OMB No. 2127-XXXX
Expiration Date: X/XX/2017
Questionnaire – Version B
Intro/Vehicle Use
First, for some general background, we have a few questions about your living arrangement.
Right now, are you living in a………..
_______ House
_______ Apartment
_______ Dormitory
_______ or something else?
2. At this residence, with whom do you live?
a. Both parents
b. One parent – mother
c. One parent – father
d. A guardian (either a legal guardian, or a guardian who cares for you but hasn’t been appointed by the courts)
e. Others, but not with parent(s) or guardian(s)
f. I live Alone.
Do you live there ………….
_______ All of the year
_______ More than 6 months, but less than a year
_______ About 6 months of the year
_______ Less than 6 months of the year
NHTSA Form 1199(b)
IF Q3is less than all of the year SKIP TO Q7, OTHERWISE CONTINUE
During the rest of the year, do you live in a……..
_______ House
_______ Apartment
_______ Dormitory
_______ or something else
5. Who do you live with during those other times of the year?
_______ Both parents
_______ One parent – mother
_______ One parent - father
_______ Guardian (either a legal guardian, or a guardian who cares for you but hasn’t been appointed by the courts )
________Others, but not parent(s) or guardian(s)
_______ Living alone
6. Do you tend to drive more while living at the place you are living at right now, or do you tend to drive more while living at the place(s) where you live the rest of the year?
_______ Drive more while living at current residence
_______ Drive more while living at the place(s) I live the rest of the year
_______ Neither, it’s about the same
[IF Q3 is less than all of the year > For the next set of questions, please think about the place where you drive the most]. Every week can be a little different, but we would like you to think about how much you drive and ride in a typical driving week. [Have a link to provide greater clarification. Also how to respond if there is no typical week.]
7. In a typical driving week, on how many days do you drive a motor vehicle?
_______ days [IF Q7=0 GO TO Q11]
_______ Never Drive [IF Q7=never drive GO TO Q11]
9. Is the vehicle you drive most often a car, SUV, van or minivan, pickup truck, motorcycle, or something else? (If you drive multiple vehicles about the same amount and can’t determine which of them you drive most often, select the one you drove most recently)
SUV/Sport utility vehicle
Van or minivan
Pickup truck
Other (including other kinds of trucks)—specify: ______________________
10. In a typical driving week, how many days do you drive with passengers in the vehicle who are under the age of 21?
_______ days per week
_______ less than once a week
_______ never drive with passengers in the vehicle who are under 21
Graduated Driver Licensing/Driver Education
11. Which of the following describes your own license for driving:
a) a full driver’s license, with no provisions
b) a Provisional Driver’s License
c) a Learner’s Permit
d) a Farm Permit or License
e) a Motorcycle License
f) a Suspended or Revoked License
g) I do not have a Learner’s Permit or any kind of driver’s license [go to Q24]
[PROVIDE A HYPERLINK WITH CLARIFICATION UNDER CATEGORY b: A provisional license has special rules that a driver must follow. Some States require that new drivers receive a provisional license before they can receive a full, unrestricted driver’s license.]
12. What State did you get your driver’s license in? _________ [STATE]
13. When you reached the age at which you could apply for a Learner’s Permit to drive, how long did you wait until you applied for the Learner’s Permit?
a) I applied within 1 month after reaching the eligible age (Go To Q15)
b) I applied 1-to-6 months after reaching the eligible age (Go To Q15)
