Case notification message mapping guide

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)

ATT- 8 Copy of Generic_Case_Notification_Message_Mapping_Guide_v.1.xls

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Territories Weekly Reporting

OMB: 0920-0728

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Sheet 1: Generic

VERSION: The version of this Message Mapping Guide is Version 1.01 dated January 6, 2010.

"This artifact is considered to be a technical document. Please contact [email protected], copying the NEDSS team at [email protected] for assistance with this artifact."

This Message Mapping Guide describes the content and message mapping specifications for the set of data elements used to communicate information to meet the requirements for Generic Case Notifications to CDC. The intended audiences for this document are the state/local and CDC programs and other public health related organizations interested in using the HL7 V2.5 Case Notification Message Specification for transmitting their data elements to CDC.


National Condition Reporting, Notifiable Events and Reporting Mechanisms for 2009, Division of Integrated Surveillance Systems and Services, National Center for Public Health Informatics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2009.
National Notification Message Structure Specification version 2.0 is used to inform the mapping methodology for this guide. The ORU^R01 - Unsolicited Observation Message is the HL7 standard message used to pass the Nationally Notifiable Condition Report message. The National Notification message is used to convey a limited data set of investigation/surveillance information to meet national reporting requirements, where CDC is the only receiver. This document specifies the structure and methodology for the use of the Health Level 7 (HL7) Version 2.5 Unsolicited Result Message (ORU^R01) that supports the electronic interchange of any Nationally Notifiable Condition message from public health entities to the CDC.

Column Description
Program Variables Column Headings
PHIN Variable ID PHIN data element identifier drawn from the coding system PH_PHINQuestions_CDC.
Label Short name for the data element, which is passed in the message.
Description Description of the data element. It may not match exactly with the description in PHIN Questions, because there may be local variations on the description that do not change the basic concept being mapped to the PHIN Question identifier.
Data Type Data type for the variable response expected by the program area. Data Types are Coded, Numeric, Date or Date/time, and Text.
CDC Priority Indicator whether the program specifies the field as:

R - Required - Mandatory for sending the message. If data element is not present , the message will error out.
P - Preferred - This is an optional variable and there is no requirement to send this information to CDC. However, if this variable is already being collected by the state/territory or if the state/territory is planning to collect this information because it is deemed important for your own programmatic needs, CDC would like this information sent. CDC preferred variables are the most important of the optional variables to be earmarked for CDC analysis/assessment, even if sent from a small group of states.
O - Optional - This is an optional variable and there is no requirement to send this information to CDC. This variable is considered nice-to-know if the state/territory already collects this information or is planning to collect this information, but has a lower level of importance to CDC than the preferred classification of optional data elements.
May Repeat Indicator whether the response to the data element may repeat. “Y” in the field indicates that it may repeat. If the response does not repeat, the field is not populated or contains "N". Data elements that repeat require special processing.
Value Set Name Name of the pre-coordinated value set in PHIN-VADS from which the response is drawn. The value sets and coding systems are accessible via the Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution Services. To obtain the valid code set and coding systems for the Generic implementation message mapping guide, complete the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Views hyperlink
3. Enter Generic in the lookup box and press the Search Views button.
4. Click on Details next to Generic Case Notification to obtain the valid code set..
Value Set Code Code for the pre-coordinated value set in PHIN-VADS from which the response is drawn. The value sets and coding systems are accessible via the Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution Services. To obtain the valid code set for the Generic implementation message mapping guide, complete the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Views hyperlink
3. Enter Generic in the lookup box and press the Search Views button.
4. Click on Details next to Generic Case Notification to obtain the valid code set.
Message Mapping Methodology Column Headings

Message Context Specific HL7 segment and field mapping for the element.
HL7 Data Type HL7 data type used by PHIN to express the variable. Datatypes expected are CWE, SN, TS, ST, TX, XPN, XTN, or XAD, depending on the type of data being passed.
HL7 Optionality Indicates if the field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment. The only values that appear in the Message Mapping are:

