Crosswalk of new, revised and unchanged items

TFS 2013 Cognitive Testing Crosswalk Item Justification.xlsx

NCES Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies System

Crosswalk of new, revised and unchanged items

OMB: 1850-0803

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Sheet 1: Former

2012-13 Former Teacher Questionnaire

Cog Lab Items

Proposed 2012-13 wording to be tested in Cog Lab Justification 2008-09 Survey Wording 2004-05 Survey Wording
If you teach a particular specialty (e.g., reading specialist, special education teacher, art or music teacher, English as a Second Language teacher), include that time as a regularly scheduled class.1. Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K-12? Instructions have been revised to ensure that teachers of specialties like special education, reading instruction, etc. will classify themselves correctly as a teacher for SASS. Is the wording clear? Do respondents understand what is meant by "regularly scheduled classes"? If you work as a library media specialist or librarian at your current school, do not include classes in which you teach students how to use the library (e.g., library skills or library research).
1. Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K-12?
2. Did you leave your K-12 teaching position involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)? Included for skip pattern for items 3 and 4. N/A N/A
3. Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave the position of a K-12 teacher. Entire item is included for context. Subitems C, L, and U are new/revised. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - a. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - b. Because of other personal life reasons (e.g., health, pregnancy/childcare, caring for family). Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - c. Because I decided to retire or receive retirement benefits from last year's school system. Revised item. Is the wording clear? Are only retirees choosing this item or also younger respondents who have decided to move on from teaching? Wording has been simplified to avoid confusion. It wasn't clear that respondents were differentiating between retiring and no longer teaching. Because I decided it was time to retire. N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - d. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - e. Because I needed better benefits than I received at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - f. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year's school, Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - g. Because I decided to pursue a position other than that of a K-12 teacher. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - h. Because I decided to take courses to improve career opportunities WITHIN the field of education. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - i. Because I decided to take courses to improve career opportunities OUTSIDE the field of education. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - j. Because I was dissatisfied with teaching as a career. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - k. Because there were not enough opportunities for leadership roles or professional advancement at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - l. Because I did not like the way in which the performance of teachers was formally evaluated at last year's school. New item. Is the wording clear? Are respondent's properly considering the formal evaluation process rather than informal evaluations? Evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS. This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - m. Because I was dissatisfied with my job description or assignment (e.g., responsibilities, grade level, or subject area). Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - n. Because I did not have enough autonomy over my classroom at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - o. Because I was dissatisfied with the large number of students I taught at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - p. Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - q. Because I was dissatisfied with workplace conditions (e.g., facilities, classroom resources, school safety) at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - r. Because student discipline problems were an issue at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - s. Because I was dissatisfied with the administration at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - t. Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of influence I had over school policies and practices at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - u. Because my opinion about the primary purpose of the school did not match the school's central mission New item. Is the wording clear? Item is intended to identify whether there is a mismatch between the teacher's beliefs and the school's mission. Particular reason is also included on the 2011-12 SASS Teacher Questionnaire as a satisfaction item. NCES and TWG are interested in determining if this would be a reason for leaving/moving. Similar items appeared on the 2007-08 SASS questionnaire but the experts would like to be able to tie these concepts to actual reasons for leaving. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - v. Because I was dissatsified with how student assessments and school accountability measures impacted my teaching or curriculm at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - w. Because I was dissatisfied with how some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards were tied to the performance of my students at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - x. Because I was dissatisfied with the support I received for preparing my students for student assessments at last year's school. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - y. Because of other factors not included in the previous items a-x. Included for context. N/A N/A
3. I left the position of a K-12 teacher - y. Other specify. Included for any suggestions that participants may have. N/A N/A
4. What is the LOWEST teaching salary, not including benefits, you would accept to return to last year's school in the same K-12 teaching position? Revised item for leavers (only for those who left last year's school voluntarily). Is the item clearly understood? Do respondents check the box if they would not consider returning for any salary increase? Are they willing to enter extremely high salary figures or will they simply check the box? TWG recommendation. NCES agrees that the interpretation of a hypothetical minimum requirement is problematic. Anchoring item to teacher’s previous position, which has known characteristics from SASS, rather than to an ideal position/school with unknown characteristics, is a better measure. N/A What is the LOWEST teaching salary, not including benefits, you would accept to return to a K-12 teaching position?
5. Were you formally evaluated for your work as a teacher last year (2011-12)? New item. Do respondents accurately report 'yes' if they were formally (rather than informally) evaluated last school year? Item is asked on 2011-12 SASS, but is needed here as filter item. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." N/A N/A
6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the formal evaluation of your work as a teacher last school year (2011-12)? New item for all former teachers. Intended to gather information on teachers' experiences with formal evaluation process. This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item is not included on SASS. N/A N/A
6a. My work as a teacher was assessed fairly in the formal evaluation. Teacher evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS will provide context for how evaluation is conducted at school/district. Teachers are unlikely to have been evaluated at the time of SASS, so satisfaction items need to be asked on TFS. Is the wording clear? Are they only considering their formal evaluation? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item is not included on SASS. N/A N/A
6b. My strengths and weaknesses as a teacher were effectively identified in the formal evaluation. Is the wording clear? If respondents have different ratings for how effectively their strengths and weaknesses were identified, do they have trouble providing an overall rating? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item is not included on SASS. N/A N/A
6c. I received feedback from the formal evaluation that was helpful in the development of my work as a teacher. Is the wording clear? Do we need to specify who is providing the feedback? If so, should we reference the principal or "person conducting the evaluation"? Do individuals who received no feedback or who received unhelpful feedback both mark "strongly disagree"? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This item is not included on SASS. N/A N/A
6d. I was satisfied with the formal evaluation process. Is the wording clear? Do respondents have any trouble providing an overall rating? Are they only considering formal evaluations rather than informal evaluations? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
7. Did you receive a single overall rating as part of that formal evaluation? Do respondents understand what is meant by a "single overall rating"? If they did receive a rating, are they willing to report "yes" here? The purpose of including this item is that it couldn't be determined if teachers receive a rating of some kind or only receive feedback. N/A N/A
8. Which of the following best describes the single overall rating you received for your work as a teacher last school year (2011-12)? Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Do the response options adequately capture the potential array of responses and are respondents able to easily categorize their ratings? Do we need more categories to tease out differences in evaluations? Teacher evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS will provide context for how evaluation is conducted at school/district. Teachers are unlikely to have been evaluated at the time of SASS, so satisfaction items need to be asked on TFS. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
9. Last year, how effective do you think you were as a teacher? Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Are respondents only considering last year or are they basing their response on multiple years? Do we need more categories to tease out differences? How are they understanding the word "effective"? Item is intended to provide a subjective measure of teacher quality in order to distinguish between leavers who perceive themselves as excellent teachers or as poor teachers. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
10. Overall, how would you describe yourself as a teacher? Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Do we need more categories to tease out differences? Are respondents correctly looking at their entire teaching career to provide a response? Item is intended to provide a subjective measure of teacher quality in order to distinguish between leavers who perceive themselves as excellent teachers or as poor teachers. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
11. Indicate how important each factor would be in influencing your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Entire item is included for context. Subitems C, D, and E are new. N/A N/A
11a. Ability to maintain your teacher retirement benefits. Included for context. N/A N/A
11b. State certification reciprocity (a state's acceptance of teacher certifications from other states) Included for context. N/A N/A
11c. An easier and less costly way to renew/earn certification New item. Is the wording and concept clear? N/A N/A
11d. Smaller class sizes New item. Is the wording and concept clear? N/A N/A
11e. Availability of full-time teaching positions. New item. Is the wording and concept clear? Does using the word "positions" in this item but "assignments" in 11f cause any confusion? N/A N/A
11f. Availability of part-time teaching assignments. Included for context. N/A N/A
11g. Forgiveness of your student loans. Included for context. N/A N/A
11h. Housing incentives (e.g., subsidies, rent assistance, low interest loans, relocation assistance). Included for context. N/A N/A
11i. An increase in salary. Included for context. N/A N/A
11j. Availability of suitable childcare options. Included for context. N/A N/A

Sheet 2: Current

2012-13 Current Teacher Questionnaire

Cog Lab Items

Proposed 2012-13 wording to be tested in Cog Lab Justification 2008-09 Survey Wording 2004-05 Survey Wording
If you teach a particular specialty (e.g., reading specialist, special education teacher, art or music teacher, English as a Second Language teacher), include that time as a regularly scheduled class.
1. Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K-12?
Instructions have been revised to ensure that teachers of specialties like special education, reading instruction, etc. will classify themselves correctly as a teacher for SASS. Is the wording clear? Do respondents understand what is meant by "regularly scheduled classes"? Found that some special education teachers or other specialists were incorrectly being identified as former teachers. The instruction is meant to prevent that from happening and was used in 2009-10 BTLS. If you work as a library media specialist or librarian at your current school, do not include classes in which you teach students how to use the library (e.g., library skills or library research).
1. Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K-12?
2. Are you currently teaching in the SAME SCHOOL as you were last year (2011-12)? Included only to ensure that movers answer item 4. No change N/A
3. Did you change schools involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)? Included only to ensure that movers answer item 4. No change N/A
4. Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave last year's school. Entire item is included for context. Subitems C, Q, and R are new. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - a. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - b. Because of other personal life reasons (e.g., health, pregnancy/childcare, caring for family). Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - c. Because I wanted to receive retirement benefits from last year’s school system. New item. Is the wording clear? Do teachers understand this to mean that teachers may leave one school system and enter another in order to be able to receive retirement benefits? N/A N/A
4. I left last year's school - d. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - e. Because I needed better benefits than I received at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - f. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year's school, Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - g. Because I was dissatisfied with my job description or assignment (e.g., responsibilities, grade level, or subject area). Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - h. Because I did not have enough autonomy over my classroom at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - i. Because I was dissatisfied with the large number of students I taught at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - j. Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - k. Because I wanted the opportunity to teach at my current school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - l. Because I was dissatisfied with workplace conditions (e.g., facilities, classroom resources, school safety) at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - m. Because student discipline problems were an issue at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - n. Because I was dissatisfied with the administration at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - o. Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of influence I had over school policies and practices at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - p. Because there were not enough opportunities for leadership roles or professional advancement at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - q. Because I didn't have the level of support I needed as a teacher (e.g. mentoring, good professional development, coaching). New item. Added upon OMB request to test if teachers leave schools because they are not provided support as teachers

4. I left last year's school - r. Because my opinion about the primary purpose of the school did not match the school's central mission. New item. Is the wording clear? Item is intended to identify whether there is a mismatch between the teacher's beliefs and the school's mission. Particular reason is also included on the 2011-12 SASS Teacher Questionnaire as a satisfaction item. NCES and TWG are interested in determining if this would be a reason for leaving/moving. Similar items appeared on the 2007-08 SASS questionnaire but the experts would like to be able to tie these concepts to actual reasons for leaving. N/A N/A
4. I left last year's school - s. Because I did not like the way in which the performance of teachers was formally evaluated at last year’s school. New item. Is the wording clear? Are respondent's properly considering the formal evaluation process rather than informal evaluations? Evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS. This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. N/A N/A
4. I left last year's school - t. Because I was dissatisfied with how student assessments and school accountability measures impacted my teaching or curriculum at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - u. Because I was dissatisfied with how some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards were tied to the performance of my students at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - v. Because I was dissatisfied with the support I received for preparing my students for student assessments at last year's school. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - w. Because of other factors not included in previous items a-v. Included for context. No change N/A
4. I left last year's school - v. Other specify. Included for any suggestions that participants may have. No change N/A
5. What is the LOWEST teaching salary, not including benefits, you would accept to return to last year's school in the same K-12 teaching position? New item for movers. Is the item clearly understood? Do respondents check the box if they would not consider returning for any salary increase? Are they willing to enter extremely high salary figures or will they simply check the box? TWG recommendation. NCES agrees that the interpretation of a hypothetical minimum requirement is problematic. Anchoring item to teacher’s previous position, which has known characteristics from SASS, rather than to an ideal position/school with unknown characteristics, is a better measure. N/A N/A
6. Were you formally evaluated for your work as a teacher last year (2011-12)? New item. Do respondents accurately report 'yes' if they were formally (rather than informally) evaluated last school year? Item is asked on 2011-12 SASS, but is needed here as filter item. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." N/A N/A
7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the formal evaluation of your work as a teacher last school year (2011-12)? New item for all current teachers. Intended to gather information on teachers' experiences with formal evaluation process. This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
7a. My work as a teacher was assessed fairly in the formal evaluation. Teacher evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS will provide context for how evaluation is conducted at school/district. Teachers are unlikely to have been evaluated at the time of SASS, so satisfaction items need to be asked on TFS. Is the wording clear? Are they only considering their formal evaluation? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item was not included on SASS. N/A N/A
7b. My strengths and weaknesses as a teacher were effectively identified in the formal evaluation. Is the wording clear? If respondents have different ratings for how effectively their strengths and weaknesses were identified, do they have trouble providing an overall rating? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item was not included on SASS. N/A N/A
7c. I received feedback from the formal evaluation that was helpful in the development of my work as a teacher. Is the wording clear? Do we need to specify who is providing the feedback? If so, should we reference the principal or "person conducting the evaluation"? Do individuals who received no feedback or who received unhelpful feedback both mark "strongly disagree"? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item was not included on SASS. N/A N/A
7d. I was satisfied with the formal evaluation process. Is the wording clear? Do respondents have any trouble providing an overall rating? Are they only considering formal evaluations rather than informal evaluations? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. This is from the item-by-item justification section of the SASS OMB clearance package: "59a-b, 60a-c – Frequency of informal and formal evaluations, and whether student test scores are included in the evaluation – NCES determined that the evaluation of teachers is as important for policy analysis as the evaluation of principals, and that no other sources exist for whether student test scores are part of the evaluation process." This item was not included on SASS. N/A N/A
8. Did you receive a single overall rating as part of that formal evaluation? New Item. Do respondents understand what is meant by a "single overall rating"? If they did receive a rating, are they willing to report "yes" here? This item would measure whether the evaluation process influences teachers’ decisions to leave the profession. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. The purpose of including this item is that it couldn't be determined if teachers receive a rating of some kind or only receive feedback. N/A N/A
