Various Customer Surveys

Generic Clearance for Data User and Customer Evaluation Surveys

PartnershipSurvey Instrument

Various Customer Surveys

OMB: 0607-0760

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

In this study, we are asking about your organization's experience as a 2010
Census partner. We will ask about your organization's contacts with the
Census, why you became a partner, what you did to help the Census and what
being a partner was like for your organization.
Your responses will be kept confidential. All answers will be pooled into
aggregate measures for all reporting purposes, and no individual person or
organization will be identified. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Respondents are not required to respond to any information
collection unless it displays a valid approval number from the Office of
Management and Budget.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
Paperwork Project 0607-0760, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Room
3K138, Washington, DC 20233. You may e-mail comments to
[email protected]; use "Paperwork Project 0607-0760" as the subject.
Enter your Partner ID

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Web Page 2:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

OMB Number 0607-0760
Expiration Date: November 30, 2011
1. We want to ask these questions of a person who knows details about your
organization's partnership with the 2010 Census. Do you feel that you are such a

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Web Page 3:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Would there be another person who could answer questions about your organization's
participation as a 2010 Census partner?

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Please provide the following information concerning another person who could
answer questions about your organization's participation as a 2010 Census
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:

ZIP Code:

Phone Number:
(Must be in the form of (XXX) XXX-XXXX)
E-mail Address:
Is there another person we might be able to contact who could answer questions about
your organization's participation as a 2010 Census partner?

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Please provide the following information concerning another person who could
answer questions about your organization's participation as a 2010 Census
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
ZIP Code:
Phone Number:
(Must be in the form of (XXX) XXX-XXXX)
E-mail Address:

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey


2. Which category best describes your organization?
Federal government
State government
Tribal government
Local government
National governmental association
National non-governmental organization, association, or business
Local non-governmental organization, association, or business

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Web Page 7:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Is your organization an association with a membership base that you serve?

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

About how many MEMBERS does your association have?
Fewer than 10
10 to 20
21 to 49
50 to 99
100 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 4999
5000 or more

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Is your organization an association with a membership base that you serve?

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

About how many MEMBERS does your association have?
Fewer than 10
10 to 20
21 to 49
50 to 99
100 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 4999
5000 or more

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Web Page 11:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

What type of organization is this? If two or more answers apply to your organization,
which one BEST DESCRIBES its function?
Community-based organization
Business/Private industry
Religious organization
Other, please specify:

Is the organization you are reporting on local or regional only, a local or regional branch
of a national organization or a national organization?
Local/Regional only, not a national organization
A local/regional branch of a national organization
A national organization

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

3. About how long had your organization been in existence?
Less than 1 year
1 to 2 years
3 to 5 years
6 to 9 years
10 to 20 years
21 years or more

4. About how many employees does your organization have?
Less than 10
10 to 19
20 to 49
50 to 99
100 to 249
250 or more

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

5. We have a few questions about your 2010 Census activities, but let's begin with some
information about your organization. Was your organization begun specifically to be a
2010 Census partner?
Yes, it was begun to operate as a 2010 Census partner

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

We would like to get your view on the following questions whether or not your
organization was able to participate actively in the Census Partnership
program. We first want you to think about what your organization might have
wanted to achieve.
6. Which of the following racial/ethnic groups are served by your organization? (Mark all
that apply.)
Black/African American
American Indian
Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander
Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino (of all races)
Non-Hispanic Caribbean (e.g. Haitian)
Arab American
Sub-Sahara African (e.g. Ethiopian, Nigerian)
Other, please specify:

7. Which of the following categories best describe the community served by your
organization? (Mark all that apply.)
Disabled People
Faith Based Community
Gay and Lesbian
Migrant/Seasonal Farm Workers
Race or Ethnic Group
Recent Immigrants
Rural Community
Local Government
Small Business Owners
College Age Students
Women's Organizations
Other, please specify:

8. Which of the following categories best represents the geographic area that your
partnership activities attempted to influence? (Mark all that apply.)
In communities within the local county
Groups of counties or a sub-state area
The whole state that the organization is in
A region(s) involving multiple states but not the whole country
The whole country

Web Page 14 -- continued:
9. When deciding to become a 2010 Census Partner, how much emphasis did
your organization place on the following goals?


A little


A lot


Reducing undercount among your
organization's target populations.
Building awareness of the importance of the
Census count in your organization's target
Increasing Census form mail back rates from
the 2000 level.
Ensuring an accurate and complete count of
your organization's target populations.
Helping to get fair political representation for
your organization's target populations.
Helping to get a fair share of federal funding for
your organization's target populations.
Enabling citizens to do their civic duty
Other goal, please specify in the box below.

10. We have found that sometimes 2010 Census Partners were not able to participate in
the 2010 Census as they had hoped. How about your organization? Were you able to
carry out some activities on behalf of the 2010 Census or not?
Yes, we were able to carry out 2010 Census Activities
No, we were not able to carry out 2010 Census Activities

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Web Page 15:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

10a. As far as you can tell at this point, to what degree would you say that your
2010 Census Partner participation helped to achieve your organization's goals?

Not helpful

A little




Reducing undercount
Building awareness
Increasing Census form mailback rates
Ensuring accurate and complete counts
Helping get fair political representation
Helping get a fair share of federal funds
Enabling citizens to do their civic duty
10b. When your organization became a 2010 Census Partner, in what 2010 Census
activities did you participate? (Mark all that apply.)
Sponsored or created publicity for local media.
Sponsored or created publicity for national media.
Sponsored or created publicity for the Internet.
Included messages in utility bills.
Distributed publicity materials (flyers, posters) locally.
Printed Census messages on your organization's products, bags, envelopes, etc.
Sponsored a Census Event.
Canvassed neighborhoods to encourage participation.
Hosted kick-offs to publicize the 2010 Census.
Provided assistance to Census takers.
Distributed Census materials at public events.
Conducted a telephone campaign to promote Census.
Posted information on your website.
Hosted or participated on a Complete Count Committee.
Participated as a Be Counted or Questionnaire Assistance Center location.
Distributed recruiting information for Hiring Enumerators.
Donated testing/training/exhibit space.
Identified unusual or hidden housing units.
Participated in Local Update of Census Addresses.
Identified migrant camps.
Provided list of places providing services for homeless.
Donated your staff or volunteers to provide help.
Donated funds to provide help.

