2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Improvement Study Pilot Test

NCES Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies System

CRDC 2013-14 Pilot Test Flat File Submission List of Elements.xlsx

2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Improvement Study Pilot Test

OMB: 1850-0803

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LEA Elements
SCH Elements

Sheet 1: Introduction

SY 2013-14 CRDC Flat File Submission CSV Record Layout

The following is a legend that identifies and defines the data element headers that must be used in the 2013-14 CRDC Flat File Submission

FFS CSV Layout Legend:
Layout This column provides a cross-reference to the CRDC Table Layout, identifying either Part 1 or Part 2 of the CRDC, the specific question, and table. For example, P1Q01 refers to Part 1, Question 1. You can reference the SY 2013-14 CRDC Table Layouts document* for more information.
Section This column provides the Section where the data element can be found in the 2013-14 CRDC Table Layout.
CRDC Question/Table This column provides the CRDC question or table information where the data element can be found in the 2013-14 CRDC Table Layout.
CRDC Table Cell/Data Element This column gives a brief description of the disaggregated content found within the field. For more detailed information, consult the official data definitions, which are available in the SY 2013-14 CRDC Table Layouts document*.
Element Name This column provides the data element headers that must be included in the 2013-14 FFS submission
Length This column shows the length of each field within the record layout.
Permitted Values This column shows what data type is required for a given field and/or the permitted values.
2013-14 This column provides whether the data element is required (REQ), optional (OPT), or non-applicable (NA) for the 2013-14 CRDC. Elements that are optional are color-coded in orange and elements that are non-applicable for the 2013-14 CRDC are greyed out.
2015-16 This column provides whether the data element is required (REQ), optional (OPT), or non-applicable (NA) for the 2015-16 CRDC.
Associated with Skip Patterns? This column indicates whether the data element is associated with a skip logic (e.g., whether the data element may only be applicable to some but not all schools or LEAs). A "N" indicates the question is applicable to all schools and LEAs a "Y" indicates the question may only be applicable to some but not all schools or LEAs.
Skip Logic This column provides the criteria for when the field must be completed:
- If skip logic is provided,
- if the skip logic criteria is met, data is required in the field for a complete submission.
- if the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.
* The SY 2013-14 CRDC Table Layouts document is available for download from the CRDC website (crdc.ed.gov).

Sheet 2: LEA Elements

2013 Element Specification - LEA Level

Reference Columns


Layout Section CRDC Question/Table CRDC Table Cell/Data Element Element Name Length Permitted Values 2013-14 2015-16 Associated with Skip Patterns? Skip Logic

LEA_ID 7 Digits

P1Q01 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Count of Students Overall student enrollment for the LEA (include students served in LEA and non-LEA facilities) LEA_ENR 7 Integer REQ NA N
P1Q02 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Count of Schools Public schools in the LEA LEA_SCHOOLS 7 Integer REQ REQ N
P1Q03.1 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator Sex (Title IX) LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q03.2 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator Race, color, or national origin (Title VI) LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q03.3 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II) LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q04.1 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Sex (Title IX) - First Name LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_FN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Sex (Title IX) (LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND is YES)
P1Q04.2 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Sex (Title IX) - Last Name LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_LN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Sex (Title IX) (LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND is YES)
P1Q04.3 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Sex (Title IX) - Phone LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_PH 20 [phone format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Sex (Title IX) (LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND is YES)
P1Q04.4 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Sex (Title IX) - Email LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_EM 254 [email format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Sex (Title IX) (LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND is YES)
P1Q04.5 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Race, color, or national origin (Title VI) - First Name LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_FN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Race, color, or national origin (Title VI)(LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_IND is YES)
P1Q04.6 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Race, color, or national origin (Title VI) - Last Name LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_LN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Race, color, or national origin (Title VI)(LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_IND is YES)
P1Q04.7 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Race, color, or national origin (Title VI) - Phone LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_PH 20 [phone format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Race, color, or national origin (Title VI)(LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_IND is YES)
P1Q04.8 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Race, color, or national origin (Title VI) - Email LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_EM 254 [email format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Race, color, or national origin (Title VI)(LEA_CRCOORD_RAC_IND is YES)
P1Q04.9 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II) - First Name LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_FN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)(LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_IND is YES)
P1Q04.10 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II) - Last Name LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_LN 35 [name format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)(LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_IND is YES)
P1Q04.11 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)- Phone LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_PH 20 [phone format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)(LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_IND is YES)
P1Q04.12 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II) - Email LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_EM 254 [email format] REQ REQ Y Question 3: LEA indicates there is a Civil Rights Coordinator - Disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)(LEA_CRCOORD_DIS_IND is YES)
P1Q05 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Desegregation Order or Plan Is the LEA covered by a desegregation order or plan? LEA_DESEGPLAN 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q06 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Harassment or Bullying Policy Indicator Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability? LEA_HBPOLICY_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q07 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Indicator Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students? LEA_HBPOLICYURL_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 6: LEA indicates written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability (LEA_HBPOLICY_IND is YES)
P1Q08 LEA-level Students and Characteristics Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Web Link LEA_HBPOLICY_URL 2000 [url pattern] REQ REQ Y Question 7: LEA has a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students (LEA_HBPOLICYURL_IND is YES)
P1Q09 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Count of Students Served in Non-LEA Facilities Students served in Non-LEA facilities LEA_ENR_NONLEAFAC 7 Integer OPT REQ N
P1Q10 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Early Childhood Program Indicator Does the LEA provide early childhood services to children birth through age 2? LEA_ECE_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q11 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Early Childhood Program Provided by the LEA for Non-IDEA Children Does the LEA provide early childhood services to non-IDEA children birth through age 2? LEA_ECE_NONIDEA 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 10: LEA provides early childhood services (LEA_ECE_IND is YES)
P1Q12 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Program Provided by the LEA Indicator Does the LEA provide preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5? LEA_PS_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q13.1 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Daily Length and Cost Full-day preschool (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_PS_FULLDAYFREE 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q13.2 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Daily Length and Cost Full-day preschool (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_PS_FULLDAYCOST 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q13.3 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Daily Length and Cost Part-day preschool (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_PS_PARTDAYFREE 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q13.4 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Daily Length and Cost Part-day preschool (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_PS_PARTDAYCOST 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q14.1 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 3 years LEA_PSENR_NONIDEA_A3 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q14.2 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 4 years LEA_PSENR_NONIDEA_A4 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q14.3 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 5 years LEA_PSENR_NONIDEA_A5 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q15 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Eligibility – All Children Does the LEA offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children? LEA_PSELIG_ALL 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q16.1 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Eligibility – Student Groups Children with disabilities (IDEA) LEA_PSELIG_IDEA 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 15: LEA does not offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children (LEA_PSELIG_ALL is NO)
P1Q16.2 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Eligibility – Student Groups Children in Title I schools LEA_PSELIG_TITLEI 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 15: LEA does not offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children (LEA_PSELIG_ALL is NO)
P1Q16.3 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Eligibility – Student Groups Children from low income families LEA_PSELIG_LOWINC 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 15: LEA does not offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children (LEA_PSELIG_ALL is NO)
P1Q17 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Kindergarten Program Indicator Does the LEA provide one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students? LEA_KG_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P1Q18.1 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost Full-day kindergarten (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_KG_FULLDAYFREE 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 17: LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students (LEA_KG_IND is YES)
P1Q18.2 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost Full-day kindergarten (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_KG_FULLDAYCOST 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 17: LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students (LEA_KG_IND is YES)
P1Q18.3 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost Part-day kindergarten (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_KG_PARTDAYFREE 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 17: LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students (LEA_KG_IND is YES)
P1Q18.4 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost Part-day kindergarten (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian) LEA_KG_PARTDAYCOST 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Question 17: LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students (LEA_KG_IND is YES)
P1Q19.1 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Children Served Children age 3 years served LEA_PSENR_A3 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q19.2 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Children Served Children age 4 years served LEA_PSENR_A4 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P1Q19.3 LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten Preschool Children Served Children age 5 years served LEA_PSENR_A5 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 12: LEA provides preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5 (LEA_PS_IND is YES)
P2Q20 Distance Education Distance Education Enrollment Indicator Does the LEA have any students enrolled in any distance educational courses? LEA_DISTED_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q21.1 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Hispanic Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.2 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Hispanic Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.3 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.4 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.5 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Asian Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.6 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Asian Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.7 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.8 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.9 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Black Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.10 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Black Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.11 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of White Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.12 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of White Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.13 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Two or More Races Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.14 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of Two or More Races Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.15 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of LEP Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.16 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of LEP Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.17 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of IDEA Male Students LEA_DISTEDENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q21.18 Distance Education Students enrolled in any distance education courses Number of IDEA Female Students LEA_DISTEDENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Question 20: LEA has students enrolled in any distance educational courses (LEA_DISTED_IND is YES)
P2Q22 GED Preparation Programs GED Preparation Program Provided by the LEA Indicator Does the LEA operate a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19? LEA_GED_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N
P2Q23.1 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Hispanic Male Students LEA_GEDPART_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.2 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Hispanic Female Students LEA_GEDPART_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.3 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students LEA_GEDPART_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.4 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students LEA_GEDPART_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.5 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Asian Male Students LEA_GEDPART_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.6 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Asian Female Students LEA_GEDPART_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.7 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students LEA_GEDPART_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.8 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students LEA_GEDPART_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.9 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Black Male Students LEA_GEDPART_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.10 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Black Female Students LEA_GEDPART_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.11 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of White Male Students LEA_GEDPART_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.12 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of White Female Students LEA_GEDPART_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.13 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Two or More Races Male Students LEA_GEDPART_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.14 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of Two or More Races Female Students LEA_GEDPART_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.15 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of LEP Male Students LEA_GEDPART_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.16 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of LEP Female Students LEA_GEDPART_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.17 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of IDEA Male Students LEA_GEDPART_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q23.18 GED Preparation Programs Student participants in GED preparation Program Number of IDEA Female Students LEA_GEDPART_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.1 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Hispanic Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.2 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Hispanic Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.3 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.4 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.5 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Asian Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.6 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Asian Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.7 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.8 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.9 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Black Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.10 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Black Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.11 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of White Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.12 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of White Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.13 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Two or More Races Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.14 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of Two or More Races Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.15 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of LEP Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.16 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of LEP Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.17 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of IDEA Male Students LEA_GEDCRED_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)
P2Q24.18 GED Preparation Programs Students who received a high school equivalency credential after participating in GED preparation program Number of IDEA Female Students LEA_GEDCRED_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Question 22: LEA operates a GED preparation program for students ages 16-19 (LEA_GED_IND is YES)

