U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park ServiceWashington State University Social and Economic Sciences Research Center |
OMB Approval 1024-0224
Expiration date: 2014
United States Department of the Interior
NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Katmai National Park & Preserve 1000 Silver Street, Bldg 603 P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 |
Spring 2014
Dear Visitor:
Thank you for participating in this important study. Our goal is to learn about the expectations, opinions, and interests of visitors to Katmai National Park & Preserve. This information will assist us in our efforts to better manage this park and to serve you.
This questionnaire is only being given to a select number of visitors, so your participation is very important. It should only take about 20 minutes after your visit to complete.
When your visit is over, please complete this questionnaire. Seal it in the postage-paid envelope provided and drop it in any U.S. mailbox.
If you have any questions, please contact Lena Le, Director, SESRC, Wilson-Short Hall #133, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4014, 509-335-1512 (phone), [email protected] (email).
We appreciate your help.
At the end of your visit:
1. Please have the selected individual (at least 16 years old) complete this questionnaire.
2. Answer the questions carefully since each question is different.
3. For questions that use circles (O), please mark your answer by filling in the circle with black or blue ink. Please do not use pencil.
4. Seal it in the postage-paid envelope provided.
5. Drop it in a U.S. mailbox.
Paperwork Reduction and Privacy Act Statement: The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to tell you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. This information will be used by the National Park Service as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 1a-7. We will use this information to evaluate visitor experiences at Katmai National Park and Preserve. Your response is voluntary. Your name and contact information have been requested for follow-up mailing purposes only. When analysis of the questionnaire is completed, all name and address files will be destroyed and will in no way be connected with the results of this survey. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
We estimate that it will take about 20 minutes to complete this. You may send comments concerning the burden estimates or any aspect of this information collection to: Lena Le, Director, SESRC, Wilson-Short Hall #133, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4014, 509-335-1512 (phone), [email protected] (email).
For the purposes of this review and submission the questions in this survey are all included and are consistent with the currently approved pool questions for the NPS Programmatic Review Process (1024-0224 – Current Expiration Date: 8-31-2014).
Please Tell Us About Your Visit To Katmai National Park and Preserve (NP&P)
NOTE: In this questionnaire, your personal group, sometimes referred to as your group, is defined as anyone with whom you are visiting the park, such as a spouse, family, friends, etc. This does not include the larger group that you might be traveling with, such as a school, church, scout, or tour group.
1. a) Prior to this visit, how did your group obtain information about Katmai National Park & Preserve? Please mark (•) all that apply in column (a).
O Did not obtain information prior to visit Go to part (b) of this question
b) If you were to visit Katmai National Park & Preserve in the future, how would your group prefer to obtain information about the park? Please mark (•) all that apply in column (b).
a) This visit |
b) Future visit |
Source of information |
O |
O |
Friends/relatives/word of mouth |
O |
O |
Bear watching/fishing guide companies/outfitters |
O |
O |
Charter flight |
O |
O |
Inquiry to park via phone, mail, or email |
O |
O |
Katmai National Park & Preserve website: www.nps.gov/katm |
O |
O |
Explore.org |
O |
O |
Other websites — Which one(s)? _____________________ |
O |
O |
Maps/brochures |
O |
O |
Newspaper/magazine articles |
O |
O |
Package tour (cruise, airline, etc.) |
O |
O |
Previous visits |
O |
O |
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) |
O |
O |
Television/radio programs/DVDs |
O |
O |
Travel guides/tour books (AAA, Fodors, etc.) |
O |
n/a |
Other, this visit (Specify) ____________________________ |
n/a |
O |
Other, future visit (Specify) ___________________________ |
c) From the sources you used prior to this visit, did your group receive the type of information about the park that you needed? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O No O Yes Go to Question 2
d) If NO, what type of park information did your group need that was not available? Please be specific.
2. a) Prior to this visit, was your group aware that you would be visiting Katmai National Park & Preserve, an area managed by the National Park Service? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Yes O No
b) Prior to this visit, was your group familiar with Katmai NP&P rules and regulations? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Yes O No
3. On this trip, what was the primary reason your group visited Katmai National Park & Preserve? Please mark (•) only one.
O Bear watching O Fishing
O Other recreation (backpacking, hiking, etc.) O Photography
O Study Alaska Native culture O Visit a National Park Service site
O Other reason (Please specify)
4. a) For you only, how did you get to Alaska on this trip? Please mark (•) only one.
