825 2014 825 NLM Clinical Trails

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2014 825 NLM Clinical Trials.xlsx

2014 819 DHS USCIS - 2014 841 VA Medical Centers

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Welcome and Thank You Text
Current Model Qsts
Current Custom Qsts
Custom Qsts (12-16-13)
Custom Qsts (1-9-13)
Custom Qsts (11-11-11)

Sheet 1: Welcome and Thank You Text

Model Instance Name: NLM Clinical Trials



Date: 2-14-2011 2/14/2011

Welcome and Thank You Text


This welcome text is shown at the top of the questionnaire window and the thank you text at the bottom. This is a good place to mention the site/company/agency name so the visitor knows whom they are taking the survey for. Feel free to modify the standard Welcome text shown in the box below.


Welcome Text Example

Welcome Text

Thank you for visiting our site. You've been randomly chosen to take part in a brief survey to let us know what we're doing well and where we can improve.

Please take a few minutes to share your opinions, which are essential in helping us provide the best online experience possible.

Thank You Text Example

Thank You Text

Thank you for taking our survey - and for helping us serve you better.

Please note you will not receive a response from us based on your survey comments. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please visit the Contact Us section of our web site.

Sheet 2: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

NLM Clinical Trials v2

MID: hRlIhMU4IRp1NowpYUdwEw==

Date: 2/14/2011

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on ClinicalTrials.gov. 23 What is your overall satisfaction with ClinicalTrials.gov?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
26 How likely are you to return to ClinicalTrials.gov?
2 Please rate the quality of information on ClinicalTrials.gov. 24 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on ClinicalTrials.gov. 25 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
27 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

How likely are you to use ClinicalTrials.gov as your primary resource for clinical trials information?
5 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

6 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate how well this site is organized.

8 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

9 Please rate how well the ClinicalTrials.gov layout helps you find what you are looking for.
10 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on ClinicalTrials.gov.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
11 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

12 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on ClinicalTrials.gov.

13 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on ClinicalTrials.gov.

Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the relevance of search results on ClinicalTrials.gov.

15 Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

16 Please rate how well the search results help you decide what to select.

17 Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find what you want.

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NLM Clinical Trials v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: hRlIhMU4IRp1NowpYUdwEw==


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

partitioned - yes

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How did you first learn about ClinicalTrials.gov? Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Randomize Awareness Source

Someone recommended it

Social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)

OPS Group

Television or radio

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other government agency

Other, please specify: A

EDO09661 A Other source

Text field, <100 char
Other Awareness Source
How frequently do you visit ClinicalTrials.gov? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Frequency of Visit


Several times a week

About once a week

Several times a month

About once a month

Every few months

Which of the following best describes your role visiting ClinicalTrials.gov today? Patient A, G Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Family or Friend of Patient B, G

Healthy Person B, G

Clinical Trial Staff C, H

Health Care Provider (e.g., nurse, physician, etc.) D, H

Scientist/Researcher E, H

Librarian or Information Professional F, H

Student/Educator F, H

Clinical Research Support (e.g. regulatory affairs) F, H

Medical Communications F, H

Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee Member F, H

Other, please specify: I,F,H

EDO09664 I What best describes your role?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other role
EDO09665 A Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Patient

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: J,G

EDO09666 J What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Patient Visit
EDO09667 B Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Concerned about family member or friend with a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Healthy person

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: K

EDO09668 K What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Healthy Person Visit
EDO09669 C Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Clinical Trial Staff

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: L

EDO09670 L What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trials Staff
EDO09671 D Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to find a clinical trial for a patient with a specific disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Health Care Provider

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: M

EDO09672 M What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
EDO09673 E Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Visit Reason-Scientist

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Identify unpublished trials

Other, please specify: N

EDO09674 N What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Scientist/Researcher
EDO09675 F Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Other/Generic

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn about clinical research

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Other, please specify: O

EDO09676 O What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other
EDO09677 G What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Contact trials that I found
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Infornmation Use-Patient

Discuss with family or friends


Discuss with a doctor or other health care provider

Seek more information on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

Give information to family member or friend

Look for trials in other registries

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Explore what you have to offer (just browsing)

Other, please specify: P

EDO09678 P What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Patient
EDO09679 H What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Refer a patient to clinical trial
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Information Use-Non-Patient

Use information for a project or presentation

Improve my understanding of clinical research


Support new or current research projects

Explore or support business opportunities in the field of biomedical research

Seek further information from other websites

Seek further information from ClinicalTrials.gov

Include in systematic review

Compare information with published trial results

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other, please specify: Q

EDO09680 Q What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Non-Patient
Were you able to find what you were looking for? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Find Information

No B

I was not looking for anything in particular/Just browsing

EDO09682 A Did the information you found meet your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Info Met Needs

No, please specify C

EDO09683 B What specifically were you looking for that you did not find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Information Seeking
EDO09684 C Describe why the information did not meet your needs.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Info Did Not Meet Needs
If you used the search feature of this site today to find your information, what method did you use? Search Box (type in key words)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group Search Experience

Basic Search (including the search box at the top right-hand corner of each page)


Advanced Search (searching within specific fields, such as disease, location, treatment, sponsor)

Studies by Topic (browse by condition, drug intervention, sponsor)

Studies by Map

I did not use the search feature today

Other, please specify: A

EDO09686 A Other Search Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Search Experience
Please describe your experience with the navigation process on this site: I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was


Too many links or navigational choices

Links did not take me where I expected

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Links/labels are difficult to understand

I used the search feature

Other, please specify: A

EDO09688 A Other Navigation Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Navigation Experience
Did you look at any summary results data tables on ClinicalTrials.gov today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results


I did not know that ClinicalTrials.gov includes studies with summary results information

EDO09690 A Did you find the summary results data tables useful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Useful

No, please specify: B

EDO09691 B Why did you not find the results useful?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Not Useful
EDO09692 C Have you looked for the results of a clinical trial in the past week? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trials Past Week


EDO09693 A Where did you look for information about the results of a clinical trial? MEDLINE/PubMed
Checkbox, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trial Sources

ClinicalTrials.gov summary results data tables

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other, please specify B

EDO09694 B Where did you look for clinical trial results?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trial Sources
Please suggest one improvement you would like to see on ClinicalTrials.gov:

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 4: Custom Qsts (12-16-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NLM Clinical Trials v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: hRlIhMU4IRp1NowpYUdwEw==


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

partitioned - yes

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How did you first learn about ClinicalTrials.gov? Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Randomize Awareness Source

Someone recommended it

Social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)

OPS Group

Television or radio

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other government agency

Other, please specify: A

EDO09661 A Other source

Text field, <100 char
Other Awareness Source
How frequently do you visit ClinicalTrials.gov? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Frequency of Visit

Daily A, B

Several times a week A, B

About once a week A, B

Several times a month A, B

About once a month A, B

Every few months A, B

ACQhar0020676 A Please select the statement which best describes your experience with the new ClinicalTrials.gov site redesign: It is easier to find what I am looking for
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign Experience

It is harder to find what I am looking for C

My experience is no different when looking for information on the new site

Don’t Know

ACQhar0020660 C Please specify why it is harder to find what you are looking for.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Hard to Find Expereince
ACQhar0020659 B Please tell us what you think of the redesigned ClinicalTrials.gov site.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Redesign Comments
Which of the following best describes your role visiting ClinicalTrials.gov today? Patient A, G Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Family or Friend of Patient B, G

Healthy Person B, G

Clinical Trial Staff C, H

Health Care Provider (e.g., nurse, physician, etc.) D, H

Scientist/Researcher E, H

Librarian or Information Professional F, H

Student/Educator F, H

Clinical Research Support (e.g. regulatory affairs) F, H

Medical Communications F, H

Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee Member F, H

Other, please specify: I,F,H

EDO09664 I What best describes your role?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other role
EDO09665 A Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Patient

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: J,G

EDO09666 J What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Patient Visit
EDO09667 B Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Concerned about family member or friend with a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Healthy person

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: K

EDO09668 K What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Healthy Person Visit
EDO09669 C Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Clinical Trial Staff

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: L

EDO09670 L What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trials Staff
EDO09671 D Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to find a clinical trial for a patient with a specific disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Health Care Provider

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: M

EDO09672 M What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
EDO09673 E Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Visit Reason-Scientist

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Identify unpublished trials

Other, please specify: N

EDO09674 N What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Scientist/Researcher
EDO09675 F Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Other/Generic

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn about clinical research

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Other, please specify: O

EDO09676 O What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other
EDO09677 G What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Contact trials that I found
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Infornmation Use-Patient

Discuss with family or friends


Discuss with a doctor or other health care provider

Seek more information on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

Give information to family member or friend

Look for trials in other registries

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Explore what you have to offer (just browsing)

Other, please specify: P

EDO09678 P What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Patient
EDO09679 H What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Refer a patient to clinical trial
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Information Use-Non-Patient

Use information for a project or presentation

Improve my understanding of clinical research


Support new or current research projects

Explore or support business opportunities in the field of biomedical research

Seek further information from other websites

Seek further information from ClinicalTrials.gov

Include in systematic review

Compare information with published trial results

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other, please specify: Q

EDO09680 Q What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Non-Patient
Were you able to find what you were looking for? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Find Information

No B

I was not looking for anything in particular/Just browsing

EDO09682 A Did the information you found meet your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Info Met Needs

No, please specify C

EDO09683 B What specifically were you looking for that you did not find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Information Seeking
EDO09684 C Describe why the information did not meet your needs.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Info Did Not Meet Needs
If you used the search feature of this site today to find your information, what method did you use? Search Box (type in key words)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group Search Experience

Basic Search (including the search box at the top right-hand corner of each page)


Advanced Search (searching within specific fields, such as disease, location, treatment, sponsor)

Studies by Topic (browse by condition, drug intervention, sponsor)

Studies by Map

I did not use the search feature today

Other, please specify: A

EDO09686 A Other Search Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Search Experience
Please describe your experience with the navigation process on this site: I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was


Too many links or navigational choices

Links did not take me where I expected

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Links/labels are difficult to understand

I used the search feature

Other, please specify: A

EDO09688 A Other Navigation Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Navigation Experience
Did you look at any summary results data tables on ClinicalTrials.gov today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results

No B

I did not know that ClinicalTrials.gov includes studies with summary results information

EDO09690 A Did you find the summary results data tables useful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Useful

No, please specify: B

EDO09691 B Why did you not find the results useful?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Not Useful
EDO09692 C Have you looked for the results of a clinical trial in the past week? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trials Past Week


EDO09693 A Where did you look for information about the results of a clinical trial? MEDLINE/PubMed
Checkbox, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trial Sources

ClinicalTrials.gov summary results data tables

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other, please specify B

EDO09694 B Where did you look for clinical trial results?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trial Sources
Please suggest one improvement you would like to see on ClinicalTrials.gov:

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 5: Custom Qsts (1-9-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NLM Clinical Trials v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: hRlIhMU4IRp1NowpYUdwEw==


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

partitioned - yes

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How did you first learn about ClinicalTrials.gov? Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Randomize Awareness Source

Someone recommended it

Social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)

OPS Group

Television or radio

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other government agency

Other, please specify: A

EDO09661 A Other source

Text field, <100 char
Other Awareness Source
How frequently do you visit ClinicalTrials.gov? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Frequency of Visit

Daily A, B

Several times a week A, B

About once a week A, B

Several times a month A, B

About once a month A, B

Every few months A, B

A Please select the statement which best describes your experience with the new ClinicalTrials.gov site redesign: It is easier to find what I am looking for
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign Experience

It is harder to find what I am looking for C

My experience is no different when looking for information on the new site

Don’t Know

C Please specify why it is harder to find what you are looking for.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Hard to Find Expereince

B Please tell us what you think of the redesigned ClinicalTrials.gov site.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Redesign Comments
Which of the following best describes your role visiting ClinicalTrials.gov today? Patient A, G Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Family or Friend of Patient B, G

Healthy Person B, G

Clinical Trial Staff C, H

Health Care Provider (e.g., nurse, physician, etc.) D, H

Scientist/Researcher E, H

Librarian or Information Professional F, H

Student/Educator F, H

Clinical Research Support (e.g. regulatory affairs) F, H

Medical Communications F, H

Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee Member F, H

Other, please specify: I,F,H

EDO09664 I What best describes your role?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other role
EDO09665 A Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Patient

