HSLS Recruitment Procendures for 2010

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-up Field Test 2011

HSLS 09-12 1st Follow up Field Test Recruitment Materials Appendix

HSLS Recruitment Procendures for 2010

OMB: 1850-0852

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Appendix: HSLS First Follow-Up Study Field Test Recruitment Materials

HSLS:09 F1FT District Recruitment Letter

HSLS:09 F1FT School Recruitment Letter

HSLS:09 F1FT School Brochure Text

HSLS:09 F1FT School Coordinator Letter

Student Status Update Instructions

11th Grade Enrollment List Instructions

School Coordinator Responsibilities

Active parental consent form – Base Year Respondent

Active parental consent form – Base Year NonParticipant

Passive parental consent form– Base Year Respondent

Passive parental consent form - Base Year NonParticipant







During the 2008-2009 school year, <SCHOOL NAME(s)> graciously participated in the base year of the voluntary High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). I am writing to thank you for the district’s support and to inform you that we will be contacting your school(s) this fall to discuss the first follow-up data collection which will be conducted in the spring of 2011.

HSLS:09 is a comprehensive longitudinal study that focuses on understanding students’ trajectories from the beginning of high school into higher education or the workforce and beyond.  What students decide to pursue when, why, and how are crucial questions for HSLS:09, especially, but not solely, in regard to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, majors, and careers. HSLS:09 is sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences and is being conducted by RTI International. The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. Data will be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183).

[IF WE KNOW A RESEARCH APPLICATION IS REQUIRED: We are aware that your district requires a research application prior to contacting schools, and it is being sent directly to your research department. Upon receiving approval of the research application, an RTI HSLS:09 study representative will contact the schools to discuss the upcoming HSLS:09 activities, including:] [IF NO APPLICATION IS REQUIRED: In the next few days, an RTI HSLS:09 study representative will be contacting the schools to discuss the upcoming HSLS:09 activities, including:]

  • Verifying the enrollment status of the students at the selected school(s) who were chosen to participate in the study in the fall of 2008.

  • Providing a roster of 11th grade students currently enrolled at the selected school(s) so we can identify high school juniors who were not 9th graders in the United States during the fall of 2008 and who therefore will be given a chance of selection in the 11th grade sample. This procedure adds, on average, one student per school to the original HSLS:09 sample list.

  • Discussing the details regarding data collection scheduled to begin in March of 2011.

Data collection will comprise a 90-minute student survey and assessment, web surveys by principals and counselors, and a collection of school course catalogs to facilitate the transcript collection that will occur in 2012. As with the base year study, students will be asked to complete the data collection in the school’s computer lab or use laptop computers provided by RTI. Participating students will receive a $10 incentive for their participation.

As a thank you for each school’s continued support of this important research, participating schools will receive a token of appreciation, either a one-year subscription to a scientific or mathematical periodical or something similar of the same value that a school might request. Schools will also receive a copy of “Coursetaking at the End of High School” (NCES 2008-09). This report is a small sample of the kind of research that will be generated from HSLS:09. For more reports and results from similar studies, please visit http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/.

Enclosed you will find a HSLS brochure to further explain the study. For additional details, please visit the HSLS:09 study website: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1. Should you have any questions, please call the HSLS:09 toll-free information number, 866-253-1063, or send an e-mail to [email protected]

Your continued support in this endeavor is important to advance the quality of education for our country’s high school students. We look forward to working with your school(s) to make HSLS:09 a success.


Laura LoGerfo Dan Pratt

NCES Project Officer RTI Project Director







Dear <NAME>:

During the 2008-2009 school year, <SCHOOL NAME> participated in the first phase of the voluntary High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). I am writing to thank you and your staff who contributed to the success of HSLS:09 in 2008 and to request your help to obtain information needed for the first follow-up round of the study.

HSLS:09 is a comprehensive longitudinal study that focuses on understanding students’ trajectories from the beginning of high school into higher education or the workforce and beyond.  What students decide to pursue when, why, and how are crucial questions for HSLS:09, especially, but not solely, in regard to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, majors, and careers. HSLS:09 is sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences and is being conducted by RTI International. The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. Data will be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183).

