547 CQs for OMB started 6-7-2012

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2012 547 CQs for OMB started 6-7-2012.xlsx

541 Alzheimer's Questionnaire - 561 VA-eBenefits Questionnaire

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Measures Name/Client name (CQs and Answer choices)

AHRQ Quality Measures

How frequently do you visit this site?
This is my first visit

Every few months or less often

Once a month

Once a week

Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Don't know

Please indicate your primary reason for visiting the NQMC site today. (Select one.)
Nothing in particular (just browsing)

Find a specific quality measure(s)

Review the newest quality measures to keep myself current

Determine the quality measures available on a specific topic/issue/domain, etc.

View tutorials on quality measurement

Access the HHS Measure Inventory (a separate repository within NQMC)

For academic or health services research

Other, please specify

Specify your other reason for visiting the NQMC site today.

Did you find the information you were looking for today?



I was not looking for anything in particular/ I was just browsing

What were you looking for that you were unable to find?

Please describe your experience with navigation (clicking on links and buttons) on this site today.
I had no difficulty browsing on this site.

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Links did not take me where I expected

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links or navigational choices

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken link)

Other, please specify:

What other navigation experience did you have today?

If you used the search/text box feature of the site today to find your information, what was your experience with the search functionality?
I did not encounter any difficulties

Search results were not helpful

Returned too many results

Returned not enough results

Returned no results

Returned results that were too similar/redundant

Results were not relevant to my search

I did not use the search feature today

Other search experience

What other search experience did you have today?

How did you look for information on the site today? (Select all that apply.)
Search feature

Advanced search feature/tool

Top navigation bar

Left navigation bar

Links in the center of the Home page

Site map

Other, please specify

Specify other way you looked for information.

Which of the following features are you aware of or have you used? (Select all that apply.)
Keyword search

Advanced search

Browse: By Topic

Browse: By Organization

Browse: By Domain

Browse: NQF- Endorsed Measures

Browse: Measure Initiatives

Browse: Measures in Progress

Browse: Measure Index

Browse: Measure Archive

Browse: Measures Most Viewed

Jump To (Measure Summary Tab)

Measure Classification (Measure Summary Tab)

Related Content (Measure Summary Tab)

HHS Measure Inventory

New This Week Email

New This Week/Announcements (Home Page)

Expert Commentaries

Measure Summary

Measure Tabular Comparison

Link to Original Measure Documentation


Is it clear that the HHS Measure Inventory is a separate repository within NQMC?


How useful do you find the HHS Measure Inventory?
Very useful

Somewhat useful


Not useful

I haven't used the HHS Measure Inventory

How could we improve the HHS Measure Inventory?

How did you learn about NQMC?
Search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

Link from a related site (NGC, AHRQ, etc.)

Link from a professional medical society site (AAP, ADA, etc.)

Link from another health-related site (NLM, Medscape, First Consult, etc.)

Print media (health care trade publications, medical journals, etc.)

Link from general media site (USA Today, NY Times, etc.)

Social media outlet (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

Colleague or professional association meeting

Other, please specify

Specify other way you learned about NQMC.

Which of the following best describes you?
Individual Patient/Consumer


Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner/Nurse

Pharmacist or Other Clinical Specialist

Quality Manager

Administrator or Manager of Hospital, Health Plan or Medical Group

Health Services/Clinical Researcher

Physician/Physician Assistant

Nurse/Nurse Practitioner

Other Health Care Provider

Consumer/General Public

Health Researcher/Analyst


Health Administrator

Health Care IT/CDS Implementer

Health Insurer

Librarian/Information Specialist


Measure Developer

Public Sector Health Care Purchaser/Employer or Policymaker

Private Sector Health Care Purchaser or Benefits Manager

Federal/State/Local Policymaker

Medical Librarian/Information Specialist or Medical Writer/Editor

Student (Medical, Nursing or Pharmacy)


Other, please specify

Specify other role.

Which of the following best represents your primary institutional affiliation?

Ambulatory care facility

Home care service

Physician's office

Rehabilitation facility

Residential facility (assisted living facility, nursing home)

Private health plan or health insurance organization

Health care professional organization

Government agency (federal, state or local)

Quality oversight organization

University or other academic institution

Consumer or patient advocacy organization

Other, please specify

Specify other primary institutional affiliation.

