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pdfCrosswalk of Intern Survey Items to Research Questions and Uses in Analysis
A. Background Information
Background information (name, IHE)
Noyce scholarship recipient
B. Current Status
Undergraduate status
Major/area of concentration
Noyce influence choice of major/area of concentration?
C. Initial Status when applied for the Noyce Internship
Undergraduate status
D. Reasons for applying for a Noyce Internship
Reasons for applying for a Noyce Internship
E. Characteristics of the Noyce Internship Program
When did Internship experience take place?
RQ 4a
RQ 2e
Survey Item
RQ 1e
Research Questions
Setting of Noyce Internship experience
Types of activities conducted as part of Internship experience
Did internship experience include seminars or workshops with other Noyce inters/faculty members?
Did internship experience include interactions with STEM graduates/faculty/teachers etc?
F. Interest in pursuing Education in STEM
When did you first become interested in STEM?
Before Noyce, had you already considered being a K‐12 teacher?
G. Perceived impact of Noyce Internship Program
Influence of Noyce Internship program on interest in STEM teaching
Likelihood to work as K‐12 teacher in the future
Perception of impact of Noyce
Applying for a Noyce Teacher Scholarship?
E. Respondent Background and Demographic Information
Gender, race/ethnicity, and age
Research Questions Answered by STEM Faculty Survey
RQ1e: What activities do teacher preparation programs that have Noyce awards use to introduce Noyce interns to teaching mathematics and science
as a career option?
RQ2e: How do Noyce recipients perceive the preparation they received from their teacher preparation program in preparing them for teaching? When
did Noyce recipients first become interested in teaching? What are the reasons Noyce recipients give for leaving the program or for teaching or
not teaching in high‐need districts?
RQ4a: What activities do teacher preparation programs that have Noyce awards use to support Noyce completers once they are teaching in high‐need
Analysis Notes
A: indicates that the variable from this item is used for administrative purposes (e.g., background information, to drive skip patterns)
D: indicates that the variable from this item is used in descriptive analysis
P: indicates that the variable from this item is used as a predictor for relational/impact analysis
O: indicates that the variable from this item is used as an outcome
C: indicates that the variable from this item is used as a control variable
M: indicates that the variable from this item could be used to describe the teaching certification program but it is not tied to a particular research
Intern Survey Items
Dear [name of respondent],
As a current or former recipient of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, you are invited to
participate in a short survey about your experiences.
This survey is being conducted by Abt Associates Inc., an independent social research firm, for the National
Science Foundation (NSF) to gain a better understanding of the implementation and effectiveness of the
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship program. It is part of a comprehensive evaluation, the results of which will
be used to make recommendations regarding the future of the Noyce program.
OMB Clearance Number: XXXX‐XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Burden Disclosure Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control
number for this collection is XXXX‐XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 20 minutes, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information.
Confidentiality and Participation
Participation in the survey is voluntary and nonparticipation will have no impact on you or your institution. You
may skip questions on the survey or discontinue participation at any time. Your responses to this survey will be
protected under the Privacy Act. There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality. Procedures are in place to
minimize this risk. All information that would permit identification of an individual respondent will be held in
strict confidence, will be used by only persons engaged in and for the purpose of the survey, and will not be
disclosed or released to others for any purpose except as required by law. You will not be identified by name,
and information from the study will be reported only in the aggregate at the program level.
Completing the Survey
We estimate that it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. If you have questions about
the study, please contact us at [email protected]. Or you may contact the study director, Ellen
Bobronnikov, of Abt Associates Inc. at (617) 349‐2718. Additionally, you may contact Connie Kubo Della‐Piana
([email protected]) who is a Program Director in the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National
Science Foundation and is the program officer for the program evaluation.
How to complete this survey
This is a trial version of the survey. The final version will be administered online. We have done our best to
adapt the survey to a paper format. Throughout the survey, we use royal blue text to indicate instructions for
you to follow based on responses that you select. For example, on some items, your response will determine
Intern Survey
which item you should answer next. Sometimes, you may be instructed to “skip” some items because they
are not relevant to you. If you find any of these instructions confusing, we would appreciate your comments
about what you found confusing. If you are ever in doubt about what question to answer next, simply go to
the very next question listed in sequence.
Programming Instructions:
Programming instructions are indicated in blue text.
Terms that require rollover definitions are highlighted in blue. See Glossary at end of survey for
full list of definitions.
A text box should appear whenever a respondent selects a response option with the text “Other
(Specify)”, “Other (Explain)” or something similar.
Unless otherwise indicated, only one response is allowed per question.
Please go to the next page
Intern Survey
A1. Our records indicate you are [name of respondent], who was enrolled at [Institution] during the academic
year [year of data on which PI is basing identification of Noyce recipients: e.g., 2009‐10]?
If this information is not correct, please check the box below and explain, to the best of your ability, what
information is incorrect:
This is incorrect. Please explain:
Otherwise, if this information is correct, please check below and continue to the next item.
This is correct.
A2. Did you ever participate in an internship program that was funded by the National Science Foundation’s
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship program? (Check only one response)
1 Yes
[Go to the section B]
2 No
[Please see the note below and STOP the survey]
3 I don’t know
[Go to the Section B]
Intern Survey
The following questions ask about your education status as of February 1, 2010.
B1. What was your undergraduate status as of February 1, 2010? (Check only one response)
1 I was a freshman in college (or had an equivalent number of credits)
2 I was a sophomore in college (or had an equivalent number of credits)
3 Other (please specify): ____________________________________________
B2. As of February 1, 2010, did you select a major/area of concentration in your undergraduate program?
(Check only one response)
1 Yes [Continue to Question B2a]
2 No [SKIP to Question B2b]
B2a. If YES, what was your major/area of concentration? (Check all that apply)
1 Biological sciences
2 Chemistry
3 Computer science
4 Education
5 Engineering
6 Geosciences/Environmental sciences
7 Mathematics
8 Physical sciences
9 Physics
10 Other (Please specify): ____________________________________________
Intern Survey
B2b. If NO, what is your most likely choice? (Check all that apply)
1 Biological sciences
2 Chemistry
3 Computer science
4 Education
5 Engineering
6 Geosciences/Environmental sciences
7 Mathematics
8 Physical sciences
9 Physics
10 Other (Please specify): ____________________________________________
99 Undecided
B3c. Did the Noyce internship experience influence your choice or most likely choice of major/area of
concentration? (Check only one response)
1 Yes
2 No
When answering this question, please refer to the time when you first participated in the Robert Noyce
Internship Program. This information may have changed, but for this question, we are interested in your initial
status – i.e., when you just start receiving Noyce funding or just prior to this time point.
C1. What was your undergraduate status when you applied to the Noyce internship program?
1 Freshman (or had an equivalent number of credits)
2 Sophomore (or had an equivalent number of credits)
3 Other (please specify): ____________________________________________
Intern Survey
D1. Why did you apply to the Noyce internship program? Check all that apply.
I wanted to….
1 gain exposure in the field of Education
2 explore the possibility of a career in teaching mathematics and/or science
3help school‐age children learn about mathematics and science
4 become more active in the community
5 have hands‐on research experiences to reinforce what I am learning in class
6 apply my mathematics and/or science knowledge in real world settings
7 gain confidence in my potential to be a K‐12 teacher
8Other (Please specify)______________________________________________
Please go to the next page
Intern Survey
Questions in this section refer to your Noyce Internship program and experiences while in this program.
E1. When did you participate in the Noyce internship program? Check all that apply
2009 2010
Spring Break
Other times during the academic year
Which of the following best describes the setting for your Noyce internship experience? Check all that
1 K‐12 School(s) [Go to Question E2a and E2a1]
2 Math/Science Camps [Go to Question E2b and E2b1]
3 Museums (e.g. Science, Aquarium, Nature Centers) [Go to Question E2c]
4Science research laboratory at your university and/or industry [Go to Question E2d]
5 For‐credit summer courses in science, technology, engineering, mathematics or education
at your university or in a K‐12 district or school [Go to Question E3]
6 Other (please specify) _________________________________________________ [Go to
Question E3]
Intern Survey
E2a. Please indicate the types of activities that you conducted as part of your internship experience in a
K‐12 school. Check all that apply
1 Conducted classroom observations in a K‐12 classroom
2 Modified existing lessons, activities, or modules for use with K–12 students
3 Designed new lessons, activities, or modules for use with K–12 students
4 Presented lessons/lectures to K–12 students
5 Led small group activities/discussions with K–12 students
6 Planned, coordinated, and/or led field trips/excursions for K–12 students
7 Planned, coordinated, and/or facilitated hands‐on learning activities for K–12 students
8 Demonstrated scientific procedures, tools, and techniques in a K–12 classroom
9 Set up laboratory equipment
10 Helped K–12 students understand and use technology (e.g., computer software)
11 Assisted a K‐12 teacher, school, or school district with administrative tasks (e.g., grading,
gathering lab supplies, photocopying)
12Other (please specify): _________________________
E2a1. Was this experience in a high‐need school?
1 Yes
2 No
98 I don’t know
Intern Survey
E2b. Please indicate the types of activities that you conducted as part of your internship experience in a
mathematics or science camp. Check all that apply
1 Modified existing lessons, activities, or modules for use with K–12 students
2 Designed new lessons, activities, or modules for use with K–12 students
3 Presented lessons/lectures to K–12 students
4 Led small group activities/discussions with K–12 students
5 Planned, coordinated, and/or led student field trips/excursions for K–12 students
6 Planned, coordinated, and/or facilitated hands‐on learning activities for K–12 students
7 Demonstrated scientific procedures, tools, and techniques
8 Helped K–12 students understand and use technology (e.g., computer software)
9 Assisted with administrative tasks (e.g., gathering lab supplies, photocopying)
10Other (please specify): _________________________
E2b1. Did you work with students from disadvantaged backgrounds?
1 Yes
2 No
E2c. Please indicate the types of activities that you conducted as part of your internship experience in
museums. Check all that apply
1 Led visitors through the exhibit (e.g. tour/exhibit guide)
2 Presented lessons/lectures to K–12 students
3 Led small group activities/discussions with K–12 students
4 Planned, coordinated, and/or facilitated hands‐on learning activities for K–12 students
5 Demonstrated scientific procedures, tools, and techniques
6 Helped K–12 students understand and use technology (e.g., computer software)
7 Assisted with administrative tasks (e.g., gathering exhibit supplies, photocopying)
8 Other (please specify): _________________________
Intern Survey
E2d. Please indicate the types of activities that you conducted as part of your internship experience in
a science research laboratory. Check all that apply
1 Conducted hands‐on research activities under supervision
2 Conducted independent research
3 Set up laboratory equipment
4 Modified existing instructional materials, activities, or modules for use with
undergraduate students
5 Developed instructional materials, activities, or modules for use with undergraduate
6 Wrote papers and reports about my work
7 Presented my work at a professional conference
8 Assisted with administrative tasks (e.g., gathering lab supplies, inventory of lab
9 Other (please specify): _________________________
As part of your internship experience, did you participate in seminars or workshops with other Noyce
interns and faculty members? (Check only one response)
1 Yes
2 No
E4. As part of your internship experience, did you interact with any of the following individuals? (Check all
that apply)
1 Graduate mathematics and science students
2 Faculty members in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics department
3 Education faculty members
4 Non‐faculty researchers
5 Mathematics and Science K‐12 teachers
6 Other K‐12 teachers
7 Other (please specify) _____________
Please go to the next page
Intern Survey
When did you first become interested in science and/or mathematics teaching?
1 I am really not very interested in science and/or mathematics teaching
2 I have been interested since childhood
3 Before college
4 During college
98 I don’t remember
Before you first learned about the Noyce program or had the opportunity to apply for a Noyce
internship, had you already considered being a K‐12 teacher?
1 Yes
2 No
Please go to the next page
Intern Survey
G1. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the influence of your participation in the
Noyce internship program on your interest in science and/or mathematics teaching? Please check one.
1 My interest in teaching mathematics and/or science increased
2 My interest in teaching mathematics and/or science decreased
3 My interest in teaching math/science remained the same
G2. How likely is it that you will work as a K‐12 teacher in the future?
1 Very unlikely
2 Unlikely
3 Likely
4 Very likely
[If respondent checked ‘Likely’ or ‘Very Likely’ in Question G2, please go to Question G2a. Else, SKIP to
Question G3]
G2a. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the influence of your participation
in the Noyce internship program on your decision to enter teaching? Please check one.
1 Not a factor in my decision
2 Slightly influenced my decision
3 Moderately influenced my decision
4 Greatly influenced my decision
Intern Survey
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about your participation
in the Noyce Internship program. (Check one response for each row)
The Noyce Internship program:
Clarified or affirmed my career goal
Provided me with an opportunity to work with students
of diverse (e.g., cultural, racial/ethnic, socio‐economic)
Increased my understanding of the value of teamwork
Increased my understanding of the role of science and
technology in everyday life
Increased my ability to solve problems independently
Increased my ability to think critically and analytically
G4. Which specific feature, if any, of the Noyce Internship Program do you believe has had the greatest
impact on you?
G5. Have you received or are you applying for a Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship to support your education
in a teacher certification program?
1 Yes [Go to Question G5a]
2 No [Go to Section H]
98 I don’t know [Go to Section H]
G5a. If YES, did your participation in the Noyce Internship Program motivate you to apply for the Robert
Noyce Teacher Scholarship?
1 Yes
2 No
Intern Survey
We would like to conclude by asking some questions about your background. The following questions help us
understand how different groups of individuals perceive the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship program and K‐
12 teaching as a career.
H1. How old are you? _________years
H2. What is your gender? (check one)
1 Male
H3. What is your ethnicity? (check one)
Hispanic or Latino/a
Not Hispanic or Latino/a
H4. What is your race? (check all that apply)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African‐American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey! Your responses
will help the National Science Foundation plan support for teacher
preparation in the future.
Intern Survey
Throughout this survey, the following terms are used.
Alternative teacher certification program
In these programs, preparation for teaching is typically accelerated, to get individuals employed as full‐
time teachers as quickly as possible, and is followed by ongoing support to help the individual achieve
full or regular certification/licensing.
Clinical Supervisor
A “clinical supervisor” is someone from your higher education institution who supervised your student
teaching (practicum) experience.
Cooperating Teacher
A “cooperating teacher” is the teacher of record in the classroom where you completed student teaching
Elementary school
Schools that offer any of grades K‐4, and no grade higher than 8.
A classification indicating general ethnic heritage based on self‐identification, as in data collected by the
U.S. Census Bureau. These categories are in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget
standard classification scheme presented below:
Hispanic or Latino—A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central or South American,
or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race
Not Hispanic or Latino—A person whose ethnicity is not Hispanic or Latino
Not Reported—The data are unavailable or the participant has indicated that he or she
does not want to provide this information.
High‐Need District
A school district that serves an elementary or secondary school located in an area in which there is:
1. a high percentage of individuals from families with incomes below the poverty line;
2. a high percentage of secondary school teachers not teaching in the content area in which the
teachers were trained to teach; or
3. a high teacher turnover rate.
High School
Schools that have at least one grade higher than 8 and no grade in K–6.
An undergraduate student (freshman or sophomore) who participated in a Noyce summer internship to
introduce them to STEM K‐12 education as a career option
This acronym refers to the grades kindergarten (K) through 12th grade (12). It indicates that an individual
has experience working with students or teachers in one or more of these grade levels.
Intern Survey
A field of study in which an individual has taken substantial academic coursework at the postsecondary
level, implying that the individual has substantial knowledge of the academic discipline or subject area.
When an individual serves as a student’s counselor or advisor, especially in a direct, one‐on‐one setting
Middle school
Schools that have any of grades 5–8, and no grade lower than 5 and no grade higher than 8.
Noyce Program
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF),
awards grants to institutions to provide scholarships, stipends, fellowships, and internships to recruit and
prepare talented Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) professionals and students
who commit to teaching in K‐12 settings, particularly in high‐need districts.
Practicum: see entry for student teaching.
A “pre‐service” is an individual enrolled in a post‐baccalaureate teacher preparation program.
A classification indicating general racial or ethnic heritage based on self‐identification. The following
descriptions should be used:
American Indian or Alaska Native—A person having origins in any of the original peoples
of North or South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or
community attachment
Asian—A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or
the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American—A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander—A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands
White—A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa
Not Reported—The data are unavailable or the participant has indicated that he or she does
not want to provide this information.
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program: see entry for Noyce Program.
This acronym “STEM,” stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics.
Stipend Recipient
An individual who:
First began receiving Noyce funding as a post‐baccalaureate (i.e., someone already holding a
baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degree);
Is enrolled in a teacher preparation or teacher certification program;
Has received Noyce funding during the current reporting period.
This includes career changers.
Intern Survey
Student Teaching
“Student teaching,” sometimes called “practicum teaching,” is a period of apprenticeship during which
you have responsibility for teaching and day‐to‐day instruction under supervision by a host/cooperating
teacher. You are not considered the “teacher‐of‐record,” nor are you employed (paid) as a teacher‐of‐
record. Student teaching generally occurs after you have completed coursework, fieldwork, or other
teacher preparation activities.
Teaching certification
A license or certificate awarded to teachers by the state to teach in a public school. Types of certification
include: regular or standard state certification or advanced professional certificate; probationary
certificate issued to persons who satisfy all requirements except the completion of a probationary
period; provisional certificate issued to persons who are still participating in what the state calls an
"alternative certification program;" temporary certificate issued to persons who need some additional
college coursework, student teaching, and/or passage of a test before regular certification can be
obtained; and emergency certificate issued to persons with insufficient teacher preparation who must
complete a regular certification program in order to continue teaching.
Teacher Preparation Program
A program designed to prepare college students or college graduates to obtain a license or certificate to
teach in a public school. In a traditional program, coursework and pre‐practicum field experiences are
followed by supervised student teaching‐‐also called a practicum‐‐before an individual assumes full‐time
teaching responsibilities. In alternative certification programs, preparation for teaching is typically
accelerated, to get individuals employed as full‐time teachers as quickly as possible, and is followed by
ongoing support to help the individual achieve full or regular certification/licensing
The teacher‐of‐record is the “official” teacher in charge of a classroom, not a student teacher.
Traditional teacher education program
In a traditional program, coursework and pre‐practicum field experiences are followed by supervised
student teaching‐‐also called a practicum‐‐before an individual assumes full‐time teaching
Intern Survey
Intern Survey
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - NEW APPEND H- Intern Survey.doc |
Author | FaheyE |
File Modified | 2010-08-11 |
File Created | 2010-08-05 |