In the next few days, an RTI HSLS:09 study representative will contact you to discuss the upcoming HSLS:09 data collection activities, which include:

  • Verifying the enrollment status of the students at your school who were selected to participate in the study in the fall of 2008.

  • Providing a roster of 11th grade students currently enrolled at your school so we can identify high school juniors who were not 9th graders in the United States during the fall of 2008 and who will be given a chance of selection in the 11th grade sample. This procedure (sample freshening) adds, on average, one student per school to the original HSLS:09 sample list.

  • Discussing details about the data collection scheduled to begin in March of 2011. Data collection will comprise a 90-minute student survey and assessment, web surveys by principals and counselors, and a collection of your school’s course catalogs to facilitate the transcript collection that will occur in 2012.

We greatly appreciate your continued and gracious participation in HSLS:09. Participating students will receive a $10 incentive for their participation. As a thank you for your school’s continued support of this important research, your school will receive either a one-year subscription to a scientific or mathematical periodical or something similar of the same value that your school might need or like. We also are including a copy of “Coursetaking at the End of High School” (NCES 2008-09). This report is a small sample of the kind of research that will be generated from HSLS:09. For more reports and results from similar studies, please visit http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/.

Enclosed you will find a brochure describing the study. For additional study details please visit the HSLS:09 study website https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1. Should you have any questions, please call Kimrey Millar at RTI, toll-free, at 866-253-1063, or send an e-mail to [email protected]

Your participation in this endeavor is important to advance the quality of education for our country’s secondary students. We look forward to working with your school to make HSLS:09 a success. Thank you again for your support.


Laura LoGerfo Dan Pratt

NCES Project Officer RTI Project Director


HSLS:09 Brochure Text

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009; NCES logo; RTI logo

Conducted for: National Center for Education Statistics of the U.S. Department of Education

Conducted by: RTI International

What is HSLS:09?

HSLS:09 is the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, a nationally representative, longitudinal study of more than 21,000 students who will be surveyed occasionally through their secondary and postsecondary years.

What is the focus of the study?

The focus of the study is to understand the impact of the high school experience on students’ learning and their education and career choices, and also to explore the transitions students make from high school to postsecondary education, the labor force, and adult roles. One distinctive feature of HSLS:09 is that it is longitudinal – the same students will be followed over time, regardless of the path they take (for example, dropouts, the college-bound, and those who go directly into the military or work force after high school). The other distinctive feature is that it is multilevel – in addition to surveying and testing students, information will be gathered from parents, school administrators, and counselors to better understand the many home, school, peer, and community influences on students’ development and choices. While all education and career choices are of interest, additional information will be collected about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) coursetaking and career preparation.

When is the study being conducted?

The first phase of HSLS:09 occurred in the fall of 2008. The first follow-up with students and school personnel will take place in the spring of 2011. The main phase of data collection occurred in the fall of 2009. The first follow-up for the main phase will take place in the spring of 2012.

How will HSLS:09 data be used?

HSLS:09 data will allow researchers, educators, and policymakers to examine motivation, achievement, and persistence in high school coursetaking and entry into careers (either directly or by way of postsecondary education). More generally, HSLS:09 data will allow researchers to examine changes in young people’s lives and the influence of communities, schools, teachers, families, parents, and friends on student transitions, progress, and outcomes.

Why is participation important?

HSLS:09 will build upon and extend a series of longitudinal high school studies that have been conducted each decade since 1972. The study will measure achievement and various influences on both learning and the decision-making of high school students. Information collected from students, parents, counselors, and school administrators will help influence educational policy for years to come, shaping efforts to improve the quality of the high school experience and the quality of math and science education in America.

How many schools and students will be involved?

Over 21,000 students from over 900 schools have participated in the study to date. An average of 30 students per school were selected to participate. The first phase of the study included 9th and 12th grade students. The students who were selected as 9th graders in 2008 will be asked to participate in the follow up. A small number of students will be added to the follow-up study to make the HSLS:09 data representative of 11th graders in the U.S.

What is involved for students?