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: J,G

EDO09666 J What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Patient Visit
EDO09667 B Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Concerned about family member or friend with a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Healthy person

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: K

EDO09668 K What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Healthy Person Visit
EDO09669 C Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Clinical Trial Staff

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: L

EDO09670 L What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trials Staff
EDO09671 D Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to find a clinical trial for a patient with a specific disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Health Care Provider

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: M

EDO09672 M What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
EDO09673 E Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Visit Reason-Scientist

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Identify unpublished trials

Other, please specify: N

EDO09674 N What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Scientist/Researcher
EDO09675 F Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Other/Generic

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn about clinical research

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Other, please specify: O

EDO09676 O What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other
EDO09677 G What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Contact trials that I found
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Infornmation Use-Patient

Discuss with family or friends


Discuss with a doctor or other health care provider

Seek more information on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

Give information to family member or friend

Look for trials in other registries

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Explore what you have to offer (just browsing)

Other, please specify: P

EDO09678 P What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Patient
EDO09679 H What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Refer a patient to clinical trial
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Information Use-Non-Patient

Use information for a project or presentation

Improve my understanding of clinical research


Support new or current research projects

Explore or support business opportunities in the field of biomedical research

Seek further information from other websites

Seek further information from ClinicalTrials.gov

Include in systematic review

Compare information with published trial results

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other, please specify: Q

EDO09680 Q What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Non-Patient
Were you able to find what you were looking for? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Find Information

No B

I was not looking for anything in particular/Just browsing

EDO09682 A Did the information you found meet your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Info Met Needs

No, please specify C

EDO09683 B What specifically were you looking for that you did not find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Information Seeking
EDO09684 C Describe why the information did not meet your needs.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Info Did Not Meet Needs
If you used the search feature of this site today to find your information, what method did you use? Search Box (type in key words)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group Search Experience

Basic Search (including the search box at the top right-hand corner of each page)


Advanced Search (searching within specific fields, such as disease, location, treatment, sponsor)

Studies by Topic (browse by condition, drug intervention, sponsor)

Studies by Map

I did not use the search feature today

Other, please specify: A

EDO09686 A Other Search Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Search Experience
Please describe your experience with the navigation process on this site: I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was


Too many links or navigational choices

Links did not take me where I expected

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Links/labels are difficult to understand

I used the search feature

Other, please specify: A

EDO09688 A Other Navigation Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Navigation Experience
Did you look at any summary results data tables on ClinicalTrials.gov today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results

No B

I did not know that ClinicalTrials.gov includes studies with summary results information

EDO09690 A Did you find the summary results data tables useful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Useful

No, please specify: B

EDO09691 B Why did you not find the results useful?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Not Useful
EDO09692 C Have you looked for the results of a clinical trial in the past week? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trials Past Week


EDO09693 A Where did you look for information about the results of a clinical trial? MEDLINE/PubMed
Checkbox, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trial Sources

ClinicalTrials.gov summary results data tables

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other, please specify B

EDO09694 B Where did you look for clinical trial results?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trial Sources
Please suggest one improvement you would like to see on ClinicalTrials.gov:

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 6: Custom Qsts (11-11-11)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NLM Clinical Trials v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: hRlIhMU4IRp1NowpYUdwEw==


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

partitioned - yes

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How did you first learn about ClinicalTrials.gov? Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Randomize Awareness Source

Someone recommended it

Social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)

OPS Group

Television or radio

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other government agency

Other, please specify: A

EDO09661 A Other source

Text field, <100 char
Other Awareness Source
How frequently do you visit ClinicalTrials.gov? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Frequency of Visit


Several times a week

About once a week

Several times a month

About once a month

Every few months

Which of the following best describes your role visiting ClinicalTrials.gov today? Patient A, G Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Family or Friend of Patient B, G

Healthy Person B, G

Clinical Trial Staff C, H

Health Care Provider (e.g., nurse, physician, etc.) D, H

Scientist/Researcher E, H

Librarian or Information Professional F, H

Student/Educator F, H

Clinical Research Support (e.g. regulatory affairs) F, H

Medical Communications F, H

Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee Member F, H

Other, please specify: I,F,H

EDO09664 I What best describes your role?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other role
EDO09665 A Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Patient

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: J,G

EDO09666 J What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Patient Visit
EDO09667 B Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Concerned about family member or friend with a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Healthy person

Interest in volunteering for a clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: K

EDO09668 K What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Healthy Person Visit
EDO09669 C Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Clinical Trial Staff

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: L

EDO09670 L What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trials Staff
EDO09671 D Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to find a clinical trial for a patient with a specific disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Health Care Provider

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Other, please specify: M

EDO09672 M What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
EDO09673 E Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Visit Reason-Scientist

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions for a disease or condition

Identify unpublished trials

Other, please specify: N

EDO09674 N What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Scientist/Researcher
EDO09675 F Which of the following best describes the reason you are visiting the site today? Trying to learn more about a disease or condition
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason-Other/Generic

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Trying to learn more about experimental interventions (e.g., drugs, medical devices) for a disease or condition

Interest in certain types of clinical trials (e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies)

Trying to learn about clinical research

Trying to learn about ClinicalTrials.gov policies (e.g., how to register, report results)

Interest in a particular clinical trial

Other, please specify: O

EDO09676 O What best describes your reason for visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other
EDO09677 G What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Contact trials that I found
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Infornmation Use-Patient

Discuss with family or friends


Discuss with a doctor or other health care provider

Seek more information on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

Give information to family member or friend

Look for trials in other registries

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Explore what you have to offer (just browsing)

Other, please specify: P

EDO09678 P What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Patient
EDO09679 H What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for on ClinicalTrials.gov? (select all that apply) Refer a patient to clinical trial
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Information Use-Non-Patient

Use information for a project or presentation

Improve my understanding of clinical research


Support new or current research projects

Explore or support business opportunities in the field of biomedical research

Seek further information from other websites

Seek further information from ClinicalTrials.gov

Include in systematic review

Compare information with published trial results

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other, please specify: Q

EDO09680 Q What do you plan to do with the information you are looking for?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other-Information Use Non-Patient
Were you able to find what you were looking for? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Find Information

No B

I was not looking for anything in particular/Just browsing

EDO09682 A Did the information you found meet your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Skip Logic Group Info Met Needs

No, please specify C

EDO09683 B What specifically were you looking for that you did not find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Information Seeking
EDO09684 C Describe why the information did not meet your needs.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Info Did Not Meet Needs
If you used the search feature of this site today to find your information, what method did you use? Search Box (type in key words)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group Search Experience

Basic Search (including the search box at the top right-hand corner of each page)


Advanced Search (searching within specific fields, such as disease, location, treatment, sponsor)

Studies by Topic (browse by condition, drug intervention, sponsor)

Studies by Map

I did not use the search feature today

Other, please specify: A

EDO09686 A Other Search Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Search Experience
Please describe your experience with the navigation process on this site: I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y OPS Group

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was


Too many links or navigational choices

Links did not take me where I expected

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Links/labels are difficult to understand

I used the search feature

Other, please specify: A

EDO09688 A Other Navigation Experience

Text field, <100 char
Other Navigation Experience
Did you look at any summary results data tables on ClinicalTrials.gov today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results

No B

I did not know that ClinicalTrials.gov includes studies with summary results information

EDO09690 A Did you find the summary results data tables useful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Useful

No, please specify: B

EDO09691 B Why did you not find the results useful?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Data Table Results Not Useful
EDO09692 C Have you looked for the results of a clinical trial in the past week? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trials Past Week


EDO09693 A Where did you look for information about the results of a clinical trial? MEDLINE/PubMed
Checkbox, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Clinical Trial Sources

ClinicalTrials.gov summary results data tables

Medical journal article

Newspaper, magazine, or press release

Other, please specify B

EDO09694 B Where did you look for clinical trial results?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Clinical Trial Sources
Please suggest one improvement you would like to see on ClinicalTrials.gov:

Text area, no char limit

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File Modified0000-00-00
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