789 2014 789 NIH AIDSinfo

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2014 789 NIH AIDSinfo.xlsx

2014 781 Architect of the U.S. Capitol Gift Shop - 2014 793 FTC Compliant Assistant Survey

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Current Model Qsts
Current Custom Qs
Custom Qs (3-10-14)
Current Custom Qs (5-17-13)
Custom Qs 12-15-10

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Name:

AIDSinfo v3

MID: MlVcxkclt5UAVsgQINhlgA==

Date: 12/1/2010

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 17 What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
20 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site. 18 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site. 19 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
21 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

4 Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site.

5 Please rate the convenience of the features on this site.

6 Please rate the variety of features on this site.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

8 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

9 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
10 Please rate how well the site is organized.
11 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

12 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

13 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

16 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Sheet 2: Current Custom Qs

Model Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

AIDSinfo v3

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MlVcxkclt5UAVsgQINhlgA==


Date: 12/1/2010
blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerID's (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? CWS05949A001 First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

CWS05949A002 More than once a day

CWS05949A003 Daily

CWS05949A004 About once a week

CWS05949A005 About once a month

CWS05949A006 Every 6 months or less

What best describes your role in visiting the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05950A001 Physician with fewer than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

CWS05950A002 Physician with more than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O

CWS05950A003 Nurse O

CWS05950A004 Nurse practitioner or physician assistant O

CWS05950A005 Pharmacist O

CWS05950A006 Researcher or Scientist

CWS05950A007 Case manager

CWS05950A008 Social worker

CWS05950A009 Education and outreach worker

CWS05950A010 Support group facilitator

CWS05950A011 Librarian or other information provider

CWS05950A012 News reporter or media

CWS05950A013 Patient

CWS05950A014 Family or friend of person living with HIV/AIDS

CWS05950A015 Student

CWS05950A016 Other, please specify A

CWS05951 A Other best describes role.

Text field, <100 char open N
CAS0029641 O As a healthcare provider, do you have Internet access at the point of care?
Yes H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Internet Access


I don't see patients at the point of care

CAS0029642 H Do you use a mobile device, such as a phone or a tablet, at the point of care?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access POC


What is the primary reason for your visit to the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05952A001 Access federal HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Guidelines E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

CWS05952A002 Access materials in Spanish

CWS05952A003 Access other clinical care or treatment information

CWS05952A004 Access the HIV/AIDS Drug Database

CWS05952A005 Access the HIV/AIDS Glossary

CWS05952A008 Find general information about HIV/AIDS, including prevention and testing information

CWS05952A009 Find information about the HIV/AIDS awareness days (e.g., World AIDS Day, Vaccine Day)

CWS05952A010 Find information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05952A016 Order publications

CWS05952A022 Find patient education information and/or materials for myself, a family member, or a friend B

CWS05952A017 Find education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS for my patients B, T,G

CWS05952A020 View AIDS<em>info</em> content on a mobile device

CWS05952A021 Other, please specify C

CWS05953 C What is your other reason for coming to the AIDS<em>info</em>site?

Text area, no char limit open N Skip Logic Group Visit Reason Other
CWS05954 E Which Clinical Care Guidelines do you use? CWS05954A001 Adult and Adolescent Guidelines
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Care Guidelines

CWS05954A002 Pediatric Guidelines

CWS05954A003 Perinatal Guidelines

CWS05954A004 Adult and Adolescent OI Guidelines

CWS05954A005 Pediatric OI Guidelines

CWS05954A006 Health-Care Worker Exposure Guidelines (PEP)

CWS05954A007 Nonoccupational Exposure Guidelines (nPEP)

CWS05954A008 Revised Guidelines for Counseling, Testing, and Referral

CWS05954A009 Incorporation of HIV Prevention Guidelines

CWS05958 B What types of patient education materials would you be interested in obtaining? (Select all that apply) CWS05958A001 Print material (fact sheets and brochures) that I can order by mail
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Patient materials

CWS05958A002 Fact sheets and handouts that I can download and print

CWS05958A003 Interactive, Web-based educational tools

CWS05958A004 Information for mobile devices, including Podcasts and MP3s

CWS05958A005 PowerPoint slides/presentations

CWS05958A006 RSS feeds

CAS0029657 T Did you find the reading level of fact sheets appropriate for your patients?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reading Level

No, please explain V

CAS0029658 V Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Reading Level
CAS0029659 G Did the factsheets cover the topics you discuss with your patients?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Factsheets

No, please explain J

CAS0029660 J Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Factsheets
Did you find the information you were looking for? CWS05975A001 Yes Q Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find Info

CWS05975A002 No P

CWS05976 Q Please specify what information you were seeking.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Find info
CWS05977 P Please specify what information you were unable to find:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Not Find
Which AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) would you like to access on your mobile device? (Please select all that apply) CWS05971A001 Guidelines W Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource

CWS05971A003 Drug database U

CWS05971A004 Search for HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05971A005 Read the weekly newsletter

CWS05971A006 View and download consumer fact sheets

CWS05971A007 View and download the HIV/AIDS glossary

Not interested in accessing AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) on mobile device

CWS05971A008 Other, please specify R

CWS05972 R Other mobile resource(s) you would like to access.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource Other
CAS0029683 W How would you primarily like to view the guidelines?
In its entirety
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Guidelines


Boxed Recommendations

Decision tree

Don't know

CAS0029684 U How would you primarily like to view the drug database?
Full drug label
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Drug Database

Summary of the drug label

Patient Summary

Don't know

How did you learn about the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site? (Select all that apply) CWS05962A001 From a family member or friend
Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Learn about site

CWS05962A002 From a federal Web site, including NLM and NIH (.gov)

CWS05962A003 From a health organization or association

CWS05962A004 From a listserv or email message

CWS05962A005 From a mobile phone text message or alert

CWS05962A006 From a newspaper, magazine, journal, or newsletter

CWS05962A007 From a non-federal Web site (.com, .org, .edu)

CWS05962A008 From a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider

CWS05962A009 From a posting on a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

CWS05962A010 From AIDS<em>info</em> or <em>info</em>SIDA e-newsletter

CWS05962A011 From an instructor, class, workshop, or professional meeting

CWS05962A012 Instant message from a friend or colleague

CWS05962A013 Internet blogs or discussion forums

CWS05962A014 Library

CWS05962A015 Outreach event where I met AIDS<em>info</em>/<em>info</em>SIDA staff

CWS05962A016 Web search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

CWS05962A017 Don't recall

CWS05962A018 Other A

CWS05963 A Other way of learning about the AIDS<em>info</em> site.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Site Aware Other
How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) CWS05968A005 Follow on Twitter
Checkbox, Two-up vertical Multi Y

CWS05968A006 Follow on Facebook

CWS05968A007 In virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life)

CWS05968A008 Listening to Podcasts or audio

CWS05968A009 Reading blogs

CWS05968A010 Receiving newsletters/email updates

CWS05968A011 Subscribing to RSS feeds

CWS05968A012 Watch webinars and/or videos

CWS05968A013 Download a mobile application or tool for my mobile device

CWS05968A014 View and browse the Web site on a mobile device

Which section(s) of the site did you use the search feature for? (Please select all that apply)
Full Site/ Global Search J Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search

Guidelines W

Clinical Trials R

Drugs K

Health Topics S

Glossary X

I did not use the search feature

CAS0029686 J Please tell us about your experience with the Full Site/ Global Search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Full Site

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): M

CAS0029669 M Please explain what other Full Site/ Global Search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Full Site Search
CAS0029670 W Please tell us about your experience with the Guidelines search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Guidelines

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): L

CAS0029671 L Please explain what other Guidelines search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Guidelines
CAS0029672 R Please tell us about your experience with the Clinical Trials search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Clinical Trials

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): H

CAS0029673 H Please explain what other Clinical Trials search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Clinical Trials
CAS0029674 K Please tell us about your experience with the Drug search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Drug

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): P

CAS0029675 P Please explain what other Drug search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Drug
CAS0029696 S Please tell us about your experience with the Health Topics search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Health Topics

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): Y

CAS0029697 Y Please explain what other Health Topics search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Health Topics
CAS0029698 X Please tell us about your experience with the Glossary search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Glossary

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): G

CAS0029699 G Please explain what other Glossary search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Glossary
Please select the country from which you are currently accessing AIDS<em>info</em>. CWS05973A001 United States
Drop down, select one Single Y
Country names

CWS05973A002 DOT: Countries hidden Afghanistan

If you could make one change to the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site, what would you change?

Text area, no char limit
One Change

Sheet 3: Custom Qs (3-10-14)

Model Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

AIDSinfo v3

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MlVcxkclt5UAVsgQINhlgA==


Date: 12/1/2010
blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerID's (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? CWS05949A001 First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

CWS05949A002 More than once a day

CWS05949A003 Daily

CWS05949A004 About once a week

CWS05949A005 About once a month

CWS05949A006 Every 6 months or less

What best describes your role in visiting the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05950A001 Physician with fewer than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

CWS05950A002 Physician with more than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O

CWS05950A003 Nurse O

CWS05950A004 Nurse practitioner or physician assistant O

CWS05950A005 Pharmacist O

CWS05950A006 Researcher or Scientist

CWS05950A007 Case manager

CWS05950A008 Social worker

CWS05950A009 Education and outreach worker

CWS05950A010 Support group facilitator

CWS05950A011 Librarian or other information provider

CWS05950A012 News reporter or media

CWS05950A013 Patient

CWS05950A014 Family or friend of person living with HIV/AIDS

CWS05950A015 Student

CWS05950A016 Other, please specify A

CWS05951 A Other best describes role.

Text field, <100 char open N
CAS0029641 O As a healthcare provider, do you have Internet access at the point of care?
Yes H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Internet Access


I don't see patients at the point of care

CAS0029642 H Do you use a mobile device, such as a phone or a tablet, at the point of care?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access POC


What is the primary reason for your visit to the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05952A001 Access federal HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Guidelines E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

CWS05952A002 Access materials in Spanish

CWS05952A003 Access other clinical care or treatment information

CWS05952A004 Access the HIV/AIDS Drug Database

CWS05952A005 Access the HIV/AIDS Glossary

CWS05952A008 Find general information about HIV/AIDS, including prevention and testing information

CWS05952A009 Find information about the HIV/AIDS awareness days (e.g., World AIDS Day, Vaccine Day)

CWS05952A010 Find information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05952A016 Order publications

CWS05952A022 Find patient education information and/or materials for myself, a fmaily family member, or a friend B

CWS05952A017 Find education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS for my patients B, T,G

CWS05952A020 View AIDS<em>info</em> content on a mobile device

CWS05952A021 Other, please specify C

CWS05953 C What is your other reason for coming to the AIDS<em>info</em>site?

Text area, no char limit open N Skip Logic Group Visit Reason Other
CWS05954 E Which Clinical Care Guidelines do you use? CWS05954A001 Adult and Adolescent Guidelines
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Care Guidelines

CWS05954A002 Pediatric Guidelines

CWS05954A003 Perinatal Guidelines

CWS05954A004 Adult and Adolescent OI Guidelines

CWS05954A005 Pediatric OI Guidelines

CWS05954A006 Health-Care Worker Exposure Guidelines (PEP)

CWS05954A007 Nonoccupational Exposure Guidelines (nPEP)

CWS05954A008 Revised Guidelines for Counseling, Testing, and Referral

CWS05954A009 Incorporation of HIV Prevention Guidelines

CWS05958 B What types of patient education materials would you be interested in obtaining? (Select all that apply) CWS05958A001 Print material (fact sheets and brochures) that I can order by mail
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Patient materials

CWS05958A002 Fact sheets and handouts that I can download and print

CWS05958A003 Interactive, Web-based educational tools

CWS05958A004 Information for mobile devices, including Podcasts and MP3s

CWS05958A005 PowerPoint slides/presentations

CWS05958A006 RSS feeds

CAS0029657 T Did you find the reading level of fact sheets appropriate for your patients?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reading Level

No, please explain V

CAS0029658 V Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Reading Level
CAS0029659 G Did the factsheets cover the topics you discuss with your patients?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Factsheets

No, please explain J

CAS0029660 J Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Factsheets
DOT: Orange set of question moved from the end of the survey CWS05975
Did you find the information you were looking for? CWS05975A001 Yes Q Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find Info

CWS05975A002 No P

CWS05976 Q Please specify what information you were seeking.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Find info
CWS05977 P Please specify what information you were unable to find:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Not Find
Which AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) would you like to access on your mobile device? (Please select all that apply) CWS05971A001 Guidelines W Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource

CWS05971A003 Drug database U

CWS05971A004 Search for HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05971A005 Read the weekly newsletter

CWS05971A006 View and download consumer fact sheets

CWS05971A007 View and download the HIV/AIDS glossary

Not interested in accessing AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) on mobile device

CWS05971A008 Other, please specify R

CWS05972 R Other mobile resource(s) you would like to access.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource Other
CAS0029683 W How would you primarily like to view the guidelines?
In its entirety
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Guidelines


Boxed Recommendations

Decision tree

Don't know

CAS0029684 U How would you primarily like to view the drug database?
Full drug label
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Drug Database

Summary of the drug label

Patient Summary

Don't know

How did you learn about the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site? (Select all that apply) CWS05962A001 From a family member or friend
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Learn about site

CWS05962A002 From a federal Web site, including NLM and NIH (.gov)

CWS05962A003 From a health organization or association

CWS05962A004 From a listserv or email message

CWS05962A005 From a mobile phone text message or alert

CWS05962A006 From a newspaper, magazine, journal, or newsletter

CWS05962A007 From a non-federal Web site (.com, .org, .edu)

CWS05962A008 From a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider

CWS05962A009 From a posting on a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

CWS05962A010 From AIDS<em>info</em> or <em>info</em>SIDA e-newsletter

CWS05962A011 From an instructor, class, workshop, or professional meeting

CWS05962A012 Instant message from a friend or colleague

CWS05962A013 Internet blogs or discussion forums

CWS05962A014 Library

CWS05962A015 Outreach event where I met AIDS<em>info</em>/<em>info</em>SIDA staff

CWS05962A016 Web search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

CWS05962A017 Don't recall

CWS05962A018 Other, please specify A

CWS05963 A Other way of learning about the AIDS<em>info</em> site.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Site Aware Other
How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, three-up vertical Multi Y

CWS05968A005 Follow on Twitter

CWS05968A006 Follow on Facebook

CWS05968A007 In virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life)

CWS05968A008 Listening to Podcasts or audio

CWS05968A009 Reading blogs

CWS05968A010 Receiving newsletters/email updates

CWS05968A011 Subscribing to RSS feeds

CWS05968A012 Watch webinars and/or videos

CWS05968A013 Download a mobile application or tool for my mobile device

CWS05968A014 View and browse the Web site on a mobile device

Which section(s) of the site did you use the search feature for? (Please select all that apply)
Full Site/ Global Search J Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search

Guidelines W

Clinical Trials R

Drugs K

Health Topics S

Glossary X

I did not use the search feature

CAS0029686 J Please tell us about your experience with the Full Site/ Global Search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Full Site

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): M

CAS0029669 M Please explain what other Full Site/ Global Search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Full Site Search
CAS0029670 W Please tell us about your experience with the Guidelines search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Guidelines

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): L

CAS0029671 L Please explain what other Guidelines search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Guidelines
CAS0029672 R Please tell us about your experience with the Clinical Trials search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Clinical Trials

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): H

CAS0029673 H Please explain what other Clinical Trials search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Clinical Trials
CAS0029674 K Please tell us about your experience with the Drug search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Drug

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): P

CAS0029675 P Please explain what other Drug search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Drug
CAS0029696 S Please tell us about your experience with the Health Topics search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Health Topics

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): Y

CAS0029697 Y Please explain what other Health Topics search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Health Topics
CAS0029698 X Please tell us about your experience with the Glossary search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Glossary

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): G

CAS0029699 G Please explain what other Glossary search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Glossary
Please select the country from which you are currently accessing AIDS<em>info</em>. CWS05973A001 United States
Drop down, select one Single Y
Country names

CWS05973A002 DOT: Countries hidden Afghanistan

If you could make one change to the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site, what would you change?

Text area, no char limit
One Change

Sheet 4: Current Custom Qs (5-17-13)

Model Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

AIDSinfo v3

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MlVcxkclt5UAVsgQINhlgA==


Date: 12/1/2010
blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerID's (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? CWS05949A001 First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

CWS05949A002 More than once a day

CWS05949A003 Daily

CWS05949A004 About once a week

CWS05949A005 About once a month

CWS05949A006 Every 6 months or less

What best describes your role in visiting the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05950A001 Physician with fewer than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

CWS05950A002 Physician with more than 50 HIV/AIDS patients O

CWS05950A003 Nurse O

CWS05950A004 Nurse practitioner or physician assistant O

CWS05950A005 Pharmacist O

CWS05950A006 Researcher or Scientist

CWS05950A007 Case manager

CWS05950A008 Social worker

CWS05950A009 Education and outreach worker

CWS05950A010 Support group facilitator

CWS05950A011 Librarian or other information provider

CWS05950A012 News reporter or media

CWS05950A013 Patient

CWS05950A014 Family or friend of person living with HIV/AIDS

CWS05950A015 Student

CWS05950A016 Other, please specify A

CWS05951 A Other best describes role.

Text field, <100 char open N

O As a healthcare provider, do you have Internet access at the point of care?
Yes H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Internet Access


I don't see patients at the point of care

H Do you use a mobile device, such as a phone or a tablet, at the point of care?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access POC


What is the primary reason for your visit to the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05952A001 Access federal HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Guidelines E,Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

CWS05952A002 Access materials in Spanish Y

CWS05952A003 Access other clinical care or treatment information

CWS05952A004 Access the HIV/AIDS Drug Database

CWS05952A005 Access the HIV/AIDS Glossary

CWS05952A006 Conduct scientific research

CWS05952A007 Confirm or verify information prior to contacting a health care provider with a question or concern

CWS05952A008 Find general information about HIV/AIDS, including prevention and testing information D

CWS05952A009 Find information about the HIV/AIDS awareness days (e.g., World AIDS Day, Vaccine Day)

CWS05952A010 Find information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05952A011 Find links to other Internet resources on HIV/AIDS

CWS05952A012 Find materials for a project or presentation

CWS05952A013 Just browsing

CWS05952A014 Obtain information about AIDS vaccine development

CWS05952A015 Obtain promotional or training materials about AIDS<em>info</em>

CWS05952A016 Order publications

Find patient education information and/or materials for myself, a fmaily member, or a friend B

CWS05952A017 Find patient education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS Find education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS for my patients B,X, T,G

CWS05952A018 Find information on professional continuing education

CWS05952A019 Student assignment

CWS05952A020 View AIDS<em>info</em> content on a mobile device

CWS05952A021 Other, please specify C

CWS05953 C What is your other reason for coming to the AIDS<em>info</em>site?

Text area, no char limit open N Skip Logic Group Visit Reason Other
CWS05954 E Which Clinical Care Guidelines do you use? CWS05954A001 Adult and Adolescent Guidelines
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Care Guidelines

CWS05954A002 Pediatric Guidelines

CWS05954A003 Perinatal Guidelines

CWS05954A004 Adult and Adolescent OI Guidelines

CWS05954A005 Pediatric OI Guidelines

CWS05954A006 Health-Care Worker Exposure Guidelines (PEP)

CWS05954A007 Nonoccupational Exposure Guidelines (nPEP)

CWS05954A008 Revised Guidelines for Counseling, Testing, and Referral

CWS05954A009 Incorporation of HIV Prevention Guidelines

CWS05955 Z What format do you prefer to use when viewing Clinical Care Guidelines CWS05955A001 PDF
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Format Care Guideline

CWS05955A002 HTML

CWS05955A003 Mobile version optimized for my mobile device

CWS05955A004 Other, please specify F

CWS05956 F What other formats would you like to use?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other Formats
CWS05957 Y Are you aware of the Spanish-language site, aidsinfo.nih.gov/infoSIDA? CWS05957A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Aware Spanish site

CWS05957A002 No

CWS05958 B What types of patient education materials would you be interested in obtaining? (Select all that apply) CWS05958A001 Print material (fact sheets and brochures) that I can order by mail
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Patient materials

CWS05958A002 Fact sheets and handouts that I can download and print

CWS05958A003 Interactive, Web-based educational tools

CWS05958A004 Information for mobile devices, including Podcasts and MP3s

CWS05958A005 PowerPoint slides/presentations

CWS05958A006 RSS feeds

T Did you find the reading level of fact sheets appropriate for your patients?
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reading Level

No, please explain V

V Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Reading Level

G Did the factsheets cover the topics you discuss with your patients?
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Factsheets

No, please explain J

J Please explain how we could improve the content provided:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE:Factsheets
CWS05959 X What reading level would you find most helpful for patient education materials? (select one) CWS05959A001 Elementary level
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Material Reading level

CWS05959A002 Middle school level

CWS05959A003 High school level

CWS05959A004 College level

CWS05960 D What type of prevention and testing information are you looking for? CWS05960A001 Prevention of mother-to-child transmission
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Prevent/Testing info

CWS05960A002 Prevention of opportunistic infections (PCP, MAC, Crypto, TB)

CWS05960A003 Prevention research (microbicides, preventive vaccines, PrEP)

CWS05960A004 Information on HIV transmission (abstinence, safe sex, clean needles)

CWS05960A005 Information on HIV testing for adolescents and adults (frequency of testing, window period, accuracy of HIV tests)

CWS05960A006 Testing of infants born to HIV-positive mothers (types of tests that are conducted, frequency of testing, accuracy of HIV tests)

CWS05960A007 Other, please specify G

DOT: Orange set of question moved from the end of the survey CWS05975
Did you find the information you were looking for sought? (select one) CWS05975A001 Yes Q Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find Info

CWS05975A002 No P

CWS05976 Q Please specify what information you were seeking.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Find info
CWS05977 P Please specify what information you were unable to find:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Could Not Find
Which AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) would you like to access on your mobile device? (Please select all that apply) CWS05971A001 View the Guidelines W Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource

CWS05971A002 Search the guidelines

CWS05971A003 Search the Drug database to locate fact sheets about HIV-related drugs U

CWS05971A004 Search for HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05971A005 Read the weekly newsletter

CWS05971A006 View and download consumer fact sheets

CWS05971A007 View and download the HIV/AIDS glossary

Not interested in accessing AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) on mobile device

CWS05971A008 Other, please specify R

CWS05972 R Other mobile resource(s) you would like to access.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource Other

W How would you primarily like to view the guidelines?
In its entirety
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Guidelines


Boxed Recommendations

Decision tree

Don't know

U How would you primarily like to view the drug database?
Full drug label
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource_Drug Database

Summary of the drug label

Patient Summary

Don't know

How did you learn about the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site? (Select all that apply) CWS05962A001 From a family member or friend
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Learn about site

CWS05962A002 From a federal Web site, including NLM and NIH (.gov)

CWS05962A003 From a health organization or association

CWS05962A004 From a listserv or email message

CWS05962A005 From a mobile phone text message or alert

CWS05962A006 From a newspaper, magazine, journal, or newsletter

CWS05962A007 From a non-federal Web site (.com, .org, .edu)

CWS05962A008 From a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider

CWS05962A009 From a posting on a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

CWS05962A010 From AIDS<em>info</em> or <em>info</em>SIDA e-newsletter

CWS05962A011 From an instructor, class, workshop, or professional meeting

CWS05962A012 Instant message from a friend or colleague

CWS05962A013 Internet blogs or discussion forums

CWS05962A014 Library

CWS05962A015 Outreach event where I met AIDS<em>info</em>/<em>info</em>SIDA staff

CWS05962A016 Web search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

CWS05962A017 Don't recall

CWS05962A018 Other, please specify A

CWS05963 A Other way of learning about the AIDS<em>info</em> site.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Site Aware Other
Did you use any of these AIDS<em>info</em> services today to get help with a question or concern? CWS05964A001 Email
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y Skip Logic Group services used

CWS05964A002 Live Help service (One-on-one chat support) W

CWS05964A003 Telephone reference service

CWS05964A004 No, I did not need any help today

CWS05964A005 No, I did not know these services existed V

CWS05965 W What would help improve your experience navigating  and using the live help service?

Text area, no char limit
Nav. Improvement
CWS05966 V If I would have known that help was available, I would have used: CWS05966A001 Email
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y
Svcs used if avail

CWS05966A002 Live Help service (One-on-one chat support)

CWS05966A003 Telephone reference service

CWS05966A004 None of these

Which of the following related resources are you using today? (Select all that apply) CWS05967A001 AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y

CWS05967A002 AIDS InfoNet

CWS05967A003 AIDS.gov (from Department of Health and Human Services)

CWS05967A004 AIDSmeds.com

CWS05967A005 <em>ClinicalTrials.gov</em>

CWS05967A006 HIV InSite (University of California, San Francisco)

CWS05967A007 HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) Web site

CWS05967A008 HIV/AIDS Web pages from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CWS05967A009 InfoRed SIDA, Spanish version of AIDS InfoNet

CWS05967A010 <em>info</em>SIDA Spanish version of AIDS<em>info</em>

CWS05967A011 Medline or PubMed

CWS05967A012 MedlinePlus

CWS05967A013 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

CWS05967A014 National Library of Medicine (NLM) HIV/AIDS Information Web pages

CWS05967A015 National Prevention Information Network from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CWS05967A016 Project Inform

CWS05967A017 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

CWS05967A018 The Body

CWS05967A019 Veterans Affairs Web pages about HIV/AIDS

CWS05967A020 None of the above

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) CWS05968A001 Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page
Checkbox, three-up vertical Multi Y

CWS05968A002 Bookmark or tag pages

CWS05968A003 By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

CWS05968A004 Contributing to wikis

CWS05968A005 Following a microblog (e.g., Twitter) Follow on Twitter

CWS05968A006 In social networks (e.g., Facebook, MySpace) Follow on Facebook

CWS05968A007 In virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life)

CWS05968A008 Listening to Podcasts or audio

CWS05968A009 Reading blogs

CWS05968A010 Receiving newsletters/email updates

CWS05968A011 Subscribing to RSS feeds

CWS05968A012 Watching Vodcasts or videoWatch webinars and/or videos

CWS05968A013 Download a mobile application or tool for my mobile device U, S

CWS05968A014 View and browse the Web site on a mobile device U, S

Which section(s) of the site did you use the search feature for? (Please select all that apply)
Full Site/ Global Search J Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search

Guidelines W

Clinical Trials R

Drugs K

Health Topics S

Glossary X

I did not use the search feature

J Please tell us about your experience with the Full Site/ Global Search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Full Site

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): M

M Please explain what other Full Site/ Global Search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Full Site Search

W Please tell us about your experience with the Guidelines search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Guidelines

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): L

L Please explain what other Guidelines search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Guidelines

R Please tell us about your experience with the Clinical Trials search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Clinical Trials

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): H

H Please explain what other Clinical Trials search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Clinical Trials

K Please tell us about your experience with the Drug search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Drug

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): P

P Please explain what other Drug search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Drug

S Please tell us about your experience with the Health Topics search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Health Topics

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): Y

Y Please explain what other Health Topics search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Health Topics

X Please tell us about your experience with the Glossary search feature used today (Please select all that apply)
Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Section Search_Glossary

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): G

G Please explain what other Glossary search issue you had.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other_Glossary
CWS05969 U What type of mobile device will you use to access AIDS<em>info</em> resources? (Please select all that apply) CWS05969A001 Blackberry
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Device

CWS05969A002 iPhone/iTouch/iPad

CWS05969A003 WebOS-powered phones (Palm/HP)

CWS05969A004 Android-powered phones (Droid)

CWS05969A005 Symbian-powered phones

CWS05969A006 Linux-powered phones

CWS05969A007 Other, please specify T

CWS05970 T Other mobile device

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Device Other
Please select the country from which you are currently accessing AIDS<em>info</em>. CWS05973A001 United States
Drop down, select one Single Y
Country names

CWS05973A002 DOT: Countries hidden Afghanistan

If you could make one change to the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site, what would you change?

Text area, no char limit
One Change

Sheet 5: Custom Qs 12-15-10

Model Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

AIDSinfo v3

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MlVcxkclt5UAVsgQINhlgA==


Date: 12/1/2010
blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerID's (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? CWS05949A001 First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

CWS05949A002 More than once a day

CWS05949A003 Daily

CWS05949A004 About once a week

CWS05949A005 About once a month

CWS05949A006 Every 6 months or less

What best describes your role in visiting the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05950A001 Physician with fewer than 50 HIV/AIDS patients
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Role

CWS05950A002 Physician with more than 50 HIV/AIDS patients

CWS05950A003 Nurse

CWS05950A004 Nurse practitioner or physician assistant

CWS05950A005 Pharmacist

CWS05950A006 Researcher or Scientist

CWS05950A007 Case manager

CWS05950A008 Social worker

CWS05950A009 Education and outreach worker

CWS05950A010 Support group facilitator

CWS05950A011 Librarian or other information provider

CWS05950A012 News reporter or media

CWS05950A013 Patient

CWS05950A014 Family or friend of person living with HIV/AIDS

CWS05950A015 Student

CWS05950A016 Other, please specify A

CWS05951 A Other best describes role.

Text field, <100 char open N
What is the primary reason for your visit to the AIDS<em>info</em> site today? CWS05952A001 Access federal HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Guidelines E,Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

CWS05952A002 Access materials in Spanish Y

CWS05952A003 Access other clinical care or treatment information

CWS05952A004 Access the HIV/AIDS Drug Database

CWS05952A005 Access the HIV/AIDS Glossary

CWS05952A006 Conduct scientific research

CWS05952A007 Confirm or verify information prior to contacting a health care provider with a question or concern

CWS05952A008 Find general information about HIV/AIDS, including prevention and testing information D

CWS05952A009 Find information about the HIV/AIDS awareness days (e.g., World AIDS Day, Vaccine Day)

CWS05952A010 Find information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05952A011 Find links to other Internet resources on HIV/AIDS

CWS05952A012 Find materials for a project or presentation

CWS05952A013 Just browsing

CWS05952A014 Obtain information about AIDS vaccine development

CWS05952A015 Obtain promotional or training materials about AIDS<em>info</em>

CWS05952A016 Order publications

CWS05952A017 Find patient education information and/or materials on HIV/AIDS B,X

CWS05952A018 Find information on professional continuing education

CWS05952A019 Student assignment

CWS05952A020 View AIDS<em>info</em> content on a mobile device

CWS05952A021 Other, please specify C

CWS05953 C What is your other reason for coming to the AIDS<em>info</em>site?

Text area, no char limit open N Skip Logic Group Visit Reason Other 18
CWS05954 E Which Clinical Care Guidelines do you use? CWS05954A001 Adult and Adolescent Guidelines
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Care Guidelines

CWS05954A002 Pediatric Guidelines

CWS05954A003 Perinatal Guidelines

CWS05954A004 Adult and Adolescent OI Guidelines

CWS05954A005 Pediatric OI Guidelines

CWS05954A006 Health-Care Worker Exposure Guidelines (PEP)

CWS05954A007 Nonoccupational Exposure Guidelines (nPEP)

CWS05954A008 Revised Guidelines for Counseling, Testing, and Referral

CWS05954A009 Incorporation of HIV Prevention Guidelines

CWS05955 Z What format do you prefer to use when viewing Clinical Care Guidelines CWS05955A001 PDF
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Format Care Guideline

CWS05955A002 HTML

CWS05955A003 Mobile version optimized for my mobile device

CWS05955A004 Other, please specify F

CWS05956 F What other formats would you like to use?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other Formats
CWS05957 Y Are you aware of the Spanish-language site, aidsinfo.nih.gov/infoSIDA? CWS05957A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Aware Spanish site

CWS05957A002 No

CWS05958 B What types of patient education materials would you be interested in obtaining? (Select all that apply) CWS05958A001 Print material (fact sheets and brochures) that I can order by mail
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y Skip Logic Group Patient materials

CWS05958A002 Fact sheets and handouts that I can download and print

CWS05958A003 Interactive, Web-based educational tools

CWS05958A004 Information for mobile devices, including Podcasts and MP3s

CWS05958A005 PowerPoint slides/presentations

CWS05958A006 RSS feeds

CWS05959 X What reading level would you find most helpful for patient education materials? (select one) CWS05959A001 Elementary level
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Material Reading level

CWS05959A002 Middle school level

CWS05959A003 High school level

CWS05959A004 College level

CWS05960 D What type of prevention and testing information are you looking for? CWS05960A001 Prevention of mother-to-child transmission
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Prevent/Testing info

CWS05960A002 Prevention of opportunistic infections (PCP, MAC, Crypto, TB)

CWS05960A003 Prevention research (microbicides, preventive vaccines, PrEP)

CWS05960A004 Information on HIV transmission (abstinence, safe sex, clean needles)

CWS05960A005 Information on HIV testing for adolescents and adults (frequency of testing, window period, accuracy of HIV tests)

CWS05960A006 Testing of infants born to HIV-positive mothers (types of tests that are conducted, frequency of testing, accuracy of HIV tests)

CWS05960A007 Other, please specify G

CWS05961 G Other prevention and testing information

Text field, <100 char

How did you learn about the AIDS<em>info</em> Web site? (Select all that apply) CWS05962A001 From a family member or friend
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-select Y OPS Group Learn about site

CWS05962A002 From a federal Web site, including NLM and NIH (.gov)

CWS05962A003 From a health organization or association

CWS05962A004 From a listserv or email message

CWS05962A005 From a mobile phone text message or alert

CWS05962A006 From a newspaper, magazine, journal, or newsletter

CWS05962A007 From a non-federal Web site (.com, .org, .edu)

CWS05962A008 From a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider

CWS05962A009 From a posting on a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)

CWS05962A010 From AIDS<em>info</em> or <em>info</em>SIDA e-newsletter

CWS05962A011 From an instructor, class, workshop, or professional meeting

CWS05962A012 Instant message from a friend or colleague

CWS05962A013 Internet blogs or discussion forums

CWS05962A014 Library

CWS05962A015 Outreach event where I met AIDS<em>info</em>/<em>info</em>SIDA staff

CWS05962A016 Web search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)

CWS05962A017 Don't recall

CWS05962A018 Other, please specify A

CWS05963 A Other way of learning about the AIDS<em>info</em> site.

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Site Aware Other 16
Did you use any of these AIDS<em>info</em> services today to get help with a question or concern? CWS05964A001 Email
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y Skip Logic Group services used

CWS05964A002 Live Help service (One-on-one chat support) W

CWS05964A003 Telephone reference service

CWS05964A004 No, I did not need any help today

CWS05964A005 No, I did not know these services existed V

CWS05965 W What would help improve your experience navigating  and using the live help service?

Text area, no char limit
Nav. Improvement
CWS05966 V If I would have known that help was available, I would have used: CWS05966A001 Email
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y
Svcs used if avail

CWS05966A002 Live Help service (One-on-one chat support)

CWS05966A003 Telephone reference service

CWS05966A004 None of these

Which of the following related resources are you using today? (Select all that apply) CWS05967A001 AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi-Select Y

CWS05967A002 AIDS InfoNet

CWS05967A003 AIDS.gov (from Department of Health and Human Services)

CWS05967A004 AIDSmeds.com

CWS05967A005 <em>ClinicalTrials.gov</em>

CWS05967A006 HIV InSite (University of California, San Francisco)

CWS05967A007 HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) Web site

CWS05967A008 HIV/AIDS Web pages from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CWS05967A009 InfoRed SIDA, Spanish version of AIDS InfoNet

CWS05967A010 <em>info</em>SIDA Spanish version of AIDS<em>info</em>

CWS05967A011 Medline or PubMed

CWS05967A012 MedlinePlus

CWS05967A013 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

CWS05967A014 National Library of Medicine (NLM) HIV/AIDS Information Web pages

CWS05967A015 National Prevention Information Network from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CWS05967A016 Project Inform

CWS05967A017 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

CWS05967A018 The Body

CWS05967A019 Veterans Affairs Web pages about HIV/AIDS

CWS05967A020 None of the above

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) CWS05968A001 Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page
Checkbox, three-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group SocialMedia_Interact 20

CWS05968A002 Bookmark or tag pages

CWS05968A003 By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

CWS05968A004 Contributing to wikis

CWS05968A005 Following a microblog (e.g., Twitter)

CWS05968A006 In social networks (e.g., Facebook, MySpace)

CWS05968A007 In virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life)

CWS05968A008 Listening to Podcasts or audio

CWS05968A009 Reading blogs

CWS05968A010 Receiving newsletters/email updates

CWS05968A011 Subscribing to RSS feeds

CWS05968A012 Watching Vodcasts or video

CWS05968A013 Download a mobile application or tool for my mobile device U, S

CWS05968A014 View and browse the Web site on a mobile device U, S

CWS05969 U What type of mobile device will you use to access AIDS<em>info</em> resources? (Please select all that apply) CWS05969A001 Blackberry S Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Device 13

CWS05969A002 iPhone/iTouch/iPad S

CWS05969A003 WebOS-powered phones (Palm/HP) S

CWS05969A004 Android-powered phones (Droid) S

CWS05969A005 Symbian-powered phones S

CWS05969A006 Linux-powered phones S

CWS05969A007 Other, please specify T, S

CWS05970 T Other mobile device

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Device Other 19
CWS05971 S Which AIDS<em>info</em> resource(s) would you like to access on your mobile device? (Please select all that apply) CWS05971A001 View the guidelines
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource 15

CWS05971A002 Search the guidelines

CWS05971A003 Search the drug database to locate fact sheets about HIV-related drugs

CWS05971A004 Search for HIV/AIDS clinical trials

CWS05971A005 Read the weekly newsletter

CWS05971A006 View and download consumer fact sheets

CWS05971A007 View and download the HIV/AIDS glossary

CWS05971A008 Other, please specify R

CWS05972 R Other mobile resource.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Mobile Resource Other 21
Please select the country from which you are currently accessing AIDS<em>info</em>. CWS05973A001 United States
Drop down, select one Single Y
Country names

CWS05973A002 Afghanistan

CWS05973A003 Albania

CWS05973A004 Algeria

CWS05973A005 American Samoa

CWS05973A006 Andorra

CWS05973A007 Angola

CWS05973A008 Anguilla

CWS05973A009 Antarctica

CWS05973A010 Antigua and Barbuda

CWS05973A011 Argentina

CWS05973A012 Armenia

CWS05973A013 Aruba

CWS05973A014 Australia

CWS05973A015 Austria

CWS05973A016 Azerbaijan

CWS05973A017 Bahamas

CWS05973A018 Bahrain

CWS05973A019 Bangladesh

CWS05973A020 Barbados

CWS05973A021 Belarus

CWS05973A022 Belgium

CWS05973A023 Belize

CWS05973A024 Benin

CWS05973A025 Bermuda

CWS05973A026 Bhutan

CWS05973A027 Bolivia

CWS05973A028 Bosnia/Herzegovina

CWS05973A029 Botswana

CWS05973A030 Bouvet Island

CWS05973A031 Brazil

CWS05973A032 British Indian Ocean

CWS05973A033 Brunei Darussalam

CWS05973A034 Bulgaria

CWS05973A035 Burkina Faso

CWS05973A036 Burundi

CWS05973A037 Cambodia

CWS05973A038 Cameroon

CWS05973A039 Canada

CWS05973A040 Cape Verde

CWS05973A041 Cayman Islands

CWS05973A042 Central African Rep.

CWS05973A043 Chad

CWS05973A044 Chile

CWS05973A045 China

CWS05973A046 Christmas Island

CWS05973A047 Cocos Islands

CWS05973A048 Colombia

CWS05973A049 Comoros

CWS05973A050 Congo

CWS05973A051 Congo, Democratic Rep.

CWS05973A052 Cook Islands

CWS05973A053 Costa Rica

CWS05973A054 Côte D'Ivoire

CWS05973A055 Croatia

CWS05973A056 Cuba

CWS05973A057 Cyprus

CWS05973A058 Czech Republic

CWS05973A059 Denmark

CWS05973A060 Djibouti

CWS05973A061 Dominica

CWS05973A062 Dominican Republic

CWS05973A063 East Timor

CWS05973A064 Ecuador

CWS05973A065 Egypt

CWS05973A066 El Salvador

CWS05973A067 Equatorial Guinea

CWS05973A068 Eritrea

CWS05973A069 Estonia

CWS05973A070 Ethiopia

CWS05973A071 Falkland Islands

CWS05973A072 Faroe Islands

CWS05973A073 Fiji

CWS05973A074 Finland

CWS05973A075 France

CWS05973A076 French Guiana

CWS05973A077 French Polynesia

CWS05973A078 French Southern Terr.

CWS05973A079 Gabon

CWS05973A080 Gambia

CWS05973A081 Georgia

CWS05973A082 Germany

CWS05973A083 Ghana

CWS05973A084 Gibraltar

CWS05973A085 Greece

CWS05973A086 Greenland

CWS05973A087 Grenada

CWS05973A088 Guadeloupe

CWS05973A089 Guam

CWS05973A090 Guatemala

CWS05973A091 Guernsey

CWS05973A092 Guinea

CWS05973A093 Guinea-Bissau

CWS05973A094 Guyana

CWS05973A095 Haiti

CWS05973A096 Heard/McDonald Isls.

CWS05973A097 Holy See/Vatican

CWS05973A098 Honduras

CWS05973A099 Hong Kong

CWS05973A100 Hungary

CWS05973A101 Iceland

CWS05973A102 India

CWS05973A103 Indonesia

CWS05973A104 Iran

CWS05973A105 Iraq

CWS05973A106 Ireland

CWS05973A107 Israel

CWS05973A108 Italy

CWS05973A109 Jamaica

CWS05973A110 Japan

CWS05973A111 Jordan

CWS05973A112 Kazakstan

CWS05973A113 Kenya

CWS05973A114 Kiribati

CWS05973A115 Korea, North

CWS05973A116 Korea, South

CWS05973A117 Kuwait

CWS05973A118 Kyrgyzstan

CWS05973A119 Laos

CWS05973A120 Latvia

CWS05973A121 Lebanon

CWS05973A122 Lesotho

CWS05973A123 Liberia

CWS05973A124 Libya

CWS05973A125 Liechtenstein

CWS05973A126 Lithuania

CWS05973A127 Luxembourg

CWS05973A128 Macao

CWS05973A129 Macedonia

CWS05973A130 Madagascar

CWS05973A131 Malawi

CWS05973A132 Malaysia

CWS05973A133 Maldives

CWS05973A134 Mali

CWS05973A135 Malta

CWS05973A136 Marshall Islands

CWS05973A137 Martinique

CWS05973A138 Mauritania

CWS05973A139 Mauritius

CWS05973A140 Mayotte

CWS05973A141 Mexico

CWS05973A142 Micronesia

CWS05973A143 Moldova

CWS05973A144 Monaco

CWS05973A145 Mongolia

CWS05973A146 Montenegro

CWS05973A147 Montserrat

CWS05973A148 Morocco

CWS05973A149 Mozambique

CWS05973A150 Myanmar

CWS05973A151 Namibia

CWS05973A152 Nauru

CWS05973A153 Nepal

CWS05973A154 Netherlands

CWS05973A155 Netherlands Antilles

CWS05973A156 New Caledonia

CWS05973A157 New Zealand

CWS05973A158 Nicaragua

CWS05973A159 Niger

CWS05973A160 Nigeria

CWS05973A161 Niue

CWS05973A162 Norfolk Island

CWS05973A163 Northern Mariana Isls

CWS05973A164 Norway

CWS05973A165 Oman

CWS05973A166 Pakistan

CWS05973A167 Palau

CWS05973A168 Palestinian Territory

CWS05973A169 Panama

CWS05973A170 Papua New Guinea

CWS05973A171 Paraguay

CWS05973A172 Peru

CWS05973A173 Philippines

CWS05973A174 Pitcairn

CWS05973A175 Poland

CWS05973A176 Portugal

CWS05973A177 Puerto Rico

CWS05973A178 Qatar

CWS05973A179 Réunion

CWS05973A180 Romania

CWS05973A181 Russian Federation

CWS05973A182 Rwanda

CWS05973A183 Saint Helena

CWS05973A184 Saint Kitts/Nevis

CWS05973A185 Saint Lucia

CWS05973A186 Saint Pierre/Miquelon

CWS05973A187 Saint Vincent/Grenadines

CWS05973A188 Samoa

CWS05973A189 San Marino

CWS05973A190 Sao Tome/Principe

CWS05973A191 Saudi Arabia

CWS05973A192 Senegal

CWS05973A193 Serbia

CWS05973A194 Seychelles

CWS05973A195 Sierra Leone

CWS05973A196 Singapore

CWS05973A197 Slovakia

CWS05973A198 Slovenia

CWS05973A199 Solomon Islands

CWS05973A200 Somalia

CWS05973A201 South Africa

CWS05973A202 S. Georgia/S. Sand. Isls

CWS05973A203 Spain

CWS05973A204 Sri Lanka

CWS05973A205 Sudan

CWS05973A206 Suriname

CWS05973A207 Svalbard/Jan Mayen

CWS05973A208 Swaziland

CWS05973A209 Sweden

CWS05973A210 Switzerland

CWS05973A211 Syria

CWS05973A212 Taiwan

CWS05973A213 Tajikistan

CWS05973A214 Tanzania

CWS05973A215 Thailand

CWS05973A216 Togo

CWS05973A217 Tokelau

CWS05973A218 Tonga

CWS05973A219 Trinidad and Tobago

CWS05973A220 Tunisia

CWS05973A221 Turkey

CWS05973A222 Turkmenistan

CWS05973A223 Turks and Caicos Isls

CWS05973A224 Tuvalu

CWS05973A225 Uganda

CWS05973A226 Ukraine

CWS05973A227 United Arab Emirates

CWS05973A228 United Kingdom

CWS05973A229 US Minor Outlying Isls

CWS05973A230 Uruguay

CWS05973A231 Uzbekistan

CWS05973A232 Vanuatu

CWS05973A233 Venezuela

CWS05973A234 Viet Nam

CWS05973A235 Virgin Islands, British

CWS05973A236 Virgin Islands, U.S.

CWS05973A237 Wallis and Futuna

CWS05973A238 Western Sahara

CWS05973A239 Yemen

CWS05973A240 Yugoslavia

CWS05973A241 Zambia

CWS05973A242 Zimbabwe

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