Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Other-Close Out Document |
Disposition of Equipment Form.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Close Out Document |
Repayment of Unspent Monetization Proceeds Wire Transfer and Agreement Closure Form.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Close out Document |
Sample Tax Certificationt.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Booking Note Part I.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Booking Note Part II.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Charter Party.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Entry Screens for Freight Invoices in WBSCM.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
KC 334 Prelim. Survey Summary.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Marine Cargo Discharge-Delivery Survey Requirements.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
sample freight award.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
sample freight tender.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Proposals, Agreements, and Amendments |
2014 Food for Progress Grant Template.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Proposals, Agreements, and Amendments |
2014 McGovern-Dole Grant Template.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Proposals, Agreements, and Amendments |
Information Collection - Proposals.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Proposals, Agreements, and Amendments |
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimbursement Documents |
2013 Cash Request -All Programs.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimbursement Documents |
Repayment of Unspent Funds by Check.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimbursement Documents |
Repayment of Unspent CCC and Monetization Funds by Wire Transfer.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimursement Documents |
Repayment of Unspent CCC Funds Wire Transfer and Agreement Closure Form.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimbursement Documents |
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reimbursement Documents |
Repayment of Unspent Monetization Proceeds Wire Transfer and Agreement Closure Form.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reporting Forms |
Financial Report -- pre 2012 awards.xlsx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reporting Forms |
Information Collection - Financial and Project Status Reports -- 2012 and Later Awards.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Reporting Forms |
Performance Report -- pre 2012 awards.doc
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Close out Document: Information Collection Table |
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Exhibit A CommodityVendor'sConfirmationfordeobligations_FINAL.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Commodity and Transportation |
Exhibit C CarrierConfirmationfordeobligations FINAL.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Proposals, Agreements, and Amendments |
List of information required for amendments.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |