Model Instance Name: | |||||
CIA Careers site V2 | |||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | |||||
Date: | 1/25/2010 | ||||
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts | |||||
Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | Satisfaction | Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
Please rate how well the site is organized. | What is your overall satisfaction with this site? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) |
How likely are you to return to this site? | |||
Please rate the options available for navigating this site. | How well does this site meet your expectations? (1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) |
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | |||
Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for. | How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) |
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else? | |||
Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site. | Apply for Job (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) |
Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | How likely are you to use this site to apply for a specific job within the next month? | ||||
Please rate the visual appeal of this site. | |||||
Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. | |||||
Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. | |||||
Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | |||||
Please rate how quickly pages load on this site. | ![]() |
Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site. | |||||
Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site. | |||||
Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | |||||
Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site. | |||||
Please rate the convenience of the features on this site. | |||||
Please rate the variety of features on this site. | |||||
Job Descriptions (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | |||||
Please rate how understandable job descriptions are on this site. | |||||
Please rate the level of detail of job descriptions on this site. | |||||
Please rate how well the job descriptions provide answers to your questions. | |||||
Job Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | |||||
Please rate the relevance of job search results on this site. | |||||
Please rate the organization of job search results on this site. | |||||
Please rate how well the job search results help you decide what job listings to select. | |||||
Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find job listings you want. | |||||
Job Application Process (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | |||||
Please rate the instructions for applying for a job on this site. | |||||
Please rate the process of applying for a job on this site. | |||||
Please rate the simplicity of applying for a job on this site. | |||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | |||||||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 3/1/2008 | blue + -->: REWORDING | ||||||||
QID (Group ID) |
Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
EDO0480 | How frequently do you visit this site? | EDO0480A001 | First time | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Frequency of Visit | |||
EDO0480A002 | More than once a day | |||||||||
EDO0480A003 | Daily | |||||||||
EDO0480A004 | About once a week | |||||||||
EDO0480A005 | About once a month | |||||||||
EDO0480A006 | Every 6 months or less | |||||||||
EDO0481 | What is your primary purpose in coming to the site today? | EDO0481A001 | Submit resume for employment | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Purpose of Vist | ||
EDO0481A002 | Research employment opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A006 | Research internship opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A003 | Research CIA in general | |||||||||
EDO0481A004 | Just browsing | |||||||||
EDO0481A005 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0482 | A | Other primary reason | Text area, no char limit | Other Purpose | ||||||
EDO0483 | Which sections of the site did you visit today? (select all that apply) | EDO0483A001 | Life at CIA | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Sections Visited | |||
EDO0483A002 | Diversity | |||||||||
EDO0483A003 | Careers | |||||||||
EDO0483A004 | Student Opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0483A005 | Military Transition | |||||||||
EDO0483A006 | FAQs | |||||||||
EDO0483A007 | Other | |||||||||
LON0032036 | Did you notice any changes to the CIA Careers home page during your visit today? | Yes | A,B,C,D | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Homepage change | ||
No | ||||||||||
LON0032037 | A | Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about the new home page: The new home page look and feel is visually pleasing. |
Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Look & Feel | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
LON0032038 | B | The new home page made it easier to determine which section I needed to navigate to. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Nav | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
LON0032039 | C | The new layout on the home page made it easier to find the information I was looking for. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Find Info | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
LON0032040 | D | The new home page design is an improvement over the previous design. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Improvement from prev | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
EDO0484 | Are you actively searching for a job? | EDO0484A001 | Yes | E | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Search | |
EDO0484A002 | No | |||||||||
ACQCol0009864 | E | Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? | ACQCol0009864A01 | Full-time | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Hours | |
ACQCol0009864A02 | Part-time | |||||||||
EDO0485 | What type of career are you pursuing? | EDO0485A001 | Science, Engineering, and Technology | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Career Type | ||
EDO0485A004 | Clandestine Service (e.g. operations officer) | |||||||||
EDO0485A005 | Language Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A006 | Analytical Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A009 | Business, IT, and Security | |||||||||
EDO0485A008 | Other, please specify: | B | ||||||||
EDO0486 | B | Other type of career | Text area, no char limit | Other Career Type | ||||||
EDO0487 | Did you find the information you were looking for on the site today? | EDO0487A001 | Yes | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accomplished Task | ||
EDO0487A002 | No | C | ||||||||
EDO0487A003 | Not Yet | C | ||||||||
EDO0488 | C | Please specify what you could not find: | Text area, no char limit | N | Looking For | |||||
ACQwil0011133 | Did you experience any technical difficulties on the site today? | Yes, I had technical difficulties with the application | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Technical Problems | |||
Yes, I experienced broken links or error messages (please specify) | A | |||||||||
Yes, I experienced another kind of technical difficulty (please describe) | B | |||||||||
No | 8889 | |||||||||
ACQwil0011134 | A | Where specifically did you encounter broken links or error messages? | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Application Links Errors | |||
ACQwil0011135 | B | Please describe the technical difficulty you experienced. | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Other | |||
EDO0491 | What is one improvement you would make to the CIA Careers site? | Text area, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement | ||||||
EDO0492 | How did you hear about the site? | EDO0492A001 | Assumed CIA has a career website | OPS Group | Hear About Site | |||||
EDO0492A002 | From the main site | |||||||||
EDO0492A003 | Search Engine | |||||||||
EDO0492A004 | Other Internet Site | |||||||||
EDO0492A005 | Friend/Family | |||||||||
EDO0492A006 | From site | |||||||||
EDO0492A007 | Television/Radio | |||||||||
EDO0492A008 | Newspaper/Magazine | |||||||||
EDO0492A009 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A010 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A011 | Received a text message | |||||||||
EDO0492A012 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0492a | A | Please specify how you heard about the CIA Careers site: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Hear About Other | ||||
EDO0493 | What is your gender? | EDO0493A001 | Male | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Gender | |||
EDO0493A002 | Female | |||||||||
EDO0493A003 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0494 | What is your age? | EDO0494A001 | <18 | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Age | |||
EDO0494A002 | 18 - 30 | |||||||||
EDO0494A003 | 31 - 40 | |||||||||
EDO0494A004 | 41 - 50 | |||||||||
EDO0494A005 | 51 - 60 | |||||||||
EDO0494A006 | 61+ | |||||||||
EDO0494A007 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0495 | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? | EDO0495A001 | Have not graduated high school | Drop Down, Select once | Single | N | Education | |||
EDO0495A002 | High school graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A003 | Some college, trade, technical or vocational training | |||||||||
EDO0495A004 | College graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A005 | Post graduate degree | |||||||||
EDO0495A006 | Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | |||||||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 3/1/2008 | blue + -->: REWORDING | ||||||||
QID (Group ID) |
Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
EDO0480 | How frequently do you visit this site? | EDO0480A001 | First time | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Frequency of Visit | |||
EDO0480A002 | More than once a day | |||||||||
EDO0480A003 | Daily | |||||||||
EDO0480A004 | About once a week | |||||||||
EDO0480A005 | About once a month | |||||||||
EDO0480A006 | Every 6 months or less | |||||||||
EDO0481 | What is your primary purpose in coming to the site today? | EDO0481A001 | Submit resume for employment | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Purpose of Vist | ||
