861 2014 861 VA-MyHealtheVet

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2014 861 VA-My HealtheVet.xlsx

2014 842 Career State - 2014 863 NIH Grants

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Current Model Qsts
My HealtheVet Current CQs
CQs (8-26-14)
Custom Qsts (3-14-14)
Custom Qsts (3-13-14)
Current Custom Qsts (3-7-14)
Current Custom Qsts (1-22-14)
Current Custom Qsts (1-17-14)
Current Custom Qsts (1-15-14)
Current Custom Qsts (11-8-13)
Current Custom Qsts (9-16-13)
Current Custom Qsts (5-9-13)
Current Custom Qsts (4-9-13)
Custom Qsts (11-16-12)
Custom Qsts (11-1-12)
Current Custom Qsts (5-21-12)
Custom Qsts (3-8-12)
Custom Qsts 4-20-11
Custom Qsts 1-10-11
Custom Qsts 10-22-10
Custom Qsts (7-8-10)
Custom Qsts (2-24-10)
Custom Qsts (11-06-09)
Custom Qsts (09-24-09)
Custom Qsts (8-11-09)
Custom Qsts 06-22-09
Custom Qsts 02-17-09
Custom Qsts (10-20-08)
Custom Qsts (10-17-2008)
Custom Qsts (7-22-2008)

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==

Date: 7/21/2008

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Likelihood to Return (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 21 What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
24 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site. 22 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site. 23 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) 25 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Organization Satisfaction (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the usefulness of the services provided on this site.

26 Considering all of your experiences to date, how satisfied are you with the My HealtheVet program overall?
5 Please rate the convenience of the services on this site.

6 Please rate the ability to accomplish what you wanted to on this site.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate the ease of reading this site.

8 Please rate the clarity of site organization.

9 Please rate the clean layout of this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
10 Please rate the degree to which the number of steps to get where you want is acceptable.
11 Please rate the ability to find information you want on this site.

12 Please rate the clarity of site map/directory.

13 Please rate the ease of navigation on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the speed of loading the page on this site.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed on this site.

16 Please rate the reliability of site performance on this site.

Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

17 Please rate the usefulness of search results on this site.

18 Please rate how this site provides comprehensive search results.

19 Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

20 Please rate how the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find the information you want.

Sheet 2: My HealtheVet Current CQs

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 3/14/2014 blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty A, B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic ANRole

National Guard/Reserve A, B

Veteran A, B

Family member of a Veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

CAS0028943 A Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

JIC00178 B In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANHealth

Very Good




Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: DOT - please add a space between "My" and "HealtheVet" as I've done here Are you a registered user on the My HealtheVet web site? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

HAR0063550 B Did you try to log in to the My HealtheVet site today? Yes C Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Log Into Site


HAR0063551 C Were you able to log in successfully? Yes, the first time I tried
Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Log In Successfully

Yes, after more than one try D

No, I was unable to log in D

HAR0063552 D Please tell us more about your experience logging in. My login information wasn't recognized/site would not accept my login information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Log In Experience

I was unable to register

I forgot my username and was unable to retrieve it (e.g., retrieval process did not work, I was not aware there was a retrieval process)

I forgot my password and was unable to retrieve it (e.g., retrieval process did not work, I was not aware there was a retrieval process)

Account was locked

The answer to my security question was not accepted

I received a site maintenance/error message

After logging in, information was unavailable

Website wasn't responding

Other issue logging in

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

Of the things you tried to do on the site today, what were you able to do? (Please select all that apply) Learn more about features that are available
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Use the Veterans Health Library

Complete a HealtheLiving Assessment


Of the things you tried to do on the site today, what were you NOT able to do? (Please select all that apply) Learn more about features that are available
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Use the Veterans Health Library

Complete a HealtheLiving Assessment


Did you use the site's search feature today? Yes A Radio button, one-up Single Y Skip Logic Group UsedSearch


Not sure/Do Not Recall

HAR0063556 A Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply) Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Mutually Exclusive SearchExperience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Skip Logic Group

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I had a different search issue

How would you describe your navigation experience on My HealtheVet today? (Please select all that apply) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Mutually Exclusive NavExperience

Links often did not take me where I expected

Skip Logic Group

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) A

Could not navigate back to previous information

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above

HAR0063508 A What was the main type of technical difficulty you experienced today? Page "updating" B Radio Button, one-up Single N Skip Logic Group TechDifficultiesSingle

Page did not load completely B

Received an error message B, C

Clicked on links that were broken B

Page too slow to load B

Data refresh did not complete B

My session timed out B

Other technical difficulty not listed above B

Do not recall

HAR0063509 B On which page or feature did you experience the technical difficulty? Home page
Radio Button, one-up Single N Skip Logic Group TechDiffPagesSingle

Registering for an account

Logging into my account

Rx Refill

Health calendar

VA Blue Button


Veterans Health Library

VA Appointments

Secure Messaging

Track health

Other /Do not recall

HAR0063510 C Please tell us more about the type of error message(s) you received. The requested file/page was not found (Error 404)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDiffErrorsSingle

Server busy (Error 500)

Request cannot be processed at this time

Information is not available

You are not authorized to view the information you requested


How long have you been using My HealtheVet? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select your top 3 choices) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Select up to 3 Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Other than right now, have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Don't recall

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Sheet 3: CQs (8-26-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 3/14/2014 blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty A, B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic ANRole

National Guard/Reserve A, B

Veteran A, B

Family member of a Veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

CAS0028943 A Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

JIC00178 B In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANHealth

Very Good




Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: DOT - please add a space between "My" and "HealtheVet" as I've done here Are you a registered user on the My HealtheVet web site? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

B Did you try to log in to the My HealtheVet site today? Yes C Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Log Into Site


C Were you able to log in successfully? Yes, the first time I tried
Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Log In Successfully

Yes, after more than one try D

No, I was unable to log in D

D Please tell us more about your experience logging in. My login information wasn't recognized/site would not accept my login information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Log In Experience

I was unable to register

I forgot my username and was unable to retrieve it (e.g., retrieval process did not work, I was not aware there was a retrieval process)

I forgot my password and was unable to retrieve it (e.g., retrieval process did not work, I was not aware there was a retrieval process)

Account was locked

The answer to my security question was not accepted

I received a site maintenance/error message

After logging in, information was unavailable

Website wasn't responding

Other issue logging in

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Learn more about features that are available
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Use the Veterans Health Library

Complete a HealtheLiving Assessment


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Group ANTaskAcc



Not finished yet

Of the things you tried to do on the site today, what were you able to do? (Please select all that apply) Learn more about features that are available

Multi N Skip Logic Group Accomplished

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Use the Veterans Health Library

Complete a HealtheLiving Assessment


Of the things you tried to do on the site today, what were you NOT able to do? (Please select all that apply) Learn more about features that are available

Multi N Skip Logic Group NotAccomplished

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Use the Veterans Health Library

Complete a HealtheLiving Assessment


How did you primarily look for information on/navigate the site today? Search feature A Radio button, one-up Single Y Skip Logic Group NavMethods

Top navigation bar

Links elsewhere on the page

Quick links

Used FAQs tab

Used Learn More tab

Set a bookmark in my browser to a specific page on the site

Contacted the Help Desk

Other /Do not recall

Did you use the site's search feature today? Yes A Radio button, one-up Single Y Skip Logic Group UsedSearch


Not sure/Do Not Recall

A Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply) Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Mutually Exclusive SearchExperience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Skip Logic Group

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I had a different search issue

How would you describe your navigation experience on My HealtheVet today? (Please select all that apply) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Mutually Exclusive NavExperience

Links often did not take me where I expected

Skip Logic Group

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) A

Could not navigate back to previous information

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above

A What was the main type of technical difficulty you experienced today? Page "updating" B Radio Button, one-up Single N Skip Logic Group TechDifficultiesSingle

Page did not load completely B

Received an error message B, C

Clicked on links that were broken B

Page too slow to load B

Data refresh did not complete B

My session timed out B

Other technical difficulty not listed above B

Do not recall

HAR0050205 B On which page(s) or feature(s) did you experience the technical difficulty? (Please select all that apply) Home page
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDiffPages

Registering for an account

Logging into my account

Rx Refill

Health calendar

VA Blue Button


Veterans Health Library

VA Appointments

Secure Messaging

Track health

Other /Do not recall

B On which page or feature did you experience the technical difficulty? Home page
Radio button Single N Skip Logic Group TechDiffPagesSingle

Registering for an account

Logging into my account

Rx Refill

Health calendar

VA Blue Button


Veterans Health Library

VA Appointments

Secure Messaging

Track health

Other /Do not recall

C Please tell us more about the type of error message(s) you received. The requested file/page was not found (Error 404)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDiffErrors

Server busy (Error 500)

Request cannot be processed at this time

Information is not available

You are not authorized to view the information you requested


How long have you been using My HealtheVet? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select your top 3 choices) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Select up to 3 Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Other than right now, hHave you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Don't recall

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Sheet 4: Custom Qsts (3-14-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009
blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you?
Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a vVeteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service:
Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: This top response option is not showing up properly in the test survey - there are not slashes between the OEF/OIF/OND as there should be Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive
Not Applicable

What is your age range?
Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed?
Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health?
Drop down, select one Single Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: This is not showing up in survey test as being required Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site?
Yes A Drop down, select one Single Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: This is not showing up in survey test as being required Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have?
Basic (B)
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site?
First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: This is not showing up in survey test as being required Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
Learn more about features that are available
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: This is not showing up in survey test as being required Y



Not finished yet

How did you look for information on/navigate the site today? (Please select all that apply)
Search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Top navigation bar

Links elsewhere on the page

Quick links

Used FAQs tab

Used Learn More tab

Set a bookmark in my browser to a specific page on the site

Contacted the Help Desk

Other /Do not recall

How would you describe your navigation experience on My HealtheVet today? (Please select all that apply)
I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Mutually Exclusive NavExperience

Links often did not take me where I expected

Skip Logic Group

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) A

Could not navigate back to previous information

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above

HAR0050204 A What type(s) of technical difficulties did you experience today? (Please select all that apply)
Page "updating" B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDifficulties

Page did not load completely B

Received an error message B

Clicked on links that were broken B

Page too slow to load B

Other technical difficulty not listed above B

Do not recall

HAR0050205 B On which page(s) or feature(s) did you experience the technical difficulty? (Please select all that apply)
Home page
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDiffPages

Registering for an account

Logging into my account

Rx Refill

Health calendar

VA Blue Button


Veterans Health Library

VA Appointments

Secure Messaging

Track health

Other /Do not recall

Do you get care at a VA facility?
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not Sure

How long have you been using My HealtheVet?
Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: My HealtheVet is showing up with the little e underlined and italicized instead of bolded and italicised. Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Don't recall

Sheet 5: Custom Qsts (3-13-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009
blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you?
Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service:
Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive
Not Applicable

What is your age range?
Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent?
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed?
Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health?
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site?
Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have?
Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site?
First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (pPlease select all that apply)
Learn more about features that are available
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

How did you look for information on/navigate the site today? (Please select all that apply)
Search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Top navigation bar

Links elsewhere on the page

Quick links

Used FAQs tab

Used Learn More tab

Set a bookmark in my browser to a specific page on the site

Contacted the Help Desk

Other /Do not recall

How would you describe your navigation experience on My HealtheVet today? (Please select all that apply)
Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis: DOT: Please make this answer choice mutually exclusive and gray out other options if it is selected. I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NavExperience

Links often did not take me where I expected

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) A

Could not navigate back to previous information

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above

A What type(s) of technical difficulties did you experience today? (Please select all that apply)
Page "updating" B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDifficulties

Page did not load completely B

Received an error message B

Clicked on links that were broken B

Page too slow to load B

Other technical difficulty not listed above B

Do not recall

B On which page(s) or feature(s) did you experience the technical difficulty? (Please select all that apply)
Home page
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group TechDiffPages

Registering for an account

Logging into my account

Rx Refill

Health calendar

VA Blue Button


Veterans Health Library

VA Appointments

Secure Messaging

Track health

Other /Do not recall

Do you get care at a VA facility?
Yes A,B, C, D, E, F Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs?
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic ANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

CAS0042864 B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care?
less than 30 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic ANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

2 or more hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042867 C How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team?
Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042868 D Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team?
Very unsatisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042869 E Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042814 F Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall



Which of the following convinced you to first try My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
My doctor uses it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

How long have you been using My HealtheVet?
Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall


In the past year, how frequently have you used the Blue Button to access your VA personal health record information?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your doctor or healthcare team?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your upcoming VA appointments?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to request a prescription refill?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your VA prescription history?
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet Blue Button to check your VA Notes (the visit notes written by your VA healthcare team)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check on your lab or test results (for example: blood tests, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your vitals and readings?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your health summary using the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which of the following other types of information have you accessed in My HealtheVet or the VA Blue Button? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

VA Immunizations

VA Problem List (active health issues and conditions)

VA Admissions and Discharges

VA Wellness Reminders (for example: shots, cancer screening)

Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

None of the above


In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your medications and supplements?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your lab and test results?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your allergies and adverse reactions?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your vitals and readings?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your food journal?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your activity journal?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used the My Goals feature in My HealtheVet to self-enter your health goals?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which other types of information have you self-entered into your My HealtheVet personal health record? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Immunizations, self-reported

Medical events, self-reported

Family health history, self-reported

Military health history, self-reported

Treatment facility, self-reported

Health insurance, self-reported

Caregiver names and contacts, self-reported

Health calendar, self-reported

Personal information (contact information, emergency contacts), self-reported

None of the above


In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your VA healthcare team about care you received outside of the VA? (for example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit)
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your non-VA providers about care you received at the VA?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

I do not have any non-VA providers

Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply)
Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Mobile phone (for example: iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (for example: iPad, Android)


Television (for example: interactive Web TV )


Your feedback is very important to us. Please think about your use of My HealtheVet features other than Secure Messaging when answering the following questions.
The information in My HealtheVet is accurate.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

The information in My HealtheVet is easy to understand.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

New or updated information in My HealtheVet is generally available to me in a timely manner.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My HealtheVet is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.)
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I am confident that My HealtheVet protects the privacy and security of my personal health information.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to find the different My HealtheVet features that I want to use.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to navigate within the My HealtheVet features (for example, checking my VA Prescription status then requesting a refill).
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I trust my healthcare information when I receive it through My HealtheVet.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my personal health goals, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track my personal health goals

Gain peace of mind about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

None of the above

Regarding my VA medications, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications

Gain peace of mind about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

None of the above

Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Gain peace of mind about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

None of the above

Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA preventive care

Gain peace of mind about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)
Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

After treatment, labs or tests, I review my results on My HealtheVet to see if I need a follow-up call or visit.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine).
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.)
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to continue using My HealtheVet in the future.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to recommend My HealtheVet to others.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand?
Never or almost never
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)?
Not at all confident
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months?
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 6: Current Custom Qsts (3-7-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009
blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you?
Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service:
Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive
Not Applicable

What is your age range?
Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent?
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed?
Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health?
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site?
Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have?
Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site?
First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility?
Yes A,B, C, D, E, F Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs?
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic ANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

CAS0042864 B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care?
less than 30 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic ANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

2 or more hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042867 C How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team?
Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042868 D Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team?
Very unsatisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042869 E Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042814 F Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall



Which of the following convinced you to first try My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
My doctor uses it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

How long have you been using My HealtheVet?
Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall


In the past year, how frequently have you used the Blue Button to access your VA personal health record information?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your doctor or healthcare team?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your upcoming VA appointments?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to request a prescription refill?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your VA prescription history?
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet Blue Button to check your VA Notes (the visit notes written by your VA healthcare team)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check on your lab or test results (for example: blood tests, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your vitals and readings?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your health summary using the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which of the following other types of information have you accessed in My HealtheVet or the VA Blue Button? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

VA Immunizations

VA Problem List (active health issues and conditions)

VA Admissions and Discharges

VA Wellness Reminders (for example: shots, cancer screening)

Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

None of the above


In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your medications and supplements?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your lab and test results?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your allergies and adverse reactions?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your vitals and readings?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your food journal?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your activity journal?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used the My Goals feature in My HealtheVet to self-enter your health goals?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which other types of information have you self-entered into your My HealtheVet personal health record? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Immunizations, self-reported

Medical events, self-reported

Family health history, self-reported

Military health history, self-reported

Treatment facility, self-reported

Health insurance, self-reported

Caregiver names and contacts, self-reported

Health calendar, self-reported

Personal information (contact information, emergency contacts), self-reported

None of the above


In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes)
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your VA healthcare team about care you received outside of the VA? (for example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit)
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your non-VA providers about care you received at the VA?
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

I do not have any non-VA providers

Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply)
Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Mobile phone (for example: iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (for example: iPad, Android)


Television (for example: interactive Web TV )


Your feedback is very important to us. Please think about your use of My HealtheVet features other than Secure Messaging when answering the following questions.
The information in My HealtheVet is accurate.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

The information in My HealtheVet is easy to understand.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

New or updated information in My HealtheVet is generally available to me in a timely manner.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My HealtheVet is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.)
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I am confident that My HealtheVet protects the privacy and security of my personal health information.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to find the different My HealtheVet features that I want to use.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to navigate within the My HealtheVet features (for example, checking my VA Prescription status then requesting a refill).
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I trust my healthcare information when I receive it through My HealtheVet.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my personal health goals, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track my personal health goals

Gain peace of mind about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

None of the above

Regarding my VA medications, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications

Gain peace of mind about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

None of the above

Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Gain peace of mind about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

None of the above

Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA preventive care

Gain peace of mind about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)
Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

After treatment, labs or tests, I review my results on My HealtheVet to see if I need a follow-up call or visit.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine).
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.)
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to continue using My HealtheVet in the future.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to recommend My HealtheVet to others.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand?
Never or almost never
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health.
Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)?
Not at all confident
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply)
Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months?
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 7: Current Custom Qsts (1-22-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B, C, D, E, F Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic ANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

CAS0042864 B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care? less than 30 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic ANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

2 or more hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042867 C How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team? Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042868 D Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team? Very unsatisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042869 E Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042814 F Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall


Which of the following convinced you to first try My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) My doctor uses it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

How long have you been using My HealtheVet? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

In the past year, how frequently have you used the Blue Button to access your VA personal health record information? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your doctor or healthcare team? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your upcoming VA appointments? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to request a prescription refill? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your VA prescription history? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet Blue Button to check your VA Notes (the visit notes written by your VA healthcare team)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check on your lab or test results (for example: blood tests, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your health summary using the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which of the following other types of information have you accessed in My HealtheVet or the VA Blue Button? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

VA Immunizations

VA Problem List (active health issues and conditions)

VA Admissions and Discharges

VA Wellness Reminders (for example: shots, cancer screening)

Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

None of the above

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your medications and supplements? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your lab and test results labs and tests? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your allergies and adverse reactions? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your food journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your activity journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used the My Goals feature in My HealtheVet to self-enter your health goals? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which other types of information have you self-entered into your My HealtheVet personal health record? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Immunizations, self-reported

Medical events, self-reported

Family health history, self-reported

Military health history, self-reported

Treatment facility, self-reported

Health insurance, self-reported

Caregiver names and contacts, self-reported

Health calendar, self-reported

Personal information (contact information, emergency contacts), self-reported

None of the above

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your VA healthcare team about care you received outside of the VA? (for example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your non-VA providers about care you received at the VA? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

I do not have any non-VA providers

Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply) Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Mobile phone (for example: iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (for example: iPad, Android)


Television (for example: interactive Web TV )


Your feedback is very important to us. Please think about your use of My HealtheVet features other than Secure Messaging when answering the following questions.
The information in My HealtheVet is accurate. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

The information in My HealtheVet is easy to understand. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

New or updated information in My HealtheVet is generally available to me in a timely manner. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My HealtheVet is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I am confident that My HealtheVet protects the privacy and security of my personal health information. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to find the different My HealtheVet features that I want to use. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to navigate within the My HealtheVet features (for example, checking my VA Prescription status then requesting a refill). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I trust my healthcare information when I receive it through My HealtheVet. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my personal health goals, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track my personal health goals

Gain peace of mind about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

None of the above

Regarding my VA medications, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications

Gain peace of mind about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

None of the above

Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Gain peace of mind about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

None of the above

Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA preventive care

Gain peace of mind about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

After treatment, labs or tests, I review my results on My HealtheVet to see if I need a follow-up call or visit. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to continue using My HealtheVet in the future. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to recommend My HealtheVet to others. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand? Never or almost never
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)? Not at all confident
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 8: Current Custom Qsts (1-17-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC As programmed wave 2 Jan

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Mutually exclusive Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B, C, D, E, F Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic ANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

CAS0042864 B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care? less than 30 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic ANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

2 or more hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042867 C How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team? Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042868 D Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team? Very unsatisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042869 E Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042814 F Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall


Which of the following convinced you to first try My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) My doctor uses it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

How long have you been using My HealtheVet? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

In the past year, how frequently have you used the Blue Button to access your VA personal health record information? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your doctor or healthcare team? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your upcoming VA appointments? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to request a prescription refill? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your VA prescription history? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet Blue Button to check your VA Notes (the visit notes written by your VA healthcare team)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check on your lab or test results (for example: blood tests, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your health summary using the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which of the following other types of information have you accessed in My HealtheVet or the VA Blue Button? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

VA Immunizations

VA Problem List (active health issues and conditions)

VA Admissions and Discharges

VA Wellness Reminders (for example: shots, cancer screening)

Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

None of the above

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your medications and supplements? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your labs and tests? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your allergies and adverse reactions? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your food journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your activity journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used the My Goals feature in My HealtheVet to self-enter your health goals? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which other types of information have you self-entered into your My HealtheVet personal health record? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Immunizations, self-reported

Medical events, self-reported

Family health history, self-reported

Military health history, self-reported

Treatment facility, self-reported

Health insurance, self-reported

Caregiver names and contacts, self-reported

Health calendar, self-reported

Personal information (contact information, emergency contacts), self-reported

None of the above

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your VA healthcare team about care you received outside of the VA? (for example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your non-VA providers about care you received at the VA? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply) Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Mobile phone (for example: iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (for example: iPad, Android)


Television (for example: interactive Web TV )


Your feedback is very important to us. Please think about your use of My HealtheVet features other than Secure Messaging when answering the following questions.
The information in My HealtheVet is accurate. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

The information in My HealtheVet is easy to understand. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

New or updated information in My HealtheVet is generally available to me in a timely manner. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My HealtheVet is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I am confident that My HealtheVet protects the privacy and security of my personal health information. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to find the different My HealtheVet features that I want to use. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to navigate within the My HealtheVet features (for example, checking my VA Prescription status then requesting a refill). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I trust my healthcare information when I receive it through My HealtheVet. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my personal health goals, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track my personal health goals

Gain peace of mind about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

Not sure/Do Not Recall __>None of the above

Regarding my VA medications, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications

Gain peace of mind about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Not sure/Do Not Recall __>None of the above

Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Gain peace of mind about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Not sure/Do Not Recall __>None of the above

Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA preventive care

Gain peace of mind about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

After treatment, labs or tests, I review my results on My HealtheVet to see if I need a follow-up call or visit. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to continue using My HealtheVet in the future. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to recommend My HealtheVet to others. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand? Never or almost never
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure



Strongly agree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)? Not at all confident
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 9: Current Custom Qsts (1-15-14)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

20140110 - MHV Meaningful Use Wave 2 l Custom Questions.xlsx

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC
proposed Wave 2
QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits


Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B, C, D, E, F Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic ANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic ANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

CAS0042864 B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care? less than 30 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic ANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

2 or more hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042867 C How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team? Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042868 D Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team? Very unsatisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042869 E Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0042814 F Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall



Which of the following convinced you to first try My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) My doctor uses it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

How long have you been using My HealtheVet? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

In the past year, how frequently have you used the Blue Button to access your VA personal health record information? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your doctor or healthcare team? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your upcoming VA appointments? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to request a prescription refill? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your VA prescription history? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet Blue Button to check your VA Notes (the visit notes written by your VA healthcare team)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check on your lab or test results (for example: blood tests, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to check your health summary using the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which of the following other types of information have you accessed in My HealtheVet or the VA Blue Button? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

VA Immunizations

VA Problem List (active health issues and conditions)

VA Admissions and Discharges

VA Wellness Reminders (for example: shots, cancer screening)

Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your medications and supplements? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your labs and tests? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your allergies and adverse reactions? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter your vitals and readings? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your food journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet to self-enter information in your activity journal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used the My Goals feature in My HealtheVet to self-enter your health goals? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, which other types of information have you self-entered into your My HealtheVet personal health record? (Please select all that apply)

Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Immunizations, self-reported

Medical events, self-reported

Family health history, self-reported

Military health history, self-reported

Treatment facility, self-reported

Health insurance, self-reported

Caregiver names and contacts, self-reported

Health calendar, self-reported

Personal information (contact information, emergency contacts), self-reported

None of the above

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your VA primary healthcare team about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you self-entered into My HealtheVet? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you communicated with your other VA healthcare providers (for example: your specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators) about information that you accessed from your VA medical record in My HealtheVet? (for example: your VA Notes) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your VA healthcare team about care you received outside of the VA? (for example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit) Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

In the past year, how frequently have you used My HealtheVet information when you communicated with your non-VA providers about care you received at the VA? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply) Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Mobile phone (for example: iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (for example: iPad, Android)


Television (for example: interactive Web TV )


Your feedback is very important to us. Please think about your use of My HealtheVet features other than Secure Messaging when answering the following questions.

The information in My HealtheVet is accurate. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

The information in My HealtheVet is easy to understand. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

New or updated information in My HealtheVet is generally available to me in a timely manner. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

My HealtheVet is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I am confident that My HealtheVet protects the privacy and security of my personal health information. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to find the different My HealtheVet features that I want to use. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

It is easy to navigate within the My HealtheVet features (for example, checking my VA Prescription status then requesting a refill). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I trust my healthcare information when I receive it through My HealtheVet. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my personal health goals, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track my personal health goals

Gain peace of mind about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my VA medications, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications

Gain peace of mind about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from VA

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Gain peace of mind about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Review and understand my VA preventive care

Gain peace of mind about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use My HealtheVet to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self-enter and track specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

After treatment, labs or tests, I review my results on My HealtheVet to see if I need a follow-up call or visit. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I use My HealtheVet to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to continue using My HealtheVet in the future. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

I intend to recommend My HealtheVet to others. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

In the past year, have you ever used Secure Messaging to communicate electronically with your VA doctor or healthcare team? Yes A,B,C, D1-D9,E, F,G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,P, Q, R,S,T,U, V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF,GG Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SBLEverUsed


Not Sure/Do Not Recall ZZ

Secure Messaging Users (A-HH)

CAS0042819 A Which of the following convinced you to first try Secure Messaging? (Check all that apply) My doctor uses it
Checkbox, three-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRTrial

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I saw the Secure Messaging feature when I was using My HealtheVet for another task.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042820 B How long have you been using Secure Messaging? Less than 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRYrsUse

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042821 C Generally, how frequently do you use Secure Messaging? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRFreqUse

Less than every 6 months

About every 6 months

About once a month

About once a week


Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042882 D1 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your health? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq1

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042883 D2 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to request an appointment? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq2

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042870 D3 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to request prescription refills or renewal? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq3

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042871 D4 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask about procedures received performed? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq4

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042872 D5 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your lab or test results (ex. pathology, radiology, EKG)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq5

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042873 D6 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask about self-care recommendations from your healthcare team? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq6

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042874 D7 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your own health tracking (ex. exercise, sleep)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq7

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042875 D8 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to send health information to your VA healthcare team (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq8

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042876 D9 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to update your VA healthcare team about care received outside of the VA (or example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit)? Never
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq9

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

CAS0042878 F How have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your VA healthcare team about your medications? (Please select all that apply) To ask questions about the purpose of VA prescribed medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y skip Logic SPRMedFreq

To ask questions about the correct dose of my VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my non-VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my over-the-counter medications

To ask questions about or report interactions between multiple medications


None of the above

Not sure/Do Not Recall
CAS0042879 G Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply) Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRDevice

Mobile phone (ex. iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (ex. iPad, Android)


Television (ex. interactive Web TV )


CAS0042851 H Which aspects of Secure Messaging do you find most useful? (Please select all that apply) I can write or retrieve a message anytime, day or night
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRBenefits

I can write a message, or review a response, at my own speed

I can use it on any device (through a computer, a smart tablet or smart phone)

I can access it anywhere (at home, work, library or other location)

I can leave a message instead of calling or visiting my VA healthcare team

I can get answers or solutions specific to my needs from my VA healthcare team

I can get answers or solutions on topics that I might find difficult or uncomfortable to discuss in person with my VA healthcare team

I can share my secure message information with those I trust

I can print a paper copy of my secure messages

I can access and store all of my secure messages in one place


Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042852 I Your experience with Secure Messaging is important to us. Please share your thoughts on the following qualities that contribute to its function and service.The information that my VA healthcare team provides to me through Secure Messaging is accurate. (That is, my team is up to date on all of my health records and medications.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRAccurate


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042853 J In Secure Messaging, my VA healthcare team helps make the information we discuss easy to understand. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPREasy


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042854 K Generally, my VA healthcare team responds to my messages within 3 business days. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRTimely


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042855 L Secure Messaging is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRProtect


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042857 M I am confident that Secure Messaging protects the privacy and security of my personal health information. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic PRPrivate


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042858 N It is easy to find the Secure Messaging feature on My HealtheVet . Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRONavToSM


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042859 O It is easy to navigate within the Secure Messaging feature. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRNavInSM


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042884 P I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care when I receive it through Secure Messaging. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRTrustOnline


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042885 Q Once again, your experience with Secure Messaging is important to us. Please share your thoughts on how you use Secure Messaging to support your health and healthcare. Regarding my personal health goals, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my personal health goals
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic PRGoals

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042886 R Regarding my VA medications, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRMeds

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

CAS0042887 S Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand the tests and procedures that I received from the VA
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRTestsProc

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from the VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from the VA

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042888 T Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRMentalHealth

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Not sure/Do Not Recall

CAS0042889 U Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for Type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand VA preventive care
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRPreventive

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

CAS0042890 V Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRSelfCare

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

CAS0042891 W My VA healthcare team uses Secure Messaging to follow up with me regarding lab results, tests, or procedures Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRFollowUp


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042892 X I use Secure Messaging information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRDecisInfo


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042893 Y I use Secure Messaging to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRDecisCall


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042894 Z In addition to communication with my primary VA healthcare team, I use Secure Messaging to communicate with my other VA healthcare providers (for example: specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPROthProvider


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042895 AA I use Secure Messaging to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SPRSolutions


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042896 BB I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTInfo


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042897 CC I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTTeam


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042898 DD I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine schedule). Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTControl


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042899 EE I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.) Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTAchGoals


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042900 FF I intend to continue using Secure Messaging in the future. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTIntentUse


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CAS0042901 GG I intend to recommend Secure Messaging to others. Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SOUTIntentRec


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Secure Messaging Non-Users/Don't recall (ZZ-)

CAS0042860 ZZ Why Not? This is the first time that I have heard of Secure Messaging ZZ1 Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SBLWhyNot

I have heard of Secure Messaging, but have not tried it or have not been able to use it ZZ2

CAS0042861 ZZ1 I would be interested in trying Secure Messaging if: Someone on my VA healthcare team recommended it to me
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip SBLInterest

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received more information on the benefits of Secure Messaging

The VA provided me with hands-on training as part of my next VA appointment

The VA provided me with training through a web video that I could access anytime through my own computer or mobile device

The VA provided an instruction sheet on My HealtheVet that I could read or print out

Not sure


CAS0042902 ZZ2 I have heard of Secure Messaging but have not tried or have not been able to use it because: (Please select all that apply) I did not understand what Secure Messaging is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip SBLWhyNotUsed

I have not signed up for a Premium My HealtheVet account. (Authenticated Account)

I have a Premium My HealtheVet account, but did not know where to look for the Secure Messaging. (Authenticated Account)

I am not interested in Secure Messaging

I believe it will be too hard or time-consuming to use

When I have a question or request that doesn't require a visit, I prefer to talk on the phone with my VA healthcare team

I believe that the response that I may receive from my VA healthcare team would not fully address my information needs

I feel uncertain about the privacy and security of my personal health information using Secure Messaging.

I do not have regular access to a computer, smart phone or tablet

Not sure/Do not recall

In the past year, have you used My HealtheVet to accomplish any of the following tasks? (please select all that apply) Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Refill my prescriptions

View my medications information

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

Review my medical history (conditions, procedures, accidents and events)

Research my health using education resources (for example, the My HealtheVet Medical Library)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

None of the above

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand? Never or almost never
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)? Not at all confident
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site


What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Text area, no char limit
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 10: Current Custom Qsts (11-8-13)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER Wave 1 Set


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Drop down, select one Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Drop down, select one Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Two or More Races

Other race, please specify

Unknown or Do Not Wish to Reply

Other race

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Drop down, select one Single Y

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SANRegUser


Not sure

CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SANUserType

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Daily or more than once a day


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Not sure/Do not recall

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SANFacilCare


Not Sure

CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic SANFacilFreq

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

B What is your travel time to the VA facility where you receive most of your care? less than 30 minutes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y skip logic SANDist

30 minutes to under 1 hour

1 hour to under 1.5 hours

1.5 hours to under 2 hours

Not sure/Do not recall

CAS0028945 B How much time does it take for you to travel to the nearest VA facility? Less than 15 minutes
Checkbox, one-up vertical single N skip logic VA Facility Travel Time

15 minutes to less than 1/2 hour

1/2 hour to less than an hour

An hour to less than 1 1/2 hours

1 1/2 hours to less than two hours

Two hours or more

Not sure

How many years have you been seeing your VA primary healthcare team? Less than 1 year
Drop down, select one Single Y

1-5 years

More than 5 years

Not sure/Do not recall

Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the quality of care and treatment that you receive from your VA healthcare team? Very unsatisfied
Drop down, select one Single Y


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very satisfied

Not sure/Do not recall

Overall, I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do not recall


Has your VA doctor or healthcare team ever recommended Secure Messaging to you? Yes

Single Y


Not Sure/Do Not Recall

In the past year, have you ever used Secure Messaging to communicate electronically with your VA doctor or healthcare team? Yes A,B,C, D1-D9,E, F,G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,P, Q, R,S,T,U, V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF,GG,HH Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic SBLEverUsed


Not Sure/Do Not Recall ZZ

Secure Messaging Users (A-HH)

A Which of the following convinced you to first try Secure Messaging? (Check all that apply) My doctor uses it
Checkbox, three-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRTrial

My doctor recommended it to me

Someone on my VA healthcare team other than my doctor recommended it to me.

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received a hands-on demonstration at the VA facility.

I saw a video program or a poster at the VA facility.

I saw the Secure Messaging feature when I was using My HealtheVet for another task.

I read a printed fact sheet.

I received a postcard.

I received an email reminder.

I received a phone call from the VA.

I read or heard about it through the media (newspaper, radio, TV, or social media like Facebook or Twitter).

I received or saw information materials provided in Spanish.


Not sure/Do Not Recall

B How long have you been using Secure Messaging? Less than 6 months
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRYrsUse

6 months - less than 1 year

1-2 years

More than 2 years

Not sure/Do Not Recall

C Generally, how frequently do you use Secure Messaging? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRFreqUse

Less than every 6 months

About every 6 months

About once a month

About once a week


Not sure/Do Not Recall

D1 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your health? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq1

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D2 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to request an appointment? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq2

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D3 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to request prescription refills or renewal? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq3

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D4 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask about procedures received? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq4

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D5 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your lab or test results (ex. pathology, radiology, EKG)? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq5

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D6 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask about self-care recommendations from your healthcare tea? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq6

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D7 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to ask questions about your own health tracking (ex. exercise, sleep)? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq7

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D8 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to send health information to your VA healthcare team (for example: your home blood glucose or blood pressure measurements)? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq8

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

D9 In the past year, how frequently have you used Secure Messaging to update your VA healthcare team about care received outside of the VA (or example: tests done elsewhere or a non-VA emergency department visit)? Never
Drop down, select one single Y Skip Logic SPRTaskFreq9

1-2 times

3-9 times

10 or more times

E In the past year, please describe how else you have used secure messaging

Text area, no char limit

F How have you used Secure Messaging to communicate with your VA healthcare team about your medications? (Please select all that apply) To ask questions about the purpose of VA prescribed medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y skip Logic SPRMedFreq

To ask questions about the correct dose of my VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my non-VA prescribed medications

To ask questions about or report side effects of my over-the-counter medications

To ask questions about or report interactions between multiple medications


None of the above

Not sure/Do Not Recall

G Which of the following methods do you use to access the My HealtheVet website? (Please select all that apply) Computer or laptop
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multo Y Skip Logic SPRDevice

Mobile phone (ex. iPhone, Android)

Mobile tablet (ex. iPad, Android)


Television (ex. interactive Web TV )


H Which aspects of Secure Messaging do you find most useful? (Please select all that apply) I can write or retrieve a message anytime, day or night
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRBenefits

I can write a message, or review a response, at my own speed

I can use it on any device (through a computer, a smart tablet or smart phone)

I can access it anywhere (at home, work, library or other location)

I can leave a message instead of calling or visiting my VA healthcare team

I can get answers or solutions specific to my needs from my VA healthcare team

I can get answers or solutions on topics that I might find difficult or uncomfortable to discuss in person with my VA healthcare team

I can share my secure message information with those I trust

I can print a paper copy of my secure messages

I can access and store all of my secure messages in one place

Text area, no char limit

Not sure/Do Not Recall

I The information that my VA healthcare team provides to me through Secure Messaging is accurate. (That is, my team is up to date on all of my health records and medications.) Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRAccurate


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

J In Secure Messaging, my VA healthcare team helps make the information we discuss easy to understand. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPREasy


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

K Generally, my VA healthcare team responds to my messages within 3 business days. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRTimely


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

L Secure Messaging is a reliable system. (That is, I can always count on it working.) Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRProtect


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

M I am confident that Secure Messaging protects the privacy and security of my personal health information. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic PRPrivate


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

N It is easy to find the Secure Messaging feature on My HealtheVet . Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRONavToSM


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

O It is easy to navigate within the Secure Messaging feature. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRNavInSM


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

P I trust my VA healthcare team's advice and care when I receive it through Secure Messaging. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRTrustOnline


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure/Do Not Recall

Q Regarding my personal health goals, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my personal health goals
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic PRGoals

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my personal health goals

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team based on my personal health goals

Not sure/Do Not Recall

R Regarding my VA medications, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my VA-prescribed medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRMeds

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA-prescribed medications

None of the above

S Regarding my VA tests and procedures, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand the tests and procedures that I received from the VA
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRTestsProc

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about tests and procedures that I receive from the VA

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about the tests and procedures that I receive from the VA

Not sure/Do Not Recall

T Regarding my mental and emotional health, I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRMentalHealth

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my mental and emotional health and any prescribed treatment

Not sure/Do Not Recall

U Regarding my VA preventive care (for example: screenings for Type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, depression), I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand VA preventive care
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRPreventive

Gain peace of mind from my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about my VA preventive care

None of the above

V Regarding things I can do for my health (such as diet and exercise), I use Secure Messaging to help me: (Please select all that apply) Review and understand specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SPRSelfCare

Gain peace of mind about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

Coordinate with my VA healthcare team about specific things I can do to improve my health or prevent illness

None of the above

W My VA healthcare team uses Secure Messaging to follow up with me regarding lab results, tests, or procedures Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRFollowUp


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

X I use Secure Messaging information to help me make better health and healthcare decisions. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRDecisInfo


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Y I use Secure Messaging to help me judge when it is necessary to call or go see my VA healthcare team. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRDecisCall


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Z In addition to communication with my primary VA healthcare team, I use Secure Messaging to communicate with my other VA healthcare providers (for example: specialist physicians, therapists, counselors and coordinators). Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPROthProvider


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

AA I use Secure Messaging to help me figure out solutions when new problems arise with my health. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SPRSolutions


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

BB I have all the information I need to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTInfo


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

CC I am confident in working with my VA healthcare team to manage my health and healthcare. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTTeam


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

DD I feel in control of my health and healthcare (such as taking part in decisions or following through on any medication, treatment or health routine schedule). Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTControl


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

EE I am able to achieve my long-term health and healthcare goals (such as being self-reliant, living longer and better, or knowing that my family and friends can depend on me.) Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTAchGoals


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

FF I intend to continue using Secure Messaging in the future. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTIntentUse


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

GG I intend to recommend Secure Messaging to others. Strongly disagree
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic SOUTIntentRec


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Secure Messaging Non-Users/Don't recall (ZZ-)

ZZ Why Not? This is the first time that I have heard of Secure Messaging ZZ1 Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic SBLWhyNot

I have heard of Secure Messaging, but have not tried it or have not been able to use it ZZ2

ZZ1 I would be interested in trying Secure Messaging if: Someone on my VA healthcare team recommended it to me
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip SBLInterest

Another Veteran recommended it to me

I received more information on the benefits of Secure Messaging

The VA provided me with hands-on training as part of my next VA appointment

The VA provided me with training through a web video that I could access anytime through my own computer or mobile device

The VA provided an instruction sheet on My HealtheVet that I could read or print out

Not sure


ZZ2 I have heard of Secure Messaging but have not tried or have not been able to use it because: (Please select all that apply) I did not understand what Secure Messaging is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip SBLWhyNotUsed

I have not signed up for a Premium My HealtheVet account. (Authenticated Account)

I have a Premium My HealtheVet account, but did not know where to look for the Secure Messaging. (Authenticated Account)

I am not interested in Secure Messaging

I believe it will be too hard or time-consuming to use

When I have a question or request that doesn't require a visit, I prefer to talk on the phone with my VA healthcare team

I believe that the response that I may receive from my VA healthcare team would not fully address my information needs

I feel uncertain about the privacy and security of my personal health information using Secure Messaging.

I do not have regular access to a computer, smart phone or tablet

Not sure/Do not recall

In the past year, have you used My HealtheVet to accomplish any of the following tasks? (please select all that apply) Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Refill my prescriptions

View my medications information

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

Review my medical history (conditions, procedures, accidents and events)

Research my health using education resources (for example, the My HealtheVet Medical Library)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

None of the above

How often do you find that information from the VA (in print or online) about your medical condition is difficult to understand? Never or almost never
Drop down, select one Single Y




Very frequently or always

Not sure/Do not recall

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

Overall, how confident are you that you could get health-related advice or information if you needed it by using a computer, smart phone or tablet (like an iPhone or iPad)? Not at all confident
Drop down, select one Single Y

Somewhat confident

Moderately confident


Very confident

Not sure

The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
One Improvement
What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site

Other (please specify): A

CAS0029041 A Other - Services

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Other Services
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 11: Current Custom Qsts (9-16-13)

Err:509 Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



Date: Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
1 ALM0170
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

General public

Other role

2 RJB00048
Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Check-boxes Multi N
Military Service

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

3 AED02714
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

4 JIC00267
What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


5 CAS0028939
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

6 JIC00178
In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Overall Health

Very Good




7 RJB00026
Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Registered User


Not sure

8 CAS0028940 A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic User Type

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

9 ALM0169
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Visit Frequency


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

10 RJB00022
What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)

Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Learn more about features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

Find a VA facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Other (please specify) A

11 RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

12 ALM0172
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Task Accomplishment



Not finished yet

13 CAS0028943
Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic VA facility for Care


Not Sure

14 CAS0028944 A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic VA Facility frequency

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

15 CAS0028945 B How much time does it take for you to travel to the nearest VA facility? Less than 15 minutes
Checkbox, one-up vertical single N skip logic VA Facility Travel Time

15 minutes to less than 1/2 hour

1/2 hour to less than an hour

An hour to less than 1 1/2 hours

1 1/2 hours to less than two hours

Two hours or more

Not sure


16 CAS0028946
VA Notes written by providers and other members of the health care team since January 1, 2013 are now available to veterans with a Premium My HealtheVet account. Which best describes your knowledge about VA patients being able to view clinic and hospital visit notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button. (Please choose one) I knew that visit notes can be viewed by VA patients with a Premium Account
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Open Notes Knowledge

I didn’t know that visit notes can be viewed by VA patients with a Premium Account

I’m not sure

17 CAS0028947
Which best describes your use of the VA Blue Button to access your visit notes (VA Notes)? I viewed my visit notes using the Blue Button at least once A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Visit notes

I tried to view visit notes using Blue Button but was not able to do so C, D

I don’t have a Premium My HealtheVet account D

  I don’t know what Blue Button is or have never used it D

  I’m not sure D

18 CAS0028948 A   What information from your VA health record have you viewed using the Blue Button in My HealtheVet? (Choose ALL that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant) B1 - B10 Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Logic VA Notes Info Viewed

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty) B1-B10

Visit notes from a mental health professional B1-B10

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary) B1-B10

VA Notes from Secure Messaging

None of the above/ Don't remember D1

19 CAS0028949 B1 Why did you read your visit notes (VA Notes)? (Check ALL that apply) I did not read any visit notes (VA Notes) D2 Radio button, one-up vertical

VA Notes Reason

I tried to read my visit notes (VA Notes) but was not able to C1, D2

I was curious

I wanted to remember what happened in the visit

I wanted to know more about my health

I wanted to check the notes to see if they were right

I wanted to be sure I understood what my provider (or other member of the health care team) said

I wanted to know what my provider (or other member of the health care team) was thinking

Other reason (please explain) B1A

20 CAS0028935 B1A Other - reason read VA Notes

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic VA Notes OE_Reason read
21 CAS0028956 B2 What did you do with your notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button? (Check ALL that apply) I read it
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes Use

I printed it

  I downloaded it to keep a copy for myself

I shared it with a family member, relative or friend who helps take care of me

I discussed it with a VA provider or other health care team member

  I shared it with a health care provider outside of VA

Other, please explain B2A

I don’t remember

22 CAS0028957 B2A Other - What you did with your notes

Text area, no char limit
N Skip VA Notes OE_Other Use
23 CAS0028958 B3 Did you talk to or contact your provider or health care team about the notes (VA Notes), or have a plan to do so? (Choose one) No, I did not talk to or contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Contact

I plan to contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3B

Yes, I did contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3B

24 CAS0028952 B3A If you did not contact or don’t plan to contact your provider or health care team, why not? (Check all that apply) I had no reason to contact my provider or health care team about the notes
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes Did not Contact

I didn’t think it was important

I didn’t want to waste my provider or health care team’s time

  I didn’t want my provider or health care team to be upset with me

I did not feel I knew enough to talk with my doctor about my concerns

It was too much of a bother for me

  Other reason (please explain) B3AA

25 CAS0028953 B3AA Other - reason did not contact

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_Did not contact
26 CAS0028954 B3B Why did you contact, or plan to contact, your provider or health care team about the notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply) To get an explanation about something in the note
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip VA Notes Did Contact

To learn more about my health issue, medications or test results

To discuss something I was worried about in the note

To discuss something that I thought was not correct in the note

To ask about removing or changing something in the note

Other reason (please explain) B3BA

27 CAS0028955 B3BA Other - reason did contact

Text field, <100 char
N skip VA Notes Did Contact OE
28 CAS0028976 B4 Please think about what it is like to access and view the visit notes (VA Notes) written by your provider and health care team using the Blue Button “Download My Data” on My HealtheVet.   How easy is it to find the visit notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button “Download My Data” on My HealtheVet? Very hard
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Access

Somewhat hard

Somewhat easy

Very easy

I don’t know

29 CAS0028977 B5 The display of my visit notes (VA Notes) is easy to read. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Display

  Somewhat disagree

  Somewhat agree


  I don’t know

30 CAS0028959 B6 What information were you trying to find in your visit notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply): I’m not sure what I was looking for

Multi Y Skip VA notes Trying to find

The note written by a provider or health care team after a clinic visit

The note written by a provider or health care team after an emergency room visit

The note written by a provider or health care team after a hospital stay

What my provider or health care team thinks about my health issues

Changes that were discussed during a visit

Recommendations or treatment advice from my provider or health care team

When I’m supposed to come back for my next appointment

A referral to a specialist or for further testing

Other, please explain B6A

31 CAS0028960 B6A Other- information trying to find in my visit notes

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_ Trying to find
32 CAS0028961 B7 I did not understand the information in my VA Notes (for example, there were too many abbreviations, acronyms or words I did not understand). Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip VA Notes not understand

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

33 CAS0028962 B8 In your opinion, how much do the visit notes (VA notes) correctly describe your clinic or hospital visit? Notes don’t describe the visit correctly
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y Skip VA Notes Opinion

Notes mostly describe the visit correctly

  Notes describe the visit pretty well

I don't know

34 CAS0028963 B9 There is too much information in my visit notes (VA notes). Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y skip VA notes Level of Information

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

35 CAS0029000 B10   What is your overall satisfaction with access to your visit notes using Blue Button? Select a number from 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest level of satisfaction. 1=Not at all Satisfied
Radion button, scale, no don't know Single Y Skip VA Notes Satisfaction Level




5 Matthew Castillo: Somewhat satisfied was removed just due to technological implications on the backend.





Extremely Satisfied=10

Attempters ONLY Attempters ONLY

36 CAS0028964 C Why do you think you were not able to view your notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply) I couldn’t figure out where to look for the visit notes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Logic VA Notes Unable to view

It’s too hard to use the Blue Button feature

  I requested the notes, but the Blue Button feature was updating my information

I was looking for notes that were written before January 1, 2013

  I tried to get the notes before they were available to me (7 days after a note is completed)

  I don’t know why

Other reason ( please explain) CA

37 CAS0028965 CA Other- reason I was unable to view my VA Notes:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic VA Notes OE_unable to view
38 CAS0028933 C1 Why do you think you were not able to view your notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply) I couldn’t figure out where to look for the visit notes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Logic VA Notes Unable to view1

It’s too hard to use the Blue Button feature

  I requested the notes, but the Blue Button feature was updating my information

I was looking for notes that were written before January 1, 2013

  I tried to get the notes before they were available to me (7 days after a note is completed)

  I don’t know why

Other reason ( please explain) CA

39 CAS0028934 CA1 Other- reason I was unable to view my VA Notes:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic VA Notes OE_unable to view1
NON USERS and Attempters ONLY NON USERS and Attempters ONLY

40 CAS0029002 D   If you were to look at your visit notes from your VA health record, which information would most interest you? (Choose all that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant)
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes_info Would Like

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty)

Visit notes from a mental health professional

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary

Laboratory test results (blood, urine or other lab test)

Radiology test results (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound or other imaging test)

Problem list (conditions or diagnoses)

Other (please explain) DA

I don’t know

41 CAS0029003 DA Other- most interested in visit notes

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_Would Like
42 CAS0028966 D1   If you were to look at your visit notes from your VA health record, which information would most interest you? (Choose all that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes_info Would Like1

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty)

Visit notes from a mental health professional

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary

Laboratory test results (blood, urine or other lab test)

Radiology test results (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound or other imaging test)

Problem list (conditions or diagnoses)

Other (please explain) DA

I don’t know

43 CAS0029001 DA1 Other- most interested in visit notes

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_Would Like1
44 CAS0028950 D2   If you were to look at your visit notes from your VA health record, which information would most interest you? (Choose all that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes_info Would Like2

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty)

Visit notes from a mental health professional

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary

Laboratory test results (blood, urine or other lab test)

Radiology test results (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound or other imaging test)

Problem list (conditions or diagnoses)

Other (please explain) DA

I don’t know

VA Notes OE_Would Like2
45 CAS0028951 DA2 Other- most interested in visit notes

Text area, no char limit

CAS0028967 CAS0028967
We would like to ask you about how you think viewing your visit notes (VA Notes) might help you with your health and your health care. Think about how notes help you now, or, if you have not yet viewed your notes, how visit notes might help you in the future.17. Visit notes (VA Notes) will help me understand my health and medical conditions better. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Future Help

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028968 CAS0028968
Visit notes will help me remember the plan for my care better. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Remember plan for care

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028969 CAS0028969
  Visit notes will help me take better care of myself. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Better Care of Self

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0029016 CAS0029016
Visit notes will help me do a better job taking my medications as prescribed. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single y
VA Note Better care of Meds

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

I don’t take any medications

CAS0029017 CAS0029017
Visit notes will make me feel more in control of my health care. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes More in control

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0029018 CAS0029018
Visit notes will make me worry more. Disagree Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA notes Worry

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028970 CAS0028970
Visit notes will help me be better prepared for clinic visits. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Prepared

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028971 CAS0028971
   Visit notes will be more confusing than helpful. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Confusing

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028972 CAS0028972
  I think viewing visit notes will change how I feel about my provider or health care team Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Change View

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

CAS0028973 CAS0028973
In the past, have you ever requested a copy of your medical records from a VA facility? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Medical Records Request


CAS0028974 CAS0028974
I would like to be able to add comments to my VA Notes. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes add comments

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


Don’t know

CAS0028975 CAS0028975
Do you think that you will use the Blue Button to access your visit notes in the future? I will NOT use it in the future
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Blue Button use Future

  I might use it in the future.

I will definitely use it in the future

CAS0029036 CAS0029036
Do you ‘follow’ your local VA medical center on Facebook? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

No, I don’t use Facebook

No, I do use Facebook but have not ‘followed’ my VA medical center page

RJB00029 RJB00029
My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

CAS0029037 CAS0029037
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

CAS0029038 CAS0029038
 Have you discussed your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with any of the following people? Please check all that apply: My VA health care provider
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Discussed Health Care

My non-VA healthcare provider(s)

My family, friends, or caregiver(s)

Veterans I know

Other (please specify) A

I have not discussed My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with others

CAS0029039 CAS0029039 A I have discussed my My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with:

Text field, <100 char
OE_Discussed medical records
ALM0173 ALM0173
What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
One Improvement
CAS0029040 CAS0029040
What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site

Other (please specify): A

CAS0029041 CAS0029041 A Other - Services

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Other Services
CAS0029042 CAS0029042
Are you aware that there is a My HealtheVet Coordinator at each VA Medical Center to assist with questions, concerns, and outreach for My HealtheVet? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Coordinator Awareness


CAS0029043 CAS0029043
Have you contacted the My HealtheVet Help Desk in the past 3 months? Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Help Desk


Do not recall

CAS0029044 CAS0029044 A How was that experience? Excellent
Radio button, one-up vertical single y skip logic Help Desk Rating

Very Good




CAS0029045 CAS0029045 B Was your question, issue, or concern resolved? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical single y skip logic Help Desk Resolution



Not Sure

AED06379 AED06379
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 12: Current Custom Qsts (5-9-13)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

National Guard/Reserve


Family member of a veteran or Servicemember

Caregiver of a Veteran or Servicemember (other than family)

Veteran Service Organization member

VA employee

Non-VA federal government employee

State/local government employee

News media

General public

Federal government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF/OND)
Check-boxes Multi N
Military Service

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

High school graduate

Some college or vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Overall Health

Very Good




Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Registered User


Not sure

A Your member log-in box now includes an icon for your account type. What type of My HealtheVet account do you have? Basic (B)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic User Type

Advanced (A)

Premium (authenticated or IPA’d)(P)

Not sure

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Visit Frequency


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

-->Learn more about what features that are available

Request a prescription refill

View my medication history

Use Secure Messaging to communicate with my VA health care team

Download my data using the VA Blue Button _x000D_-->Use the Blue Button (Download My Data)

View my VA Appointments

Look up information about a health condition or medication

View my lab or other test results

View my VA Wellness Reminders

View my VA Notes (written by my health care team)

Enter my personal information (emergency contacts, etc.)

Enter data that I track myself such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

Enter information about my non-VA medications or supplements

-->Find a VA health care facility

Find information about VA Health Benefits

Find information about VA Benefits other than health benefits

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y
Task Accomplishment



Not finished yet

Do you get care at a VA facility? Yes A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic VA facility for Care


Not Sure

A In the past year, how often did you use a VA medical facility or service for your health care needs? Never
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single N skip logic VA Facility frequency

Once in the past year

2 to 11 times in the past year

12 or more times in the past year

B How much time does it take for you to travel to the nearest VA facility? Less than 15 minutes
Checkbox, one-up vertical single N skip logic VA Facility Travel Time

15 minutes to less than 1/2 hour

1/2 hour to less than an hour

An hour to less than 1 1/2 hours

1 1/2 hours to less than two hours

Two hours or more

Not sure


VA Notes written by providers and other members of the health care team since January 1, 2013 are now available to veterans with a Premium My HealtheVet account. Which best describes your knowledge about VA patients being able to view clinic and hospital visit notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button. (Please choose one) I knew that visit notes can be viewed by VA patients with a Premium Account
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Open Notes Knowledge

I didn’t know that visit notes can be viewed by VA patients with a Premium Account

I’m not sure

Which best describes your use of the VA Blue Button to access your visit notes (VA Notes)? I viewed my visit notes using the Blue Button at least once A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Visit notes

I tried to view visit notes using Blue Button but was not able to do so C, D

I don’t have a Premium My HealtheVet account D

  I don’t know what Blue Button is or have never used it D

  I’m not sure D

A   What information from your VA health record have you viewed using the Blue Button in My HealtheVet? (Choose ALL that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant) B1 - B10 Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Logic VA Notes Info Viewed

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty) B1-B10

Visit notes from a mental health professional B1-B10

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary) B1-B10

VA Notes from Secure Messaging

None of the above/ Don't remember D

B1 Why did you read your visit notes (VA Notes)? (Check ALL that apply) I did not read any visit notes (VA Notes) D Checkbox, one-up vertical

VA Notes Reason

I tried to read my visit notes (VA Notes) but was not able to C, D

I was curious

I wanted to remember what happened in the visit

I wanted to know more about my health

I wanted to check the notes to see if they were right

I wanted to be sure I understood what my provider (or other member of the health care team) said

I wanted to know what my provider (or other member of the health care team) was thinking

Other reason (please explain) B1A

B1A Other - reason read VA Notes

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic VA Notes OE_Reason read

B2 What did you do with your notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button? (Check ALL that apply) I read it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes Use

I printed it

  I downloaded it to keep a copy for myself

I shared it with a family member, relative or friend who helps take care of me

I discussed it with a VA provider or other health care team member

  I shared it with a health care provider outside of VA

Other, please explain B2A

I don’t remember

B2A Other - What you did with your notes

Text area, no char limit
N Skip VA Notes OE_Other Use

B3 Did you talk to or contact your provider or health care team about the notes (VA Notes), or have a plan to do so? (Choose one) No, I did not talk to or contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3A Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Contact

I plan to contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3B

Yes, I did contact my provider or health care team about the notes B3B

B3A If you did not contact or don’t plan to contact your provider or health care team, why not? (Check all that apply) I had no reason to contact my provider or health care team about the notes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes Did not Contact

I didn’t think it was important

I didn’t want to waste my provider or health care team’s time

  I didn’t want my provider or health care team to be upset with me

I did not feel I knew enough to talk with my doctor about my concerns

It was too much of a bother for me

  Other reason (please explain) B3AA

B3AA Other - reason did not contact

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_Did not contact

B3B Why did you contact, or plan to contact, your provider or health care team about the notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply) To get an explanation about something in the note
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip VA Notes Did Contact

To learn more about my health issue, medications or test results

To discuss something I was worried about in the note

To discuss something that I thought was not correct in the note

To ask about removing or changing something in the note

Other reason (please explain) B3BA

B3BA Other - reason did contact

Text field, <100 char
N skip VA Notes Did Contact OE

B4 Please think about what it is like to access and view the visit notes (VA Notes) written by your provider and health care team using the Blue Button “Download My Data” on My HealtheVet.   How easy is it to find the visit notes (VA Notes) using the Blue Button “Download My Data” on My HealtheVet? Very hard
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Access

Somewhat hard

Somewhat easy

Very easy

I don’t know

B5 The display of my visit notes (VA Notes) is easy to read. Disagree
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip VA Notes Display

  Somewhat disagree

  Somewhat agree


  I don’t know

B6 What information were you trying to find in your visit notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply): I’m not sure what I was looking for

Multi Y Skip VA notes Trying to find

The note written by a provider or health care team after a clinic visit

The note written by a provider or health care team after an emergency room visit

The note written by a provider or health care team after a hospital stay

What my provider or health care team thinks about my health issues

Changes that were discussed during a visit

Recommendations or treatment advice from my provider or health care team

When I’m supposed to come back for my next appointment

A referral to a specialist or for further testing

Other, please explain B6A

B6A Other- information trying to find in my visit notes

Text area, no char limit
VA Notes OE_ Trying to find

B7 I did not understand the information in my VA Notes (for example, there were too many abbreviations, acronyms or words I did not understand). Disagree
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y skip VA Notes not understand

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

B8 In your opinion, how much do the visit notes (VA notes) correctly describe your clinic or hospital visit? Notes don’t describe the visit correctly
Checkbox, one-up vertical single Y Skip VA Notes Opinion

Notes mostly describe the visit correctly

  Notes describe the visit pretty well

I don't know

B9 There is too much information in my visit notes (VA notes). Disagree
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y skip VA notes Level of Information

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

B10   What is your overall satisfaction with access to your visit notes using Blue Button? Select a number from 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest level of satisfaction. 1=Not at all Satisfied
Radion button, scale, no don't know Single Y Skip VA Notes Satisfaction Level




5 = Somewhat Satisfied





10 - Extremely Satisfied

Attempters ONLY

C Why do you think you were not able to view your notes (VA Notes)? (Check all that apply) I couldn’t figure out where to look for the visit notes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Yes Skip Logic VA Notes Unable to view

It’s too hard to use the Blue Button feature

  I requested the notes, but the Blue Button feature was updating my information

I was looking for notes that were written before January 1, 2013

  I tried to get the notes before they were available to me (7 days after a note is completed)

  I don’t know why

Other reason ( please explain) CA

CA Other- reason I was unable to view my VA Notes:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic VA Notes OE_unable to view
NON USERS and Attempters ONLY

D   If you were to look at your visit notes from your VA health record, which information would most interest you? (Choose all that apply) Visit notes from a clinic visit with a primary care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic VA Notes_info Would Like

Visit notes from a clinic visit with a specialist (medical or surgical specialty)

Visit notes from a mental health professional

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary

Laboratory test results (blood, urine or other lab test)

Radiology test results (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound or other imaging test)

Problem list (conditions or diagnoses)

Other (please explain) DA

I don’t know

VA Notes OE_Would Like

DA Other- most interested in visit notes

Text area, no char limit

We would like to ask you about how you think viewing your visit notes (VA Notes) might help you with your health and your health care. Think about how notes help you now, or, if you have not yet viewed your notes, how visit notes might help you in the future.17. Visit notes (VA Notes) will help me understand my health and medical conditions better. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Future Help

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

Visit notes will help me remember the plan for my care better. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Remember plan for care

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

  Visit notes will help me take better care of myself. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes Better Care of Self

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

Visit notes will help me do a better job taking my medications as prescribed. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single y
VA Note Better care of Meds

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

I don’t take any medications

Visit notes will make me feel more in control of my health care. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes More in control

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

Visit notes will make me worry more. Disagree Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA notes Worry

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

Visit notes will help me be better prepared for clinic visits. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Prepared

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

   Visit notes will be more confusing than helpful. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Confusing

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

  I think viewing visit notes will change how I feel about my provider or health care team Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Change View

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


I don’t know

In the past, have you ever requested a copy of your medical records from a VA facility? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Medical Records Request

Notes from a hospital visit or stay (emergency room visit or discharge summary

I would like to be able to add comments to my VA Notes. Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
VA Notes add comments

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree


Don’t know

Do you think that you will use the Blue Button to access your visit notes in the future? I will NOT use it in the future
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
VA Notes Blue Button use Future

  I might use it in the future.

I will definitely use it in the future

Do you ‘follow’ your local VA medical center on Facebook? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

No, I don’t use Facebook

No, I do use Facebook but have not ‘followed’ my VA medical center page

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y
MHV improve Health


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?


 Have you discussed your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with any of the following people? Please check all that apply: My VA health care provider
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Discussed Health Care

My non-VA healthcare provider(s)

My family, friends, or caregiver(s)

Veterans I know

Other (please specify) A

I have not discussed My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with others

A I have discussed my My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with:

Text field, <100 char
OE_Discussed medical records
What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
One Improvement

What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (Please select all that apply) Schedule or change my VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Additional Services

Track the status of my prescription refill delivery

View/pay my VA bills/copayments

View a list of my VA health care providers and their contact information

Use a mobile app for My HealtheVet

Join an online forum to discuss health issues with other Veterans

Advance check-in for my VA clinic visits

Authorize sharing information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family, caregiver)

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my VA health care team

Authorize sharing information that I have stored in My HealtheVet with my Non-VA health care provider

Check to determine if my different medications are safe when taken together

More online educational programs

Receive a monthly email newsletter

Receive notification of new content/features on the site

Other (please specify): A

A Other - Services

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Other Services

Are you aware that there is a My HealtheVet Coordinator at each VA Medical Center to assist with questions, concerns, and outreach for My HealtheVet? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Coordinator Awareness


Have you contacted the My HealtheVet Help Desk in the past 3 months? Yes A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Help Desk


Do not recall

A How was that experience? Excellent
Checkbox, one-up vertical single y skip logic Help Desk Rating

Very Good




B Was your question, issue, or concern resolved? Yes
Checkbox, one-up vertical single y skip logic Help Desk Resolution



Not Sure

Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical



Single N

Don't recall

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y










Don't know

Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y










Don't know

Please rate the site on its use of short, clear sentences.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y










Don't know

Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply) Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Health Problems


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Previous Heart Attack

Heart Failure

Lung Disease/Asthma

Spinal Cord Injury

Arthritis of any kind


Mental Health Problems

Orthopedic Problems

Ulcer or Stomach Disease


Anemia or other Blood Disease

None of the above

Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Internet Ability

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

Sheet 13: Current Custom Qsts (4-9-13)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Partially A, C

Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Access Mobile Internet


ACQhar0017784 A Which of the following devices do you have? A SmartPhone W Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

ACQhar0017786 W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have? iPhone
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Phone Type



Another phone

ACQhar0017759 X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have? iPad
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Tablet Type




Another tablet

ACQhar0017785 B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQhar0017760 C Have you ever accessed My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQhar0017761 Y What was the main reason you last visited My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Mobile Primary Reason
ACQhar0017762 Z What additional resources might you want to access from My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N MobileDesired Resources
What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Clear










Don't know

Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Understandable










Don't know

Please rate the site on its use of short, clear sentences.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Concise










Don't know

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply) Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Health Problems


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Previous Heart Attack

Heart Failure

Lung Disease/Asthma

Spinal Cord Injury

Arthritis of any kind


Mental Health Problems

Orthopedic Problems

Ulcer or Stomach Disease


Anemia or other Blood Disease

None of the above

Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Internet Ability

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 14: Custom Qsts (11-16-12)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months


Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role


Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable


What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Partially A, C

Not finished yet


Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure


Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable


Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable


Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Access Mobile Internet


A Which of the following devices do you have? A SmartPhone W Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have? iPhone
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Phone Type



Another phone

X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have? iPad
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Tablet Type




Another tablet

B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

C Have you ever accessed My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

Y What was the main reason you last visited My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Mobile Primary Reason
Z What additional resources might you want to access from My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N MobileDesired Resources

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Clear










Don't know

Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Understandable










Don't know

Please rate the site on its use of short, clear sentences.
Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Concise










Don't know


What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older


What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N



In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good





Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply) Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Health Problems


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Previous Heart Attack

Heart Failure

Lung Disease/Asthma

Spinal Cord Injury

Arthritis of any kind


Mental Health Problems

Orthopedic Problems

Ulcer or Stomach Disease


Anemia or other Blood Disease

None of the above


Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Internet Ability

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)


Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 15: Custom Qsts (11-1-12)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
ALM0169 1
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

ALM0170 2
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

RJB00048 3
Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

RJB00022 4
What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other 5 A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
ALM0172 6
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Partially A, C

Not finished yet

RJB00026 95
Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

RJB00027 96
Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

EDO07291 97
Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


RJB00029 98
My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Access Mobile Internet


A Which of the following devices do you have? A SmartPhone W Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have? iPhone
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Phone Type



Another phone

X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have? iPad
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Tablet Type




Another tablet

B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

C Have you ever accessed My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet? Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

Y What was the main reason you last visited My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Mobile Primary Reason

Z What additional resources might you want to access from My HealtheVet using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N MobileDesired Resources
ALM0173 99
What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
AED02714 100
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

JIC00267 101
What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


JIC00178 102
In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




CJI0298 103
Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply) Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Health Problems


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Previous Heart Attack

Heart Failure

Lung Disease/Asthma

Spinal Cord Injury

Arthritis of any kind


Mental Health Problems

Orthopedic Problems

Ulcer or Stomach Disease


Anemia or other Blood Disease

None of the above

CJI0299 104
Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Internet Ability

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

AED06379 116
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 16: Current Custom Qsts (5-21-12)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
ALM0169 1
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site?
First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

ALM0170 2
Which of the following best describes you?
Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

RJB00048 3
Please indicate your military period(s) of service:
Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

RJB00022 4
What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)
Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other 5 A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

ALM0172 6
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Partially A, C

Not finished yet

CJI0210 7
Have you ever used the “VA Blue Button: Download My Data” feature in My HealtheVet? CJI0210A001 No NU-1, NU-2, NU-3, NU-4, NU-5, NU-6A, NU-6B, NU-6C, NU-6D, NU-6E, NU-6F, NU-6G, NU-6H, NU-6I, NU-7 Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Blue Button Usage

CJI0210A002 Yes- I used it one or more times but don’t plan to use it again NR-1, NR-2, NR-3, NR-4, NR-5, NR-6, NR-7A, NR-7B, NR-7C, NR-7D, NR-7E, NR-7F, NR-7G, NR-8

CJI0210A003 Yes- I have used it just one time, but plan to use it again CU-1, CU-2, CU-3, CU-4, CU-5, CU-6, CU-7A, CU-7B, CU-7C, CU-7D, CU-7E, CU-7F, CU-8, CU-9

CJI0210A004 Yes- and I currently use it regularly CU-1, CU-2, CU-3, CU-4, CU-5, CU-6, CU-7A, CU-7B, CU-7C, CU-7D, CU-7E, CU-7F, CU-8, CU-9

CJI0210A005 Not Sure

CJI0211 8 NU-1 CJI0211A001 I was not aware of it

Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-1

CJI0211A002 I am aware of it, but have not used it NU-1A Radio button, one-up vertical

CJI0212 9 NU-1A Why haven't you used the VA Blue Button? (Check ALL that Apply). CJI0212A001 I do not know where the Blue Button is on the My HealtheVet.website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-1A

CJI0212A002 I do not know how to use it

CJI0212A003 I do not think it would be useful

CJI0212A004 I only use My HealtheVet to renew my prescriptions.

CJI0212A005 I prefer to use other methods for keeping track of my health

CJI0212A006 Other, please specify NU-1A1

CJI0213 10 NU-1A1 What other reason haven't you used the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-1A1
CJI0214 11 NU-2 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?
CJI0214A001 1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-2

CJI0214A002 2 - A little Important

CJI0214A003 3 - Somewhat Important

CJI0214A004 4 - Very Important

CJI0214A005 5 - Extremely important

CJI0215 12 NU-3 Do you have a system for organizing your health information? CJI0215A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-3

CJI0215A002 Yes NU-3A, NU-3B, NU-3C, NU-3D

CJI0216 13 NU-3A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply) CJI0216A001 My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

CJI0216A002 Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

CJI0216A003 Medications I have taken in the past

CJI0216A004 Lab results

CJI0216A005 Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

CJI0216A006 Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

CJI0216A007 Past surgeries

CJI0216A008 Doctors visits

CJI0216A009 Hospitalizations

CJI0216A010 Names and contact information of my health care providers

CJI0216A011 Other, please specify NU-3A1

CJI0217 14 NU-3A1 What other health information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A1
CJI0218 15 NU-3B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use) CJI0218A001 Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

CJI0218A002 Files with health care bills and receipts

CJI0218A003 Computer files of my health information

CJI0218A004 Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

CJI0218A005 A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

CJI0218A006 None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

CJI0218A007 Other, please specify NU-3B1

CJI0219 16 NU-3B1 What other ways do you store information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A2
CJI0220 17 NU-3C For what purposes do you keep track of this information? (Check ALL that apply.) CJI0220A001 For my own use as a reminder of the care I have received
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

CJI0220A002 To share with doctors

CJI0220A003 To share with family members or friends who help take care of me

CJI0220A004 For insurance purposes

CJI0220A005 To monitor change in my health status over time (i.e. change in blood pressure)

CJI0220A006 In case of emergency for family and care providers

CJI0220A007 Other, please specify NU-3C1

CJI0221 18 NU-3C1 For what other purpose do you track this information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A3
CJI0222 19 NU-3D On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your current system of organizing your health information? CJI0222A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

CJI0222A002 2 - A Little Satisfied

CJI0222A003 3 - Somewhat Satisfied

CJI0222A004 4 - Very Satisfied

CJI0222A005 5 - Extremely Satisfied

CJI0223 20 NU-4 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA? CJI0223A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4

CJI0223A002 Yes NU-4A, NU-4B

CJI0224 21 NU-4A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare? CJI0224A001 I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4A

CJI0224A002 They exchange medical records via mail or fax

CJI0224A003 They speak by phone

CJI0224A004 I do not know how they communicate

CJI0224A005 They do not communicate

CJI0224A006 Other, please specify NU-4A1

CJI0225 22 NU-4A1 How else do you communicate?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-4A1
CJI0226 23 NU-4B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA? CJI0226A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4A

CJI0226A002 2 - A little Satisfied

CJI0226A003 3 - Somewhat Satisfied

CJI0226A004 4 - Very Satisfied

CJI0226A005 5 - Extremely Satisfied

CJI0227 24 NU-5 We are interested in learning what Veterans would like to help them better manage their health information.
Which of the following features would you like to have in your current system for storing your health information? (Check ALL that apply.)
CJI0227A001 The ability to organize the information into specific categories (i.e. medications, doctors visits, hospitalizations, wellness checks, and preventive screens)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-5

CJI0227A002 The ability to locate easily information about care I have received in the past

CJI0227A003 The ability to send summaries of my health information electronically to caregivers, health care providers, or insurance companies

CJI0227A004 The ability to store all my health information on a small portable disk or device so I can have it with me at all times

CJI0227A005 Other, please specify NU-5A

CJI0228 25 NU-5A What other feature are you interested in?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-5A
CJI0229 26 NU-6A We are interested in helping Veterans to use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet. Please read the items below and indicate whether or not it would make it more likely that you would use the Blue Button. Would you be more likely to use the Blue Button if . .

Your doctor, nurse, or other care provider strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?

CJI0229A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0229A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0229A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0230 27 NU-6B Another veteran strongly recommended you use the Blue Button? CJI0230A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0230A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0230A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0231 28 NU-6C Using it would remind you of when your VA appointments are? CJI0231A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0231A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0231A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0232 29 NU-6D Using it would make it easier for you to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information? CJI0232A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0232A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0232A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0233 30 NU-6E Using it would help you understand better which medications you need to be taking? CJI0233A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0233A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0233A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0234 31 NU-6F Using it would make it easier for you to monitor lab results? CJI0234A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0234A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0234A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0235 32 NU-6G Using it would help you better manage your health in general? CJI0235A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0235A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0235A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0236 33 NU-6H Would you be more likely to use the VA Blue Button if...A VA staff member showed you how to use it? CJI0236A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0236A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0236A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0237 34 NU-6I There was an easy-to-follow booklet showing you how to use it? CJI0237A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

CJI0237A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0237A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0238 35 NU-7 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future. CJI0238A001 I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-7

CJI0238A002 I might use the Blue Button in the future.

CJI0238A003 I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

CJI0239 36 NR-1 We are interested in learning about Veterans who have used the Blue Button, but do not plan to use it again.

Why do you no longer use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet? (Check ALL that apply)
CJI0239A001 I did not know how to use it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-1

CJI0239A002 I could not find what I was looking for NR-1A

CJI0239A003 The information in the file/print out was not useful NR-1A

CJI0239A004 The file/print out was too long

CJI0239A005 I would rather use another way to store my health information

CJI0239A006 Other, please specify NR-1A1

CJI0240 37 NR-1A1 What other reason do you no longer use the Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-1A1
CJI0241 38 NR-1A What information did you want to find on the Blue Button file? (Check ALL that apply.) CJI0241A001 My entire medical record
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-1A

CJI0241A002 My health record from my military service

CJI0241A003 My lab results

CJI0241A004 My appointments

CJI0241A005 Other, please specify NR-1A2

CJI0242 39 NR-1A2 What other information did you want to find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-1A2
CJI0243 40 NR2 In the past year, My HealtheVet has expanded to include lab results, and appointments. Had you heard about these new features of the Blue Button? CJI0243A001 No NR-2A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR2

CJI0243A002 Yes

CJI0244 41 NR-2A Would the ability to view labs and appointments make you more likely to use the Blue Button? CJI0244A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-2A

CJI0244A002 Yes

CJI0245 42 NR-3 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?
CJI0245A001 1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-3

CJI0245A002 2 - A little Important

CJI0245A003 3 - Somewhat Important

CJI0245A004 4 - Very Important

CJI0245A005 5 - Extremely important

CJI0246 43 NR-4 Do you have a system for organizing your health information? CJI0246A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-4

CJI0246A002 Yes NR-4A, NR-4B, NR -4C, NR-4D

CJI0247 44 NR-4A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply) CJI0247A001 My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

CJI0247A002 Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

CJI0247A003 Medications I have taken in the past

CJI0247A004 Lab results

CJI0247A005 Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

CJI0247A006 Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

CJI0247A007 Past surgeries

CJI0247A008 Doctors visits

CJI0247A009 Hospitalizations

CJI0247A010 Names and contact information of my health care providers

CJI0247A011 Other, please specify NR-4A1

CJI0248 45 NR-4A1 What other information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A1
CJI0249 46 NR-4B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use) CJI0249A001 Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

CJI0249A002 Files with health care bills and receipts

CJI0249A003 Computer files of my health information

CJI0249A004 Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

CJI0249A005 A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

CJI0249A006 None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

CJI0249A007 Other, please specify NR-4A2

CJI0250 47 NR-4A2 What other ways do you store your information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A2
CJI0251 48 NR-4C For what purposes do you keep track of this information?(Check ALL that apply.) CJI0251A001 For my own use as a reminder of the care I have received
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

CJI0251A002 To share with doctors

CJI0251A003 To share with family members or friends who help take care of me

CJI0251A004 For insurance purposes

CJI0251A005 To monitor change in my health status over time (i.e. change in blood pressure)

CJI0251A006 In case of emergency for family and care providers

CJI0251A007 Other, please specify NR-4A3

CJI0252 49 NR-4A3 For what other purposes do you track this information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A3
CJI0253 50 NR-4D On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your current system of organizing your health information? CJI0253A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

CJI0253A002 2 - A Little Satisfied

CJI0253A003 3 - Somewhat Satisfied

CJI0253A004 4 - Very Satisfied

CJI0253A005 5 - Extremely Satisfied

CJI0254 51 NR-5 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA? CJI0254A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-5

CJI0254A002 Yes NR-5A, NR-5B

CJI0255 52 NR-5A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare? CJI0255A001 I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-5A

CJI0255A002 They exchange medical records via mail or fax

CJI0255A003 They speak by phone

CJI0255A004 I do not know how they communicate

CJI0255A005 They do not communicate

CJI0255A006 Other: Please Describe NR-5A1

CJI0256 53 NR-5A1 Other communication method

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-5A1
CJI0257 54 NR-5B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA? CJI0257A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0257A002 2 - A little Satisfied

CJI0257A003 3 - Somewhat Satisfied

CJI0257A004 4 - Very Satisfied

CJI0257A005 5 - Extremely Satisfied

CJI0258 55 NR-6 We are interested in learning what Veterans would like to help them better manage their health information.
Which of the following features would you like to have in your current system for storing your health information? (Check ALL that apply.)
CJI0258A001 The ability to organize the information into specific categories (i.e. medications, doctors visits, hospitalizations, wellness checks, and preventive screens)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-6

CJI0258A002 The ability to locate easily information about care I have received in the past

CJI0258A003 The ability to send summaries of my health information electronically to caregivers, health care providers, or insurance companies

CJI0258A004 The ability to store all my health information on a small portable disk or device so I can have it with me at all times

CJI0258A005 Other, please specify NR-6A

CJI0259 56 NR-6A What other feature would you like to have?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-6A
CJI0260 57 NR-7A We are interested in helping Veterans to use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet. Please read the items below and indicate whether or not it would make it more likely that you would use the Blue Button. Would you be more likely to use the Blue Button if . .

Your doctor, nurse, or other care provider strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?

CJI0260A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0260A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0260A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0261 58 NR-7B Another veteran strongly recommended you use the Blue Button? CJI0261A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0261A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0261A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0262 59 NR-7C Using it would remind you of when your VA appointments are? CJI0262A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0262A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0262A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0263 60 NR-7D Using it would make it easier for you to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information? CJI0263A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0263A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0263A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0264 61 NR-7E Using it would help you understand better which medications you need to be taking? CJI0264A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0264A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0264A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0265 62 NR-7F Using it would make it easier for you to monitor lab results? CJI0265A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0265A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0265A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0266 63 NR-7G Using it would help you better manage your health in general? CJI0266A001 I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

CJI0266A002 I might use the Blue Button if this happened

CJI0266A003 I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

CJI0267 64 NR-8 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future. CJI0267A001 I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-8

CJI0267A002 I might use the Blue Button in the future.

CJI0267A003 I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

CJI0268 65 CU-1 We are interested in learning about how Veterans are using the Blue Button.

How did you typically use the VA Blue Button? (Check ALL that apply)

CJI0268A001 I use it to view my health information on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-1

CJI0268A002 I use it to create an electronic file of my health information (for example, saved a file to your computer)

CJI0268A003 I print a paper copy of my health information

CJI0269 66 CU-2 What information were you interested in when getting your health information through the Blue Button? ( Check ALL that apply) CJI0269A001 My current VA medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-2

CJI0269A002 My entire VA medication history (all medications prescribed for me while I have been a patient at the VA)

CJI0269A003 My lab results

CJI0269A004 My list of medications prescribed outside of the VA (self-entered in My HealtheVet)

CJI0269A005 My list of over-the-counter, supplement, or herbal medications (self-entered in MyHealtheVet)

CJI0269A006 A list of my providers and their contact information (self-entered into My HealtheVet)

CJI0269A007 Other, please specify CU-2A

CJI0270 67 CU-2A What other information were you interested in?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-2A
CJI0271 68 CU-3 What did you do with your Blue Button print out or file? (Check ALL that apply) CJI0271A001 I saved it for my records
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3

CJI0271A002 I read it

CJI0271A003 I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider CU-3A, CU-3B, CU-3C

CJI0271A004 I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

CJI0271A005 I shared it (or plan to share it) with my non-VA health care provider CU-3A, CU-3B, CU-3C

CJI0271A006 I did not keep the information (for example, deleted the file or threw away the print copy)

CJI0271A007 Other, please specify CU-3A1

CJI0272 69 CU-3A1 What else did you do with your Blue Button print out or file?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A1
CJI0273 70 CU-3A What information on the Blue Button print out did you want to show your care provider? (Check ALL that apply) CJI0273A001 My current V A medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

CJI0273A002 My entire VA medication history

CJI0273A003 My lab results

CJI0273A004 My list of medications prescribed outside of the VA (self-entered in My HealtheVet)

CJI0273A005 My list of over-the-counter, supplement, or herbal medications (self-entered in MyHealtheVet)

CJI0273A006 Other, please specify CU-3A2

CJI0274 71 CU-3A2 What other information did you want to show your provider?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A2
CJI0275 72 CU-3B What did your provider do with the Blue Button print out? Check ALL that apply. CJI0275A001 He or she used it to review my complete medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

CJI0275A002 He or she used it to review recent lab results

CJI0275A003 He or she used it to find other health information

CJI0275A004 He or she filed it in my medical record

CJI0275A005 He or she did not look at it

CJI0275A006 Other, please specify CU-3A3

CJI0276 73 CU-3A3 What else did your provider do with the printout?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A3
CJI0277 74 CU-3C How helpful do you think your care provider found the Blue Button information in making decisions about your care?

CJI0277A001 Not at All Helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

CJI0277A002 Somewhat Helpful

CJI0277A003 Very helpful

CJI0277A004 Don’t Know

CJI0278 75 CU-4 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?
CJI0278A001 1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-4

CJI0278A002 2 - A little Important

CJI0278A003 3 - Somewhat Important

CJI0278A004 4 - Very Important

CJI0278A005 5 - Extremely important

CJI0279 76 CU-5 Do you have a system for organizing your health information? CJI0279A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-5

CJI0279A002 Yes CU-5A, CU-5B

CJI0280 77 CU-5A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply) CJI0280A001 My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-5A

CJI0280A002 Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

CJI0280A003 Medications I have taken in the past

CJI0280A004 Lab results

CJI0280A005 Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

CJI0280A006 Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

CJI0280A007 Past surgeries

CJI0280A008 Doctors visits

CJI0280A009 Hospitalizations

CJI0280A010 Names and contact information of my health care providers

CJI0280A011 Other, please specify CU-5A1

CJI0281 78 CU-5A1 What other health information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-5A1
CJI0282 79 CU-5B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use) CJI0282A001 Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-5A

CJI0282A002 Files with health care bills and receipts

CJI0282A003 Computer files of my health information

CJI0282A004 Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

CJI0282A005 A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

CJI0282A006 None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

CJI0282A007 Other, please specify CU-5B1

CJI0283 80 CU-5B1 What other was do you store your health information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-5A2
CJI0284 81 CU-6 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA? CJI0284A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

CJI0284A002 Yes CU-6A, CU-6B, CU-6C

CJI0285 82 CU-6A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare? CJI0285A001 I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

CJI0285A002 They exchange medical records via mail or fax

CJI0285A003 They speak by phone

CJI0285A004 I do not know how they communicate

CJI0285A005 They do not communicate

CJI0285A006 Other, please specify CU-6A1

CJI0286 83 CU-6A1 How else do your providers communicated about your healthcare?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-6A1
CJI0287 84 CU-6B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA? CJI0287A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

CJI0287A002 2 - A little Satisfied

CJI0287A003 3 - Somewhat Satisfied

CJI0287A004 4 - Very Satisfied

CJI0287A005 5 - Completely Satisfied

CJI0288 85 CU-6C Have you ever shared the Blue Button print out with your non-VA providers? CJI0288A001 No
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

CJI0288A002 Yes CU-6D

CJI0289 86 CU-6D How helpful do you think your non-VA care provider found the Blue Button information in making decisions about your care? CJI0289A001 Not at All Helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

CJI0289A002 Somewhat Helpful

CJI0289A003 Very helpful

CJI0289A004 Don’t Know

CJI0290 87 CU-7A Please indicate whether or not you agree with the following statements using a scale from 1 (Completely Disagree) to 5 (Completely Agree).

The Blue Button feature helps me remember when my VA appointments are.
CJI0290A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0290A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0290A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0290A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0290A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0291 88 CU-7B The Blue Button feature helps me understand my health history better because all the information is in one place. CJI0291A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0291A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0291A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0291A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0291A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0292 89 CU-7C The Blue Button feature makes it easier for me to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information? CJI0292A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0292A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0292A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0292A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0292A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0293 90 CU-7D The Blue Button feature helps me understand better which medications I need to be taking. CJI0293A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0293A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0293A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0293A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0293A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0294 91 CU-7E The Blue Button feature makes it easier to monitor lab results. CJI0294A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0294A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0294A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0294A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0294A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0295 92 CU-7F The Blue Button feature has helped me better manage my health in general. CJI0295A001 1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

CJI0295A002 2 - Somewhat Disagree

CJI0295A003 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

CJI0295A004 4 - Somewhat Agree

CJI0295A005 5 - Completely Agree

CJI0296 93 CU-8 On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being “Not at All Satisfied” and 10 being “Extremely Satisfied”, please rate your overall satisfaction with the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet? CJI0296A001 1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radion button, scale, no don't know Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-8

CJI0296A002 2

CJI0296A003 3

CJI0296A004 4

CJI0296A005 5

CJI0296A006 6

CJI0296A007 7

CJI0296A008 8

CJI0296A009 9

CJI0296A010 10 - Extremely Satisfied

CJI0297 94 CU-9 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future. CJI0297A001 I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-9

CJI0297A002 I might use the Blue Button in the future.

CJI0297A003 I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

RJB00026 95
Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

RJB00027 96
Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

EDO07291 97
Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? EDO07291A001 Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

EDO07291A002 No

RJB00029 98
My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health.
Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

ALM0173 99
What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

AED02714 100
What is your age range?
Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

JIC00267 101
What is your gender?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


JIC00178 102
In general, how would you rate your overall health?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




CJI0298 103
Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply) CJI0298A001 Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Health Problems

CJI0298A002 Diabetes

CJI0298A003 High Blood Pressure

CJI0298A004 High Cholesterol

CJI0298A005 Heart Disease

CJI0298A006 Previous Heart Attack

CJI0298A007 Heart Failure

CJI0298A008 Lung Disease/Asthma

CJI0298A009 Spinal Cord Injury

CJI0298A010 Arthritis of any kind

CJI0298A011 Cancer

CJI0298A012 Mental Health Problems

CJI0298A013 Orthopedic Problems

CJI0298A014 Ulcer or Stomach Disease

CJI0298A015 Pain

CJI0298A016 Anemia or other Blood Disease

CJI0298A017 None of the above

CJI0299 104
Please rate your ability in using the Internet: CJI0299A001 Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Internet Ability

CJI0299A002 Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

CJI0299A003 Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

CJI0300 105
Which of the following social media sites or tools have you used in the last 2 months? (Check all that apply) CJI0300A001 VA Sponsored Facebook page AA Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media Usage

CJI0300A002 VA sponsored Twitter accounts BB

CJI0300A003 VA Sponsored Blogs CC

CJI0300A004 VA Sponsored YouTube Channel DD

CJI0300A005 Facebook EE

CJI0300A006 Twitter  FF

CJI0300A007 My Space GG

CJI0300A008 YouTube II

CJI0300A009 Blogs   HH

CJI0300A010 Other, please specify: A

CJI0300A011 None

CJI0301 106 A What other social media tools have you used?

Text area, no char limit

CJI0302 107 AA Did the VA Sponsored Facebook page provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0302A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Facebook

CJI0302A002 No

CJI0303 108 BB Did the VA sponsored Twitter accounts provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0303A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Twitter

CJI0303A002 No

CJI0304 109 CC Did the VA Sponsored Blogs provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0304A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Blog

CJI0304A002 No

CJI0305 110 DD Did the VA Sponsored YouTube Channel provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0305A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA YouTube

CJI0305A002 No

CJI0306 111 EE Did Facebook provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0306A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Facebook

CJI0306A002 No

CJI0307 112 FF Did Twitter provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0307A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Twitter

CJI0307A002 No

CJI0308 113 GG Did MySpace provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0308A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - MySpace

CJI0308A002 No

CJI0310 114 HH Did YouTube provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0310A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - YouTube

CJI0310A002 No

CJI0309 115 II Did the Blogs provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet? CJI0309A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Blogs

CJI0309A002 No

AED06379 116
Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months?
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 17: Custom Qsts (3-8-12)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009
blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site?
First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you?
Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service:
Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply)
Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Secure message a provider

View lab results

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Partially A, C

Not finished yet

Have you ever used the “VA Blue Button: Download My Data” feature in My HealtheVet?
No NU-1, NU-2, NU-3, NU-4, NU-5, NU-6A, NU-6B, NU-6C, NU-6D, NU-6E, NU-6F, NU-6G, NU-6H, NU-6I, NU-7 Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Blue Button Usage

Yes- I used it one or more times but don’t plan to use it again NR-1, NR-2, NR-3, NR-4, NR-5, NR-7A, NR-7B, NR-7C, NR-7D, NR-7E, NR-7F, NR-7G

Yes- I have used it just one time, but plan to use it again CU-1, CU-2, CU-3, CU-4, CU-5, CU-6, CU-7A, CU-7B, CU-7C, CU-7D, CU-7E, CU-7F, CU-8, CU-9

Yes- and I currently use it regularly CU-1, CU-2, CU-3, CU-4, CU-5, CU-6, CU-7A, CU-7B, CU-7C, CU-7D, CU-7E, CU-7F, CU-8, CU-9

Not Sure

NU-1 Why have you not used the VA Blue Button?
I was not aware of it

Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-1

I am aware of it, but have not used it NU-1A Radio button, one-up vertical

NU-1A Why haven't you used the VA Blue Button? (Check ALL that Apply).
I do not know where the Blue Button is on the My HealtheVet.website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-1A

I do not know how to use it

I do not think it would be useful

I only use My HealtheVet to renew my prescriptions.

I prefer to use other methods for keeping track of my health

Other, please specify NU-1A1

NU-1A1 What other reason haven't you used the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-1A1

NU-2 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?

1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-2

2 - A little Important

3 - Somewhat Important

4 - Very Important

5 - Extremely important

NU-3 Do you have a system for organizing your health information?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-3

Yes NU-3A, NU-3B, NU-3C, NU-3D

NU-3A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply)
My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

Medications I have taken in the past

Lab results

Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

Past surgeries

Doctors visits


Names and contact information of my health care providers

Other, please specify NU-3A1

NU-3A1 What other health information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A1

NU-3B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use)
Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

Files with health care bills and receipts

Computer files of my health information

Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

Other, please specify NU-3B1

NU-3B1 What other ways do you store information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A2

NU-3C For what purposes do you keep track of this information? (Check ALL that apply.)
For my own use as a reminder of the care I have received
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

To share with doctors

To share with family members or friends who help take care of me

For insurance purposes

To monitor change in my health status over time (i.e. change in blood pressure)

In case of emergency for family and care providers

Other, please specify NU-3C1

NU-3C1 For what other purpose do you track this information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-3A3

NU-3D On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your current system of organizing your health information?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-3A

2 - A Little Satisfied

3 - Somewhat Satisfied

4 - Very Satisfied

5 - Extremely Satisfied

NU-4 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4

Yes NU-4A, NU-4B

NU-4A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare?
I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4A

They exchange medical records via mail or fax

They speak by phone

I do not know how they communicate

They do not communicate

Other, please specify NU-4A1

NU-4A1 How else do you communicate?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-4A1

NU-4B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-4A

2 - A little Satisfied

3 - Somewhat Satisfied

4 - Very Satisfied

5 - Extremely Satisfied

NU-5 We are interested in learning what Veterans would like to help them better manage their health information.
Which of the following features would you like to have in your current system for storing your health information? (Check ALL that apply.)

The ability to organize the information into specific categories (i.e. medications, doctors visits, hospitalizations, wellness checks, and preventive screens)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NU-5

The ability to locate easily information about care I have received in the past

The ability to send summaries of my health information electronically to caregivers, health care providers, or insurance companies

The ability to store all my health information on a small portable disk or device so I can have it with me at all times

Other, please specify NU-5A

NU-5A What other feature are you interested in?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NU-5A

NU-6A We are interested in helping Veterans to use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet. Please read the items below and indicate whether or not it would make it more likely that you would use the Blue Button. Would you be more likely to use the Blue Button if . .

Your doctor, nurse, or other care provider strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?

I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6B Another veteran strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6C Using it would remind you of when your VA appointments are?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6D Using it would make it easier for you to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6E Using it would help you understand better which medications you need to be taking?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6F Using it would make it easier for you to monitor lab results?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6G Using it would help you better manage your health in general?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6H Would you be more likely to use the VA Blue Button if...A VA staff member showed you how to use it?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-6I There was an easy-to-follow booklet showing you how to use it?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-6

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-7 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future.
I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-7

I might use the Blue Button in the future.

I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

NR-1 We are interested in learning about Veterans who have used the Blue Button, but do not plan to use it again.

Why do you no longer use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet? (Check ALL that apply)

I did not know how to use it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-1

I could not find what I was looking for NR-1A

The information in the file/print out was not useful NR-1A

The file/print out was too long

I would rather use another way to store my health information

Other, please specify NR-1A1

NR-1A1 What other reason do you no longer use the Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-1A1

NR-1A What information did you want to find on the Blue Button file? (Check ALL that apply.)
My entire medical record
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-1A

My health record from my military service

My lab results

My appointments

Other, please specify NR-1A2

NR-1A2 What other information did you want to find?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-1A2

NR2 In the past year, My HealtheVet has expanded to include lab results, and appointments. Had you heard about these new features of the Blue Button?
No NR-2A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR2


NR-2A Would the ability to view labs and appointments make you more likely to use the Blue Button?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-2A


NR-3 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?

1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-3

2 - A little Important

3 - Somewhat Important

4 - Very Important

5 - Extremely important

NR-4 Do you have a system for organizing your health information?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-4

Yes NR-4A, NR-4B, NR -4C, NR-4D

NR-4A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply)
My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

Medications I have taken in the past

Lab results

Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

Past surgeries

Doctors visits


Names and contact information of my health care providers

Other, please specify NR-4A1

NR-4A1 What other information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A1

NR-4B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use)
Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

Files with health care bills and receipts

Computer files of my health information

Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

Other, please specify NR-4A2

NR-4A2 What other ways do you store your information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A2

NR-4C For what purposes do you keep track of this information?(Check ALL that apply.)
For my own use as a reminder of the care I have received
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

To share with doctors

To share with family members or friends who help take care of me

For insurance purposes

To monitor change in my health status over time (i.e. change in blood pressure)

In case of emergency for family and care providers

Other, please specify NR-4A3

NR-4A3 For what other purposes do you track this information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-4A3

NR-4D On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your current system of organizing your health information?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-4A

2 - A Little Satisfied

3 - Somewhat Satisfied

4 - Very Satisfied

5 - Extremely Satisfied

NR-5 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-5

Yes NR-5A, NR-5B

NR-5A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare?
I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-5A

They exchange medical records via mail or fax

They speak by phone

I do not know how they communicate

They do not communicate

Other: Please Describe NR-5A1

NR-5A1 Other communication method

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-5A1

NR-5B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

2 - A little Satisfied

3 - Somewhat Satisfied

4 - Very Satisfied

5 - Extremely Satisfied

NR-6 We are interested in learning what Veterans would like to help them better manage their health information.
Which of the following features would you like to have in your current system for storing your health information? (Check ALL that apply.)

The ability to organize the information into specific categories (i.e. medications, doctors visits, hospitalizations, wellness checks, and preventive screens)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group NR-6

The ability to locate easily information about care I have received in the past

The ability to send summaries of my health information electronically to caregivers, health care providers, or insurance companies

The ability to store all my health information on a small portable disk or device so I can have it with me at all times

Other, please specify NR-6A

NR-6A What other feature would you like to have?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group NR-6A

NR-7A We are interested in helping Veterans to use the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet. Please read the items below and indicate whether or not it would make it more likely that you would use the Blue Button. Would you be more likely to use the Blue Button if . .

Your doctor, nurse, or other care provider strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?

I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7B Another veteran strongly recommended you use the Blue Button?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7C Using it would remind you of when your VA appointments are?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7D Using it would make it easier for you to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7E Using it would help you understand better which medications you need to be taking?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7F Using it would make it easier for you to monitor lab results?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NR-7G Using it would help you better manage your health in general?
I would still not use the Blue Button if this happened
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NR-7

I might use the Blue Button if this happened

I would definitely use the Blue Button if this happened.

NU-8 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future.
I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group NU-8

I might use the Blue Button in the future.

I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

I use it to view my health information on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-1

I use it to create an electronic file of my health information (for example, saved a file to your computer)

I print a paper copy of my health information

CU-2 What information were you interested in when getting your health information through the Blue Button? ( Check ALL that apply)
My current VA medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-2

My entire VA medication history (all medications prescribed for me while I have been a patient at the VA)

My lab results

My list of medications prescribed outside of the VA (self-entered in My HealtheVet)

My list of over-the-counter, supplement, or herbal medications (self-entered in MyHealtheVet)

A list of my providers and their contact information (self-entered into My HealtheVet)

Other, please specify CU-2A

CU-2A What other information were you interested in?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-2A

CU-3 What did you do with your Blue Button print out or file? (Check ALL that apply)
I saved it for my records
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3

I read it

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider CU-3A, CU-3B, CU-3C

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my non-VA health care provider CU-3A, CU-3B, CU-3C

I did not keep the information (for example, deleted the file or threw away the print copy)

Other, please specify CU-3A1

CU-3A1 What else did you do with your Blue Button print out or file?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A1

CU-3A What information on the Blue Button print out did you want to show your care provider? (Check ALL that apply)
My current V A medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

My entire VA medication history

My lab results

My list of medications prescribed outside of the VA (self-entered in My HealtheVet)

My list of over-the-counter, supplement, or herbal medications (self-entered in MyHealtheVet)

Other, please specify CU-3A2

CU-3A2 What other information did you want to show your provider?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A2

CU-3B What did your provider do with the Blue Button print out? Check ALL that apply.
He or she used it to review my complete medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

He or she used it to review recent lab results

He or she used it to find other health information

He or she filed it in my medical record

He or she did not look at it

Other, please specify CU-3A3

CU-3A3 What else did your provider do with the printout?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-3A3

CU-3C How helpful do you think your care provider found the Blue Button information in making decisions about your care?

Not at All Helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-3A

Somewhat Helpful

Very helpful

Don’t Know

CU-4 We are interested in how veterans keep a record of their health information.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how important to you is keeping your own record of your personal health information?

1 - Not at all Important
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-4

2 - A little Important

3 - Somewhat Important

4 - Very Important

5 - Extremely important

CU-5 Do you have a system for organizing your health information?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-5

Yes CU-5A, CU-5B

CU-5A What health information do you keep track of? (Check ALL that apply)
My current prescription medications
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-5A

Supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications I am taking.

Medications I have taken in the past

Lab results

Health information such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

Major health events such as heart attacks or serious accidents or injuries

Past surgeries

Doctors visits


Names and contact information of my health care providers

Other, please specify CU-5A1

CU-5A1 What other health information do you keep track of?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-5A1

CU-5B Which of the following ways do your store your health information? (Check ALL that you use)
Paper files of my health information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group CU-5A

Files with health care bills and receipts

Computer files of my health information

Web-based electronic personal health records, including My HealtheVet

A calendar where I keep track of appointments and other health information

None of the above- My health care providers maintain all my medical records

Other, please specify CU-5B1

CU-5B1 What other was do you store your health information?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-5A2

CU-6 Do you see any health care providers who are not affiliated with the VA?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Yes CU-6A, CU-6B, CU-6C, CU-6D

CU-6A How do your VA providers and non-VA providers communicate about your healthcare?
I share information between them
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

They exchange medical records via mail or fax

They speak by phone

I do not know how they communicate

They do not communicate

Other, please specify CU-6A1

CU-6A1 How else do your providers communicated about your healthcare?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group CU-6A1

CU-6B How satisfied are you with the communication about your medications and health care between your VA providers and the providers outside of the VA?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

2 - A little Satisfied

3 - Somewhat Satisfied

4 - Very Satisfied

5 - Completely Satisfied

CU-6C Have you ever shared the Blue Button print out with your non-VA providers?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

Yes CU-6D

CU-6D How helpful do you think your non-VA care provider found the Blue Button information in making decisions about your care?
Not at All Helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-6A

Somewhat Helpful

Very helpful

Don’t Know

CU-7A Please indicate whether or not you agree with the following statements using a scale from 1 (Completely Disagree) to 5 (Completely Agree).

The Blue Button feature helps me remember when my VA appointments are.

1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-7B The Blue Button feature helps me understand my health history better because all the information is in one place.
1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-7C The Blue Button feature makes it easier for me to give others, such as health care providers or family members, important medical information?
1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-7D The Blue Button feature helps me understand better which medications I need to be taking.
1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-7E The Blue Button feature makes it easier to monitor lab results.
1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-7F The Blue Button feature has helped me better manage my health in general.
1 - Completely Disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-7

2 - Somewhat Disagree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 - Somewhat Agree

5 - Completely Agree

CU-8 On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being “Not at All Satisfied” and 10 being “Extremely Satisfied”, please rate your overall satisfaction with the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet?
1 - Not at all Satisfied
Radion button, scale, no don't know Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-8




5 - Somewhat Satisfied





10 - Extremely Satisfied

CU-9 Please indicate below whether or not you intend to use the Blue Button feature in the future.
I will not use the Blue Button in the future.
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group CU-9

I might use the Blue Button in the future.

I will definitely use the Blue Button in the future.

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? EDO07291A001 Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

EDO07291A002 No

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health.
Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

What is your age range?
Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health?
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Do you have any of the following health problems? (check all that apply)
Prefer not to answer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Health Problems


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Previous Heart Attack

Heart Failure

Lung Disease/Asthma

Spinal Cord Injury

Arthritis of any kind


Mental Health Problems

Orthopedic Problems

Ulcer or Stomach Disease


Anemia or other Blood Disease

None of the above

Please rate your ability in using the Internet:
Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Internet Ability

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

Which of the following social media sites or tools have you used in the last 2 months? (Check all that apply)
VA Sponsored Facebook page AA Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Social Media Usage

VA sponsored Twitter accounts BB

VA Sponsored Blogs CC

VA Sponsored YouTube Channel DD

Facebook EE

Twitter  FF

My Space GG

YouTube HH

Blogs   II

Other, please specify: A


A What other social media tools have you used?

Text area, no char limit

AA Did the VA Sponsored Facebook page provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Facebook


BB Did the VA sponsored Twitter accounts provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Twitter


CC Did the VA Sponsored Blogs provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA Blog


DD Did the VA Sponsored YouTube Channel provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - VA YouTube


EE Did Facebook provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Facebook


FF Did Twitter provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Twitter


GG Did MySpace provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - MySpace


HH Did the Blogs provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - Blogs


II Did YouTube provide you with information that made you want to visit and use My HealtheVet?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
MHV Use - YouTube


Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months?
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 18: Custom Qsts 4-20-11

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


The “VA Blue Button: Download My Data” feature was recently added to My HealtheVet. Have you ever used this VA Blue Button feature? Yes A, B, C, D, E, F Drop down, select one Single Y

No G

Not sure

EDO07293 G Why have you not used the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I was not aware of it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I did not know how to use it

I did not think it would be useful

I want to learn more about it before I use it

I was concerned about privacy or the security of my personal health information

Other, please specify G2

EDO07294 G2 Why else did you not use the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07295 A How did you hear about the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I read about it on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saw the Blue Button icon on the My HealtheVet website

I saw or heard it promoted at a VA facility

From a VA staff member

From my VA health care provider

From another Veteran

From a member of a Veteran Service Organization

I read about it in the news or on another website

Other, please specify A2

EDO07296 A2 How else did you hear about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07297 B How many times have you used the VA Blue Button? Once
Drop down, select one Single Y

More than once B2, B3

Not sure


EDO07298 B2 About how many times have you used the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07299 B3 For what purposes have you used it more than once?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07300 C How did you use the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I used it to view my personal health information on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I printed a paper copy of my personal health information using the Print button C2

I used the download button to create a text file of my personal health information C4

EDO07301 C2 What did you do with the printed paper copy of your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I read it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saved it for my records

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I discarded it

Other, please specify C3

EDO07302 C3 What else did you do with the printed paper copy?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07303 C4 What did you do with the Blue Button file containing your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I saved it to my computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I stored the file on a CD, portable drive, or other media

I uploaded the file to another website or software system

I added the information to another personal health record

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I deleted it

I was not able to locate the file


Other, please specify C5

EDO07304 C5 What else did you do with the Blue Button file?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07305 D Did you make any changes to the VA Blue Button file such as adding, changing, or removing information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure

EDO07306 E What did you find useful about your use of the VA Blue Button (Check all that apply) Having my VA personal health information in one place
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Having an electronic file of my VA personal health information

Being able to share a copy of my VA personal health information with someone else

Being able to edit the copy of my personal health information

Other, please specify E2

Did not find it useful

EDO07307 E2 What else did you find useful about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07308 F What information in the VA Blue Button file was most useful? (Check all that apply My self-entered information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My HealtheVet Account Summary

My VA Medication History (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

My VA Wellness Reminders (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

Other, please specify F2

EDO07309 F2 What information was most useful?

Text area, no char limit
What additional features would you find useful if added to the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) Being able to include additional kinds of information as it becomes available in My HealtheVet, such as VA lab test results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Being able to select a date range for the data included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to pick which portions of my personal health information are included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to transfer my personal health information to a non-VA personal health record or application

Being able to access the information on other devices (for example a portable drive or mobile device)

Being able to choose the format of the VA Blue Button file

Other, please specify A


EDO07311 A What other features would you find useful?

Text area, no char limit
About how often do you plan to download your personal health information using the VA Blue Button? One time only
Radio button, one-up vertical Singly Y

About once a month

About once every three months

About once every six months

About once a year

Less frequently than once a year

Only when I have a VA health care visit

Other, please specify A

Not sure


EDO07313 A How often do you plan to download your information?

How can you see yourself using the VA Blue Button download in the future? (Check all that apply) Save the information to another place (for example, by copying to a file on my computer)
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Share the information with a family member or friend

Share the information with my VA health care provider

Share the information with my Non-VA health care provider

Use the information with another program (for example, to check for drug interactions)

Put the information into another Personal Health Record

Put the information in another website (for example, to receive customized care recommendations or to apply other kinds of tools to my personal health information)

I do not plan to use the VA Blue Button

Not sure

Veterans who have completed In-Person Authentication (IPA) can download additional information using the VA Blue Button, including their VA Medication History and VA Wellness Reminders. Do you plan to complete In-Person Authentication in order to have access to this additional information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y

No, I am already In-Person Authenticated


Not sure

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 19: Custom Qsts 1-10-11

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Download my data using the VA Blue Button_x000D_

Learn about what features are available_x000D_

View my VA Appointments

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


The “VA Blue Button: Download My Data” feature was recently added to My HealtheVet. Have you ever used this VA Blue Button feature? Yes A, B, C, D, E, F Drop down, select one Single Y

No G

Not sure

EDO07293 G Why have you not used the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I was not aware of it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I did not know how to use it

I did not think it would be useful

I want to learn more about it before I use it

I was concerned about privacy or the security of my personal health information

Other, please specify G2

EDO07294 G2 Why else did you not use the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07295 A How did you hear about the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I read about it on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saw the Blue Button icon on the My HealtheVet website

I saw or heard it promoted at a VA facility

From a VA staff member

From my VA health care provider

From another Veteran

From a member of a Veteran Service Organization

I read about it in the news or on another website

Other, please specify A2

EDO07296 A2 How else did you hear about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07297 B How many times have you used the VA Blue Button? Once
Drop down, select one Single Y

More than once B2, B3

Not sure


EDO07298 B2 About how many times have you used the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07299 B3 For what purposes have you used it more than once?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07300 C How did you use the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I used it to view my personal health information on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I printed a paper copy of my personal health information using the Print button C2

I used the download button to create a text file of my personal health information C4

EDO07301 C2 What did you do with the printed paper copy of your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I read it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saved it for my records

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I discarded it

Other, please specify C3

EDO07302 C3 What else did you do with the printed paper copy?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07303 C4 What did you do with the Blue Button file containing your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I saved it to my computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I stored the file on a CD, portable drive, or other media

I uploaded the file to another website or software system

I added the information to another personal health record

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I deleted it

I was not able to locate the file


Other, please specify C5

EDO07304 C5 What else did you do with the Blue Button file?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07305 D Did you make any changes to the VA Blue Button file such as adding, changing, or removing information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure

EDO07306 E What did you find useful about your use of the VA Blue Button (Check all that apply) Having my VA personal health information in one place
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Having an electronic file of my VA personal health information

Being able to share a copy of my VA personal health information with someone else

Being able to edit the copy of my personal health information

Other, please specify E2

Did not find it useful

EDO07307 E2 What else did you find useful about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07308 F What information in the VA Blue Button file was most useful? (Check all that apply My self-entered information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My HealtheVet Account Summary

My VA Medication History (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

My VA Wellness Reminders (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

Other, please specify F2

EDO07309 F2 What information was most useful?

Text area, no char limit
What additional features would you find useful if added to the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) Being able to include additional kinds of information as it becomes available in My HealtheVet, such as VA lab test results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Being able to select a date range for the data included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to pick which portions of my personal health information are included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to transfer my personal health information to a non-VA personal health record or application

Being able to access the information on other devices (for example a portable drive or mobile device)

Being able to choose the format of the VA Blue Button file

Other, please specify A


EDO07311 A What other features would you find useful?

Text area, no char limit
About how often do you plan to download your personal health information using the VA Blue Button? One time only
Radio button, one-up vertical Singly Y

About once a month

About once every three months

About once every six months

About once a year

Less frequently than once a year

Only when I have a VA health care visit

Other, please specify A

Not sure


EDO07313 A How often do you plan to download your information?

How can you see yourself using the VA Blue Button download in the future? (Check all that apply) Save the information to another place (for example, by copying to a file on my computer)
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Share the information with a family member or friend

Share the information with my VA health care provider

Share the information with my Non-VA health care provider

Use the information with another program (for example, to check for drug interactions)

Put the information into another Personal Health Record

Put the information in another website (for example, to receive customized care recommendations or to apply other kinds of tools to my personal health information)

I do not plan to use the VA Blue Button

Not sure

Veterans who have completed In-Person Authentication (IPA) can download additional information using the VA Blue Button, including their VA Medication History and VA Wellness Reminders. Do you plan to complete In-Person Authentication in order to have access to this additional information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y

No, I am already In-Person Authenticated


Not sure

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 20: Custom Qsts 10-22-10

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


The “VA Blue Button: Download My Data” feature was recently added to My HealtheVet. Have you ever used this VA Blue Button feature? Yes A, B, C, D, E, F Drop down, select one Single Y

No G

Not sure

EDO07293 G Why have you not used the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I was not aware of it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I did not know how to use it

I did not think it would be useful

I want to learn more about it before I use it

I was concerned about privacy or the security of my personal health information

Other, please specify G2

EDO07294 G2 Why else did you not use the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07295 A How did you hear about the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I read about it on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saw the Blue Button icon on the My HealtheVet website

I saw or heard it promoted at a VA facility

From a VA staff member

From my VA health care provider

From another Veteran

From a member of a Veteran Service Organization

I read about it in the news or on another website

Other, please specify A2

EDO07296 A2 How else did you hear about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07297 B How many times have you used the VA Blue Button? Once
Drop down, select one Single Y

More than once B2, B3

Not sure


EDO07298 B2 About how many times have you used the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07299 B3 For what purposes have you used it more than once?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07300 C How did you use the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) I used it to view my personal health information on the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I printed a paper copy of my personal health information using the Print button C2

I used the download button to create a text file of my personal health information C4

EDO07301 C2 What did you do with the printed paper copy of your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I read it
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I saved it for my records

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I discarded it

Other, please specify C3

EDO07302 C3 What else did you do with the printed paper copy?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07303 C4 What did you do with the Blue Button file containing your personal health information? (Check all that apply) I saved it to my computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I stored the file on a CD, portable drive, or other media

I uploaded the file to another website or software system

I added the information to another personal health record

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my Non-VA health care provider

I shared it (or plan to share it) with my spouse, child, or other family member

I deleted it

I was not able to locate the file


Other, please specify C5

EDO07304 C5 What else did you do with the Blue Button file?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07305 D Did you make any changes to the VA Blue Button file such as adding, changing, or removing information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure

EDO07306 E What did you find useful about your use of the VA Blue Button (Check all that apply) Having my VA personal health information in one place
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Having an electronic file of my VA personal health information

Being able to share a copy of my VA personal health information with someone else

Being able to edit the copy of my personal health information

Other, please specify E2

Did not find it useful

EDO07307 E2 What else did you find useful about the VA Blue Button?

Text area, no char limit
EDO07308 F What information in the VA Blue Button file was most useful? (Check all that apply My self-entered information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

My HealtheVet Account Summary

My VA Medication History (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

My VA Wellness Reminders (available to In-Person Authenticated veterans)

Other, please specify F2

EDO07309 F2 What information was most useful?

Text area, no char limit
What additional features would you find useful if added to the VA Blue Button? (Check all that apply) Being able to include additional kinds of information as it becomes available in My HealtheVet, such as VA lab test results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Being able to select a date range for the data included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to pick which portions of my personal health information are included in my VA Blue Button download

Being able to transfer my personal health information to a non-VA personal health record or application

Being able to access the information on other devices (for example a portable drive or mobile device)

Being able to choose the format of the VA Blue Button file

Other, please specify A


EDO07311 A What other features would you find useful?

Text area, no char limit
About how often do you plan to download your personal health information using the VA Blue Button? One time only
Radio button, one-up vertical Singly Y

About once a month

About once every three months

About once every six months

About once a year

Less frequently than once a year

Only when I have a VA health care visit

Other, please specify A

Not sure


EDO07313 A How often do you plan to download your information?

How can you see yourself using the VA Blue Button download in the future? (Check all that apply) Save the information to another place (for example, by copying to a file on my computer)
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

Share the information with a family member or friend

Share the information with my VA health care provider

Share the information with my Non-VA health care provider

Use the information with another program (for example, to check for drug interactions)

Put the information into another Personal Health Record

Put the information in another website (for example, to receive customized care recommendations or to apply other kinds of tools to my personal health information)

I do not plan to use the VA Blue Button

Not sure

Veterans who have completed In-Person Authentication (IPA) can download additional information using the VA Blue Button, including their VA Medication History and VA Wellness Reminders. Do you plan to complete In-Person Authentication in order to have access to this additional information? Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y

No, I am already In-Person Authenticated


Not sure

VA is interested in whether you would like to use My HealtheVet to share your information with others involved in your health care (for example, medications, lab results, appointments).<p>If you could allow one or more people (your "designated persons") to see some or all of your information in your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record, which of the following people might you choose? (Check all that apply)
B, C, D Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Who Allowed

Child B, E, F, G

Other family member B, E, F, G

Caregiver not related to me B, H, I

Friend or neighbor B, J, K

VA health care provider B, L

Non-VA health care provider B, M

Other, please specify B, A

Not sure B

None. I don't want to let other people view my health information. B

EDO03809 A What other person would you like to have access to your information?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Other Allowed
EDO03810 B Please share your thoughts or concerns about allowing others to see your My HealtheVet information

Text area, no char limit

OE_Comment on Allow
EDO03811 C Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your spouse/partner to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Spouse/Partner See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify CC

All of my information


EDO03812 CC What other information would you like your spouse/partner to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Spouse/Partner See
EDO03813 D Which of the following, if any, would you want your spouse/partner to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Spouse Partner Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify DD


EDO03814 DD What else would you like your spouse/partner to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Spouse Partner Do
EDO03815 E Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated child or other family member to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Family Member See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify EE

All of my information


EDO03816 EE What other information would you like your child or family member to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Family Member See
EDO03817 F Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated child or other family member to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Family Member Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify FF


EDO03818 FF What else would you like your child or other family member to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Family Member Do
EDO03819 G Does the family member that you would most likely designate to have access to information in your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record live with you? Yes, they live with me
Radio button, one-up vertical Single
Family Member Live

No, they do not live with me, but they visit me regularly

No, they do not live with me, but we are in frequent contact by phone or email

No, they do not live with me, and we are less frequently in contact

EDO03820 H Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated caregiver to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Caregiver See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify HH

All of my information


EDO03821 HH What other information would you like your caregiver to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Caregiver See
EDO03822 I Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated caregiver to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Caregiver Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify II


EDO03823 II What else would you like your caregiver to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Caregiver Do
EDO03824 J Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated friend or neighbor to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Friend See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify JJ

All of my information


EDO03825 JJ What other information would you like your friend or neighbor to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Friend See
EDO03826 K Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated friend or neighbor to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Friend Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify KK


EDO03827 KK What else would you like your friend or neighbor to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Friend Do
EDO03828 L Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated VA health care provider to be able to see (check all that apply): Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

Other, please specify LL

All of my information


EDO03829 LL What other information would you like your VA health care provider to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

EDO03830 M Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated Non-VA health care provider to be able to see (check all that apply): Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Non-VA HCP See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify MM

All of my information


EDO03831 MM What other information would you like your non-VA health care provider to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

At your last VA health care visit, who did you discuss your medications with? (check all that apply) Health care provider (doctor, physicians assistant, nurse practitioner)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Who Discuss Meds



Medical assistant or health technician

Other staff member, please specify A

No one. I did not discuss my medications

I don't take any medications

I do not remember

EDO03833 A What other staff member did you discuss medications with?

OE_Who Discuss Meds
If you had a choice, which member of the health care team would you most like to talk with about your medications at your next VA health care visit? (check all that apply) Health care provider (doctor, physicians assistant, nurse practitioner)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Discuss Meds Choice



Medical assistant or health technician

Other staff member, please specify A

No one

I don't take any medications

Not sure

EDO03835 A What other staff member would you like to talk with about medications?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Discuss Meds Choice
Do you use the My HealtheVet Pharmacy Self-Entered Medications + Supplements feature to keep track of any changes to your prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbals and/or supplements? Yes A, B, C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Use Self Entered Meds


Not sure

EDO03837 A Which kinds of medications do you keep track of in My HealtheVet? (check all that apply) Prescription medications from my home VA healthcare provider filled at the VA pharmacy
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Med type tracked

Prescription medications from my home VA healthcare provider filled at non VA pharmacies

Prescription medications from VA healthcare providers at VA facilities other than my home VA facility

Prescription medications from my non-VA healthcare provider(s)

Over-the-counter medications

Herbals and/or supplements

Other, please specify AA

EDO03838 AA What other medications do you keep track of in My HealtheVet?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Med type tracked
EDO03839 B In the last 12 months, did you share your My HealtheVet My Complete Medications List with any of your VA health care providers? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Share med list w/ VA HCP


Not sure

EDO03840 C In the last 12 months, did you share your My HealtheVet My Complete Medications List with any of your Non-VA health care providers? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Share med list w/Non-VA HCP


Not sure

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 21: Custom Qsts (7-8-10)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

VA is interested in whether you would like to use My HealtheVet to share your information with others involved in your health care (for example, medications, lab results, appointments).<p>If you could allow one or more people (your "designated persons") to see some or all of your information in your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record, which of the following people might you choose? (Check all that apply) Spouse/Partner B, C, D Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Who Allowed

Child B, E, F, G

Other family member B, E, F, G

Caregiver not related to me B, H, I

Friend or neighbor B, J, K

VA health care provider B, L

Non-VA health care provider B, M

Other, please specify B, A

Not sure B

None. I don't want to let other people view my health information. B

EDO03809 A What other person would you like to have access to your information?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Other Allowed
EDO03810 B Please share your thoughts or concerns about allowing others to see your My HealtheVet information

Text area, no char limit

OE_Comment on Allow
EDO03811 C Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your spouse/partner to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Spouse/Partner See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify CC

All of my information


EDO03812 CC What other information would you like your spouse/partner to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Spouse/Partner See
EDO03813 D Which of the following, if any, would you want your spouse/partner to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical

Spouse Partner Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify DD


EDO03814 DD What else would you like your spouse/partner to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Spouse Partner Do
EDO03815 E Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated child or other family member to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Family Member See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify EE

All of my information


EDO03816 EE What other information would you like your child or family member to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Family Member See
EDO03817 F Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated child or other family member to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Family Member Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify FF


EDO03818 FF What else would you like your child or other family member to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Family Member Do
EDO03819 G Does the family member that you would most likely designate to have access to information in your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record live with you? Yes, they live with me
Radio button, one-up vertical Single
Family Member Live

No, they do not live with me, but they visit me regularly

No, they do not live with me, but we are in frequent contact by phone or email

No, they do not live with me, and we are less frequently in contact

EDO03820 H Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated caregiver to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Caregiver See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify HH

All of my information


EDO03821 HH What other information would you like your caregiver to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Caregiver See
EDO03822 I Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated caregiver to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Caregiver Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify II


EDO03823 II What else would you like your caregiver to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Caregiver Do
EDO03824 J Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated friend or neighbor to be able to see? (check all that apply) Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Friend See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify JJ

All of my information


EDO03825 JJ What other information would you like your friend or neighbor to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Friend See
EDO03826 K Which of the following, if any, would you want your designated friend or neighbor to be able to do on your behalf? (check all that apply) Enter personal information (such as contact information, emergency contacts)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Friend Do

Enter information about my health (such as blood pressure, weight, medication list, allergy list)

Refill prescriptions for me

Schedule or manage my VA appointments

Communicate electronically with my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging

Save information from my personal health record to some place outside of My HealtheVet (for example another program or non-VA personal health record)

Other, please specify KK


EDO03827 KK What else would you like your friend or neighbor to do on your behalf?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Friend Do
EDO03828 L Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated VA health care provider to be able to see (check all that apply): Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

Other, please specify LL

All of my information


EDO03829 LL What other information would you like your VA health care provider to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

EDO03830 M Which parts, if any, of the My HealtheVet website would you want your designated Non-VA health care provider to be able to see (check all that apply): Information about my scheduled VA appointments
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Non-VA HCP See

My medication list

Results from my laboratory tests and other tests

Wellness Reminders about tests or care that I need (such as blood pressure check, vaccines, or cancer screen)

Information that I've entered about my health (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information about my doctor(s)

My secure messages (secure electronic messages sent to or received from my VA health care team through My HealtheVet Secure Messaging)

Other, please specify MM

All of my information


EDO03831 MM What other information would you like your non-VA health care provider to be able to see?

Text area, no char limit

At your last VA health care visit, who did you discuss your medications with? (check all that apply) Health care provider (doctor, physicians assistant, nurse practitioner)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Who Discuss Meds



Medical assistant or health technician

Other staff member, please specify A

No one. I did not discuss my medications

I don't take any medications

I do not remember

EDO03833 A What other staff member did you discuss medications with?

OE_Who Discuss Meds
If you had a choice, which member of the health care team would you most like to talk with about your medications at your next VA health care visit? (check all that apply) Health care provider (doctor, physicians assistant, nurse practitioner)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Discuss Meds Choice



Medical assistant or health technician

Other staff member, please specify A

No one

I don't take any medications

Not sure

EDO03835 A What other staff member would you like to talk with about medications?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Discuss Meds Choice
Do you use the My HealtheVet Pharmacy Self-Entered Medications + Supplements feature to keep track of any changes to your prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbals and/or supplements? Yes A, B, C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Use Self Entered Meds


Not sure

EDO03837 A Which kinds of medications do you keep track of in My HealtheVet? (check all that apply) Prescription medications from my home VA healthcare provider filled at the VA pharmacy
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Med type tracked

Prescription medications from my home VA healthcare provider filled at non VA pharmacies

Prescription medications from VA healthcare providers at VA facilities other than my home VA facility

Prescription medications from my non-VA healthcare provider(s)

Over-the-counter medications

Herbals and/or supplements

Other, please specify AA

EDO03838 AA What other medications do you keep track of in My HealtheVet?

Text area, no char limit

OE_Med type tracked
EDO03839 B In the last 12 months, did you share your My HealtheVet My Complete Medications List with any of your VA health care providers? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Share med list w/ VA HCP


Not sure

EDO03840 C In the last 12 months, did you share your My HealtheVet My Complete Medications List with any of your Non-VA health care providers? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Share med list w/Non-VA HCP


Not sure

Have you ever printed out any information from My HealtheVet? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Print Info


AED11237 A I have printed the following from My HealtheVet: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Printed Docs

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

AED11238 B What other information have you printed?

Text area, no char limit
N Other Printed Docs
Have you ever saved any information from My HealtheVet to your computer? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Singly Y Saved Info


AED11240 A I have saved the following from My HealtheVet to my computer: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Docs Saved

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

AED11241 B What other information have you saved to your computer?

Other Docs Saved
Have you ever sent information from My HealtheVet to another person? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Sent Info


AED11243 A I have sent the following information from My HealtheVet to another person: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Docs Sent

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

AED11244 B What other information did you send to another person?

Text area, no char limit

Other Docs Sent
Would you save information from your Personal Health Record to some place outside of My HealtheVet If you could? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Save to Location


Not sure A

I would not find this useful

AED11246 A I would: (check all that apply): Save the information to another place (for example, by copying to a file on my computer)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Locations Saved

Give the electronic information to my non-VA provider

Share the information with a family member or friend

Put the information into another Personal Health Record

Use the information with another program (for example, to check for drug interactions)

Put the information in another website (for example, to receive customized care recommendations or to use other kinds of tools)

Other, please specify B

AED11247 B Where else would you like to save information?

Other Locations Saved
My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 22: Custom Qsts (2-24-10)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

Have you ever printed out any information from My HealtheVet? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


A I have printed the following from My HealtheVet: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

B What other information have you printed?

Text area, no char limit

Have you ever saved any information from My HealtheVet to your computer? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Singly Y


A I have saved the following from My HealtheVet to my computer: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

B What other information have you saved to your computer?

Have you ever sent information from My HealtheVet to another person? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


A I have sent the following information from My HealtheVet to another person: (Check all that apply) My medication list
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Information about myself that I collected at home (such as blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight)

Information I entered in my Food or Activity Journals

My health calendar

Wellness Reminders

Information about health (such as an article or information from the medical library)

Information about VA benefits

Other, please specify B

B What other information did you send to another person?

Text area, no char limit

Would you save information from your Personal Health Record to some place outside of My HealtheVet If you could? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not sure A

I would not find this useful

A I would: (check all that apply): Save the information to another place (for example, by copying to a file on my computer)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Give the electronic information to my non-VA provider

Share the information with a family member or friend

Put the information into another Personal Health Record

Use the information with another program (for example, to check for drug interactions)

Put the information in another website (for example, to receive customized care recommendations or to use other kinds of tools)

Other, please specify B

B Where else would you like to save information?

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 23: Custom Qsts (11-06-09)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Question Label
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
Have you ever visited the Healthy Living Spirituality Center?  Yes A, B Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Spirituality Center

No C

Not sure

AED08729 A How helpful did you find it? Very helpful
Drop down, select one Single Y SC_Helpful

Somewhat helpful


Not very helpful

Not helpful at all

AED08730 B Which parts were most useful to you? (Check all that apply)
Get Ready: Benefits of change, how to start healthy living, and special situations
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y SC_Useful

Self Management: Understand and track your progress through use of various tools

Support and Encouragement: How a VA chaplain, local clergy, family and friends can support healthy living

Caregiver Information: Caregiver resources and when to get additional help

Related Topics: Body, mind and spirit connections

None of the above

AED08731 C Why did you not visit the Healthy Living Spirtuality Center? Not interested
Drop down, select one Single Y SC_DidNotVisit

Did not know about it

Could not find it

What spirituality resources would be of value to you as part of the Healthy Living Center? (check all that apply) Article on a given topic A Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y Spirituality Resources

Devotions or meditations

Sample prayers

Other, please specify B

AED08733 A What article topic would be of value to you?

Text area, no char limit

AED08734 B What other spirituality resource would be of value to you?

Text area, no char limit

The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 24: Custom Qsts (09-24-09)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

Have you ever visited the Healthy Living Spirituality Center?  Yes A, B Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No C

Not sure

A How helpful did you find it? Very helpful
Drop down, select one Single Y

Somewhat helpful


Not very helpful

Not helpful at all

B Which parts were most useful to you? (Check all that apply)
Get Ready: Benefits of change, how to start healthy living, and special situations
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Self Management: Understand and track your progress through use of various tools

Support and Encouragement: How a VA chaplain, local clergy, family and friends can support healthy living

Caregiver Information: Caregiver resources and when to get additional help

Related Topics: Body, mind and spirit connections

None of the above

C Why did you not visit the Healthy Living Spirtuality Center? Not interested
Drop down, select one Single Y

Did not know about it

Could not find it

What spirituality resources would be of value to you as part of the Healthy Living Center? (check all that apply) Article on a given topic A Checkbox, two-up vertical Multi Y

Devotions or meditations

Sample prayers

Other, please specify B

A What article topic would be of value to you?

Text area, no char limit

B What other spirituality resource would be of value to you?

Text area, no char limit

The VA is testing a program called The Daily Plan® at some VA facilities. The Daily Plan® provides patients (and/or family members, as appropriate) with a plan for each day in the hospital including information such as allergies, medications, diet, proced Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not sure

AKR5320 A What information would you like to receive in your copy of The Daily Plan® (please check all that apply) Current, active, and pending orders for my hospitalization
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Allergies as stated in my VA medical record

Current medications as stated in my VA medical record

Upcoming procedures

Upcoming VA appointments

Diet orders

Other B

AKR5321 B Other information

Text area, no char limit Single N
If you were admitted to a VA hospital, would you be interested in secure access to an electronic copy of The Daily Plan® on the TV screen in your room? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not sure

The VA is developing an interactive patient television system that can provide patients with secure access to information and educational resources on the TV screen in their hospital room. Patients will also be able to learn more about their medical team, Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not sure

AKR5325 A What information and services would you like access to using an interactive patient television system (please check all that apply) Secure access to my VA medical record
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

My daily schedule while hospitalized

Internet/Email access

General education resources I can pick from

Educational programs specific to my needs prescribed by my Health Care Team

My HealtheVet Personal Health Record

Information about my Health Care Team

General information and news about my VA hospital

A welcome message from VA Medical Center Leadership

The ability to provide feedback about how my stay could be improved

The ability to submit requests for items or services

Other B

AKR5326 B Other Information for patient television system

Text area, no char limit Single N
The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical


Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 25: Custom Qsts (8-11-09)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/23/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

The VA is testing a program called The Daily Plan® at some VA facilities. The Daily Plan® provides patients (and/or family members, as appropriate) with a plan for each day in the hospital including information such as allergies, medications, diet, proced Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


If you were admitted to the VA hospital, would you be interested in receiving a paper copy of The Daily Plan® during your stay? Not sure

A What information would you like to receive in your copy of The Daily Plan® (please check all that apply) Current, active, and pending orders for my hospitalization
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Allergies as stated in my VA medical record

Current medications as stated in my VA medical record

Upcoming procedures

Upcoming VA appointments

Diet orders

Other B

B Other information

Text area, no char limit

If you were admitted to a VA hospital, would you be interested in secure access to an electronic copy of The Daily Plan® on the TV screen in your room? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


Not sure

The VA is developing an interactive patient television system that can provide patients with secure access to information and educational resources on the TV screen in their hospital room. Patients will also be able to learn more about their medical team, view their daily schedule, and make electronic requests for items like an extra pillow or a visit from the chaplain service. Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single

If you were admitted to the VA hospital, would you be interested in using an interactive patient television system on the TV in your room during your stay? No

Not sure

. A What information and services would you like access to using an interactive patient television system (please check all that apply) Secure access to my VA medical record
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi

My daily schedule while hospitalized

Internet/Email access

General education resources I can pick from

Educational programs specific to my needs prescribed by my Health Care Team

My HealtheVet Personal Health Record

Information about my Health Care Team

General information and news about my VA hospital

A welcome message from VA Medical Center Leadership

The ability to provide feedback about how my stay could be improved

The ability to submit requests for items or services

Other B

B Other Information for patient television system

Text area, no char limit Single

Have you discussed your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with any of the following people? Please check all that apply: I have not discussed my MyHealtheVet Personal Health Record with others.
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Your non-VA healthcare provider(s)

Your family, friends, or loved ones

Veterans you know

Other (please specify) A

KFB04533 A Other person:

Text area, no char limit

How did you first learn about My HealtheVet? Was it from…. A VA health care provider or team?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

A non- VA health care provider?

Someone who works at the VA BUT is not a healthcare provider?

Information flyer or poster displayed within the VA?

A veteran's organization or support group?

An informational session presented either at the VA or elsewhere?

Another veteran?

A family member or a friend?

Other (Please Specify) A

KFB04535 A Other way first learned:

Text area, no char limit

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Other, please specify A

JIC00730 A Other race

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school

High school graduate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Some college or vocational school

Current college or graduate student

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes

Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 26: Custom Qsts 06-22-09

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 6/22/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months A

JIC00732 A Why don't you visit the My HealtheVet website more often?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) A

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No C

Not sure

Not applicable

AED06361 A How did you hear about In Person Authentication (check all that apply) I read about it at the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I heard about it from a VA Staff member

I heard about it from another Veteran

I read about it at the My HealtheVet website

I read about it in an article or brochure

I was authenticated as I registered for My HealtheVet at a VA Facility

Other Please specify B

AED06362 B Other way heard about IPA, please specify

Text area, no char limit
AED06363 C If no, why not? (check all that apply) I have not visited my VA Facility recently
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I was not aware that I needed to become In Person Authenticated

I am not sure about the benefits of becoming In Person Authenticated

I do not understand what is meant by "In Person Authentication"

I am not sure how to become In Person Authenticated at my VA Facility

Other Please specify D

AED06364 D Other reason why not, please specify

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
We are interested in what interactive features might be useful for veterans in the future. Please indicate which features you would be most likely to use (check all that apply): Online message boards to post and view messages about various health topics
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Online support group meeting focused on a specific health topic with a health professional at a specific time

Online chat rooms to interact with others

Online blogs to read posts from VA staff and make comments

"Ask an Expert" type feature which enables you to post a question in a discussion board and view responses

None of the above

Have you ever used the general My HealtheVet “Help” tab which is located at the top right of each page? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y

No D

Don't know

AED06367 A The general "Help" tab provided the information that I needed. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

AED06368 B Please tell us about your experience in using the general "Help" tab (check all that apply): "Help" did provide the specific information I was looking for
Drop down, select one Single Y

"Help" did not provide the specific information I was looking for

I had no difficulty using "Help" on this site

Too much information was provided by "Help"

Too little information was provided by "Help"

Other experience with "Help" (please specify): C

AED06369 C Other "Help" experience, please specify

Text area, no char limit
AED06370 D If no, why not? Did not need help information
Drop down, select one Single N

Was not aware that help information was available

Did not notice the "Help" tab

Tried to find information by browsing the site

Tried to find information by searching the site

Not sure

For users who are logged-in to the site, some sections of the site link to topic-specific help. Have you ever used the topic-specific My HealtheVet “Help” link from an individual page (located next to “printer-friendly” link on some pages)? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y

No D

Don't know

AED06372 A The topic-specific "Help" link provided the information that I needed. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

AED06373 B Please tell us about your experience in using the topic-specific "Help" link (check all that apply): "Help" did provide the specific information I was looking for
Drop down, select one Single Y

"Help" did not provide the specific information I was looking for

I had no difficulty using "Help" on this site

Too much information was provided by the "Help" link

Too little information was provided by the "Help" link

Other experience with "Help" (please specify): C

AED06374 C Other topic-specific "Help" experience, please specify

Text area, no char limit
AED06375 D If no, why not? Did not need help information
Drop down, select one Single N

Was not aware that help information was available

Did not notice the "Help" link

Tried to find information by browsing the site

Tried to find information by searching the site

Not sure

My HealtheVet users can provide an email address when registering for an account and update this email address in their account preferences. Which of the following kinds of contact would you prefer to receive using this email address (check all that apply)? General updates about new My HealtheVet content and features
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Periodic electronic newsletters which include tips for using My HealtheVet features

Topic-specific messages customized for health or condition interests you've selected in your preferences

Notification messages that alert you that a new secure message is available in the My HealtheVet portal

Other (please specify) A

AED06377 A Other email information, please specify

If you are a VA patient, in the future you will be able to send a secure message to your VA healthcare team through the My HealtheVet portal. Which of the following kinds of contact would you prefer using secure messaging (Check all that apply): Responses to my health care questions from my health care team
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Responses to my administrative questions from my health care team

Responses to my questions about lab or test results

Responses to my questions about medications or prescriptions

Responses to my questions about lab or test results

Responses to my prescription renewal requests

Responses to my requests to schedule or change my VA appointment

Reminders about upcoming VA appointments

Notify my health care team of changes to my mailing address

I am not currently a VA patient.

The My HealtheVet website provides articles on topics of interest to Veterans. What topics are you most interested in for upcoming articles?

Text area, no char limit Single N

Have you discussed your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record with any of the following people? Please check all that apply: I have not discussed my MyHealtheVet Personal Health Record with others.
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Your VA healthcare provider(s) or team

Your non-VA healthcare provider(s)

Your family, friends, or loved ones

Veterans you know

Other (please specify) A

A Other person:

Text area, no char limit

How did you first learn about My HealtheVet? Was it from…. A VA health care provider or team?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

A non- VA health care provider?

Someone who works at the VA BUT is not a healthcare provider?

Information flyer or poster displayed within the VA?

A veteran's organization or support group?

An informational session presented either at the VA or elsewhere?

Another veteran?

A family member or a friend?

Other (Please Specify) A

A Other way first learned:

Text area, no char limit

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Other, please specify A

JIC00730 A Other race

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school

High school graduate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Some college or vocational school

Current college or graduate student

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes

Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 27: Custom Qsts 02-17-09

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 2/17/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months A

JIC00732 A Why don't you visit the My HealtheVet website more often?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) (skip to A)

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No C

Not sure

Not applicable

A How did you hear about In Person Authentication (check all that apply) I read about it at the My HealtheVet website
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I heard about it from a VA Staff member

I heard about it from another Veteran

I read about it at the My HealtheVet website

I read about it in an article or brochure

I was authenticated as I registered for My HealtheVet at a VA Facility

Other Please specify__________________ B

B Other way heard about IPA, please specify

Text area, no char limit

C If no, why not? (check all that apply) I have not visited my VA Facility recently
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

I was not aware that I needed to become In Person Authenticated

I am not sure about the benefits of becoming In Person Authenticated

I do not understand what is meant by "In Person Authentication"

I am not sure how to become In Person Authenticated at my VA Facility

Other Please specify__________________ D

D Other reason why not, please specify

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N

We are interested in what interactive features might be useful for veterans in the future. Please indicate which features you would be most likely to use (check all that apply): Online message boards to post and view messages about various health topics
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Online support group meeting focused on a specific health topic with a health professional at a specific time

Online chat rooms to interact with others

Online blogs to read posts from VA staff and make comments

"Ask an Expert" type feature which enables you to post a question in a discussion board and view responses

None of the above

Have you ever used the general My HealtheVet “Help” tab which is located at the top right of each page? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y

No D

Don't know

A The general "Help" tab provided the information that I needed. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

B Please tell us about your experience in using the general "Help" tab (check all that apply): "Help" did provide the specific information I was looking for
Drop down, select one Single Y

"Help" did not provide the specific information I was looking for

I had no difficulty using "Help" on this site

Too much information was provided by "Help"

Too little information was provided by "Help"

Other experience with "Help" (please specify): C

C Other "Help" experience, please specify

Text area, no char limit

D If no, why not? Did not need help information
Drop down, select one Single N

Was not aware that help information was available

Did not notice the "Help" tab

Tried to find information by browsing the site

Tried to find information by searching the site

Not sure

For users who are logged-in to the site, some sections of the site link to topic-specific help. Have you ever used the topic-specific My HealtheVet “Help” link from an individual page (located next to “printer-friendly” link on some pages)? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Single Y

No D

Don't know

A The topic-specific "Help" link provided the information that I needed. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

B Please tell us about your experience in using the topic-specific "Help" link (check all that apply): "Help" did provide the specific information I was looking for
Drop down, select one Single Y

"Help" did not provide the specific information I was looking for

I had no difficulty using "Help" on this site

Too much information was provided by the "Help" link

Too little information was provided by the "Help" link

Other experience with "Help" (please specify): C

C Other topic-specific "Help" experience, please specify

Text area, no char limit

D If no, why not? Did not need help information
Drop down, select one Single N

Was not aware that help information was available

Did not notice the "Help" link

Tried to find information by browsing the site

Tried to find information by searching the site

Not sure

My HealtheVet users can provide an email address when registering for an account and update this email address in their account preferences. Which of the following kinds of contact would you prefer to receive using this email address (check all that apply General updates about new My HealtheVet content and features
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Periodic electronic newsletters which include tips for using My HealtheVet features

Topic-specific messages customized for health or condition interests you've selected in your preferences

Notification messages that alert you that a new secure message is available in the My HealtheVet portal

Other (please specify) A

A Other email information, please specify

If you are a VA patient, in the future you will be able to send a secure message to your VA healthcare team through the My HealtheVet portal. Which of the following kinds of contact would you prefer using secure messaging (Check all that apply): Responses to my health care questions from my health care team
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Responses to my administrative questions from my health care team

Responses to my questions about lab or test results

Responses to my questions about medications or prescriptions

Responses to my questions about lab or test results

Responses to my prescription renewal requests

Responses to my requests to schedule or change my VA appointment

Reminders about upcoming VA appointments

Notify my health care team of changes to my mailing address

I am not currently a VA patient.

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




If your doctor recommends that you get a blood sugar test for diabetes, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a cholesterol blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a Hepatitis C blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get an HIV blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

Which of the following health screening tests have you been offered in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test A, C

none of the above

JIC00720 A Who offered you the HIV blood test? VA primary care provider
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

(select all that apply) VA mental health provider

Other VA Medical Center staff member

Other VA Outpatient clinic staff member

Non-VA Health care provider

Community resource or health fair

Unsure / Don't Know

Other (please specify) B

JIC00721 B Other person

Text area, no char limit
JIC00722 C Did you have the HIV test done? Yes D Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

No E

JIC00723 D Did you receive your HIV test results? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


JIC00724 E If you did not have the HIV test done, what influenced your decision? (select all that apply) I have already been tested recently
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

I don't feel that I am at risk

I have concerns about confidentiality

I don't like needles or giving blood

I'm afraid that I could test positive

I don't have time to be tested

I'm not sure about how to get tested

Other reason, please specify F

JIC00733 F Other reason, please specify

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following health screening tests have you had in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) Blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test

none of the above

How would you like to receive more information about health screening tests? (select all that apply) Personal contact (in person or on phone) from my doctor or health care team
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Email from my doctor or health care team

Email from VA or My HealtheVet

Information available on the My HealtheVet website

Posters at a VA medical center

Health fair or education session

Handout given to me by my doctor or health care team

Other, please specify A

JIC00727 A Other method

Text area, no char limit
Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Other, please specify A

JIC00730 A Other race

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school

High school graduate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Some college or vocational school

Current college or graduate student

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Have you completed this survey within the past 3 months? Yes

Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Don't recall

Sheet 28: Custom Qsts (10-20-08)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months A

JIC00732 A Why don't you visit the My HealtheVet website more often?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) (skip to A)

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




If your doctor recommends that you get a blood sugar test for diabetes, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a cholesterol blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a Hepatitis C blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get an HIV blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

Which of the following health screening tests have you been offered in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test A, C

none of the above

JIC00720 A Who offered you the HIV blood test? VA primary care provider
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

(select all that apply) VA mental health provider

Other VA Medical Center staff member

Other VA Outpatient clinic staff member

Non-VA Health care provider

Community resource or health fair

Unsure / Don't Know

Other (please specify) B

JIC00721 B Other person

Text area, no char limit
JIC00722 C Did you have the HIV test done? Yes D Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

No E

JIC00723 D Did you receive your HIV test results? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


JIC00724 E If you did not have the HIV test done, what influenced your decision? (select all that apply) I have already been tested recently
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

I don't feel that I am at risk

I have concerns about confidentiality

I don't like needles or giving blood

I'm afraid that I could test positive

I don't have time to be tested

I'm not sure about how to get tested

Other reason, please specify

Which of the following health screening tests have you had in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) Blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test

none of the above

How would you like to receive more information about health screening tests? (select all that apply) Personal contact (in person or on phone) from my doctor or health care team
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Email from my doctor or health care team

Email from VA or My HealtheVet

Information available on the My HealtheVet website

Posters at a VA medical center

Health fair or education session

Handout given to me by my doctor or health care team

Other, please specify A

JIC00727 A Other method

Text area, no char limit
Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Other, please specify A

JIC00730 A Other race

Text area, no char limit
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Did not complete high school

High school graduate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Some college or vocational school

Current college or graduate student

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Sheet 29: Custom Qsts (10-17-2008)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE

MID: NJxFtMU9UosBkJZRd48x9Q==
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 10/17/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day

About once a week

About once a month

About every 6 months

Less than every 6 months A

A Why don't you visit the My HealtheVet website more often?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

Which of the following best describes you? Active duty
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF)
Check-boxes Multi N

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.)
Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify) (skip to A)

RJB00022other A Other - trying to accomplish

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

If you did not accomplish what you wanted to, what will you do next? Continue looking on My HealtheVet
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N

Come back to My HealtheVet later

E-mail the Veterans Health Administration

Call the Veterans Health Administration

Look elsewhere online

Give up


What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) View my upcoming appointments
Check-boxes Multi N

Schedule or change my appointments

Advance check in for my VA clinic visits

Online, secure communication with my doctor

Look at information in my VA medical record

Share information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family or doctor)

Reminders of preventive care I need (e.g., shots, cancer screening)

Checking that different medications I take are safe when used together

Educational programs

Monthly email newsletter

Notification of new content/features on the site

Information about the quality of VA health care

Advanced directive (e.g. living will, durable power of attorney for health care)

Other (please specify): (skip to A)

RJB00024other A Other - additional services

Text field, <100 char Single N
Please describe your experience with navigation on this web site. I had no difficulty navigating on this site
Check-boxes Multi Y

Too many buttons or links to other places

Links did not take me where I expected

I experienced links that went nowhere, error messages, or other technical difficulties

I was able to find general information, but could not find the specific content that I needed

Other navigational issue (please specify): (skip to A)

RJB00070other A Other navigational issue

Text field, <100 char Single N
Did you use the web site's search feature today? Yes (skip to C)
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No (skip to A)

JIC00265 A Why did you not use the search feature? Prefer other method of navigation
Check-boxes Multi Y

Tried to use search but was unsuccessful

Did not need search, found information quickly

Other (please specify) (skip to B)

JIC00266 B Other reasons why not used the search feature:

JIC00176 C Please describe your experience with the site's search feature. I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site
Check-boxes Multi Y

Could not tell what information the search results would take me to

Too many results

Too few results

Returned no results/received error message

Results were not related to what I was looking for

Other search issue (please specify): (skip to D)

JIC00177 D Other experience with the site's search feature:

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

How much time would it take for you to travel to the nearest VA facility? Less than 15 minutes
Drop down, select one Single N

15 minutes to less than 1/2 hour

1/2 hour to less than an hour

An hour to less than 1 1/2 hours

1 1/2 hours to less than two hours

Two hours or more

Not sure

My use of the My HealtheVet personal health record has improved my ability to manage my health. Strongly agree
Drop down, select one Single Y


Not sure


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?

Open-ended Single N
Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


In the last 12 months, where did you go for most of your routine outpatient care? (choose one that best fits your answer) VA hospital or clinic
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

A non-VA hospital or clinic

Did not receive routine care or services in the past year

Don't know

If you have used urgent care or the emergency room in the last 12 months, where do you typically go? (choose one that best fits your answer) A VA hospital or clinic
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

A non-VA hospital or clinic

Did not use urgent care or an emergency room in the past year

Don't know

What is your age range? Under 20
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




In which state do you currently reside? Alabama
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N




























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







Washington D.C.

West Virginia




I live elsewhere

If your doctor recommends that you get a blood sugar test for diabetes, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a cholesterol blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get a Hepatitis C blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

If your doctor recommends that you get an HIV blood test, how likely is it that you will get the test? very likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

somewhat likely

not very likely

not at all likely

I've already been tested

Which of the following health screening tests have you been offered in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test A, C

none of the above

A Who offered you the HIV blood test? VA primary care provider
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

(select all that apply) VA mental health provider

Other VA Medical Center staff member

Other VA Outpatient clinic staff member

Non-VA Health care provider

Community resource or health fair

Unsure / Don't Know

Other (please specify) B

B Other person

Text area, no char limit

C Did you have the HIV test done? Yes D Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

No E

D Did you receive your HIV test results? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


E If you did not have the HIV test done, what influenced your decision? (select all that apply) I have already been tested recently
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

I don't feel that I am at risk

I have concerns about confidentiality

I don't like needles or giving blood

I'm afraid that I could test positive

I don't have time to be tested

I'm not sure about how to get tested

Other reason, please specify

Which of the following health screening tests have you had in the last 12 months? (select all that apply) Blood sugar test for diabetes
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Cholesterol blood test

Hepatitis C blood test

HIV blood test

none of the above

How would you like to receive more information about health screening tests? (select all that apply) Personal contact (in person or on phone) from my doctor or health care team
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Email from my doctor or health care team

Email from VA or My HealtheVet

Information available on the My HealtheVet website

Posters at a VA medical center

Health fair or education session

Handout given to me by my doctor or health care team

Other, please specify A

A Other method

Text area, no char limit

Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


What is your race? American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White (Caucasian)

Other, please specify A

A Other race

Text area, no char limit

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? High school graduate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

Some college or vocational school

Current college or graduate student

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate or professional degree

Sheet 30: Custom Qsts (7-22-2008)

Model Instance Name: VA - My HealtheVet

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER


Date: 3/1/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC


QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required

How frequently do you visit the My HealtheVet web site? First time Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y




More than once a day

Text Field – limited to 100 characters

About once a week

About once a month

About every 3 months

Text Area – no character limit

About every 6 months

Dropdown (Select-one)

Less than every 6 months

Radio Button One Up Vertical
Please rate your ability in using the Internet: Beginner or novice (just starting/don't use Internet much) Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Radio Button Two Up Vertical

Intermediate (use the Internet for a few things)

Radio Button Three Up Vertical

Advanced (frequently use Internet & search for information)

Radio Button Scale Has Don’t Know
Which of the following best describes you? Veteran Check-boxes Multi Y


Family member of a veteran

Veteran service organization

News media

General public

VA employee

Federal government employee

State/local government employee

Other role

Please indicate your military period(s) of service: Global War on Terror (OEF/OIF) Check-boxes Multi Y

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Vietnam War

Korean War

World War II

Peacetime Service


Not Applicable

What were you trying to accomplish today in My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Enter/keep track of personal information (My Caregivers, etc.) Check-boxes Multi Y

Enter/keep track of personal health care information (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)

Look up information about a medication

Request a prescription refill

Access prescription history from my VA medical record

Find a VA health care facility

Research a health condition

Find information about VA Benefits

Other (please specify)

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in My HealtheVet? Yes Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y



Not finished yet

If you did not accomplish what you wanted to, what will you do next? Continue looking on My HealtheVet Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Come back to My HealtheVet later

E-mail the Veterans Health Administration

Call the Veterans Health Administration

Look elsewhere online

Give up


What additional services would you like to see on My HealtheVet? (please select all that apply) Schedule or change my appointments Check-boxes Multi Y

Advance check in for my VA clinic visits

Online, secure communication with my doctor

Look at information in my VA medical record

Share information I have stored in My HealtheVet with other people (e.g., family or doctor)

Reminders of preventive care I need (e.g., shots, cancer screening)

Checking that different medications I take are safe when used together

Educational programs

Monthly email newsletter

Notification of new content/features on the site

Information about the quality of VA health care

Advanced directive (e.g. living will, durable power of attorney for health care)

Other (please specify):

Have you prepared a document (e.g., advance directive, living will, durable power of attorney for health care) to help your loved ones and health care providers make medical decisions if you ever become too sick to communicate your wishes? Yes (Go to A) Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y


JIC00168 A If yes, what type of document(s) have you prepared? Non-VA advance directive or living will Check-boxes Multi Y

VA Living Will (a document that describes your preferences and/or values)

VA Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (a document that designates your preferred decision maker)

Don't Know

Other (please specify):

Please describe your experience with navigation on this web site. I had no difficulty navigating on this site Check-boxes Multi Y

Too many buttons or links to other places

Links did not take me where I expected

I experienced links that went nowhere, error messages, or other technical difficulties

I was able to find general information, but could not find the specific content that I needed

Other navigational issue (please specify):

Did you use the web site's search feature today? Yes (Go to B) Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No (Go to A)

JIC00265 A Why did you not use the search feature? Prefer other method of navigation Check-boxes Multi Y

Tried to use search but was unsuccessful

Did not need search, found information quickly

Other (please specify)

JIC00176 B Please describe your experience with the site's search feature. I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site Check-boxes Multi Y

Could not tell what information the search results would take me to

Too many results

Too few results

Returned no results/received error message

Results were not related to what I was looking for

Other search issue (please specify):

Are you a registered user on the MyHealtheVet web site? Yes Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Have you visited your VA Facility in person to show your ID and be "in-person authenticated" (IPA) for My HealtheVet? Yes Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


Not sure

Not applicable

What is the main improvement that you would suggest for the My HealtheVet web site?
Open-ended Single N

Did you use a VA medical facility or service for any of your health care needs in the last 12 months? Yes Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


In the last 12 months, where did you go for most of your routine outpatient care? (choose one that best fits your answer) VA hospital or clinic Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

A non-VA hospital or clinic

Did not receive routine care or services in the past year

Don't know

If you have used urgent care or the emergency room in the last 12 months, where do you typically go? (choose one that best fits your answer) A VA hospital or clinic Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

A non-VA hospital or clinic

Did not use urgent care or an emergency room in the past year

Don't know

Do you use a mobile phone? Yes (Go to A) Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


JIC00171 A Which mobile phone features do you use? Phone calls Check-boxes Multi Y

Text messaging

Access the Internet

Built-in Camera


Other (please specify)

What is your age range? Under 20 Dropdown (Select-one) Single N














85 or older

What is your gender? Male Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


In general, how would you rate your overall health? Excellent Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

Very Good




In which state do you reside? List of states Dropdown (Select-one) Single N


I live elsewhere

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File Modified0000-00-00
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