9. Which of the following best describes the single overall rating you received for your work as a teacher last school year (2011-12)? New Item. Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Do the response options adequately capture the potential array of responses and are respondents able to easily categorize their ratings? Do we need more categories to tease out differences in evaluations? Teacher evaluation items added to 2011-12 SASS will provide context for how evaluation is conducted at school/district. Teachers are unlikely to have been evaluated at the time of SASS, so satisfaction items need to be asked on TFS. N/A N/A
10. Last year, how effective do you think you were as a teacher? New Item. Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Are respondents only considering last year or are they basing their response on multiple years? Do we need more categories to tease out differences? How are they understanding the word "effective"? Item is intended to provide a subjective measure of teacher quality in order to distinguish between leavers who perceive themselves as excellent teachers or as poor teachers. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
11. Overall, how would you describe yourself as a teacher? Are respondents willing to provide a response? Is the response likely truthful? Do we need more categories to tease out differences? Are respondents correctly looking at their entire teaching career to provide a response? Item is intended to provide a subjective measure of teacher quality in order to distinguish between leavers who perceive themselves as excellent teachers or as poor teachers. Item is intended to provide a subjective measure of teacher quality in order to distinguish between leavers who perceive themselves as excellent teachers or as poor teachers. This is one of five areas of great importance to the expert panal. They were willing to sacrifice other topics in the survey in order to include these five. N/A N/A
12. a. How many hours a week are you paid to deliver INSTRUCTION to a class of students at your current school? Parts a and b are two alternatives for one item. Are the instructional hours easy to calculate? Do the respondents come up with the same number of hours when answering the item in this format and when using the worksheet in part b? If not, then which one seems to be more accurate? Stem revised to match 2011-12 SASS. Revised instructions; response rates are relatively low for departmentalized teachers (82.4 percent). Response field reduced from three digits to two, because it is not feasible that teachers would be paid to deliver instruction for 100 or more hours a week. Item will be sent to cog lab to determine if this is a better approach than the wording and format included in the 2011-12 SASS teacher questionnaires. N/A How many hours a week do you spend delivering instruction to a class of students?
12. b. How many hours a week are you paid to deliver INSTRUCTION to a class of students at your current school? Is the worksheet helpful in determining the number of hours or is it too confusing? Do respondents end up with the same number of hours regardless of the format? If not, then which one seems to be more accurate? Revised instructions and included worksheet to permit teachers to calculate their instructional hours; response rates are relatively low for departmentalized teachers (82.4 percent). Response field reduced from three digits to two, because it is not feasible that teachers would be paid to deliver instruction for 100 or more hours a week. Item will be sent to cog lab to determine if this is a better approach than the wording and format included in the 2011-12 SASS teacher questionnaires. N/A How many hours a week do you spend delivering instruction to a class of students?
13. How many hours are you required to work to receive BASE PAY during a typical FULL WEEK at your current school? Included for context. N/A How many hours are you required to work to receive base pay during a typical FULL WEEK at your current school?
Instructional bullet: This would be base contract hours, or the equivalent.
14. Including hours spent during the school day, before and after school, and on the weekends, how many hours do you spend on ALL teaching and other school-related activities during a typical FULL WEEK at your current school? Do respondents have any difficulty calculating the total number of hours? Are they mainly providing a gross estimate or is it likely pretty accurate? Are they including paid as well as unpaid hours? Would it help if there was an item that asked for the number of hours worked for all duties for which they receive extra pay or stipend? Both items will be sent to cog lab to determine the best approach.
The stem for option 1 was revised to match 2011-12 SASS. Response options were categorized rather than kept as an exact write in, because of relatively high item nonresponse (84 percent). Option 2 is a new approach.
N/A How many total hours do you spend on ALL teaching and other school-related activities during a typical FULL WEEK at your current school?
Instructional bullet: Include hours spent working during the school day, before school, after school, and on weekends.
15. During a typical FULL WEEK at your current school, how many hours do you work on teaching and school-related activities that are unpaid; that is, hours that are NOT covered by your base contract hours or by stipends or extra pay? Do respondents have difficulty calculating unpaid hours? Is this item more or less difficult to calculate than item 14? How are they determining that certain hours are "unpaid" (e.g., taking total hours worked minus base pay hours minus extra duty/extra stipend hours)? Would it help if there was an item that asked for the number of hours worked for all duties for which they receive extra pay or stipend? N/A How many total hours do you spend on ALL teaching and other school-related activities during a typical FULL WEEK at your current school?
Instructional bullet: Include hours spent working during the school day, before school, after school, and on weekends.
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