How would you describe your level of familiarity with quality measurement?
Very familiar

Somewhat familiar


Somewhat unfamiliar

Very unfamiliar

Please indicate how you or your organization plans to use quality measures. (Select one)
Assess/compare the quality of clinical providers

Identify/prioritize issues in health care quality

Determine financial payments to clinical providers

Evaluate a program/intervention's effectiveness

For academic research

For personal research

Other, please specify

I do not plan to use quality measures at this time

Specify other plan for using quality measures.

If you plan to measure performance, which of the following settings or types of providers are your most important focus? (Select all that apply.)
I am not planning to measure performance

Primary care

Specialty providers


Long-term or rehabilitation facilities

Health insurance plans

Public health or community-based programs

Other, please spcify

Specify other important focus.

If you could make one change to the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Web site, what would it be?

OPM Manager

EDO06400 T What DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Bureau/Department Component/OPDIV do you work for?
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Group





IHS – Aberdeen Area

IHS – Alaska Area

IHS – Albuquerque Area

IHS – Bemidji Area

IHS – Billings Area

IHS – California Area

IHS – Headquarters (Rockville, Dallas, Albuquerque, Seattle)

IHS – Nashville Area

IHS – Navajo Area

IHS – Oklahoma Area

IHS – Phoenix Area

IHS – Portland Area

IHS – Tucson Area

IHS – Other






Would you like PBGC to contact you regarding your response?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Contact


New A Please provide the following information, and a PBGC representative will contact you.

Name: (First/Last Name)

Text field, <100 char S N
New A Email: (e.g. [email protected])

Text field, <100 char S N
New A Telephone: (e.g. 555-555-5555)

Text field, <100 char S N
New A Best weekday to be reached:
Drop down, select one S N
Best Day to Reach





New A Best time to be reached:
9 - 10 AM (EST)
Drop down, select one S N
Best hour to Reach

10 - 11 AM (EST)

11 - 12 PM (EST)

12 - 1 PM (EST)

1 - 2 PM (EST)

2 - 3 PM (EST)

3 - 4 PM (EST)

4 - 5 PM (EST)

5 - 6 PM (EST)

New A Type of assistance requested from PBGC:

Text area, no char limit S N
Assistance requested
BLS Full Site

What information were you primarily looking for on this website when our survey appeared?
The Occupational Outlook Handbook
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Primary Info Seeking

Inflation or Price Information

Pay or Benefits Information

Employment or Unemployment Information

Productivity Information

Workplace Health or Safety Information

Nothing Specific

Something Else A

A Please tell us what you were looking for

Text field, <100 char

Other_Primary Info

How would you prefer to find information on this website?
Navigate to the information
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
How Prefer Find Info

Use an A-Z index

Search for the information with a search engine

What would most improve navigation or the layout on this website?
Using a more graphical interface to find information
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Improve Nav

A brochure that describes all BLS products and how to find them

Simplifying the homepage

Consolidating/using fewer links

Something else B

B Please tell us what would most improve navigation or the layout of this website

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group OE_How Most Improve Nav

What would most improve the search function on this website?
Filtering search results by topic, year, geography, etc.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Improve Search

Having the search box offer search suggestions as you begin to type

Providing suggestions on related search-terms or sources of information

The search function worked effectively

I did not use the search function

I'm not sure what would improve the search function

Something Else C

C Please tell us what would most improve the search function on this website

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group OE_How Most Improve Search

Was the information on this website easy to understand?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Info Understandable



Which one of the following BEST describes you?
Accounting, Contracting, or Payroll Professional
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Y OPS Group Best Describes

Employer or Business Owner, or CEO/COO

Information Technology Professional IT/IS professional, or Librarian

Healthcare Professional

Employment Law, Safety, Healthcare, or Insurance Specialist

Legal Professional


Marketing or Sales Professional

Social Science Researcher

Economist or Social Scientist

Financial Professional/Analyst

Student: Elementary, Middle or High School Level

Student: College or Graduate Level

K-12 Teacher, Professor, or School Counselor Educational Faculty, Adviser, or Administrator

Unemployed Job-Seeker, or Changing Careers Changing Careers or Unemployed Jobseeker