EDO0481A002 | Research employment opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A006 | Research internship opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A003 | Research CIA in general | |||||||||
EDO0481A004 | Just browsing | |||||||||
EDO0481A005 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0482 | A | Other primary reason | Text area, no char limit | Other Purpose | ||||||
EDO0483 | Which sections of the site did you visit today? (select all that apply) | EDO0483A001 | Life at CIA | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Sections Visited | |||
EDO0483A002 | Diversity | |||||||||
EDO0483A003 | Careers | |||||||||
EDO0483A004 | Student Opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0483A005 | Military Transition | |||||||||
EDO0483A006 | FAQs | |||||||||
EDO0483A007 | Other | |||||||||
NEW | Did you notice any changes to the CIA Careers home page during your visit today? | Yes | A,B,C,D | Radio button, one-up vertical | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Homepage change | ||
No | ||||||||||
NEW | A | Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about the new home page: The new home page look and feel is visually pleasing. |
Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Look & Feel | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
NEW | B | The new home page made it easier to determine which section I needed to navigate to. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Nav | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
NEW | C | The new layout on the home page made it easier to find the information I was looking for. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Find Info | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
NEW | D | The new home page design is an improvement over the previous design. | Strongly Disagree | Drop down, select one | S | Y | Skip Group | HP-Improvement from prev | ||
Disagree | ||||||||||
Neutral | ||||||||||
Agree | ||||||||||
Strongly Agree | ||||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||||
EDO0484 | Are you actively searching for a job? | EDO0484A001 | Yes | E | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Search | |
EDO0484A002 | No | |||||||||
ACQCol0009864 | E | Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? | ACQCol0009864A01 | Full-time | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Hours | |
ACQCol0009864A02 | Part-time | |||||||||
EDO0485 | What type of career are you pursuing? | EDO0485A001 | Science, Engineering, and Technology | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Career Type | ||
EDO0485A004 | Clandestine Service (e.g. operations officer) | |||||||||
EDO0485A005 | Language Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A006 | Analytical Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A009 | Business, IT, and Security | |||||||||
EDO0485A008 | Other, please specify: | B | ||||||||
EDO0486 | B | Other type of career | Text area, no char limit | Other Career Type | ||||||
EDO0487 | Did you find the information you were looking for on the site today? | EDO0487A001 | Yes | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accomplished Task | ||
EDO0487A002 | No | C | ||||||||
EDO0487A003 | Not Yet | C | ||||||||
EDO0488 | C | Please specify what you could not find: | Text area, no char limit | N | Looking For | |||||
ACQwil0011133 | Did you experience any technical difficulties on the site today? | Yes, I had technical difficulties with the application | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Technical Problems | |||
Yes, I experienced broken links or error messages (please specify) | A | |||||||||
Yes, I experienced another kind of technical difficulty (please describe) | B | |||||||||
No | 8889 | |||||||||
ACQwil0011134 | A | Where specifically did you encounter broken links or error messages? | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Application Links Errors | |||
ACQwil0011135 | B | Please describe the technical difficulty you experienced. | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Other | |||
EDO0491 | What is one improvement you would make to the CIA Careers site? | Text area, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement | ||||||
EDO0492 | How did you hear about the site? | EDO0492A001 | Assumed CIA has a career website | OPS Group | Hear About Site | |||||
EDO0492A002 | From the main site | |||||||||
EDO0492A003 | Search Engine | |||||||||
EDO0492A004 | Other Internet Site | |||||||||
EDO0492A005 | Friend/Family | |||||||||
EDO0492A006 | From site | |||||||||
EDO0492A007 | Television/Radio | |||||||||
EDO0492A008 | Newspaper/Magazine | |||||||||
EDO0492A009 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A010 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A011 | Received a text message | |||||||||
EDO0492A012 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0492a | A | Please specify how you heard about the CIA Careers site: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Hear About Other | ||||
EDO0493 | What is your gender? | EDO0493A001 | Male | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Gender | |||
EDO0493A002 | Female | |||||||||
EDO0493A003 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0494 | What is your age? | EDO0494A001 | <18 | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Age | |||
EDO0494A002 | 18 - 30 | |||||||||
EDO0494A003 | 31 - 40 | |||||||||
EDO0494A004 | 41 - 50 | |||||||||
EDO0494A005 | 51 - 60 | |||||||||
EDO0494A006 | 61+ | |||||||||
EDO0494A007 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0495 | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? | EDO0495A001 | Have not graduated high school | Drop Down, Select once | Single | N | Education | |||
EDO0495A002 | High school graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A003 | Some college, trade, technical or vocational training | |||||||||
EDO0495A004 | College graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A005 | Post graduate degree | |||||||||
EDO0495A006 | Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | |||||||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 3/1/2008 | blue + -->: REWORDING | ||||||||
QID (Group ID) |
Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
EDO0480 | How frequently do you visit this site? | EDO0480A001 | First time | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Frequency of Visit | |||
EDO0480A002 | More than once a day | |||||||||
EDO0480A003 | Daily | |||||||||
EDO0480A004 | About once a week | |||||||||
EDO0480A005 | About once a month | |||||||||
EDO0480A006 | Every 6 months or less | |||||||||
EDO0481 | What is your primary purpose in coming to the site today? | EDO0481A001 | Submit resume for employment | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Purpose of Vist | ||
EDO0481A002 | Research employment opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A006 | Research internship opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0481A003 | Research CIA in general | |||||||||
EDO0481A004 | Just browsing | |||||||||
EDO0481A005 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0482 | A | Other primary reason | Text area, no char limit | Other Purpose | ||||||
EDO0483 | Which sections of the site did you visit today? (select all that apply) | EDO0483A001 | Life at CIA | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Sections Visited | |||
EDO0483A002 | Diversity | |||||||||
EDO0483A003 | Careers | |||||||||
EDO0483A004 | Student Opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0483A005 | Military Transition | |||||||||
EDO0483A006 | FAQs | |||||||||
EDO0483A007 | Other | |||||||||
EDO0484 | Are you actively searching for a job? | EDO0484A001 | Yes | E | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Search | |
EDO0484A002 | No | |||||||||
ACQCol0009864 | E | Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? | ACQCol0009864A01 | Full-time | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Hours | |
ACQCol0009864A02 | Part-time | |||||||||
EDO0485 | What type of career are you pursuing? | EDO0485A001 | Science, Engineering, and Technology | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Career Type | ||
EDO0485A004 | Clandestine Service (e.g. operations officer) | |||||||||
EDO0485A005 | Language Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A006 | Analytical Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A009 | Business, IT, and Security | |||||||||
EDO0485A008 | Other, please specify: | B | ||||||||
EDO0486 | B | Other type of career | Text area, no char limit | Other Career Type | ||||||
EDO0487 | Did you find the information you were looking for on the site today? | EDO0487A001 | Yes | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accomplished Task | ||
EDO0487A002 | No | C | ||||||||
EDO0487A003 | Not Yet | C | ||||||||
EDO0488 | C | Please specify what you could not find: | Text area, no char limit | N | Looking For | |||||
NEW | Did you experience any technical difficulties on the site today? | Yes, I had technical difficulties with the application | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Technical Problems | |||
Yes, I experienced broken links or error messages (please specify) | A | |||||||||
Yes, I experienced another kind of technical difficulty (please describe) | B | |||||||||
No | 8889 | |||||||||
NEW | A | Where specifically did you encounter broken links or error messages? | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Application Links Errors | |||
NEW | B | Please describe the technical difficulty you experienced. | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | OE Tech Other | |||
EDO0491 | What is one improvement you would make to the CIA Careers site? | Text area, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement | ||||||
EDO0492 | How did you hear about the site? | EDO0492A001 | Assumed CIA has a career website | OPS Group | Hear About Site | |||||
EDO0492A002 | From the main site | |||||||||
EDO0492A003 | Search Engine | |||||||||
EDO0492A004 | Other Internet Site | |||||||||
EDO0492A005 | Friend/Family | |||||||||
EDO0492A006 | From site | |||||||||
EDO0492A007 | Television/Radio | |||||||||
EDO0492A008 | Newspaper/Magazine | |||||||||
EDO0492A009 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A010 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A011 | Received a text message | |||||||||
EDO0492A012 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0492a | A | Please specify how you heard about the CIA Careers site: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Hear About Other | ||||
EDO0493 | What is your gender? | EDO0493A001 | Male | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Gender | |||
EDO0493A002 | Female | |||||||||
EDO0493A003 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0494 | What is your age? | EDO0494A001 | <18 | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Age | |||
EDO0494A002 | 18 - 30 | |||||||||
EDO0494A003 | 31 - 40 | |||||||||
EDO0494A004 | 41 - 50 | |||||||||
EDO0494A005 | 51 - 60 | |||||||||
EDO0494A006 | 61+ | |||||||||
EDO0494A007 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0495 | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? | EDO0495A001 | Have not graduated high school | Drop Down, Select once | Single | N | Education | |||
EDO0495A002 | High school graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A003 | Some college, trade, technical or vocational training | |||||||||
EDO0495A004 | College graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A005 | Post graduate degree | |||||||||
EDO0495A006 | Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | |||||||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 3/1/2008 | blue + -->: REWORDING | ||||||||
QID (Group ID) |
Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
EDO0480 | How frequently do you visit this site? | First time | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Frequency of Visit | ||||
More than once a day | ||||||||||
Daily | ||||||||||
About once a week | ||||||||||
About once a month | ||||||||||
Every 6 months or less | ||||||||||
EDO0481 | What is your primary purpose in coming to the site today? | Submit resume for employment | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Purpose of Vist | |||
Research employment opportunities | ||||||||||
Research internship opportunities | ||||||||||
Research CIA in general | ||||||||||
Just browsing | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
EDO0482 | A | Other primary reason | Text area, no char limit | Other Purpose | ||||||
EDO0483 | Which sections of the site did you visit today? (select all that apply) | Life at CIA | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Sections Visited | ||||
Diversity | ||||||||||
Careers | ||||||||||
Student Opportunities | ||||||||||
Military Transition | ||||||||||
FAQs | ||||||||||
Other | ||||||||||
EDO0484 | Are you actively searching for a job? | Yes | E | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Search | ||
No | ||||||||||
ACQCol0009864 | E | Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? | Full-time | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Hours | ||
Part-time | ||||||||||
EDO0485 | What type of career are you pursuing? | Science, Engineering, and Technology | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Career Type | |||
Clandestine Service (e.g. operations officer) | ||||||||||
Language Position | ||||||||||
Analytical Position | ||||||||||
Business, IT, and Security | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | B | |||||||||
EDO0486 | B | Other type of career | Text area, no char limit | Other Career Type | ||||||
EDO0487 | Did you find the information you were looking for on the site today? | Yes | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accomplished Task | |||
No | C | |||||||||
Not Yet | C | |||||||||
EDO0488 | C | Please specify what you could not find: | Text area, no char limit | N | Looking For | |||||
EDO0491 | What is one improvement you would make to the CIA Careers site? | Text area, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement | ||||||
EDO0492 | How did you hear about the site? | Assumed CIA has a career website | OPS Group | Hear About Site | ||||||
From the main site | ||||||||||
Search Engine | ||||||||||
Other Internet Site | ||||||||||
Friend/Family | ||||||||||
From site | ||||||||||
Television/Radio | ||||||||||
Newspaper/Magazine | ||||||||||
Received a text message | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
EDO0492a | A | Please specify how you heard about the CIA Careers site: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Hear About Other | ||||
EDO0493 | What is your gender? | Male | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Gender | ||||
Female | ||||||||||
Prefer not to respond | ||||||||||
EDO0494 | What is your age? | <18 | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Age | ||||
18 - 30 | ||||||||||
31 - 40 | ||||||||||
41 - 50 | ||||||||||
51 - 60 | ||||||||||
61+ | ||||||||||
Prefer not to respond | ||||||||||
EDO0495 | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? | Have not graduated high school | Drop Down, Select once | Single | N | Education | ||||
High school graduate | ||||||||||
Some college, trade, technical or vocational training | ||||||||||
College graduate | ||||||||||
Post graduate degree | ||||||||||
Prefer not to answer | ||||||||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | |||||||||
MID: Vkcl08QEAEts1JR85MBkhw== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 3/1/2008 | blue + -->: REWORDING | ||||||||
CIA Careers site V2 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | ||||||||||
QID (Group ID) |
Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
EDO0480 | How frequently do you visit this site? | EDO0480A001 | First time | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Frequency of Visit | |||
EDO0480A002 | More than once a day | |||||||||
EDO0480A003 | Daily | |||||||||
EDO0480A004 | About once a week | |||||||||
EDO0480A005 | About once a month | |||||||||
EDO0480A006 | Every 6 months or less | |||||||||
EDO0481 | What is your primary purpose in coming to the site today? | EDO0481A001 | Submit resume for employment | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Purpose of Vist | ||
EDO0481A002 | Research employment opportunities | |||||||||
Research internship opportunities | ||||||||||
EDO0481A003 | Research CIA in general | |||||||||
EDO0481A004 | Just browsing | |||||||||
EDO0481A005 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0482 | A | Other primary reason | Text area, no char limit | Other Purpose | ||||||
EDO0483 | Which sections of the site did you visit today? (select all that apply) | EDO0483A001 | Life at CIA | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Sections Visited | |||
EDO0483A002 | Diversity | |||||||||
EDO0483A003 | Careers | |||||||||
EDO0483A004 | Student Opportunities | |||||||||
EDO0483A005 | Military Transition | |||||||||
EDO0483A006 | FAQs | |||||||||
EDO0483A007 | Other | |||||||||
EDO0484 | Are you actively searching for a job? | EDO0484A001 | Yes | E | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Search | |
EDO0484A002 | No | |||||||||
NEW | E | Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? | Full-time | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Job Hours | ||
Part-time | ||||||||||
EDO0485 | What type of career are you pursuing? | EDO0485A001 | Science, Engineering, and Technology Scientist | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Career Type | ||
EDO0485A004 | Clandestine Service (e.g. operations officer) | |||||||||
EDO0485A005 | Language Position | |||||||||
EDO0485A006 | Analytical Position | |||||||||
Business, IT, and Security | ||||||||||
EDO0485A008 | Other, please specify: | B | ||||||||
EDO0486 | B | Other type of career | Text area, no char limit | Other Career Type | ||||||
NEW | Which best describes you? | Employed | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Current employment | |||
Unemployed | ||||||||||
Student | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | F | |||||||||
NEW | F | Other role | Text area <100 char | open | n | OPS Group | OE_employment | |||
EDO0487 | Did you find the information you were looking for on the site today? | EDO0487A001 | Yes | Drop down, select one | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Accomplished Task | ||
EDO0487A002 | No | C | ||||||||
EDO0487A003 | Not Yet | C | ||||||||
EDO0488 | C | Please specify what you could not find: | Text area, no char limit | N | Looking For | |||||
D | ||||||||||
EDO0491 | What is one improvement you would make to the CIA Careers site? | Text area, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement | ||||||
EDO0492 | How did you hear about the site? | EDO0492A001 | Assumed CIA has a career website | OPS Group | Hear About Site | |||||
EDO0492A002 | From the main site | |||||||||
EDO0492A003 | Search Engine | |||||||||
EDO0492A004 | Other Internet Site | |||||||||
EDO0492A005 | Friend/Family | |||||||||
EDO0492A006 | From site | |||||||||
EDO0492A007 | Television/Radio | |||||||||
EDO0492A008 | Newspaper/Magazine | |||||||||
EDO0492A009 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A010 | ||||||||||
EDO0492A011 | Received a text message | |||||||||
EDO0492A012 | Other, please specify: | A | ||||||||
EDO0492a | A | Please specify how you heard about the CIA Careers site: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Hear About Other | ||||
EDO0493 | What is your gender? | EDO0493A001 | Male | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Gender | |||
EDO0493A002 | Female | |||||||||
EDO0493A003 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0494 | What is your age? | EDO0494A001 | <18 | Drop down, select one | Single | N | Age | |||
EDO0494A002 | 18 - 30 | |||||||||
EDO0494A003 | 31 - 40 | |||||||||
EDO0494A004 | 41 - 50 | |||||||||
EDO0494A005 | 51 - 60 | |||||||||
EDO0494A006 | 61+ | |||||||||
EDO0494A007 | Prefer not to respond | |||||||||
EDO0495 | Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? | EDO0495A001 | Have not graduated high school | Drop Down, Select once | Single | N | Education | |||
EDO0495A002 | High school graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A003 | Some college, trade, technical or vocational training | |||||||||
EDO0495A004 | College graduate | |||||||||
EDO0495A005 | Post graduate degree | |||||||||
EDO0495A006 | Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |