The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System City and State Weekly Reporting

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)

ATT- 1E Varicella Notification Message Mapping Guide 06052007.xls

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System City and State Weekly Reporting

OMB: 0920-0728

Document [xlsx]
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Generic Observations
Varicella Observations
Notification Structure Mappings
Varicella Lab Report

Sheet 1: ATT-1E

Attachment 1E.

Varicella Notification Message

Mapping Guide 06052007.xls

Sheet 2: Introduction

Varicella Notification Message Mapping Guide

VERSION: The version of this Message Mapping Guide is Draft 0.6 dated 6/5/2007.

This Message Mapping Guide describes the content and message mapping specifications for the fixed set of data elements used to communicate information to meet the requirements for Varicella Individual Case reporting to CDC. The intended audience for this document are the state/local and CDC programs and other public health related organizations interested in using the HL7 V2.5 case notification message specification for transmitting their data elements.


Version 1.0 of the Message Specification Guide is used to inform the mapping methodology for this guide.
Notify CDC Message–All PAMs from NEDSS PAM Platform Team. Last updated 1/26/2007.

NEDSS PAM Platform Help Guide, 11/30/2006.

Understanding the Organization of the Mapping Guide

This tab is intended to provide revision control for updates made to the document.

Key to columns in each Tab/Worksheet

This tab provides the mapping methodology for the demographic variables requested by the program.
Generic Obs.
This tab provides the content for the generic investigation questions. The ones that are not used for this particular instance are greyed out.
Varicella Observations
This tab provides the mapping methodology for the case/investigation content requested by the program for this specific notification.
Varicella Lab Report
This tab provides the mapping methodology for the content specific to a Varicella associated laboratory report.
Notification Structure
This tab provides the structural elements for the Notification. These variables are not negotiable. Default values are provided for HL7 structural elements that are required but not part of the surveillance data requested.

Variables as Observations

Other than the variables that map to the Patient Identifier segment (see Subject-Specific tab), all other variables are passed as a series of OBX-Observation/Result segments that are logically tied to the OBR-Observation Request “section header” segment that immediately precedes it. This content presents the real differences between the messages since all types of Notifications are handled in a standard manner up to this point.

Sheet 3: Revisions


Date Version Description
4/20/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Now using the Value Set Name when referencing a value set, rather than using the Value Set Code. This aligns with what PHIN-VADS displays upon look up.
4/20/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Added "notification subject type" to the OBR-Notification structural data to bring the message structure in line with the Outbreak Management version of the ORU Case Investigation Report message.
4/20/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Changed all observations that use the CE value type in OBX-2 to CWE - coded with exception - to prepare for versioning of value sets. The additional fields are still optional at this point.
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Added "patient name type" to the Subject-specific data to account for the default value that must be provided in the message.
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Mapping change from PID-23 Birth Place attribute to using DEM126 to create an observation for Birth Country Needed to be able to support country codes, whereas the PID-23 Birth Place attribute is "string".
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Mapping change from DEM128 Deceased Date on the patient record to INV146 Date of Death collected as part of the investigation.
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 No longer supporting the RE - required but may be empty concept. The Program Optional/Required column reflects what the source messaging document specifies.
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Removed NOT110 Record Type variable. This observation is no longer necessary as the Notification Type specified in NOT101 contains this information.
4/24/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Broke out the supplemental notification data from the Notification Type (NOT101). Created NOT098 Supplemental Notification Type to designate that associated laboratory or vaccine report information is being passed with the notification.
5/9/2007 Draft v. 0.6 "Sent to CDC for Genotyping" concept remapped from VAR161 to LAB508
5/9/2007 Draft v. 0.6 "Genotyping Sent Date" concept remapped from VAR162 to LAB509
5/9/2007 Draft v. 0.6 "Sent For Strain ID" concept remapped from VAR163 to LAB510
5/9/2007 Draft v. 0.6 "Strain Type" concept remapped from VAR164 to LAB511
6/5/2007 Draft v. 0.6 Created a Generic Observations tab and greyed out any generic surveillance questions that Varicella does not use. Only the Varicella-specific observations remain on the Varicella Observations tab.

