OII CoP Participant Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

OII CoP_ParticipantSurvey

OII-Grantee Community of Practice work group feedback and Outcomes in Arts Education Surveys

OMB: 1880-0542

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Grantee Support Network: A Community of Practice for Arts in Education Grantees

Survey of Arts in Education Grantees

Dear [Arts Grantee],

You are receiving this email because you are a grantee in the AEMDD, PDAE, or AENP program. We are seeking your input to help determine next steps for the Grantee Support Network (GSN) – the Arts in Education Community of Practice. Please complete this short survey to share your feedback. Your opinions are very important – we want to structure the working groups in the GSN to be beneficial to as many grantees as possible, and you can help us by sharing your thoughts!

There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions below. This survey should take about 10 minutes. Your individual answers will not be shared with anyone outside of the AEM technical assistance team. For any questions about this survey, please contact [email protected].

Please complete and submit this survey by _____________. (will be adjusted based on when survey is final)


  1. What type of project are you currently affiliated with? Check all that apply.

    • AEMDD

    • PDAE

    • AENP

  1. What is your role in that project?

    • Project Director

    • Evaluator

    • Other (please specify): ____________________

  1. How many years have you held the role you selected in Q2 in total (current project and any prior U.S. Department of Education Arts in Education projects)?

  • Less than 1 year

  • 1 year

  • 2 years

  • 3 years

  • 4 years

  • 5 years

  • 6 years

  • 7 years

  • 8 years

  • 9 years

  • 10 years

  • More than 10 years

  1. What most strongly limits your ability to participate in a GSN working group? (select ONE)

  • Time

  • Lack of employer/organization support

  • Low awareness of GSN activities

  • Lack of incentives

  • Other (please specify): _______________________

  1. Which GSN working group did you sign up for?

  • Disseminating and Sustaining Arts Programs

  • Identifying High-Quality Assessment Tools

  • Both groups

  • I am currently not a member of either working group (survey skips to Q11)

  1. Why did you decide to sign up for the Grantee Support Network (GSN)? Please pick your top three reasons and rank them in order of most to least important.

  • To build friendships

  • To expand my professional network

  • To publicize or market my project

  • To explore key issues and brainstorm new ideas

  • To discuss developments in the field of Arts Education

  • To request information and resources

  • To share information and resources

  • To seek training

  • To explore collaboration opportunities

  • Other

  1. If you selected ‘other’ in the question above, please specify here: ___________________________

  1. How would you describe your level of involvement with the GSN?

If you joined a working group after the July webinar, please select the non-participant option below.

  • Core member – driving group processes, facilitating group sessions, playing a significant role

  • Active member – participating regularly in group meetings and activities

  • Peripheral member – generally interested in the group but rarely participating

  • Non-participant – did not participate in group meetings and activities (survey skips to Q11).

  1. On a scale of 1 -5, where 1 is “not at all successful” and 5 is “very successful”, how successful was the group in:


Not at all successful





Very successful

Scheduling regular meetings

Getting participants to attend meetings

Getting participants engaged in meetings

Communicating the value of meetings to participants

Communicating meeting outcomes

Developing resources

Disseminating resources

  1. Indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below. Use a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “strongly disagree” and 5 is “strongly agree”.


Strongly disagree





Strongly agree

My involvement in the GSN work group has helped me expand my professional network.

I have collaborated with contacts I met through the workgroup on matters other than workgroup activities.

I shared Arts Education information and resources with other working group members.

I received Arts Education information and resources from other working group members.

I have used strategies or tools that were shared/developed through the workgroup.

The workgroup enhanced my ability to publicize or market different aspects of my project.

The work group helped me explore key issues and brainstorm new ideas.

The work group helped me stay informed about developments in the field of Arts Education.

The work group enhanced my ability to implement a high-quality Arts in Education project.

The work group enhanced my ability to conduct or manage a high-quality evaluation of my project.

The work group enhanced my ability to report on the work of my project.

  1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the GSN.

    • Very satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Unsatisfied

    • Very unsatisfied

The Future of the GSN

  1. What are the most important things that the GSN team can do to make the network more successful? Please pick your top three answers and rank them in order of most to least important.

  • Involve experts

  • Specify member roles and expectations

  • Have a dedicated coordinator/facilitator

  • Adopt a consistent and shared attitude to collaboration and knowledge sharing

  • More events (e.g., scheduled meetings, webinars)

  • Provide an online platform for communication and sharing purposes

  • Encourage /recruit new members

  • Build trust/rapport/sense of community

  • Other (please specify): _________________________________

  1. Which of the following means of communication are (or might be) important for your involvement in the GSN? Pick your top three preferences and rank them in order of most to least important.

  • Scheduled meetings via phone

  • Group emails

  • Individual emails

  • Working Group website

  • Written meeting summaries/minutes

  • Group calendar

  • Sharing tools (e.g., planning, document sharing tool)

  • Tools to work jointly on tasks (e.g., Google Docs)

  1. The GSN Dissemination and Sustainability group should continue.

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, what topics would you like to see addressed? [open-ended]

What changes would you like to see in how the group is run? [open-ended]

  1. The GSN Assessment working group should continue.

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, what topics would you like to see addressed?

What changes would you like to see in how the group is run?

  1. I would like to see the GSN expanded to include other working groups.

  • Yes

  • No

If yes,

  • What groups?

Public Burden Statement:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1880-0542 Note: Please do not return the completed Qualitative Feedback Survey to this address.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBhattacharya, Sharika
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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