The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Annual Reporting States and Cities

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)

ATT- 1C Lead Lab Report Notification Message Mapping Guide 05172007.xls

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Annual Reporting States and Cities

OMB: 0920-0728

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Lead Lab Rpt Observations
Notification Structure

Sheet 1: ATT-1C

Attachment 1C.

Lead Lab Report Notification Message

Mapping Guide 05172007.xls

Sheet 2: Introduction

Lead Laboratory Report Notification Message Mapping Guide

VERSION: The version of this Message Mapping Guide is Draft 0.5 dated 5/172007.

This Message Mapping Guide describes the content and message mapping specifications for the fixed set of data elements used to communicate information to meet the requirements for Lead Laboratory Report notifications to CDC. The intended audience for this document are the state/local and CDC programs and other public health related organizations interested in using the HL7 V2.5 case notification message specification for transmitting their data elements.


Version 1.0 of the Message Specification Guide is used to inform the mapping methodology for this guide.
Notify CDC Message–All PAMs from NEDSS PAM Platform Team. Last updated 1/26/2007.

NEDSS PAM Platform Help Guide, 11/30/2006.

Understanding the Organization of the Mapping Guide

Revisions This tab is intended to provide revision control for updates made to the document.

Key Key to columns in each Tab/Worksheet

Subject-related This tab provides the mapping methodology for the demographic variables requested by the program.
Lead Lab Rpt Observations This tab provides the mapping methodology for the content requested by the program for this specific notification.
Notification Structure This tab provides the structural elements for the Notification. These variables are not negotiable. Default values are provided for HL7 structural elements that are required but not part of the surveillance data requested.

Variables as Observations

Other than the variables that map to the Patient Identifier segment (see Subject-Specific tab), all other variables are passed as a series of OBX-Observation/Result segments that are logically tied to the OBR-Observation Request “section header” segment that immediately precedes it. This content presents the real differences between the messages since all types of Notifications are handled in a standard manner up to this point.

Sheet 3: Revisions


Date Version Description
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Added "notification subject type" to the Notification Structural Data to bring the message structure in line with the Outbreak Management version of the ORU Case Investigation Report message.
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Changed all observations that use the CE value type in OBX-2 to CWE - coded with exception - to prepare for versioning of value sets. The additional fields are still optional at this point.
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Added "patient name type" to the Notification Structural data to account for the default value that must be provided in the message.
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Remapped NTF139 to NOT108 for use as the PHIN Variable ID used for MSH-10 Message Control ID (UID nor text appears in this context)
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 No longer supporting the RE - required but may be empty concept. The Program Optional/Required column reflects what the source messaging document specifies.
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 DEM147 State Patient ID Changed UID - formerly mapped to INV172. Note that this element maps under the new "Subject Type" in OBR|1|.
4/25/2007 Draft v. 0.5 LEA135 Local Address ID normalized to DEM2010. It continues to appear without the UID or text as PID-11.2 - Patient Address Other Designation.
5/3/2007 Draft v. 0.5 Removed NOT110 Record Type variable. This observation is no longer necessary as the Notification Type specified in NOT101 contains this information.

Sheet 4: Key

Key to columns in each Tab/Worksheet:

Column Description
Program Variables Section
PHIN Variable ID PHIN element UID drawn from the coding system PH_PHINQuestions_CDC
Label Short name for the data element, which is passed in the message.
Description Description of the data element as in PHIN Questions.
Data Type Data type for the variable response expected by the program area
Prog. Req/Opt Indicator whether the program specifies the field as:
R - Required - mandatory for sending the message
O - Optional - if the data is available it should be passed
May Repeat Indicator whether the response to the data element may repeat. “Yes” in the field indicates that it may; otherwise, the field is not populated. Repeats require special processing.
Coded Concepts Concepts that the program uses in answer to a particular question that required a coded response.
Value Set Name Name of the pre-coordinated value set from which the response is drawn. The value sets and coding systems are accessible via the Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution Services at
Data Validation Business rules used for validating data integrity
Message Mapping Methodology Section
Message Context Specific HL7 segment and field mapping for the element.
HL7 Data Type HL7 data type used by PHIN to express the variable.
HL7 Usage Use of the field for PHIN. Indicates if the field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment. The only values that appear in the Message Mapping are:
• R – Required. Must always be populated
• O – Optional. May optionally be populated.
HL7 Cardinality Indicator of the minimum and maximum number of times the element may appear.
• [0..0] Element never present.
• [0..1] Element may be omitted and it can have at most, one Occurrence.
• [1..1] Element must have exactly one Occurrence.
• [0..n] Element may be omitted or may repeat up to n times.
• [1..n] Element must appear at least once, and may repeat up to n times.
• [0..*] Element may be omitted or repeat for an unlimited number of times.
• [1..*] Element must appear at least once, and may repeat unlimited number of times.
• [m..n] Element must appear at least m, and at most, n times.
Implementation Notes Related implementation comments.

Sheet 5: Subject-related

Subject/Demographic Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type Prog. Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
DEM197 Local patient ID The local ID of the patient/entity. Text R

PID-3 Patient Identifier List (does not pass Variable ID or label) CX R [1..1] also shown on Notification Structure tab
INV172 remapped to DEM147 State patient ID Patient ID value assigned by the state Text O

O Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST O [0..1]
DEM115 Birth Date Reported date of birth of patient. Date R

PID-7 Date/Time of Birth (does not pass Variable ID or label) TS O [0..1]
DEM113 Patient’s sex Patient’s current sex. Code O
Sex (MFU)

PID-8 Administrative Sex (does not pass Variable ID or label) IS O [0..1]
DEM152 Race Category Field containing one or more codes that broadly refer to the patient’s race(s). Code O Y American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other Race
Race Category

PID-10 Race (does not pass Variable ID or label) CE O [0..*]
DEM153 Detailed Race A patient record may have zero, one, or multiple detailed race categories assigned. This variable is not passed unless specified for the particular condition. Code O Y
Detailed Race

Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. To keep the race category in context with detailed races, pass the race category in the first instance of this field and the detailed race codes as repeats. If more than one race category was passed in PID-10 Race, use a second OBX Detailed Race segment instance to keep that grouping in context. CWE O [0..*]
DEM155 Ethnic Group Code Ethnic origin or ethnicity is based on the individual’s self-identity of the patient as Hispanic or Latino; choose one value from the list. Code O
Ethnicity Group

PID-22 Ethnic Group (does not pass Variable ID or label) CE O [0..1] Note that HL7 says this field may repeat but not expecting repeats.
DEM156 Detailed Ethnicity If the value specified in Ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino, choose detailed ethnicity value(s) that better define the patient's Latino ethnicity; values may include Cuban, Mexican, etc.; choose one or multiple values from this list. This variable is not passed unless specified for the particular condition. Code O Y
Detailed Ethnicity

Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. CWE O [0..*]
DEM2005 Date of entry into US Original date of entry into U.S. Date O
Country Country
O Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. CE O [0..1]
Address Data - note that all addresses related to the patient are sent, so the entire Extended Address construct in PID-11 will repeat.

LEA135 remapped to DEM2010 Address ID The system-assigned unique address ID Text O Y

PID-11.2 Patient Address - Other Designation (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) ST O [0..*]
DEM161 Patient Address City Patient’s address city as text Text O Y

PID-11.3 Patient Address - City (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) ST O [0..*]
DEM162 Patient Address State Patient’s address state. Code O Y

PID-11.4 Patient Address - State (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) ST O [0..*]
DEM163 Patient Address Zip Code Patient’s address Zip code. Text O Y

PID-11.5 Patient Address - Postal Code (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) ST O [0..*]
DEM165 Patient Address County County of residence of the subject. Code O Y

PID-11.9 Patient Address - County (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) IS O [0..*]
DEM168 Census Tract Census tract where the address is located is a unique identifier associated with a small statistical subdivision of a county. Census tract data allows a user to find population and housing statistics about a specific part of an urban area. A single community may be composed of several census tracts. Text O Y

PID-11.10 Patient Address - Census Tract (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) IS O [0..*] Census codes not in PHIN-VADS - treated as a user-defined code passed without description or OID
DEM169 Residence From Date Residence From date. Date O Y

PID-11.13 Patient Address - Effective Date (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) TS O [0..*]
DEM170 Residence To Date Residence To date. Date O Y

PID-11.14 Patient Address - Expiration Date (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) TS O [0..*]
End of repeating address info that is passed in PID-11

DEM171 Patient’s City – Coded Patient’s address city as encoded value. This field will repeat a coded Place value for each city string in the repeating address field, and in the same order in which the address was presented. Code O Y
City Entire address construct repeats.
Observation/OBX segment for FIPS city/place codes derived from the repeating address field contents in PID-11. This UID and description are in OBX-3. CWE O [0..*]

Sheet 6: Lead Lab Rpt Observations

Lead Lab Report Notification Variables

Program-Specific Surveillance Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type Prog. Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
INV178 Pregnancy Status Indicates whether the patient was pregnant during the event. Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
NOT109 Reporting State State reporting the investigation/case Code R


Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label CWE O [0..1]
LEA105 Previous country of residence Previous country of residence - send the 3 most recent countries. Code O Y

Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. CWE O [0..1]
LEA137 Travel outside of US Travel outside of US <Future Functionality> Code O
Yes No Unknown (YNU)

Observation/OBX Segment with this UID and label under the Patient Subject section header in OBR-4. CWE O [0..1] <future functionality>
LAB202 Test ID System-assigned local test instance identifier. Text R

OBR-3.1 Filler Order Number (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) EI R [1..1] Also on the Notification Structure tab
LAB165 Specimen Source The medium from which the specimen originated. Examples include whole blood, saliva, urine, etc. Code R
Blood Venous
Blood Cord
Unknown Substance
Blood Unknown
Tissue Culture
Blood Capillary
Macular Scraping
Buccal Swab
Vesicular Swab

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE O [0..1]
LAB168 Laboratory Result Jurisdiction The geographic area responsible for managing public health activities including intervention, prevention and surveillance for health event associated with a particular geographic area such as county or city, associated with an event. Code R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label IS O [0..1]
LAB180 Age at time of laboratory test Age of subject at time of specimen collection Numeric O

(note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) SN O [0..1]
LAB181 Age units at time of laboratory test Age units of subject at time of specimen collection. Code O
Age Unit

(Same Observation/OBX segment as LAB180 - age units maps to OBX-6-Units) CWE O [0..1]
LAB163 Date of specimen Collection The date the specimen was collected. Date R

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS
LAB108 Sample Analyzed Date The date and time the sample was analyzed by the laboratory. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS
LAB197 Result Sent from Lab Date Date result sent from reporting laboratory. Date O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label TS
[0..1] Note: required by program
NUMERIC RESULT GROUP - all these fields occupy the same Observation/OBX segment - uses LAB114 Numeric Result as the observation identifier

LAB113 Numeric Result Descriptor Lab quantitative result operator. Coded O
> =
< =

OBX Segment tagged with ‘LAB114^Numeric result’ in OBX-3. This is the value for OBX-5.1. Structured Numeric result in OBX-5 - component 1, the operator, is treated as a string by HL7. ST
LAB114 Numeric result value The first numeric value in the quantitative result. Numeric O

if numeric result not available, must enter LAB504 Result Notes
OBX Segment tagged with ‘LAB114^Numeric result’ in OBX-3. This is the value for OBX-5.2. Structured Numeric result in OBX-5 - component 2, the first numeric result field. NM
LAB115 Result units The unit of measure for a numeric result value. Code O
Units of measure

Same OBX Segment as ‘LAB114^Numeric result’ in OBX-3. This is the value for OBX-6. CE
End of LAB114 Numeric Result Observation

LAB504 Result Notes Explanation for missing result, (e.g., clotted, quantity not sufficient, etc.) Code O
Wrong Tube
Quantity Not Sufficient
Test Not Done
Lab Error
Missing Lab Result Reason

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE
Laboratory Data

LAB143 Lab Name Name of Laboratory that reported test result. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST
[0..1] Also on the Notification Structure tab
LAB144 CLIA Lab ID CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) identifier for the laboratory that performed the test. Text O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label ST
LAB120 Limit of detection Reference range to/limit of detection. The reference range to value allows the user to enter the value on the high end of a valid range of results for the test. Numeric O

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label SN
Provider Data

LAB500 Ordering Provider Address - State Ordering provider address― state. Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE
LAB501 Ordering Provider Address - City Ordering provider address― city. Text O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE
LAB502 Ordering Provider Address - County Ordering provider address― county. Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE

DEM2007 Patient Employer SIC Code Employer Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the employer associated with the occupation This field may repeat with multiple values. Code O

Industry (SIC)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE
DEM2008 Patient Employer NAICS Code Employer North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the employer associated with the occupation This field may repeat with multiple values. Code O

Industry (NAICS)

Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE
DEM139 Census Occupation Code Patient's Occupation(s). Multiple occupations may be selected. Code O


Observation/OBX Segment with this variable ID and label CWE

Sheet 7: Notification Structure

These variables are not negotiable. Default values are provided for HL7 structural elements that are required but not part of the surveillance data requested.

Notification Variables
Mapping Methodology
PHIN Variable ID Label/Short Name Description Data Type CDC Req/Opt May Repeat Coded Concepts Value Set Name Data Validation
Message Context HL7 Data Type HL7 Usage HL7 Cardinality Implementation Notes
NOT108 Notification ID The unique identifier for the notification record. For the V2 Case Notification, this concept maps to the HL7 attribute MSH-10 Message Control ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. String R

MSH-10-Message Control ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. ST R [1..1]
DEM197 Local patient ID The local ID of the patient/entity. String R

PID-3.1 Patient Identifier List – ID Number
PID-3.4 Assigning Authority format <localID&OID&ISO>
Does not pass Variable ID or label.
CX R [1..1] Only the sending system's internally assigned patient id used for these de-identified messages
DEM100 Patient name type Name is not requested by the program, but the Patient Name field is required to be populated for the HL7 message to be valid. Have adopted the HL7 convention for processing a field where the name has been removed for de-identification purposes. Coded R
Pseudonym Name Type

PID-5.7 Patient Name Type - second instance (does not pass Variable ID or label). HL7 reserves the first instance of the name for Legal Name. CX R [1..2] Literal value: |~^^^^^^S|
LAB202 Test ID Local test identifier Text R

OBR-3.1 Filler Order Number (note that the variable ID and label do not appear in the message) EI R [1..1]
NOT099 Subject Type Type of subject for the notification. Coded R
Person Subject Notification Section Header

OBR|1|: Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-4-Universal Service ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Literal Value: 'PERSUBJ^Person Subject^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274'
NOT101 Notification Type Type of notification. Main notification types are "Individual Case", "Environmental", "Summary", and "Laboratory Report". Coded R
Laboratory Report Notification Notification Section Header

OBR|2|: Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-4-Universal Service ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Literal Value: 'LABNTF^Laboratory Report Notification^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274'
NOT103 Date First Submitted Date the notification was first sent to CDC. This value does not change after the original notification. For the V2 Case Notification, this concept maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-7-Observation Date/time. No UID or label is passed in the message. Date/time R

Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-7-Observation Date/time. No UID or label is passed in the message. TS R [1..1] <same value in each OBR instance>
NOT106 Date of Report Date/time this version of the notification was sent. It will be the same value as NOT103 for the original notification. For updates, this is the update/send date/time. Date/time R

Maps to the HL7 attribute OBR-22-Result Report/Status Chg Date/time. No UID or label is passed in the message. TS R [1..1] <same value in each OBR instance>
NOT108 Notification ID The unique identifier for the notification record. For the V2 Case Notification, this concept maps to the HL7 attribute MSH-10 Message Control ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. Alphanumeric R

Maps to the HL7 attribute MSH-10-Message Control ID. No UID or label is passed in the message. ST R [1..1]
INV169 Condition Code Condition or event that constitutes the reason the notification is being sent. Coded R
32010 Lead Poisoning Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) & Other Conditions of Public Health Importance

Maps to HL7 attribute OBR-31-Reason for Study. The UID and label are not passed in the message. CE R [1..1] Default value in each OBR instance: '32010^Lead Poisoning^2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.255'
File Typeapplication/
Last Modified Bywsb2
File Modified2007-09-11
File Created2006-11-07

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