Parent Assisting Children

Private Citizen Seeking Information (visit is not career-related)

Human Resources Professional

Other (please specify): P

AED07465 P Other best describes Please tell us what best describes your occupation

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group OE_Best Describes

How satisfied are you with the products and information provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
Very satisfied
Drop down, select one Single Y
Sat with BLS Products and Info

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


MMW0986 A What types of activities do you use your mobile device for? (Please select all that apply) MMW0986A01 Send or receive text messages
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Activities Preference

MMW0986A02 Browse websites

MMW0986A03 Download an application (“app”)

Read emails

None of the above

Sending or receiving text messages

Reading emails

Browsing websites

Making phone calls

Viewing and/or taking pictures

Viewing and/or taking videos

Internet browsing (searching information or reading news or articles, etc.)

Completing web based transactions (i.e., banking, purchase merchandise, purchase services, etc.)

Audio streaming

Video streaming

Playing Games

MMW0986A04 None of the above

MMW0987 B Of the following, what types of information from the U.S. Mint would you like to be able to access from your mobile device? MMW0987A01 Learn about coin collecting
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Info Access from Mobile Device

MMW0987A02 Research, browse, or purchase coins and medals

MMW0987A03 Find information / news about the U.S. Mint

MMW0987A04 None of the above

MMW0987A05 Other, please specify: A

MMW0988 A What other information you would like to be able to access on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Info Access from Device

B Have you ever accessed the U.S. Mint site from your mobile device?
Yes E Checkbox, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Accessed US Mint from mobile


E What information were you looking for when accessing the U.S. Mint site from your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Info wanted on site from mobile

C If the U.S. Mint created a mobile site, what information would you like to see on the site?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Info want on mobile site

Did you add an item to your shopping cart today?
Yes, I did A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Add Item to Cart

No, I did not B

A Did you make a purchase on the U.S. Mint site ?
Yes, I did
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Make a Purchase

No, I did not C

B Why did you not add an item to your shopping cart today?
I did not come to the site with the intent to purchase
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Make a Purchase

The item I wanted to purchase is not available/not released yet

I need more information before purchasing

I did not understand how to add a product to my shopping cart

I had a technical error when trying to add an item to my shopping cart

Other, please specify D

D Please describe why you did you not add an item to your shopping cart today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Did not Add Item to Cart

C What was the primary reason for not purchasing the item(s) in your cart?
Just browsing / not sure if I really want the item T Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Did not Purchase Reason

Need more information before purchasing BB

Product is not available/not released yet

Price is too expensive

Shipping cost is too expensive

Trouble entering my shipping/billing address CC

Technical error while trying to purchase E

Other, please specify: G

G Other reason for not purchasing:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Reason Not Purchase

T What additional information could we provide to help you make a decision?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Add Info Help Decision

BB What additional information would you like to have before making a purchase?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Add Info Before Purchase

CC What kind of trouble did you have?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Trouble

E What kind of technical error or issue did you experience?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Technical Error

When do you plan on making a purchase from the U.S. Mint website?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Purchase Timing

In the next week

In the next month

In the next 1-3 months

As soon as the product I am looking for is released


MMW0984A03 Not Sure


Which of the following best describes your main reason for visiting our Web site today?
Find out what’s covered
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Randomize

Look up costs

Find a civilian/network provider

Find a military provider

Find a military or civilian doctor

Make an appointment


Look up a toll free phone number

Find contact information

File a claim

Check the status of a claim

Problem with a claim

Find claims information


Pay Enrollment Fees

Find enrollment information


Check eligibility

Update personal information

Learn about the plans / options

Look up health information / medical advice

Look for health/wellness information

Other (please explain) A

NEW 2A Please describe your experience with the site's search feature.
Very helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single No

Somewhat helpful 3A, 3B

Not at all helpful 3A, 3B

ACQOsl0002176 H Please describe your experience with the site's search feature? ACQOsl0002176A01 I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single No SKIP LOGIC GROUP

ACQOsl0002176A02 The search feature was difficult to find

ACQOsl0002176A03 The search feature was difficult to use

ACQOsl0002176A04 Returned no results/received an error message

ACQOsl0002176A05 Could not tell where the search results would take me

ACQOsl0002176A06 Too many results

ACQOsl0002176A07 Too few results

ACQOsl0002176A08 Results were not related to what I was looking for

ACQOsl0002176A09 Could not sort the results

ACQOsl0002176A10 Could not refine the results

ACQOsl0002176A11 Other 1B

ACQwil0013629 1B What other experience did you have with the site's search feature?

Text area, no char limit

ACQOsl0002177 H, 3A, 3B What key word(s) did you use to search?

Text area, no char limit
NEW 3A, 3B What information were you searching for on the site?

Text area, no char limit

ACQOsl0002178 H Please indicate how helpful you feel the search feature was in finding the information you wanted/needed? ACQOsl0002178A01 Very helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single No SKIP LOGIC GROUP

ACQOsl0002178A02 Somewhat helpful I

ACQOsl0002178A03 Not at all helpful I, J

ACQOsl0002179 J Why do you feel the search feature was not at all helpful?

Text area, no char limit
ACQOsl0002180 I What would make the search feature more helpful?

Text area, no char limit

Which of the following professional groups should NGS engage with, in addition to the surveying community?
Emergency responders
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Professional Groups

Energy producers


Coastal management

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify any other professional groups NGS should engage with.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Professional Groups
Which geodesy / remote sensing topics should NGS explain better, or provide tutorials on?
Shoreline; the role of geodesy and remote sensing in ensuring safe navigation
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Geodesy or Sensing Topics

Crustal and land movement; the role of geodesy and remote sensing in updating positions where significant crustal and land movement occurs

Geographic Information Systems (GIS); the role of geodetic control in GIS

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify the topics NGS should explain better.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Geodesy or Sensing Topics
Regarding accurate positioning, what is the most important issue or challenge in your profession?
Obtaining geodetic control in the field
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Accurate pos issue

Identifying land subsidence or uplift sea-level changes

identifying shoreline ore sea-level changes

Defining the relationship between land elevations and water levels

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify the most important accurate positioning issue or challenge in your profession.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Accurate Pos Issue
What is the primary reason passive survey control marks (e.g., bench marks) are important to your work?
Using these marks is required by federal, state, or local requirements
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Survey Controls Impt

Using these marks is included in contract terms

I can't depend on satellite systems being available in the areas where I work

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify why passive survey control marks are important to your work.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Survey Controls impt
Which of the following primarily drives your accuracy needs?
Legal requirements
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Drives Accuracy Needs

Scale of what I am measuring requires high accuracy

I want the highest accuracy possible

I don’t have high accuracy requirements; within a few feet is good enough.

not applicable – I am visiting this site for other reasons

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify what primarily drives your accuracy needs.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Drives Accuracy Needs
Which of the following best describes the datum realization you are most likely to use?
I use whatever datum realization my original dataset is in.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Datum Realization

I use the most recent datum realization.

I use the datum realization I am most comfortable with.

I do not make a distinction between datum realizations.

not applicable – I am visiting this site for other reasons

Other, please specify A

New A Please specify the datum realization you are most likely to use.

Text area, No Limit Single N
OE_Datum Realization

Please rank the top 3 factors that brought you to the website today. (Rank 1 = Most important)
Rank 1
SAC4023A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

SAC4023A002 Video I saw on YouTube

SAC4023A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SAC4023A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


SAC4023A005 Message directly from NIAID on a social network

SAC4023A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

SAC4023A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

SAC4023A008 Familiarity with site/organization

SAC4023A009 Email Alerts

SAC4023A010 Search engine results

SAC4023A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

SAC4023A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

SAC4023A013 Internet advertising

SAC4023A014 Link from another website

SAC4023A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

SAC4023A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice
Rank 2 SAC4024A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

SAC4024A002 Video I saw on YouTube

SAC4024A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SAC4024A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


SAC4024A005 Message directly from NIAID on a social network

SAC4024A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

SAC4024A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

SAC4024A008 Familiarity with site/organization

SAC4024A009 Email Alerts

SAC4024A010 Search engine results

SAC4024A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

SAC4024A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

SAC4024A013 Internet advertising

SAC4024A014 Link from another website

SAC4024A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

SAC4024A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice
Rank 3 SAC4025A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

SAC4025A002 Video I saw on YouTube

SAC4025A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SAC4025A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


SAC4025A005 Message directly from NIAID on a social network

SAC4025A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

SAC4025A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

SAC4025A008 Familiarity with site/organization

SAC4025A009 Email Alerts

SAC4025A010 Search engine results

SAC4025A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

SAC4025A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

SAC4025A013 Internet advertising

SAC4025A014 Link from another website

SAC4025A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

SAC4025A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on Regulations.gov today?
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A, B

A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field, <100 char
Not able to accomplish
AKR1359 A Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next?
Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

B Did you, or do you plan to, contact any of the following for help with what you could not accomplish today?
Yes, the helpdesk
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Yes, a specific department/agency directly

No, I do not plan to contact any of the above resources

No, I give up on trying to accomplish my task

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience. --> Please tell us about your other experience while navigating Regulations.gov today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

Please rate how well the search result descriptions helped you decide which one to select. Model Question

Please rate how well the search results provided the information needed to narrow or refocus your search. Model Question

Palmetto J1 MAC

Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply.
No, I have not SKIP G Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Group Connected





Mobile apps

Other, please specify SHIP H

NEW SKIP H Please specify the social network.

Text area, no char limit
No Skip Group Specify Network
NEW SKIP G Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey?
Radio button, one-up vertical
No Skip Group Direct To SCP


Palmetto GBA Railroad

Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply.
No, I have not SKIP G Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Group Connected





Mobile apps

Other, please specify SKIP H

NEW SKIP H Please specify the social network.

Text area, no char limit
No Skip Group Specify Network
NEW SKIP G Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey?
Radio button, one-up vertical
No Skip Group Direct To SCP


Palmetto GBA J11

Have you connected with Palmetto GBA on a social network? Please check all that apply.
No, I have not SKIP K Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Group Connected





Mobile apps

Other, please specify SKIP L

NEW SKIP L Please specify the social network.

Text area, no char limit
No Skip Group Specify Network
NEW SKIP K Would you like to be directed to our Stay Connected Page after completing this survey?
Radio button, one-up vertical
No Skip Group Direct To SCP


IRS Sat Survey v2

Which category best describes you? Are you …?
An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip logic Role

Representing a business D

Representing a charity or non-profit organization

Representing a government entity

A tax professional (i.e. accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

An academic/researcher

A Student


Retirement fund administrator

An IRS employee

A VITA/TCE volunteer

Other A

CWS05374 A Please specify other role.

Text field, <100 char
Other role

B Please specify your individual taxpayer role.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other, please specify: C

C Other individual role:

Text field, <100 char
Other individual

D Please specify your business type.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


International business

Small business & self employed

Other, please specify: E

E Other business type:

Text field, <100 char
Other business

What area/section of the site are you primarily visiting today?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Area Visited



Credits & Deductions

News & Events

Forms & Publications

Help & Resources

For Tax Professionals

Hot Topics


Social Media


What is your primary reason for coming to the IRS.gov website today?
Download a current tax form, publication, or instructions
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip logic Reason

Filing a return

Payment plan

Refund status

General tax information A

Amended tax return status

Prior year tax form, publication, or instructions

Ordering forms from the IRS

Tax return or account transcript

Mailing addresses for tax forms

e-file information

e-file PIN

Free File information C,D

Prepare my taxes via Free File on the IRS website D

Tax calculators/worksheets




Tax regulations or written determinations

Revenue rulings or court cases

Tax statistics

Link and Learn (VITA/TCE) training

Contact information

Subscription sign-up

Non-English language information

Latest news releases

IRS social media tools

Other, please specify: A

CWS05376 A If you answered "Other" or "Obtain general tax information" as a primary reason, please specify.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason/general info
Including today, how many times did you contact the IRS about your Primary Reason for using IRS.gov?
Once (today was the first time)
Drop down, select one Single Y
# contacted IRS


Three times

Four or more Times

How did you find information on our website today? (Please mark all that apply.)
IRS.gov search B,C,E Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search B,C,E

Forms and publications area B,C,E

Site navigation B,C,E

Navigation to the web page B,C,E

Links on a page B,C,E

Site Map B,C,E


Internet search engine (e.g., Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

Links to IRS.gov from other websites

Other, please specify: A

CWS05384 A Please specify other method.