Sheet 4: Key


Column Description
Program Variables Section
PHIN Variable ID PHIN element UID drawn from the coding system PH_PHINQuestions_CDC
Label Short name for the data element, which is passed in the message.
Description Description of the data element as in PHIN Questions.
Data Type Data type for the variable response expected by the program area
Prog. Req/Opt Indicator whether the program specifies the field as:
R - Required - mandatory for sending the message
O - Optional - if the data is available it should be passed
May Repeat Indicator whether the response to the data element may repeat. “Yes” in the field indicates that it may; otherwise, the field is not populated. Repeats require special processing.
Coded Concepts Concepts that the program uses in answer to a particular question that required a coded response.
Value Set Name Name of the pre-coordinated value set from which the response is drawn. The value sets and coding systems are accessible via the Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution Services at
Data Validation Business rules used for validating data integrity
Message Mapping Methodology Section
Message Context Specific HL7 segment and field mapping for the element.
HL7 Data Type HL7 data type used by PHIN to express the variable.
HL7 Usage Use of the field for PHIN. Indicates if the field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment. The only values that appear in the Message Mapping are:
• R – Required. Must always be populated
• O – Optional. May optionally be populated.
HL7 Cardinality Indicator of the minimum and maximum number of times the element may appear.
• [0..0] Element never present.
• [0..1] Element may be omitted and it can have at most, one Occurrence.
• [1..1] Element must have exactly one Occurrence.
• [0..n] Element may be omitted or may repeat up to n times.
• [1..n] Element must appear at least once, and may repeat up to n times.
• [0..*] Element may be omitted or repeat for an unlimited number of times.
• [1..*] Element must appear at least once, and may repeat unlimited number of times.
• [m..n] Element must appear at least m, and at most, n times.
Implementation Notes Related implementation comments.

Sheet 5: Subject-related

Subject/Demographic Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
DEM115 Birth Date Reported date of birth of patient. Date O

PID-7 Date/Time of Birth (does not pass Variable ID or label) TS O [0..1]
DEM113 Patient’s sex Patient’s current sex. Code O
Sex (MFU)

PID-8 Administrative Sex (does not pass Variable ID or label) IS O [0..1]
DEM152 Race Category Field containing one or more codes that broadly refer to the patient’s race(s). Code O Y American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other Race
Race Category

PID-10 Race (does not pass Variable ID or label) CE O [0..*]
DEM165 Patient Address County County of residence of the subject. Code O


PID-11.9 Patient Address - County IS O [0..*]
DEM162 Patient Address State Patient’s address state. Text O


PID-11.4 Patient Address - State ST O [0..*]
DEM163 Patient Address Zip Code Patient’s address Zip code. Text O

PID-11.5 Patient Address - Postal Code ST O [0..*]
DEM155 Ethnic Group Code Ethnic origin or ethnicity is based on the individual’s self-identity of the patient as Hispanic or Latino; choose one value from the list. Code O
Ethnicity Group

PID-22 Ethnic Group (does not pass Variable ID or label) CE O [0..1]
DEM126 Birth Country Patient's country of birth. Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. CWE O [0..1]

Sheet 6: Generic Observations

The generic surveillance elements that are not used for Varicella are shaded.

Generic Surveillance Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Valid Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
NOT109 Reporting State State reporting the notification. Coded R Standard 2-digit State FIPS code State

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
NOT113 Reporting County County reporting the notification. Code R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV169 Condition Code Condition or event that constitutes the reason the notification is being sent. Coded R

Nationally Notifiable Infectious Disease (NND) must be 10030 Varicella (Chickenpox)
(note that this is a Notification structural element, so it appears twice in this Guide) CE O [0..1]
INV168 Record ID Unique Case Report ID (numeric only) assigned by the state. Number R

see Notification Structure tab - required data element EI R [1..1]
INV172 Local Case ID Official local (city/county) identification number for the case Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label ST O [0..1]
INV173 State Case ID Official state identification number for the case; used by the state and the CDC to identify the case in communications. Text R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV107 Jurisdiction Code Identifier for the physical site from which the notification is being submitted. Code R
state-assigned jurisdiction codes

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label IS O [0..1]
INV108 Case Program Area Code The organizational ownership of the investigation. Program areas (e.g., Immunization, STD) are defined at the state level by the conditions for which they provide primary prevention and control. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label IS O [0..1]
INV109 Case Investigation Status Code Status of the investigation. For example, open or closed. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV2006 Case Close Date Date the case investigation status was marked as Closed. Date O

If the user enters the Date Closed for a case then the date must be >= Date Opened
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV110 Investigation Date Assigned Date the investigator was assigned to this investigation. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV111 Date of Report Date the event or illness was first reported by the reporting source Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV112 Reporting Source Type Code Type of facility or provider associated with the source of information sent to Public Health. Code O

Reporting Source Type NND

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV114 Reporting Source Name Name of the provider reporting the case (typically the patient's primary care provider) Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV115a Reporting Source Address Line 1 Reporting source street address Line 1 Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV115b Reporting Source Address Line 2 Reporting source street address Line 2 Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV116 Reporting Source Address City Reporting source address city Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV117 Reporting Source Address State Reporting source address state Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV118 Reporting Source Zip Code Zip Code of the reporting source for this case. Alphanumeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV119 Reporting Source Address County Reporting source address county Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV120 Earliest Date Reported to County Earliest date reported to county public health system Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV121 Earliest Date Reported to State Earliest date reported to state public health system Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV122 Reporting Source Telephone Number Reporting source telephone number Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV128 Hospitalized Was patient hospitalized because of this event? Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the patient was hospitalized for this illness, then enable entry of admission date
2) If the patient was hospitalized for this illness, then enable entry of discharge date
3) If the patient was hospitalized for this illness, then enable entry of total duration of stay in the hospital in days
4) If the patient was hospitalized for this illness, then enable entry of hospital information

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV129 Hospital Name Name of the healthcare faciility in which the subject was hospitalized. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
INV132 Admission Date Subject’s admission date to the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV133 Discharge Date Subject's discharge date from the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. Date O

If the user enters the Discharge Date, then the date must be >= Admission Date
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV134 Duration of hospital stay in days Subject's duration of stay at the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV136 Diagnosis Date Date of diagnosis of condition being reported to public health system Date O

1) If the user enters the Diagnosis Date, then the date must be >= Illness Onset Date
2) If the user enters the Diagnosis Date, then the date must be >= Rash Onset Date

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV137 Date of Illness Onset Date of the beginning of the illness. Reported date of the onset of symptoms of the condition being reported to the public health system Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV138 Illness End Date Time at which the disease or condition ends. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV139 Illness Duration Length of time this person had this disease or condition. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV140 Illness Duration Units Unit of time used to describe the length of the illness or condition. Code O

Duration Unit (UCUM)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CE O [0..1]
INV143 Illness Onset Age Age at onset of illness Numeric O

age units required
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV144 Illness Onset Age Units Age units at onset of illness Code O
Age Unit

uses INV143 observation - maps to OBX-6-Units (does not use INV144 ID or label) CWE O [0..1]
INV145 Did the patient die from this illness Did the patient die from this illness or complications of this illness? Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the patient died from varicella or complications (including secondary infection) associated with varicella, then enable entry of date of death (INV146)
2) If the patient died from varicella or complications (including secondary infection) associated with varicella, then enable entry of if autopsy was performed (VAR143)
3) If the patient died from varicella or complications (including secondary infection) associated with varicella, then enable entry of cause of death (VAR144)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV146 Date of death The date and time the subject’s death occurred. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1] re-mapped from DEM128
INV147 Investigation Start Date The date the case investigation was initiated. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV150 Case outbreak indicator Denotes whether the reported case was associated with an identified outbreak. Code O
If this case is part of an outbreak of 5 or more cases, then enable entry of outbreak name (INV151) Yes No Unknown (YNU)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV151 Case Outbreak Name A state-assigned name for an indentified outbreak. Code O
state-assigned code

