510 CVC 510 CVC Tour 3-9-2012

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2012 510 CVC Tour 3-9-12.xlsx

488 USGS Gap Analysis - 515 SSA Electronic Access

OMB: 1090-0008

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Model Qsts
Custom Questions

Sheet 1: Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

CVC Tour


Partitioned (Y/N)? N


CVC Tour
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

US Government (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)


Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 US Govt - Connect Citizens U.S. Capitol Tour and Government - How well did the U.S. Capitol Tour...
Foster connections between citizens and their government.
22 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with the U.S. Capitol Tour? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) 25 Return How likely are you to return to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center?
2 US Govt - Enhance Understanding Enhance understanding of the legislative branch of government. 23 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this tour meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 US Govt - Explain Roles Explain the different roles and responsibilities of the House and Senate. 24 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this tour compare to your idea of an ideal tour?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
26 Recommend Company How likely are you to recommend the U.S. Capitol Tour to someone else?

Capitol History (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

Perception (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 US History - Create Interest US History and the U.S. Capitol Tour - How well did the presented information ...
Arouse curiosity in the history of the United States, Congress and the Capitol.

27 Brand Commitment - Preference How likely are you to improve your perception of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center as a result of taking the tour today?
5 US History - Develop Context Develop context about important people, places, and events in US history.

Future Participation (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
6 US History - Citizen Involvement Increase understanding of the role of citizen involvement to develop the United States.

28 Future Participation How likely are you to express your thoughts about the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in the next 90 days?

Tour Content (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)

Community Service (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
7 Tour Content - Advanced Knowledge Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:
The tour advanced my knowledge and understanding of the US government.

29 Community Service How likely are you to donate time and effort to community service in your local area?
8 Tour Content - Helpful Experience The tour is a helpful experience toward understanding US history.

9 Tour Content - Covers Objectives The tour covers its objectives.

Communication (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

10 Communication - Understanding Thinking about your tour guide, please rate how well the guide performed in the following areas:
Tour guide's understanding of your questions during the tour.

11 Communication - Accuracy Accuracy of information provided about things viewed at the Capitol.

12 Communication - Clarity Ability to clearly communicate content and information throughout the tour.

Engagement (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

13 Engagement - Friendliness Engagement
Friendliness when speaking.

14 Engagement - Promptness Promptness to acknowledge questions and comments.

15 Engagement - Respect Respect for traditions, cultures, and needs of visitors and guests.

Interactivity (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

16 Interactivity - Engage Others Interactivity
The ability of the guide to engage in discussions.

17 Interactivity - Connect Content The capacity to connect content with questions and discussions during the tour.

18 Interactivity - Group Involvement The skill of the guide to create involvement among members of the tour group.

Tour Guide (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)

19 Tour Guide - Professionalism Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:
The tour guide demonstrated professionalism throughout the tour.

20 Tour Guide - Responsiveness The tour guide was responsive to the questions and needs arising during the tour.

21 Tour Guide - Enthusiasm The tour guide was enthusiastic about my participation at the U.S. Capitol.

Sheet 2: Custom Questions

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

CVC Tour

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



blue + -->: REWORDING

Date: #VALUE!


QID Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerIDs (DOT) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label Denise.Philips: This is internal, to assist me and the clients. You can ignore. CQ TYPE
How did you obtain your tour passes? CJI0045A001 Booked reservation online I, J Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Obtain Passes TOUR

CJI0045A002 Booked reservation through a Congressional office I, J

CJI0045A003 Booked reservation through a tour group organizer I, J

CJI0045A004 Arrived to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center and received “same day” walk up passes

CJI0045A005 Other (please specify) F

CJI0046 F What other way did you obtain your tour passes?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Obtain Passes TOUR
CJI0047 I I was satisfied with the overall experience of booking a reservation. CJI0047A001 Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Booking Sat TOUR

CJI0047A002 Agree

CJI0047A003 Disagree

CJI0047A004 Strongly disagree

CJI0047A005 Not sure

CJI0048 J Please tell us of any issue you may have had while booking your reservation or obtaining tour passes.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Reservation TOUR
What areas of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center did you visit? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0049A001 Exhibition Hall
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Areas TOUR

CJI0049A002 Emancipation Hall

CJI0049A003 Gift Shops

CJI0049A004 Restaurant

CJI0049A005 Other (please specify) B

CJI0050 B What other areas did you visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Areas TOUR
Did you take a special tour while at the U.S. Capitol? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0051A001 Brumidi Corridors Tour
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Special Tour TOUR

CJI0051A002 Civil War Tour

CJI0051A003 Capitol Grounds Tour

CJI0051A004 Other (please specify) D

CJI0051A005 I did not take a special tour.


CJI0052 D What other special tour did you take at the U.S. Capitol?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Special Tour TOUR
Who guided you on your U.S. Capitol Tour? CJI0053A001 A staff member of a Representative’s office
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Tour Type TOUR

CJI0053A002 A staff member of a Senator’s office

CJI0053A003 A U.S. Capitol Visitor Guide X

CJI0054 X I was satisfied with the experience provided by my U.S. Capitol Visitor Guide. CJI0054A001 Strongly agree U Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group TG Sat TOUR

CJI0054A002 Agree U

CJI0054A003 Disagree T

CJI0054A004 Strongly disagree T

CJI0054A005 Not sure

CJI0055 U Please provide any additional comments about your tour experience.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE TG Sat High TOUR
CJI0056 T Please tell us, in as much detail as possible, what you didn’t like so that we can attempt to correct any concerns you may have had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE TG Sat Low TOUR
If you could make one suggestion to improve your tour experience, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
OE_Improvement TOUR
What was the approximate size of the entire group that was led by your tour guide? CJI0058A001 Under 10
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
CVC Group - Size TOUR

CJI0058A002 10-20

CJI0058A003 20-30

CJI0058A004 30-40

CJI0058A005 40-50

CJI0058A006 More than 50

Approximately how much time did you spend touring the U.S. Capitol? CJI0059A001 Less than 15 minutes
Drop down, select one Single Y
Time Tour TOUR

CJI0059A002 15 - 30 minutes

CJI0059A003 30 - 45 minutes

CJI0059A004 More than 45 minutes

How did you learn about tours of the U.S. Capitol? CJI0060A001 While researching online for information about visiting the U.S. Capitol or the Washington DC area
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Learn About Tour TOUR

CJI0060A002 While researching online information about Congress

CJI0060A003 From the Office of my Senator and/or Representative

CJI0060A004 From previous experience of being on a tour

CJI0060A005 From a friend/coworker

CJI0060A006 From a teacher/instructor/professor

CJI0060A007 From another organization's website G

CJI0060A008 From a social networking site (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) H

CJI0060A009 Other (please specify) I

CJI0061 G Through which other organization's website did you find out about the tour?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Org Website TOUR
CJI0062 H Through which social networking site did you find out about the tour?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Social Network TOUR
CJI0063 I Where did you find out about the tour?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Learn About TOUR
What, if anything, did you do to prepare for your visit to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center/ the U.S. Capitol?

Text area, no char limit
Prepare for Tour TOUR
Where do you currently live? CJI0065A001 Sally.Collins: this is not going to fit in a drop-down menu the answer is too long. I live outside of the United States. A Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC State CVC

CJI0065A002 Alabama

CJI0065A003 Alaska

CJI0065A004 Arizona

CJI0065A005 Arkansas

CJI0065A006 California

CJI0065A007 Colorado

CJI0065A008 Connecticut

CJI0065A009 Delaware

CJI0065A010 District of Columbia

CJI0065A011 Florida

CJI0065A012 Georgia

CJI0065A013 Hawaii

CJI0065A014 Idaho

CJI0065A015 Illinois

CJI0065A016 Indiana

CJI0065A017 Iowa

CJI0065A018 Kansas

CJI0065A019 Kentucky

CJI0065A020 Louisiana

CJI0065A021 Maine

CJI0065A022 Maryland

CJI0065A023 Massachusetts

CJI0065A024 Michigan

CJI0065A025 Minnesota

CJI0065A026 Mississippi

CJI0065A027 Missouri

CJI0065A028 Montana

CJI0065A029 Nebraska

CJI0065A030 Nevada

CJI0065A031 New Hampshire

CJI0065A032 New Jersey

CJI0065A033 New Mexico

CJI0065A034 New York

CJI0065A035 North Carolina

CJI0065A036 North Dakota

CJI0065A037 Ohio

CJI0065A038 Oklahoma

CJI0065A039 Oregon

CJI0065A040 Pennsylvania

CJI0065A041 Rhode Island

CJI0065A042 South Carolina

CJI0065A043 South Dakota

CJI0065A044 Tennessee

CJI0065A045 Texas

CJI0065A046 Utah

CJI0065A047 Vermont

CJI0065A048 Virginia

CJI0065A049 Washington

CJI0065A050 West Virginia

CJI0065A051 Wisconsin

CJI0065A052 Wyoming

CJI0065A053 American Samoa

CJI0065A054 Federated States of Micronesia

CJI0065A055 Guam

CJI0065A056 Midway Islands

CJI0065A057 Northern Mariana Islands

CJI0065A058 Puerto Rico

CJI0065A059 Republic of Palau

CJI0065A060 Republic of the Marshall Islands

CJI0065A061 U.S. Virgin Islands

CJI0065A062 Prefer not to answer

CJI0066 A What country do you live in? CJI0066A001 Afghanistan
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Country CVC

CJI0066A002 Albania

CJI0066A003 Algeria

CJI0066A004 Andorra

CJI0066A005 Angola

CJI0066A006 Antigua and Barbuda

CJI0066A007 Argentina

CJI0066A008 Armenia

CJI0066A009 Australia

CJI0066A010 Austria

CJI0066A011 Azerbaijan

CJI0066A012 Bahamas, The

CJI0066A013 Bahrain

CJI0066A014 Bangladesh

CJI0066A015 Barbados

CJI0066A016 Belarus

CJI0066A017 Belgium

CJI0066A018 Belize

CJI0066A019 Benin

CJI0066A020 Bhutan

CJI0066A021 Bolivia

CJI0066A022 Bosnia and Herzegovina

CJI0066A023 Botswana

CJI0066A024 Brazil

CJI0066A025 Brunei 

CJI0066A026 Bulgaria

CJI0066A027 Burkina Faso

CJI0066A028 Burma

CJI0066A029 Burundi

CJI0066A030 Cambodia

CJI0066A031 Cameroon

CJI0066A032 Canada

CJI0066A033 Cape Verde

CJI0066A034 Central African Republic

CJI0066A035 Chad

CJI0066A036 Chile

CJI0066A037 China

CJI0066A038 Colombia

CJI0066A039 Comoros

CJI0066A040 Congo (Brazzaville)

CJI0066A041 Congo (Kinshasa)

CJI0066A042 Costa Rica

CJI0066A043 Cote d'Ivoire

CJI0066A044 Croatia

CJI0066A045 Cuba

CJI0066A046 Cyprus

CJI0066A047 Czech Republic

CJI0066A048 Denmark

CJI0066A049 Djibouti

CJI0066A050 Dominica

CJI0066A051 Dominican Republic

CJI0066A052 East Timor

CJI0066A053 Ecuador

CJI0066A054 Egypt

CJI0066A055 El Salvador

CJI0066A056 Equatorial Guinea

CJI0066A057 Eritrea

CJI0066A058 Estonia

CJI0066A059 Ethiopia

CJI0066A060 Fiji

CJI0066A061 Finland

CJI0066A062 France

CJI0066A063 Gabon

CJI0066A064 Gambia, The

CJI0066A065 Georgia

CJI0066A066 Germany

CJI0066A067 Ghana

CJI0066A068 Greece

CJI0066A069 Grenada

CJI0066A070 Guatemala

CJI0066A071 Guinea

CJI0066A072 Guinea-Bissau

CJI0066A073 Guyana

CJI0066A074 Haiti

CJI0066A075 Holy See

CJI0066A076 Honduras

CJI0066A077 Hong Kong

CJI0066A078 Hungary

CJI0066A079 Iceland

CJI0066A080 India

CJI0066A081 Indonesia

CJI0066A082 Iran

CJI0066A083 Iraq

CJI0066A084 Ireland

CJI0066A085 Israel

CJI0066A086 Italy

CJI0066A087 Jamaica

CJI0066A088 Japan

CJI0066A089 Jordan

CJI0066A090 Kazakhstan

CJI0066A091 Kenya

CJI0066A092 Kiribati

CJI0066A093 Korea, North

CJI0066A094 Korea, South

CJI0066A095 Kosovo

CJI0066A096 Kuwait

CJI0066A097 Kyrgyzstan

CJI0066A098 Laos

CJI0066A099 Latvia

CJI0066A100 Lebanon

CJI0066A101 Lesotho

CJI0066A102 Liberia

CJI0066A103 Libya

CJI0066A104 Liechtenstein

CJI0066A105 Lithuania

CJI0066A106 Luxembourg

CJI0066A107 Macau

CJI0066A108 Macedonia

CJI0066A109 Madagascar

CJI0066A110 Malawi

CJI0066A111 Malaysia

CJI0066A112 Maldives

CJI0066A113 Mali

CJI0066A114 Malta

CJI0066A115 Marshall Islands

CJI0066A116 Mauritania

CJI0066A117 Mauritius

CJI0066A118 Mexico

CJI0066A119 Micronesia

CJI0066A120 Moldova

CJI0066A121 Monaco

CJI0066A122 Mongolia

CJI0066A123 Montenegro

CJI0066A124 Morocco

CJI0066A125 Mozambique

CJI0066A126 Namibia

CJI0066A127 Nauru

CJI0066A128 Nepal

CJI0066A129 Netherlands

CJI0066A130 Netherlands Antilles

CJI0066A131 New Zealand

CJI0066A132 Nicaragua

CJI0066A133 Niger

CJI0066A134 Nigeria

CJI0066A135 North Korea

CJI0066A136 Norway

CJI0066A137 Oman

CJI0066A138 Pakistan

CJI0066A139 Palau

CJI0066A140 Palestinian Territories

CJI0066A141 Panama

CJI0066A142 Papua New Guinea

CJI0066A143 Paraguay

CJI0066A144 Peru

CJI0066A145 Philippines

CJI0066A146 Poland

CJI0066A147 Portugal

CJI0066A148 Qatar

CJI0066A149 Romania

CJI0066A150 Russia

CJI0066A151 Rwanda

CJI0066A152 Saint Kitts and Nevis

CJI0066A153 Saint Lucia

CJI0066A154 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

CJI0066A155 Samoa

CJI0066A156 San Marino

CJI0066A157 Sao Tome and Principe

CJI0066A158 Saudi Arabia

CJI0066A159 Senegal

CJI0066A160 Serbia

CJI0066A161 Seychelles

CJI0066A162 Sierra Leone

CJI0066A163 Singapore

CJI0066A164 Slovakia

CJI0066A165 Slovenia

CJI0066A166 Solomon Islands

CJI0066A167 Somalia

CJI0066A168 South Africa

CJI0066A169 South Korea

CJI0066A170 South Sudan

CJI0066A171 Spain

CJI0066A172 Sri Lanka

CJI0066A173 Sudan

CJI0066A174 Suriname

CJI0066A175 Swaziland

CJI0066A176 Sweden

CJI0066A177 Switzerland

CJI0066A178 Syria

CJI0066A179 Taiwan

CJI0066A180 Tajikistan

CJI0066A181 Tanzania

CJI0066A182 Thailand

CJI0066A183 Timor-Leste

CJI0066A184 Togo

CJI0066A185 Tonga

CJI0066A186 Trinidad and Tobago

CJI0066A187 Tunisia

CJI0066A188 Turkey

CJI0066A189 Turkmenistan

CJI0066A190 Tuvalu

CJI0066A191 Uganda

CJI0066A192 Ukraine

CJI0066A193 United Arab Emirates

CJI0066A194 United Kingdom

CJI0066A195 Uruguay

CJI0066A196 Uzbekistan

CJI0066A197 Vanuatu

CJI0066A198 Venezuela

CJI0066A199 Vietnam

CJI0066A200 Yemen

CJI0066A201 Zambia

CJI0066A202 Zimbabwe

CJI0066A203 Other (Please specify) B

CJI0066A204 Prefer not to answer

CJI0067 B Where do you live?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Country CVC
Which of the following best describes your race or ethnic background? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0068A001 African American or Black
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Race CVC

CJI0068A002 American Indian or Alaska Native

CJI0068A003 Asian

CJI0068A004 Hispanic or Latino

CJI0068A005 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

CJI0068A006 White or Caucasian (Not Hispanic or Latino)

CJI0068A007 Other (Please specify) C

CJI0068A008 Prefer not to answer

CJI0069 C What is your race or ethnic background?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Race CVC
What is your gender? CJI0070A001 Male
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
CVC Gender CVC

CJI0070A002 Female

CJI0070A003 Prefer not to answer

What is your age? CJI0071A001 Under 18
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0071A002 18-24

CJI0071A003 25-34

CJI0071A004 35-44

CJI0071A005 45-54

CJI0071A006 55-64

CJI0071A007 65 or older

CJI0071A008 Prefer not to answer

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? CJI0072A001 I have not graduated from high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
CVC Education CVC

CJI0072A002 High school graduate

CJI0072A003 Some college, trade, technical or vocational training

CJI0072A004 College graduate

CJI0072A005 Post graduate degree

CJI0072A006 Prefer not to answer

Which of the following roles best describes you at the time of your visit? CJI0073A001 Teacher / Professor F Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Role CVC

CJI0073A002 Student

CJI0073A003 Adult accompanying a child/children (ex: parent or guardian)

CJI0073A004 Congressional staff member

CJI0073A005 Tour organizer

CJI0073A006 Interested citizen (ex: tourist, family member, senior citizen, etc.)

CJI0073A007 International Visitor

CJI0073A008 Other (please specify) D

CJI0074 F What level of students do you teach? CJI0074A001 Elementary School
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Teacher CVC

CJI0074A002 Middle School

CJI0074A003 High School

CJI0074A004 College - Undergraduate

CJI0074A005 College - Post graduate

CJI0074A006 Prefer not to answer

CJI0075 D What do you consider your role?

Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Role CVC
Did you arrive at the U.S. Capitol as part of a group? CJI0076A001 Yes, I was part of a group (school, family, tourist group, etc.). O, P Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Tour Group CVC

CJI0076A002 No, I arrived alone (as an individual).

CJI0077 O What was the approximate size of the entire group that you arrived to the Capitol with? CJI0077A001 Under 10
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Group - Size CVC

CJI0077A002 10-20

CJI0077A003 20-30

CJI0077A004 30-40

CJI0077A005 40-50

CJI0077A006 More than 50

CJI0078 P Which of the following best describes the type of group you arrived at the Capitol with? CJI0078A001 School group T Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tour Group - Type CVC

CJI0078A002 Family T

CJI0078A003 Senior citizen group

CJI0078A004 International visitor group

CJI0078A005 Other (please specify) K

CJI0079 T What were the age(s) of the children/students in your group? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0079A001 Under 5 years old
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Children's Ages CVC

CJI0079A002 5-7 years old

CJI0079A003 8-10 years old

CJI0079A004 11-13 years old

CJI0079A005 14-17 years old

CJI0079A006 Over 17 years old

CJI0079A007 Prefer not to answer

CJI0080 K What other type of tour group were you a part of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Tour Group CVC
What was the reason(s) you decided to visit the U.S. Capitol? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0081A001 To learn about the history of the U.S. Capitol.
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Primary Reason CVC

CJI0081A002 To view the art and architecture of the U.S. Capitol building.

CJI0081A003 To learn about Congress and how it functions.

CJI0081A004 To visit the House or Senate Chambers in session.

CJI0081A005 To be able to ask questions to a knowledgeable person about the U.S. Capitol.

CJI0081A006 To simply be a tourist. I was curious and wanted to explore the U.S. Capitol.

CJI0081A007 I did not decide to visit the U.S. Capitol. It was part of my tour itinerary.

CJI0081A008 Other (please specify) B

CJI0082 B What was the other reason you decided to visit the Capitol?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Reason CVC
Did you accomplish your goal while at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center? CJI0083A001 Yes F Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Accomplish Goal CVC

CJI0083A002 No F

CJI0083A003 Not applicable

CJI0084 F What was the goal that you wanted to accomplish?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC OE No Goal CVC
Approximately how much time did you spend overall at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center? CJI0085A001 Less than 1 hour
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0085A002 1 - 1 1/2 hours

CJI0085A003 1 1/2 - 2 hours

CJI0085A004 2 - 3 hours

CJI0085A005 More than 3 hours

How often do you visit the U.S. Capitol? CJI0086A001 This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Frequency CVC

CJI0086A002 Less than once a year G, H

CJI0086A003 Once a year G, H

CJI0086A004 Multiple times a year G, H

CJI0087 G Was this your first time visiting the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center? CJI0087A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tour FT CVC TOUR

CJI0087A002 No

CJI0088 H Was this your first time taking a tour of the U.S. Capitol? CJI0088A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tour FT U.S. Tour TOUR

CJI0088A002 No

At what time of day did you visit the U.S. Capitol? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0089A001 Early morning
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
CVC Time of day CVC

CJI0089A002 Late morning

CJI0089A003 Early Afternoon

CJI0089A004 Late Afternoon

Which day of the week did you visit the U.S. Capitol? CJI0090A001 Monday
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0090A002 Tuesday

CJI0090A003 Wednesday

CJI0090A004 Thursday

CJI0090A005 Friday

CJI0090A006 Saturday

How recently did you visit the U.S. Capitol? CJI0091A001 Within a week
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
CVC Timeframe CVC

CJI0091A002 Within a month

CJI0091A003 Within the past 6 months

CJI0091A004 Within the past year

Questions up until now have been specifically about the tour of the U.S. Capitol and you. The remaining questions for the survey are regarding the entire U.S. Capitol Visitor Center experience. <p> <p> Did the cleanliness level of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center meet or exceed your expectations? CJI0092A001 Yes, the cleanliness level met or exceeded my expectations
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Cleanliness CVC

CJI0092A002 No, the cleanliness level did not meet my expectations K

CJI0093 K Which of the following areas of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center fell below your expectations? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0093A001 Entrance / Greeting Area
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Cleanliness - Short CVC

CJI0093A002 Exhibition Hall

CJI0093A003 Gift Shop

CJI0093A004 Restaurant

CJI0093A005 Restrooms

CJI0093A006 Other (Please specify) L

CJI0094 L What other area fell below your expectations?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Cleanliness CVC
Would you like to provide additional comments about the cleanliness of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center building? If so, please provide as much detail as possible here.

Text area, no char limit
CVC OE_Cleanliness CVC
Did the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center staff (excluding tour guides - ex: workers at the coat check, entrance, etc.) meet or exceed your expectations? CJI0096A001 Yes, the staff met or exceeded my expectations
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Assistants CVC

CJI0096A002 No, the staff did not meet my expectations M

CJI0097 M Which of the following staff members at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center fell below your expectations? (Please select all that apply.) CJI0097A001 Coat Check
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CVC Assistants - Short CVC

CJI0097A002 Entrance / Greeting Area

CJI0097A003 Exhibition Hall

CJI0097A004 Security

CJI0097A005 Theater

CJI0097A006 Other (Please specify) N

CJI0098 N What other area fell below your expectations?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Other_Assistants CVC
Would you like to provide additional comments about an interaction with a staff member? If so, please provide as much detail as possible here.

Text area, no char limit
CVC OE_Assistants CVC
Please rate how you feel about the following statement: "The U.S. Capitol was completely accessible." CJI0100A001 Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CVC Accessibility CVC

CJI0100A002 Agree

CJI0100A003 Neutral

CJI0100A004 Disagree O

CJI0100A005 Strongly disagree O

CJI0100A006 I don’t know

CJI0101 O What areas were not accessible?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CVC Accessibility - Low CVC
What is your overall satisfaction with the entire U.S. Capitol Visitor Center experience? CJI0102A001 1=Very Dissatisfied
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y
CVC Overall Satisfaction CVC

CJI0102A002 2

CJI0102A003 3

CJI0102A004 4

CJI0102A005 5

CJI0102A006 6

CJI0102A007 7

CJI0102A008 8

CJI0102A009 9

CJI0102A010 10=Very Satisfied

How well did this visit to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center meet your expectations? CJI0103A001 1=Very Dissatisfied
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y
CVC Overall Satisfaction CVC

CJI0103A002 2

CJI0103A003 3

CJI0103A004 4

CJI0103A005 5

CJI0103A006 6

CJI0103A007 7

CJI0103A008 8

CJI0103A009 9

CJI0103A010 10=Very Satisfied

If you could make one suggestion to improve the entire U.S. Capitol Visitor Center experience, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
CVC OE_Improvement CVC
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File Modified0000-00-00
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