R – Required. Must always be populated
O – Optional. May optionally be populated.
Implementation Notes Related implementation comments.
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Priority May Repeat Value Set Name Value Set Code HL7 Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Optionality HL7 Implementation Notes
NOT108 Notification ID The unique identifier for the notification record. Text R

MSH-10-Message Control ID. ST R If notification ID is not unique, a timestamp may be appended. No UID or label is passed in the message.
NOT114 Receiving Application CDC's PHIN Common Data Store (CDS) is the Receiving Application for this message. OID R

MSH-5-Receiving Application. HD R Literal Value: ‘PHINCDS^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO'
NOT115 Message Profile ID First instance is the reference to the structural specification used to validate the message.
Second instance is the reference to the PHIN Message Mapping Guide from which the content is derived.
Text R Y/2

MSH-21-Message Profile ID. EI R First instance literal value: ‘NND_ORU_v2.0^PHINProfileID^2.16.840.1.114222.4.10.3^ISO'
Second instance literal value: ‘Gen_Case_Map_v1.0^PHINMsgMapID^2.16.840.1.114222.4.10.4^ISO’.
DEM197 Local Subject ID The local ID of the Subject/Entity. Text R

PID-3-Patient Identifier List
CX R PID-3.1-ID Number is the local Subject ID from the sending system's internally assigned Subject id;

PID-3.4-Assigning Authority format <localID&OID&ISO>

Does not pass Variable ID or label.
DEM100 Subject Name Type Name is not requested by the program, but the Patient Name field is required to be populated for the HL7 message to be valid. Have adopted the HL7 convention for processing a field where the name has been removed for de-identification purposes. Coded R Y/2 Name Type (HL7) PHVS_NameType_HL7_2x PID-5.7-Patient Name Type XPN R Literal value: |~^^^^^^S|

Patient Name Type is passed in the second instance as HL7 reserves the first instance of the name field for Legal Name.
INV168 Local Record ID Sending system-assigned local ID of the case investigation with which the Subject is associated. Text R

OBR-3-Filler Order Number
EI R OBR-3.1 is the internally assigned case/investigation ID.

OBR-3.3 is the OID for sending application as assigning authority.

OBR-3.4 is the literal value: 'ISO'.

The same value is used for each OBR segment, and the UID and label are not passed in the message.
NOT099 Subject Type Type of subject for the notification. "Person", "Place/location", or "Non-Person Living Subject" are the appropriate subject types for Notifications to CDC. Coded R
Notification Section Header PHVS_NotificationSectionHeader_CDC First OBR Segment-OBR-4-Universal Service ID. CE R Literal value: 'PERSUBJ^Person Subject^CDCPHINVS'

NOT101 Notification Type Type of notification. Notification types are "Individual Case", "Environmental", "Summary", and "Laboratory Report". Coded R
Notification Section Header PHVS_NotificationSectionHeader_CDC Second OBR Segment-OBR-4-Universal Service ID. CE R Literal Value: 'NOTF^Individual Case Notification^CDCPHINVS'

No UID or label is passed in the message.
NOT103 Date First Submitted Date/time the notification was first sent to CDC. This value does not change after the original notification. Date/time R

OBR-7-Observation Date/time. TS R The same value is used for each OBR segment, and the UID and label are not passed in the message.
NOT106 Date of Report Date/time this version of the notification was sent. It will be the same value as NOT103 for the original notification. For updates, this is the update/send date/time. Date/time R

OBR-22-Result Report/Status Chg Date/time. TS R The same value is used for each OBR segment, and the UID and label are not passed in the message.
INV169 Condition Code Condition or event that constitutes the reason the notification is being sent. Coded R
Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) and Other Conditions of Public Health Importance PHVS_NotifiableEvent_Disease_Condition_CDC_NNDSS OBR-31-Reason for Study. CE R Default value in each OBR instance: 'Event Code^Event Description^NND'

The UID and label are not passed in the message.
DEM115 Birth Date Date of birth in YYYYMMDD format Date P

PID-7-Date/Time of Birth TS O The UID and label are not passed in the message.
DEM113 Subject’s Sex Subject’s current sex. Coded P
Sex (MFU) PHVS_Sex_MFU PID-8-Administrative Sex IS O The UID and label are not passed in the message.
DEM152 Race Category Field containing one or more codes that broadly refer to the Subject’s race(s). Coded P Y Race Category PHVS_RaceCategory_CDC PID-10-Race CE O To send an "Unknown" because the application allows Unknown to be selected (that is, not as a default value): PID-10 would appear as |UNK^Unknown^NULLFL|

The UID and label are not passed in the message.
DEM165 Subject's Address County County of residence of the subject. Coded P
County PHVS_County_FIPS_6-4 PID-11.9-Patient Address - County IS O The entire address construct (PID-11) may repeat per HL7 but only expecting the first instance to be populated and parsed.
DEM162 Subject's Address State State of residence of the subject. Coded O
State PHVS_State_FIPS_5-2 PID-11.4-Patient Address - State ST O The entire address construct (PID-11) may repeat per HL7 but only expecting the first instance to be populated and parsed.
DEM163 Subject's Address Zip Code ZIP Code of residence of the subject. Text O

PID-11.5-Patient Address - Postal Code ST O The entire address construct (PID-11) may repeat per HL7 but only expecting the first instance to be populated and parsed.
DEM155 Ethnic Group Code Ethnic origin or ethnicity is based on the individual’s self-identity of the Subject as Hispanic or Latino. Coded P
Ethnicity Group PHVS_EthnicityGroup_CDC PID-22-Ethnic Group CE O To send an "Unknown" because the application allows Unknown to be selected (that is, not as a default value): PID-22 would appear as |UNK^Unknown^NULLFL|

The UID and label are not passed in the message.
NOT109 Reporting State State reporting the notification. Coded R State PHVS_State_FIPS_5-2 Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Two digit numeric FIPS code
NOT116 National Reporting Jurisdiction National jurisdiction reporting the notification to CDC. This will be the same value as NOT109 Reporting State for all reporting jurisdictions except New York City. Coded R
National Reporting Jurisdiction PHVS_NationalReportingJurisdiction_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV107 Jurisdiction Code Identifier for the physical site from which the notification is being submitted. Coded P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Jurisdiction Code is expected in the fifth component of the CWE datatype.
INV109 Case Investigation Status Code Status of the investigation. Coded O
Case Investigation Status PHVS_CaseInvestigationStatus_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV110 Investigation Date Assigned Date the investigator was assigned to this investigation. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV111 Date of Report/Referral Date the event or illness was first reported by the reporting source (physician or lab reported to the local/county/state health department). Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV112 Reporting Source Type Code Type of facility or provider associated with the source of information sent to Public Health. Coded O
Reporting Source Type PHVS_ReportingSourceType_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV118 Reporting Source Zip Code Zip Code of the reporting source for this case. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O
INV120 Earliest Date Reported to County Earliest date reported to county public health system Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV121 Earliest Date Reported to State Earliest date reported to state public health system Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV128 Was the patient hospitalized as a result of this event? Was patient hospitalized as a result of this event? Coded O
Yes, No, Unknown (YNU) PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV132 Admission Date Subject’s admission date to the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV133 Discharge Date Subject's discharge date from the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV134 Duration of Hospital Stay in Days Subject's duration of stay at the hospital for the condition covered by the investigation Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O
INV136 Diagnosis Date Date of diagnosis of condition being reported to public health system Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV137 Date of Illness Onset Date of the beginning of the illness. Reported date of the onset of symptoms of the condition being reported to the public health system Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV138 Illness End Date Time at which the disease or condition ends. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV139 Illness Duration Length of time this person had this disease or condition. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O
INV140 Illness Duration Units Unit of time used to describe the length of the illness or condition. Coded O
Age unit PHVS_AgeUnit_UCUM OBX-6-Units CE O Part of the INV139 Observation/OBX Segment.

The UID and label are not passed in the message.
INV145 Did the patient die from this illness? Did the patient die from this illness or complications of this illness? Coded P
Yes No Unknown (YNU) PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV146 Deceased Date If the patient died from this illness or complications associated with this illness, indicate the date of death Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV147 Investigation Start Date The date the case investigation was initiated Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV150 Case Outbreak Indicator Denotes whether the reported case was associated with an identified outbreak Coded P
Yes No Unknown (YNU) PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV151 Case Outbreak Name A state-assigned name for an indentified outbreak Coded P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV152 Case Disease Imported Code Indication of where the disease/condition was likely acquired. Coded P
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction PHVS_DiseaseAcquiredJurisdiction_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV153 Imported Country If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the country in which the disease was likely acquired. Coded P
Country PHVS_Country_ISO_3166-1 Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Three letter country code
INV154 Imported State If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the state in which the disease was likely acquired. Coded P
State PHVS_State_FIPS_5-2 Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Two digit numeric FIPS code
INV155 Imported City If the disease or condition was imported, indicates the city in which the disease was likely acquired. Coded P
City PHVS_City_USGS_GNIS Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O One to ten digit numeric GNIS Feature ID
INV156 Imported County If the disease or condition was imported, contains the county of origin of the disease or condition. Coded O
County PHVS_County_FIPS_6-4 Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Five digit numeric FIPS code
INV157 Transmission Mode Code for the mechanism by which disease or condition was acquired by the subject of the investigation. Coded O
Case Transmission Mode PHVS_CaseTransmissionMode_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV161 Confirmation Method Code for the mechanism by which the case was classified, providing information about how the case classification status was derived. More than one confirmation method may be indicated. Coded O Y Case Confirmation Method PHVS_CaseConfirmationMethod_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV162 Confirmation Date If an investigation is confirmed as a case, the confirmation date is entered. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV163 Case Class Status Code Status of the case/event as suspect, probable, confirmed, or not a case per CSTE/CDC/ surveillance case definitions. Coded R
Case Classification Status PHVS_CaseClassStatus_NND Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV165 MMWR Week MMWR Week for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. Numeric R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O
INV166 MMWR Year MMWR Year (YYYY) for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. Date R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV173 State Case ID States use this field to link NEDSS investigations back to their own state investigations. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O
INV176 Date of First Report to CDC Date the case was first reported to the CDC Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV177 Date First Reported PHD Earliest date the case was reported to the public health department whether at the local, county, or state public health level Date P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS O
INV178 Pregnancy status Indicates whether the patient was pregnant at the time of the event Coded O
Yes No Unknown (YNU) PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O
INV200 Legacy Case ID CDC uses this field to link current case notifications to case notifications submitted by a previous system (NETSS, STD-MIS, etc.) Text P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O Legacy Case ID is expected in the fifth component of the CWE datatype.

For a NETSS case ID, please use the following format:
Case ID(6) - State(2) - Site(3) - Year(4)
ex: CaseId01LAB2009
INV2001 Age at case investigation Subject age at time of case investigation. Numeric P

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN O
INV2002 Age units at case investigation Subject age units at time of case investigation Coded P
Age unit PHVS_AgeUnit_UCUM OBX-6-Units CE O Part of the INV2001 Observation/OBX Segment.

The UID and label are not passed in the message.

Sheet 2: Revisions

Date Version Description
1/6/2010 1.01 INV173 (State Case ID) was incorrectly listed as a CWE datatype. The correct listing is a ST datatype.
1/6/2010 1.01 Corrected date for reference: National Condition Reporting
Notifiable Events and Reporting Mechanisms for 2009, to correspond with posted reference.
File Typeapplication/
File TitleGeneric Case Notification Message Mapping Guide
SubjectGeneric Public Health Case Notifications
Last Modified Bywsb2
File Modified2010-07-14
File Created2006-11-07

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