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label IS O [0..1]
INV152 Case Disease Imported Code Indication of where the disease/condition was likely acquired. Code

Out of country
Out of jurisdiction
Out of state
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV153 Imported Country If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the country in which the disease was likely acquired. Code O

Country if INV152 = Out of Country
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV154 Imported State If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the state in which the disease was likely acquired. Code O

State if INV152 = Out of State
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV155 Imported City If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the city in which the disease was likely acquired. Code O

City if INV152 = Out of Jurisdiction
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV156 Imported County If the disease or condition was imported, contains the county of origin of the disease or condition. Code O

County if INV152 = Out of Jurisdiction
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV157 Transmission Mode Code for the mechanism by which disease or condition was acquired by the subject of the investigation. Includes sexually transmitted, airborne, bloodborne, vectorborne, foodborne, zoonotic, nosocomial, mechanical, dermal, congenital, environmental exposure, indeterminate. Code O

Case Transmission Mode

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV159 Detection Method Code for the method by which the public health department was made aware of the case. Includes provider report, patient self-referral, laboratory report, case or outbreak investigation, contact investigation, active surveillance, routine physical, prenatal testing, perinatal testing, prison entry screening, occupational disease surveillance, medical record review, etc. Code O

Case Detection Method

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1] Note required by program
INV161 Confirmation Method Code for the mechanism by which the case was classified, providing information about how the case classification status was derived. More than one confirmation method may be indicated. Code O Y
Case Confirmation Method

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV162 Confirmation Date If an investigation is confirmed as a case, the confirmation date is entered. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV163 Case Class Status Code Status of the case/event as suspect, probable, confirmed, or "not a case" per CSTE/CDC/ surveillance case definitions. Code R
Not a Case
Case Class Status

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV165 MMWR Week MMWR Week for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. Numeric R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV166 MMWR Year MMWR Year (YYYY) for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. Date R
4-digit year (####) Case Class Status

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV176 Date of First Report to CDC Date the case was first reported to the CDC. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV177 Date First Reported PHD Earliest date the case was reported to a public health department. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
INV178 Pregnancy status Indicates whether the patient was pregnant at the time of the event. Code

YNU Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the case is a female and is/was pregnant, enable entry of number of weeks gestation at onset of illness (VAR159)
2) If the case is a female and is/was pregnant, enable entry of trimester at onset of illness (VAR160)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV179 PID Indicates whether or not the patient has pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Code

Only valid for female patients. Yes No Unknown (YNU)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
INV2001 Age at case investigation Patient age at time of case investigation Numeric R

age unit required
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV2002 Age units at case investigation Patient age units at time of case investigation Code O
Age Unit

uses the INV2001 observation - maps to OBX-6-Units (does not use INV2002 ID or label) CWE O [0..1]

Sheet 7: Varicella Observations

Varicella Case Notification Variables

Program-Specific Surveillance Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
VAR100 Number of lesions in total Choose the numeric range within which a count of the patient's lesions falls. Code R
< 50
50 - 249
250 - 499
> 500
Number Of Lesions (VZ) 1) If Number of Lesions <50 are present, then enable entry of total number of lesions
2) If Number of Lesions <50 are present, then enable entry of Macule, Papule, and/or Vesicle type and enable entry of count for each type of count

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR101 Did the patient receive Varicella-containing vaccine Indicate whether the patient received varicella-containing vaccine; a value of Yes or No enables other fields in this section, allowing for answers to their questions. Code R
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If the patient did not receive varicella-containing vaccine, then enable entry of reason why varicella-containing vaccine was not received (VAR145)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR102 Rash Onset Date Date on which the physical manifestations of the illness—the rash—appeared Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
VAR103 Rash Location The anatomical location where the rash was located Code O
Rash Distribution (VZ) 1) If Rash Location = "Focal", the enable entry of Dermatome (VAR104)
2) If Rash Location = "Generalized", the enable entry of Location First Noted (VAR105)
3) If Generalized Rash Location = "Other", the enable entry of Other Location First Noted (VAR106)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR104 Dermatome If a value of Focal is specified in the Rash Location field, enter the nerve where the rash occurred (lumbar or thoracic, with a number) Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
VAR105 Location First Noted If a value of Generalized is specified for the Rash Location field, choose location where rash was first noted (if any); if none of the specific choices in the list apply, choose Other. Code O
Inside Mouth
Rash Location First Noted (VZ)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR106 Other Generalized rash location If a value of Other is specified in the Location First Noted, enter the location (i.e., the location where the rash was first noted is other than one of the values provided in the Location First Noted list) Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
VAR107 Macules Present If the value specified in Total Number of Lesions is < 50, indicate whether macules were present. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If Number of Lesions <50 and macules (flat lesions) are present, then enable entry of number of macules (flat lesions) VAR108
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR108 Number of Macules If the value specified in Macules Present is Yes, indicate how many macules were present. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR109 Papules Present If the value specified in Total Number of Lesions is < 50, indicate whether papules were present. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If Number of Lesions <50 and papules (raised lesions) are present, then enable entry of number of papules (raised lesions) (VAR110)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR110 Number of Papules If the value specified in Papules Present is Yes, indicate how many papules were present. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR111 Vesicles Present If the value specified in Total Number of Lesions is < 50, indicate whether vesicles were present. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If Number of Lesions <50 and vesicles (fluid lesions) are present, then enable entry of number of vesicles (fluid lesions) VAR112
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR112 Number of Vesicles If the value specified in Vesicles Present is Yes, indicate how many vesicles were present. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR113 Mostly macular/papular Indicate whether the lesions were mostly macular/papular. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR114 Mostly vesicular Indicate whether the lesions were mostly vesicular. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR115 Hemorrhagic Indicate whether the rash was hemorrhagic. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR116 Itchy Indicate whether the patient complained of itchiness. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR117 Scabs Indicate whether there were scabs. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR118 Crops/Waves Indicate whether the lesions appeared in crops or waves. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR119 Did rash crust Indicate whether the rash crusted. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the rash crusted, then enable entry of how many days until all the lesions crusted over (VAR120)
2) If the rash did not crust, then enable entry of how many days the rash lasted (VAR121)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR120 Number of Days until lesions crusted over If the value specified in Did the rash crust? is Yes, enter the number of days that transpired for all of the lesions to crust over. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR121 Number of Days rash lasted If the value specified in Did the rash crust? is No, enter the number of days that the rash was present. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR122 Fever Indicate whether the patient had a fever during the course of the illness. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the patient had a fever, then enable entry of date of fever onset (VAR123)
2) If the patient had a fever, then enable entry of date of highest measured temperature (VAR124)
3) If the patient had a fever, then enable entry of total number of days with fever (VAR125)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR123 Fever Onset Date If the value specified in Did patient have fever? is Yes, indicate the date when the fever began. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
VAR124 Highest measured temperature If the value specified in Did patient have fever? is Yes, indicate the highest temperature that was measured. Numeric O

If highest temperature measured, then enable entry of the highest measured temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV2003 Temperature Units Temperature Units (Fahrenheit or Celsius). Code O
Temperature Unit

maps to VAR124 observation/OBX segment as the value in OBX-6-Units; the variable ID and label do not appear CWE O [0..1]
VAR125 Fever Duration in Days If the value specified in Did patient have fever? is Yes, indicate the number of days for which the patient had a fever. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR126 Is patient immunocompromised due to medical condition or treatment Indicate whether the patient was immunocompromised (anergic). Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If the patient was immunocompromised due to medical condition or treatment, then enable entry of medical condition or treatment (VAR127)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR127 Medical Condition or Treatment If the value specified in Is patient immunocompromised due to medical condition or treatment? is Yes, indicate the medical condition or treatment associated with the patient being anergic. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
VAR128 Did patient visit a healthcare provider during this illness Indicate whether the patient visited a healthcare provider during the course of this illness. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) Enable Complications field (VAR129) only if patient did visit a healthcare provider
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR129 Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? If the value specified in Did patient visit a healthcare provider during this illness? is Yes, indicate whether the patient developed complications (as described). Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR130 Skin/soft tissue infection If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether there was skin or soft tissue infection. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) 1) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was skin/soft tissue infection
2) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was Cerebellitis/Ataxia
3) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was Encephalitis
4) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was Dehydration
5) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was Hemorrhagic Condition
6) If the patient developed any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of if complication was Pneumonia
7) If the patient developed "other" complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of "other" complication

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR131 Cerebellitis/ ataxia If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether there was cerebellitis/ataxia. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR132 Encephalitis If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether there was encephalitis. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR133 Dehydration If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether the patient was diagnosed as being dehydrated. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR134 Hemorrhagic condition If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether there was hemorrhagic condition. Code O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR135 Pneumonia If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether pneumonia was a complication. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If the patient developed any Pneumonia, then enable entry of how pneumonia was diagnosed (VAR136)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR136 How was pneumonia diagnosed If the value in Pneumonia? is Yes, indicate how the pneumonia was diagnosed. Code O
Medical Doctor
Radiographic imaging procedure
Diagnosed Pneumonia By (VZ)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR137 Other complications If the value specified in Did patient develop any complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider? is Yes, indicate whether there were other complications not cited here. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If the patient developed "other" complications that were diagnosed by a healthcare provider, then enable entry of "other" complication (VAR138)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR138 Other complication details If the value specified in Other Complications? is true, list the other complication(s). Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TX O [0..1]
VAR139 Antiviral treatment Indicate whether the patient was treated with acyclovir, famvir, or any licensed antiviral. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR140 Name of medication If the value specified in Antiviral? is yes, list the name of the medication. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
VAR141 Start Date of Medication Start date of medication. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
VAR142 Stop Date of medication Stop date of medication. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O [0..1]
VAR143 Autopsy performed If a value of Yes is specified in Did the patient die from this illness or complications associated with this illness?, indicate whether an autopsy was performed for the death. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR144 Cause of death If a value of Yes is specified in Did the patient die from this illness or complications associated with this illness?, indicate the official cause of death. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TX O [0..1]
VAR145 Reason why patient did not receive Varicella-containing vaccine If the value in Did the patient receive varicella-containing vaccine? is No, choose the reason why the patient did not receive the vaccine; if none of the specific choices in the list apply, choose Other. Code O
Under age for vaccination
Lab evidence of previous disease
MD diagnosis of previous disease
Medical Contraindication
Born outside of U.S.
Never offered vaccine
Philosophical objection
Parent/Patient report of disease
Parent/Patient forgot to vaccinate
Parent/Patient refusal
Religious exemption
Vaccine Not Given Reason If the Vaccine Not Given reason is other, enable Other reason why patient did not receive Varicella-containing vaccine (VAR146)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR146 Other reason why patient did not receive Varicella-containing vaccine If the value specified in Reason why patient did not receive varicella-containing vaccine is Other, indicate the reason (a reason other than those provided in the list). Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TX O [0..1]
VAR147 Number of doses received on or after first birthday If the value in Did the patient receive varicella-containing vaccine? is Yes, indicate the number of doses received (before the patient's first birthday). Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR148 Reason patient is >= 13 years old and received one dose on or after 13th birthday but never received second dose Reason patient is >= 13 years old and received one dose on or after 13th birthday, but never received second dose. Code O
Under age for vaccination
Lab evidence of previous disease
MD diagnosis of previous disease
Medical Contraindication
Born outside of U.S.
Never offered vaccine
Philosophical objection
Parent/Patient report of disease
Parent/Patient forgot to vaccinate
Parent/Patient refusal
Religious exemption
Vaccine Not Given Reason If the patient is >= 13 years old and received one dose on or after 13th birthday but never received second dose, then enable entry of reason why second dose was not received
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR149 Other reason patient did not receive second dose If the value specified in Number of doses received on or after first birthday is 1 (one), choose from the list the reason the patient never received the second dose; if none of the specific choices in the list apply, choose Other. Text O

