Attachment 7B |
NBS-NND_Mapping_Guide (2).xls |
Work Product ID | Work Product Name | Relevant Conditions | Also includes the following messaging guides | |
MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | 1. Bacterial Meningitis, Other 2. Strep, Other, Invasive, Beta-Hem (non-A non-B) |
MS102 | |
MS102 | Core Message Spec | All Conditions | ||
MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Measles | MS102 | |
MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | 1. Hepatitis Delta Co- or Super-Infection, Acute 2. Hepatitis E, Acute 3. Hepatitis B Virus Infection, Chronic 4. Hepatitis Non-ABC, Acute |
MS102 | |
MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | 1. Group A Streptococcus, Invasive 2. Streptococcal Toxic-Shock Syndrome |
MS101, MS102 | |
MS106 | Group B Streptococcus Message Spec | Group B Streptococcus, Invasive | MS101, MS102 | |
MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive | MS101, MS102 | |
MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | Neisseria Meningitidis, Invasive | MS101, MS102 | |
MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | 1. Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Invasive 2. Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Drug Resistant, Invasive |
MS101, MS102 | |
MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | Hepatitis A, Acute | MS102, MS104 | |
MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | Hepatitis B, Acute | MS102, MS104 | |
MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | Hepatitis C, Acute | MS102, MS104 | |
MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | Hepatitis C Virus Infection, Chronic or Resolved | MS102, MS104 | |
MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | Hepatitis B Viral Infection, Perinatal | MS102, MS104 | |
MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Pertussis | MS102 | |
MS116 | CRS Message Spec | CRS | MS102 | |
MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella | MS102 | |
MS118 | STD Message Spec | N/A | ||
MS119 | Summary Message Spec | N/A (States define summary conditions) | ||
MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Messag Spec based upon fb028.xls | 36 various FDD conditions | MS102 | |
MS123 | Animal Rabies Message Spec | Rabies, animal | MS102 | |
MS126 | Mumps Message Spec | Mumps | MS102 | |
MS127 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus | MS102 | |
MS128 | Lyme Message Spec | Lyme | MS102 | |
The NND Mapping Guide includes the attributes that make up the message. Each message centers around a Case, meaning that a message cannot be created without a Case A Case can have Events (e.g., Laboratory Report, Morbidity Report, and Vaccination) associated with them*. Each Event (including the Case) includes Patient demographic data. Additionally, for each Event there are associated non-Patient Entities (i.e., Providers and/or Organizations). *Note: The Summary Report, which is a summary of cases for a specific disease, does not include and associated Events or any individual Patient data. To complement the table above that specifies the Case data, the following diagram represents the overall Message, including the Case, non-Case Events (Laboratory Report, Morbidity Report and Vaccination) and Entities (Patient data, Providers and Organizations). This diagram also references the tabs that are included in this spreadsheet to help paint a picture of the entire message. |
![]() |
NBS Release | Description | Date | Author |
1.1.2 | Created this document version (for r.1.1.2) from ClearCase r.1.1 (Version 17) document. Minor formatting changes applied. | 11/24/2003 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.2 | updated to include 3 missing Summary Report fields #570 INV 168 #639 NOT 109 #644 NTF 139 |
1/5/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.2 | Added missing Summary report fields SUM103, SUM104, SUM105, SUM107 |
1/6/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | R1.1.3 BMIRD new fields inserted; BMD292, BMD293, BMD294, BMD295, BMD296, BMD297, BMD298, BMD299, BMD300, BMD302, BMD303, BMD304, BMD305, BMD306 |
1/21/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | correction to WorkProduct ID for fields BMD302-BMD306 | 1/21/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | Updated Readme tab: PHINMS Docs | 2/10/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | update BMIRD BMD302-306 Participation Type_CD | 2/27/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | Removed BMIRD ABC Investigator fields (per confirmation from Mary H. with CDC) -BMD302, BMD303, BMD304, BMD305, BMD306 ::::: email subject:Decision Concerning ABCs Investigator for NND Rel 1.1.3, March 09, 2004 | 3/9/2004 | Binny Thomas |
1.1.3 | Synchronized versus Information Manager | 4/8/2004 | GB Kesarinath |
1.1.3 | Added (to the Readme tab) the messaging specs are relevant to the PHIN Messaging Docs. | 4/12/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.3 | Added (to the Readme tab) the relevant conditions for each Message Spec. | 4/13/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.3 | Updated to include Animal Rabies, Mumps, and Tetanus | 4/23/2004 | Amit Mody |
1.1.3 | Removed BMD109 (Did the patient die from this illness) from MS105, MS106, MS107, MS108 and MS109 as this should only appear in MS101 (BMIRD Generic Message). This was found by Mead Walker. | 8/10/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.3 | Removed INV152 from MS117 (Rubella) as this should only appear in MS102 (Core). This was found by Mead Walker and Dale Nelson. | 8/16/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.3 | Per Margaret Marshburn: 1) Moved INV111 to Core Message (and removed from all Condition specific Messages) |
9/14/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.3 | Added Required Fields tab. | 9/14/2004 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Changed R.1.1.3 tab name to R.1.1.4. The following changes were made for R.1.1.4: 1. INV178: "Is the patient pregnant?" changed from STD Message Spec to Core Message Spec. 2. INV179: "Does the patient have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?" changed from STD Message Spec to Core Message Spec. 3. INV148: "Associated with Day Care Facility" added to Core Message Spec. 4. INV149: "Food handler?" added to Core Message Spec. 5. INV128: "Was patient hospitalized for this illness?" No changes made in spreadsheet (as this was already included in the spreadsheet), but this was missing in the XLS that Mary's Team created (so Sree had to add it). 6. INV132: "Admission Date" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, CRS and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 7. INV133: "Discharge Date" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, CRS and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. |
2/22/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Continued…. 8. INV134: "Duration of Stay" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, CRS and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 9. INV153: "Imported Country" removed from diesease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 10. INV154: "Imported State" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 11. INV155: "Imported City" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 12. INV156: "Imported County" removed from disease specific Message Specs (BMIRD, Measles and Rubella) and added to Core Message Spec. 13. INV157: "Transmission Mode" added to Core Message Spec. 14. INV159: "Detection Method" added to Core Message Spec. 15. INV161: "Confirmation Method" removed from BMIRD and STD Message Specs and added to Core Message Spec. 16. INV162: "Confimration Date" added to Core Message Spec. |
2/22/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Corrected the descriptions for Tetanus and Mumps that were misentered by Amit. Added MUM102 ("Deafness") as this should have been included in the Message Spec. Added all Lyme Disease fields that are sent in the NND Message. Note: Foodborne fields that are sent in the NND Message have not yet been added to this spreadsheet. | 5/26/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Changed the SRT reference for Animal Rabies field ANI101 ("Animal Species Type") from SPECIES to SPECIES_RABIES. | 6/22/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Removed INV129 (Hospital Name), INV130 (Hospital ID) and INV131 (Hospital ID Type) for the BMIRD, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella, CRS and Measles Message Specs as these fields are being included with the message according to the Organization integrity rules. This was confirmed with Margaret Marshburn. | 6/29/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Based on feedback from Margaret Marshburn: Changed SUM104 (Summary Report County) from obs_valued_coded.numeric_value_1 to obs_value_numeric.numeric_value_1 as this is a numeric element. |
7/8/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Based on discussion with Margaret Marshburn, we made the decision to include all INV variables with the Core Message (and remove them from the disease-specific message specs). These variables are as follows: 1. INV110 (Investigation Date Assigned); removed from BMIRD Message spec. 2. INV118 (Reporting Source Zip Code); removed from BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella and CRS message specs. 3. INV120 (Earliest Date Reported to County); removed from BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella and CRS message specs. 4. INV121 (Earliest Date Reported to State); removed from BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella and CRS message specs. 5. INV138 (Illness End Date); removed from BMIRD, Measles and Rubella message specs. 6. INV139 (Illness Duration); removed from Measles and Rubella message specs. 7. INV140 (Illness Duration Units); removed from Measles and Rubella message specs. 8. INV147 (Investigation Start Date); removed from BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella and CRS message specs. |
7/8/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Based on feedback from Margaret Marshburn: 1. NOT106 (Date Sent) added to Core Message spec and removed from BMIRD, Measles, Hepatitis, Pertussis, Rubella and CRS message specs. 2. Corrected misspellings of State_defined_field_data in DB Table column. |
7/8/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 | Added FDD Phase II variables based upon the fb028.xls file from Ted Klein (Klein Consulting). The four sets of Isolate Tracking questions on the Lab Report were ommitted, however. This is consistent with the note "Note: All Laboratory Data is being sent in the Message (non identifying)." | 12/7/2005 | Chase Crowson |
1.1.4 SP1 | Changed the R.1.1.4 Tab to Read R1.1.4 SP1 Mapping Guide. Also, changes were made to the following BMIRD variables for Release 1.1.4 SP1: 1. Added BMD307-BMD314 and BMD317-BMD327. 2. For BMD127, the values of 'AIDS' and 'HIV' were added to the associated code set (BM_UNDERL_CAUSE). |
12/7/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 SP1 | Added the Vaccination and Laboratory tabs. These tabs denote all the Vaccination Module and Laboratory Module fields that are included in the message (minus the entity-related fields). Note that these fields, with the exception of the Isolate Tracking fields (which have been added for R1.1.4 SP1), have always been sent in the message--they are just getting called out now in the spreadsheet, as previously the spreadsheet simply stated that 'all fields go except the personally identifying information'. | 12/8/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 SP1 | Cleaned up the comments that previously indicated everything from Lab Report and Vaccination Report was being sent given that we are now including each of the fields from these three business objects in the NND Mapping Guide. | 12/13/2005 | Chase Crowson |
1.1.4 SP1 | Removed all BMIRD Group B Strep Specific fields as these fields are no longer being collected (and have not been collected since R1.1.3 was released). Margaret Marshburn agreed that these fields should be removed. The specific fields are BMD217-BMD225, BMD228, BMD230-BMD266 and BMD281-BMD291. | 12/13/2005 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.4 SP1 | Added Pertussis fields PRT107-PRT112 based on Enhancement Requests completed for Release 1.1.4 SP1. | 1/13/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 | Added the 'Entity Attributes In CDS' and 'Patient Data' tabs to list all the Entity Attributes sent to the CDS database. | 3/10/2006 | Dhiraj Rajpurohit |
1.1.5 | Removed the following entity-related fields from the R1.1.4 SP1 Mapping Guide tab as these fields are now being collected on the Entity Attributes in CDS tab: BMD102, BMD104, BMD106, BMD108, BMD277, BMD278, BMD279, BMD280 and BMD314. | 3/10/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 | Added the Morbidity Report tab with all elements included in the message. | 3/14/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 | Added the attributes related to the MorbReport, LabReport and vaccination to the 'Entity Attributes In CDS' tab. | 3/15/2006 | Dhiraj Rajpurohit |
1.1.5 | Deleted the following attributes from the R.1.1.4 SP1 Mapping Guide tab DEM216, DEM218, DEM115, DEM165, DEM113, DEM128, DEM155, DEM197, DEM152, and DEM163 because these exist on the Patient Data tab | 3/15/2006 | Dhiraj Rajpurohit |
1.1.5 | Updated Readme tab and changed name of the R1.1.4 SP1 Mapping Guide tab to Public Health Case. | 3/22/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 | Deleted INV187 from the Public Health Case tab (only for the Core Message Spec--not in the Summary Message Spec, as it is still being used for the Summary Message) as this field was actually deleted from the message by Emergint back in September of 2003. | 6/13/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 | On the required fields tab changed Case Status UID to INV163 (from INV109). | 7/13/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 SP1 | Added MEA079, MEA080, MEA081, CRS182, CRS183, CRS184, RUB163, RUB164, RUB165 and RUB166 to the Public Health Case tab. | 10/30/2006 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.5 SP1 | Added HEP263 and HEP264 to the Public Health Case tab. | 11/29/2006 | Jay Nelson |
TBD | Made the following changed based on discussions with Margaret Marshburn: 1. Added NTF139 to Core Message Spec. 2. Added NOT103 to Core Message Spec. 3. Updated Field Names on Patient Data tab as the Field Name column for this tab previously referenced the name of the attribute in the database. 4. Removed DEM161 (City) from Patient Data tab. 5. Added notes for DEM216 and DEM218 on the Patient Data tab (that these are referenced as INV2001 and INV2002 in Margaret's Implementation Guides). 6. Removed INV164 (Number of Cases) from the Public Health Case tab as this field is not being populated (and would always be one for an individual investigation). However, SUM107 is populated for the Summary Report. 7. Removed NTF122 (NEDSS Notification Version Number) from Public Health Case tab as this value was not being populated (Margaret/Aaron look for Last Updated Date). 8. Removed DEM153 (Detailed Race) as this data is not collected in the Message (and this data is not collected on the Patient Revision in the NBS). |
12/14/2006 | Jay Nelson |
TBD | 1. Added RUB102 (this is not currently referenced in the NBS, as RUB101 is hard coded with 'Years' for units. See note on Public Health Case tab for this field. | 1/2/2007 | Jay Nelson |
1.1.7 | For R1.1.7 Changed the Following: 1. Added MUM136 and MUM137. 2. Added FDD_Q_400, FDD_Q_401, FDD_Q_402, FDD_Q_403, FDD_Q_404 3. Changed code set associated with FDD_Q_129 from YNU to PHVS_YNUNT. |
12/19/2007 | Jay Nelson |
2.0 | For R2.0 Changed the Following: 1. Added LAB363 to the Laboratory Report Tab |
11/20/2008 | Jay Nelson |
2.0 | For R2.0 Changed the Following: 1. FOODNET: REMOVED FDD_Q_82 (How was the information about patient’s hospitalization obtained?) 2. FOODNET: REMOVED FDD_Q_83 (If “Other”, specify other source of patient’s hospitalization) 3. FOODNET: REMOVED FDD_Q_84 (How was the information about the pateint’s outcome obtained?) 4. FOODNET: REMOVED FDD_Q_85 (If “Other”, specify other source of patient’s outcome) 5. FOODNET: REMOVED FDD_Q_90 (Was the patient interviewed for international travel history?) 6. FOODNET: CHANGED wording for FDD_Q_88 from, “If transmission mode is “Foodborne”, what is the CDC EFORS Number?” to “CDC EFORS Number” 7. FOODNET: ADDED FDD_Q_604 (Was the case interviewed by public health (i.e., state or local health department or FoodNet staff)? 8. EHEC – Other Clinical Data: ADDED FDD_Q_600 (EIA result as done by clinical laboratory) 9. EHEC – Other Clinical Data: ADDED FDD_Q_601 (EIA result as done by state public health laboratory) 10. EHEC – Other Clinical Data: ADDED FDD_Q_602 (PCR result as done by state public health laboratory) 11. EHEC – Other Clinical Data: ADDED FDD_Q_603 (PCR result as done by CDC) 12. 8. FOODNET: ADDED the following values to the codeset associated with FDD_Q_404, “Type of Outbreak”: Animal contact, Person-to-person, Environmental contamination other than food/water, Indeterminate, Other, and Unknown |
11/11/2008 | Jay Nelson |
2.1 | For R2.1 Changed the Following: 1. EHEC: "EIA result as done by clinical laboratory" (FDD_Q_600) now reads "What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory?" 2. EHEC: "EIA result as done by state public health laboratory" (FDD_Q_601) now reads "What was the EIA result at SPHL?" 3. EHEC: "PCR result as done by state public health laboratory" (FDD_Q_602) now reads "What was the PCR result at SPHL?" 4. EHEC: "PCR result as done by CDC" (FDD_Q_603) now reads "What was the PCR result at CDC?" |
4/13/2009 | Jay Nelson |
3.1 | For R3.1 Changed the following: 1. STEC/EHEC: ADDED FDD_Q_605 (Did patient have HUS?) 2. STEC/EHEC: ADDED FDD_Q_606 (What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_607 (Was the isolate identified as Campylobacter?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_608 (What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_609 (What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_610 (What was the EIA result at SPHL?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_611 (What was the PCR result at SPHL?) 3. CAMPYLOBACTER: ADDED FDD_Q_612 (What was the PCR result at CDC?) |
1/5/2010 | Jay Nelson |
UID | Work Product ID | Name of WkProd | Field | Description | Format | SRT Reference - These will all have to be mapped to standard and OID passed. | DB table | DB field | Participation Type_Cd | MapGde Change Date | Comments |
ARI100 | MS123 | Animal Rabies | Species | Species of animal that transmitted rabies. | Single-selection | SPECIES_RABIES | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
ARI101 | MS123 | Animal Rabies | Other Species | Other species of animal that transmitted rabies. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
BMD100 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | ABCSCASE | Does the investigation fit the case definition for an ABCs case? |
Single-selection | YN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD101 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | STATEID (ABCs) | The state ABCs case ID. |
Alphanumeric | Act_id | root_extension_txt | n/a | |||
BMD103 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | TRANSFER | Was the patient transferred from another hospital? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD105 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | DAYCARE | If <6 year s of age is the patient in daycare? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD107 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | NURSHOME | Does the patient reside in a nursing home or other chronic care faciltiy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD109 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OUTCOME | Did the patient die from the illness that is being investigated? SAME AS INV171 |
Single-selection | YNU | Public_Health_Case | outcome_cd | n/a | ||
BMD111 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | PREGNANT | Was the patient pregnant/post-partum at the time of the first positive culture? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD112 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | FOUTCOME | The outcome of the fetus if the patient was pregnant or post-parum at the time of first positive culture. |
Single-selection | OUTCOME_L_BIRTH | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD113 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | UNDER1MNTH | Is the patient less than one month of age? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD114 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | GESTAGE | The gestational age of the infant. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD115 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | BWGHT | The birthweight of the infant in grams. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD116 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | BWGHTLB | The birthweight of the infant in pounds (to be entered along with ounces). |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD117 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | BWGHTOZ | The birthweight of the infant in ounces (to be entered along with pounds). |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD118 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | SYNDRM | The types of infection that are caused by the organism. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_INFEC_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD119 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | SPECSYN | Other infection that is caused by the organism. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD120 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | SPECIES | The bacterial species that was isolated from any normally sterile site. |
Single-selection | BM_SPEC_ISOL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
BMD121 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHBUG1 | Other bacterial species that was isolated from any normally sterile site. |
Single-selection | BM_OTHER_BAC_SP | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD122 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | STERSITE | The sterile sites from which the organism was isolated. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_ORG_ISO_S1 | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD123 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHSTER | Other sterile site from which the organism was isolated. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD124 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | DATE | The date the first positive culture was obtained. (Diagnosis date) |
Date | Public_Health_Case | diagnosis_time | n/a | |||
BMD125 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | NONSTER | The nonsterile sites from which the organism was isolated. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_ORG_ISO_S2 | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD126 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | UNDERCOND | Did the patient have any underlying conditions? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD127 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | COND | The underlying conditions that the subject has. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_UNDERL_CAUSE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 12/07/05 | For R1.1.4 SP1, the 'AIDS' and 'HIV' values added back to the associated code set for this field (BM_UNDERL_CAUSE). |
BMD128 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHMALIG | Other malignancy that the subject had as an underlying condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD129 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHORGAN | Detail of the organ transplant that the subject had as an underlying condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD130 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHILL | Other proir illness that the subject had as an underlying condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD131 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | SEROTYPE | The serotype of the culture. |
Single-selection | BM_SERO_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD132 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | HIBVACC | If <15 years of age and serotype is 'b' or 'unk', did the patient receive Haemophilus Influenzae b vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD133 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | SEROGROUP | The serogroup of the culture. |
Single-selection | BM_SERO_GRP | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD134 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | OTHSERO | Other serogroup of the culture. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD135 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | COLLEGE | Is patient currently atteding college? This question is only applicable if the patient is 15-24 years of age. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD136 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | OXAZONE | The oxacillin zone size for cases of Streptococcus pneumoniae. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD137 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | OXASCRN | The oxacillin interpretation for cases of Streptococcus pneumoniae. |
Single-selection | BM_OXA_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD138 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | PNEUVACC | Has patient received 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD139 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | PNEUCONJ | If less than fifteen years of age, did the patient receive pneumococcal conjugate vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD140 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | PERSIST | Does the patient have persistent disease as defined by positive sterile site isolates 2-7 days after the first positive isolate? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD141 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SPCULT1 | The date the first additional specimen was collected. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD142 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SPSITE1 | The sites from which the first Streptococcus pneumoniae culture was isolated. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_ORG_ISO_S1 | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD143 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SPCULT2 | The date the second additional specimen was collected. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD144 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SPSITE2 | The sites from which the second Streptococcus pneumoniae culture was isolated. This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_ORG_ISO_S1 | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD145 | MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | SURGERY | Did the patient have surgery? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD146 | MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | SURGDATE | The date of the surgery. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD147 | MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | DELIVERY | Did the patient have baby (vaginal or C-section)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD148 | MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | BABYDATE | The date of the baby's delivery. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD149 | MS105 | Group A Streptococcus Message Spec | GASCOND | Did the patient have other prior conditions? This is a multi-select field. |
Multi-selection | BM_GAS_COND | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD150 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | AUDIT | Was the case first identified through audit? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD151 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | RELAPSE | Does this case have recurrent disease with the same pathogen? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD152 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | PREVID | The state ID of the previous ABCs case. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD161 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | CASEID | How was the case identified? |
Multi-selection | BM_CASE_DET_M | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD162 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | OTHSTRST | Other sterile site from which species was isolated. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD163 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | OTHID | Other case identification method. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD164 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | SCHOOLYR | The patient's year in college. (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) |
Single-selection | YR_IN_SCHOOL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
BMD165 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | STUDTYPE | The patient's status in college as defined by the university. |
Single-selection | STUDENT_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD166 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | HOUSE | The patient's current living situation. |
Single-selection | HOUSING_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD167 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | OTHHOUSE | Other housing option. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD168 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | SCHOOLNM | The full name of the college or university the patient is currently attending. |
Alphanumeric | Organization_name | nm_txt | n/a | 07/11/03 | ||
BMD169 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | POLYVAC | Has patient recevied the polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD171 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | MEDINS | The type of medical insurance that the family has. |
Single-selection | MED_INS_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD172 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | OTHINS | Other medical insurance type. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
BMD175 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | HIBCON | Is there a known previous contact with Hib disease within the preceding two months? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD176 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | CONTYPE | Type of previous contact with Hib disease within the preceding two months. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
BMD177 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | SIGHIST | The patient's significant past medical history. |
Multi-selection | BM_MED_HIST | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD178 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | PREWEEKS | The number of weeks of a preterm birth (less than 37 weeks). |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD179 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | SPECHIV | Specify immunosupression/HIV. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
BMD180 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | OTHSIGHIST | Specify other prior condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
BMD208 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | ACUTESER | Is acute serum available? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD209 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | ACUTESERDT | Date of acute serum availability. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD210 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | CONVSER | Is convalescent serum available? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD211 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | CONVSERDT | Date of convalescent serum availability. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
BMD212 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | ANTIAGT | The antimicrobial agent being tested. |
Single-selection | BM_ANTI_AGENT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD213 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SUSMETH | The susceptability method. (Agar, Broth, Disk, Strip) |
Single-selection | BM_SUSC_MT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
BMD214 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SIRU | The S/I/R/U result. Result indicates whether the microorganism is susceptible or not susceptible (intermediate or resistant) to the antimicrobial being tested. |
Single-selection | LAB_SENS_RSLT_Q | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
BMD215 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | SIGN | Sign indicates whether the MIC is <, >, <=, >=, or = to the numerical MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) value. |
Single-selection | BM_ORG_SIGN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
BMD216 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | MIC | MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) value. Valid range for data values 0.000 - 999.999. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
BMD267 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | BIRTHTIME | The baby's time of birth. |
Time | Obs_value_date | duration_amt | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
BMD268 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | OTHOTHSPC | Another Bacterial Species not listed in the Other Bacterial Species drop-down list. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
BMD269 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | STATUS | The status of the case report. |
Single-selection | BM_CRF_STS | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD271 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | SECCASE | Is this case of Neiserria meningitidis a secondary case. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD272 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | SECCASETY | Type of secondary contact for a case of Neisseria meningitidis. |
Single-selection | BM_SEC_CASE_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD273 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | OTHSECCASE | Other field available if the secondary case type selected is other. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
BMD274 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | NMSULFRES | Neisseria meningitidis resistance to Sulfa. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 06/27/03 | |
BMD275 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | NMRIFARES | Neisseria meningitidis resistance to Rifampin. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 06/27/03 | |
BMD276 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | BIRTHCTRY | The person's country of birth. |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
BMD292 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | If polymicrobial ABCs case, indicate other non-ABCs bacterial species isolated from any normally sterile site: | Allow entry of other non-ABCs bacterial species found if an ABCs case. |
Multi-selection | BM_OTHER_BAC_SP | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 01/21/04 | |
BMD293 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Specify Other 1 | Another bacterial species not included in the other non_ABCs multi-select list. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD294 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Specify Other 2 | Another bacterial species not included in the other non_ABCs multi-select list. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD295 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Specify Internal Body Site | Specifies the Internal Body Site where the organism was located. |
Single-selection | BM_ORG_ISO_S3 | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 01/21/04 | |
BMD296 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Other Prior Illness 2 | Other proir illness that the subject had as an underlying condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD297 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Other Prior Illness 3 | Other proir illness that the subject had as an underlying condition. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD298 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | Other Nonsterile Site | Other nonsterile site from which the organism was isolated. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD299 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | Other Serotype | Another serotype not included in the serotype dropdown list. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 01/21/04 | ||