Sheet 3: SCH Elements

2013-14 CRDC Element Specification - School Level

Table Layout

Flat File Specification Data Element Headers


CRDC Question Number Section Name of CRDC Question/Table CRDC Table Cell/Data Element Element Name Length Permitted Values 2013-14 2015-16 Associated with Skip Patterns? Complete only if the school has enrollment in the following grade(s): Additional Skip Logic
- - SCH_ID 12 Digits

P1Q01T1.1 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Preschool SCH_GRADE_PS 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.2 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Kindergarten SCH_GRADE_KG 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.3 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 1 SCH_GRADE_G01 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.4 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 2 SCH_GRADE_G02 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.5 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 3 SCH_GRADE_G03 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.6 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 4 SCH_GRADE_G04 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.7 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 5 SCH_GRADE_G05 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.8 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 6 SCH_GRADE_G06 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.9 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 7 SCH_GRADE_G07 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.10 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 8 SCH_GRADE_G08 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.11 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 9 SCH_GRADE_G09 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.12 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 10 SCH_GRADE_G10 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.13 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 11 SCH_GRADE_G11 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.14 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Grade 12 SCH_GRADE_G12 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q01T1.15 School Characteristics Grades with Students Enrolled Ungraded SCH_GRADE_UG 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q02T1.1 School Characteristics Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 3 years SCH_PSENR_NONIDEA_A3 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q02T1.2 School Characteristics Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 4 years SCH_PSENR_NONIDEA_A4 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q02T1.3 School Characteristics Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children Children age 5 years SCH_PSENR_NONIDEA_A5 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q03T1.1 School Characteristics Ungraded Detail Elementary school age students SCH_UGDETAIL_ES 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Ungraded Question 1: Only for schools what are wholly ungraded (SCH_GRADE_UG is YES and all other grades are NO)
P1Q03T1.2 School Characteristics Ungraded Detail Middle school age students SCH_UGDETAIL_MS 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Ungraded Question 1: Only for schools what are wholly ungraded (SCH_GRADE_UG is YES and all other grades are NO)
P1Q03T1.3 School Characteristics Ungraded Detail High school age students SCH_UGDETAIL_HS 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Ungraded Question 1: Only for schools what are wholly ungraded (SCH_GRADE_UG is YES and all other grades are NO)
P1Q04T1.1 School Characteristics School Characteristics Special education school SCH_STATUS_SPED 4 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q04T1.2 School Characteristics School Characteristics Magnet school or school operating a magnet program within the school SCH_STATUS_MAGNET 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q04T1.3 School Characteristics School Characteristics Charter school SCH_STATUS_CHARTER 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q04T1.4 School Characteristics School Characteristics Alternative school SCH_STATUS_ALT 4 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q05T1 School Characteristics Magnet School Detail Whether the entire school population participates in the magnet school program SCH_MAGNETDETAIL 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y N/A Question 4: Only for magnet schools (SCH_STATUS_MAGNET is YES)
P1Q06T1 School Characteristics Alternative School Detail Whether the alternative school is designed to meet the needs of students with academic difficulties, discipline problems, or both SCH_ALTFOCUS 16 Academic, Discipline, Both REQ REQ Y N/A Question 4: Only for alternative schools (SCH_STATUS_ALT is YES)
P1Q07T1.1 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.2 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.3 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.4 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.5 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.6 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.7 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.8 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.9 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Black Male Students SCH_ENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.10 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Black Female Students SCH_ENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.11 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of White Male Students SCH_ENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.12 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of White Female Students SCH_ENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.13 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.14 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.15 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.16 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.17 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_ENR_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.18 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_ENR_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.19 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q07T1.20 Student Enrollment Overall Student Enrollment Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ N