Sampled students will complete a mathematics assessment and a questionnaire. The in-school sessions will take about 90 minutes. The assessments and questionnaires will be completed on school computers, if available, or RTI will bring laptop computers to the school for students to use. Transcripts of coursework and grades will be collected during the 2012-2013 school year. Students also will participate in follow-ups after high school. In this phase, participating students will receive $10 as a token of our appreciation.

What is involved for school staff?

A school administrator will be asked to complete a questionnaire about the school and its environment. A school counselor will be asked to complete a questionnaire about school counseling practices. Each questionnaire will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

What is involved for parents?

One parent of each sampled student will be asked to complete a 30-minute questionnaire.

Who will be responsible for data collection?

Trained HSLS:09 staff will facilitate administration of assessments and questionnaires and provide all required materials. Schools will be asked to designate a school contact to assist HSLS:09 staff with in-school arrangements.

Do students, staff or parents have to participate?

Participation is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the results.

Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?

Student, parent, and staff answers may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). The data collected will be used in analyses to understand students’ coursetaking behaviors, motivation and achievement, and how students decide what to do after high school.

Who do I contact for further information about HSLS:09?

For additional information, you may send email to [email protected], or contact:

RTI Project Director:

Mr. Dan Pratt

(919) 541-6615

(866) 253-1063

RTI Principal Investigator:

Dr. Steven Ingels

(202) 974-7834

NCES Project Officer:

Dr. Laura LoGerfo

(202) 502-7402

Among the organizations endorsing HSLS:09 are:

American Association of School Administrators

American Counseling Association

American Federation of Teachers

Council of Chief State School Officers

National Association of Secondary School Principals

National Catholic Educational Association, Department of Secondary Schools

National Center for Improving Science Education/WestED

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Education Association

National Parent Teacher Association

National School Boards Association

National Science Teachers Association

February 1, 2021

website: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1

Login: «sch_entity_id»

Password: «sch_password»




Dear «sch_coord_name»,

We are looking forward to working with you and your school this school year on the initial phase of the first follow-up to the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). As the designated School Coordinator for HSLS:09 you play a critical and invaluable role in assisting us with study preparations. We really appreciate your assistance, particularly given the many demands on your time. At this point in the data collection process, we ask that you do two things:

  1. Verify the enrollment status of your school’s students who were selected to participate in the study in the fall of 2008.

  1. Prepare and submit an enrollment list for the 11th grade students enrolled at your school for the 2010-2011 school year.

Included with this letter are the instructions for completing these two tasks. These tasks are critically important for data collection. By logging into our website using the information at the top corner of this letter, you can access the list of students who were selected in 2008 to participate in HSLS. We would appreciate your help in updating information about these students and in uploading an 11th grade enrollment list to our website by October 15, 2010.

A HSLS:09 study representative will contact you to answer questions about these two tasks and to begin discussing data collection logistics. In-school data collection is scheduled to begin in March 2011. The student data collection will include a student survey and a math assessment and will be administered on school computers, if possible, or using laptops supplied by HSLS staff. The student component will take about 90 minutes. We will also be requesting a copy of your school’s course catalog to facilitate the transcript collection that will occur in 2012-2013.

At the conclusion of data collection at your school, you will be offered a $100 honorarium as a token for your assistance, with the opportunity to earn up to an additional $50 based on student response rates. RTI will provide a trained Session Administrator (SA) to conduct the student sessions and to assist with the consent form process. A school administrator, a school counselor, and one parent of each selected student will also be asked to complete a questionnaire. They will be contacted separately, and their data will be collected through a web-based application or telephone interview. Each of these will require on average 30 minutes per respondent.

The HSLS:09 study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and conducted by RTI International (RTI). All information provided will be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). The data collected will be used in analyses to understand students’ coursetaking patterns, motivation and achievement, and how students decide what to do after high school.

We sincerely appreciate your help in preparing for the session at your school and in ensuring that HSLS:09 is a success. Information collected from students, parents, counselors, and school administrators will help to create policies and programs designed to improve the quality of math and science education in the U.S, increase our global competitiveness in math and science-related fields, and improve the overall high school experience. Each school’s participation is critical to the success of the study, and reports will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff.

If you have any questions, please contact us at RTI at (866) 253-1063 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you for your support of education through participating in HSLS:09.


Dan Pratt

Project Director, High School Longitudinal Study of 2009

Instructions for Student Status Verification

Below are instructions for verifying the current enrollment status for those students who were selected to participate in HSLS:09 in fall 2008.

  1. Go to the HSLS:09 website at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1/

  2. From the right menu of the screen under “Actions,” click on “School Staff Login,” and enter your study ID and password that were provided to you in the School Coordinator letter. If this is the first time you have logged onto the website, you will be prompted to change your password. If you do not have a study ID and password, please call 1-866-253-1063.

  3. Once you are logged in, you will have two options:

    • Student Status Verification

    • 111th Grade Enrollment List Upload

  1. Click on “Student Status Verification”

  2. This will take you to a page titled “Student Status Verification” where you will find a list of all the students who were selected to participate in HSLS:09 in fall 2008.

  3. Please review the current enrollment status for each student listed. For each student that is no longer enrolled at your school, you will be asked to provide the following additional information:

  • Last date of attendance

  • Reason for leaving (dropout*, transferred, early graduate, don’t know, etc.)

  • For transfer students: Name, city, and state of new school (if known)

  • Last known address for student (Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Email)

If you need assistance with the website, please call 1-866-253-1063 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

*Dropout is defined as an individual who has not been in school for 4 or more consecutive weeks and is not absent due to accident or illness.

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. Data will be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183).

Instructions for Preparing the 11th-Grade Enrollment List

Below are instructions for preparing and uploading your 11th grade enrollment list. We strongly encourage you to upload your school’s information using our secure website. The list upload process is similar to attaching a file to an e-mail.

Data File Requested

  • A list of all enrolled 11th grade students (except foreign exchange students).

Data Elements Requested

Student Information

  • Student ID Number

  • Gender

  • Name (first, middle initial, last)

  • Month/Year of Birth

  • Race/Ethnicity (If codes are used, please

provide a key to the codes)

Data File Preparation Instructions

  1. Prepare your document containing the requested information. You have two options for preparing a data file:

    1. Upload an existing file from your data system

    2. Download an Excel template available at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls/static_files/EnrollmentList_11thGrade.xls

and enter/import the data on the Excel file. Instructions on how to access the website are presented later in this document.

  1. If you use the Excel file template from the HSLS website, please save this file to an appropriate/convenient location on your computer/network.

  2. If you have a file already prepared, please save that file to your computer/network.

Website Upload Instructions

  1. Go to the HSLS:09 website at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1/.

  2. From the right menu of the screen under “Actions,” click on “School Staff Login,” and enter your study ID and password that were provided to you in the School Coordinator letter. If this is the first time you have logged onto the website, you will be prompted to change your password. If you do not have a study ID and password, please call 1-866-253-1063.

  3. Once you are logged in, you will have two options:

    1. Student Status Verification

    2. 111th Grade Enrollment List Upload

  4. Click on “11th Grade Enrollment List Upload”.

  5. This will take you to your school’s list upload page. Scroll to the section labeled "Electronic File".

  6. Fill out the required contact information. (Please note: your upload will not be complete unless you have information in each required field).

  7. Click the "Browse" button and navigate to the completed data file stored on your computer/network and select that file.

  8. Click the "Upload" button. You will receive a message alerting you to the status of your upload.

  9. You may put comments in the comments box if there are elements to the list that should be clarified. (e.g., key to race codes).

Electronic Mail Instructions

If you are unable to use our website, you may send your enrollment list information as an attachment via e-mail.

To ensure the security of the data, the file should be encrypted using 128-bit encryption software. We recommend using the SecureZip (FIPS 140 mode) to encrypt your file, but other comparable encryption options are acceptable. Contact your school or district IT department for their recommendations on acceptable encryption options or you may contact us at [email protected] for recommendations or instructions for downloading and using free software called SecureZipUtility. The instructions for use can be found here:


  1. Please send your e-mail with encrypted file(s) attached to [email protected].

  2. Include the following information in the e-mail.

    • HSLS:09 School ID number (found at the top of your letter)

    • Contact information for the person who prepared the list

    • File type (e.g., Excel, pdf, word)

    • Special comments or specific information associated with the enrollment list

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. Data will be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183).

HSLS:09 School Coordinator Responsibilities

As the HSLS:09 School Coordinator (SC), you play an important role in the success of the study. RTI will provide a trained Session Administrator (SA) to conduct the student session and to assist you in your role.

Study Details

The first follow-up phase of HSLS:09 consists of the following:

  • Student survey and math assessment – The sampled students will be administered a questionnaire and mathematics assessment via computer. The session will take about 90 minutes. Each participating student will receive $10.00. A trained Session Administrator from RTI will conduct the student session at your school.

  • School Administrator Questionnaire - The school administrator or designee will complete a web-based questionnaire about the school and its environment. This questionnaire will take an average of 30 minutes to complete. RTI will send information to the person who is designated to answer the School Administrator Questionnaire.

  • School Counselor Questionnaire - The lead school counselor will complete a web-based questionnaire concerning students’ needs and school resources. This questionnaire will take an average of 30 minutes to complete. RTI will send information to the person who is designated to answer the School Counselor Questionnaire.

  • Parent Questionnaire - One parent of each sampled student will complete a questionnaire via the Internet or by telephone interview. This questionnaire will take an average of 30 minutes to complete. RTI will contact the parent directly.

  • Transcript Data – High School transcripts for sampled students will be collected from the school in the 2012-2013 school year.

For additional information, you may visit our website at: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/hsls1

Your Responsibilities

You have been asked to complete several tasks prior to the student data collection session that will take place in the spring of 2011. These include providing student information, working with RTI on the session logistics, assisting with parental consent form distribution and receipt, and helping obtain a copy, or the website location, of your school’s course catalog. Table 1 shows the activities you will be asked to perform and a timeline for these activities.

Table 1. Activities Timeline

Verify the enrollment status of your school’s students who were selected to participate in the study in the fall of 2008

By October 15, 2010

Prepare and submit an enrollment list for the 11th grade students enrolled at your school for the 2010-2011 school year.

By October 15, 2010

Coordinate session logistics (date, time, location, consent type)

By February 2011

Test CD on school computers (can be done by your IT coordinator)

By February 2011

Distribute parental consent forms to all selected students.

About 3 weeks prior to scheduled session

Notify/remind students about the data collection session.

One week prior and one day prior to session

Provide copy or the website location of your school’s course catalog

On or before the day of the session

Assist the SA with getting the students to the session

On the day of the session

Providing Student Information

We are asking you to verify the enrollment status of your school’s students who were selected to participate in the study in the fall of 2008. Specific instructions are provided in a separate document.

We are also asking you to prepare and submit an enrollment list for the 11th grade students enrolled at your school for the 2010-2011 school year. Specific instructions are provided in a separate document.

Assisting with Student Session Logistics

In order to minimize disruption at the school on the day of the student data collection, it is crucial that arrangements be made in advance. These arrangements include:

  • Determine the feasibility of using your school’s computers for the student data collection. We will send you a test CD and you or your IT coordinator can test it on your school’s computers.

  • Determine a date/time for the student data collection.

  • Reserve a computer lab for the student session. The session will take about 90 minutes. If we are unable to use the school’s computers, please reserve a room that can accommodate 5 laptop computers.

  • Determine parental permission type (passive or active).

Parental Permission

Parental permission materials will be provided by RTI a few weeks before the scheduled session. We ask that you distribute the parent permission forms to the sampled students.

  • Most schools are using implied/passive permission (which means students only return a form if their parent denies permission to participate). If you are using this permission type, please record parent refusals onto the Student Tracking Form (STF) which will be provided with the permission forms.

  • Some schools require written/active consent. If your school requires active consent, parents are asked to return signed permission forms to the school coordinator. Please keep track of the return of these forms on the STF.

Your Session Administrator (SA) will be in contact with you to ask about the status of these forms. The SA will check the permission forms on the day of the session to make sure we do not include anyone whose parents have not granted permission. Your SA will take the forms with him/her after the session to return to RTI. Please let him/her know if you need to retain copies.

Course Catalogs

  • Please provide a copy of your school’s course catalog, or the website location, for each of the following school years: 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012.

Assist on Day of Student Session

Our SA will arrive at the school about an hour before the session. In order to have valid results from the study, we need as many sampled students to participate as possible. We are depending on you to make certain the students and teachers are aware of the date, time, and location for their participation and to generate enthusiasm. This often makes the difference in high student attendance. You may want to make a PA announcement about the study the day before and the day of the session.


As a token of our appreciation for your help with HSLS, you will receive a $100 honorarium after the student session has been completed. If your school has high student response rates, you will receive an additional honorarium of $25 or $50 (see Table 2).

THANK YOU for your help to make the HSLS:09 First Follow-Up Study a success!! We really appreciate your time and assistance!

Table 2. HSLS Coordinator Honorarium Calculations

Base honorarium to coordinator = $100

Number of students participating*:

Number of students participating*:

Eligible students

($125 total)
Minimum of 85%

Base+ $50
($150 total)
Minimum of:

Eligible students

Base+ $25
($125 total)
Minimum of:

Base+ $50
($150 total)
Minimum of:





















































































































































































Dear parent/guardian:

I am writing to thank you again for allowing your teenager to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). It has been two years since your teenager participated in the first phase of HSLS:09, a national research study that began with ninth graders in 2008. I seek your help now with the follow-up phase of this study.

The purpose of HSLS:09 is to understand the impact of the high school experience on students’ learning and their education and career choices and to explore the transitions students make from high school to postsecondary education, the labor force, and adulthood. HSLS:09 measures achievement and various influences not only on students’ math learning but also on students’ plans, motivations, interests, activities, and choices. As you may recall, HSLS:09 is a national study sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education. The study is being conducted under contract by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization based in North Carolina.

In a few weeks, your teenager will be asked to spend 90 minutes completing a computerized questionnaire and math assessment for the HSLS:09 First Follow-Up Study. Over 21,000 students from more than 900 high schools across the country have participated in this study to date. We will also ask a school administrator and a school counselor to each complete a questionnaire that will provide information about school programs and practices. In addition, we would like you to complete a parent questionnaire that will provide critical, valuable background information. You will be contacted separately to complete the parent questionnaire.

An important feature of HSLS:09 is that it is longitudinal, meaning it follows the same students as they progress through school and eventually enter the workforce and/or go to college. We plan to contact your teenager in about one year to discuss plans for life after high school and for another follow-up about two years later, so we will ask for his/her address and telephone number and those of a relative or close friend. School transcripts will also be collected from your student’s high school in 2012.

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. All information provided will be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). Participation is voluntary, and there is no penalty if your teenager decides not to participate. Your teenager may choose not to answer any question. The data will be collected and analyzed to influence educational policy on secondary and postsecondary education.

Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed form and return it to your teenager’s school in the envelope provided. We cannot allow your teenager to participate without your written consent. As a token of our appreciation for your teenager’s participation in the study, he or she will receive $10.00 cash.

The enclosed brochure provides more information about HSLS:09. If you have questions about the study, please call Mr. Dan Pratt at RTI, toll-free, at 1-866-253-1063, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you may call RTI’s Office for Research Protection, toll-free, at 1-866-214-2043. Both Mr. Pratt and staff from the Office for Research Protection can be reached at: RTI, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important research.


Laura LoGerfo, Project Officer

National Center for Education Statistics

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-Up


Please check only one option below to indicate your decision about your teenager’s participation in the study. Then sign the form, providing your telephone number; and print the student name and school name, where indicated.

Please return this form to your teenager’s school as soon as possible. We have enclosed an envelope addressed to the person coordinating the study at your teenager’s school.

Please check one:

I GIVE PERMISSION for my teenager, __________________________, to participate in the study.

(print student name)

I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for my teenager, _______________________________, to participate in the study. (print student name)

(Signature of parent or guardian)

Print parent/guardian name: _______________________________________________________

Date of signature:


Area code Telephone number


Student name:

School name:


Student ID:

Dear parent/guardian:

Your teenager has been selected to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) - a national longitudinal research study sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education that began in 2008. The purpose of HSLS:09 is to understand the impact of the high school experience on students’ learning and their education and career choices and to explore the transitions students make from high school to postsecondary education, the labor force, and adulthood. HSLS:09 measures achievement and various influences not only on students’ math learning but also on students’ plans, motivations, interests, activities, and choices. We will follow the same group of students as they progress through school and then enter the work force and/or go to college. Additional students have been added for the first follow-up phase of this study.

In a few weeks, your teenager will be asked to spend approximately 90 minutes completing a computerized questionnaire and math assessment for the HSLS:09 First Follow-Up Study. Over 21,000 students from more than 900 high schools across the country have participated in this study to date. We will also ask a school administrator and a school counselor to each complete a questionnaire that will provide information about school programs and practices. In addition, we would like you to complete a parent questionnaire that will provide important background information. You will be contacted separately to complete the parent survey.

An important feature of HSLS:09 is that it is longitudinal, meaning it follows the same students as they progress through school and eventually enter the workforce and/or go to college. We plan to contact your teenager in about one year to discuss plans for after high school and for another follow-up about two years later, so we will ask for his/her address and telephone number and those of a relative or close friend. School transcripts will also be collected from your student’s high school in 2012.

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. All information provided will be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). Participation is voluntary, and there is no penalty if your teenager decides not to participate. Your teenager may choose not to answer any question. The data will be collected and analyzed to influence educational policy on secondary and postsecondary education.

Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed form and return it to your teenager’s school in the envelope provided. We cannot allow your teenager to participate without your written consent. As a token of our appreciation for your teenager’s participation in the study, he or she will receive $10.00.

The enclosed brochure provides more information about HSLS:09. The HSLS:09 study is being conducted under contract by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization based in North Carolina. If you have questions about the study, please call Mr. Dan Pratt at RTI, toll-free, at 1-866-253-1063, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you may call RTI’s Office for Research Protection, toll-free, at 1-866-214-2043. Both Mr. Pratt and staff from the Office for Research Protection can be reached at: RTI, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important research.


Laura LoGerfo, Project Officer

National Center for Education Statistics

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-Up


Please check only one option below to indicate your decision about your teenager’s participation in the study. Then sign the form, providing your telephone number; and print the student name and school name, where indicated.

Please return this form to your teenager’s school as soon as possible. We have enclosed an envelope addressed to the person coordinating the study at your teenager’s school.

Please check one:

I GIVE PERMISSION for my teenager, __________________________, to participate in the study.

(print student name)

I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for my teenager, _______________________________, to participate in the study. (print student name)

(Signature of parent or guardian)

Print parent/guardian name: _______________________________________________________

Date of signature:


Area code Telephone number


Student name:

School name:


Student ID:

Dear parent/guardian:

I am writing to thank you again for allowing your teenager to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). It has been two years since your teenager participated in the first phase of HSLS:09, a national research study that began with ninth graders in 2008. I seek your help now with the follow-up phase of this study.

The purpose of HSLS:09 is to understand the impact of the high school experience on students’ learning and their education and career choices and to explore the transitions students make from high school to postsecondary education, the labor force, and adulthood. HSLS:09 measures achievement and various influences not only on students’ math learning but also on students’ plans, motivations, interests, activities, and choices. As you may recall, HSLS:09 is a national study sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education.

In a few weeks, your teenager will be asked to spend 90 minutes completing a computerized questionnaire and math assessment for the HSLS:09 First Follow-Up Study. Over 21,000 students from more than 900 high schools across the country have participated in this study to date. We will also ask a school administrator and a school counselor to each complete a questionnaire that will provide information about school programs and practices. In addition, we would like you to complete a parent questionnaire that will provide critical, valuable background information. You will be contacted separately to complete the parent questionnaire.

An important feature of HSLS:09 is that it is longitudinal, meaning it follows the same students as they progress through school and eventually enter the workforce and/or go to college. We plan to contact your teenager in about one year to discuss plans for life after high school and for another follow-up about two years later, so we will ask for his/her address and telephone number and those of a relative or close friend. School transcripts will also be collected from your student’s high school in 2012.

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. All information provided will be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). Participation is voluntary, and there is no penalty if your teenager decides not to participate. Your teenager may choose not to answer any question. The data will be collected and analyzed to influence educational policy on secondary and postsecondary education.

If you allow your teenager to participate, you do not need to return this form. If for any reason you object to his or her participation, please fill out the enclosed form and return it to his/her school as soon as possible. As a token of our appreciation for your teenager’s participation in the study, he or she will receive $10.00.

The enclosed brochure provides more information about HSLS:09. The study is being conducted under contract by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization based in North Carolina. If you have questions about the study, please call Mr. Dan Pratt at RTI, toll-free, at 1-866-253-1063, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you may call RTI’s Office for Research Protection, toll-free, at 1-866-214-2043. Both Mr. Pratt and staff from the Office for Research Protection can be reached at: RTI, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important research.


Laura LoGerfo, Project Officer

National Center for Education Statistics

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-Up




I DO NOT GRANT PERMISSION for my teenager, _______________________________, to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study. (print student name)

Please sign and return only if you do not grant permission for your teenager to participate.

(Signature of parent or guardian) ___________________________________________________

Print parent/guardian name: _______________________________________________________

Date of signature:


Area code Telephone number


Student name:

School name:


Student ID:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your teenager has been selected to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national longitudinal research study that began in 2008 and is sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education.

The purpose of HSLS:09 is to understand the impact of the high school experience on students’ learning and their education and career choices and to explore the transitions students make from high school to postsecondary education, the labor force, and adulthood. HSLS:09 measures math achievement and various influences on students’ learning as well as their plans, motivations, interests, activities, and choices.

In a few weeks, your teenager will be asked to spend 90 minutes completing a computerized questionnaire and math assessment for the HSLS:09 First Follow-Up Study. Over 21,000 students from more than 900 high schools across the country have participated in this study to date. We will also ask a school administrator and a school counselor to each complete a questionnaire that will provide information about school programs and practices. In addition, we would like you to complete a parent questionnaire that will provide critical, valuable background information. You will be contacted separately to complete the parent questionnaire.

An important feature of HSLS:09 is that it is longitudinal, meaning it follows the same students as they progress through school and eventually enter the workforce and/or go to college. We plan to contact your teenager in about one year to discuss plans for life after high school and for another follow-up about two years later, so we will ask for his/her address and telephone number and those of a relative or close friend. School transcripts will also be collected from your student’s high school in 2012.

The U.S. Department of Education is authorized by federal law (Public Law 107-279) to conduct HSLS:09. All information provided will be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). Participation is voluntary, and there is no penalty if your teenager decides not to participate. Your teenager may choose not to answer any question. The data will be collected and analyzed to influence educational policy on secondary and postsecondary education.

If you allow your teenager to participate, you do not need to return this form. If for any reason you object to his or her participation, please fill out the enclosed form and return it to his/her school as soon as possible. As a token of our appreciation for your teenager’s participation in the study, he or she will receive $10.00.

The enclosed brochure provides more information about HSLS:09. The study is being conducted under contract by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization based in North Carolina. If you have questions about the study, please call Mr. Dan Pratt at RTI, toll-free, at 1-866-253-1063, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you may call RTI’s Office for Research Protection, toll-free, at 1-866-214-2043. Both Mr. Pratt and staff from the Office for Research Protection can be reached at: RTI, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important research.


Laura LoGerfo, Project Officer

National Center for Education Statistics

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-Up




I DO NOT GRANT PERMISSION for my teenager, _______________________________, to participate in the High School Longitudinal Study. (print student name)

Please sign and return only if you do not grant permission for your teenager to participate.

(Signature of parent or guardian) ___________________________________________________

Print parent/guardian name: _______________________________________________________

Date of signature:


Area code Telephone number


Student name:

School name:


Student ID:

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title
AuthorSRD Staff
Last Modified By#Administrator
File Modified2010-08-16
File Created2010-08-16

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