BMD300 | MS107 | Haemophilus Influenzae Message Spec | Was the patient < 15 years of age at the time of first positive culture? | Indicates if the patient was less than 15 years of age at the time of first positive culture. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 01/21/04 | |
BMD307 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | DIAGDATE | Date the sample was collected for diagnostic testing if a culture was not done. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD308 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | PCRSOURCE | Specifies the PCR source for how the case was identified. | Single-selection | BM_SPEC_STREP | Obs_value_coded | code | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
BMD309 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | IHCSPEC1 | Specifies the first IHC specimen. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD310 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | IHCSPEC2 | Specifies the second IHC specimen. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD311 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | IHCSPEC3 | Specifies the third IHC specimen. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD312 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | INSURANCE | Specifies the patient's type of insurance. | Multi-selection | BM_INSURANCE | Obs_value_coded | code | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
BMD313 | MS108 | Neisseria Meingitidis Message Spec | MENGVAC | Specifies whether the patient has received a meningococcal vaccine. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
BMD317 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | INSURANCEOTH | Species patient's other type of insurance. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD318 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | OTHSPEC1 | Specifies the first other normally sterile site from which the S. pneumoniae was isolated. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD319 | MS109 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae Message Spec | OTHSPEC2 | Specifies the first other normally sterile site from which the S. pneumoniae was isolated. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD320 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | WEIGHTLB | The weight of the patient in pounds. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD321 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | WEIGHTOZ | The weight of the patient in ounces. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD322 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | WEIGHTKG | The weight of the patient in kilograms. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD323 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | HEIGHTFT | The height of the patient in feet. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD324 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | HEIGHTIN | The height of the patient in inches. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD325 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | HEIGHTCM | The height of the patient in centimeters. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD326 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | WEIGHTUNK | Indicates if the weight of the patient is unknown. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
BMD327 | MS101 | BMIRD Generic Message Spec | HEIGHTUNK | Indicates if the height of the patient is unknown. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 12/07/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
CRS002 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Last Evaluation by a Healthcare Provider | The date the patient was last evaluated by a healthcare provider. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS005 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Primary cause of death from death certificate | The primary cause of death, as noted on the death certificate. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS006 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Secondary cause of death from death certificate | The secondary cause of death, as noted on the death certificate. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS007 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was an autopsy performed? | Was an autopsy performed on the body? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS008 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Final Anatomical Diagnosis of Death from autopsy report | The final anatomical cause of death |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS009 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Birth State | Where the patient was born |
Single-selection | STATE_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS010 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Gestational Age at Birth (in weeks) | The patient's gestational age (in weeks) ate birth. |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS011 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Age at Diagnosis | The infant's age at the time of CRS diagnosis. |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS011a | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Age (unit) at Diagnosis | The age units at the time of CRS diagnosis. |
Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
CRS013 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Birth Weight | The infant's birth weight |
4 numeric | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
CRS014 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant's Birth Weight (unit) | The infant's birth weight units |
Single-selection | WEIGHT_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
CRS015 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Cataracts | Did/does the infant have cataracts? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS016 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Hearing Impairment (loss) | Did/does the infant have hearing impairment (loss)? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS017 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Congenital Heart Disease | Did the infant have a congenital heart disease? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS018 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | Did the infant have patent ductus arteriosus? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS019 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Peripheral Pulmonic Stenosis | Did the infant have peripheral pulmonic stenosis? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS020 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other type of congenital heart disease? | Did the infant have another congenital heart disease? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS021 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other type of congenital heart disease | If the infant had another congenital heart diesase, what was it? (Group A) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS022 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother have a rash? | Did the mother have a maculopapular rash? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS022a | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | What was the mother's rash onset date? | What was the rash onset date? |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
CRS024 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother have a fever? | Did the mother have a fever? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS027 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother have arthralgia/arthritis? | Did the mother have arthralgia/arthritis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS028 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother have lymphadenopathy? | Did the mother have lymphadenopathy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS030 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Congenital Glaucoma | Did the infant have congenital glaucoma? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS031 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Pigmentary Retinopathy | Did the infant have pigmentary retinopathy? (Group A) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS032 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Developmental Delay or Mental Retardation | Did/does the infant have developmental delay or mental retardation? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS033 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Meningoencephalitis | Did the infant have meningoencephalitis? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS034 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Microencephaly | Did the infant have microencephaly? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS035 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Purpura | Did the infant have purpura? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS036 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Enlarged Spleen | Did/does the infant have an enlarged spleen? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS037 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Enlarged Liver | Did/does the infant have an enlarged liver? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS038 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Radiolucent Bone Disease | Did the infant have radiolucent bone disease? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS039 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Neonatal Jaundice | Did the infant have jaundice? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS040 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Low Platelets | Did the infant have low platelets? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS041 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Dermal Erythropoieses (Blueberry Muffin Syndrome) | Did infant have dermal erythropoisesis? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS042 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other Abnormalities? | Did the infant have any other abnormalities? (Group B) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS043 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other abnormalities 1 | If the infant had other abnormalities, what was the first other abnormality? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS044 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other abnormalities 2 | If the infant had other abnormalities, what was the second other abnormality? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS045 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other abnormalities 3 | If the infant had other abnormalities, what was the third other abnormality? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS046 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other abnormalities 4 | If the infant had other abnormalities, what was the fourth other abnormality? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS049 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was laboratory testing done for rubella on this infant? | Was laboratory testing done for rubella on this infant? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS050 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was Rubella IgM EIA performed? | Was a rubella IgM EIA test done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS051 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgM EIA Test (non-capture) | Date of the rubella IgM EIA test (non-capture) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS052 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Rubella IgM EIA Test (non-capture) | Result of rubella IgM EID test (non-capture) |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS053 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgM EIA capture? | Was a rubella IgM EIA capture test done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS054 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgM EIA capture | Date of rubella IgM EIA capture test? |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS055 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Rubella IgM EIA capture | Result of rubella IgM EIA capture test? |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS056 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgM other performed? | Was another rubella IgM test done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS057 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other Rubella IgM | Specify the other IgM test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS058 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgM other | Date of other rubella IgM test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS059 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Rubella IgM other | Result of other rubella IgM test |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS060 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgG Test #1 performed? | Was rubella IgG test #1 done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS061 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgG Test #1 | Date of rubella IgG test #1 |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS062 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgG Test #2 performed? | Was rubella IgG test #2 done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS063 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgG Test #2 | Date of rubella IgG test #2 |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS064 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Difference between Test #1 and Test #2 | Difference between IgG test #1 and test #2 |
Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS065 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Virus Isolation performed? | Was a virus isolation done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS066 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of Virus Isolation | Date of virus isolation |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS067 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Source of Virus Isolation specimen | Source of virus isolation specimen |
Single-selection | CRS_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS068 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other Virus Isolation specimen source | If another source, specify the other source |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS069 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Virus Isolation | Result of the virus isolation |
Single-selection | RUB_VIR_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS070 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | RT-PCR performed? | Was a RT-PCR test done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS071 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of RT-PCR | Date of RT-PCR test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS072 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Source of RT-PCR specimen | Source of RT-PCR specimen |
Single-selection | CRS_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS073 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of RT-PCR | Result of RT-PCR test |
Single-selection | RUB_VIR_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS074 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other laboratory testing for Rubella performed? | Was other laboratory testing done for rubella? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS075 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other Rubella lab test | Specify the other rubella lab test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS076 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of other Rubella lab test | Result of the other rubella lab test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS077 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS080 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's birth country | The mother's country of birth |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS081 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's age at delivery | The age of the mother when this infant was delivered |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS082 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's occupation at time of conception | The mother's occupation at time of this conception |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS083 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Length of time mother has been in the US | Length of time (in years) the mother has been in the US |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS084 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Number of children less than 18 years of age living in household during this pregnancy? | The number of children less then 18 years of age living in household during this pregnancy |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS085 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Were any of the children living in the household immunized with rubella-containing vaccine? | Were any of the children less than 18 years of age immunized with the rubella vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS086 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If yes, how many children in household were immunized with rubella-containing vaccine? | The number of children less than 18 years of age immunized with the rubella vaccine |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS087 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother attend a family planning clinic prior to conception of this infant? | Did the mother attend a family planning clinic prior to conception of this infant? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS088 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was prenatal care obtained for this pregnancy? | Was prenatal care obtained for this pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS089 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of first prenatal visit for this pregnancy | Date of the first prenatal visit for this pregnancy |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS090 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Where was prenatal care for this pregnancy obtained? | Where was the prenatal care for this pregnancy obtained? |
multiple selection | RUB_PRE_CARE_T | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS091 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was there a rubella-like illness during this pregnancy? | Was there a rubella-like illness during this pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS092 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Month of pregnancy in which symptoms first occurred | The month of pregnancy that rubella-like symptoms appeared |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS093 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was rubella diagnosed by a physician at time of illness? | Was rubella diagnosed by a physician at time of illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS094 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If rubella was not diagnosed by a physician, diagnosed by whom? | If rubella was not diagnosed by a physician, then diagnosed by whom? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS095 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was rubella serologically confirmed at time of illness? | Was rubella serologically confirmed at time of illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS096 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Does the mother know where she might have been exposed to rubella? | Did the mother know where she might have been exposed to rubella? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS097 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Where was the disease acquired? | General location of where the mother acquired rubella |
Single-selection | PHC_IMPRT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS098 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Imported Country | The country in which the mother acquired rubella |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS099 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Imported City | The city in which the mother acquired rubella |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS100 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If location of exposure is unknown, did the mother travel outside the US during the 1st trimester of | If the rubella exposure is unknown, did the mother travel outside the US during the 1st trimester of pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS101 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date mother left US for travel (1) | The date the mother left US for travel (first trip) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS102 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date mother returned to US from travel (1) | The date the mother returned to US from travel (first trip) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
CRS103 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date mother left US for travel (2) | The date the mother left the US for travel (second trip) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS104 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date mother returned to US from travel (2) | The date the mother returned to US from travel (second trip) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
CRS105 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was the mother directly exposed to a confirmed rubella case? | Was the mother directly exposed to a confirmed rubella case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS106 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If mother directly exposed to a confirmed rubella case, specify the relationship | The mother's relationship to the confirmed rubella case |
Single-selection | PER_REL_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS107 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's date of exposure to a confirmed rubella case | The mother's exposure date to the confirmed rubella case |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS139 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Rubella IgG Test #1 | Result rubella IgG test #1 |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS140 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Result of Rubella IgG Test #2 | Result of rubella IgG test #2 |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS141 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date of other Rubella lab test | Date of other rubella lab test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS142 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If not a case of CRS, select reason | The reason this was not a case of CRS. Note: This is a follow-up question if user enters "Not a Case" for Case Status |
Single-selection | CRS_NO_CASE_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS143 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date sent for genotyping | Date the speciment was sent to the CDC for genotyping |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS144 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgG Test #1 result value | Result value of test #1 |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
CRS145 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella IgG Test #2 result value | Result value of test #2 |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
CRS147 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother immunized with rubella-containing vaccine? | Was the mother immunized with rubella vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS148 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Date mother was vaccinated with rubella-containing vaccine | Date the mother was immunized with rubella vaccine |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
CRS149 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Source of mother's rubella-containing vaccine information | Source of mother's rubella immunization information |
Single-selection | CRS_VAC_INFO | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS150 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other source of mother's rubella-containing vaccine information | Other source of mother's rubella immunization information |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS151 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Source of mother's rubella-containing vaccine | Source of mother's rubella vaccine |
Single-selection | RUB_PRE_CARE_T | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS152 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other clinical features of maternal illness | Mother's other clinical features of maternal illness |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS153 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Has mother given birth in the US previously? | Has mother given birth in the US previously? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS154 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If mother has given birth in US, list dates (years) | List years in which mother has given birth in US previously |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS157 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Specify other RT-PCR specimen source | Specify other specimen source of RT-PCR |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS158 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Number of previous pregnancies | Mother's number of previous pregnancies |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS159 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Number of live births (total) | Mother's total number of live births |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS160 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If mother has given birth in US, number of births delivered in US | Mother's number of births delivered in US |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
CRS161 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Did the mother have serological testing prior to this pregnancy? | Did the mother have serological testing prior to this pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS162 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Imported State | The state in which the mother acquired rubella |
Single-selection | STATE_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS163 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Imported County | The county in which the mother acquired rubella |
Single-selection | COUNTY_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS164 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's country of travel (1) | The country in which the mother traveled (first trip) |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS165 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother's country of travel (2) | The country in which the mother traveled (second trip) |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS166 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | If mother directly exposed to a confirmed rubella case, specify the relationship (Other) | Specify mother's other relationship to confirmed rubella case |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS167 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | IgM EIA (1st) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM EIA (1st) test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS168 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | IgM EIA (2nd) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM EIA (2nd) test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS169 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | ImG Other Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM, other test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS170 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | RT_PCR Test Result Value | The test result value for RT-PCR test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS171 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other Rubella Test Result Value | The test result value for other rubella test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS172 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella Specimen Type | The specimen type that was sent to the CDC for genotyping. |
Single-selection | CRS_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS173 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other Rubella Specimen Type | The specimen type (other) that was sent to the CDC for genotyping. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
CRS174 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Serologically Confirmed Date | The date rubella was serologically confirmed. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 06/27/03 | ||
CRS175 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Serologically Confirmed Result | The result of the rubella serological confirmation. |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS176 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Rubella Lab Testing Mother | Was rubella lab testing performed for the mother in conjunction with this pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS177 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Mother Reported Rubella Case | Has the mother ever been reported as a rubella case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS178 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | IgM EIA (1st) Method Used | The method used for the IgM EIA test (1st). |
Single-selection | CRS_TEST_METHOD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS179 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | IgM EIA (2nd) Method Used | The method used for the IgM EIA test (2nd). |
Single-selection | CRS_TEST_METHOD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
CRS180 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Infant Death From CRS | Did the infant die from CRS or complications associated with CRS? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/15/03 | |
CRS182 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Was CRS virus genotype sequenced | Identifies whether the CRS virus was genotype sequenced. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
CRS183 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Type of Genotype Sequence | Identifies the genotype sequence of the CRS virus. | Single-selection | RUB_GENOTYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
CRS184 | MS116 | CRS Message Spec | Other Genotype Sequence | Identifies the other genotype sequence of the CRS virus (if a value is not found in the drop-down). | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. | |
FDD_Q_1 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Attend a day care center? | Attend a day care center? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_10 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Where was patient a food handler? | Where was patient a food handler? | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_100 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Comments on infection in mother | Comments on infection in mother | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_101 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Outcome of pregnancy | Outcome of pregnancy | selectable | PHVSFB_PREGOUTCOME | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_102 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Other outcome of pregnancy | Other outcome of pregnancy | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_103 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If delivered, date of delivery | If delivered, date of delivery | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_104 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Comments on pregnancy outcome | Comments on pregnancy outcome | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_106 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Specimen collected from fetus/neonate | Specimen collected from fetus/neonate | selectable | PHVSFB_NNSPECMNSRC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_107 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Other specimen collection source | Other specimen collection source | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_108 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Fetus/neonate specimen collection date | Fetus/neonate specimen collection date | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_109 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Type of infection in fetus/neonate | Type of infection in fetus/neonate | selectable | PHVSFB_NNINFTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_11 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient travel prior to onset of illness? | Did patient travel prior to onset of illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_110 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | other fetus/neonate infection type | other fetus/neonate infection type | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_111 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | comments on infection in fetus/neonate | comments on infection in fetus/neonate | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_112 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify food type: | If “Other,” please specify food type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_113 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If food is known or thought to be the source, please specify food type | If food is known or thought to be the source, please specify food type | selectable | PHVSFB_COOKMETH | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_114 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was botulism laboratory confirmed from patient specimen? | Was botulism laboratory confirmed from patient specimen? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_115 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was C. botulinum isolated in culture from patient specimen? | Was C. botulinum isolated in culture from patient specimen? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_116 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was food tested? | Was food tested? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_117 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was food positive for botulism? | Was food positive for botulism? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_118 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If food was positive, what was its toxin type? | If food was positive, what was its toxin type? | selectable | PHVSFB_BOTOXTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_119 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other toxin type: | If “Other,” please specify other toxin type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_12 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Applicable incubation period for this illness is (Incubation PDF) | Applicable incubation period for this illness is (Incubation PDF) | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_128 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the isolate biochemically identified as e. coli? | Was the isolate biochemically identified as e. coli? | selectable | PHVS_YNUNT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_129 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was isolate shiga toxin positive? | Was isolate shiga toxin positive? | selectable | PHVS_YNUNT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | Changed the code set from YNU to PHVS_YNUNT for R1.1.7. | |
FDD_Q_13 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the purpose of the travel? | What was the purpose of the travel? | multi-select | PHVSFB_TRAVELTT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_131 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have Eosinophillia? | Did patient have Eosinophillia? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_132 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If YES, please specify absolute number or percentage: | If YES, please specify absolute number or percentage: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_133 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | specify percent or numeric | specify percent or numeric | radiobutton | PHVSFB_PERCNUME | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_134 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have a fever? | Did patient have a fever? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_135 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If YES, please specify temperature: | If YES, please specify temperature: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_136 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | specify fahrenheit or celsius | specify fahrenheit or celsius | radiobutton | TEMP_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_137 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have any of the following signs or symptoms? | Did patient have any of the following signs or symptoms? | selectable | PHVSFB_TRICHSYX | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_138 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If Other, please specify other signs or symptoms of Trichinellosis: | If Other, please specify other signs or symptoms of Trichinellosis: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_139 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What suspect foods did the patient eat? | What suspect foods did the patient eat? | selectable | PHVSFB_PORKONOT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_14 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other purpose of travel: | If “Other,” please specify other purpose of travel: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_140 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Please specify type of pork: | Please specify type of pork: | selectable | PHVSFB_PORKTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_141 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify type of pork: | If “Other” please specify type of pork: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_142 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date suspect food was consumed: | Date suspect food was consumed: | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_143 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was larvae found in suspect food? | Was larvae found in suspect food? | selectable | PHVSFB_ABPRSUNE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_144 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Where was the suspect meat obtained? | Where was the suspect meat obtained? | selectable | PHVSFB_SOURCEMT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_145 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify where suspect meat was obtained: | If “Other” please specify where suspect meat was obtained: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_146 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | How was suspect food prepared or further processed after purchase? | How was suspect food prepared or further processed after purchase? | selectable | PHVSFB_FOODPROC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_147 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify other type of processing: | If “Other” please specify other type of processing: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_148 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the method of cooking the suspect food? | What was the method of cooking the suspect food? | selectable | PHVSFB_FOODCOOK | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_149 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify other type of cooking method: | If “Other” please specify other type of cooking method: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_15 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Destination 1 Type: | Destination 1 Type: | selectable radiobutton | PHVSFB_DOMINTNL | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_150 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Please specify type of non-pork: | Please specify type of non-pork: | selectable | PHVSFB_NONPORKT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_151 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify type of non-pork: | If “Other” please specify type of non-pork: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_152 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date suspect food was consumed: | Date suspect food was consumed: | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_153 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was larvae found in suspect food? | Was larvae found in suspect food? | selectable | PHVSFB_ABPRSUNE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_154 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Where was the suspect meat obtained? | Where was the suspect meat obtained? | selectable | PHVSFB_SOURCEMT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_155 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify where suspect meat was obtained: | If “Other” please specify where suspect meat was obtained: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_156 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | How was suspect food prepared or further processed after purchase? | How was suspect food prepared or further processed after purchase? | selectable | PHVSFB_FOODPROC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_157 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify other type of processing: | If “Other” please specify other type of processing: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_158 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the method of cooking the suspect food? | What was the method of cooking the suspect food? | selectable | PHVSFB_FOODCOOK | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_159 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify other type of cooking method: | If “Other” please specify other type of cooking method: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_16 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (Domestic) Destination 1: | (Domestic) Destination 1: | selectable | PHVS_STATE_CCD_ALPH | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_160 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have diarrhea? | Did the patient have diarrhea? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_161 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If ‘Yes,” please specify maximum number of stools per 24 hours: | If ‘Yes,” please specify maximum number of stools per 24 hours: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_162 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient experience weight loss? | Did patient experience weight loss? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_163 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” please specify baseline weight: | If “Yes,” please specify baseline weight: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_164 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Specify how much weight was lost: | Specify how much weight was lost: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_165 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | specify baseline weight in lbs or kgs | specify baseline weight in lbs or kgs | radiobutton | WEIGHT_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_166 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | specify weight loss in lbs or kgs | specify weight loss in lbs or kgs | radiobutton | WEIGHT_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_167 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have a fever? | Did patient have a fever? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_168 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If "Yes," please specify temperature | If "Yes," please specify temperature | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_169 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | <<specify temperature in fahrenheit or centigrade>> | <<specify temperature in fahrenheit or centigrade>> | radiobutton | TEMP_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_17 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Mode of Travel (for destination 1) | Mode of Travel (for destination 1) | selectable | PHVSFB_TRANSPRT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_170 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have any of the following signs or symptoms? | Did the patient have any of the following signs or symptoms? | selectable | PHVSFB_CYCLOSYX | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_171 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other” please specify other type of signs or symptoms | If “Other” please specify other type of signs or symptoms | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_172 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the case confirmed at the CDC lab? | Was the case confirmed at the CDC lab? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_173 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the patient treated for cyclosporiasis? | Was the patient treated for cyclosporiasis? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_174 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Does the patient have a sulfa allergy? | Does the patient have a sulfa allergy? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_175 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was patient hospitalized? | Was patient hospitalized? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_176 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What fresh berries were eaten in the 14 days prior to onset of illness? | What fresh berries were eaten in the 14 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | PHVSFB_BERRYTYP | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_177 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh berries: | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh berries: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_178 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What fresh herbs were eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | What fresh herbs were eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | PHVSFB_HERBTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_179 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh herbs: | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh herbs: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_18 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Arrival (for destination 1) | Date of Arrival (for destination 1) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_180 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What lettuce was eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | What lettuce was eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | PHVSFB_LETTUCET | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_181 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh lettuce: | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh lettuce: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_182 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What other types of fresh produce were eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | What other types of fresh produce were eaten in the last 14 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | PHVSFB_PRODUCET | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_183 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh produce: | If “Other”, please specify other type of fresh produce: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_184 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient attend any events during the 14 days prior to onset of illness? | Did patient attend any events during the 14 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_185 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” please specify the event: | If “Yes,” please specify the event: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_186 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of event: | Date of event: | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_187 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient eat at an restaurant prior to onset of illness? | Did patient eat at an restaurant prior to onset of illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_188 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” please specify the name of the restaurant: | If “Yes,” please specify the name of the restaurant: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_189 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Is patient a U. S. Citizen? | Is patient a U. S. Citizen? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_19 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Departure (for destination 1) | Date of Departure (for destination 1) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_190 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the patient symptomatic for Typhoid Fever? | Was the patient symptomatic for Typhoid Fever? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_191 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” did the patient have any of the following signs or symptoms | If “Yes,” did the patient have any of the following signs or symptoms | selectable | PHVS_TBMAJSITE_2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_192 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other signs or symptoms of Typhoid: | If “Other,” please specify other signs or symptoms of Typhoid: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_193 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was antibiotic sensitivity testing performed on the isolate? | Was antibiotic sensitivity testing performed on the isolate? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_194 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient receive Typhoid vaccination? | Did the patient receive Typhoid vaccination? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_195 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the case traced to a typhoid carrier? | Was the case traced to a typhoid carrier? | selectable | PHVS_TBMAJSITE_1 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_196 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Time of onset of illness: | Time of onset of illness: | time validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_197 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have diarrhea? | Did the patient have diarrhea? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_198 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If ‘Yes,” please specify maximum number of stools per 24 hours: | If ‘Yes,” please specify maximum number of stools per 24 hours: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_199 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have a fever? | Did patient have a fever? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_2 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Work at a a day care center? | Work at a a day care center? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_20 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If more than 3 destinations, specify details here: | If more than 3 destinations, specify details here: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_200 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” please specify temperature: | If “Yes,” please specify temperature: | integer | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_201 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (record temperature in fahrenheit or centigrade) | (record temperature in fahrenheit or centigrade) | radiobutton | TEMP_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_202 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have Cellutitis? | Did the patient have Cellutitis? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_203 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” need to specify the source. | If “Yes,” need to specify the source. | selectable | PHVSFB_ANATOMYS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_204 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other type of source: | If “Other,” please specify other type of source: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_205 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have Bullae? | Did the patient have Bullae? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_206 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” need to specify the source. | If “Yes,” need to specify the source. | selectable | PHVSFB_ANATOMYS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_207 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other type of source: | If “Other,” please specify other type of source: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_208 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have any of the following signs or symptoms of Cholera? | Did patient have any of the following signs or symptoms of Cholera? | selectable | PHVSFB_COLERASX | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_209 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other signs or symptoms of Cholera: | If “Other,” please specify other signs or symptoms of Cholera: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_21 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What is the source of tap water at home? | What is the source of tap water at home? | selectable | PHVSFB_WATERSRC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_210 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient have any Sequelae? | Did the patient have any Sequelae? | selectable | PHVSFB_COLERASQ | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_211 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other Sequelae: | If “Other,” please specify other Sequelae: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_212 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the patient receiving any of the following treatments or taking any of the following medications in the 30 days before this Vibrio illness began? | Was the patient receiving any of the following treatments or taking any of the following medications in the 30 days before this Vibrio illness began? | selectable | PHVSFB_MEDTREAT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_213 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Were other organisms isolated from the same specimen that yielded Vibrio? | Were other organisms isolated from the same specimen that yielded Vibrio? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_214 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient take an antibiotic as treatment for this illness? | Did the patient take an antibiotic as treatment for this illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_215 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | In the 7 days before illness began, was patient’s skin exposed to any of the following? | In the 7 days before illness began, was patient’s skin exposed to any of the following? | selectable | PHVSFB_SEAFCONT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_216 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water location: | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water location: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_217 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient's skin was exposed, please specify date patient's skin was exposed | If patient's skin was exposed, please specify date patient's skin was exposed | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_218 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient's skin was exposed, please specify time patient’s skin was exposed: | If patient's skin was exposed, please specify time patient’s skin was exposed: | time validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_219 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | In the 7 days prior to onset of illness, please specify the activity that resulted in patient’s skin exposure: | In the 7 days prior to onset of illness, please specify the activity that resulted in patient’s skin exposure: | selectable | PHVSFB_SEAFACTN | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_22 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Private Well”, how was the well water treated at home? | If “Private Well”, how was the well water treated at home? | selectable | PHVSFB_WATERTRT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_220 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other activity: | If “Other,” please specify other activity: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_221 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water type | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water type | selectable | PHVSFB_SALINITY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_222 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other body of water type: | If “Other,” please specify other body of water type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_223 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water location: | If patient was exposed to a body of water, please specify body of water location: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_224 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If skin was exposed, did the patient sustain a wound during this exposure or have a pre-existing wound? | If skin was exposed, did the patient sustain a wound during this exposure or have a pre-existing wound? | selectable | PHVSFB_WOUNDTYP | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_225 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” please specify how wound occurred and site on patient’s body: | If “Yes,” please specify how wound occurred and site on patient’s body: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_226 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient was infected with V. Cholerae O1 or O139, to which of the risks was the patient exposed in the 4 days prior to onset of illness? | If patient was infected with V. Cholerae O1 or O139, to which of the risks was the patient exposed in the 4 days prior to onset of illness? | selectable | PHVSFB_CHOLERAR | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_227 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other V. Cholerae O1 or O139 risk: | If “Other,” please specify other V. Cholerae O1 or O139 risk: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_228 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Foreign Travel,” had the patient been educated in Cholera prior to travel? | If “Foreign Travel,” had the patient been educated in Cholera prior to travel? | selectable | PHVSFB_TRAVELRR | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_229 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other source of Cholera prevention education: | If “Other,” please specify other source of Cholera prevention education: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_23 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, specify other source of tap water at home: | If “Other”, specify other source of tap water at home: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_230 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Has patient ever received a Cholera vaccine? | Has patient ever received a Cholera vaccine? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_231 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Is this a case of congenital toxoplasmosis? | Is this a case of congenital toxoplasmosis? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_232 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Is this a case of toxoplasmic encephalitis? | Is this a case of toxoplasmic encephalitis? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_233 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have any of the following underlying conditions? | Did patient have any of the following underlying conditions? | selectable | PHVSFB_DISEASES | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_234 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other Prior Illness,” please specify: | If “Other Prior Illness,” please specify: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_235 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Diabetes Mellitus,” specify whether on insulin: | If “Diabetes Mellitus,” specify whether on insulin: | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_236 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Organ Transplant,” please specify organ: | If “Organ Transplant,” please specify organ: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_237 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Gastric Surgery,” please specify type: | If “Gastric Surgery,” please specify type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_238 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Hematologic Disease,” please specify type of Hematologic Disease: | If “Hematologic Disease,” please specify type of Hematologic Disease: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_239 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Immunodeficiency,” please specify type: | If “Immunodeficiency,” please specify type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_24 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient drink untreated water 7 days prior to illness? | Did patient drink untreated water 7 days prior to illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_240 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Liver Disease,” please specify type: | If “Liver Disease,” please specify type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_241 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other Malignancy,” please specify type: | If “Other Malignancy,” please specify type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_242 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other Renal Disease,” please specify type: | If “Other Renal Disease,” please specify type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_243 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” please specify other type of animal: | If “Other,” please specify other type of animal: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_244 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Applicable incubation period for this illness is (Incubation.PDF): | Applicable incubation period for this illness is (Incubation.PDF): | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_245 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If Patient associated with a day care center: | If Patient associated with a day care center: | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_25 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was there recreational water exposure in the 7 days prior to illness? | Was there recreational water exposure in the 7 days prior to illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_257 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | FoodNet Case | FoodNet Case | checkbox | YN | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_258 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If contact with animal, then display the following questions | If contact with animal, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_259 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has Foodborne Botulism, then display the following questions | If patient has Foodborne Botulism, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_26 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the recreational water exposure type? | What was the recreational water exposure type? | selectable | PHVSFB_RECWATER | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_263 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has Other Clinical based Botulism, then display the following questions | If patient has Other Clinical based Botulism, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_264 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has Cholera, then display the following questions | If patient has Cholera, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_265 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has Cyclosporiasis, then display the following questions | If patient has Cyclosporiasis, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_266 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has had Drinking Water exposure, then display the following questions? | If patient has had Drinking Water exposure, then display the following questions? | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_267 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has EHEC exposure, then display the following questions | If patient has EHEC exposure, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_268 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient is a Food Handler, then display the following questions | If patient is a Food Handler, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_269 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient is within a FoodNet jurisdiction, then display the following question? | If patient is within a FoodNet jurisdiction, then display the following question? | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_27 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If ‘Other’ recreational water exposure, please specify: | If ‘Other’ recreational water exposure, please specify: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_272 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient is pregnant, then display the following questions | If patient is pregnant, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_273 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has had recreational water exposure, then display the following? | If patient has had recreational water exposure, then display the following? | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_274 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If related cases are associated to this case, then display the following questions | If related cases are associated to this case, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_275 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has had seafood exposure, then display the following questions | If patient has had seafood exposure, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_277 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has had toxoplasmosis, then display the following questions | If patient has had toxoplasmosis, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_278 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has traveled, then display the following questions | If patient has traveled, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_279 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has trichnellosis, then display the following questions | If patient has trichnellosis, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_28 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If ‘Swimming Pool’, please specify swimming pool type: | If ‘Swimming Pool’, please specify swimming pool type: | selectable | PHVSFB_POOLTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_280 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has typhoid, then display the following questions | If patient has typhoid, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_281 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If patient has underlying conditions, then display the following questions | If patient has underlying conditions, then display the following questions | question grp | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_282 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Confirmed listeria in neonate or fetus | Confirmed listeria in neonate or fetus | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_283 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (specify time of onset of illness in am or pm) | (specify time of onset of illness in am or pm) | radiobutton | PHVSFB_AMPMAMPM | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_285 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (specify time of patient skin exposure in am or pm) | (specify time of patient skin exposure in am or pm) | radiobutton | PHVSFB_AMPMAMPM | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_286 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was botulism laboratory confirmed from patient specimen? | Was botulism laboratory confirmed from patient specimen? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_287 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was C. botulinum isolated in culture from patient specimen? | Was C. botulinum isolated in culture from patient specimen? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_29 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If ‘Other’, please specify other swimming pool type: | If ‘Other’, please specify other swimming pool type: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_292 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (International) Destination 1 | (International) Destination 1 | selectable | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_293 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (International) Destination 2 | (International) Destination 2 | selectable | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_294 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (International) Destination 3 | (International) Destination 3 | selectable | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_295 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other Amphibian,” please specify other type of amphibian: | If “Other Amphibian,” please specify other type of amphibian: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_296 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other Reptile,” please specify other type of reptile: | If “Other Reptile,” please specify other type of reptile: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_297 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (specify AM or PM) | (specify AM or PM) | selectable | PHVSFB_AMPMAMPM | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_3 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Live with a day care center attendee? | Live with a day care center attendee? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_30 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Name or location of water exposure: | Name or location of water exposure: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_31 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient come in contact with an animal? | Did patient come in contact with an animal? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_32 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Type of animal: | Type of animal: | selectable | PHVSFB_ANIMALST | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_33 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Name or Location of Animal Contact: | Name or Location of Animal Contact: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_34 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did the patient acquire a pet prior to onset of illness? | Did the patient acquire a pet prior to onset of illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_35 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Has the patient eaten seafood in the last 14 days? | Has the patient eaten seafood in the last 14 days? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_36 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the seafood eaten undercooked? | Was the seafood eaten undercooked? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_37 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the seafood eaten raw? | Was the seafood eaten raw? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_38 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” type of raw seafood: | If “Yes,” type of raw seafood: | selectable | PHVSFB_SEAFDTYP | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_39 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If "Other Shellfish," specify type of other shellfish: | If "Other Shellfish," specify type of other shellfish: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_4 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What type of day care facility? | What type of day care facility? | selectable | PHVSFB_CAREGIVE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_40 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | if "Other Fish," specify other type of fish: | if "Other Fish," specify other type of fish: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_400 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was there a second hospitalization? | Was there a second hospitalization? | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. |
FDD_Q_401 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Hospital Admission Date | Hospital Admission Date | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. | |
FDD_Q_402 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Hospital Discharge Date | Hospital Discharge Date | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. | |
FDD_Q_403 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient immigrate to the US within 7 days of specimen collection? | Did patient immigrate to the US within 7 days of specimen collection? | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. |
FDD_Q_404 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Type of outbreak | Type of outbreak | Single-selection | PHVSFB_OUTBREAKTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. |
FDD_Q_41 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date raw seafood consumed | Date raw seafood consumed | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_42 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Time raw seafood consumed | Time raw seafood consumed | time validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_43 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Where was raw seafood obtained? | Where was raw seafood obtained? | selectable | PHVSFB_SEAFOODS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_44 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other,” specify other source where raw seafood was obtained: | If “Other,” specify other source where raw seafood was obtained: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_45 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If type of raw seafood was oysters, are shipping tags available from suspect lot? | If type of raw seafood was oysters, are shipping tags available from suspect lot? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_46 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If shipping tags are available, name of shippers who handled suspected raw oysters: | If shipping tags are available, name of shippers who handled suspected raw oysters: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_5 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What is the name of the day care facility? | What is the name of the day care facility? | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_56 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Destination Type 2: | Destination Type 2: | selectable radiobutton | PHVSFB_DOMINTNL | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_57 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (Domestic) Destination 2: | (Domestic) Destination 2: | selectable | PHVS_STATE_CCD_ALPH | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_58 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Mode of Travel (for destination 2) | Mode of Travel (for destination 2) | selectable | PHVSFB_TRANSPRT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_59 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Arrival (for destination 2) | Date of Arrival (for destination 2) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_6 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Is food prepared at this facility? | Is food prepared at this facility? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_60 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Departure (for destination 2) | Date of Departure (for destination 2) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_61 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Destination Type 3: | Destination Type 3: | selectable radiobutton | PHVSFB_DOMINTNL | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_62 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | (Domestic) Destination 3 | (Domestic) Destination 3 | selectable | PHVS_STATE_CCD_ALPH | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_63 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Mode of Travel (for destination 3) | Mode of Travel (for destination 3) | selectable | PHVSFB_TRANSPRT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_64 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Arrival (for destination 3) | Date of Arrival (for destination 3) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_65 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Date of Departure (for destination 3) | Date of Departure (for destination 3) | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_7 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Does this facility care for diapered persons? | Does this facility care for diapered persons? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_77 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Does the patient know of any similarly ill persons? | Does the patient know of any similarly ill persons? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_78 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If "Yes," did the health department collect contact information about other similarly ill persons and investigate further? | If "Yes," did the health department collect contact information about other similarly ill persons and investigate further? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_79 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Are there other cases related to this one? Are there related cases? |
Are there other cases related to this one? Are there related cases? |
selectable | PHVSFB_EPIDEMGY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_8 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient work as a food handler after onset of illness? | Did patient work as a food handler after onset of illness? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_80 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was patient transferred from one hospital to another? | Was patient transferred from one hospital to another? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_81 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If "Yes," specify name of the hospital to which the patient was transferred: | If "Yes," specify name of the hospital to which the patient was transferred: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_86 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | In case-control study? | In case-control study? | selectable | YN | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_87 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Yes,” case control study id number: | If “Yes,” case control study id number: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_88 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | CDC EFORS Number? | If transmission mode is “Foodborne,” what is the CDC EFORS Number? | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_89 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was case found during an audit? | Was case found during an audit? | selectable | YN | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_9 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was last date worked as a food handler after onset of illness? | What was last date worked as a food handler after onset of illness? | date validation | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_92 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Other”, specify other source of tap water at school/work: | If “Other”, specify other source of tap water at school/work: | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_93 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What is the source of tap water at school/work? | What is the source of tap water at school/work? | selectable | PHVSFB_WATERSRC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_94 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | If “Private Well”, how was the well water treated at school/work? | If “Private Well”, how was the well water treated at school/work? | selectable | PHVSFB_WATERTRT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_97 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Is this a pregnancy related case? | Is this a pregnancy related case? | selectable | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_98 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Type of infection in mother | Type of infection in mother | selectable | PHVSFB_PREGINFTYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
FDD_Q_99 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Other type of infection in mother | Other type of infection in mother | text entry | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
FDD_Q_600 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory? | What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 11/21/08 | Added for NBS Release 2.0 |
FDD_Q_601 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the EIA result at SPHL? | What was the EIA result at SPHL? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 11/21/08 | Added for NBS Release 2.0 |
FDD_Q_602 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at SPHL? | What was the PCR result at SPHL? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 11/21/08 | Added for NBS Release 2.0 |
FDD_Q_603 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at CDC? | What was the PCR result at CDC? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 11/21/08 | Added for NBS Release 2.0 |
FDD_Q_604 | MS122 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the case interviewed by public health (i.e. state or local health department or FoodNet staff) | Was the case interviewed by public health (i.e. state or local health department or FoodNet staff) | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 11/21/08 | Added for NBS Release 2.0 |
FDD_Q_605 | MS123 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Did patient have HUS? | Did patient have HUS? | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_606 | MS124 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory? | What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_607 | MS125 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | Was the isolate identified as Campylobacter? | Was the isolate identified as Campylobacter? | Single-selection | PHVS_YNUNT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_608 | MS126 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory? | What was the EIA result at clinical laboratory? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_609 | MS127 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory? | What was the PCR result at clinical laboratory? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_610 | MS128 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the EIA result at SPHL? | What was the EIA result at SPHL? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_611 | MS129 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at SPHL? | What was the PCR result at SPHL? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
FDD_Q_612 | MS130 | Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Message Spec | What was the PCR result at CDC? | What was the PCR result at CDC? | Single-selection | PHVS_FDD_LAB_RESULT2 | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/30/09 | Added for NBS Release 3.1 |
HEP100 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | TESTRX | The reason the patient was tested for hepatitis. |
Multi-selection | H_RSN_FOR_TEST | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP101 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | OTHREASON | Other reason the patient was tested for hepatitis. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP102 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | SYMPTOM | Is the patient symptomatic? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP103 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | SYMTDT | The onset date of symptoms. |
Date | Public_Health_Case | effective_from_time | n/a | |||
HEP104 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | JAUNDICED | Was the patient jaundiced? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP106 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | PREGNANT | Was the patient pregnant? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP107 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | DUEDT | The patient's pregnancy due date. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP108 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | DEATH | Did the patient die from hepatitis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Public_Health_Case | outcome_cd | n/a | ||
HEP110 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | TOTANTIHAV | Total antibody to hepatitis A virus [total anti-HAV] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP111 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | IGMHAV | IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus [IgM anti-HAV] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP112 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | HBSAG | Hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP113 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | TOTANTIHBC | Total antibody to hepatitis B core antigen [Total anti-HBc] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP114 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | IGMHBC | IgM antibody to hepatitis B core antigen [IgM anti-HBc] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP115 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ANTIHCV | Antibody to hepatitis C virus [anti-HCV] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP116 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ANTIHCVSIG | anti-HCV signal to cut-off ratio |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
HEP117 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | SUPANTIHCV | Supplemental anti-HCV assay [e.g RIBA] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP118 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | HCVRNA | HCV RNA [e.g PCR] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP119 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ANTIHDV | Antibody to hepatitis D virus [anti-HDV] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP120 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ANTIHEV | Antibody to hepatitis E virus [anti-HEV] |
Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP121 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ALTSGPT | ALT (SGPT) Result (include units) |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
HEP122 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ALTSGPTUP | ALT (SGPT) Result Upper Limit Normal (include units) |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
HEP123 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ASTSGOT | AST (SGOT) Result (include units) |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
HEP124 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ASTSGOTUP | AST (SGOT) Result Upper Limit Normal (include units) |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
HEP125 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ALTDT | The date of the ALT result. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP126 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | ASTDT | The date of the AST result |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP127 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | EPILINK | If this case has a diagnosis of hepatitis A that has not been serologically confirmed, is there an epidemiologic link between this patient and a laboratory-confirmed hepatitis A case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP128 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | DX | The disease diagnosis. | Multi-selection | PHC_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP129 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | CONTACTA | During the two to six weeks prior to the onset of symptoms, was the patient a contact of a person with confirmed or suspected hepatitis A virus infection? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP130 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ATYPE | The type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected hepatitis A virus infection during the two to six weeks prior to symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_CONTACT_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP131 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AOTHCON | Other type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected hepatitis A virus infection during the two to six weeks prior to symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP132 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ADAYCARE1 | Was the patient a child or employee in day care center, nursery, or preschool? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP133 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ADAYCARE2 | Was the patient a household contact of a child or employee in a day care center, nursery, or preschool? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP134 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ADAYCAREAID | Was there an identified hepatitis A case in the child care facility? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP135 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ASEXMALE | The number of male sex partners the person had in the two to six weeks before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP136 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ASEXFEMALE | The number of female sex partners the person had in the two to six weeks before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP137 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AIVDRUGS | Did the patient inject street drugs in the two to six weeks before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP138 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ADRUGS | Did the patient use street drugs but not inject in the two to six weeks before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP139 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | ATRAVEL | Did the patient travel outside of the U.S.A. or Canada in the two to six weeks before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP140 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AWHERE | The countries to which the patient traveled (outside of the U.S.A. or Canada) in the two to six weeks before symptom onset? |
Multi-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
HEP141 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AHHTRAVEL | Did anyone in the patient's household travel outside of the U.S.A. or Canada in the three months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP142 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AHHWHERE | The countries to which anyone in the patient's household traveled (outside of the U.S.A. or Canada) in the three months before symptom onset? |
Multi-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
HEP143 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AOUTBREAK | Is the patient suspected as being part of a common-source outbreak? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP144 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AOUTBRTYPE | The type of outbreak with which the patient is associated. |
Single-selection | H_OUTBREAK_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP145 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AFOODITEM | The food item with which the foodborne outbreak is associated. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP146 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | AHANDLER | Was the patient employed as a food handler during the two weeks prior to onset of symptoms or while ill? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP147 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | HEPAVAC | Has patient ever received the hepatitis A vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP148 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | HEPAVACDOS | The number of doses of hepatitis A vaccine the patient received. |
Single-selection | H_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP149 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | HEPAVACYR | The year that the patient received the last dose of hepatitis A vaccine. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP150 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | IMMUGLOB | Has the patient ever received immune globulin? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP151 | MS110 | Acute Hepatitis A Message Spec | IMMUGLOBYR | The date that the patient received the last dose of immune globulin. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP152 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | CONTACTB | During the six weeks to six months prior to onset of symptoms, was the patient a contact of a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP153 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTYPE | The type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection during the two to six weeks prior to symptom onset. |
Multi-selection | H_CONTACT_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP154 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BOTHCON | Other type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection during the two to six weeks prior to symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP155 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BMALESEX | The number of male sex partners the person had in the six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP156 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BFEMALESEX | The number of female sex partners the person had in the six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP157 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BSTD | Was patient ever treated for a sexually-transmitted disease? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP158 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BSTDYR | The year that the patient received the most recent treatment for a sexually-transmitted disease. |
Date | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
HEP159 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BIVDRUGS | Did the patient inject street drugs not prescribed by a doctor in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP160 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BDRUGS | Did the patient use street drugs but not inject in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP161 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BDIALYSIS | Did the patient undergo hemodialysis in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP162 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BSTICK | Did the patient have an accidental stick or puncture with a needle or other object contaminated with blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP163 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTRANS | Did the patient receive blood or blood products (transfusion) in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP164 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTRANSDT | The date the patient received blood or blood products (transfusion) in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP165 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BBLOOD | Did the patient have other exposure to someone else's blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP166 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BBLOODTYPE | The patient's blood exposure in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset other than through transfusion or an accidental stick or punture. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
HEP167 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BMEDEMP | Was the patient employed in a medical or dental field involving direct contact with human blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP168 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BFREQ1 | The patient's frequency of blood contact as an employee in a medical or dental field involving direct contact with human blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_BLDCNTC_FREQ | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP169 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BPUBSAFEMP | was the patient employed as a public safety worker (fire fighter, law enforcement, or correctional offier) having direct contact with human blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP170 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BFREQ2 | The patient's frequency of blood contact as a public safety worker (fire fighter, law enforcement, or correctional offier) having direct contact with human blood in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_BLDCNTC_FREQ | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP171 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTATTOO | Did the patient receive a tattoo in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP172 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTATTOOLOC | The location where the patient received a tattoo in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Multi-selection | H_PIERC_LOC_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP173 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BTATTOOOTH | Other location where the patient received a tattoo in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
HEP174 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BPIERCE | Did the patient have any part of their body pierced (other than ear) in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP175 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BPIERCELOC | The location where the patient received a piercing in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Multi-selection | H_PIERC_LOC_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP176 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BPEIRCEOTH | Other location where the patient received a piercing in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP177 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BDENTAL | Did the patient have dental work or oral surgery in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP178 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BSURGERY | Did the patient have surgery (other than oral surgery) in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP179 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BHOSP | Was the patient hospitalized in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP180 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BNURSHOME | Was the patient a resident of a long term care facility in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP181 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BINCAR | Was the patient incarcerated for longer than 24 hours in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP182 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BINCARTYPE | The type of facility where the patient was incarcerated for longer than 24 hours in the six weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Multi-selection | H_INCAR_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP183 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BEVERINCAR | Was the patient ever incarcerated for longer than 6 six months during his or her lifetime? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP184 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | INCARYR | The year that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
HEP185 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | INCARDUR | The length of time that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP186 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | INCARUNIT | The length of time units that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
HEP187 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BVACCINE | Did the patient ever receive hepatitis B vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP188 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BVACCINENO | The number of shots of hepatitis B vaccine that the patient received. |
Single-selection | H_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP189 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BVACCINEYR | The year in which the patient received the last shot of hepatitis B vaccine. |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
HEP190 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BANTIBODY | Was the patient tested for antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs) within 1-2 months after the last dose? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP191 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BRESULT | Was the serum anti-HBs >= 10ml U/ml? (Answer 'yes' if lab result reported as positive or reactive) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP192 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CCONTACT | Was the patient a contact of a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis C infection in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP193 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTYPE | The type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis C infection in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_CONTACT_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP194 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | COTHCON | Other type of contact the patient had with a person with confirmed or suspected acute or chronic hepatitis C infection in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP195 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CMALESEC | The number of male sex partners the person had in the six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP196 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CFEMALESEX | The number of female sex partners the person had in the six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_NUM_SEX_PART | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP197 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CSTD | Was patient ever treated for a sexually-transmitted disease? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP198 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CSTDYR | The year that the patient received the most recent treatment for a sexually-transmitted disease. |
Date | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
HEP199 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CMEDEMP | Was the patient employed in a medical or dental field involving direct contact with human blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP200 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CFREQ1 | The patient's frequency of blood contact as an employee in a medical or dental field involving direct contact with human blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_BLDCNTC_FREQ | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP201 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CPUBSAFEMP | was the patient employed as a public safety worker (fire fighter, law enforcement, or correctional offier) having direct contact with human blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP202 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CFREQ2 | The patient's frequency of blood contact as a public safety worker (fire fighter, law enforcement, or correctional offier) having direct contact with human blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_BLDCNTC_FREQ | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP203 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTATTOO | Did the patient receive a tattoo in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP204 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTATTOOLOC | The location where the patient received a tattoo in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_PIERC_LOC_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP205 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTATTOOOTH | Other location where the patient received a tattoo in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP206 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CPIERCE | Did the patient have any part of their body pierced (other than ear) in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP207 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CPIERCELOC | The location where the patient received a piercing in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_PIERC_LOC_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP208 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CPIERCEOTH | Other location where the patient received a piercing in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP209 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CIVDRUGS | Did the patient inject street drugs not prescribed by a doctor in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP210 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CDRUGS | Did the patient use street drugs but not inject in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP211 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CDIALYSIS | Did the patient undergo hemodialysis in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP212 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CSTICK | Did the patient have an accidental stick or puncture with a needle or other object contaminated with blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP213 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTRANSF | Did the patient receive blood or blood products (transfusion) in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP214 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CTRANSDT | The date the patient received blood or blood products (transfusion) in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP215 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CBLOOD | Did the patient have other exposure to someone else's blood in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP216 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CBLOODEX | The patient's blood exposure in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset other than through transfusion or an accidental stick or punture. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
HEP217 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CDENTAL | Did the patient have dental work or oral surgery in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP218 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CSURGEY | Did the patient have surgery (other than oral surgery) in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP219 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CHOSP | Was the patient hospitalized in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP220 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CNURSHOME | Was the patient a resident of a long term care facility in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP221 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CINCAR | Was the patient incarcerated for longer than 24 hours in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP222 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CINCARTYPE | The type of facility where the patient was incarcerated for longer than 24 hours in the two weeks to six months before symptom onset. |
Single-selection | H_INCAR_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP223 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CEVERINCAR | Was the patient ever incarcerated for longer than 6 six months during his or her lifetime? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP224 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CINCARYR | The year that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Date | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
HEP225 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CINCARDUR | The length of time that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/10/03 | ||
HEP226 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CINCARUNIT | The length of time units that the patient was most recently incarcerated for longer than six months. |
Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
HEP227 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HAVTRANSF | Did the patient receive a blood transfusion prior to 1992? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP228 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HACTRANSP | Did the patient receive an organ transplant prior to 1992? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP229 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVCLOT | Did the patient receive clotting factor concentrates prior to 1987? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP230 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVDIAL | Was the patient ever on long term hemodialysis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP231 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVIVDRUGS | Has the patient ever injected drugs not prescribed by doctor even if only once or a few times? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP232 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVNUMPART | How many sex partners has patient had (approximate lifetime)? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/10/03 | ||
HEP233 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVINCAR | Was the patient ever incarcerated? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP234 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVSTD | Was the patient ever treated for a sexually-transmitted disease? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP235 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVCONTACT | Was the patient ever a contact of person who had hepatitis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP236 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVTYPE | The type of contact the patient had with a person with hepatitis. |
Single-selection | H_CONTACT_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP237 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVOTHCON | Other type of contact the patient had with a person with hepatitis. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
HEP238 | MS113 | Hepatitic C Virus Infection Message Spec | HCVMEDEMP | Was the patient ever employed in a medical or dental field involving direct contact with human blood? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP239 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMOMRACE | The race of the patient's mother. |
Multi-selection | P_RACE_CAT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP240 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMOMETH | The ethnicity of the patient's mother. |
Single-selection | P_ETHN_GRP | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP241 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMOMBORN | Was mother born outside of the U.S.A.? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP242 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMOMCTRY | The mother's birth country (other than the US). |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP243 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVCONF | Was the mother confirmed HBsAg positive prior to or at time of delivery? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP244 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVCONFDEL | Was the mother confirmed HBsAg positive after delivery? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP245 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVCONFDT | The date of HBsAg positive test result. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP246 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVVACDOSE | How many doses of hepatitis B vaccine did the child receive? |
Single-selection | H_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP247 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVVACDT1 | The date the child received the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP248 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVVACDT2 | The date the child received the second dose of hepatitis B vaccine. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP249 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVVACDT3 | The date the child received the third dose of hepatitis B vaccine. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP250 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBIG | Did the child receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP251 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBIGDT | The date the child received HBIG. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
HEP252 | MS111 | Acute Hepatitis B Message Spec | BIVOUTPT | Did the patient receive any IV infusions and/or injections in the outpatient setting during the six weeks to six months prior to onset of symptoms. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP253 | MS112 | Acute Hepatitis C Message Spec | CIVOUTPT | Did the patient receive any IV infusions and/or injections in the outpatient setting during the two weeks to six months prior to onset of symptoms. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP255 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | BIRTHPLACE | The patient's country of birth. |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP256 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMRACECD | The mother's detailed race category. |
Multi-selection | P_RACE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP257 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMETHCD | The mother's detailed ethnicity category. |
Multi-selection | P_ETHN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
HEP258 | MS114 | Perinatal HBV Message Spec | HBVMOMRDES | The mother race - if other than the provided race categories. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 07/10/03 | ||
HEP263 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | Hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen [HBeAg] test result | Hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen [HBeAg] test result | Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 11/29/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
HEP264 | MS104 | Hepatitis Generic Message Spec | HBV DNA test result | HBV DNA test result | Single-selection | PNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 11/19/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
INV107 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Jurisdiction Code | Identifier for the physical site from which the report is being submitted. | Single-selection | S_JURDIC_C | Public_Health_Case | jurisdiction_cd | n/a | ||
INV108 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Program Area Code | The organizational ownership of the investigation. Program areas(e.g. Immunization, STD) are defined at the state-level by the conditions for which they provide primary prevention and control. | Single-selection | S_PROGRA_C | Public_Health_Case | prog_area_cd | n/a | ||
INV108 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Case Program Area Code | The organizational ownership of the investigation. Program areas(e.g. Immunization, STD) are defined at the state-level by the conditions for which they provide primary prevention and control. | Single-selection | S_PROGRA_C | Public_Health_Case | prog_area_cd | n/a | ||
INV109 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Investigation Status Code | The status of the investigation. For example, open or closed. | Single-selection | PHC_IN_STS | Public_Health_Case | investigation_status_cd | n/a | ||
INV110 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Investigation Date Assigned | Date the investigator was assigned to this investigation. | Date | Participation | from_time | 07/22/03 | |||
INV111 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date of Report | Date first reported by reporting source. | Date | Public_Health_Case | rpt_form_cmplt_time | n/a | |||
INV112 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Reporting Source Type Code | Type of facility or provider associated with the source of information sent to Public Health. | Single-selection | PHC_RPT_SRC_T | Public_Health_Case | rpt_source_cd | n/a | ||
INV118 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Reporting Source Zip Code | Zip Code of the reporting source for this case. | Alphanumeric | Postal_locator | zip_cd | OrgAsReporterOfPHC | |||
INV120 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Earliest Date reported to county | Earliest date reported to county public health system. | Date | Public_Health_Case | rpt_to_county_time | n/a | |||
INV121 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Earliest Date reported to State | Earliest date reported to state public health system. | Date | Public_Health_Case | rpt_to_state_time | n/a | |||
INV128 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Was the patient hospitalized as a result of this event? | Was the patient hospitalized as a result of this event? | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
INV132 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Admission Date | Subject's admission date to the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 02/22/05 | ||
INV133 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Discharge Date | Subject's discharge date from the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 02/22/05 | ||
INV134 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Duration of Stay in days | Subject's duration of stay at the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 numeric_value_2 separator_cd numeric_unit_cd |
n/a | 02/22/05 | ||
INV136 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Diagnosis Date | Date of diagnosis of condition being reported to public health system. | Date | Public_Health_Case | diagnosis_time | n/a | |||
INV137 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date of Onset Illness | Date of the beginning of the illness. Reported date of the onset of symptoms of the condition being reported to the public health system. | Date | Public_Health_Case | effective_from_time | n/a | |||
INV138 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Illness End Date | The time at which the disease or condition ends. | Date | Public_Health_Case | effective_to_time | n/a | |||
INV139 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Illness Duration | The length of time this person had this disease or condition. | Numeric | Public_Health_Case | effective_duration_amt | n/a | |||
INV140 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Illness Duration Units | Unit of time used to describe the length of the illness or condition. | Single-selection | DUR_UNIT | Public_Health_Case | effective_duration_unit_cd | n/a | ||
INV145 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Patient Death | Did the patient die? | Single-selection | YNU | Public_Health_Case | outcome_cd | n/a | 07/15/03 | |
INV147 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Investigation Start Date | The date the investigation was started or initiated. | Date | Public_Health_Case | activity_from_time | n/a | |||
INV148 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Is this patient associated with a day care facility? |
Indicates whether the subject of the investigation was associated with a day care facility. The association could mean that the subject attended daycare or work in a daycare facility. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV149 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Is this person a food handler? | Indicates whether the subject of the investigation was food handler. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV150 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Outbreak Indicator | Denotes whether the reported case was associated with an identified outbreak. | Single-selection | YNU | Public_Health_Case | outbreak_ind | n/a | ||
INV151 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Outbreak Name | A name assigned to an individual outbreak. State assigned in SRT. Should show only those outbreaks for the program area of the investigation. | Single-selection | OUTBREAK_NM | Public_Health_Case | outbreak_name | n/a | ||
INV152 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Disease Imported Code | Indication of where the disease/condition was likely acquired. | Single-selection | PHC_IMPRT | Public_Health_Case | disease_imported_cd | n/a | ||
INV153 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Imported Country | If the disease or condition was imported, indicate the country in which the disease was likely acquired. | Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV154 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Imported State | If the disease or condition was imported, indicate the state in which the disease was likely acquired. | Single-selection | STATE_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV155 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Imported City | If the disease or condition was imported, indicate the city in which the disease was likely acquired. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 02/22/05 | ||
INV156 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Imported County | If the disease or condition was imported, this field will contain the county of origin of the disease or condition. | Single-selection | COUNTY_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV157 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Transmission Mode | Code for the mechanism by which disease or condition was acquired by the subject of the investigation. Includes sexually transmitted, airborne, bloodborne, vectorborne, foodborne, zoonotic, nosocomial, mechanical, dermal, congenital, environmental exposure, indeterminate. | Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_M | Public_Health_Case | transmission_mode_cd | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV159 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Detection Method | Code for the method by which the public health department was made aware of the case. Includes provider report, patient self-referral, laboratory report, case or outbreak investigation, contact investigation, active surveillance, routine physical, prenatal testing, perinatal testing, prison entry screening, occupational disease surveillance, medical record review, etc. | Single-selection | PHC_DET_MT | Public_Health_Case | detection_method_cd | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV161 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Confirmation Method | Code for the mechanism by which the case was classified. This attribute is intended to provide information about how the case classification status was derived. | Multi-selection | PHC_CONF_M | Confirmation_method | confirmation_method_cd | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV162 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Confirmation Date | If an investigation is confirmed as a case, then the confirmation date is entered. | Date | Confirmation_method | confirmation_method_time | n/a | 02/22/05 | ||
INV163 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Case Class Status Code | Indication of the level of certainty regarding whether a person has a disease/condition. Where applicable, is defined by CSTE/CDC Standard Case Definition. For example: Confirmed, Probable or Suspect case. | Single-selection | PHC_CLASS | Public_Health_Case | case_class_cd | n/a | ||
INV163 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Case Class Status Code | Indication of the level of certainty regarding whether a person has a disease/condition. Where applicable, is defined by CSTE/CDC Standard Case Definition. For example: Confirmed, Probable or Suspect case. | Single-selection | PHC_CLASS | Public_Health_Case | case_class_cd | n/a | ||
INV164 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Number of Cases | The number of cases being reported in a single record(>=1). | Numeric | Public_Health_Case | group_case_cnt | n/a | |||
INV165 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | MMWR Week | MMWR Week for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. | Numeric | Public_Health_Case | mmwr_week | n/a | |||
INV165 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | MMWR Week | MMWR Week for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. | Numeric | Public_Health_Case | mmwr_week | n/a | |||
INV166 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | MMWR Year | MMWR Year (YYYY) for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. | Date | Public_Health_Case | mmwr_year | n/a | |||
INV166 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | MMWR Year | MMWR Year (YYYY) for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. | Date | Public_Health_Case | mmwr_year | n/a | |||
INV168 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Investigation Local ID | The local ID of the investigation that the case subject/entity is associated with. State-assigned through NEDSS. | Alphanumeric | Public_Health_Case | local_id | 07/22/03 | |||
INV168 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Investigation Local ID | The local ID of the investigation that the case subject/entity is associated with. State-assigned through NEDSS. | Alphanumeric | Public_Health_Case | local_id | 01/06/04 | |||
INV169 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Condition Code | Code for disease or condition being reported e.g. for Measles notification, code will be code for Measles (10140). Required Field. | Single-selection | PHC_TYPE | Public_Health_Case | cd | n/a | ||
INV169 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Condition Code | Code for disease or condition being reported e.g. for Measles notification, code will be code for Measles (10140). Required Field. | Single-selection | PHC_TYPE | Public_Health_Case | cd | n/a | ||
INV170 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Condition Code Desc Text | Textual description of the condition or disease for which the investigation is based. Such as HIV infection, Tuberculosis or Acute Hepatitis B. | Alphanumeric | Public_Health_Case | cd_desc_txt | n/a | |||
INV170 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Condition Code Desc Text | Textual description of the condition or disease for which the investigation is based. Such as HIV infection, Tuberculosis or Acute Hepatitis B. | Alphanumeric | Public_Health_Case | cd_desc_txt | n/a | |||
INV173 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | State Case ID | States use this field to link NEDSS (NETSS) investigations back to their own state investigations. | Alphanumeric | Act_id | root_extension_txt | n/a | |||
INV176 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date of First Report to CDC | The date the case was first reported to the CDC. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
INV177 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date First Reported PHD | The earliest date the case was reported to a public health department. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
INV178 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Pregnancy Status | Assesses whether or not the patient is pregnant. Though only valid for female patients, there will be no edit restricting this. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV179 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease | Assesses whether or not the patient has pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Though only valid for female patients, there will be no edit restricting this. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 02/22/05 | |
INV187 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Investigation Case Report County Code | The county that reported the Case. | Single-selection | COUNTY_CCD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
LYM100 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Erythema Migrans | Indicates whether the patient had erythema migrans (physician diagnosed EM at least 5 cm in diameter). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM101 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Swelling | Indicates whether the patient had arthritis characterized by brief attacks of joint swelling. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM102 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Bell’s Palsy or other cranial neuritis | Indicates whether the patient had Bell's palsy or other cranial neuritis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM103 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Radiculoneuropathy | Indicates whether the patient had radiculoneuropathy. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM104 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Lymphocytic meningitis | Indicates whether the patient had lymphocytic meningitis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM105 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Encephalitis/Encephalomyelitis | Indicates whether the patient had encephalitis/encephalomyelitis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM106 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | CSF tested for antibodies to B. burgdorferi | Indicates whether the patient was CSF tested for antibodies to B. burgdorferi. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM107 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Antibody to B. burgdorferi higher in CSF than in serum | Indicates whether Antibody to B. burgdorferi was higher in CSF than in serum. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM108 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | 2nd or 3rd degree atrioventricular block | Indicates whether the patient had 2nd or 3rd degree atrioventricular block. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
LYM109 | MS128 | Lyme Disease Message Spec | Other Clinical | Other clinical comments entered for the case. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MEA001 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Did the patient have a rash? | Did the person being reported in this investigation have a rash? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA002 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Rash onset date | What was the onset date of the person's rash? |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA003 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Rash Duration | How many days did the rash being reported in this investigation last? |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 numeric_value_2 separator_cd |
n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
MEA004 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was the rash generalized? | Was the rash generalized? (Ocurring on more than one or two parts of the body?) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA005 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Did the patient have a fever? | Did the person have a fever? I.E., a measured temperature >2 degrees above normal |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA006 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Highest Measured Temperature | What was the person's highest measured temperature during this illness? | numeric (###.#) | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
MEA007 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Temperature units | The units of measure of the highest measured temperature. This would be either Fahrenheit or Celsius. |
Single-selection | TEMP_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
MEA008 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Cough | Did the person develop a cough during this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA009 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Croup | Did the person develop croup as a complication of measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA010 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Coryza (runny nose) | Did the person develop corysa(runny nose) during this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA011 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Hepatitis | Did the person develop hepatitis after contracting measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA012 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Conjunctivitis | Did the person develop conjunctivitis during this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA013 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Otitis Media | Did the person develop otitis media as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA014 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Diarrhea | Did the person develop diarrhea as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA015 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Pneumonia | Did the person develop pneumonia as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA016 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Encephalitis | Did the person develop encephalitis as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA017 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Thrombocytopenia | Did the person develop thrombocytopenia as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA018 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Other Complication | Did the person develop an other conditions as a complication of this illness? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA019 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Specify Other Complication | Please specify the other complication the person developed, during or as a result of this illness. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
MEA027 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was laboratory testing done for measles? | Was laboratory testing done to confirm a diagnosis of measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA028 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date IgM Specimen Taken | Date the IgM specimen was taken |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA029 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Result of IgM Test | Result of the IgM test |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA030 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date IgG Acute Specimen Taken | Date the acute IgG specimen was taken |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA031 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date IgG Convalescent Specimen Taken | Date the convalescent IgG specimen was taken |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA032 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Result of Acute/Convalescent IgG Tests | The interpretative result of the difference between the values for the acute and convalescent IgG tests. |
Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA033 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was other laboratory testing done? | Was other laboratory testing done to confirm a diagnosis of measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA034 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Specify Other Testing | Specify the other test that was performed to confirm a diagnosis of measles. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
MEA035 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date of Other Testing | Date other testing was done to confirm a diagnosis of measles. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA036 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Other Laboratory Results | Laboratory test results for other testing that was done to confirm a diagnosis of measles. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
MEA038 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Were the specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC laboratories for genotyping (molecular typing)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA039 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Did the patient receive a measles-containing vaccine? | Did the person receive a measles-containing vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA040 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | If no, reason patient did not receive a measles-containing vaccine | If the person did not receive a measles-containing vaccine, what was the reason? |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA042 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Number of doses received BEFORE first birthday | The number of doses of measles-containing vaccine the person received before their first birthday. |
1 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
MEA043 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Number of doses received ON or AFTER first birthday | The number of measles-containing vaccine doses the patient received on or after their first birthday. |
1 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
MEA044 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Reason for vaccinating before birthday but not after | If the person was vaccinated with measles-containing vaccine before the first birthday, but did not receive a vaccine dose after their first birthday, state the reason. |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA045 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | If patient received one dose ON or AFTER first birthday, but never received a second dose after the | If the person received one dose of measles-containing vaccine ON or AFTER their first birthday, but did not receive a second dose after the first birthday, what was the reason? |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA057 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Transmission Setting | What was the transmission setting where the measles was acquired? |
Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_SETNG | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA059 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Were age and setting verified? | Does the age of the case match or make sense for the transmission setting listed (i.e. a person aged 80 probably would not have a transmission setting of child day care center.)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA060 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Does this patient reside in the USA? | Does the person currently reside in the USA? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA067 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Is this case Epi-linked to another confirmed or probable case? | Specify if this case is Epidemiologically-linked to another confirmed or probable case of measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA068 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Is this case traceable (linked) to an international case? | A yes answer to this questions denotes that the person in this case knows that they acquired measles from another person who acquired the disease internationally. It does not denote that the person in this case traveled or lived internationally. Required |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA069 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Confirmation Method | What method was used to classify the case status? |
Single-selection | NIP_CONF_M | Confirmation_method | confirmation_method_cd | n/a | ||
MEA071 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date of fever onset | Date of fever onset. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA072 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Date sent for genotyping | The date the specimens were sent to the CDC laboratories for genotyping. |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
MEA073 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was IgM testing performed? | Was IgM testing performed to confirm a diagnosis of measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA074 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was IgG Acute/Convalescent testing performed? | This is a series test. The first test is called the acute test;the second, the convalescent test. An interpretive analysis is made for the difference between the values resulting from the two tests. (This interpretive result is recorded in the field en | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA075 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Rash onset occur within 18 days of entering USA | Did rash onset occur within 18 days of entering the USA, following any travel or living outside the USA? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
MEA076 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Source of Infection | What was the source of the measles infection? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
MEA077 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Measles Specimen Type | NIP requested that this field be added (8/23/02) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
MEA078 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Patient Death from Measles | Did the patient die from measles or complications (including a secondary infection) associated with measles? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/15/03 | |
MEA079 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Was Measles virus genotype sequenced | Identifies whether the Measles virus was genotype sequenced. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
MEA080 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Type of Genotype Sequence | Identifies the genotype sequence of the Measles virus. | Single-selection | MSL_GENOTYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
MEA081 | MS103 | Measles Message Spec | Other Genotype Sequence | Identifies the other genotype sequence of the Measles virus (if a value is not found in the drop-down). | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. | |
MUM100 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Parotitis | This field indicates whether the patient had parotitis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM101 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Meningitis | This field indicates whether the patient had meningitis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM102 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Deafness | This field indicates whether the patient became deaf as a result of mumps. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM103 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Orchitis | Indicates whether the patient had orchitis (complication). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 05/26/05 | |
MUM104 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Encephalitis | Indicates whether the patient had encephalitis (complication). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM105 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Other complications | Indicates whether the patient had any other complications. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM106 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Specify Other complication | Specifies the other complication the patient had. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM108 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Laboratory testing done | Indicates whether the patient had testing done for mumps. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM109 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgM Testing | Indicates whether an IgM test was peformed for the patient. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM110 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgM Specimen Date | Specifies the date the IgM test was performed. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM111 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgM Specimen Result | Specifies the result of the IgM test. | Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM112 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgG Acute/Convalescent Testing | Indicates whether IgG Acute/Convalescent testing was performed for this patient. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM113 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgG Acute Specimen Date | Specifies the date the IgG Acute specimen was taken. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM114 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgG Convalescent Specimen Date | Specifies the date the IgG Convalescent specimen was taken. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM115 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | IgG Acute/Convalescent Test Result | Specifies the result of the Acute/Convalescent IgG tests. | Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM116 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Other Lab Testing | Indicates whether other laboratory testing was done. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM117 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Other Test | Specifies the other test that was done. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM118 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Other Test Date | Specifies the date that the other testing was done. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM119 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Other Test Results | Specifies the other laboratory test results. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM120 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Genotyping Specimens Sent | Indicates whether the clinical specimens were sent to the CDC for genotyping (molecular typing). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM121 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Genotyping Date | Specifies the date that the clinical specimens were sent for genotyping. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM122 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Receive mumps vaccine | Indicates whether not the patient received a mumps-containing vaccine. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM123 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Reason for no vaccine | Specifies reason the patient did not receive a mumps-containing vaccine. | Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM124 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Number of doses received | Specifies the number of doses the patient received. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM125 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Length of time in the U.S | Indicates the length of time the patient has lived in the US. | numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM126 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Country of Birth | Indicates the patient's country of birth. | Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM127 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Transmission Setting | Specifies the transmission setting of where the patient acquired mumps. | Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_SETNG | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM128 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Age, setting verified | Indicates whether or not the age and setting were verified. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM129 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Source of Infection | Indicates the source of the mumps infection. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
MUM130 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Epi-linked to another case | Indicates whether or not the case was epi-linked to another confirmed mumps case. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
MUM136 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Parotitis or Other Mumps Complications | Did parotitis or other mumps-associated complication onset occur within 12-25 days of entering the USA, following any travel or living outside USA? (Import Status) | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. |
MUM137 | MS127 | Mumps Message Spec | Case Classification | If this is a U.S.-acquired case, how should the case be classified by source? | Single-selection | NIP_MUMPS_CLASS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | 12/19/07 | Added for R1.1.7. |
NOT103 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date Notification Submitted | The date/time the notification was created. | Date | Notification | add_time | n/a | Added on 12/14/2006 per discussion with Margaret Marshburn. | ||
NOT106 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Date Sent | Date the report is sent to an entity outside the case jurisdiction of occurrence. | Notification | rpt_sent_time | n/a | ||||
NOT109 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | NND Reporting State | State reporting the notification. | 01/06/04 | ||||||
NOT110 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Record Type | The type of record reported (e.g. Condition notification, summary notification, change/retraction of prior notification.) | N_TYPE | Notification | auto_resend_ind | n/a | |||
NOT110 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | NND Report Type | The type of record reported (e.g. Condition notification, summary notification, change/retraction of prior notification.) | N_TYPE | n/a | |||||
NTF139 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Notification Local ID | The system assigned local ID of the notification record. | Notification | local_id | 01/06/04 | Added on 12/14/2006 per discussion with Margaret Marshburn. | |||
NTF139 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Notification Local ID | The system assigned local ID of the notification record. | Notification | local_id | 01/06/04 | ||||
PRT001 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Did the patient have a cough? | Did the patient's illness include the symptom of cough? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT002 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Cough Onset Date | Cough onset date |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT003 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Paroxysmal Cough | Did the patient's illness include the symptom of paroxysmal cough? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT004 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Whoop | Did the patient's illness include the symptom of whoop? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT005 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Post-tussive Vomiting | Did the patient's illness include the symptom of post-tussive vomiting? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT006 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Apnea | Did the patient's illness include the symptom of apnea? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT007 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Date of Final Interview | Date of the patient's final interview |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
PRT008 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Did the patient have a cough at final interview? | Was there a cough at the patient's final interview? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT009 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Total Cough Duration | What was the duration (in days) of the patient's cough? |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 numeric_value_2 separator_cd |
n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
PRT011 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Result of chest X-ray for pneumonia | Result of chest x-ray for pneumonia |
Single-selection | PER_CHEST_XRAY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT012 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Did the patient have generalized or focal seizures due to pertussis? | Did the patient have generalized or focal seizures due to pertussis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT013 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Did the patient have acute encephalopathy due to pertussis? | Did the patient have acute encephalopathy due to pertussis |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT020 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Were antibiotics given? | Were antibiotics given to the patient? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT021 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Antibiotic Name | What antibiotic did the patient receive? |
Single-selection | PER_ANTIBIOTIC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT023 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Antibiotic Start Date | Date the patient first started taking the antibiotic |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT024 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Number of days antibiotic actually taken. | Number of days the patient actually took the antibiotic referenced" |
Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
PRT029 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Was laboratory testing done for pertussis? | Was laboratory testing done for pertussis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT030 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Culture Date | Date that the bordetella pertussis culture was taken |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT031 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Culture Result | Bordetella pertussis culture result | Single-selection | PER_LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT033 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #1 Date | Bordetella pertussis serology #1 date |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT034 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #1 Result | Bordetella pertussis serology #1 result |
Single-selection | PER_LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT037 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #2 Date | Bordetella pertussis serology #2 date |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT038 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #2 Result | Bordetella pertussis serology #2 result |
Single-selection | PER_LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT040 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis PCR Specimen Date | Bordetella pertussis PCR specimen date |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT041 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis PCR Result | Bordetella pertussis PCR result |
Single-selection | PER_LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT044 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Did the patient receive a pertussis-containing vaccine? | Did the patient ever receive a pertussis-containing vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT045 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Date of last pertussis-containing vaccine before illness | Date of last pertussis-containing vaccine before illness |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
PRT046 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Number of doses of pertussis-containing vaccine given 2 weeks or more before illness | Number of doses of pertussis-containing vaccine given |
Single-selection | P_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT047 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Give reason if not vaccinated with 3 or more doses | Give reason if not vaccinated with 3 or more doses of pertussis-containing vaccine |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT060 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Is this case epi-linked to a laboratory-confirmed case? | Is this case epi-linked to a laboratory-confirmed case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT062 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Is this case part of a cluster or outbreak (e.g. total is 2 or more cases)? | Is this case part of a cluster or outbreak (e.g. total is 2 or more cases)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Public_Health_Case | outbreak_ind | n/a | ||
PRT065 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Transmission Setting (Where did this case acquire pertussis?) | Transmission setting (Where did this case acquire pertussis?) |
Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_SETNG | Public_Health_Case | transmission_mode_cd | n/a | ||
PRT067 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Was there documented transmission from this case of pertussis to a new setting? (not in household) | Was there documented transmission (outside of the household) for transmission from this case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT068 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | What was the new setting (outside of the household) for transmission of pertussis from this case? | What is the setting for spread of this case outside the household? |
Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_SETNG | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT069 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Other setting for spread of this case | Other setting for spread of this case outside the household |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT070 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Was there one or more suspected sources of infection? | Were there one or more suspected sources of infection? A suspected source is another person with a cough who was in contact with the case 7-20 days before the case's cough. |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT071 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Number of suspected sources of infection | Number of suspected sources of infection |
one numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
PRT074 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Suspected Source of Infection Age | Suspected source of infection age |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
PRT075 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Suspected Source of Infection Age (type) | Suspected source of infection age type |
Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
PRT076 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Suspected Source of Infection Sex | Suspected source of infection sex |
Single-selection | SEX | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT077 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Suspected Source of Infection Relationship to Case | Suspected source of infection relationship to case |
Single-selection | PER_REL_TY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT078 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Suspected Source of Infection Relation to Case (Other) | Suspected source of infection relationship to case (Other) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT080 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Number of contacts of this case recommended to receive antibiotic prophylaxis | Number of contacts of this case recommended to receive antibiotic prophylaxis |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
PRT081 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Was other laboratory testing done? | Was other laboratory testing done? |
coded value | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT082 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Specify Other Test | Specify other laboratory test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT083 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Date of Other Test | Date of other laboratory test |
date field- complete (MM/DD/YYYY) | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT084 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Other Laboratory Test Results | Other laboratory test results |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT085 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Confimation Method | Method of confiming a case of pertussis. |
Multi-selection | NIP_CONF_M | Confirmation_method | confirmation_method_cd | n/a | ||
PRT087 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | How many doses of pertussis-containing vaccine has this suspected source received? | How many doses of pertussis-containing vaccine has the suspected source received? |
Single-selection | P_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT088 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Estimated cough onset date of this source | Estimated cough onset date of suspected source of infection |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT089 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Culture? | Was Bordetella Pertussis culture taken? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT090 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #1? | Was Bordetella Pertussis Serology #1 done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT091 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis Serology #2? | Was Bordetella Pertussis Serology #2 done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT092 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Bordetella Pertussis PCR Specimen? | Was Bordetella Pertussis PCR specimen taken? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/10/03 | |
PRT093 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT094 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Date specimens sent for genotyping | Date clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
PRT096 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Serology #1 Lab Where Performed | The lab where serology #1 was performed. |
Single-selection | PER_LAB_LOC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT097 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Serology #1 Lab Name | The name of the lab where serology #1 was performed. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT098 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Serology #2 Lab Where Performed | The lab where serology #2 was performed. |
Single-selection | PER_LAB_LOC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT099 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Serology #2 Lab Name | The name of the lab where serology #2 was performed. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT100 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | PCR Lab Where Performed | The lab where PCR was performed. |
Single-selection | PER_PCR_LOC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT101 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | PCR Lab Name | The name of the lab where PCR was performed. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT102 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Genotyping Specimen Type | The type of specimen that was sent to the CDC for genotyping. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
PRT103 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Patient Death from Pertussis | Did the patient die from pertussis or complications (including secondary infection) associated with pertussis? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/15/03 | |
PRT104 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Not Vaccinated Reason | If the patient was not vaccinated with pertussis-vaccine, give reason. |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT105 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Doses Pertussis Vaccine 2 Weeks Before Illness | How many doses of pertussis-containing vaccine were given 2 weeks or more before illness onset? |
Single-selection | P_VAC_DOSE_NUM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
PRT107 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Patient < 12 Months | Indicates whether the patient is less than 12 months old. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. |
PRT108 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Mother's Age at Infant Birth | Specifies the age of the mother at the time that the infant was born. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
PRT109 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Infant Birth Weight (in pounds) | Specifies the birth weight (in Pounds) of the infant. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
PRT110 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Infant Birth Weight (in ounces) | Specifies the birth weight (in Ounces) of the infant. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
PRT111 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Infant Birth Weight (in grams) | Specifies the birth weight (in Grams) of the infant. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
PRT112 | MS115 | Pertussis Message Spec | Infant Birth Weight (Unknown) | Specifies that the birth weight of the infant was unknown. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 01/13/06 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |
RUB001 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Length of time in US | Length of time the patient has been in the US |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 numeric_value_2 separator_cd |
n/a | 07/15/03 | RUB102 was added | |
RUB002 | MS117 | NEEDS TO BE ADDED | Margaret has added this to her Implementation Guide, so we need to add it as well (Instead of just hard coding the units with RUB001). | ||||||||
RUB003 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Maculopapular rash | Did the patient have a maculopapular rash? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB004 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rash onset date | Maculopapular rash onset date |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB005 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Duration of rash | How many days did the maculopapular rash last? |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 numeric_value_2 separator_cd |
n/a | 07/15/03 | ||
RUB006 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Did the patient have a fever? | Did the patient have a fever? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB007 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Highest measured temperature | Highest measured temperature of the patient |
numeric (###.#) | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB008 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Highest measured temperature (units) | Highest measured temperature (unit) |
Single-selection | TEMP_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/08/03 | |
RUB009 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Arthralgia/arthritis (symptom) | Did the patient have arthralgia/arthritis (symptom)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB010 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Lymphadenopathy (symptom) | Did the patient have lymphadenopathy (symptom)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB011 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Conjunctivitis (symptom) | Did the patient have conjunctivitis (symptom)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB019 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Encephalitis (complication) | Did the patient have encephalitis (complication)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB020 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Thrombocytopenia (complication) | Did the patient have thrombocytopenia (complication)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB021 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Did the patient have other complications? | Did the patient have other complications? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB022 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other complications | Did the patient have other complications (Other)? |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB028 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Cause of death | Cause of patient's death |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB033 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Was laboratory testing done for rubella? | Was laboratory testing done for rubella? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB034 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgM EIA? | Rubella IgM EIA test? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB035 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgM EIA test | Date of rubella IgM EIA test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB036 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgM EIA test result | Result of rubella IgM EIA test |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB037 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgM EIA Capture? | Rubella Igm EIA capture? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB038 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgM EIA Capture | Date of rubella IgM EIA capture |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB039 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgM EIA Capture result | Result of rubella IgM EIA capture |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB040 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgM test? | Other rubella IgM test done? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB041 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other Rubella IgM test | Specify other rubella IgM test done |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB042 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of other Rubella IgM test | Date of other rubella IgM test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB043 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgM Test result | Result of other rubella IgM test |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB044 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgG, EIA - Acute? | Rubella IgG, EIA - acute? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB045 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgG, EIA - Acute | Date of rubella IgG, EIA - acute |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB046 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgG, EIA - Convalescent? | Rubella IgG, EIA - convalescent? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB047 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Rubella IgG, EIA - Convalescent | Date of rubella IgG, EIA - convalescent |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB048 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Difference between Acute/Convalescent IgG EIA tests | Difference between acute/convalescent IgG EIA tests |
Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB049 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Acute? | Hemagglutination inhibition test- acute? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB050 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Acute | Date of hemagglutination inhibition test- acute |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB051 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Convalescent? | Hemagglutination inhibition test - convalescent? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB052 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Convalescent | Date hemagglutination inhibition test-convalescent |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB053 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Difference between Acute/Convalescent Hemagglutination Inhibition tests | Difference between acute/convalescent hemagglutination inhibition tests |
Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB054 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Complement Fixation test - Acute? | Complement fixation test- acute? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB055 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Complement Fixation test - Acute | Date of complement fixation test - acute |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB056 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Complement Fixation test - Convalescent? | Complement fixation test - convalescent? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB057 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Complement Fixation test - Convalescent | Date of complement fixation test - convalescent |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB058 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Difference between Acute/Convalescent Complement Fixation tests | Difference between acute/complement fixation tests |
Single-selection | NIP_IGG_DIFF | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB059 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test? (1) | Other Rubella IgG test? (#1) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB060 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other Rubella IgG test (1) | Specify other Rubella IgG test (#1) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB061 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of other Rubella IgG test (1) | Date of other Rubella IgG test (#1) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB062 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test result (1) | Result of other Rubella IgG test (#1) |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB063 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test? (2) | Other Rubella IgG test? (#2) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB064 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other Rubella IgG test (2) | Specify other Rubella IgG test (#2) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB065 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of other Rubella IgG test (2) | Date of other Rubella IgG test (#2) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB066 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test result (2) | Result of other Rubella IgG test (#2) |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB067 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test? (3) | Other Rubella IgG test? (#3) |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB068 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other Rubella IgG test (3) | Specify other Rubella IgG test (#3) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB069 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of other Rubella IgG test (3) | Date of other Rubella IgG test (#3) |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB070 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella IgG test result (3) | Result of other Rubella IgG test (#3) |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB071 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Virus Isolation performed? | Virus Isolation performed? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB072 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Virus Isolation | Date of Virus Isolation |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB073 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Source of Virus Isolation specimen | Source of Virus Isolation specimen |
Single-selection | NIP_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB074 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other source of virus isolation specimen | If other Virus Isolation specimen source, please specify |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB075 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Virus Isolation result | Virus Isolation result |
Single-selection | RUB_VIR_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB076 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | RT-PCR performed? | RT-PCR performed? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB077 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of RT-PCR | Date of RT-PCR |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB078 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Source of RT-PCR | Source of RT-PCR |
Single-selection | NIP_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB078a | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other source of RT-PCR | Other source of RT-PCR |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB079 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | RT-PCR result | Result of RT-PCR |
Single-selection | RUB_VIR_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB080 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Latex Agglutination test performed? | Latex Agglutination test performed? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB081 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Latex Agglutination test | Date of Latex Agglutination test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB083 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Latex Agglutination test result | Result of latex agglutination test |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB084 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Immunofluorescent Antibody Assays performed? | Immunofluorescent Antibody Assay performed? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB085 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assays | Date of immunofluorescent Antibody Assay |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB086 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Source of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assays | Source of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assay |
Single-selection | NIP_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB086a | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other source of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assays | Other source of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assay |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB087 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Immunofluorescent Antibody Assays result | Result of Immunofluorescent Antibody Assay |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB088 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other laboratory testing done for Rubella? | Other laboratory testing done for rubella? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB089 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specify other Rubella test | Specify other rubella laboratory test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB089a | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date of other Rubella test | Date of other rubella laboratory test |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB089b | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Result of other Rubella test | Result of other rubella laboratory test |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB091 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? | Were clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping (molecular typing)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB091a | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Specimen type sent to CDC for genotyping | Specimen type sent to CDC for genotyping |
Single-selection | NIP_SPECMN_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB092 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other specimen type sent to CDC for genotyping | Other specimen type sent to CDC for genotyping |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB093 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Did the patient receive rubella-containing vaccine? | Did the patient receive rubella-containing vaccine? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB094 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Reason patient did not receive rubella-containing vaccine | If patient was never vaccinated, what was the reason? |
Single-selection | VAC_NOTG_RSN | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB096 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Number of doses patient received ON or AFTER first birthday | Number of rubella-containing vaccine doses patient received ON or AFTER first birthday |
1 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB108 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Transmission Setting | What was the transmission setting? |
Single-selection | PHC_TRAN_SETNG | Public_Health_Case | transmission_mode_cd | n/a | ||
RUB110 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Is this case part of an outbreak of 3 or more cases? | Is this case a part of an outbreak of three or more cases? |
Single-selection | Public_Health_Case | outbreak_ind | n/a | |||
RUB112 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Is this case ep-linked to another laboratory confirmed case? | Is this case epi-linked to another laboratory confirmed case? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB117 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | If this is a female, is she pregnant? | If this is a female, is she pregnant? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB118 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | What is the expected delivery date of this pregnancy? | What is the expected delivery date of this pregnancy? |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB119 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Expected place of delivery | Expected place of delivery |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB120 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Number of weeks gestation at time of rubella disease | Number of weeks gestation at time of rubella disease |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB121 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Trimester of gestation at time of rubella disease | Trimester of gestation at time of rubella disease |
Single-selection | PREG_TRIMESTER | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB122 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Is there documentation of previous rubella immunity testing? | Is there documentation of previous rubella immunity testing? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB123 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Result of immunity testing | Result of immunity testing |
Single-selection | NIP_RSLT_QUAL | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB124 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Year of immunity testing | Year (YYYY) of immunity testing |
4 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
RUB125 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Age of woman at time of immunity testing (in years) | Age of woman at time of immunity testing |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB126 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Did the woman ever have rubella disease prior to this pregnancy? | Did the woman ever have rubella disease prior to this pregnancy? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB127 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Was previous rubella disease serologically confirmed by a physician? | Was previous rubella disease serologically confirmed by physician? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB128 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Year of previous disease | What was the year of the previous disease? |
4 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | 07/08/03 | ||
RUB129 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Age of the woman at time of previous disease (in years) | Age of the woman at time of previous disease? |
3 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB130 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | What was the outcome of the current pregnancy? | What was the outcome of the current pregnancy? |
Single-selection | OUTCOME_PREG | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB132 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | If "Live birth" is outcome of the current pregnancy, choose type | If the outcome of the current pregnancy is "Live birth" choose the type |
Single-selection | RUB_BIRTH_OUTCM | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB133 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | If "Not a live birth" is outcome of the current pregnancy, choose type | If the outcome of the current pregnancy is "Not a live birth" choose the type |
Single-selection | OUTCOME_NLB | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB134 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | At the time of cessation of pregnancy, what was the age of the fetus (in weeks)? | At the time of cessation of pregnancy what was the age of the fetus (in weeks)? |
2 numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | n/a | |||
RUB135 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | If "Not a live birth" is outcome of the current pregnancy, was autopysy/pathology study conducted? | If the outcome of the current pregnancy is "Not a live birth", was an autopsy/pathology study conducted? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB136 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Result of autopsy/pathology study | Result of the autopsy/pathology study |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB137 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Confimation Method | Gives the method for confirming the case of Rubella. | NIP_CONF_M | Confirmation_method | confirmation_method_cd | n/a | |||
RUB139 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Date clinical specimens sent to CDC for genotyping | Date clinical specimen sent to CDC for genotyping |
Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | n/a | |||
RUB140 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgG, EIA - Acute result value | EIA - Acute Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB141 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rubella IgG, EIA - Convalescent result value | EIA - Convalescent Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB142 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Acute result value | Hemagglutination Inhibition - Acute Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB143 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Hemagglutination Inhibition test - Convalescent result value | Hemagglutination Inhibition - Convalescent Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB144 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Complement Fixation test - Acute result value | Complement Fixation - Acute Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB145 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Complement Fixation test - Convalescent result value | Complement Fixation - Convalescent Test Result Value |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB146 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Country of Birth | Patient's country of birth |
Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB147 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Arthralgia/arthritis (complication) | Did patient have arthralgia/arthritis (complication)? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB148 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgM EIA (1st) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM EIA (1st). |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB149 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgM EIA (2nd) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM EIA (2nd). |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB150 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other IgM Test Result Value | The test result value for IgM test, other. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB151 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgG, Other (#1) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgG, other (#1). |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB152 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgG, Other (#2) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgG, other (#2). |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB153 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgG, Other (#3) Test Result Value | The test result value for IgG, other (#3). |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB154 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | RT-PCR Test Result Value | The test result value for the RT-PCR test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB155 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Latex Agg. Test Result Value | The test result value for the latex aggluntination test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB156 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Assay Test Result Value | The test result value for the Immunofluorescent Antibody Assay test. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB157 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Rubella Test Result Value | The test result value for rubella lab test, other. |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB158 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Source of Infection | The source of the rubella infection (i.e. person ID, country, etc) |
Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | |||
RUB159 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Rash Onset Entering USA | Did rash onset occur 14-23 days after entering USA, following any travel or living outside the USA? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB160 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgM EIA (1st) Method Used | The method used for IgM EIA (#1). |
Single-selection | CRS_TEST_METHOD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB161 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | IgM EIA (2nd) Method Used | The method used for IgM EIA (#2). |
Single-selection | CRS_TEST_METHOD | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | ||
RUB162 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Patient Death from Rubella | Did the patient die from rubella or complications (including a secondary infection) associated with rubella? |
Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 07/15/03 | |
RUB163 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Traceable to International Case | Identifies whether the Rubella case was traceable (linked) to an international case. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
RUB164 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Was Rubella genotype sequenced | Identifies whether the Rubella virus was genotype sequenced. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
RUB165 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Type of Genotype Sequence | Identifies the genotype sequence of the Rubella virus. | Single-selection | RUB_GENOTYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. |
RUB166 | MS117 | Rubella Message Spec | Other Genotype Sequence | Identifies the other genotype sequence of the Rubella virus (if a value is not found in the drop-down). | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | n/a | 10/30/06 | Added for R1.1.5 SP1. | |
SUM103 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Source | Summary Report Source | Single-selection | SUMMARY_RPT_SRC | Obs_value_coded | code | 01/06/04 | ||
SUM104 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Count | Summary Report Count | Single-selection | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 01/06/04 | |||
SUM105 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Comments | Summary Report Comments | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | 01/06/04 | |||
SUM107 | MS119 | Summary Message Spec | Total Count | Summary Report Total Count | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | 01/06/04 | |||
TET100 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Intensive Care Unit | This field indicates whether the patient was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET101 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Intensive Care Unit days | Number of days in the ICU. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET102 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mechanical Ventilation | This field indicates whether the patient received mechanically ventilation. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET103 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mechanical Ventilation Days | Number of days the patient received mechanically ventilation. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET104 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus symptom onset date | Date of tetanus symptom onset. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET105 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus type | Type of tetanus. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_TYPE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET106 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound | This field indicates whether the patient had an acute wound or injury. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET107 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound date | This field indicates the date an acute wound or injury occured. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET108 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound work related | Indicates whether an acute wound or injury was work related. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET109 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound environment | Specifies the environment where the acute wound or injury was work related. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_ENV | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET110 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound circumstances | Specifies the circumstances under which the acute wound or injury occurred. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET111 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound anatomic site | Specifies the anatomic site of acute wound or injury. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_SITE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET112 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound type | Specifies the principle acute wound or injury type. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_INJURY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET114 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound medical care | Indicates whether medical care was obtained for this acute wound or injury before tetanus symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET115 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound medical care date | Specifies the date medical care was obtained for this acute wound or injury. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET116 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound tetanus toxiod administered | Indicates whether tetanus toxiod (Td, TT, DT, DTaP) was administered for the acute wound or injury before tetanus symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET117 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound tetanus toxiod administered date | Specifies the date the tetanus toxiod (Td, TT, DT, DTaP) was administered for the acute wound or injury before tetanus symptom onset. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET118 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given before symptom onset | Indicates whether tetanus immune globulin (TIG) prophylaxis was given as a part of the wound care before tetanus symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET119 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given before symptom onset date | Specifies the date the tetanus immune globulin (TIG) prophylaxis was given as a part of the wound care before tetanus symptom onset. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET120 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given before symptom onset dosage | Specifies the date the tetanus immune globulin (TIG) prophylaxis units given. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET121 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Acute wound signs of infection | Indicates whether there were signs of infection at the time of care for the acute wound or injury. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET122 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Non-acute condition associated with tetanus | Indicates whether there are non-acute conditions associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET123 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Abcess/Cellulitus | Indicates whether abcess/cellulitus was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET124 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Ulcer | Indicates whether ulcer was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET125 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Blister | Indicates whether blister was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET126 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Gangrene | Indicates whether gangrene was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET127 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Cancer | Indicates whether cancer was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET128 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Dental Infection/Gingivitis | Indicates whether dental infection/gingivitis was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET129 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Ear infection | Indicates whether ear infection was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET130 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Injection drug use | Indicates whether injection drug use was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET131 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Other non-acute condition associated with tetanus | Indicates whether any other condition was associated with the tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET132 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Specify other non-acute condition | Indicates other condition(s), specified by the user, associated with the tetanus illness. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET133 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Non-acute condition medical care | Indicates whether medical care was obtained for the non-acute condition before tetanus symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET134 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Non-acute condition medical care date | Specifies the date the medical care was obtained for the non-acute condition before tetanus symptom onset. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET135 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Non-acute condition tetanus toxoid | Indicates whether tetanus toxiod (Td, TT, DT, DTaP) was administered for the non-acute condition before tetanus symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET136 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Non-acute condition tetanus toxid date | Specifies the date the tetanus toxiod (Td, TT, DT, DTaP) was administered for the non-acute condition before tetanus symptom onset. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET137 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Infected wound | Indicates whether the wound was infected at the time of tetanus diagnosis. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET138 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given after symptom onset | Indicates whether the tetanus immune globulin (TIG) therapy was given after symptom onset. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET139 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given after symptom onset date | Specifies the date the tetanus immune globulin (TIG) therapy was given. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET140 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | TIG given after symptom onset dosage | Specifies the total therapeutic TIG dosage. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET141 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Final outcome | Final outcome (e.g. Recovered, Died, Unknown) | Single-selection | NIP_TET_RXOUTCOME | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET143 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus antibody test | Indicates whether a tetanus antibody test was performed. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET144 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus antibody test date | Specifies the date the tetanus antibody test was performed. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET145 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus antibody test result | Specifies the result of the tetanus antibody test. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET146 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Tetanus toxid received | Indicates whether the patient ever received tetanus toxid (Td, TT, DT, DTaP). | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET147 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Total number of tetanus toxid doses received | Specifies the total number of tetanus toxid doses received. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_NUMDOSE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET148 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Number of years since last tetanus dose | Specifies the number of years since the patient's last tetanus dose. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET149 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Date of last tetanus dose | Specifies the date of patients' last tetanus dose. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET150 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Year of last tetanus dose | Specifies the year of patients' last tetanus dose. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET151 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations in childhood | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations in childhood. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET152 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for school | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations in school. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET153 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for work | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations for work. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET154 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for military | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations for military. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET155 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for travel | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations for travel. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET156 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for immigration | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations for immigration. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET157 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Immunizations for other reasons | If the patient is unsure about his/her tetanus vaccination history, this field indicates whether the patient had immunizations for other reasons. | Single-selection | TF | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET158 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Never received tetanus vaccination reason | Reason for never receiving tetanus vaccination (e.g. Born outside the U.S., Medical contraindication, Never offered vaccine, Parent/Patient forgot to vaccinate, Parent/Patient refusal, Philosophical objection, Religious exemption, Under age for vaccinatio | Single-selection | NIP_TET_VAC_NOTG_RS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET159 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Primary occupation | Specifies patient's primary occupation. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET160 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Diabetes | Indicates whether patient have diabetes. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET161 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Insulin dependents | Indicates whether the patient is insulin dependent. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET162 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | History of injection drug use | History of injection drug use. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET163 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Born in the U.S. | Indicates whether the patient was born in the U.S. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET164 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Birth country | Specifies the country where the patient was born, if different than US. | Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET165 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Patient less than 2 months at time of tetanus | Indicates whether the patient was less than 2 months old at time of tetanus illness. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET166 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother's age | Specifies mothers age. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET167 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother's DOB | Specifies mothers DOB. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET168 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother's primary occupation | Specifies mother's primary occupation. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET169 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother born in the U.S. | Specifies whether mother was bornin the US. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET170 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother's birth country | Specifies the country where the mother was born, if different than US. | Single-selection | PSL_CNTRY | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET171 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Date mother first resided in the U.S. | Date mother first resided in the U.S. | Date | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET172 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Year mother first resided in the U.S. | Year mother first resided in the U.S. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET173 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Years mother has been in US | Specifies number of years mother has been in the U.S.. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET174 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother tetanus vacc prior to infant's birth | Indicates whether the the mother received tetanus vaccination prior to the infant's (case's) birth. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET175 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother tetanus vacc number of known doses | Specifies number of known tetanus vaccination doses mother received prior to the infant's (case's) birth. | Single-selection | NIP_TET_NUMDOSE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET176 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Last time mother received tetanus vacc | Specifies number of years or months since mother received last tetanus vaccination. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET177 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Last time mother received tetanus vacc unit | Specifies number of years or months since mother received last tetanus vaccination (Units). | Single-selection | NIP_TET_DUR_UNIT | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET178 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother never received tetanus vaccination reason | Specifies reason mother never received tetanus vaccination (e.g. Born outside the U.S., Medical contraindication, Never offered vaccine, Parent/Patient forgot to vaccinate, Parent/Patient refusal, Philosophical objection, Religious exemption, Under age for vaccination). | Single-selection | NIP_TET_VAC_NOTG_RS | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET179 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Number of previous pregnancies | Specifies number of previous pregnancies. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET180 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Total number of live births | Specifies total number of live births. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET181 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Mother given birth previously in US | Indicates whether the mother has given birth previously in the US. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET182 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Dates of previous births in US | Specifies dates of the births previously given in the US. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET183 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Prenatal care | Indicates whether the prenatal care was obtained during the pregnancy with the neonatal tetanus case. | Single-selection | YNU | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET184 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Number of prenatal visits | Specifies number of prenatal visits. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET185 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Infant's birth place location | Specifies infant's (case) birth place location (e.g. Hospital, Home, Other, Unknown). | Single-selection | NIP_TET_BIRTH_LOC | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET186 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Specify other birth place | Specifies infant's birth place location. | Alphanumeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | |||
TET187 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Birth attendees | Specifies birth attendees (e.g. Physician, Nurse, Licensed midwife, Unlicensed midwife, Family, EMS technician(s)). | Single-selection | NIP_TET_BIRTH_ROLE | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a | ||
TET188 | MS126 | Tetanus Message Spec | Number of births delivered in the US | Number of births delivered in the US. | Numeric | State_defined_field_data | ldf_value | n/a |
UID | Work Product ID | Name of WkProd | Field | Description | Format | SRT Reference - These will all have to be mapped to standard and OID passed. | DB table | DB field | Participation Type_Cd | MapGde Change Date | Comments |
LAB104 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Result Comments | Free text area for comments having to do specifically with the lab result test. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | ||||
LAB105 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Method Desc. | The technique or method used to perform the test and obtain the test results. For Microbiology Susceptibility testing: MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, KB (Kirby Bauer), etc. | Single-selection | OBS_METH_SUSC | Observation | method_desc_txt | |||
LAB110 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Drug Name | Name of the antibiotic for which the organism was susceptibility tested. For ELR, it could also contain reflex test name. | Single-selection | LAB_TEST | Observation | cd_desc_txt | |||
LAB112 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Ordered Test Name | Ordered Test Name is the lab test ordered by the physician. It will always be included in an ELR, but there are many instances in which the user entering manual reports will not have access to this information, therefore the system supports the messaging | Single-selection | LAB_TEST | Observation | cd_desc_txt | |||
LAB113 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Quantitatve Result Operator | When a test generates a quantitative result a comparative operator is selected before a value is entered. Includes: <, <=, <>, =, >, >= | Single-selection | OV_NUM_CMP | Obs_value_numeric | comparator_cd_1 | |||
LAB114 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Numeric Result | The numeric value for a lab report. The user can enter the number or the number plus comparative operators (<, <=, >, >=)and separators and the system will parse the data in the proper fields in the database. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | ||||
LAB115 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Units | The unit of measure for numeric result value. | Single-selection | UNIT_ISO | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_unit_cd | |||
LAB116 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Ratio | The quantitative result ratio separator can be used when two numbers must be expressed together. The separator is based on the context of the two numbers. Example: a colon is used when expressing a lab result index, i.e. 1:256. | Single-selection | OV_NUM_SEP | Obs_value_numeric | separator_cd | |||
LAB117 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Numeric Value Result 2 | The second numeric value used in a quantitative result. Example: a ratio of 1:4 - 4 is the second numeric value. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_2 | ||||
LAB118 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Interpretation Flag | The interpretation flag identifies a result that is not typical as well as how it's not typical. Examples: Susceptible, Resistent, Normal, Above upper panic limits, below absolute low. | Single-selection | OBS_INTRP | Observation_interp | interpretation_cd | |||
LAB119 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reference Range From | The reference range from value allows the user to enter the value on one end of a expected range of results for the test. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_numeric | low_range | ||||
LAB120 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reference Range To | The reference range to value allows the user to enter the value on the other end of a valid range of results for the test. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_numeric | high_range | ||||
LAB121 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Coded Test Result | The coded result value for a test, i.e. "Positive". | Single-selection | LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
LAB123 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason For Test, desc. | The text description supporting the clinical reason for ordering a test. The symptoms/observations are text descriptions associated with ICD9 (International Classification of Disease codes). | Alphanumeric | Observation_reason | reason_desc_txt | ||||
LAB124 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason for Test Code | The coding system that was used to select a reason for study, such as ICD-9. | Multi-selection | Observation_reason | reason_cd | ||||
LAB125 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Accession Number | A laboratory generated number that identifies the specimen related to this test. | Alphanumeric | Act_id | root_extension_txt | ||||
LAB142 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Ordering Facility CLIA Number | An ID that identifies a laboratory. | Alphanumeric | Entity_id | root_extension_txt | ||||
LAB163 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Collection Date | The date the specimen was collected. | Date | Observation | effective_from_time | ||||
LAB165 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Source | This is the medium from which the specimen originated. Examples include whole blood, saliva, urine, etc. | Single-selection | SPECMN_SRC | Material | cd | |||
LAB166 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Site | This indicates the physical location, of the subject, where the specimen originated. Examples include: Right Internal Jugular, Left Arm, Buttock, Right Eye, etc. | ANATOMIC_SITE | Observation | target_site_cd | ||||
LAB168 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Jurisdiction | The geographic area responsible for managing public health activities including intervention, prevention and surveillance for health event associated with a particular geographic area such as county or city, associated with an event. A jurisdiction is re | Code | S_JURDIC_C | Observation | jurisdiction_cd | |||
LAB169 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Program Area | The functional area accountable for managing the public health response and surveillance for health events associated with a particular condition(s). For example, the TB program area works to control and prevent tuberculosis. | Code | S_PROGRA_C | Observation | prog_area_cd | |||
LAB189 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Report Shared Indicator | This field indicates whether or not the record should be shared with all users who have guest privileges for the Program Area/Jurisdiction. | Single-selection | TF | Observation | shared_ind | |||
LAB196 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Report Status | The status of the lab report. | Single-selection | ACT_OBJ_ST | Observation | status_cd | |||
LAB197 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Report Date | The date that the lab released the lab report. On view ELR, display date/time. | Date/Time | Observation | activity_to_time | ||||
LAB201 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Date Received by Public Health | The date that the lab report was received by public health. | Date/Time | Observation | rpt_to_state_time | ||||
LAB202 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Date Created | The system captured date that the user entered the lab report into NBS. On view ELR, display date/time. | Date/Time | Observation | add_time | ||||
LAB203 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Created By | The user ID of the person that entered the lab report into NBS. | Alphanumeric | Observation | add_user_id | ||||
LAB207 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Status | The Result Status is the degree of completion of the lab test. | Single-selection | ACT_OBJ_ST | Observation | status_cd | |||