P1Q08T1.1 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_PSENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.2 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_PSENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.3 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_PSENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.4 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_PSENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.5 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Asian Male Students SCH_PSENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.6 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Asian Female Students SCH_PSENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.7 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_PSENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.8 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_PSENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.9 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Black Male Students SCH_PSENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.10 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Black Female Students SCH_PSENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.11 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of White Male Students SCH_PSENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.12 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of White Female Students SCH_PSENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.13 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_PSENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.14 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_PSENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.15 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_PSENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.16 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_PSENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.17 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_PSENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q08T1.18 Student Enrollment Preschool Enrollment Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_PSENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P1Q09T1.1 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_LEPENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.2 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_LEPENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.3 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_LEPENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.4 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_LEPENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.5 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Asian Male Students SCH_LEPENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.6 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Asian Female Students SCH_LEPENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.7 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_LEPENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.8 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_LEPENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.9 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Black Male Students SCH_LEPENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.10 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Black Female Students SCH_LEPENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.11 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of White Male Students SCH_LEPENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.12 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of White Female Students SCH_LEPENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.13 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_LEPENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T1.14 Student Enrollment Enrollment of Students who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_LEPENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.1 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.2 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.3 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.4 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.5 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Asian Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.6 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Asian Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.7 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.8 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.9 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Black Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.10 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Black Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.11 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of White Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.12 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of White Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.13 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.14 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.15 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q09T2.16 Student Enrollment Students Enrolled in LEP Programs Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_LEPPROGENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_LEP_F+SCH_ENR_LEP_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.1 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.2 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.3 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.4 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.5 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Asian Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.6 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Asian Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.7 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.8 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.9 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Black Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.10 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Black Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.11 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of White Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.12 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of White Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.13 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.14 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.15 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of LEP Male Students SCH_IDEAENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T1.16 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under IDEA Number of LEP Female Students SCH_IDEAENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_IDEA_F+SCH_ENR_IDEA_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.1 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_504ENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.2 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_504ENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.3 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_504ENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.4 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_504ENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.5 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Asian Male Students SCH_504ENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.6 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Asian Female Students SCH_504ENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.7 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_504ENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.8 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_504ENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.9 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Black Male Students SCH_504ENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.10 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Black Female Students SCH_504ENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.11 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of White Male Students SCH_504ENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.12 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of White Female Students SCH_504ENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.13 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_504ENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.14 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_504ENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.15 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of LEP Male Students SCH_504ENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q10T2.16 Student Enrollment Students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA Number of LEP Female Students SCH_504ENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 7: Overall Enrollment, Skipped if SCH_ENR_504_F+SCH_ENR_504_M is Zero
P1Q11T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Education Program Does this school have any students enrolled in gifted/talented education programs? SCH_GT_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P1Q12T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_GTENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_GTENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_GTENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_GTENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Asian Male Students SCH_GTENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Asian Female Students SCH_GTENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_GTENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_GTENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Black Male Students SCH_GTENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Black Female Students SCH_GTENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of White Male Students SCH_GTENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of White Female Students SCH_GTENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_GTENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_GTENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_GTENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_GTENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_GTENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q12T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Gifted and Talented Students Enrollment Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_GTENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Question 11: Schools with students enrolled in gifted and talented programs (SCH_GT_IND is Yes)
P1Q13T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Algebra I (Grades 7-12, UG Middle or High School Age) Number of Algebra I Classes SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students
P1Q14T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_HI_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_HI_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_AM_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_AM_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_AS_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_AS_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_HP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_HP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_BL_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_BL_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_WH_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_WH_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_TR_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_TR_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q14T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0708_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7- 8, UG middle school age students Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q15T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Geometry Number of Geometry Classes SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students
P1Q16T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_HI_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_HI_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_AM_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_AM_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Asian Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_AS_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Asian Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_AS_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_HP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_HP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Black Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_BL_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Black Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_BL_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of White Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_WH_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of White Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_WH_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_TR_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_TR_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of LEP Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of LEP Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q16T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_GEOMENR_GS0712_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-12, UG middle school or high school age students Question 15: Greater than zero Geometry classes (SCH_GEOMCLASSES_GS0712>0)
P1Q17T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 9-10) Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q17T2.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Grades 11-12) Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, Ungraded Question 13: Greater than zero Algebra I classes (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0712 >0)
P1Q18T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Algebra II SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q18T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Advanced Mathematics SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q18T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Calculus SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q19T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Asian Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Asian Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Black Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Black Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of White Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of White Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of LEP Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of LEP Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Algebra II Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ALG2_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q19T2.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Asian Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Asian Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Black Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Black Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of White Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of White Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of LEP Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of LEP Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T2.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_MATHENR_ADVM_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q19T3.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Asian Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Asian Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Black Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Black Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of White Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of White Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of LEP Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of LEP Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q19T3.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Calculus Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_MATHENR_CALC_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q20T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Number of Biology Classes SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q20T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Number of Chemistry Classes SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q20T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School (9-12, UG High School Age) Number of Physics Classes SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q21T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Asian Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Asian Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Black Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Black Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of White Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of White Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of LEP Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of LEP Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Biology Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_SCIENR_BIOL_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q21T2.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Asian Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Asian Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Black Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Black Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of White Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of White Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of LEP Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of LEP Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T2.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Chemistry Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_SCIENR_CHEM_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q21T3.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Asian Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Asian Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Black Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Black Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of White Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of White Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of LEP Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of LEP Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q21T3.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in Physics Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_SCIENR_PHYS_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q22T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Does this school have any students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme? SCH_IBENR_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q23T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_IBENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_IBENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_IBENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_IBENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Asian Male Students SCH_IBENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Asian Female Students SCH_IBENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_IBENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_IBENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Black Male Students SCH_IBENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Black Female Students SCH_IBENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of White Male Students SCH_IBENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of White Female Students SCH_IBENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_IBENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_IBENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of LEP Male Students SCH_IBENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of LEP Female Students SCH_IBENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_IBENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q23T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_IBENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 22: Schools with students enrolled in an IB Program (SCH_IBENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q24T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Program Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses? SCH_APENR_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q25T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses How many different AP courses does the school provide? SCH_APCOURSES 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q26T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-Selection Is enrollment via self-selection by students permitted for all AP courses offered by the school? SCH_APSEL 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Black Male Students SCH_APENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Black Female Students SCH_APENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of White Male Students SCH_APENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of White Female Students SCH_APENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q27T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q28T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment Indicator Are any students at this school enrolled in AP mathematics? SCH_APMATHENR_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Black Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Black Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of White Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of White Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APMATHENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q29T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APMATHENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 28: Schools with students enrolled in AP Mathematics (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q30T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment Indicator Are any students at this school enrolled in AP Science? SCH_APSCIENR_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q31T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Black Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Black Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of White Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of White Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APSCIENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q31T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APSCIENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 30: Schools with students enrolled in AP Science (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)
P1Q32T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Other Subjects Enrollment Indicator Are any students at this school enrolled in other AP subjects? SCH_APOTHENR_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P1Q33T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Black Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Black Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of White Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of White Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APOTHENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q33T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APOTHENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 32: Schools with students enrolled in other AP subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)
P1Q34T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Dual Enrollment Program Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program? SCH_DUAL_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q35T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes? SCH_SSCLASSES_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 7: School is co-educational (Male and Female student enrollment is greater than zero)
P1Q36T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Classes for Males Only SCH_SSCLASSES_ALGG_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Classes for Females Only SCH_SSCLASSES_ALGG_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Other Mathematics Classes for Males Only SCH_SSCLASSES_OTHM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Other Mathematics Classes for Females Only SCH_SSCLASSES_OTHM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Science Classes for Males Only SCH_SSCLASSES_SCI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Science Classes for Females Only SCH_SSCLASSES_SCI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of English/reading/language arts Classes for Males Only SCH_SSCLASSES_ENGL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of English/reading/language arts Classes for Females Only SCH_SSCLASSES_ENGL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Other Academic Subjects Classes for Males Only SCH_SSCLASSES_OTHA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q36T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Single Sex Academic Classes in the School Number of Other Academic Subjects Classes for Females Only SCH_SSCLASSES_OTHA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Question 35: School has students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DUALENR_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DUALENR_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DUALENR_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DUALENR_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DUALENR_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DUALENR_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DUALENR_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DUALENR_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Black Male Students SCH_DUALENR_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Black Female Students SCH_DUALENR_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of White Male Students SCH_DUALENR_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of White Female Students SCH_DUALENR_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DUALENR_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DUALENR_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DUALENR_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DUALENR_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_DUALENR_IDEA_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q37T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_DUALENR_IDEA_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 34: School has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program (SCH_DUAL_IND is YES)
P1Q38T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Biology Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Science SCH_SCICCERT_BIOL 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL>0)
P1Q38T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Chemistry Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Science SCH_SCICCERT_CHEM 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM>0)
P1Q38T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Science Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Physics Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Science SCH_SCICCERT_PHYS 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 21: Greater than zero Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS>0)
P1Q39T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Algebra I in Middle School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Middle School Algebra I Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_ALGCERT_GS0708 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 43: Greater than zero Algebra I classes for grades 7-8 (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 >0)
P1Q40T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Algebra I Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_MATHCERT_ALG 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 48: Greater than zero Algebra I classes for High School (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG >0)
P1Q40T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Geometry Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_MATHCERT_GEOM 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 48: Greater than zero Geometry classes for High School (SCH_MATHCLASSES_GEOM >0)
P1Q40T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Algebra II Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_MATHCERT_ALG2 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2>0)
P1Q40T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Advanced Mathematics Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_MATHCERT_ADVM 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM>0)
P1Q40T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers Number of Calculus Classes Taught by Teachers Certified in Mathematics SCH_MATHCERT_CALC 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 18: Greater than zero Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC>0)
P1Q41T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Algebra I in Grade 7 Enrollment Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7? SCH_ALGENR_G07_IND 3 Yes/No NA REQ Y Grade 7
P1Q42T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Algebra I in Grade 8 Enrollment Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8? SCH_ALGENR_G08_IND 3 Yes/No NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q43T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Algebra I in Middle School Classes in Algebra I in Middle School (grades 7-8, UG Middle School Age) SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students
P1Q44T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 7 Total Number of Students SCH_ALGENR_G07 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 7
P1Q45T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_HI_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_HI_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_AM_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_AM_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_AS_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_AS_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_HP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_HP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_BL_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_BL_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_WH_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_WH_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_TR_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_TR_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_LEP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_LEP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_IDEA_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q45T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGENR_G08_IDEA_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q46T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Geometry in Grade 8 Enrollment Indicator Does this school have any students enrolled in Geometry I in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level? SCH_GEOMENR_G08_IND 3 Yes/No NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q47T1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8 Total Number of Students SCH_GEOMENR_G08 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students
P1Q48T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Algebra I and Geometry Courses in High School Number of High School Algebra I Classes SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q48T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Classes in Algebra I and Geometry Courses in High School Number of High School Geometry Classes SCH_MATHCLASSES_GEOM 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.1 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_HI_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.2 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_HI_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.3 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_AM_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.4 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_AM_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.5 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Asian Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_AS_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.6 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Asian Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_AS_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.7 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_HP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.8 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_HP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.9 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Black Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_BL_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.10 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Black Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_BL_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.11 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of White Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_WH_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.12 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of White Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_WH_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.13 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_TR_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.14 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_TR_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.15 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of LEP Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_LEP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.16 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of LEP Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_LEP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.17 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_IDEA_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q49T1.18 Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment Student Enrollment in Geometry Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_MATHENR_GEOM_IDEA_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P1Q50T1.1 School Staff Teachers - FTE Count and Certification Total FTE of Teachers SCH_FTETEACH_TOT 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q50T1.2 School Staff Teachers - FTE Count and Certification Number of FTE teachers who are certified SCH_FTETEACH_CERT 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q50T1.3 School Staff Teachers - FTE Count and Certification Number of FTE teachers who are not certified SCH_FTETEACH_NOTCERT 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q51T1.1 School Staff Teacher Years of Experience Number of FTE teachers in their first year of teaching SCH_FTETEACH_FY 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q51T1.2 School Staff Teacher Years of Experience Number of FTE teachers in their second year of teaching SCH_FTETEACH_SY 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q52T1 School Staff School Counselors Number of FTE school counselors SCH_FTECOUNSELORS 10 Decimal REQ REQ N Preschool-grade 12, UG
P1Q53T1 School Staff Sworn Law Enforcement Officers Indicator Does this school have any sworn law enforcement officers? SCH_FTESECURITY_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Preschool-grade 12, UG Skipped for justice facilities
P1Q54T1.1 School Staff Security Staff (FTE) Number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers SCH_FTESECURITY_LEO 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y N/A Skipped for justice facilities
P1Q54T1.2 School Staff Security Staff (FTE) Number of FTE security guards SCH_FTESECURITY_GUA 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y N/A Skipped for justice facilities
P1Q55T1.1 School Staff Support Services Staff (FTE) Number of FTE nurses SCH_FTESERVICES_NUR 10 Decimal OPT REQ N

P1Q55T1.2 School Staff Support Services Staff (FTE) Number of FTE psychologists SCH_FTESERVICES_PSY 10 Decimal OPT REQ N

P1Q55T1.3 School Staff Support Services Staff (FTE) Number of FTE social workers SCH_FTESERVICES_SOC 10 Decimal OPT REQ N

P1Q56T1.1 School Staff Current Year and Previous Year Teachers Current school year teachers SCH_TEACHERS_CURR_TOT 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P1Q56T1.2 School Staff Current Year and Previous Year Teachers Previous school year teachers SCH_TEACHERS_PREV_TOT 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q01T1.1 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_HI_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.2 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_HI_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.3 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_AM_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.4 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_AM_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.5 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_AS_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.6 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_AS_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.7 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_HP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.8 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_HP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.9 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_BL_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.10 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_BL_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.11 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_WH_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.12 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_WH_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.13 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_TR_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.14 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_TR_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.15 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.16 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.17 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q01T1.18 Algebra I Passing Middle School Students who Passed Algebra I Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0708_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ NA Y Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students Question 14: Middle School Student Enrollment in Algebra I (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.1 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.2 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.3 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.4 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.5 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.6 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.7 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.8 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.9 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.10 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.11 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.12 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.13 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.14 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.15 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.16 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.17 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T1.18 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-10 Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 9 or 10 (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.1 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.2 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.3 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.4 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.5 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.6 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.7 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.8 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.9 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.10 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.11 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.12 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.13 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.14 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.15 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.16 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.17 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q02T2.18 Algebra I Passing Students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 or 12 or ungraded Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11-12, UG Question 17: Students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 11 or 12 or Ungraded (Overall Total >0)
P2Q03T1 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 7 Students who passed Algebra I in grade 7 SCH_ALGPASS_G07 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 7 Question 44 : Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in Grade 7 Enrollment (SCH_ALGENR_G07>0)
P2Q04T1.1 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_HI_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.2 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_HI_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.3 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_AM_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.4 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_AM_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.5 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_AS_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.6 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_AS_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.7 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_HP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.8 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_HP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.9 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Black Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_BL_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.10 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Black Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_BL_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.11 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of White Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_WH_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.12 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of White Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_WH_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.13 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_TR_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.14 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_TR_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.15 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_LEP_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.16 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_LEP_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.17 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_IDEA_M 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q04T1.18 Algebra I Passing Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ALGPASS_G08_IDEA_F 7 Integer NA REQ Y Grade 8, UG middle school age students Question 45: Schools reporting greater than zero Algebra I in grade 8 Enrollment
P2Q05T1 Credit Recovery Credit Recovery Program Indicator Does this school have any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school? SCH_CREDITRECOVERY_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q06T1 Credit Recovery Credit Recovery Program Student Participation Students who participate in at least one credit recovery program SCH_CREDITRECOVERYENR 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 5: School has students enrolled in credit recovery programs (SCH_CREDITRECOVERY_IND is YES)
P2Q07T1.1 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_SATACT_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.2 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_SATACT_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.3 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_SATACT_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.4 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_SATACT_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.5 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Asian Male Students SCH_SATACT_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.6 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Asian Female Students SCH_SATACT_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.7 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_SATACT_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.8 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_SATACT_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.9 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Black Male Students SCH_SATACT_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.10 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Black Female Students SCH_SATACT_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.11 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of White Male Students SCH_SATACT_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.12 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of White Female Students SCH_SATACT_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.13 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_SATACT_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.14 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_SATACT_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.15 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of LEP Male Students SCH_SATACT_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.16 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of LEP Female Students SCH_SATACT_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.17 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_SATACT_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q07T1.18 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_SATACT_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q08T1.1 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.2 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.3 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.4 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.5 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.6 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.7 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.8 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.9 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.10 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.11 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.12 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.13 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.14 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.15 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.16 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.17 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T1.18 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.1 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.2 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.3 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.4 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.5 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.6 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.7 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.8 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.9 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Black Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.10 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Black Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.11 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of White Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.12 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of White Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.13 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.14 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.15 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.16 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.17 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q08T2.18 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but who did not take any AP exams Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APEXAM_NONE_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Question 24: Schools with students enrolled in AP (SCH_APENR_IND is Yes)
P2Q09T1.1 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.2 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.3 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.4 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.5 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.6 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.7 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.8 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.9 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.10 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.11 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.12 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.13 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.14 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.15 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.16 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.17 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T1.18 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APPASS_ONEORMORE_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.1 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.2 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.3 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.4 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.5 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.6 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Asian Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.7 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.8 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.9 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.10 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Black Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.11 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.12 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of White Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.13 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.14 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.15 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.16 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of LEP Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.17 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q09T2.18 SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for the one or more AP courses enrolled in Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_APPASS_NONE_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 8: Schools reporting greater than zero student participation in AP exams (SCH_APEXAM_ONEORMORE grand total >0)
P2Q10T1.1 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_ABSENT_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.2 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_ABSENT_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.3 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_ABSENT_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.4 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_ABSENT_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.5 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Asian Male Students SCH_ABSENT_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.6 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Asian Female Students SCH_ABSENT_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.7 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_ABSENT_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.8 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_ABSENT_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.9 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Black Male Students SCH_ABSENT_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.10 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Black Female Students SCH_ABSENT_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.11 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of White Male Students SCH_ABSENT_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.12 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of White Female Students SCH_ABSENT_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.13 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_ABSENT_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.14 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_ABSENT_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.15 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of LEP Male Students SCH_ABSENT_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.16 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of LEP Female Students SCH_ABSENT_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.17 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_ABSENT_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.18 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_ABSENT_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.19 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_ABSENT_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q10T1.20 Chronic Student Absenteeism Chronic Student Absenteeism - Students absent 15 or more school days during school year Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_ABSENT_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q11T1.1 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Kindergarten SCH_RET_KG_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Kindergarten
P2Q11T1.2 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 1 SCH_RET_G01_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 1
P2Q11T1.3 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 2 SCH_RET_G02_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 2
P2Q11T1.4 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 3 SCH_RET_G03_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 3
P2Q11T1.5 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 4 SCH_RET_G04_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 4
P2Q11T1.6 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 5 SCH_RET_G05_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 5
P2Q11T1.7 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 6 SCH_RET_G06_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 6
P2Q11T1.8 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 7 SCH_RET_G07_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 7
P2Q11T1.9 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 8 SCH_RET_G08_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 8
P2Q11T1.10 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 9 SCH_RET_G09_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9
P2Q11T1.11 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 10 SCH_RET_G10_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 10
P2Q11T1.12 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 11 SCH_RET_G11_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 11
P2Q11T1.13 Student Retention Student Retention Indicator Grade 12 SCH_RET_G12_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 12
P2Q12T01.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_KG_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_KG_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_KG_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_KG_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_KG_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_KG_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_KG_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_KG_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_KG_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_KG_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_KG_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_KG_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_KG_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_KG_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_KG_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_KG_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_KG_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_KG_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_KG_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T01.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Kindergarten Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_KG_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Kindergarten Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in kindergarten (SCH_RET_KG_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G01_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G01_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G01_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G01_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G01_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G01_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G01_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G01_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G01_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G01_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G01_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G01_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G01_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G01_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G01_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G01_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G01_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G01_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G01_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T02.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 1 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G01_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 1 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 1 (SCH_RET_G01_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G02_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G02_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G02_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G02_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G02_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G02_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G02_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G02_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G02_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G02_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G02_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G02_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G02_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G02_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G02_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G02_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G02_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G02_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G02_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T03.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 2 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G02_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 2 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 2 (SCH_RET_G02_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G03_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G03_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G03_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G03_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G03_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G03_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G03_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G03_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G03_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G03_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G03_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G03_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G03_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G03_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G03_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G03_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G03_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G03_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G03_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T04.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 3 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G03_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 3 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 3 (SCH_RET_G03_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G04_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G04_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G04_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G04_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G04_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G04_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G04_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G04_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G04_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G04_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G04_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G04_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G04_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G04_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G04_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G04_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G04_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G04_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G04_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T05.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 4 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G04_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 4 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 4 (SCH_RET_G04_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G05_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G05_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G05_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G05_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G05_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G05_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G05_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G05_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G05_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G05_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G05_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G05_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G05_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G05_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G05_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G05_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G05_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G05_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G05_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T06.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 5 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G05_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 5 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 5 (SCH_RET_G05_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G06_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G06_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G06_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G06_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G06_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G06_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G06_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G06_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G06_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G06_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G06_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G06_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G06_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G06_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G06_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G06_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G06_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G06_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G06_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T07.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 6 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G06_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 6 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 6 (SCH_RET_G06_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G07_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G07_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G07_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G07_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G07_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G07_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G07_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G07_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G07_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G07_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G07_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G07_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G07_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G07_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G07_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G07_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G07_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G07_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G07_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T08.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 7 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G07_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 7 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 7 (SCH_RET_G07_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G08_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G08_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G08_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G08_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G08_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G08_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G08_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G08_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G08_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G08_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G08_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G08_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G08_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G08_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G08_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G08_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G08_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G08_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G08_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T09.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 8 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G08_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 8 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 8 (SCH_RET_G08_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G09_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G09_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G09_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G09_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G09_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G09_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G09_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G09_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G09_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G09_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G09_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G09_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G09_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G09_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G09_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G09_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G09_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G09_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G09_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T10.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 9 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G09_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 9 (SCH_RET_G09_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G10_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G10_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G10_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G10_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G10_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G10_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G10_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G10_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G10_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G10_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G10_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G10_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G10_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G10_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G10_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G10_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G10_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G10_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G10_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T11.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 10 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G10_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 10 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 10 (SCH_RET_G10_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G11_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G11_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G11_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G11_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G11_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G11_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G11_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G11_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G11_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G11_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G11_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G11_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G11_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G11_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G11_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G11_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G11_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G11_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G11_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T12.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 11 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G11_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 11 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 11 (SCH_RET_G11_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.1 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RET_G12_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.2 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RET_G12_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.3 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RET_G12_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.4 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RET_G12_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.5 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RET_G12_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.6 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RET_G12_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.7 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RET_G12_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.8 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RET_G12_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.9 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Black Male Students SCH_RET_G12_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.10 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Black Female Students SCH_RET_G12_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.11 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of White Male Students SCH_RET_G12_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.12 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of White Female Students SCH_RET_G12_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.13 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RET_G12_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.14 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RET_G12_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.15 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RET_G12_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.16 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RET_G12_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.17 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_RET_G12_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.18 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_RET_G12_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.19 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RET_G12_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q12T13.20 Student Retention Students who were retained in Grade 12 Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RET_G12_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 12 Part 2, Question 11: Schools indicating one or more students were retained in Grade 12 (SCH_RET_G12_IND is YES)
P2Q13T1 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Indicator Does this school have any students who participate in single-sex interscholastic athletics? SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students
P2Q14T1.1 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Male Only Single-Sex Sports SCH_SSSPORTS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q14T1.2 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Female Only Single-Sex Sports SCH_SSSPORTS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q14T1.3 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Male Only Single-Sex Teams SCH_SSTEAMS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q14T1.4 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Female Only Single-Sex Teams SCH_SSTEAMS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q14T1.5 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Male Participants SCH_SSPART_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q14T1.6 Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants Number of Female Participants SCH_SSPART_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grade 9-12, UG high school age students Part 2, Question 13: Whether any students participated in single-sex interscholastic athletics (SCH_SSATHLETICS_IND is Yes)
P2Q15T1.1 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.2 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.3 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.4 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.5 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.6 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.7 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.8 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.9 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.10 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.11 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of White Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.12 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of White Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.13 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.14 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.15 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.16 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.17 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T1.18 Student Discipline Preschool children who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_PSDISC_SINGOOS_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.1 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.2 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.3 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.4 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.5 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.6 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.7 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.8 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.9 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.10 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.11 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of White Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.12 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of White Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.13 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.14 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.15 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.16 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.17 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T2.18 Student Discipline Preschool children who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_PSDISC_MULTOOS_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.1 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.2 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.3 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.4 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.5 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Asian Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.6 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Asian Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.7 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.8 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.9 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Black Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.10 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Black Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.11 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of White Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.12 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of White Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.13 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.14 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.15 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of LEP Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.16 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of LEP Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.17 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q15T3.18 Student Discipline Preschool children who received an expulsion Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_PSDISC_EXP_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q16T1 Student Discipline Corporal Punishment Indicator Does this school use corporal punishment to discipline students? SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND 3 Yes/No REQ REQ N

P2Q17T1.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T1.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_CORP_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q17T2.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T2.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ISS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T3.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_SINGOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T4.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_MULTOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T5.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T6.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPWOE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T7.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_EXPZT_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T8.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_REF_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q17T9.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_ARR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T1.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T1.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received corporal punishment Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_CORP_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q18T2.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T2.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ISS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T3.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_SINGOOS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T4.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_MULTOOS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T5.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWE_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T6.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPWOE_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T7.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_EXPZT_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T8.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_REF_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q18T9.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_ARR_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q19T1.1 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.2 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.3 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.4 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.5 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Asian Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.6 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Asian Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.7 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.8 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.9 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Black Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.10 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Black Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.11 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of White Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.12 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of White Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.13 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.14 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.15 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.16 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of LEP Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.17 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_IDEA_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q19T1.18 Student Discipline Preschool children who received corporal punishment Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_PSDISC_CORP_IDEA_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q20T1.1 Student Discipline Preschool instances of corporal punishment Number of instances of corporal punishment - all preschool children SCH_PSCORPINSTANCES_ALL 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q20T1.2 Student Discipline Preschool instances of corporal punishment Number of instances of corporal punishment - preschool children with disabilities (IDEA) SCH_PSCORPINSTANCES_IDEA 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool) Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q21T1.1 Student Discipline Preschool Instances of Suspension Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - all preschool children SCH_PSOOSINSTANCES_ALL 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q21T1.2 Student Discipline Preschool Instances of Suspension Number of instances of out-of-school suspension- preschool children with disabilities (IDEA) SCH_PSOOSINSTANCES_IDEA 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Preschool (Skipped for schools not offering preschool)
P2Q22T1.1 Student Discipline Instances of Corporal Punishment (K-12, UG) Number of instances of corporal punishment - Students without Disabilities SCH_CORPINSTANCES_WDIS 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q22T1.2 Student Discipline Instances of Corporal Punishment (K-12, UG) Number of instances of corporal punishment - Students with Disabilities SCH_CORPINSTANCES_WODIS 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG Part 2, Question 16: Schools reporting use of corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORPINSTANCES_IND is YES)
P2Q23T1.1 Student Discipline Instances of Suspension (K-12, UG) Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Students without Disabilities SCH_OOSINSTANCES_WODIS 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q23T1.2 Student Discipline Instances of Suspension (K-12, UG) Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) SCH_OOSINSTANCES_IDEA 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q23T1.3 Student Discipline Instances of Suspension (K-12, UG) Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 Only) SCH_OOSINSTANCES_504 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T1.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRALT_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.1 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.2 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.3 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.4 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.5 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.6 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.7 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.8 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.9 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Black Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.10 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Black Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.11 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of White Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.12 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of White Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.13 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.14 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.15 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q24T2.16 Student Discipline Students without disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWODIS_TFRREG_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_504_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T1.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRALT_504_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.1 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Hispanic Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.2 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Hispanic Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.3 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.4 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.5 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Asian Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.6 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Asian Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.7 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.8 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.9 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Black Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.10 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Black Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.11 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA White Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.12 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA White Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.13 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.14 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of IDEA Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_IDEA_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.15 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.16 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.17 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_504_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q25T2.18 Student Discipline Students with disabilities transferred to a regular school for disciplinary reasons Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DISCWDIS_TFRREG_504_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.1 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_HI_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.2 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_HI_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.3 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_AM_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.4 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_AM_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.5 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Asian Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_AS_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.6 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Asian Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_AS_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.7 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_HP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.8 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_HP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.9 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Black Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_BL_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.10 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Black Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_BL_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.11 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of White Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_WH_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.12 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of White Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_WH_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.13 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_TR_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.14 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_TR_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.15 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of LEP Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_LEP_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.16 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of LEP Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_LEP_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.17 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_504_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.18 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_504_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.19 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_IDEA_M 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q26T1.20 Student Discipline School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_DAYSMISSED_IDEA_F 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q27T1.1 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of rape or attempted rape SCH_OFFENSE_RAPE 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.2 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of sexual battery (other than rape) SCH_OFFENSE_BATT 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.3 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of robbery with a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_ROBWW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.4 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of robbery with a firearm or explosive device SCH_OFFENSE_ROBWX 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.5 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of robbery without a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_ROBWOW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.6 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of physical attack or fight with a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_ATTWW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.7 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of physical attack or fight with a firearm or explosive device SCH_OFFENSE_ATTWX 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.8 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of physical attack or fight without a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_ATTWOW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.9 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of threats of physical attack with a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_THRWW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.10 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of threats of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device SCH_OFFENSE_THRWX 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.11 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of threats of physical attack without a weapon SCH_OFFENSE_THRWOW 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q27T1.12 Offenses Offenses – Number of Incidents Incidents of possession of a firearm or explosive device SCH_OFFENSE_POSSWX 7 Integer OPT REQ N

P2Q28T1 Offenses Firearm Use Has there been at least one incident at your school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)? SCH_FIREARM_IND 3 Yes/No OPT REQ N

P2Q29T1 Offenses Homicide Have any of your school’s students, faculty, or staff died as a result of a homicide committed at your school? (In other words, have there been any homicides committed at your school that have involved the deaths of any of your school’s students, faculty, or staff?) SCH_HOMICIDE_IND 3 Yes/No OPT REQ N

P2Q30T1.1 Harassment or Bullying Allegations of Harassment or Bullying Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_SEX 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q30T1.2 Harassment or Bullying Allegations of Harassment or Bullying Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_RAC 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q30T1.3 Harassment or Bullying Allegations of Harassment or Bullying Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_DIS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.1 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.2 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.3 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.4 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.5 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.6 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.7 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.8 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.9 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.10 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.11 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of White Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.12 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of White Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.13 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.14 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.15 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.16 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.17 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.18 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.19 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T1.20 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_SEX_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.1 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.2 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.3 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.4 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.5 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.6 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.7 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.8 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.9 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.10 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.11 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of White Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.12 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of White Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.13 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.14 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.15 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.16 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.17 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.18 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.19 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T2.20 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_RAC_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.1 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.2 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.3 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.4 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.5 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.6 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.7 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.8 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.9 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.10 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.11 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of White Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.12 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of White Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.13 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.14 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.15 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.16 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.17 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.18 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.19 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q31T3.20 Harassment or Bullying Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBREPORTED_DIS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.1 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.2 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.3 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.4 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.5 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.6 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.7 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.8 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.9 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.10 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.11 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of White Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.12 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of White Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.13 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.14 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.15 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.16 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.17 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.18 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.19 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T1.20 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_SEX_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.1 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.2 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.3 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.4 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.5 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.6 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.7 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.8 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.9 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.10 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.11 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of White Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.12 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of White Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.13 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.14 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.15 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.16 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.17 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.18 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.19 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T2.20 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_RAC_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.1 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.2 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.3 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.4 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.5 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Asian Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.6 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Asian Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.7 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.8 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.9 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Black Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.10 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Black Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.11 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of White Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.12 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of White Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.13 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.14 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.15 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of LEP Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.16 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of LEP Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.17 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of IDEA Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_IDEA_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.18 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of IDEA Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_IDEA_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.19 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q32T3.20 Harassment or Bullying Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of disability Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_HBDISCIPLINED_DIS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q33T1.1 Harassment or Bullying Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation Number of Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_ORI 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q33T1.2 Harassment or Bullying Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion Number of Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL 7 Integer OPT REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.1 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.2 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.3 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.4 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.5 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.6 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.7 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.8 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.9 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.10 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.11 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.12 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.13 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.14 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.15 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.16 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.17 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T1.18 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_MECH_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.1 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.2 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.3 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.4 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.5 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.6 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.7 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.8 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.9 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.10 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.11 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.12 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.13 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.14 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.15 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.16 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.17 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T2.18 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_PHYS_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.1 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.2 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.3 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.4 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.5 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.6 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.7 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.8 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.9 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.10 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.11 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.12 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.13 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.14 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.15 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Section 504 Only Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_504_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.16 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of Section 504 Only Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_504_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.17 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q34T3.18 Restraint and Seclusion Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_NONIDEA_SECL_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.1 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.2 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.3 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.4 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.5 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.6 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.7 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.8 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.9 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.10 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.11 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.12 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.13 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.14 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.15 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T1.16 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to mechanical restraint Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_MECH_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.1 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.2 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.3 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.4 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.5 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.6 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.7 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.8 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.9 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.10 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.11 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.12 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.13 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.14 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.15 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T2.16 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to physical restraint Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_PHYS_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.1 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Hispanic Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_HI_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.2 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Hispanic Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_HI_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.3 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_AM_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.4 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_AM_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.5 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Asian Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_AS_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.6 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Asian Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_AS_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.7 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_HP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.8 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_HP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.9 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Black Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_BL_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.10 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Black Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_BL_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.11 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of White Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_WH_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.12 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of White Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_WH_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.13 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Two or More Races Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_TR_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.14 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of Two or More Races Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_TR_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.15 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of LEP Male Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_LEP_M 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q35T3.16 Restraint and Seclusion Students with disabilities (IDEA) subjected to seclusion Number of LEP Female Students SCH_RS_IDEA_SECL_LEP_F 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T1.1 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of mechanical restraint Students without Disabilities SCH_RSINSTANCES_MECH_WODIS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T1.2 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of mechanical restraint Students with Disabilities (IDEA) SCH_RSINSTANCES_MECH_IDEA 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T1.3 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of mechanical restraint Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) SCH_RSINSTANCES_MECH_504 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T2.1 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of physical restraint Students without Disabilities SCH_RSINSTANCES_PHYS_WODIS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T2.2 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of physical restraint Students with Disabilities (IDEA) SCH_RSINSTANCES_PHYS_IDEA 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T2.3 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of physical restraint Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) SCH_RSINSTANCES_PHYS_504 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T3.1 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of seclusion Students without Disabilities SCH_RSINSTANCES_SECL_WODIS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T3.2 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of seclusion Students with Disabilities (IDEA) SCH_RSINSTANCES_SECL_IDEA 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q36T3.3 Restraint and Seclusion Number of instances of seclusion Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) SCH_RSINSTANCES_SECL_504 7 Integer REQ REQ Y Grades K-12, UG
P2Q37T1 Teacher Absenteeism Teacher Absenteeism Number of FTE teachers who were absent more than 10 school days during the school year SCH_FTETEACH_ABSENT 10 Decimal REQ REQ N

P2Q38T1.1 School Expenditures Salary Expenditures for School Staff Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for K-12 instructional staff (teachers and instructional aides) SCH_SAL_INSTR_WOFED 16 Decimal REQ NA Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q38T1.2 School Expenditures Salary Expenditures for School Staff Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for K-12 total personnel (instructional, support services, and school administration) SCH_SAL_TOTPERS_WOFED 16 Decimal REQ REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q39T1.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Count and Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with State and Local Funds Teacher FTE SCH_FTE_TEACH_WOFED 10 Decimal REQ REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q39T1.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Count and Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Teachers SCH_SAL_TEACH_WOFED 16 Decimal REQ REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q40T1 School Expenditures Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with State and Local Funds Non-personnel expenditures SCH_NPE_WOFED 16 Decimal REQ REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T1.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds FTE of Instructional Aides SCH_FTE_AID_WOFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T1.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Instructional Aides SCH_SAL_AID_WOFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T2.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds FTE of Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) SCH_FTE_SUP_WOFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T2.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) SCH_SAL_SUP_WOFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T3.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds FTE of School Administration Staff SCH_FTE_ADM_WOFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q41T3.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for School Administration Staff SCH_SAL_ADM_WOFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Grades K-12 (Skipped for schools only offering preschool or wholly ungraded)
P2Q42T1.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds FTE of Instructional Aides SCH_FTE_AID_WFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T1.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Instructional Aides SCH_SAL_AID_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T2.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds FTE of Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) SCH_FTE_SUP_WFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T2.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) SCH_SAL_SUP_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T3.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds FTE of School Administration Staff SCH_FTE_ADM_WFED 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T3.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for School Administration Staff SCH_SAL_ADM_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T4.1 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds FTE for total personnel (instructional, support services, and school administration) (calculated) 10 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q42T4.2 School Expenditures Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for total personnel (instructional, support services, and school administration) SCH_SAL_TOTPERS_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q43T1 School Expenditures Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Salary Expenditures for Teachers SCH_SAL_TEACH_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q44T1 School Expenditures Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds Non-personnel expenditures SCH_NPE_WFED 16 Decimal OPT REQ Y Preschool-grade 12
P2Q45T1 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Type Justice Facility Type: Pre-adjudication/Pre-conviction facility, Post-adjudication/Post-conviction facility, or Pre- and post-adjudication/conviction facility SCH_JJTYPE 16 PRE/POST/BOTH REQ REQ Y
Justice Facilities Only
P2Q46T1 Justice Facility Items Days in Regular School Year at Justice Facility Days in the regular school year SCH_JJSYDAYS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q47T1 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Hours per Week Hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year SCH_JJHOURS 7 Integer REQ REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q48T1.1 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Participants Less than 15 days SCH_JJPART_LT15 7 Integer OPT REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q48T1.2 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Participants 15 days to 30 days SCH_JJPART_15T30 7 Integer OPT REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q48T1.3 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Participants 31 days to 90 days SCH_JJPART_31T90 7 Integer OPT REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q48T1.4 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Participants 91 days to 180 days SCH_JJPART_91T180 7 Integer OPT REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
P2Q48T1.5 Justice Facility Items Justice Facility Educational Program Participants More than 180 days SCH_JJPART_OV180 7 Integer OPT REQ Y N/A Justice Facilities Only
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