O Resident of Alaska
O Charter flight O Commercial flight (such as Alaska Airlines, Delta, etc.)
O Cruise ship O Other method (Specify)
b) On this trip, what forms of transportation did your group use to arrive at Katmai National Park & Preserve? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Commercial airplane
O Personal airplane
O Commercial charter boat/cruise ship
O Personal boat
O Part of a package tour
O Lodge fly-out
O Other (Please specify)
5. a)On this trip, did your group stay overnight, away from your home, in Katmai NP&P or in the surrounding area, or in Alaska outside the area shown on the map on page x? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Yes O No Go to Question xx
b, c& d) If YES, please list the number of nights your group stayed at each type of accommodation either inside or outside of Katmai National Park & Preserve. If you did not use a type of accommodation, please leave that line blank
Number of nights |
Accommodation |
b) Inside |
c) Outside park (area on map) |
d) In Alaska (outside map area) |
Lodge, motel, cabin, rented condo/home, B&B |
Camping in a developed campground |
Camping in the backcountry |
On a boat |
Residence of friends or relatives |
Other type of accommodation inside park |
Other type of accommodation outside park(Specify) |
6. On this trip, what was the primary reason that your group visited the area shown on the map on page x? Please check only one
O Resident of the area O Visit Katmai National Park and Preserve
O Visit friends/relatives in the area O Visit other attractions in the area
O Other reason (Please specify__________________________________________)
7. On this trip, where did your group stay on the night before and the night after visiting Katmai National Park & Preserve? If you stayed at home, please write your home town/state
a) BEFORE visit: Town/city State
b) AFTER visit: Town/city State
8. On the map below, please mark (•) all the sites that your group visited on this visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve.
9. On this visit, how much time in total did your group spend at Katmai National Park & Preserve? Please list partial hours/days
Number of hours If less than 24 hours
Number of days If 24 hours or more
10. a) Katmai National Park & Preserve offers many recreational opportunities and visitor experiences which has the potential for conflicts between visitors engaged in different activities (e.g. fishing vs. boating, vs bear viewing vs. fishing, etc.). On this visit, did your group experience any conflicts with other visitors engaged in different or the same activity?
O Yes O No Go to Question xx
b) If YES, what was the conflict between your group and another group?
11. a) On this visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve, in which activities did your group participate within the park (excluding Brooks Camp)? Please mark (•) all that apply in column (a).
b) In column (b), please mark (•) all the activities your group participated in at Brooks Camp only.
Did not visit Brooks Camp Go to Question xx
Activity |
a) In the park |
b) At Brooks Camp |
Attending bear orientation and safety talk |
O |
O |
Attending other ranger-led talks or walks |
O |
O |
Backpacking |
O |
O |
Bear watching |
O |
O |
Boating (motorized) |
O |
O |
Boating (non-motorized) |
O |
O |
Camping |
O |
O |
Day-hiking |
O |
O |
Dining |
O |
O |
Fishing—catch and keep |
O |
O |
Fishing—catch and release |
O |
O |
Flight seeing |
O |
O |
Photography |
O |
O |
Buying items in visitor center bookstore |
NA |
O |
Staying in lodge |
O |
O |
Taking guided tour in park (with guide other than park ranger) |
O |
O |
Viewing wildlife (other than bears) |
O |
O |
Visiting visitor center |
O |
O |
Other activities (Please specify below) |
O |
O |
This section contains questions about Brooks Camp. If you did not visit Brooks Camp on this visit please go to Question 16
12. a) Did anyone in your group attend any informational/interpretive programs that are offered daily at Brooks Camp? Please mark (•) all that apply. O No O Yes Go to Question 11
b) If NO, please mark (•) all the reasons for not attending the interpretive programs. Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Not interested in interpretive programs
O Location not convenient O Timing not convenient
O Subject not interesting O Other (Specify)
13.a) How long did you have to wait for your turn on the Falls Bear Viewing Platform?
Length of wait _________________________minutes
OR O did not use the Falls Platform Go to question 13
b) Compared to what you expected how was the length of wait time? Please mark (•) one
O Longer than expected O About as expected O Shorter than expected
14. a) In order to reduce the wait time at the Falls Platform, a few options are being considered. Which of the following options would you prefer? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O I would rather spend less time on the platform if it helps to reduce the wait time
O I would rather spend the full hour on the platform even if it means a longer wait
b) An advanced reservation system is being considered to help reduce the wait time at the Falls Platform. Would you be interested in using the reservation system?
O Yes O No
c) Would you be willing to pay $8 per person to reserve a specific time to view bears at the falls? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Yes O No O Not sure
15. How did the following elements affect your visit to Brooks Camp. Please mark (•) one for each element
Enhanced my experience |
No effect |
Detracted from my enjoyment |
Did not experience |
One mile walk to Falls Platform |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Bear related delays while moving around Brooks Camp |
O |
O |
O |
O |
b) On this visit, did your experience at Brooks Camp meet your group’s expectations? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Yes O No
This section contains questions about backcountry of Katmai National Park & Preserve which includes all areas other than Brooks Camp developed area and Lake Camp area
16. a) On this visit, did your group visit the backcountry of Katmai National Park & Preserve? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No Go to Question xx
b) How long did your group stay in the backcountry? Please mark (•) one.
Number of hours If less than 24 hours
Number of days If 24 hours or more
c) For you only, including this visit, how many times have you gone into Katmai NP&P's backcountry? Please mark (•) one.
O Once O 2-4 times O 5 times or more
17. a) While in the backcountry, did you observe human waste or trash? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No
b) If your group were to visit the backcountry in the future, would you be willing to pack out your human waste? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No
c) If your group were to visit the backcountry in the future, would you be willing to obtain a backcountry permit (online, phone, in person)? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No
f) If YES, would your group be willing to pay $8per permit? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No
18. How would your group rate your backcountry experience on this visit? Please mark (•) one.
Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
19. a) During this visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve did you observe presence of park ranger in the park locations other than visitor center, ranger-led tour, or safety briefing? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes O No
b) How would you rate the availability of park rangers during your visit? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Not enough rangers O About the right amount O Too many
20. a) Please mark (•) all the visitor services and facilities that your group used at Katmai National Park & Preserve during this visit.
b) Please rate the importance of the services and facilities used during your visit from 1-5.
c) Please rate the quality of the services and facilities used from 1-5.
a) Visitor services/facilities used Mark (•) |
b) If used, how important? 1=Not at all important 2=Slightly important 3=Moderately important 4=Very important 5=Extremely important |
c) If used, what quality? 1=Very poor 2=Poor 3=Average 4=Good 5=Very good |
O Access for disabled persons
O Assistance from National Park Service staff
O Assistance from concession or guide staff
O Bulletin boards
O Park brochure/map
O Other park brochures/publications
O Park website: www.National Parks.gov/katm
used before or during visit
O Orientation video program (at visitor center)
O Ranger-led programs (walks, talks, etc.)
O Restrooms
O Trailside interpretive signs
O Visitor center bookstore ______ ______
(selection, price, etc.)
Visitor center (overall)
21. a) What did your group like most about your visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve?
b) What did your group like least about your visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve?
22. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the facilities, services, and recreational opportunities provided to your group at Katmai National Park & Preserve during this visit? Please mark (•) one.
Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
23. a) For the locations on the list below, please list the number of people you saw at each location. If you did not visit a location please mark “did not visit”
b) For the places that your group visited, how crowded did you feel? Please mark (•) one answer for each location.
Location |
b) # of people seen |
Did not visit |
c) How crowded? |
Extremely crowded |
Very crowded |
Somewhat crowded |
Slightly crowded |
Not crowded at all |
Falls Platform |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Riffles Platform |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Brooks Camp area |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Lower River Platform |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Alagnak Wild River |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
American Creek |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Moraine/Funnel Area |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Naknek River |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Geographic/Amalik |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Hallo Bay |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Kulik River |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Valley of 10,000 Smokes |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Other (Please specify)
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
24. On this visit, was your group part of the following types of organized groups? Please mark (•) one for each group type.
a) Commercial guided tour group O Yes O No
(Only include tour group led by private tour/guide/outfitter companies, DO NOT include ranger-led program)
b) School/educational group O Yes O No
c) Other (scouts, work, church, etc.) O Yes O No
d) If you were with an organized groups, how many people, including yourself, were in this group?
Number of people in organized group
25. a) On this visit, which type of personal group (not guided tour/school/other organized group) were you with? Please mark (•) only one.