LAB208 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Result Text value | The Lab Result Text format field allows user to enter a textual result values (i.e., values not included in the coded drop down). | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | ||||
LAB211 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Last Updated | Last Updated is the date/time stamp captured by the system when the user edits a lab report. When the user views a lab report that has been edited, the user should see a date created and a Last Updated date/time stamp. | Date/Time | Observation | last_chg_time | ||||
LAB212 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Last Updated By | The user ID of the person that edited lab report in NBS | Alphanumeric | Observation | last_chg_user_id | ||||
LAB214 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | User Report Comments | User has option to enter free text comments about a lab report | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | ||||
LAB217 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Result Date | The date that lab released the result that is part of a report. | Date | Observation | activity_to_time | ||||
LAB220 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Resulted Test Name | User either selects a specific reporting lab or the generic local lab option. If a specific reporting lab that has tests mapped to LOINCs, the list will display that lab's list of tests for the selected Program Area. When the test name is not in the list | Single-selection | LAB_TEST | Observation | cd_desc_txt | |||
LAB222 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Susceptibility Test? | User selects "Yes" to indicate need to enter susceptibility results. | Single-selection | YN | |||||
LAB250 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Emergency Contact Relationship | The relationship of the emergency contact person to the patient, parent, sibling, friend. | Single-selection | Role | cd | ||||
LAB261 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Clinical Information | Display Clinical Information Comments for ELR. | Alphanumeric | Observation | txt | ||||
LAB262 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Details | Specimen details on ELR report. | Alphanumeric | Material | description | ||||
LAB263 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Danger Code | The danger code regarding a specimen that displays on an ELR report. | Single-selection | Material | risk_cd | ||||
LAB264 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Priority Code | The priority code regarding a specimen that displays on an ELR report. | Single-selection | Observation | priority_cd | ||||
LAB265 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Collection Volume | The volume of specimen that was collected as part of the test that displays on an ELR report. | Alphanumeric | Material | qty | ||||
LAB266 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Order Comments | System displays any Order Comments received when View Lab is selected. | Alphanumeric | Observation | txt | ||||
LAB267 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Ordering Facility same as Reporting Facility | The checkbox provides a short cut for data entry when the Ordering Facility is the same as the Reporting Facility. | Single-selection | Organization_name | nm_txt | ||||
LAB268 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Order Coding System Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the coding system that assigned the code for the ordered test, i.e. 'LN'. In most cases this is a standardized code for a test. | Single-selection | Observation | cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB269 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Order Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the ordered test. In most cases this is a standardized test name. | Single-selection | Observation | cd | ||||
LAB270 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Order Coding System Description | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the ordered test, i.e. 'LOINC'. | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB271 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Order Coding System Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the coding system that assigned the alternate code for the ordered test, i.e. 'L'. In most cases this is the local coding system name for the specific order code. | Single-selection | Observation | alt_cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB272 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt.Order Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the alternate ordered test name. In most cases this is a locally assigned test name. | Single-selection | Observation | alt_cd | ||||
LAB273 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Order System Code Desc. | The name of the coding system that assigned the alternate code for the ordered test, i.e. 'Local'. | Alphanumeric | Observation | alt_cd_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB278 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Organism Name | For specific result tests, the user will select the appropriate organism name. | Single-selection | LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | display_name | |||
LAB279 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Test Method Code | The code value for the test method, i.e.MIC. | Single-selection | Observation | method_cd | ||||
LAB280 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Coded Result, desc. | Coded result value text description, such as "positive", "detected". If Organism name is the coded result, an organism name will display in the result field. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_coded | display_name | ||||
LAB281 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Comments for ELR Date | When user enters free text comments about an ELR, the system will capture the date/time upon submit. On View Lab, the information will display in view only mode. | Date/Time | Observation | add_time | ||||
LAB282 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | User Comments Created By | The user ID/name of the internal user that entered free text comments about an ELR. | Alphanumeric | Observation | add_user_id | ||||
LAB283 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Value Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the alternate coded result value code. In most cases this is a locally assigned result code, i.e. 'POS'. | Single-selection | Obs_value_coded | alt_code | ||||
LAB284 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Value Code Description | The description of the alternate coded result value, i.e. Positive | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_coded | alt_code_desc_txt | ||||
LAB285 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Value Code System Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the coding system that assigned the alternate coded result value code, i.e. 'L'. In most cases this is a locally identified code for a coded result value. | Single-selection | Obs_value_coded | alt_code_system_cd | ||||
LAB286 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Value Code System Name | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the alternate coded result value, i.e. 'Local'. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_coded | alt_code_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB287 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alternate Result Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the alternate result test name. In most cases this is a locally assigned test name. | Single-selection | Observation | alt_cd | ||||
LAB288 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Code Description | The description for the alternate result test code, i.e. "test name". | Alphanumeric | Observation | alt_cd_desc_txt | ||||
LAB289 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Coding System Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the coding system that assigned the result test code, i.e. 'L'. In most cases this is a locally identified code for a result test. | Single-selection | Observation | alt_cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB290 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Result Code System Name | The name of the coding system that assigned the alternate result test code, i.e. "Local" | Alphanumeric | Observation | alt_cd_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB292 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Alt. Ordered Code Desc. | The description for the alternate ordered test code, i.e. "test name". | Alphanumeric | Observation | alt_cd_desc_txt | ||||
LAB293 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the resulted test. In most cases this is a standardized test name, i.e., 45678. | Single-selection | Observation | cd | ||||
LAB295 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Coding System Code | The abbreviation (code) for coding system that assigned the result test code, i.e. "LN". | Single-selection | Observation | cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB296 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Code System Name | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the result test, i.e. 'LOINC' | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB298 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Ordered Code Description | The description for the ordered test code, i.e. "test name". | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd_desc_txt | ||||
LAB299 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Ordered Code System Code | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the ordered test, i.e. 'LOINC' | Single-selection | Observation | cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB302 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Value Code System Code | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the coded result, i.e. 'SNM' | Single-selection | Obs_value_coded | code_system_cd | ||||
LAB303 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Result Value Code System Name | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the coded result, i.e. "SNOMED". | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_coded | code_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB304 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Drug Result Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the drug result test, i.e., 24567 | Single-selection | Observation | cd | ||||
LAB305 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Drug Result Code Description | The description for the drug test code, i.e. "drug testname". | Numeric | Observation | cd_desc_txt | ||||
LAB306 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Drug Result Code System Code | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the drug result test, i.e. "LN". | Single-selection | Observation | cd_system_cd | ||||
LAB307 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Drug Result Code System Name | The name of the coding system that assigned the code for the drug result test, i.e. "LOINC" | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB308 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Org. Result Value Code | The abbreviated name (code) identifying the organism coded result, i.e., 24567 | Single-selection | Obs_value_coded | code | ||||
LAB310 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Org. Result Value Code System Code | The abbreviation (code) for coding system that assigned the organism coded result, i.e. "SNM". | Single-selection | Obs_value_coded | code_system_cd | ||||
LAB311 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Org. Result Value Code System Name | The abbreviation (code) for coding system that assigned the coded result, i.e. "SNOMED". | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_coded | code_system_desc_txt | ||||
LAB313 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Collection Volume, units | The units associated with the amount of specimen collected for testing. | Single-selection | Material | qty_unit_cd | ||||
LAB314 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen Description | The description of the specimen that displays for an ELR. | Alphanumeric | Material | description | ||||
LAB315 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Site Description | The description of the anatomic site from which the specimen was obtained. | Alphanumeric | Observation | target_site_desc_txt | ||||
LAB316 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Danger Code Description | The description of the Danger Code that displays for an ELR. | Alphanumeric | Material | risk_desc_txt | ||||
LAB317 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Lab Local ID | The Local ID of the observation displayed to the user | Code | Observation | local_id | ||||
LAB318 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Observation Type | A description that indicates whether the type of report is a lab or morbidity report. | Alphanumeric | Observation | obs_ctrl_dsply | ||||
LAB320 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Property Descriptive Text | The property of a LOINC test includes mass, frequency, mass concentration. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_property | Loinc_cd | property | |||
LAB321 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Scale Descriptive Text | The scale defines the type of LOINC lab result value, Ordinal, Nominal. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_scale | Loinc_cd | scale_type | |||
LAB322 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Timing Aspect | The timing aspect associated with a LOINC test, such as a 2hr post prandial glucose. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_time | Loinc_cd | time_aspect | |||
LAB323 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC System Descriptive Text | The LOINC system describes the specimen sample type, such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_system | Loinc_cd | system_cd | |||
LAB324 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Method Descriptive Text | The LOINC test method used while performing the test, such as MIC. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_method | Loinc_cd | method_type | |||
LAB325 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Class Descriptive Text | The LOINC classification for the test. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_class | Loinc_cd | related_class_cd | |||
LAB326 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Code Value | LOINC_CODE | Loinc_cd | loinc_cd | |||||
LAB327 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | LOINC Analyte Name Descriptive Text | The LOINC name for a test. | Alphanumeric | LOINC_lab_component_analyte | Loinc_cd | component_name | |||
LAB329 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Track Isolate | Single-selection | YN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB330 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Patient status at specimen collection | Single-selection | PHVSFB_SPCMNPTSTATUS | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB331 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Isolate received in state public health lab | Single-selection | YNU | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB332 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason isolate not received | Single-selection | PHVSFB_SPECFORW | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB333 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason isolate not received (Other) | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB334 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Date received in state public health lab | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB335 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | State public health lab isolate id number | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB336 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Case confirmed at state public health lab | Single-selection | YNU | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB337 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | PulseNet Isolate | Single-selection | YN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB338 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Isolate PFGE sent to central PulseNet database | Single-selection | YNU | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB339 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | PulseNet PFGE Designation Enzyme 1 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB340 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | State Health Dept Lab PFGE Designation Enzyme 1 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB341 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | PulseNet PFGE Designation Enzyme 2 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB342 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | State Health Dept Lab PFGE Designation Enzyme 2 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB343 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | PulseNet PFGE Designation Enzyme 3 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB344 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | State Health Dept Lab PFGE Designation Enzyme 3 | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB345 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | NARMS Isolate | Single-selection | YN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB346 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Isolate sent to NARMS | Single-selection | YNU | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB347 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason isolate not sent to NARMS | Single-selection | PHVSFB_ISOLATNO | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB348 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | State-assigned NARMS ID number | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB349 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | NARMS Isolate Expected Ship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB350 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | NARMS Isolate Actual Ship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB351 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | EIP Isolate | Single-selection | YN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB352 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Specimen available for further EIP testing | Single-selection | PHVSFB_ISOLATAV | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB353 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason specimen not available for further EIP test | Single-selection | PHVSFB_SPECAVAL | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB354 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Other reason why specimen is not available | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB355 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | If "Yes", where will the specimen be shipped | Single-selection | PHVSFB_CDCLABSH | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB356 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | EIP Isolate Expected Ship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB357 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | EIP Isolate Actual Ship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB358 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Was specimen requested for reshipment | Single-selection | YN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB359 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Reason specimen requested for reshipment | Single-selection | PHVSFB_CONTAMIN | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | ||
LAB360 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Other reason for reshipment | Alphanumeric | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB361 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | EIP Isolate Expected Reship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 12/08/05 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB362 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | EIP Isolate Actual Reship Date | Date | Observation | cd | 11/10/08 | Added for R1.1.4 SP1. | |||
LAB363 | MS130 | Laboratory Message Spec | Was specimen or isolate forwarded to CDC for testing or confirmation? | Single-selection | YNU | Observation | cd | 12/09/05 | Added for R2.0 |
UID | Work Product ID | Name of WkProd | Field | Description | Format | SRT Reference - These will all have to be mapped to standard and OID passed. | DB table | DB field | Participation Type_Cd | MapGde Change Date | Comments |
MRB121 | None | None | Morb Rpt Condition | The condition being reported to public health. | Single-selection | PHC_TYPE | Observation | cd | |||
MRB136 | None | None | Morb Rpt Program Area | The functional area accountable for managing the public health response and surveillance for health events associated with a particular condition(s). For example, the TB program area works to control and prevent tuberculosis. | Single-selection | S_PROGRA_C | Observation | prog_area_cd | |||
MRB137 | None | None | Morb Rpt Jurisdiction | The geographic area responsible for managing public health activities including intervention, prevention and surveillance for health event associated with a particular geographic area such as county or city, associated with an event. A jurisdiction is re | Single-selection | S_JURDIC_C | Observation | jurisdiction_cd | |||
MRB142 | None | None | Morbidity Report Shared Indicator | This field indicates whether or not the record should be shared with all users who have guest privileges for the Program Area/Jurisdiction. | Single-selection | TF | Observation | shared_ind | |||
MRB100 | None | None | Morb Rpt Type | Indicates this morbidity report is an initial or an update report. | Single-selection | MORB_RPT_TYPE | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB161 | None | None | Report Delivery Method | Method used to report the morbidity report. | Single-selection | MRB_RPT_METH | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB101 | None | None | Morb Rpt Date | The date the condition was reported. | Date | Observation | activity_to_time | ||||
MRB162 | None | None | MRB: Date Received by Public Health | The date that the morbidity report was received by public health. | Date | Observation | rpt_to_state_time | ||||
MRB122 | None | None | Morb Rpt Illness Onset Date | Date of illness onset. Reported date of the onset of symptoms of the condition being reported to the public health system. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | ||||
MRB165 | None | None | MRB: Date of Diagnosis | The user enters date that the diagnosis was made by the provider. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | ||||
INV145 | None | None | Investigation Patient Death | Indicates if person is alive or dead. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
INV128 | None | None | Investigation Patient Hospitalized | Was the patient hospitalized as a result of this event? | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB166 | None | None | MRB: Hospital Admission Date | If answer to patient hospitalized = Yes, then display date field to enter hospital admission date. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | ||||
MRB167 | None | None | MRB: Hospital Discharge Date | If answer to patient hospitalized = Yes, then display date field for entering discharge date. | Date | Obs_value_date | from_time | ||||
INV178 | None | None | Investigation Pregnancy Status | Assesses whether or not the patient is pregnant. Though only valid for female patients, there will be no edit restricting this. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
INV149 | None | None | Investigation Person Food Handler | Indicates whether the subject of the investigation was food handler. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
INV148 | None | None | Investigation Day Care Facility | Indicates whether the subject of the investigation was associated with a day care facility. The association could mean that the subject attended daycare or work in a daycare facility. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB129 | None | None | Morb Rpt Nursing Home | Indicates whether the subject of the Morbidity Report was associated with a Nursing Home. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB130 | None | None | Morb Rpt Health Care | Indicates whether the subject of the Morbidity Report was associated with a Health Care Organization. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB168 | None | None | MRB: Suspected Food or Waterborne Illness | Allows provider to indicate suspicion that patient's illness originates from a food or waterborne source. | Single-selection | YNU | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
MRB169 | None | None | MRB: Other, specify | User can enter free text epidemiological information that is not on the questionnaire. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | ||||
LAB163 | None | None | Specimen Collection Date | The date the specimen was collected. | Date | Observation | effective_from_time | ||||
LAB197 | None | None | Lab Report Date | The date that the lab released the lab report. On view ELR, display date/time. | Date/Time | Observation | activity_to_time | ||||
LAB165 | None | None | Specimen Source | This is the medium from which the specimen originated. Examples include whole blood, saliva, urine, etc. | Single-selection | SPECMN_SRC | Material | cd | |||
LAB121 | None | None | Coded Test Result | The coded result value for a test, i.e. "Positive". | Single-selection | LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
LAB278 | None | None | Organism Name | For specific result tests, the user will select the appropriate organism name. | Single-selection | LAB_RSLT | Obs_value_coded | code | |||
LAB113 | None | None | Lab Quantitatve Result Operator | When a test generates a quantitative result a comparative operator is selected before a value is entered. Includes: <, <=, <>, =, >, >= | Single-selection | OV_NUM_CMP | Obs_value_numeric | comparator_cd_1 | |||
LAB114 | None | None | Numeric Result | The numeric value for a lab report. The user can enter the number or the number plus comparative operators (<, <=, >, >=)and separators and the system will parse the data in the proper fields in the database. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | ||||
LAB116 | None | None | Result Ratio | The quantitative result ratio separator can be used when two numbers must be expressed together. The separator is based on the context of the two numbers. Example: a colon is used when expressing a lab result index, i.e. 1:256. | Single-selection | OV_NUM_SEP | Obs_value_numeric | separator_cd | |||
LAB117 | None | None | Numeric Value Result 2 | The second numeric value used in a quantitative result. Example: a ratio of 1:4 - 4 is the second numeric value. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_2 | ||||
LAB115 | None | None | Result Units | The unit of measure for numeric result value. | Single-selection | UNIT_ISO | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_unit_cd | |||
LAB208 | None | None | Lab Result Text value | The Lab Result Text format field allows user to enter a textual result values (i.e., values not included in the coded drop down). | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt | ||||
LAB104 | None | None | Lab Result Comments | Free text area for comments having to do specifically with the lab result test. | Alphanumeric | Obs_value_txt | value_txt |
UID | Work Product ID | Name of WkProd | Field | Description | Format | SRT Reference | DB table | DB field | ||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC101 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccine Administered | The type of vaccine administered, (e.g., MMR, DaPT,HepB). | Single-selection | VAC_NM | Material | cd | ||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC102 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccination Record ID | A system generated ID for a vaccination record. | Alphanumeric | Intervention | local_id | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC103 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccine Administered Date | The date that the vaccine was administered. | Date | Intervention | effective_from_time | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC104 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccination Anatomical Site | The anatomical site where the vaccination was given. | Single-selection | NIP_ANATOMIC_ST | Intervention | target_site_cd | ||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC105 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Age At Vaccination | The person's age at the time the vaccination was given. | Numeric | Obs_value_numeric | numeric_value_1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC106 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Age At Vaccination Unit | The age units of the person at the time the vaccination was given. | Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Obs_value_coded | code | ||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC108 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccine Lot Number | The vaccine lot number of the vaccine administered. | Alphanumeric | Manufactured_material | lot_num | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VAC109 | MS129 | Vaccination Message Spec | Vaccine Expiration Date | The expiration date of the vaccine administered. | Date | Manufactured_material | expiration_time |
UID | Work Product ID | Name of WkProd | Field | Description | Format | SRT Reference | DB table | DB field |
DEM113 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Current Sex | Patient's current sex. | Single-selection | SEX | Person | curr_sex_cd |
DEM115 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Birth Time | Reported date of birth of patient. | Date | Person | birth_time | |
DEM127 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Deceased Indicator | Indicator of whether or not a patient is alive or dead. | Single-selection | YNU | Person | deceased_ind_cd |
DEM128 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Deceased Date | Date of patient death | Date | Person | deceased_time | |
DEM140 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Marital Status | A code indicating the married or similar partnership status of a patient. | P_MARITAL | Person | marital_status_cd | |
DEM152 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Race Category | Reported race; supports collection of multiple race categories. This field could repeat. | Multi-selection | P_RACE_CAT | Person_race | race_category_cd |
DEM155 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Ethnic Group | Patient Hispanic Indicator | Single-selection | P_ETHN_GRP | Person | ethnic_group_ind |
DEM162 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | State | The state code for a postal location. | Single-selection | STATE_CCD | Postal_Locator | state_cd |
DEM163 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Zip | The zip code of a residence of the case patient or entity. | Alphanumeric | Postal_Locator | zip_cd | |
DEM165 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | County Code | The county of residence of the case patient or entity. | Single-selection | COUNTY_CCD | Postal_Locator | cnty_cd |
DEM197 | MS102 | Core Message Spec | Local ID | The local ID of the patient/entity. | Alphanumeric | Person | local_id | |
DEM216 (INV2001 in IG) |
MS102 | Core Message Spec | Age Reported | The patient's reported age at time of event. | 3 Numeric | Person | age_reported | |
DEM218 (INV2002 in IG) |
MS102 | Core Message Spec | Age Reported Unit | Units for reported age. | Single-selection | AGE_UNIT | Person | age_reported_unit_cd |
PAM/Participation | Type | POSTAL LOCATOR | TELE LOCATOR | PROVIDER/ORGANIZATION | ||||||||||||||||||||
Street Addr 1 | Street Addr 2 | City | State | ZIP | County | Country | Addr Comments | Telephone | Ext. | URL | Tele Comments | country code | Name | Stnd Industry Class | General Comments | Prefix | Last Name | First Name | Middle Name | Suffix | Degree | |||
BMIRD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABCInvestgrOfPHC | PSN | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
ChronicCareFac | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
DaycareFac | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
HospOfADT | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
HospOfCulture | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
InvestgrOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
OrgAsReporterOfPHC | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PerAsReporterOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
PhysicianOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
TransferHosp | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
TreatmentHosp | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
VPD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
HospOfADT | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
InvestgrOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
OrgAsReporterOfPHC | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PerAsReporterOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PhysicianOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
GCD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
HospOfADT | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | not sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | not sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
InvestgrOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
OrgAsReporterOfPHC | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PerAsReporterOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PhysicianOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
HEP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
HospOfADT | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
InvestgrOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
OrgAsReporterOfPHC | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PerAsReporterOfPHC** | PRV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PhysicianOfPHC | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
LabReport | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AUT | ORG | sent | sent | not sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
ORD | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
ORD | ORG | sent | sent | not sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
MorbReport | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
HospOfMorbObs | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
PhysicianOfMorb | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
ReporterOfMorbReport | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
ReporterOfMorbReport | PRV | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
Vaccination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PerformerOfVacc | ORG | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
PerformerOfVacc | PSN | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent |
MfgdVaccine | ORG | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | not sent | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
**Participations marked in red are not sent to CDS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes for Patient Data are on the "Patient Data" tab | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The use and type for the Postal Locator and Tele Locator used to perform the above validations are 'Primary Work Place' and 'Home' respectively | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Morbreport is sent only if there is a lab embedded in it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Treatment participation is not sent along with the morbreport |
The following fields are required for creating a notification. | |
Core (All Conditions) | |
Case Status | INV163 |
MMWR Week | INV165 |
MMWR Year | INV166 |
Jurisdiction | INV107 |
Condition | INV170 |
BMIRD Specific (All BMIRD Cases) | |
Bacterial species isolated from any normally sterile site | BMD120 |
BMIRD Specific (Only ABCs Cases) | |
State-Assigned ABCs Case ID | BMD101 |
Date first positive culture obtained | BMD124 |
Hepatitis Specific (All Hepatitis Cases) | |
Diagnosis | HEP128 |
File Type | application/ |
Last Modified By | wsb2 |
File Modified | 2010-07-14 |
File Created | 2003-06-11 |