SEA evaluation

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NOAA SEA (Sea, Earth, Atmosphere) Evaluation

OMB: 0648-0342

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OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this
burden to Chris Ellis, NOAA National Ocean Service, at [email protected], or contact him at 843-7401195.
Respondents are not identified on their questionnaires, and any reports will present data in aggregate
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NOAA SEA Evaluation
Introduction/Contextual information
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Earth Atmosphere (NOAA
SEA) curricular resource materials were created for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade educators.
This suite of resources includes hands-on activities and innovative technologies to
engage students and teachers. NOAA would like the opportunity to improve these
resource materials to better serve the education community. This survey will assist
NOAA in determining where to begin realigning the materials to either the Common
Core or Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in addition to what types of
products and services should be offered to educators. Your participation in this survey is
completely voluntary. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
● Required date for responses
For questions and/or interest in the results of this survey, please contact John Mitchell
by email [email protected] or by phone (808) 725-5284.

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

1. Have you used NOAA Sea Earth Atmosphere (SEA) Education Resources?
a. yes
b. no
2. If no, please state why (please check all that apply):
a. Access to other materials that are easier to use
b. Administrator decides which materials are used
c. Not aligned with Common Core standards
d. Not aligned with Next Generation Science Standards
e. Other (please specify): _____________________________
If NO, please skip to Demographic Section.

If YES, please continue:
3. How do you primarily access the NOAA SEA curricula?
a. Printed materials
b. DVD
c. online (please specify device, for example desktop, tablet, phone)
4. Do you teach one or more entire units, or use individual lessons?
a. entire units
b. individual lessons (skip # 5-7 and go to # 8)
c. both
If you selected entire units:
5. Please locate the grade and select the unit(s) that you use regularly. Please
check all that apply.
a. Unit 1: Shoreline Habitats
b. Unit 2: Open Ocean Habitats
c. Unit 3: Coral Reef Habitats
d. Unit 4: Navigating the Water Cycle
e. Unit 5: Humpback Whales 101
f. Unit 6: Predicting & Tracking Hurricanes

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

a. Unit 1: Island Formations
b. Unit 2: Weather and Wave Patterns
c. Unit 3: Aquatic Food Chains
d. Unit 4: Life and Times of the Humpback Whale
e. Unit 5: Threatened and Endangered Species
f. Unit 6: Beach Detectives
g. Unit 7: Marine Protected Areas
h. Unit 8: Ocean Geography and Geology
a. Unit 1: The Wonderful World of Corals
b. Unit 2: Life in a Wetland
c. Unit 3: Climate Change
d. Unit 4: Land Beneath the Sea
e. Unit 5: Living Resources of the Ocean
f. Unit 6: Life in the Open Ocean
If you selected individual lessons:
6. Please locate the grade and specify the lessons that you use regularly
Grade 3 Unit 1: Shoreline Habitats
a. Lesson1: Hawaii's Shoreline Habitats
b. Lesson 2: Awesome Adaptations
c. Lesson 3: Creature Feature
d. Lesson 4: Guess Who?
e. Lesson 5: Shorelines in Trouble
f. Lesson C: My Shoreline Habitat Report

Grade 3 Unit 2: Open Ocean Habitats
a. Lesson 1: Ocean All Around
b. Lesson 2: Creature Features
c. Lesson 3: Dare to Compare
d. Lesson C: Eat or Be Eaten!
Grade 3 Unit 3: Coral Reef Habitats
a. Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Coral Reef Habitat
b. Lesson 2: Coral Structure and Function

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

c. Lesson 3: Human Impact on the Coral Reef
d. Lesson C: Protecting Our Coral Reefs
Grade 3 Unit 4: Navigating the Water Cycle
a. Lesson 1: Water in My Life
b. Lesson 2: The Cycle of Water
c. Lesson 3: Close Relations: Weather, Climate, & Water
d. Lesson 4: We Are Responsible Water Users!
e. Lesson C: A Water Conference
Grade 3 Unit 5: Humpback Whales 101
a. Lesson 1: Anatomy of a Humpback Whale
b. Lesson 2: Whale Feast Discovery Lab
c. Lesson 3: Humpback Whale Behaviors
d. Lesson 4: Be a Whale Researcher
Grade 3 Unit 6: Predicting & Tracking Hurricanes
a. Lesson 1: Hurricane Awareness
b. Lesson 2: Hurricane Formation
c. Lesson 3: Who's Watching for You?
d. Lesson 4: Hurricane Preparedness
e. Lesson 5: Hurricane Warning
f. Lesson C: Taking Action
Grade 4 Unit 1: Island Formations
a. Lesson 1: Where in the World Do I Live?
b. Lesson L2: Patterns in the Hawaiian Islands
c. Lesson 3: How Did the Island Chain Form?
d. Lesson 4: Changing Islands
e. Lesson C: The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago
Grade 4 Unit 2: Weather and Wave Patterns
a. Lesson 1: Why Do We Want to Know?
b. Optional: Extension Lesson
c. Lesson 2: How Do We Make Predictions?
d. Lesson 3: Waves
e. Lesson 4: Extreme Forecasting
f. Lesson C: Weather Safety Campaign

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

Grade 4 Unit 3: Aquatic Food Chains
a. Lesson 1: Searching for Clues in Cells
b. Lesson 2: Food Chains and Food Webs in an Ecosystem
c. Lesson 3: Ecosystem in a Bottle
d. Lesson 4: Taking a Closer Look at Seaweeds
e. Lesson C: Mariculture and Aquaculture
Grade 4 Unit 4: Life and Times of the Humpback Whale
a. Lesson 1: Where did the Humpback Whales Come From?
b. Lesson 2:A Humpback Whale's World
c. Lesson 3: Harmonizing with Humpbacks
d. Lesson C: The Life Cycle of Humpback Whales
Grade 4 Unit 5: Threatened and Endangered Species
a. Lesson 1: Are These Animals Threatened, Endangered or Extinct?
b. Lesson 2: Taking a Closer look
c. Lesson 3: Changes in Environmental Conditions
d. Lesson 4: Guess Who?
e. Lesson C: Species in Jeopardy!
f. Lesson C Extension: A Public Service Announcement
Grade 4 Unit 6: Beach Detectives
a. Lesson 1: Beach Habitats "Scene of the Crime"
b. Lesson 2: Hawaiian Beach Sands "Crime Scene Bio"
c. Lesson 3: Pollution "The Suspect"
d. Lesson 4: Life at the Beach "Examining the Crime Scene"
e. Lesson 5: Trash Hounds "Crime Scene Conclusions"
f. Lesson C: Crime Scene Report
Grade 4 Unit 7: Marine Protected Areas
a. Lesson 1: What Makes a Healthy Marine Ecosystem?
b. Lesson 2: In What Ways Do Humans Impact Marine Ecosystems?
c. Lesson 3: What is a Marine Protected Area?
d. Lesson 4: Marine Protected Areas All Over….
e. Lesson C: Creating a Marine Protected Area
Grade 4 Unit 8: Ocean Geography and Geology
a. Lesson 1: A Watery World
b. Lesson 2: Into the Deep

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

c. Lesson 3: A Moving Crust
d. Lesson C: Ocean Floor Geology
Grade 5 Unit 1: The Wonderful World of Corals
a. Lesson 1: Living Spaces of the Coral Reef Habitat
b. Lesson 2: Everybody has a Role in a Coral Reef
c. Lesson 3: Hungry Reef Fish
d. Lesson 4: Invertebrates on the Reef
e. Lesson 5: Vertebrates on the Reef
f. Lesson C: Coral Reef Ecosystems
Grade 5 Unit 2: Life in a Wetland
a. Lesson 1: The Wetland Ecosystems
b. Lesson 2: Nature's Water Filter
c. Lesson 3: Are Hawaii's Wetlands Changing?
d. Lesson C: Wetland Investigators
Grade 5 Unit 3: Climate Change
a. Lesson 1: Describing Hawaii's Weather and Climate
b. Lesson 2: How Can We Predict Weather with Technology?
c. Lesson 3: Climate of Our Past
d. Lesson 4: Impacts of Climate Change
Grade 5 Unit 4: Land Beneath the Sea
a. Lesson 1: The Earth is Cracking Up
b. Lesson 2: Mountains, Valleys, and Plains, Oh My!
c. Lesson 3: Seafloor Profiling
d. Lesson 4: Multibeam Mapping
Grade 5 Unit 5: Living Resources of the Ocean
a. Lesson 1: Marine Food Chains and Webs
b. Lesson 2: An Ocean of Energy
c. Lesson 3: Seafood and Human Health
d. Lesson 4: Sustaining Our Ocean Resources
Grade 5 Unit 6: Life in the Open Ocean
a. Lesson 1: Where in the World is the Open Ocean?
b. Lesson 2: Sharks-Top Predators of the Open Ocean
c. Lesson 3: What's Missing from this Picture?
d. Lesson 4: Marine Snow

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

e. Lesson C: Matter Cycles and Energy Flow in the Open Ocean

5. If the curricula were revised in the future, is there anything you would like
us to be sure to:
a. Keep? ____________________
b. Delete? ____________________
c. Add? ____________________
d. Modify? _________________________
6. What would increase your usage of the SEA curriculum?

7. What is your limitation (if any) to using SEA curriculum?
8. Other comments, suggestions, and/or ideas on NOAA SEA resources?

Demographic information

Which of the following best describes your institution? (Check one.)
a. Public school (optional)____________________________________
b. Charter school (optional)___________________________________
c. Private school (optional)___________________________________
d. Home school
e. NGO/Non-Profit (please specify) ____________________________
f. Federal Government - NOAA (including contractors)
NOAA Line Office _______________
Program Office _______________
g. Federal Government – Non-NOAA (including contractors)
Federal Agency Name _______________________
h. Other (please specify) ____________________________

2. Which of the following best describes your role?
a. formal educator

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

b. nonformal educator
c. pre-service educator
3. How many years have you been teaching?
a. 0-2
b. 3-5
c. over 5 years
4. Which grade level do you teach?
a. K-2
b. 3-5
c. 6-8
5. Where do you do all or most of your teaching?
a. Island of Hawaii
b. Kauai
c. Kahoolawe
d. Lanai
e. Maui
f. Molokai
g. Oahu
h. Other
6. Who determines which curricular resource you will be able to use in the
a. I do
b. Principal
c. Other:____________________
7. Did you attend a NOAA SEA Teacher Workshop?
a. yes
b. no (skip question 8)
8. If yes, which of the two formats did you attend?
a. Format A - ½ day workshop
b. Format B - 1 day workshop with field experience plus two hour long
webinars, delivery of 2 lessons in the classroom, and creation of a
portfolio for Professional Development credits.

OMB Control Number 0648-0342
Expiration Date: 4/30/2015

Thanks for taking this survey!

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSTL_NOAA SEA Evaluation Questions.docx
File Modified2014-04-09
File Created2014-04-09

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