c) I applied 6 months to a year after reaching the eligible age
d) I applied 1-to-2 years after reaching the eligible age
e) I applied more than 2 years after reaching the eligible age
14 Why did you delay applying for your Learner’s Permit? (Select all that apply)
No adult was available to supervise me. YES__ NO__
b) No motor vehicle was available to drive. YES__ NO__
c) Driving was too expensive. YES__ NO__
d) I was not comfortable with driving. YES__ NO__
e) Driving wasn’t that important to me. YES__ NO__
f) I had other transportation options. YES__ NO__
g) Other (Specify) YES__ NO__
If Q11 = c SKIP To Q17
15. When you drove with a Learner’s Permit, how many hours of adult-supervised driving practice did you have?
a) More than 50 hours of supervised driving practice
c) Between 25 and 50 hours of supervised driving practice
d) Less than 25 hours of supervised driving practice
e) None
16. (Ask if Q11=a, has full license, otherwise skip to instruction before Q17). Did you have a provisional license before you received a full driver’s license? [Add hyperlink to define provisional license]
____ Yes
____ No
[Ask only if Q11=c: has Learner’s Permit, otherwise go to intro before Q20]
17. As far as you know, what rules are placed on drivers when they receive Learner’s Permits in [FILL STATE FROM #12]? (Check all that apply)
Licensed adult (21 or older) required in vehicle at all times
Licensed adult (21 or older) required in vehicle only during nighttime hours
All occupants must wear seat belts
The number of teenage passengers is restricted
Cannot drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in driver’s blood
The Permit is visually distinctive from a regular license
Must remain crash- and conviction-free for a set period of time to advance to the Provisional License [Add hyperlink to define provisional license]
No use of portable electronic communication and entertainment devices while driving
Parents/Guardians must certify to the DMV that the driver has driven a required number of practice hours
The driver is not allowed to drive during late night hours
No eating or drinking while driving
Other, specify
18 How often does(do) your parent(s) talk to you about following the rules for driving with a Learner’s Permit?
Very often
Somewhat often
Not very often
Don’t live with a parent
19. If a driver is stopped by the police and found to be violating the rules of a Learner’s Permit, what do you think is likely to happen? [check all that apply]
a) Nothing YES__ NO__
b) The driver would receive a warning YES__ NO__
c) The driver would receive a ticket YES__ NO__
d) The driver’s Learner’s Permit would be suspended or taken away YES__NO__
e) Other (specify________) YES__ NO__
[Ask only if Q11=b, has Provisional Driver’s License, otherwise go to Q23 ]
20. As far as you know, what are the extra rules that are placed on drivers when they receive a Provisional License in [your State]? (Check all that apply)
Licensed adult (21 or older) required in vehicle at all times
Licensed adult (21 or older) required in vehicle only during nighttime hours
All occupants must wear seat belts
The number of teenage passengers is restricted
Can not drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in their blood
The Provisional License is visually distinctive from a Regular License
Must remain crash- and conviction-free for a set period of time to advance to the Regular License
No use of portable electronic communication and entertainment devices while driving
(Parents/Guardians) must certify to the DMV that their child has driven a required number of practice hours
The driver is not allowed to drive during late night hours
No eating or drinking while driving
Other, specify
21 How often (do your parents/does your parent) talk to you about following the rules for driving with a Provisional License?
Very often
Somewhat often
Not very often
Don’t live with a parent
22. If a driver is stopped by the police and found to be violating the rules of a Provisional License, what do you think is likely to happen? [check all that apply]
a) Nothing YES__ NO__
b) The driver would receive a warning YES__ NO__
c) The driver would receive a ticket YES__ NO__
d) The driver’s Provisional License would be suspended or taken away YES__NO__
e) Other (specify________) YES__ NO__
23. In some locations, there are forums or other types of group meetings that provide new drivers and their parents with information on the graduated licensing system, driver insurance, and other matters that concern new drivers.
Did you ever attend a forum or group meeting that provided this information?
____ Yes, with a parent
____ Yes, with an adult other than a parent
____ Yes, I went alone
____ No
The next questions are about driver education, which can include training in a classroom, time driving with an instructor, or lessons offered through a computer. We are not referring to instruction from parents, friends or relatives.
24. Have you received any kind of driver education?
a) Yes
b) No—Skip to Q32
25 Have you ever had any driver education provided by a private driving school? [Provide link for definition of private driving school]
b) No—skip to Q27
26. What did this driver education include?
i. Training in a classroom Yes ___ No ___
ii. Time actually driving Yes ___ No ___
iii. Online training Yes ___ No ___
iv. Training using a simulator Yes ___ No ___
27. Have you ever had any driver education provided by a high school? Please do not count courses that were taught by a private company at a high school.
a) Yes
b) No—skip to instruction preceding Q29
28. Did this driver education include:
i. Training in a classroom Yes ___ No ___
ii. Time actually driving Yes ___ No ___
iii. Online training Yes ___ No ___
iv. Training using a simulator Yes ___ No ___
(If Q25 and Q27 = No, Go To Q29, Otherwise Skip To Instruction Before Q30)
29. (If Q25=No and Q27=No) Who provided the driver education that you received?
(Skip to Q31 if respondent has Learner’s Permit only or no license, Q11=c or g.)
30. Thinking about all of the driver education you received, how helpful would you say it was for passing the road test to receive your driver’s license?
a) Very helpful
b) Somewhat helpful
c) A little helpful
d) Not very helpful
31. Thinking about all of the driver education you received, how helpful would you say it was for learning good driving skills?
a) Very helpful
b) Somewhat helpful
c) A little helpful
d) Not very helpful
Cell Phone Use
If Q7 = never drive Skip to Q39
When you drive a motor vehicle, do you usually have a cell phone in the vehicle with you?
33. How often do you talk on the phone while you are driving?
On all driving trips
On most driving trips
On some driving trips
On almost no driving trips
34. How often do you read text messages while you are driving and the vehicle is moving?
a) On all driving trips
b) On most driving trips
c) On some driving trips
d) On almost no driving trips
e) Never
35. How often do you send text messages while you are driving and the vehicle is moving?
a) On all driving trips
b) On most driving trips
c) On some driving trips
d) On almost no driving trips
e) Never
When you are driving a motor vehicle, how often do you wear a seatbelt?
37. When was the last time that you did not wear a seat belt while driving?
a) Within the past week
b) Within the past month
c) Within the past year
d) More than a year ago [skip to #39
e) Never [skip to #39]
38. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?.
Sometimes I do not wear my seat belt while driving because…
a. I’m only driving a short distance ___agree ___ disagree
b. I’m in a rush ___ agree ___ disagree
c. The seat belt is uncomfortable ___ agree ___ disagree
d. I forget to put it on ___ agree ___ disagree
e. My passengers aren’t wearing them ___ agree ___ disagree
f. I just don’t feel like it ___ agree ___ disagree
39. In general, how often do friends your age wear their seat belts when they’re driving?
a) All of the time
b) Most of the time
c) Some of the time
d) Rarely
e) Never
Police Stops/Enforcement
If Q7 = never drive Skip to Q44
40. In the past 12 months, how many times have you been stopped by the police while driving a motor vehicle?
_____ [NUMBER] {If zero, go to question #44}
41. Of the times you were stopped, how many times did you receive a ticket?
_____ [NUMBER] {If zero, go to question #44}
42. What was/were the violation(s) that were marked on the ticket(s)? [check all that apply]
_____ Speeding
_____ Running a red or yellow light
_____ Driving without a seat belt
_____ Failure to use a turn signal
_____ Careless or reckless driving
_____ Failure to stop at a stop sign
_____ Using a cellphone while driving
______ Minor in possession
______ Violation of zero tolerance
_______Other (specify)
43. Who paid the fine for the ticket(s)? Check all that apply:
a. I did
b. My parents or guardian
c. Someone else
d. The ticket was thrown out; no payment was made.
44. In the past 12 months, how many times have you been a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped by the police? [Provide link for definition of stop]
______ [NUMBER]
45. How much attention do you pay to messages in the media about police enforcement of traffic safety laws?
I pay a lot of attention.
I pay some attention.
I pay almost no attention.
I never see enforcement messages.
46. In general, how easy or difficult do you think it is for teenage drivers in your community to speed more than 20 miles over the speed limit without being stopped by police?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
47. In general, how easy or difficult do you think it is for teenage drivers in your community to send text messages while driving without being stopped by the police?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
48. In general, how easy or difficult do you think it is for teenage drivers in your community to talk on a handheld phone while driving without being stopped by the police?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Crash Experience
The next questions are about crashes and accidents where there was moderate or greater damage to a vehicle. Do not include crashes that resulted only in small scratches or small dents.
Regardless of who was at fault, have you ever been the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash or accident?
____ Yes
____ No
____ Never been a driver
50. Have you ever been a passenger in a vehicle involved in a crash or accident where the driver was under 21 years of age? Again, do not include crashes that resulted only in small scratches or small dents.
____ Yes
____ No
Alcohol Attitudes and Behavior
The next questions are about alcoholic beverages. “Alcoholic beverages” refers to a can of beer, glass of wine or wine coolers, shot of liquor or a mixed drink—not just sips.
51. Have you ever had an alcoholic beverage? If you have only had sips of an alcoholic beverage, please answer no.
□yes (continue) □no [go to #56]
52. During the last 12 months, how many alcoholic drinks did you have on a typical day when you drank alcohol?
______ 1 drink of alcohol
______ 2 drinks of alcohol
______ 3 to 4 drinks of alcohol
______ 5 to 6 drinks of alcohol
______ 7 to 8 drinks of alcohol
______ 9 or more drinks of alcohol
53. When you drink alcoholic beverages, who usually provides them?
a. Myself
b. A friend
c. A member of my family
d. Someone who is not a friend or family member
e. Not applicable because I don’t drink alcohol (skip to Q 56)
54. Below is a list of places where people can drink alcoholic beverages. For each one, please indicate whether you drink alcohol there never, rarely, sometimes, or often.
a. A bar or club
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
b. A restaurant
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
c. My home [Add link to give instructions for dual residence.]
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
d. The home of someone I know
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
e. The home of someone I don’t know well
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
f. A car
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
g. An outdoor place, such as the woods or a parking lot
___ Never ____ Rarely _____ Sometimes _____ Often
55. The next questions are about ways that people can get alcoholic beverages. If you wanted to get an alcoholic beverage, how easy or difficult would it be?
____ Very easy
____ Somewhat easy
____ Neither easy nor difficult
____ Somewhat difficult
____ Very difficult
56. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
a. Someone I know has a fake ID that they use to buy alcoholic beverages
____ Agree
____ Disagree
b. One or more people I know over the age of 21 would be willing to buy alcoholic beverages for me
____ Agree
____ Disagree
c. I know of one or more bars that sell alcoholic beverages to people under 21
____ Agree
____ Disagree
d. I know of one or more stores that sell alcoholic beverages to people under 21
____ Agree
____ Disagree
e. I know some parents that provide alcohol to their kids and their kids’ friends who are under 21
____ Agree
____ Disagree
If Q7 = never drive SKIP TO Q60
57. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you driven a motor vehicle within 2 hours after drinking alcoholic beverages? [dropdown list] [pop-up message (enter digits) Q57 to Q61]
_____ DAYS [IF ZERO, GO TO #60]
58. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you driven a motor vehicle within 2 hours of having 5 or more drinks of alcohol?
_____ DAYS
59. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you driven a motor vehicle while feeling buzzed from drinking alcohol?
_____ DAYS
60. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you been a passenger in a motor vehicle when you think the driver was buzzed from drinking alcohol?
_____ DAYS
61 In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you been a passenger in a motor vehicle when you had concerns for your safety because of the amount of alcohol the driver had been drinking?
_____ DAYS
62. To your knowledge, is there a minimum drinking age in the State where you currently live?
____ yes
____ no [GO TO #64]
63. What is the minimum drinking age in the State where you currently live?
____ AGE
The next questions are about your opinion—.
64. I’d like you to think about an average [WILL BE PROGRAMMED FROM THE SAMPLE FILE. male/female—match gender of respondent] about your age. How many alcoholic beverages do you think such a person could have in a two hour period before they became buzzed or felt at least some effect from the alcohol? Please answer for each type of alcohol listed below.
12 ounce regular beers _________ [NUMBER]
12 ounce light beers _______ [NUMBER]
Drinks or shots of hard liquor _______ [NUMBER]
5 ounce glasses of wine _______ [NUMBER]
65. Again, thinking about an average [WILL BE PROGRAMMED FROM THE SAMPLE FILE male/female—match gender of respondent] about your age. How many alcoholic beverages do you think such a person could have in a two hour period before they would not be able to drive safely?
12 ounce regular beers _________ [NUMBER]
b.12 ounce light beers _______ [NUMBER]
c. Drinks or shots of hard liquor _______ [NUMBER]
d. 5 ounce glasses of wine [NUMBER]
Driving and Substance Use
If Q7 = never drive Skip to Q69
The next questions are about various other drugs. There is a lot of talk these days about this subject, but we still have a lot to learn about driving and the use of drugs by people your age. We hope that you can answer all questions; but if you find one that you feel you cannot answer honestly, please leave it blank.
66. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you driven a motor vehicle while you were feeling buzzed, sleepy, or disoriented from using a drug other than alcohol? This could be a prescription or non-prescription drug.
_____ DAYS
67. Have you ever used any of the following substances within 24 hours before driving?
a. Marijuana
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
a. Synthetic Marijuana
i. Never used before driving
ii. Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
iii. Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
b. Ecstasy
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
c. Amphetamines
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
d. Sedatives or Tranquilizers
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
e. Bath Salts
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
f. Narcotics
Never used before driving
Yes, used before driving in past 30 days
Yes, used before driving, but not in past 30 days
68. For each substance category in the preceding question for which you answered “Yes,” how soon after using the substance did you start driving? If this occurred multiple times, please answer for the last time you used the substance within 24 hours of driving.
(Write in substance category from above)
Used the substance while driving
1-30 minutes before driving
31-59 minutes before driving
1-2 hours before driving
2-3 hours before driving
3-4 hours
______ 4-5 hours
______ 5-6 hours
______ More than 6 hours
69. For each substance listed below, in your opinion, if a teenage driver was an infrequent user of the substance, took enough of it to feel some effect, and then drove, how do you think it would affect that individual’s driving?
a. Marijuana
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
b. Synthetic Marijuana
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
c. Ecstacy
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
d. Amphetamines
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
e. Sedatives or Tranquilizers
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
f. Bath Salts
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
g. Narcotics
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
70. For each substance listed below, in your opinion, if a teenage driver was a frequent user of the substance, took enough to feel some effect, and then drove, how do you think it would affect that individual’s driving?
a. Marijuana
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
b. Synthetic Marijuana
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
c. Ecstacy
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
d. Amphetamines
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
e. Sedatives or Tranquilizers
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
f. Bath Salts
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
g. Narcotics
i. It would increase the quality of driving
ii. It would reduce the quality of driving
iii. It would have no effect on the quality of driving
71. In the past 30 days, how many days, if any, have you been a passenger in a motor vehicle when you think the driver was high on some drug or substance other than alcohol?
_____ DAYS
Drowsy Driving
If Q7 = never drive Skip to Q80
The next questions are about driving while tired or drowsy.
72. Have you ever fallen asleep or nodded off even for a moment while driving?
____ Yes
____ No [go to #76]
73. Thinking of the most recent time you fell asleep or nodded off even for a moment, how long ago was that?
____ Within the past week
____ Within the past month (but not the past week)
____ Within the past 6 months (but not the past month)
____ Within the past year (but not the past 6 months)
____More than a year ago
74. On this most recent time, which if any of the following happened (when you fell asleep or nodded off even for a moment while driving). (Check all that apply)
____I ran off the road
____I crossed the center line
____ I wandered into another lane, or onto the shoulder
____Someone honked at me
____I just startled awake
____Something else (specify____)
75. How many hours did you sleep the night before the most recent time you fell asleep or nodded off even for a moment while driving?
Number of hours Use 0 if less than 1 hour.
76. If you feel sleepy while driving, what if anything do you do to stop it? (Check all that apply)
____Pull over and take a nap
____ Get coffee/soda/caffeine
____Take a stimulant (such as No-Doz)
____Turn the radio on loud
____Shake your head
____Open the widow
____Make a call on your cell phone
____ Sing or talk to yourself
____Change drivers
____ Nothing
77. Which statement best describes your driving?
______ I tend to pass other cars more often than other cars pass me.
______ Other cars tend to pass me more often than I pass them.
______ It’s about equal – I pass other cars as often as other cars pass me
78. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
“I like driving fast.”
____ Strongly agree
____ Somewhat agree
____ Neither agree nor disagree
____ Somewhat disagree
____ Strongly disagree
“Slow drivers make me angry.”
____ Strongly agree
____ Somewhat agree
____ Neither agree nor disagree
____ Somewhat disagree
____ Strongly disagree
“The faster I drive, the more alert I am.”
____ Strongly agree
____ Somewhat agree
____ Neither agree nor disagree
____ Somewhat disagree
____ Strongly disagree
“I try to get where I am going as fast as I can.”
____ Strongly agree
____ Somewhat agree
____ Neither agree nor disagree
____ Somewhat disagree
____ Strongly disagree
The next questions are about racing. By racing, we mean any time that two or more drivers are trying to go faster than each other. Racing may occur on public roads, private roads, parking lots, official or non-official racetracks, or in other locations. Racing can be for short or long distances and have an end point.
79. In the past 12 months, have you ever raced while driving a motor vehicle? Check all that apply.
____ Yes, on public roads [provide link to define]
____ Yes, on private roads [provide link to define]
____ Yes, in parking lots
____ Yes, on sanctioned or official racetracks
____ Yes, on non-sanctioned or non-official racetracks
____ Yes, other location (specify______)
____ No
80.In the past 12 months, have you ever been a passenger in a motor vehicle that was racing another motor vehicle? Check all that apply.
____ Yes, on public roads [provide link to define]
____ Yes, on private roads [provide link to define]
____ Yes, in parking lots
____ Yes, on sanctioned or official racetracks
____ Yes, on non-sanctioned or non-official racetracks
____ Yes, other location (specify______)
____ No
The next questions collect some basic information about you and are the final questions in the survey.
81. What is your age?
_____ Years old (RANGE=16-21)
82. Are you a male or a female?
1 Male
2 Female
83. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
1 Yes
2 No
84. Which of the following racial categories describes you? You may select more than one. READ LIST AND MULTIPLE RECORD.
1 American Indian or Alaskan Native
2 Asian
3 Black or African‑American
4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
5 White
85. Are you currently attending school full time or part time?
1 Yes, attending school full time
2 Yes, attending school part time
3 No
86. Are you currently working for pay, either full time or part time?
1 Yes, working full time
2 Yes, working part time
3 No
That completes the survey. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Vehicle Use |
Author | Kristen Miller |
Last Modified By | alan.block |
File Modified | 2014-05-05 |
File Created | 2014-03-28 |