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Permanent Workers
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Family of Green Card Holders
Family of Refugees & Asylees
Fiance(e) Visas
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• E-Verify Horne page
• Self Check
Refugees & Asylum
Humanitarian Parole
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Victims of Human Trafficking &
Other Crimes
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Temporary Protected Status
Deferred Enforced Departure
Deferred Action Process for
Young People
Before You Start
Before Your Child Immigrates to
the United States
Immigration through Adoption
Country Information
After Approval of Orphan and
Hague Application
Bringing Your Internationally
Adopted Child to the United
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Citizenship for Military Members &
Military Help Line
• Apply for Citizenship (Form N400)
• Apply for a Green Card (Form 1485)
• Help My Relative Immigrate
(Form 1-130)
• Renew or Replace My Green
Card (Form 1-90)
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• Apply for Employment
Authorization (Form 1-765)
• Affidavit of Support (Form 1-864)
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• Change Your Address Online
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• Secretary Napolitano
Announces Deferred Action
Process for Young People who
are Low Enforcement Priorites
• Department of State Announces
Cut-Off Date for EB-2
Worldwide, Mexico and the
• 1-601 Provisional Waiver Is Not
in Effect
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U.S. Citizenship
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Sign-up for Case Updates
USCIS Customers (applicants or petitioners) and Representatives (such as lawyers, charitable groups, or corporations) who require
regular access to status information about multiple cases can create an account to more conveniently access this information. The
seiVices provided to both account types are identical, except Representatives may also enter their own internal office tracking number
with each receipt number.
In addition, US CIS Customers and Representatives can choose to receive automatic case status updates, which will be sent via e-mail.
A new pilot program provides the additional option to receive a text message notification that a case status update has occurred. which
will be sent to a United States mobile phone number. USCIS Customers and Representatives that select the option to receive the text
message notification acknowledge that Standard Messaging Rates or other charges related to these notifications may apply.
OMB Control Number 1615-0080; Expires June 31 , 2012
Case Status Online allows individuals or organizations to create an online account to submit a req uestfor status information on their
immigration benefit requests to USCIS. Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to be 4.5- minutes (0.075 hours) per response.
which includes the time necessary to review instructions, gather all necessary data, complete the form and submit to USCIS. If you have
comments regarding the burden estimate, or any other part of this information collection, you may submit comments to USCIS. Your
response is voluntary. Send comments to USCIS, Regulatory Coordination Division, Office of Policy and Strategy, 20 Massachusetts Ave
NW.. Washington. DC 20529-2020.
Do not mail complete Privacy Policy
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Privacy and Legal Disclaimers
ThanKyou for visiting our Website and reviewing our privacy and security notice and legal
disclaimers. We remind you that if you linK to a site o utside of the Department of Homeland
Security, you are subject to the policies of the new site.
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Here is how w e handle information about your visit to our Website:
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If you visit our site to read or download information, w e collect and store the following information
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• The name of the Internet domain (for example, "· if you use a private Internet
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This information is primarily collected for statistical a nalysis and technical improvements to the
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which may be used for such purposes as assessing what information is of m ost and least
interest, determining technical design specifications , and identifying system pelformance or
problem areas. In certain circumstances, how ever, w e may taKe additional steps to identify you
based on this information and w e may share this information, including your identity, with other
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If you choose to provide us with personal information , such as by sending an e-mail or by filling
out a form and submitting it through our Website, w e will use that information to respond to your
message or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. Remember that e-mail is not
necessarily secure against interception. If you communication is sensitive or includes personal
information you may prefer to send it by postal mail instead.
We may share the information you give us with another government agency if your inQuiry relates
to that agency. In other limited circumstances, such as responses to reQuests from Congress
and private individuals, w e may be reQuired by law to disclose information you submit. Before you
submit personal information, such as on an online fo rm, you may be given m ore specific
guidance as to how your personal information may b e used.
Electronically submitted information is maintained a nd destroyed according to the principles of
the Federal Records Act and the regulations and records schedules of the National Archives and
Records Administration, and in some cases m ay be· covered by the Privacy Act and subject to the
Freedom of Information Act.
·c ooKies· are small bits of text that are either used fo r the duration of a session ("session
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For site security purposes and to ensure that this se IVice remains available to all users, this
Government computer system employs software program s to m onitor networK traffic to identify
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and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.
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provide complete and accurate information. How ever, with the volume of documents
available, often uploaded with short deadlines, w e cannot guarantee there will be no errors.
We will do our best to correct errors brought to our attention. With respect to documents and
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Information presented on this WWW site is con sidered public information and may be
distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is reQuested. Some of
the images on have been licensed for use by USCIS on a non-exclusive and
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should not be used except as they appear as p art of this w ebsite. If you are interested in
using one of these images, please contact the USCIS Web Unit.
External Websites listed on our pages are not under the control of DHS. Therefore, w e maKe
no representation concerning the content of these sites, nor can the fact that w e provided
this listing seNe as an endorsement by DHS o f any of these sites. We provide these linKs as
a convenience only.
Privacy Policy for the Official Blog of U SCI S, " The Beacon"
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS or Depa rtment)IU.S. Citizenship and Immigration
SeiVices (USCIS) will use the Beacon Blog for external relations (communications/outreach/public
dialogue), to maKe information and seiVices widely available to the general public, and promote
transparency and accountability. The DHS/USCIS Office of Communications (OCOMM) selVes as
the executive agent for the Beacon Blog and controls who at DHS/USCIS has access to maKe
changes to the page.
The DHS privacy policy and Privacy Impact Assessm ent (PIA) govern DHS/USCIS use of this blog
from a privacy perspective. The DHS privacy policy can be found on the DHS w ebsite. The DHS
PIA ·u se of Social NetworKing Interactions and Appli cations," September 16, 2010, can be found
at www.dhs.govi privacy.
The information posted on the Beacon Blog is availa ble to the individual posting and to any and all
users of the Beacon Blog who are able to access the public-facing side of the account. To protect
your privacy and the privacy of others, do not include your full name, phone numbers, email
addresses, social security number, case numbers o r any other sensitive Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) in your comments or responses.
DHS may share information posted on the Beacon Slog if there is a dem onstrated need to Know,
and will only post information after it has been appropriately approved and vetted by DHS/USCIS
Privacy Policy for Case Status Online
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration SeiVices
(USCIS) collects your case receipt number to provide you with status updates and estimated
processing times for your pending immigration bene fit application or petition. You are not reQuired
to provide this information; how ever, USCIS m ay not be able to provide status updates on your
pending case without it.
DHS personnel, contractors or other agents may use or have disclosure of your information to
assist in updating your status on a pending application or petition.
DHS may also share information with law enforceme nt or other government agencies if there is a
demonstrated need to Know; for example, a potentia I or actual threat to national security. Specific
examples of when DHS might share your information can be found in the Privacy section of DHS'
w ebsite under System of Records Notices, "Benefits Information System "September 29, 2008.
Last updated: 06/ 13/2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U SCI S Freedom of Information Act and
My Case Status
Green Card
U.S. Customs & Border Protection
Privacy Act
Change of Address
U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Visa Bulletin
Working in the
White House
Website Policies
U.S. Department of State
Social Media P-olicy
Privacy and Le-gal Disclaimers
Site Map (Index)
Avoid Scams
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Careers at U SCI
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Subject | Screen Capture by SnagIt |
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