Form 894 2015 894 EPA

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2015 894 EPA

2015 894 EPA - 2015 900 NASS Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
Download: xlsx | pdf


Current Model Qsts
Model Qsts (7-16-12)
Current Custom Qsts
Current Custom Qsts (7-30-14)
Current Custom Qsts (8-6-13)
Custom Qsts (1-8-13)
Custom Qsts (12-18-12)
Custom Qsts (7-16-12)
Custom Qsts (5-11-12)
Custom Qsts (5-1-12)
Custom Qsts (2-20-12)
Custom Qsts (11-1-11)
Custom Qsts (213-11)
Custom Qsts (7-1-10)
Custom Qsts (6-7-10)
Custom Qsts (2-22-2010)
Custom Qsts (2-2-10)
Custom Qsts (9-1-09)
Custom Qsts 07-31-09
Custom Qsts 04-13-09
Qsts Current 3-23-2009
Custom Qsts (1-27-09)
Custom Qsts (6-25-08)

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

NOTE: All questions under each element are required.
Element questions are partitioned among surveys.

Satisfaction questions are required.
Satisfaction questions appear on all surveys.

Future behaviors may be modified based on your site's objectives.
Future behavior questions appear on all surveys.

REQUIRED ELEMENTS (common to all websites)

Functionality (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)
Likelihood to Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the usefulness of the services provided on this site. 17 What is your overall satisfaction with this site? 20 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the convenience of the services on this site. 18 How well does this site meet your expectations?
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the ability to accomplish what you wanted to on this site. 19 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? 21 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the ease of reading this site.

22 How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for participating in the federal regulatory process?
5 Please rate the clarity of site organization.

6 Please rate the clean layout of this site.

Navigation (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate the degree to which the number of steps to get where you want is acceptable.

8 Please rate the ability to find information you want on this site.

9 Please rate the ease of navigation on this site.

Search (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)
10 Please rate the usefulness of search results on this site.

11 Please rate how this site provides comprehensive search results.

12 Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

13 Please rate how the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find the information you want.

Site Performance (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the speed of loading the page on this site.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed on this site.

16 Please rate the reliability of site performance on this site.

Sheet 2: Model Qsts (7-16-12)

Model Instance Name:

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

NOTE: All questions under each element are required.
Element questions are partitioned among surveys.

Satisfaction questions are required.
Satisfaction questions appear on all surveys.

Future behaviors may be modified based on your site's objectives.
Future behavior questions appear on all surveys.

REQUIRED ELEMENTS (common to all websites)

Functionality (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)
Likelihood to Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the usefulness of the services provided on this site. 17 What is your overall satisfaction with this site? 20 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the convenience of the services on this site. 18 How well does this site meet your expectations?
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the ability to accomplish what you wanted to on this site. 19 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? 21 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the ease of reading this site.

22 How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining regulatory information? --> How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for participating in the federal regulatory process?
5 Please rate the clarity of site organization.

6 Please rate the clean layout of this site.

Navigation (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate the degree to which the number of steps to get where you want is acceptable.

8 Please rate the ability to find information you want on this site.

9 Please rate the ease of navigation on this site.

Search (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)
10 Please rate the usefulness of search results on this site.

11 Please rate how this site provides comprehensive search results.

12 Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

13 Please rate how the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find the information you want.

Site Performance (1=poor, 10=excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the speed of loading the page on this site.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed on this site.

16 Please rate the reliability of site performance on this site.

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other C

None of the above

AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text area no char. Limit
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document(s) A Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment X

Download documents A

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Learn about the federal regulatory process

Learn about API Services

Access the Unified Agenda/ Regulatory Agenda

Other, please specify ZZ

CAS0035802 X Please provide feedback on the newly redesigned comment form. Revsied question “Please provide feedback on the ease of using the comment form.”

Text area no char. Limit
N Skip Logic OE_comment form
CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text area no char. Limit
N Skip Logic

CAS0062194 A What type of document(s) were you attempting to find/download? Notice
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y
Document Type

Proposed Rule


Support & Related Material

Public submission/comment

Other B

CAS0062195 B Please specify the type of document(s) you were looking for:

Text area no char. Limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Document Type
CAS0062196 A How many documents were you attempting to find/download? Just one in particular
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Number of Docs

2-5 documents

6-10 documents

More than 10

CAS0062197 A What is the name of the document(s) you were trying to find/ download?

Text area no char. Limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Document Name
CAS0062242 A What specific ways can we improve your ability to find/download documents on this site?

Text area no char. Limit
Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected D

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CAS0035803 D Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Links didn't lead where expected
CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes C Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

ACQinh0014134 A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text area no char. Limit
Not able to accomplish
CAS0035804 C Which of these method(s) helped you accomplish what you wanted to do on the site today? Search box/Search tab
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Successful Methods

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

None of the above

What specific ways can we improve your experience navigating on this site?

Text field no char. Limit
Nav. Improvement

Sheet 4: Current Custom Qsts (7-30-14)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other C

None of the above

AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field no char. Limit
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document(s) A Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment X

Download documents A

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Learn about the federal regulatory process

Learn about API Services

Access the Unified Agenda/ Regulatory Agenda

Other, please specify ZZ

CAS0035802 X Please provide feedback on the newly redesigned comment form. Revsied question “Please provide feedback on the ease of using the comment form.”

Text field no char. Limit
N Skip Logic OE_comment form
CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field no char. Limit
N Skip Logic

A What type of document(s) were you attempting to find/download? Notice
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y
Document Type

Proposed Rule


Support & Related Material

Public submission/comment

Other B

B Please specify the type of document(s) you were looking for:

Text field no char. Limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Document Type

A How many documents were you attempting to find/download? Just one in particular
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Number of Docs

2-5 documents

6-10 documents

More than 10

A What is the name of the document(s) you were trying to find/ download?

Text field no char. Limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Document Name

What specific ways can we improve your ability to find/download documents on this site?

Text field no char. Limit

Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected D

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CAS0035803 D Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Links didn't lead where expected
CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes C Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

ACQinh0014134 A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field no char. Limit
Not able to accomplish
CAS0035804 C Which of these method(s) helped you accomplish what you wanted to do on the site today? Search box/Search tab
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Successful Methods

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

None of the above

What specific ways can we improve your experience navigating on this site?

Text field no char. Limit
Nav. Improvement

Sheet 5: Current Custom Qsts (8-6-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other C

None of the above

AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment X

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

X Please provide feedback on the newly redesigned comment form.

Text field >100 char
N Skip Logic

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected D

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

D Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Links didn't lead where expected
CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes C Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A, B

ACQinh0014134 A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field, <100 char
Not able to accomplish

C Which of these method(s) helped you accomplish what you wanted to do on the site today? Search box/Search tab
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Successful Methods

Browse tab

Learn tab

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

None of the above

Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit

What specific ways can we improve your experience navigating on this site?

Text field no char. Limit
Nav. Improvement

Sheet 6: Custom Qsts (1-8-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other (please specify): --> Other C

None of the above

ACQCol0010896 N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

ACQCol0010897 O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

ACQCol0010898 L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Viewed results in Table format F

Filtered results by Agency

Filtered results by Category

Filtered results by Document Type

Filtered results by Docket Type

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searched within Results

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

ACQinh0012637 F Do you prefer viewing results in the default List view or in the Table view? List view T Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Table Format Opinion

Table view K

Not Sure/No Opinion

ACQinh0012617 T Please tell us why you prefer the List view to the Table view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer List
ACQinh0012618 K Please tell us why you prefer the Table view to the List view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer Table
AED08180 D Which other search result features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

ACQCol0010884 A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A, B

ACQinh0014134 A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field, <100 char
Not able to accomplish
ACQinh0014135 B Did you, or do you plan to, contact any of the following for help with what you could not accomplish today? Yes, the helpdesk
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Not accomplish - Future Contact

Yes, a specific department/agency directly

No, I do not plan to contact any of the above resources

No, I give up on trying to accomplish my task

If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 7: Custom Qsts (12-18-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search

Are you new to the site?' links

What's Trending

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other (please specify): C

None of the above

ACQCol0010896 N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

ACQCol0010897 O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

ACQCol0010898 L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Viewed results in Table format F

Filtered results by Agency

Filtered results by Category

Filtered results by Document Type

Filtered results by Docket Type

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searched within Results

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

ACQinh0012637 F Do you prefer viewing results in the default List view or in the Table view? List view T Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Table Format Opinion

Table view K

Not Sure/No Opinion

ACQinh0012617 T Please tell us why you prefer the List view to the Table view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer List
ACQinh0012618 K Please tell us why you prefer the Table view to the List view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer Table
AED08180 D Which other search result features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

ACQCol0010884 A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A, B

ACQinh0014134 A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field, <100 char
Not able to accomplish
ACQinh0014135 B Did you, or do you plan to, contact any of the following for help with what you could not accomplish today? Yes, the helpdesk
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Not accomplish - Future Contact

Yes, a specific department/agency directly

No, I do not plan to contact any of the above resources

No, I give up on trying to accomplish my task

If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 8: Custom Qsts (7-16-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 6/1/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X, Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab M, N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search A,B, X

Are you new to the site?' links

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other (please specify): C

None of the above

ACQinh0012635 Y How useful was having your search keyword highlighted within the search results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Keyword Highlight

Somewhat useful

Not useful

ACQCol0010894 M Are the documents shown under each category grouped logically? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Browse Tab

No G

ACQCol0010895 G Please tell us how you feel the document categories could be grouped more logically.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Logical Categorization
ACQCol0010896 N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

ACQCol0010897 O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

ACQCol0010898 L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Viewed results in Table format F

Filtered results by Agency

Filtered results by Category

Filtered results by Document Type

Filtered results by Docket Type

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searched within Results

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

ACQinh0012637 F Do you prefer viewing results in the default List view or in the Table view? List view T Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Table Format Opinion

Table view K

Not Sure/No Opinion

ACQinh0012617 T Please tell us why you prefer the List view to the Table view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer List
ACQinh0012618 K Please tell us why you prefer the Table view to the List view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer Table
AED08180 D Which other search result features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

ACQCol0010884 A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience. --> Please tell us about your other experience while navigating today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Which of the following social media tools and services do you use to share information or stay connected to Email/Email Alert
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media





Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds


Other, please specify A


ACQCol0010886 A Please tell us which other online services you use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media
KFB07315 has included year-to-date summary statistics and a graphic display of Site Data within the site. How useful do you feel the following additional features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by submitter group (e.g. law firms, NGOs) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Submitter

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by geographic location Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Geographic

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do on today? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A, B

A Why weren't you able to accomplish your task today?

Text field, <100 char
Not able to accomplish
AKR1359 A Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

B Did you, or do you plan to, contact any of the following for help with what you could not accomplish today? Yes, the helpdesk
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Yes, a specific department/agency directly

No, I do not plan to contact any of the above resources

No, I give up on trying to accomplish my task

If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 9: Custom Qsts (5-11-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 2/17/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X, Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab M, N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search A,B, X

Are you new to the site?' links

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other (please specify): C

None of the above

Y How useful was having your search keyword highlighted within the search results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Keyword Highlight

Somewhat useful

Not useful

ACQCol0010894 M Are the documents shown under each category grouped logically? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Browse Tab

No G

ACQCol0010895 G Please tell us how you feel the document categories could be grouped more logically.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Logical Categorization
ACQCol0010896 N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

ACQCol0010897 O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

ACQCol0010898 L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Viewed results in Table format F

Filtered results by Agency

Filtered results by Category

Filtered results by Document Type

Filtered results by Docket Type

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searched within Results

Used the Document Spotlight (magnifying glass icon) Z

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

ACQWro0008337 Z How useful was the Document Spotlight feature? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Document Spotlight

Somewhat useful

Not useful

F Do you prefer viewing results in the default List view or in the Table view? List view T Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Table Format Opinion

Table view K

Not Sure/No Opinion

T Please tell us why you prefer the List view to the Table view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer List

K Please tell us why you prefer the Table view to the List view.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Prefer Table
AED08180 D Which other search result features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

ACQCol0010884 A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Which of the following social media tools and services do you use to share information or stay connected to Email/Email Alert
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media





Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds


Other, please specify A


ACQCol0010886 A Please tell us which other online services you use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media
Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit
KFB07315 has included year-to-date summary statistics and a graphic display of Site Data within the site. How useful do you feel the following additional features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by submitter group (e.g. law firms, NGOs) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Submitter

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by geographic location Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Geographic

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 10: Custom Qsts (5-1-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 2/17/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day B

Once a day B

Once a week B

Once a month B

Twice a year or less

ACQCol0010883 B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site changes. (check all that apply) The design of the site pages are more streamlined
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Redesign Impressions

The design of the site pages are less streamlined

The design of the site pages are about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

ACQCol0010901 C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent redesign.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Redesign
What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab M, N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search A,B, X

Are you new to the site?' links

Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

Other (please specify): C

None of the above

ACQCol0010894 M Are the documents shown under each category grouped logically? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Browse Tab

No G

ACQCol0010895 G Please tell us how you feel the document categories could be grouped more logically.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Logical Categorization
ACQCol0010896 N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

ACQCol0010897 O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

ACQCol0010898 L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtered results by Agency

Filtered results by Category

Filtered results by Document Type

Filtered results by Docket Type

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searched within Results

Used the Document Spotlight (magnifying glass icon) Z

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

ACQWro0008337 Z How useful was the Document Spotlight feature? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Document Spotlight

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

ACQCol0010884 A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Which of the following social media tools and services do you use to share information or stay connected to Email/Email Alert
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media





Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds


Other, please specify A


ACQCol0010886 A Please tell us which other online services you use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media
Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit
KFB07315 has included year-to-date summary statistics and a graphic display of Site Data within the site. How useful do you feel the following additional features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by submitter group (e.g. law firms, NGOs) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Submitter

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by geographic location Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Geographic

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 11: Custom Qsts (2-20-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==

pink: ADDITION/New Question

Date: 2/17/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day B

Once a day B

Once a week B

Once a month B

Twice a year or less

NEW B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site changes. (check all that apply) The design of the site pages are more streamlined
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Redesign Impressions

The design of the site pages are less streamlined

The design of the site pages are about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

NEW C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent redesign.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Redesign
What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from another website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search box/Search tab A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Browse tab M, N, O

Learn tab L

Advanced Search A,B, X

Are you new to the site?' links

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon --> Regulations with comments due soon

Newly Posted Regulations

EO 13563 and Regulatory Resources

Other (please specify): C

None of the above

M Are the documents shown under each category grouped logically? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Browse Tab

No G

G Please tell us how you feel the document categories could be grouped more logically.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic OE_Logical Categorization

N Each featured regulation on the Browse tab has a 'Comment Now' icon next to it, which links directly to the Submit a Comment page. Did you find this resource useful? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Submit a Comment Page

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not realize where that icon would lead

No, I wanted to read the regulation first

No, I did not want to submit a comment

O Each featured regulation also has a Social Media Share icon. Did you use the Social Media Share functionality today? Yes, it was useful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group SM Share Functionality

No, I did not see that icon

No, I did not want to share any regulations

L Which of these statements best describes your experience with the Regulatory Timeline. I learned information about the process I did not know
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Regulatory Timeline

I have a better understanding of the Regulatory process

I still have questions about the Regulatory process that were not answered

I found the explanations confusing

I expected different information within the Learn tab

None of the above

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of --> on the search results page did you use today? (check all that apply) Used the Sort By dropdown
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by agency --> Filtered results by Agency R

Filtered results by Category

Filtering results by type of document --> Filtered results by Document Type S

Filtering results by type of docket folder --> Filtered results by Docket Type T

Filtered by Posted

Filtered by Comment Period

Filtered by Comments Due

Searching within results --> Searched within Results W

Document preview (magnifying glass icon) --> Used the Document Spotlight (magnifying glass icon) Z

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

ACQWro0008337 Z How useful was the document preview --> Document Spotlight feature? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Document Preview --> Document Spotlight

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today? --> did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature --> results? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y Skip Logic

Submit a comment A

Browse by topic

Download documents

Browse Featured Regulations

Just wanted to explore the site

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

A When preparing to submit a comment, how do you prefer to read the document? (select all that apply)
Print it out
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Skip Logic Document Preference

Download and read the PDF on the computer

Read it on the website

Read it on a tablet or other mobile device

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today --> Please tell us your other reason for visiting the site today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
Which of the following services would you use to stay connected to Facebook
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media




Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds



Other, please specify A

ACQWro0008362 A Please tell us which other online services you would use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media

Which of the following social media tools and services do you use to share information or stay connected to Email/Email Alert
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media





Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds



Other, please specify A

A Please tell us which other online services you use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media
Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit
KFB07315 has included year-to-date summary statistics and a graphic display of Site Data within the site. How useful do you feel the following additional features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by submitter group (e.g. law firms, NGOs) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Submitter

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by geographic location Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Geographic

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to engage with other users through messaging and/or forum discussions
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 12: Custom Qsts (11-1-11)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==

pink: ADDITION/New Qeustion

Date: 6/4/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link from or

Followed a link/recommendation from a an other website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B, X

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources --> EO 13563 and Regulatory Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

Document preview (magnifying glass icon) Z

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

Z How useful was the document preview feature? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Document Preview

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Did you watch any of the instructional videos on the Help tab today? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Videos_Watch


KFB07619 A Please tell us which videos you watched. (check all that apply) John Moses speaking about
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Videos_which ones

Explanation of the new features

Explanation of the search tool

Explanation of how to submit a comment

Not Sure

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? --> What did you come to the site to do today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? --> Since you did not accomplish what you wanted, what do you intend to do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Please tell us about your other experience.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

ACQDom0003567 C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Which of the following services would you use to stay connected to Facebook
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Social Media




Podcasts/Online webcasts

RSS feeds



Other, please specify A

A Please tell us which other online services you would use to stay connected to

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Social Media
How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM


Planned enhancements to include: simplify the site's comment process, by enabling users to quickly find a rule of interest and submit a comment. From the home page select the comment widget, then choose the rule's 'category', and 'agency', and if you 'sign in' you may later use auto-fill to complete the required fields of the rule's comment form. Do you have any suggestions about the value of the enhancement or specific feature recommendations?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions

Please share with us any additional details about your experience on that would help us improve the site. (optional)

Text field no char. Limit
KFB07315 has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. --> has included year-to-date summary statistics and a graphic display of Site Data within the site. How useful do you feel the following additional features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by submitter group (e.g. law firms, NGOs) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Submitter

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Graphically display comments on regulatory actions by geographic location Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Geographic

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects financial and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system through messages messaging and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to comment within sections of the Agency documents Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Comment w/in Sections

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to track when my comment has been read by the Agency Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Track Comment

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 13: Custom Qsts (213-11)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 6/4/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link/recommendation from a website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B, X

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Did you watch any of the instructional videos on the homepage today? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Videos_Watch


KFB07619 A Please tell us which videos you watched. (check all that apply) John Moses speaking about
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Videos_which ones

Explanation of the new features

Explanation of the search tool

Explanation of how to submit a comment

Not Sure

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group --> Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information C

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences --> Please tell us about your other experience.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic

C Please describe for us what you experienced today when you could not navigate back to the previous information.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Can't Navigate Back
If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM
Planned enhancements to include: subscribe to RSS feeds based on a specific topic (or subject), filter topics to focus on documents open for comment, and filter topics to focus on documents posted by a specific federal department or agency. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve these features?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions

Planned enhancements to include: simplify the site's comment process, by enabling users to quickly find a rule of interest and submit a comment. From the home page select the comment widget, then choose the rule's 'category', and 'agency', and if you 'sign in' you may later use auto-fill to complete the required fields of the rule's comment form. Do you have any suggestions about the value of the enhancement or specific feature recommendations?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions
KFB07315 has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. How useful do you feel the following features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system messages and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 14: Custom Qsts (7-1-10)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 6/4/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

What brought you to the site today? Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

Followed a link/recommendation from a website or news article

Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

Did an online search which brought me here

I need this site for my job

Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B, X Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B, X

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword
Did you watch any of the instructional videos on the homepage today? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Videos_Watch


KFB07619 A Please tell us which videos you watched. (check all that apply) John Moses speaking about
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Videos_which ones

Explanation of the new features

Explanation of the search tool

Explanation of how to submit a comment

Not Sure

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM
Planned enhancements to include: subscribe to RSS feeds based on a specific topic (or subject), filter topics to focus on documents open for comment, and filter topics to focus on documents posted by a specific federal department or agency. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve these features?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions
KFB07315 has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. How useful do you feel the following features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system messages and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 15: Custom Qsts (6-7-10)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 6/4/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day A, B

Once a day A, B

Once a week A, B

Once a month A, B

Twice a year or less

AED08168 A How do you feel about the recent site enhancements made to compared to the previous design? I feel they are better
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Enhancements

I feel they are the same

I feel they are worse

AED08169 B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site enhancements. (check all that apply) The look and feel is more appealing
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Enhancements

The look and feel is less appealing

The look and feel is about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

AED08170 C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent site enhancements.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Enhancements
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Did you watch any of the instructional videos on the homepage today? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Videos_Watch


KFB07619 A Please tell us which videos you watched. (check all that apply) John Moses speaking about
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Videos_which ones

Explanation of the new features

Explanation of the search tool

Explanation of how to submit a comment

Not Sure

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM
Planned enhancements to include: subscribe to RSS feeds based on a specific topic (or subject), filter topics to focus on documents open for comment, and filter topics to focus on documents posted by a specific federal department or agency. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve these features?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions
KFB07315 has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. How useful do you feel the following features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system messages and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 16: Custom Qsts (2-22-2010)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 2/22/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day A, B

Once a day A, B

Once a week A, B

Once a month A, B

Twice a year or less

AED08168 A How do you feel about the recent site enhancements made to compared to the previous design? I feel they are better
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Enhancements

I feel they are the same

I feel they are worse

AED08169 B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site enhancements. (check all that apply) The look and feel is more appealing
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Enhancements

The look and feel is less appealing

The look and feel is about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

AED08170 C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent site enhancements.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Enhancements
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature

Did you watch any of the instructional videos on the homepage today? Yes A Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Videos_Watch


A Please tell us which videos you watched. (check all that apply) John Moses speaking about
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Videos_which ones

Explanation of the new features

Explanation of the search tool

Explanation of how to submit a comment

Not Sure

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM
Planned enhancements to include: subscribe to RSS feeds based on a specific topic (or subject), filter topics to focus on documents open for comment, and filter topics to focus on documents posted by a specific federal department or agency. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve these features?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions
KFB07315 has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. How useful do you feel the following features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data
If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system messages and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 17: Custom Qsts (2-2-10)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 2/2/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day A, B

Once a day A, B

Once a week A, B

Once a month A, B

Twice a year or less

AED08168 A How do you feel about the recent site enhancements made to compared to the previous design? I feel they are better
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Enhancements

I feel they are the same

I feel they are worse

AED08169 B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site enhancements. (check all that apply) The look and feel is more appealing
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Enhancements

The look and feel is less appealing

The look and feel is about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

AED08170 C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent site enhancements.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Enhancements
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to improve

Text field no char. Limit

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

AKR5514 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_Preferred SM

Planned enhancements to include: subscribe to RSS feeds based on a specific topic (or subject), filter topics to focus on documents open for comment, and filter topics to focus on documents posted by a specific federal department or agency. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve these features?

Text field no char. Limit
OE_Feature Suggestions has recently included on their homepage summary statistics and a graphic of site content for 2009. This is the first of many forthcoming dashboard and graphic tools intended to make information from more accessible and useful. How useful do you feel the following features would be:
Additional types of summary data
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Dynamically generate summary data and display in real-time
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Highlight effective dates and impacted industries Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Display geographic areas identified or affected by regulatory actions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Areas

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

What other types of summary data would you find useful?

Text field no char. Limit
Other Summary Data

If the following features were added to the site, how useful would they be to you?
Ability to find information and stay informed about initiatives and projects affecting specific industries (e.g. highway projects and food safety)
Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Summary Data

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to search for initiatives and projects within a specific proximity (e.g. proposed rule affecting a location or area within 10 miles of Washington, DC) Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_RealTime

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Ability to engage with other users with system messages and/or forum discussions Very Useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Multiple List Dashboard_Dates & Industries

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Don't Know

Sheet 18: Custom Qsts (9-1-09)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 9/1/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions Question Label
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day A, B

Once a day A, B

Once a week A, B

Once a month A, B

Twice a year or less

AED08168 A How do you feel about the recent site enhancements made to compared to the previous design? I feel they are better
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Enhancements

I feel they are the same

I feel they are worse

AED08169 B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site enhancements. (check all that apply) The look and feel is more appealing
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Enhancements

The look and feel is less appealing

The look and feel is about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

AED08170 C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent site enhancements.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Enhancements
Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Home Page Features

Advanced Search A,B

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

Other (please specify):

None of the above C

AED08172 C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Home Page Features
AED08173 A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Search Features

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

AED08174 R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Agency

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08175 S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_Document

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08176 T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Filtering_docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08177 U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Relevancy

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08178 V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Viewing_Docket folder

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08179 W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Search within Results

Somewhat useful

Not useful

AED08180 D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Search Features Used
AED08181 B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Impression of Search Feature

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

AED08182 E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Other Impression of Search Feature
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char

Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char

Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to improve OPEN-ENDED
Text field no char. Limit

How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
Bookmark or tag website (i.e. Digg or
View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Tag

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Podcasts or audio on the web View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Audio

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Online social networks (i.e. FaceBook, MySpace) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Social Networks

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Virtual Worlds

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Comments, ratings, or reviews (i.e. Epinions) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Comments

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Blogs or wikis View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Blogs

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Vodcasts or videos on the web (i.e. YouTube) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Videos

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Personalized web pages (i.e. MyYahoo!, iGoogle) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Personal

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

RSS feeds/Listservs View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_RSS

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Microblog (i.e. Twitter) View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Micro

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often

Single N Matrix Group SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this site? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS Group SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char
OE_Preferred SM

Sheet 19: Custom Qsts 07-31-09

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 7/28/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic

More than once a day A, B

Once a day A, B

Once a week A, B

Once a month A, B

Twice a year or less

A How do you feel about the recent site enhancements made to compared to the previous design? I feel they are better
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

I feel they are the same

I feel they are worse

B Please tell us more about your impressions of the recent site enhancements. (check all that apply) The look and feel is more appealing
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

The look and feel is less appealing

The look and feel is about the same

The navigation of the site is more user friendly

The navigation of the site is less user friendly

The navigation of the site is about the same

It is easier to find what I'm looking for

It is harder to find what I'm looking for

I have the same level of difficulty in finding information

Other Comments (please specify) C

C Please tell us about your other impressions of the recent site enhancements.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

Which features on the homepage did you use today? (check all that apply) Search A,B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Advanced Search A,B

Site Map

What's Hot

Closing Soon

Newly Posted

Regulatory Agenda & Agency Resources

None of the above

Other (please specify): C

C What other homepage features did you use today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

A Which features of the search results did you use today? (check all that apply) Filtering results by agency R Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Filtering results by type of document S

Filtering results by type of docket folder T

Viewing results by relevance U

Viewing results by docket folder V

Searching within results W

None of the above

Other (please specify): D

R How useful was filtering the results by agency? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

S How useful was filtering the results by type of document? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

T How useful was filtering the results by type of docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

U How useful was viewing the results by relevance? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

V How useful was viewing the results by docket folder? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

W How useful was the ability to search within results? Very useful
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Somewhat useful

Not useful

D Which other search result features were most useful to you today?

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

B What was your impression of the search feature? (check all that apply) Results were relevant to my search terms or needs
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other (please specify): E

E Please tell us about your impression of the search feature.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char
Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char
If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


What was your impression of the search feature? (Check all that apply) I did not use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Results were relevant to my search terms or needs

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other, please specify B

CWS01243 B Other impressions of the search feature

Text field, <100 char
Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char
If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to improve OPEN-ENDED
Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 20: Custom Qsts 04-13-09

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 1/27/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char
Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other, please specify ZZ

CWS01241 ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char
If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


What was your impression of the search feature? (Check all that apply) I did not use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Results were relevant to my search terms or needs

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other, please specify B

CWS01243 B Other impressions of the search feature

Text field, <100 char
Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

I did not experience any navigation difficulties

Other, please specify B

CWS01245 B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char
If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to improve OPEN-ENDED
Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 21: Qsts Current 3-23-2009

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 1/27/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

More than once a day

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

Twice a year or less

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

AED05840 W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

AED05841 Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic
AED05842 X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

AED05843 Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char
Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y OPS Group

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification

Other --> Other, please specify ZZ

NEW ZZ Other reason for visiting the site today

Text field, <100 char
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char
If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the search functionality? (check all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Returned too many results

Returned not enough results

Returned no results

Returned results that were similar/redundant

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

I was not sure what words to use in my search

Was the search tool useful? (check all that apply) Yes, Useful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

No, Irrelevant information displayed

No, Not enough information displayed

No, I could not open the links

No, Too much information displayed

No, The search tool was difficult to use

No, The links contained old information

What was your impression of the search feature? (Check all that apply) I did not use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Results were relevant to my search terms or needs

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

Too many results displayed

Results required too many refinements to get to what I wanted

Returned not enough/no results

I could not open the link

Search speed was too slow

Other, please specify B

NEW B Other impressions of the search feature

Text field, <100 char
What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the <b>navigation process</b> on this site? (check all that apply) Did not have any difficulty navigating the site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Links did not take me where I expected

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links or navigational questions

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Which of the following would most improve your navigation through website? Improve search box function
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N

Make navigation links more visible

Add more navigation links to homepage

Change the name of primary navigation links

Improve ability to narrow search results

Do not recommend a change

Which of the following did you experience while navigating today? (Check all that apply) Links/labels were difficult to understand
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Encountered technical difficulties (i.e. error messages, system timeouts)

Other, please specify B

NEW B Other navigating experiences

Text field, <100 char
If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other, please specify H

AED05849 H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to improve OPEN-ENDED
Text field no char. Limit

Sheet 22: Custom Qsts (1-27-09)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 1/27/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions
How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

More than once a day

Daily --> Once a day

About once a week --> Once a week

About once a month --> Once a month

Every 6 months or less --> Twice a year or less

Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization

Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government W,X

Local/State government

Foreign government

W Why did you choose to come to this site instead of (check all that apply) I don't know what is
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

I could not find what I needed on is quicker has a better search engine

I was looking for a docket or document from another agency

I forgot my user name or password

Other, please specify Y

Y Other reason for visiting instead of FDMS

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic

X What tasks do you typically use for? (check all that apply) Find and/or download a docket
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic

Find and/or download a document

Submit a comment

Confirm that a comment was posted and publicly viewable

Look up dockets or documents in another agency

Create reports

Find a comment with a tracking number

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up e-mail notifications

Look up a regulatory agenda

Find a historical rule

Other, please specify Z

Z Other tasks you typically use for

Text field, <100 char
What did you do on the site today? Search for a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y

submit a comment

Browse by topic

Dowload documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification


Why did you come to the site today? (check all that apply) Find a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y

Submit a comment

Browse by topic

Download documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification


Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

No A

AKR1359 A If you were not able to accomplish what you wanted, what will you do next? --> What will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Nothing-I was successful

Contact department/agency directly

Nothing-I give up

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char
If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? Rules
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement


If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? (check all that apply) Rules
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement

Supporting Materials

I don't know


If you did not find what you were looking for, what improvements can we make to help you find the information that you were looking for? OPEN-ENDED
Text field, <100 char
If you used the search feature, what type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the search functionality? I did not encounter any difficulties
Dropdown (Select-one) SINGLE N

Returned too many results

Returned not enough results

Returned no results

Returned results that were similar/redundant

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

I was not sure what words to use in my search

What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the search functionality? (check all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Returned too many results

Returned not enough results

Returned no results

Returned results that were similar/redundant

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

I was not sure what words to use in my search

If the search tool was not useful, why not? Not applicable
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N

Search provided irrelevant information

Not enough information was returned

I could not open the links

Too much information was provided

The search tool was difficult to use

The links were to out-dated information


Was the search tool useful? (check all that apply) Yes, Useful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

No, Irrelevant information displayed

No, Not enough information displayed

No, I could not open the links

No, Too much information displayed

No, The search tool was difficult to use

No, The links contained old information

What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation process on this site? Did not have any difficulty navigating the site
Dropdown (Select-one) SINGLE Y

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Links did not take me where I expected

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links or navigational questions

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation process on this site? (check all that apply) Did not have any difficulty navigating the site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Links did not take me where I expected

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links or navigational questions

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Which of the following would most improve your navigation through website? Improve search box function
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N

Make navigation links more visible

Add more navigation links to homepage

Change the name of primary navigation links

Improve ability to narrow search results

Do not recommend a change

If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N OPS Group

Submitting a comment

Help pages

Other --> Other, please specify H

H Other area for improvement

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group
What changes could we make to in order to make it your ideal Web site? --> What changes could we make to improve OPEN-ENDED
Text field, <100 char

Sheet 23: Custom Qsts (6-25-08)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sJNkhVARwtQkos59ZsYl5w==


Date: 6/25/2008 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required

ALM0030 1 How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y


More than once a day



Text Field – limited to 100 characters

About once a week

Text Area – no character limit

About once a month

Dropdown (Select-one)

Every 6 months or less

Radio Button One Up Vertical
ALM0031 2 Which best describes you? General public
Dropdown (Select-one) Single

Lobbyist/Trade organization

Law firm

Public interest organization


Academic community

Small business


Regulated industry

Federal government

Local/State government

Foreign government

ALM0163 3 What did you do on the site today? Search for a document
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI Y

submit a comment

Browse by topic

Dowload documents

Bookmark a docket or document

Set up an e-mail notification


ALM0164 4 Were you able to accomplish what you wanted to do? Yes
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

No A

AKR1359 A If you were not able to accomplish what you wanted, what will you do next? Try this site again later
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y

Call the helpdesk

Submit webform to helpdesk

Nothing-I was successful

Nothing-I give up

Contact department/agency directly

Try another site (please specify) B

AKR1360 B If you will try another site, please specify:

Text field, <100 char

If you were looking for a document, what type of document were you looking for? Rules
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N

Proposed Rules


Public Comment


Information Collection Requests

Environmental Impact Statement


ALM0035 6 If you did not find what you were looking for, what improvements can we make to help you find the information that you were looking for? OPEN-ENDED
Text field, <100 char

ALM0162 7 If you used the search feature, what type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the search functionality? I did not encounter any difficulties
Dropdown (Select-one) SINGLE N

Returned too many results

Returned not enough results

Returned no results

Returned results that were similar/redundant

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

I was not sure what words to use in my search

AKR1361 8 If the search tool was not useful, why not? Not applicable
Radio Button One Up Vertical SINGLE N

Search provided irrelevant information

Not enough information was returned

I could not open the links

Too much information was provided

The search tool was difficult to use

The links were to out-dated information


ALM0161 9 What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation process on this site? Did not have any difficulty navigating the site
Dropdown (Select-one) SINGLE Y

Could not navigate back to previous information

Would often feel lost, not know where I was

Links did not take me where I expected

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links or navigational questions

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

AKR1362 10 Which of the following would most improve your navigation through website? Do not recommend a change
Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N

Improve search box function

Make navigation links more visible

Add more navigation links to homepage

Change the name of primary navigation links

Improve ability to narrow search results

AKR1363 11 If there is an area of the site that you think most needs improving, which is it? Searching for a document/regulation
Dropdown (Select-one) SINGLE N

Submitting a comment

Help pages


AKR1364 12 What changes could we make to in order to make it your ideal Web site? OPEN-ENDED
Text field, <100 char

Sheet 24: Guidelines

Questionnaire Management Guidelines


One consolidated document to track all model and CQ changes throughout the life of the project

Questionnaire always matches the live survey

Easy and error-free way to submit CQ changes

All changes tracked and reflected in one document (DOT will help)

Basic rules:

1 This questionnaire has to match the live survey

2 All changes to the live measure need to be tracked and archived in one document

3 All CQ change requests has to be submitted using this documents

SRA: 1) marks up changes and submits the entire document to DOT

DOT: 1) archives change request on separate tab

2) implement changes

3) updates the document to reflect all implemented changes in the "clean" questionnaire - SRA can send to the client and use for future CQ changes

4 DOT will safeguard correct formats - your next CQ changes have to be submitted using one survey document with appropriate color-coding

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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