Science and Engineering Indicators (SEI)
Community Survey Instrument
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey on the Science and Engineering Indicators (SEI) report. The purpose of this survey is to understand your experience with and perception of the biennial Science and Engineering Indicators report issued by the National Science Board (NSB). The report is produced by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) of the National Science Foundation under the guidance of the NSB.
NCSES is exploring options for transitioning the Indicators report from a print publication with a secondary digital version to a primarily digital publication. Your input will help NCSES and the NSB make design decisions about the report. We are trying to learn more about how you use (or may use in the future) the Indicators report, your experience as an user (or potential user) of the report, and how it could be made better. Please keep in mind that this study is focused on the SEI report, and not on other NCSES datasets or publications (except as they are integrated into the Indicators report). No personal information will be associated with your responses to this survey, and all responses will be held confidential by NCSES and its contractor on this project, SRI International.
This survey is anticipated to take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Science and Engineering Indicators Users Survey
Background – User Profile
Federal government agency |
Congressional staffers |
State government agency |
Academic or research professional staff |
Graduate student |
Nonprofit organization |
Professional association |
Science policy community |
Industry / business |
Science journalist |
NSF staff |
Other: (Specify) |
Yes |
No |
(if #2 no, advance to item 6)
(if #2 yes)
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Don’t know / Not applicable |
(if “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree” in #3 is checked)
(if #2 yes)
As a reference |
As background for reports or articles |
As background for program planning |
As background for policy formulation or analysis |
As background for proposal development |
As verification or validation of specific issues |
For information to be used in speeches and hearings |
General research |
Other: (Specify) |
(if #2 no, advance to item 14)
(if #2 yes)
No |
Yes: (Specify) |
Accessing the Science and Engineering Indicators
(if #2 yes)
Approximately once per month |
Approximately once every 3 months |
Approximately once every 6 months |
Approximately once per year |
Other: (Specify) |
(if #2 yes)
The published hard-copy edition |
The online edition (Web page or PDF versions) |
Both |
(if #2 yes)
Browse or skim sections |
Look for answers for your questions |
Find or look for specific data or analysis |
Look for supporting data or analysis to support a position |
Read most or all sections |
Other: (specify)
(if #2 yes and “Look for answers for your questions” in #9 is checked)
Very difficult |
Somewhat difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
(if #2 yes)
Always |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
(if #2 yes)
Chapter overviews |
Most or all of the chapter |
Text from selected chapters |
Chapter highlights |
Graphics from chapters |
Tables from chapters |
Appendix tables |
Presentation slides |
Other (specify) |
(if #2 yes)
Always |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
SEI Digital Future
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Project Inception Report |
Author | sushantamohapatra |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |