Supporting Statement_Part A_FINAL

Supporting Statement_Part A_FINAL.docx

MEPS Customer Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 0704-0470

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1. Need for Information Collection

USMEPCOM, with headquarters in North Chicago, IL, is a jointly staffed command with Department of the Army civilians and military from all five branches of service. The Command, through its network of 65 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS), determines whether applicants for military service are qualified for enlistment based on standards set by each of the Services. The MEPS are in the service business and applicants are USMEPCOM’s most important customers. USMEPCOM Regulation 601-23, Enlistment Processing, directs the information collection requirement for all 65 Military Entrance Processing Stations to obtain timely feedback from military applicants on MEPS core processes. The MEPS have been using this Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for the past 3 years to obtain feedback from the applicant. The current CSS is not being altered. Completion of the CSS is voluntary.

2. Use of Information

This information collection requirement for MEPS CSS is necessary to aid the MEPS and USMEPCOM in evaluating the effectiveness of current policies and core processes, identifying unmet customer needs, and allocating resources more efficiently. It also provides the applicant with immediate feedback, if desired. USMEPCOM as a joint DoD component providing red carpet service (including this survey) in support of advertising and marketing the enlistment process to applicants of the Armed Forces.

3. Improved Information Technology

This web-based tool will allow MEPS to efficiently administer voluntary customer satisfaction surveys electronically on a routine basis to their primary customer, applicants for military service. The aggregated data is available in USMEPCOM's Business Intelligence (BI) System and provides senior leadership at all levels with near real-time customer service metrics on USMEPCOM’s electronic BI Dashboard. Senior leaders use this electronic application to monitor key performance indicators in USMEPCOM. All MEPS possess dedicated computer terminals to administer the survey, and the automated collection technique minimizes administration time of personnel. This process is completely web-based. It minimizes the burden of moving paper between agencies and ensures better accuracy of data.

4. Efforts to Identify Duplication

Data collected by the MEPS Customer Satisfaction Survey provides a wide range of USMEPCOM core process information needed to improve and standardize processes in the MEPS. No similar information or verification procedure exists that can be used for this information collection from our primary customer, the applicant.

5. Methods Used to Minimize Burden on Small Entities

Small businesses and other small entities will not be affected by this collection.

6. Consequences of Not Collecting the Information

The MEPS Customer Satisfaction Survey is a tool for ascertaining the quality of MEPS services from a customer's perspective. It helps identify agency core processes that need quality improvement, provide early detection of problems, and focus attention on areas where remedial training or changes in existing operations might improve delivery of products or services. If collection were stopped, this would severely limit the connection with the MEPS primary customer, the applicant, and the ability to focus on areas of improvement in the MEPS. The MEPS are in the service business and applicant treatment by MEPS personnel and processes can influence whether some applicants decide to access into military service.

7. Special Circumstances

This collection of information is not conducted under special circumstances. The respondent is asked to complete one survey, one time. The information is used for none other than a data source for the USMEPCOM and each specific MEPS. No requirements are placed on the respondent after providing the information. If the respondent provides contact information for feedback on comments, the personal information collected is kept confidential.

8. Agency 60-Day Federal Register Notice and Consultations Outside the Agency

The 60-day Federal Register Notice announcing this information collection (as required by 5 CFR 1320.8(d)) was published on Wednesday, April 03, 2012, Volume 78, No.64, pages 20094-20095. No comments were received in response to this collection.

The CSS survey has been in effect since June 2010 under OMB Control Number 0704-0470.

9. Payments to Respondents

No payments, gifts or guarantees are made to respondents who provide this information.

10. Assurance of Confidentiality

Respondents are advised that statements will be held in the strictest confidence. No requirements are placed on the respondent after providing the information. If the respondent provides contact information for feedback on comments, the personal information collected is kept confidential. A privacy statement is part of the survey. MEPS keep personal contact information on file until all applicants’ comments are addressed.

11. Sensitive Questions

Demographic information on education level, gender, and age are requested to determine the distribution of trends over time.

12. Estimates of Annual Response Burden and Labor Cost for Hour Burden to the Respondent for Collection of Information

a. Response Burden:

(1) Survey Instrument

Total annual respondents: 122,000

Frequency of response: 1

Total annual response: 122,000

Burden per response: 10 min

Total burden hours 20,333

b. Explanation of How Burden was Estimated:

An observed average of 10 minutes is taken to complete the MEPS Customer Satisfaction Survey as observed by MEPS personnel working with an applicant filling out the survey.

c. Estimated Labor Cost to Respondents.

122,000 respondents x $7.25/hr* @ 10 mins (.167) Annual = $147,711.

*Hourly rate based on U.S. Department of Labor federal minimum wage.

13. Estimates of Cost Burden for the Respondent for Collection of Information

a. Total Capital and Start-up Costs. There are no capital or start-up costs associated with this collection.

b. Operational and Maintenance Costs. There are no operational or maintenance costs associated with this information collection.

14. Estimates of Cost to the Federal Government

  1. Work Load Requirements. Due to the automation of this process using a web-based tool and USMEPCOM’s Business Intelligence System, resource impacts are minimal.

  1. USMEP Labor costs associated with reviewing survey results, managing the Business Intelligence System, and conducting administrative oversight of the survey program (policy and procedures).

  • Review survey results: 65 MEPS x .5 hours per week x 52 weeks = 1690 hours/year

  • Manage Business Intelligence System: .75 hours per week x 52 weeks = 39 hours/year

  • Administrative oversight: 45 hours/year

  • TOTAL COST TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: 1774 hours per year x $33.20/hr* = $58,896.80 per year

* Cost and Economic Analysis Center (CEAC) FY13 average annual wage rate for USMEPCOM employee is $69,110.

15. Changes in Burden

The increase in burden is due to an increase in the estimated number of individuals coming through the various MEPS stations and being asked to complete the survey.

16. Publication Plans/Time Schedule

Results of this information collection will not be published.

17. Approval Not to Display Expiration Date

Approval not to display the expiration date is not being sought.

18. Exceptions to the Certification Statement

No exceptions to the certification statement are being sought.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleSupporting Statement
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-29

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