Text field, <100 char
Other method
CWS05385 B What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on the IRS website?

Text area, no char limit
Search terms
CWS05386 C If you performed a search on IRS.gov today, what type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter? (Please choose one response only.)
Delivered the expected results
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N
Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Auto-complete feature was helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Results were too similar/redundant

Unsure of search terms to use

Search required too many refinements to get what I wanted

Search speed was too slow

Other, please specify: D

CWS05387 D If you answered "Other" above, please specify other search difficulty.

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
CWS05388 E What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation on the IRS website? (Please choose one response only.)
Navigation worked as expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N
Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive

Banners and promotions were appropriate/useful

Consistent page elements (header and footer) made navigation easier

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Navigation was not helpful

Could not find the appropriate navigational links on most of your web pages

Could not get started or did not know where to begin

Too many links or navigational choices

Would often feel lost, and did not know where I was on your website

Navigation did not support what I was trying to accomplish

Could not navigate back to previous information

Had difficulty finding detailed information on your web pages

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other, please specify: F


In addition to visiting the FDA site, what other sites might you visit to find the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Additional Sites

Which best describes you?
United Airlines worker or retiree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip logic group Role

SAC4233A001 Worker or retiree

SAC4233A002 Widow(er) or spouse or beneficiary

SAC4233A003 Researcher or student

SAC4233A004 Practitioner or pension professional

SAC4233A005 Media or press representative

SAC4233A006 Trade association or business organization

SAC4233A007 Other (please specify) A

SAC4234 A Other - best describes you:

Text field, <100 char
N Skip logic group OE_Role
Did you search by name, company, or state in PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search? SAC4244A001 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip logic group Missing participant list

SAC4244A002 No

SAC4245 A On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate the ease of using PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search. SAC4245A001 1 = Very Difficult B Radion button, scale, no don't know Single Y Skip logic group Ease of using MPL

SAC4245A002 2 B

SAC4245A003 3 B

SAC4245A004 4 B

SAC4245A005 5 B

SAC4245A006 6 B

SAC4245A007 7 B

SAC4245A008 8 B

SAC4245A009 9 B

SAC4245A010 10 = Very Easy B

SAC4246 B Please tell us about your experience with PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search. (Select all that apply) SAC4246A001 I wasn’t sure what the list was
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip logic group Problems with MPL

SAC4246A002 I found myself or my pension plan

SAC4246A003 I didn’t find myself or my pension plan

SAC4246A004 Search results were helpful

SAC4246A005 Search results were not helpful

SAC4246A006 Returned too many results

SAC4246A007 Returned not enough or zero results

SAC4246A008 Other (please specify) C

SAC4247 C Please specify your experience with PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip logic group OE_MPL experience
Why did you visit PBGC's website today? SAC4235A001 To find information about my pension plan
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip logic group Purpose

SAC4235A002 To search for unclaimed pensions on PBGC’s missing participant list Unclaimed Pension Search

SAC4235A003 To log in to MyPBA (worker or retiree info)

SAC4235A004 To obtain tax information or Form 1099


SAC4235A005 To follow up on an annual funding notice I received

SAC4235A006 To find premium-related information

SAC4235A007 To log in to My PAA (premium-related matters)

SAC4235A008 To research plan termination

SAC4235A009 To find information and news about PBGC

SAC4235A010 To find information on defined benefit pensions

SAC4235A011 Other (please specify) A Pin Answer Choice

SAC4236 A Other - purpose in visiting PBGC's website today:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip logic group OE_Purpose
PSC Offiline v2

Representative - Professionalism
Thinking about the representative you who worked with you, please rate the following:
Please rate the professionalism of the representative.

FDIC App v3

Which of the following web applications did you use today? (Select all that apply) ACQwil0012243A01 Bank Find
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi y
App Use

ACQwil0012243A02 Institution Directory

ACQwil0012243A03 Summary of Deposits

ACQwil0012243A04 Statistics on Depository Institutions

ACQwil0012243A05 Statistics on Banking

ACQwil0012243A06 Historical Statistics on Banking

Real Estate for Sale

ACQwil0012243A07 Other

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