U.S. Department of Agriculture Food for Progress and Section 416(b) Reporting Format LOGISTICS & MONETIZATION REPORT
Please See “Guidelines for USDA Food for Progress and Section 416(b) Reporting” for examples and tips on filling out this form.
1. Cooperating Sponsor |
2. Agreement Number |
3. Country Name(s) |
4. Final Report? |
NO |
5. Report # (1,2, etc.)
6. Report Date |
7. Reporting Period |
Food for Progress |
Section 416 (b) |
Direct Feed |
Monetization |
COMMODITY LOGISTICS INFORMATION (Complete this section for all programs) |
Table A. GENERAL COMMODITY INFORMATION (quantities in actual NMT) Include sub-totals (by commodity) and Totals
Commodity |
Agreement Allocation |
Amount Received |
Date Received Month/Year |
Balance |
Expected Delivery Date |
Total |
Table B. COMMODITY RECEIPT AND LOSSES (quantities in actual NMT) Include sub-totals (by commodity) and Totals
----------Losses/Damages (L/D)-------- |
Report # (1,2, etc.) |
Commo-dity |
Bill of Lading Amount |
Amount Rec’d at Port (Survey Report) |
Ocean Tran-sport L/D |
Inland Trans-port L/D |
Ware-house L/D |
Distri-bution L/D |
Total Losses/ Damages |
Balance |
Total |
9. Provide an explanation for any commodity losses/damages, and any problems encountered in the commodity delivery process. (Specify when, where, and why.) |
10. List any claims on lost or defective goods. What is current status of these claims? |
11. Was the port able to adequately handle the commodity offloading without a large loss of commodity; did the port authorities and customs authorities handle the commodity clearance process efficiently? Was the surveyor present? Was he cooperative? Note name and firm of surveyor. |
12. Were any measures taken to cut down on warehouse expenses, i.e. sharing space with other commodities, other PVOs, etc.? |
13. Were there any security measures that worked well or not well (warehousing)? |
14. Did the country’s intermodal system (trucking, rail, etc.)provide timely delivery? What were your experiences? |
DIRECT DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION If no commodities were used for direct distribution/feeding during this reporting period, go directly to the “Monetization Information” section of this report. |
Table C. DIRECT DISTRIBUTION (quantities in actual MT) Include sub-totals (by commodity) and Totals
Report # |
Commodity |
Amount Distribu-ted (NMT) |
Distribu-tion Region |
Type of Institution (Include Food for Work) |
Number of Recipient Insti- tutions
Number of Benefi- ciaries |
Sub-total |
Total |
15. What have been the project impacts on the beneficiaries and the community? How did the targeted recipients/participants respond to the food aid/donation? |
16. Compare the progress to date with planned project targets. |
17. Describe how the monitoring procedures as outlined in the agreement are functioning, noting any adjustments or changes made. |
18. Was the commodity appropriate for the country/region? If not, could another commodity and/or package type, have been used that would have improved the program? |
19. Has this distribution program helped reduce the need for future food aid? Have new or are potential development prospects evident? |
MONETIZATION INFORMATION (Use this section only if program involves sale of commodities) |
20. Sales - Were any commodities sold during this reporting period? |
NO |
If “NO”, use this block to provide a brief explanation and fill out only the “aggregate” section in Table D. |
Table D. SALES (Include Totals)
Report # |
Commod-ity |
Date(s) of Sale (Month/Yr) |
Amount Sold (NMT) |
Price per MT (LC) |
Exchange Rate (LC to USD) |
Proceeds Generated (LC) |
Sub-totals |
Aggreg-ate Totals |
21. Barter - Were any commodities bartered in exchange for other commodities or services? |
NO |
If yes, please describe the terms of the barter in this block. |
22. Has a separate special interest bearing account been established? |
NO |
Re-port # |
Begin-ning Balance (LC) |
Sales Deposits (LC) |
Interest Earned (LC) |
Other Program Income (LC) |
Total Deposits (LC) |
Total Disburs-ments (LC) |
Account Balance (LC)
Aggr. Total |
23. Use of Funds - Were any funds disbursed from the Special Funds Account during this reporting period? |
NO |
If “NO”, use this block to provide a brief explanation. |
Table F. USE OF FUNDS (values in thousands) Include Totals
Report # |
Amount (LC) |
Use of Funds |
Total |
24. Describe any issues or discrepancies in the monetization process and procedure. |
25. Describe any problems encountered in the receipt and disbursement of funds: |
26. Describe your experience with the local banking system. Is it more capable of dealing with future transactions of a similar nature? |
FINAL INFORMATION (Complete this section for all programs) |
27. Describe how this program has helped develop infrastructure/marketing channels (i.e. ports, warehouses, inter‑mobile transportation systems, stores, commodity markets, etc.) |
28. Is there an increase in privatization? |
29. Were taxes levied on the imported commodities? If so, was it at a level such that program implementation was jeopardized? |
30. If the (salvageable) commodity had to be reconstituted, what was done to minimize the commodity loss? Would dual language commodity labels aid in the program's effectiveness? Why or why not? |
31. Were program objectives accomplished as defined in the signed agreement? If so, to what degree? (Both qualitative and quantitative if feasible). What objectives were left unaccomplished? Why? |
32. What were the short and long‑term direct/indirect impacts of the program to the targeted recipients/participants? |
33. Unexpected project outcomes, both positive and negative, as defined in the signed agreement should be noted. (Both qualitative and quantitative if feasible). |
34. Has your organization had an audit (which meets the A-133 audit guidelines) within the last year? If yes, please submit audit, with a cover letter, to the address below. If no, please explain. |
35. How were your dealings with USDA? Did you encounter problems with any of the regulations or rules regarding the program? Do you feel that the forms, web-sites, and staff are friendly and useful? What recommendations would you make to improve or streamline these or other areas? |
Name of report preparer: |
Preparer’s e-mail address: |
Preparer’s phone #: |
Date prepared: |
Save completed report locally as a WordPerfect document. Submit report as an e-mail attachment to E-mail questions and comments about this form to the same e-mail address.
Mailing address (for audits and/or hard copy reports):
Branch Chief
Evaluation and Special Projects Branch
PPDED, Export Credits, Stop 1034
1400 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20250
form was last revised on
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | guidelines for logmon report |
Author | T.Sirianni |
Last Modified By | FAS |
File Modified | 2009-03-12 |
File Created | 2006-03-21 |