10c. Did your organization do more or less than first thought when it became a 2010
Census Partner?
Much more
Somewhat more
About what we expected to do
Somewhat less
Much less

10d. If your organization participated somewhat less or much less than expected when it
became a 2010 Census Partner, what would you say are the reasons why your
organization participated less that first thought in the 2010 Census Partnership

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

10a. When your organization became a 2010 Census Partner, did your
organization expect to do the following? (Mark all that apply.)
Yes No

Sponsor or create publicity for local media.
Sponsor or create publicity for national media.
Sponsor or create publicity for the Internet.
Include messages in utility bills.
Distribute publicity materials (flyers, posters) locally.
Print Census messages on organization's products, bags, envelopes, etc.
Sponsor a Census Event.
Canvass neighborhoods to encourage participation.
Host kick-offs to publicize the Census.
Provide assistance to Census takers.
Distribute Census materials to public events.
Conduct telephone campaign to promote Census.
Post information on your website.
Host or participate on a Complete Count Committee.
Participate as a Be Counted or Questionnaire Assistance Center location.
Distribute recruiting information for Hiring Enumerators.
Donate testing/training/exhibit space.
Identify unusual or hidden housing units.
Participate in Local Update of Census Addresses.
Identify migrant camps.
Provide list of places providing services for homeless.
Donate your staff or volunteers to provide help.
Donate funds to provide help.
10b. What would you say are the reasons your organization was not able to participate
actively in the 2010 Census Partnership program?

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U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

We have a few questions about your organization and your contacts with the
Census Bureau.
11. About when did your organization come in contact with the Census Bureau about
becoming a Partner?
Sometime in 2008
January to June 2009
July to December 2009
January to April 2010

12. How did your organization first learn about becoming a Census Partner?
We were contacted by a Census Partnership Specialist
From Census Bureau publicity or meeting
Another organization(s)
Other, please specify:

13. About how many times was your organization contacted by the Census Bureau while
you were a partner?
Not at all-no contacts
1 to 5 contacts
6 to 10 contacts
11 to 20 contacts
More than 20 contacts

14. Overall, how would you evaluate the number of contacts the Census Bureau made
with your organization?
Far too many contacts
Too many contacts
About the right number of contacts
Too few contacts
Far too few contacts

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15. Next, there are a number of types of support that you might have received
when your organization became a Census Partner. Did you receive the
following? If you did receive the following, how helpful were they?

Yes No

Did not
use this at

Not at all Somewhat



Fact Sheets
Informational Materials
Informational Videos
Promotional Items
(hats, cups, bags,
pencils, magnets)
Partner Newsletters
Press Releases or
Talking Points
Non-English Videos
(Church) Packets
Example Census Forms
Census in Schools
E-mail Blasts
Director's Blog
16. Did the Census Bureau provide you with more or less support than what you
expected to receive when your organization became a 2010 Census Partner?
Much more support
Somewhat more support
About as much support as we expected
Somewhat less support
Much less support

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17. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about
the 2010 Census Partnership Program?


Neutral Disagree Disagree

The Census partnership materials helped you to
communicate with your target population.
You received Census partnership and promotional
materials in a timely fashion.
You received enough materials to accomplish your
Census staff members were helpful in assisting
your organization's promotion of the 2010 Census
to your target population.
Census support for presentations or meeting was
The Partnership Program helped your organization
to more effectively reach its target population.
Your organization was able to improve
participation in the 2010 Census among your
target population.

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18. Did your organization encounter any difficulties in performing your partner

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What difficulties did you encounter?

How much did these difficulties reduce your ability to do your partner work?
A great deal
A little
Not at all

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19. Did your organization expect to receive any feedback from the Census Bureau about
its partnership work?

20. Did you actually receive any feedback from the Census Bureau?

21. All things considered, how satisfied was your organization with the 2010 Partnership
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

22. Thinking about your partnership experience during the 2010 Census, how likely is it
that your organization would partner with us in 2020?
Very likely
Very unlikely

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Web Page 23:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

23. The Census Bureau does many national surveys besides the Census that occurs every
ten years. Like the decennial Census, these surveys are used by the government to
allocate resources and plan programs and services. How interested would your
organization be in partnering with the Census to raise awareness of these surveys?
Not at all interested
Slightly interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Extremely interested

24. The Census Bureau publishes many reports and releases data from the Census and
other surveys. These reports and data contain facts about many aspects of American life
and cover all areas of the country. How interested would your organization be in being
informed about these reports and data?
Not at all interested
Slightly interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Extremely interested

25. How interested would your organization be in receiving training to use Census data
Not at all interested
Slightly interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Extremely interested

26. The Census Bureau will consult with partners during the next few years as it plans
for the 2020 Census. Consultations will involve ways to make data more useful, to
increase knowledge about available data and to increase participation in the 2020
Census. How interested would your organization be in being a part of these discussions?
Not at all interested
Slightly interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Extremely interested

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Web Page 24:

U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey

Thank you for participating in the U.S. Census Bureau's Partnership Survey.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlepartnership.sp5
File Modified2010-12-16
File Created2010-12-15

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