443 CQs 443 CQs 4-28-11

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2011 443 CQs for OMB started 4-28-2011.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)

U.S. Department of State (BCA) - Travel.State Satisfaction Survey v2

Please rate the simplicity of the words used on this site. ACQCol0005097A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005097A02 2

ACQCol0005097A03 3

ACQCol0005097A04 4

ACQCol0005097A05 5

ACQCol0005097A06 6

ACQCol0005097A07 7

ACQCol0005097A08 8

ACQCol0005097A09 9

ACQCol0005097A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005097A11 Don't know

Please rate the site on its use of short, clear sentences. ACQCol0005120A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005120A02 2

ACQCol0005120A03 3

ACQCol0005120A04 4

ACQCol0005120A05 5

ACQCol0005120A06 6

ACQCol0005120A07 7

ACQCol0005120A08 8

ACQCol0005120A09 9

ACQCol0005120A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005120A11 Don't know

Please rate how logically text is organized on this site. ACQCol0005121A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005121A02 2

ACQCol0005121A03 3

ACQCol0005121A04 4

ACQCol0005121A05 5

ACQCol0005121A06 6

ACQCol0005121A07 7

ACQCol0005121A08 8

ACQCol0005121A09 9

ACQCol0005121A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005121A11 Don't know

Please rate how well the site's language is focused on a central topic. ACQCol0005098A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005098A02 2

ACQCol0005098A03 3

ACQCol0005098A04 4

ACQCol0005098A05 5

ACQCol0005098A06 6

ACQCol0005098A07 7

ACQCol0005098A08 8

ACQCol0005098A09 9

ACQCol0005098A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005098A11 Don't know

Please rate how well terminology is explained on this site. ACQCol0005099A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005099A02 2

ACQCol0005099A03 3

ACQCol0005099A04 4

ACQCol0005099A05 5

ACQCol0005099A06 6

ACQCol0005099A07 7

ACQCol0005099A08 8

ACQCol0005099A09 9

ACQCol0005099A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005099A11 Don't know

Please rate this site's use of language that people like me can understand. ACQCol0005100A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005100A02 2

ACQCol0005100A03 3

ACQCol0005100A04 4

ACQCol0005100A05 5

ACQCol0005100A06 6

ACQCol0005100A07 7

ACQCol0005100A08 8

ACQCol0005100A09 9

ACQCol0005100A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005100A11 Don't know

Please rate the clarity of the language used on this site. ACQCol0005101A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005101A02 2

ACQCol0005101A03 3

ACQCol0005101A04 4

ACQCol0005101A05 5

ACQCol0005101A06 6

ACQCol0005101A07 7

ACQCol0005101A08 8

ACQCol0005101A09 9

ACQCol0005101A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005101A11 Don't know

Please rate the consistency of language usage on this site. ACQCol0005122A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005122A02 2

ACQCol0005122A03 3

ACQCol0005122A04 4

ACQCol0005122A05 5

ACQCol0005122A06 6

ACQCol0005122A07 7

ACQCol0005122A08 8

ACQCol0005122A09 9

ACQCol0005122A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005122A11 Don't know

Please rate this site' s use of language that the average person can understand. ACQCol0005123A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
Average Person
ACQCol0005123A02 2

ACQCol0005123A03 3

ACQCol0005123A04 4

ACQCol0005123A05 5

ACQCol0005123A06 6

ACQCol0005123A07 7

ACQCol0005123A08 8

ACQCol0005123A09 9

ACQCol0005123A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005123A11 Don't know

Please rate how well this site uses common terms to express ideas. ACQCol0005102A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
Common Terms
ACQCol0005102A02 2

ACQCol0005102A03 3

ACQCol0005102A04 4

ACQCol0005102A05 5

ACQCol0005102A06 6

ACQCol0005102A07 7

ACQCol0005102A08 8

ACQCol0005102A09 9

ACQCol0005102A10 10=Excellent

ACQCol0005102A11 Don't know

Capitol visitors center

Did you visit the Online Exhibition today? ACQHul0005135A01 Yes J, K, L Radio button, one-up vertical

ACQHul0005135A02 No

ACQHul0005135A03 Not sure

ACQHul0005136 J Did you find it informative? ACQHul0005136A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

ACQHul0005136A002 No

ACQHul0005136A003 Not sure

ACQHul0005137 K Was it easy to navigate? ACQHul0005137A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

ACQHul0005137A002 No

ACQHul0005137A003 Not sure

ACQHul0005138 L If you would like to provide us with general feedback about the online exhibition, please do so here: NA

Text area, no char limit

U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - Healthfinder.gov

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) ACQCol0005126A01 Links often did not take me where I expected A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Problems

ACQCol0005126A02 Had difficulty finding relevant information/products

ACQCol0005126A03 Links/labels are difficult to understand B

ACQCol0005126A04 Too many links/navigational options to choose from

ACQCol0005126A05 Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

ACQCol0005126A06 Could not navigate back to previous information A

ACQCol0005126A07 I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: C

ACQCol0005126A08 I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site

ACQCol0005139 C Please describe your navigation issue:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Nav Problems
ACQCol0005140 A Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Paths Difficulty
ACQCol0005141 B What specific links/labels were difficult to understand?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Labels Difficulty
Did you use the search feature during your visit today? ACQCol0005127A01 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Search Usage

ACQCol0005127A02 No

ACQCol0005127A03 Don't remember

ACQCol0005142 A Please tell us about your experience with the search feature today. (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005142A01 I had issues with the searching process (how to use it, what to enter). B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Search Experience

ACQCol0005142A02 I had issues with the design and layout of the search results (text size, colors). C

ACQCol0005142A03 I had issues with the results of the search. D

ACQCol0005142A04 The search feature met my needs.

ACQCol0005142A05 None of these

ACQCol0005143 B What were your issues with the searching process? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005143A01 It was not clear how to use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Process

ACQCol0005143A02 I did not know what terms to use to get the results I wanted

ACQCol0005143A03 I wanted more advanced search capabilities (exclude certain terms, limit search scope)

ACQCol0005143A04 I had a different issue with the searching process: E

ACQCol0005144 E My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Process
ACQCol0005145 C What were your issues with the design and layout of the search results? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005145A01 The link colors were hard to read
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Design

ACQCol0005145A02 I could not see enough of the descriptions to decide which link to choose

ACQCol0005145A03 The text was too small

ACQCol0005145A04 The page was too crowded

ACQCol0005145A05 I had a different issue with the design and layout of the results: F

ACQCol0005146 F My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Design
ACQCol0005147 D What were your issues with the results of the search? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005147A01 Results were not relevant or not what I wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Results

ACQCol0005147A02 The order of the results was not what I expected

ACQCol0005147A03 There were no results or too few results

ACQCol0005147A04 The titles were not helpful

ACQCol0005147A05 The descriptions were not helpful

ACQCol0005147A06 I could not narrow the results of my search

ACQCol0005147A07 I had a different issue with the results of the search: G

ACQCol0005148 G My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Results
In what language do you prefer to read website content? ACQCol0005128A01 English
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

ACQCol0005128A02 Spanish

ACQCol0005128A03 French

ACQCol0005128A04 Other, please specify: A

ACQCol0005129 A Other language:

Other Language
U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion -Healthypeople.gov

Which of the following best describes the reason for your visit today? CWS05564A001 Learn about the Healthypeople 2020 objectives
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y OPS Group Reason

CWS05564A002 Get ideas on how to achieve the Healthypeople 2020 objectives

CWS05564A003 Share ideas on how to achieve the Healthypeople 2020 objectives

CWS05564A004 Get data on the Healthypeople 2020 objectives

CWS05564A005 Download Healthypeople publications

Review 2010 Healthy People objectives/results

Get information for a school project/school assignment

CWS05564A006 Other, please specify: A

CWS05565 A Other reason for your visit

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group Other Reason
How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) ACQCol0005149A01 Links often did not take me where I expected A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Problems

ACQCol0005149A02 Had difficulty finding relevant information/products

ACQCol0005149A03 Links/labels are difficult to understand B

ACQCol0005149A04 Too many links/navigational options to choose from

ACQCol0005149A05 Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

ACQCol0005149A06 Could not navigate back to previous information A

ACQCol0005149A07 I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: C

ACQCol0005149A08 I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site

ACQCol0005150 C Please describe your navigation issue:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Nav Problems
ACQCol0005151 A Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Paths Difficulty
ACQCol0005152 B What specific links/labels were difficult to understand?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Labels Difficulty
Did you use the search feature during your visit today? ACQCol0005153A01 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Search Usage

ACQCol0005153A02 No

ACQCol0005153A03 Don't remember

ACQCol0005154 A Please tell us about your experience with the search feature today. (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005154A01 I had issues with the searching process (how to use it, what to enter). B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Search Experience

ACQCol0005154A02 I had issues with the design and layout of the search results (text size, colors). C

ACQCol0005154A03 I had issues with the results of the search. D

ACQCol0005154A04 The search feature met my needs.

ACQCol0005154A05 None of these

ACQCol0005155 B What were your issues with the searching process? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005155A01 It was not clear how to use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Process

ACQCol0005155A02 I did not know what terms to use to get the results I wanted

ACQCol0005155A03 I wanted more advanced search capabilities (exclude certain terms, limit search scope)

ACQCol0005155A04 I had a different issue with the searching process: E

ACQCol0005156 E My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Process
ACQCol0005157 C What were your issues with the design and layout of the search results? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005157A01 The link colors were hard to read
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Design

ACQCol0005157A02 I could not see enough of the descriptions to decide which link to choose

ACQCol0005157A03 The text was too small

ACQCol0005157A04 The page was too crowded

ACQCol0005157A05 I had a different issue with the design and layout of the results: F

ACQCol0005158 F My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Design
ACQCol0005159 D What were your issues with the results of the search? (Select all that apply.) ACQCol0005159A01 Results were not relevant or not what I wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Search Results

ACQCol0005159A02 The order of the results was not what I expected

ACQCol0005159A03 There were no results or too few results

ACQCol0005159A04 The titles were not helpful

ACQCol0005159A05 The descriptions were not helpful

ACQCol0005159A06 I could not narrow the results of my search

ACQCol0005159A07 I had a different issue with the results of the search: G

ACQCol0005160 G My issue was:

Text area, no char limit

Other Search Results
In what language do you prefer to read website content? ACQCol0005161A01 English
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

ACQCol0005161A02 Spanish

ACQCol0005161A03 French

ACQCol0005161A04 Other, please specify: A

ACQCol0005163 A Other language:

Other Language
USDA FSA Intranet

What information about this agency would you like to see on this site? ACQCol0005130A01 How the agency is funded
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Online Transparency - Content to Add

ACQCol0005130A02 How agency funds are used

ACQCol0005130A03 Agency actions or decisions

ACQCol0005130A04 Agency goals and objectives

ACQCol0005130A05 Current agency events

ACQCol0005130A06 Organizational information (org chart, leadership, oversight)

ACQCol0005130A07 Contact information

ACQCol0005130A08 Other information not listed above A

ACQCol0005130A09 None of these

ACQCol0005165 A Please indicate what other information about this agency you would like to see:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Online Transparency - Content to Add
How often do you expect information about this agency to be updated on the site? ACQCol0005166A01 Realtime updates
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi N
Online Transparency - Update Frequency

ACQCol0005166A02 Hourly

ACQCol0005166A03 Daily

ACQCol0005166A04 Weekly

ACQCol0005166A05 Monthly

ACQCol0005166A06 Less often than monthly

ACQCol0005166A07 Not sure

Is information about this agency's actions and/or decisions convenient to access on this site? ACQCol0005167A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Online Transparency - Accessibility

ACQCol0005167A02 No A

ACQCol0005167A03 I have not tried to access this type of information

ACQCol0005168 A Why not? Please explain:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Online Transparency - Accessibility
This agency would like to become more transparent in sharing information via the site. How do you feel we can improve in this area?

Text area, no char limit
OE_Online Transparency - Improvement
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration - FMCSA CSA

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) SAC0172A001 Did not have difficulty while looking for information on this site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

SAC0172A002 Links did not take me where I expected

SAC0172A003 Links/labels were difficult to understand

SAC0172A004 Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages, etc.) A

SAC0172A005 Did not know how to get back to previous pages visited

SAC0172A006 To many links to choose from

SAC0172A007 Other B

ACQCol0005170 A What technical difficulties did you encounter?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Technical Difficulties
Did you use the search feature today? ACQCol0005171A01 Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search

ACQCol0005171A02 No

ACQCol0005172 A Were the search results helpful? ACQCol0005172A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Helpful

ACQCol0005172A02 No

ACQCol0005173 B Did you encounter any difficulty with the search feature? ACQCol0005173A01 Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Encounter Search Difficulty

ACQCol0005173A02 No

ACQCol0005174 C What type of difficulty did you primarily encounter? ACQCol0005174A01 It returned no results

Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulties

ACQCol0005174A02 It returned too many results

ACQCol0005174A03 It returned too few results

ACQCol0005174A04 Results links were broken D

ACQCol0005174A05 Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs E

ACQCol0005174A06 Results were too similar/redundant

ACQCol0005174A07 Search required too many attempts

ACQCol0005174A08 I was not sure what words to use in my search

ACQCol0005174A09 Search speed was too slow

ACQCol0005174A10 Search results were not organized well

ACQCol0005174A11 Other F

ACQCol0005175 D Which results links were broken?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Broken Search Links
ACQCol0005176 E What search term/keyword did you use?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Search Keywords Used
ACQCol0005177 F What type of difficulty did you primarily encounter?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Search Difficulties
USGS - Transparency Model

In the context of your current visit, please select the category that best describes you.
Science enthusiast
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Describes You

Recreationalist Enthusiast/Traveler/ or Vacationer

Property owner in potential hazard area

Teacher Educator, including Homeschoolers

Student (K-12)

Student (College +)

Professional Scientist/Researcher/Engineer

Federal/ State/ Local Natural Resource Manager

Emergency Response Professional

Medicine/Health Care

GIS Professional

Person affected by a recent natural event



Other category (please specify): A

What is the main reason for your current visit to the site?
Acquire information about a rRecent natural hazard
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Reason

Recent news story

Download a free map Maps

Find USGS pPublications

Find scientific information Researching for a specific project

Learn about natural sciences Curiousity - Educating Myself

Find a USGS office or employee

Find or download images or aerial photos

Find geographic names information

Find information on USGS events

Purchase maps

Purchase an annual recreation pass

Read USGS news

Download data or software

Have fun, browse through the site

Learn about USGS

Apply for a job

Other, please specify: A

Which of the following sections of the USGS web site do you recall visiting today?
The home page (www.usgs.gov)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

USGS Store

Water Resources



Climate Change

Energy and Minerals





Water Science for Schools


Other (please specify): A

Maps, Imagery, and Publications

About USGS


Science Topics




The National Map Seamless Server


ACQCol0005239 A Other - Section Visited

Text field, <100 char
Other Section
Please rate the simplicity of the words used on this site. ACQCol0005240A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005240A02 2

ACQCol0005240A03 3

ACQCol0005240A04 4

ACQCol0005240A05 5

ACQCol0005240A06 6

ACQCol0005240A07 7

ACQCol0005240A08 8

ACQCol0005240A09 9

ACQCol0005240A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005240A11 Don't know

Please rate the site on its use of short, clear sentences. ACQCol0005241A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005241A02 2

ACQCol0005241A03 3

ACQCol0005241A04 4

ACQCol0005241A05 5

ACQCol0005241A06 6

ACQCol0005241A07 7

ACQCol0005241A08 8

ACQCol0005241A09 9

ACQCol0005241A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005241A11 Don't know

Please rate how logically text is organized on this site. ACQCol0005242A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005242A02 2

ACQCol0005242A03 3

ACQCol0005242A04 4

ACQCol0005242A05 5

ACQCol0005242A06 6

ACQCol0005242A07 7

ACQCol0005242A08 8

ACQCol0005242A09 9

ACQCol0005242A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005242A11 Don't know

Please rate how well the site's language is focused on a central topic. ACQCol0005243A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005243A02 2

ACQCol0005243A03 3

ACQCol0005243A04 4

ACQCol0005243A05 5

ACQCol0005243A06 6

ACQCol0005243A07 7

ACQCol0005243A08 8

ACQCol0005243A09 9

ACQCol0005243A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005243A11 Don't know

Please rate how well terminology is explained on this site. ACQCol0005244A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005244A02 2

ACQCol0005244A03 3

ACQCol0005244A04 4

ACQCol0005244A05 5

ACQCol0005244A06 6

ACQCol0005244A07 7

ACQCol0005244A08 8

ACQCol0005244A09 9

ACQCol0005244A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005244A11 Don't know

Please rate this site's use of language that people like me can understand. ACQCol0005245A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005245A02 2

ACQCol0005245A03 3

ACQCol0005245A04 4

ACQCol0005245A05 5

ACQCol0005245A06 6

ACQCol0005245A07 7

ACQCol0005245A08 8

ACQCol0005245A09 9

ACQCol0005245A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005245A11 Don't know

Please rate the clarity of the language used on this site. ACQCol0005246A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005246A02 2

ACQCol0005246A03 3

ACQCol0005246A04 4

ACQCol0005246A05 5

ACQCol0005246A06 6

ACQCol0005246A07 7

ACQCol0005246A08 8

ACQCol0005246A09 9

ACQCol0005246A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005246A11 Don't know

Please rate the consistency of language usage on this site. ACQCol0005248A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
ACQCol0005248A02 2

ACQCol0005248A03 3

ACQCol0005248A04 4

ACQCol0005248A05 5

ACQCol0005248A06 6

ACQCol0005248A07 7

ACQCol0005248A08 8

ACQCol0005248A09 9

ACQCol0005248A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005248A11 Don't know

Please rate this site' s use of language that the average person can understand. ACQCol0005250A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
Average Person
ACQCol0005250A02 2

ACQCol0005250A03 3

ACQCol0005250A04 4

ACQCol0005250A05 5

ACQCol0005250A06 6

ACQCol0005250A07 7

ACQCol0005250A08 8

ACQCol0005250A09 9

ACQCol0005250A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005250A11 Don't know

Please rate how well this site uses common terms to express ideas. ACQCol0005251A01 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y
Common Terms
ACQCol0005251A02 2

ACQCol0005251A03 3

ACQCol0005251A04 4

ACQCol0005251A05 5

ACQCol0005251A06 6

ACQCol0005251A07 7

ACQCol0005251A08 8

ACQCol0005251A09 9

ACQCol0005251A10 Excellent=10

ACQCol0005251A11 Don't know

NIJ v2

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I uses a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


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