Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
703-235-0780, [email protected]
Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10th, 2009
This form is used to
determine whether
a Privacy Impact Assessment is required.
Please use the attached form to determine whether a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is required under the E-Government Act of 2002 and the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
Please complete this form and send it to your component Privacy Office. If you do not have a component Privacy Office, please send the PTA to the DHS Privacy Office:
Rebecca J. Richards
Director of Privacy Compliance
The Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Tel: 703-235-0780
Upon receipt, the DHS Privacy Office will review this form. If a PIA is required, the DHS Privacy Office will send you a copy of the Official Privacy Impact Assessment Guide and accompanying Template to complete and return.
A copy of the Guide and Template is available on the DHS Privacy Office website, www.dhs.gov/privacy, on DHSOnline and directly from the DHS Privacy Office via email: [email protected], phone: 703-235-0780.
complete this form and send it to the DHS Privacy Office.
receipt, the DHS Privacy Office will review this form
and may
request additional information.
Summary Information
Date submitted for review: July 25, 2013
Name of Project: OMB Collection 1660-0015, Application Forms for Conditional and Final Letters of Map Amendment and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill; Application Form for Single Residential Lot or Structure Amendments to National Flood Insurance Program Maps
Name of Component:
Name of Project Manager: Ms. Ava Hammond
Email for Project Manager: [email protected]
Phone number for Project Manager: (202) 646-3276
Type of Project:
Information Technology and/or System
A Notice of Proposed Rule Making or a Final Rule.
Other: <Please describe the type of project including paper based Privacy Act system of records.>
Specific Questions
Describe the project and its purpose:
Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) administers the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) and maintains the maps that depict flood hazard information.
The NFIP regulations Section 44 CFR 65 and 70 (copy attached)
outline the data that must be submitted by an owner or lessee of
property who believes his/her property has been incorrectly included
in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). In order to remove an area
from a SFHA, the owner or lessee of the property must submit
scientific or technical data demonstrating that the area is
“reasonably safe from flooding” and not in the SFHA.
forms supplement the general information requirements in the NFIP
regulations and establish an organized, systematic approach to
collect data needed to request removal from a SFHA.
Status of Project:
This is a new development effort.
This is an existing project.
Date first developed:
Date last updated: February 11, 2011
Previous forms collection expired in December of 2010, therefore new forms had to be submitted to OMB for approval. New forms were approved in February of 2011.
Could the project relate in any way to an individual?1
No. Please skip ahead to the next question.
Yes. Please provide a general description, below.
The project primarily relates to property, however data relating to the applicant is collected as described in Question 6.
Do you collect, process, or retain information on: (Please check all that apply)
DHS Employees
Contractors working on behalf of DHS
The Public
The System does not contain any such information.
Do you use or collect Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (This includes truncated SSNs)
Yes. Why does the program collect SSNs? Provide the function of the SSN and the
legal authority to do so:
<Please provide the function of the SSN and the legal authority to do so.>
What information about individuals could be collected, generated or retained?
Since the applicants are
applying for a letter/determination from DHS-FEMA, they are required
to provide their name, address and telephone number (if available)
so that all correspondences can be sent to them. Some requests
require a fee, therefore applicants may submit payment by check or
credit card. All other information collected is public
If this project is a technology/system, does it relate solely to infrastructure? [For example, is the system a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN)]?
No. Please continue to the next question.
Yes. Is there a log kept of communication traffic?
No. Please continue to the next question.
Yes. What type of data is recorded in the log? (Please choose all that apply.)
Payload Please describe the data that is logged.
<Please list the data elements in the log.>
Can the system be accessed remotely?
Yes. When remote access is allowed, is the access accomplished by a virtual private network (VPN)?
Is Personally Identifiable Information2 physically transported outside of the LAN? (This can include mobile devices, flash drives, laptops, etc.)
Does the system connect, receive, or share Personally Identifiable Information with any other DHS systems3?
Yes. Please list:
Are there regular (ie. periodic, recurring, etc.) data extractions from the system?
Yes. Are these extractions included as part of the Certification and Accreditation4?
Is there a Certification & Accreditation record within OCIO’s FISMA tracking system?
Yes. Please indicate the determinations for each of the following:
Confidentiality: Low Moderate High Undefined
Integrity: Low Moderate High Undefined
Availability: Low Moderate High Undefined
(To be Completed by the DHS Privacy Office)
Date reviewed by the DHS Privacy Office:
Name of the DHS Privacy Office Reviewer: <Please enter name of reviwer.>
This is NOT a Privacy Sensitive System – the system contains no Personally Identifiable Information.
This IS a Privacy Sensitive System
Category of System
IT System
National Security System
Legacy System
HR System
PTA sufficient at this time
Privacy compliance documentation determination in progress
PIA is not required at this time
A PIA is required
System covered by existing PIA:
A new PIA is required.
A PIA Update is required.
A SORN is required
System covered by existing SORN:
A new SORN is required.
The E-Government Act of 2002 defines these terms by reference to the definition sections of Titles 40 and 44 of the United States Code. The following is a summary of those definitions:
•“Information Technology” means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. See 40 U.S.C. § 11101(6).
•“Information System” means a discrete set of information resources organized for the collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, or disposition of information. See: 44. U.S.C. § 3502(8).
Note, for purposes of this form, there is no distinction made between national security systems or technologies/systems managed by contractors. All technologies/systems should be initially reviewed for potential privacy impact.
1 Projects can relate to individuals in a number of ways. For example, a project may include a camera for the purpose of watching a physical location. Individuals may walk past the camera and images of those individuals may be recorded. Projects could also relate to individuals in more subtle ways. For example, a project that is focused on detecting radioactivity levels may be sensitive enough to detect whether an individual received chemotherapy.
2 Personally Identifiable Information is information that can identify a person. This includes; name, address, phone number, social security number, as well as health information or a physical description.
3 PII may be shared, received, or connected to other DHS systems directly, automatically, or by manual processes. Often, these systems are listed as “interconnected systems” in TAFISMA.
4 This could include the Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
File Type | application/msword |
Author | pia |
File Modified | 2013-08-02 |
File Created | 2013-08-02 |