If the Vaccine Not Given reason (VAR148) is Other, enable Other reason why patient did not receive Varicella-containing vaccine (VAR149)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TX O [0..1]
VAR150 Diagnosed with Varicella before Indicate whether the patient has a prior diagnosis of varicella. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If the patient has ever been diagnosed with varicella before, then enable entry of age at diagnosis (VAR151)
If the patient has ever been diagnosed with varicella before, then enable entry of age type for age at diagnosis (INV2072)
If the patient has ever been diagnosed with varicella before, then enable entry of who the patient was diagnosed by (VAR152)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR151 Age at diagnosis Age at diagnosis Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
INV2072 Age at diagnosis units Age units of patient Code O
Age Unit

populates OBX-6 Units field of same Observation/OBX Segment as age (VAR151) - does not pass variable ID or label CWE O [0..1] Note that the UID was formerly INV2002.
VAR152 Diagnosed by Indicate who diagnosed the illness; if none of the choices apply choose Other. Code O
Physician/Health Care Provider
Diagnosed By (VZ)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR154 Is this case epi-linked to another confirmed or probable case Indicate whether this case is epi-linked to another case (confirmed or probable). Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) If this case is epi-linked to another confirmed or probably case, then enable entry of type of case linked to (VAR155)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR155 Type of case this case is epi-linked to If the value specified in Is this case epi-linked to another confirmed or probable case? is Yes, indicate the kind of case with which the current case is epi-linked. Code O
Confirmed Varicella Case
Herpes Zoster Case
Probable Varicella Case
Epilinked Case Type (VZ)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR156 Transmission setting (setting of exposure) Location where the patient was exposed to the illness; if none of the specific choices in the list apply, choose Other. Code O
Place of Worship
Correctional Facility
Doctor's Office
Hospital ER
Hospital outpatient clinic
International Travel
Hospital Ward
Transmission Setting If Transmission Setting = "Other", enable Specify other transmission setting (VAR157)
Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR157 Other transmission setting If the value specified in Transmission Setting? is Other, describe the other transmission setting. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
VAR158 Is this case a healthcare worker Indicate whether the patient who is the subject of the current case is a healthcare worker. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
VAR159 Number of weeks gestation If the patient was pregnant during the illness, indicate the number of weeks of gestation at the onset of the illness. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O [0..1]
VAR160 Trimester If the patient was pregnant during the illness, indicate the trimester at the onset of the illness. Code O
First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester
Pregnancy Trimester

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]

Sheet 8: Notification Structure Mappings

These variables are not negotiable. Default values are provided for HL7 structural elements that are required but not part of the surveillance data requested.

Notification Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
NOT108 Notification ID The unique identifier for the notification record. String R

MSH-10-Message Control ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. ST R [1..1] HL7 recommended size increased to 50
DEM197 Local patient ID The local ID of the patient/entity. String R

PID-3.1 Patient Identifier List – ID Number
PID-3.4 Assigning Authority format <localID&OID&ISO>
Does not pass Variable ID or label.
CX R [1..1] Only the sending system's internally assigned patient id used for these de-identified messages
DEM100 Patient name type Name is not requested by the program, but the Patient Name field is required to be populated for the HL7 message to be valid. Have adopted the HL7 convention for processing a field where the name has been removed for de-identification purposes. Coded R
Coded Pseudo-Name to ensure anonymity Name Type (HL7)

PID-5.7 Patient Name Type - second instance (does not pass Variable ID or label). HL7 reserves the first instance of the name for Legal Name. XPN R [1..2] Literal value: |~^^^^^^S|
INV168 Local record ID Sending system-assigned local ID of the case investigation with which the subject is associated. Text R

OBR-3-Filler Order Number where OBR-3.1 is the internally assigned case/investigation ID, OBR-3.3 is the OID for sending application as assigning authority, and OBR-3.4 is the literal value 'ISO'. The UID and label are not passed in the message. EI R [1..1] <same value in each OBR instance>
NOT099 Subject Type Type of subject for the notification. Coded R
Person Subject Notification Section Header

OBR|1|: Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-4-Universal Service ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Literal Value: 'PERSUBJ^Person Subject^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274'
NOT101 Notification Type Type of notification. Main notification types are "Individual Case", "Environmental", "Summary", and "Laboratory Report". Coded R
Individual Case Notification Notification Section Header

OBR|2|: Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-4-Universal Service ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Literal Value: 'NOTF^Case Notification^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274'
NOT098 Supplemental Notification Type Supplemental Notification Types which may optionally be passed are "Associated Laboratory Report" and "Associated Vaccine Report". Multiple reports may be passed. Coded O Y Associated Lab Report Notification Section Header

OBR|3|: Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-4-Universal Service ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. CE R [0..*] Literal Value: 'LABRPT^Associated Laboratory Report^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274'
NOT103 Date First Submitted Date the notification was first sent to CDC. This value does not change after the original notification. Date/time R

Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-7-Observation Date/time. No UID or label is passed in the message. TS R [1..1] <same value in each OBR instance>
NOT106 Date of Report Date/time this version of the notification was sent. It will be the same value as NOT103 for the original notification. For updates, this is the update/send date/time. Date/time R

Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-22-Result Report/Status Chg Date/time. No UID or label is passed in the message. TS R [1..1] <same value in each OBR instance>
INV169 Condition Code Condition or event that constitutes the reason the notification is being sent. Coded R
10030 Varicella Nationally Notifiable Infectious Disease (NNID) reportable to the Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS)

Maps to HL7 attribute OBR-31-Reason for Study. The UID and label are not passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Default value in each OBR instance: '10030^Varicella Infection^2.16.840.1.1142224.5.78'

Sheet 9: Varicella Lab Report

This is the set of variables that may be passed if the Case Notification has an associated Laboratory report. The laboratory report is not required to be included with the Notification. A notification may also contain more than one Associated Laboratory Report section.
Program-Specific Surveillance Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
LAB143 Reporting Lab Name Name of Laboratory that reported test result. Alphanumeric O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' ST O [0..1]
LAB144 Reporting Lab CLIA Number CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) identifier for the laboratory that performed the test. Alphanumeric O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' ST O [0..1]
LAB163 Date of Specimen Collection The date the specimen was collected. Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB503 Date Sample Received at Lab Date Sample Received at Lab (accession date). Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB108 Sample Analyzed date The date and time the sample was analyzed by the laboratory. Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB197 Lab Report Date Date result sent from Reporting Laboratory. Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB334 Date received in state public health lab Date the isolate was received in state public health laboratory. Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB125 Accession Number A laboratory generated number that identifies the specimen related to this test. Alphanumeric O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' ST O [0..1]
LAB165 Specimen Source The medium from which the specimen originated. Examples include whole blood, saliva, urine, etc. Code O
Buccal swab
Macular scraping
Tissue culture
Vesicular swab

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
LAB101 Resulted Test Name The lab test that was run on the specimen. Code O
<get the list of VZ LOINC codes> Lab Test Result Name

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
LAB192 Coded Result Value Coded qualitative result value. Code O
Not Done
Modifier or Qualifier

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
LAB508 Sent to CDC for Genotyping Indicate whether the specimens were sent to CDC for genotyping. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
LAB509 Genotyping Sent Date If the specimen was sent to the CDC for genotyping, date on which the specimens were sent. Date O

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' TS O [0..1]
LAB510 Sent For Strain ID Indicate whether the specimen was sent for strain identification. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
LAB511 Strain Type If the specimen was sent for strain identification, indicate the strain. Code O
Vaccine Type Strain
Wild Type Strain
StrainType (VZ)

Observation/OBX segment under OBR|3| with Universal Service ID of 'LABRPT' CE O [0..1]
File Typeapplication/
Last Modified Bywsb2
File Modified2007-09-11
File Created2006-11-07

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