O Alone O Family O Friends
O Family and friends O Other (Please specify)
b) On this visit, how many people were in your personal group, including yourself?
Number of people
26. For your group, please provide the following. If you do not know the answer, please leave blank.
a) Gender M=male F=female |
b) Current age |
c) U.S. ZIP code or name of country other than U.S. |
d) & e) Number of visits to Katmai (including this visit) Past 12 months Lifetime |
Yourself |
Member #2 |
Member #3 |
Member #4 |
Member #5 |
Member #6 |
Member #7 |
27. a) Please mark (•) all the topics your group learned about during this visit to Katmai NP&P
b) Please mark (•) all the topics your group are interested in learning or learning more about during a future visit.
O Not interested in learning on a future visit Go to Question 28
Topic |
this visit? |
b) Interested in learning on a future visit? |
Brown bears |
O |
O |
Volcanism/geology |
O |
O |
Salmon or other fish |
O |
O |
Other natural history (other than bears or fish) |
O |
O |
Alaska Native cultural history |
O |
O |
Early park exploration |
O |
O |
Other (Please specify) |
O |
O |
28. For your group, please list all expenditures for the items listed below for this visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve (see map on page X) and in Alaska, other than Katmai. Please write "0" if no money was spent in a particular category.
a) Please list your group's total expenditures inside Katmai National Park & Preserve, including Brooks Camp and backcountry lodges, as shown on page X map.
b&c) Please list your group's total expenditures in the outside area on the map and in Alaska.
NOTE: Surrounding area residents should only include expenditures that were directly related to this visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve.
a) In Katmai NP&P b) area outside c) in Alaska
(on the map) (outside map)
Package tour (cruise, airline, etc.) $ $ $
Please list expenditures NOT included in the package tour below:
Lodge/hotel/motel/cabins, B&B, etc. $ $ $
Camping fees and charges $ $ $
Guide fees and charges $ $ $
Restaurants and bars $ $ $
Groceries and takeout food $ $ $
Gas and oil (auto, RV, boat, etc.) $ $ $
Airfare $ $ $
Other transportation NOT include airfare $ $ $
Admission, recreation, entertainment fees $ $ $
All other purchases (souvenirs, books, $ $ $
postcards, sporting goods, clothing, donations, etc.)
c) How many people do the above expenses cover? Please write “0” if no children were covered.
Adults (18 years or over) Children (under 18 years)
29. If you were a manager planning for the future of Katmai NP&P, what would you propose?.
30. Is there anything else your group would like to tell us about your visit to Katmai NP&P?
31. a) In your opinion, how important is it to protect the following resources/attributes at Katmai NP&P? Please rate the level of importance from 1-5 as indicated in column (a)
b) During this visit to Katmai NP&P, compared to your expectations, please rate the quality of your experience with each resource/attribute in column (b). If you did not use/experience a resource/ attribute on this visit, please mark “Did not use.”
a) how important? 1=Not at all important 2=Slightly important 3=Moderately important 4=Very important 5=Extremely important |
b) what quality? 1=Worse than expected 2= About the same as expected 3= Better than expected |
Did not use/ experience |
Archeological and historic sites |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Bear watching |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Clean water |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Fishing |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Hunting |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Native plants |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Natural quiet/sounds of nature |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Native wildlife |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Bird watching |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Recreational opportunities |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Scenic views |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Solitude |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
Wilderness |
_____ |
_____ |
O |
32. For you only, what is the highest level of education you have completed? Please mark (•) one.
O Some high school O Bachelor’s degree
O High school diploma/GED O Graduate degree O Some college
33. a) For you only, which category best represents your annual household income? Please mark (•) only one.
O |
Less than $24,999 |
O |
$50,000-$74,999 |
O |
$150,000-$199,999 |
O |
$25,000-$34,999 |
O |
$75,000-$99,999 |
O |
$200,000 or more |
O |
$35,000-$49,999 |
O |
$100,000-$149,999 |
O |
Do not wish to answer |
b) How many people are in your household? Number of people
on recycled paper
Thank you for your help! Please seal the questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided and drop it in any U.S. mailbox.
Services Project
Studies Unit
of Natural Resources
of Idaho
Perimeter Drive MS 1139
Idaho 83844-1139
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | DETO Q |
Author | Gary Machlis |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |