assumes full‐time
teaching responsibilities.
STEM Faculty Survey
STEM Faculty Survey
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Appx E - STEM Faculty Survey.docx |
Author | FaheyE |
File Modified | 2010-08-11 |
File Created | 2010-08-05 |