Project Notification

Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs; 36 CFR 61

Project Notifications - 2014

State Project Notification

OMB: 1024-0038

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OMB Control Number 1024-0038

Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX




(counties): FEDERAL SHARE:






Donor: Donor:

Source: Source:

Kind: Kind:

Amount: Amount:





6. An Environmental Certification indicating the applicable categorical exclusions is attached.

7. No program income will be generated.


8. CERTIFICATION: As the duly authorized representative, I certify that this subgrant will be administered and work will be performed under the supervision of a professional meeting appropriate 36 CFR 61 requirements, in accordance with the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual, and the Secretary of the Interior's "Standards and Guidelines for ." All documentation required by the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual will be maintained on file for audit and State Program Review purposes. All proposed costs for personal compensation charged to the Federal or nonfederal share of this subgrant are within the maximum limit imposed by Chapter 13, Section B.34.e. of the HPF Grants Manual. These costs have been assessed by knowledgeable SHPO staff and found to be within the normal and customary range of charges for similar work in the local labor market, and appear to be appropriate charges for the product to be achieved with grant assistance.

_______________________________ _____________________

Signature Date

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement. We (National Park Service) collect this information as part of the process for reviewing the procedures and programs of State, tribal, and local governments participating in the national historic preservation program and the Historic Preservation Fund grant program. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit. We use the information to evaluate those programs and procedures for consistency with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) and compliance with Governmentwide grant requirements. We provide no assurance of confidentiality with the exception of some location information concerning some properties included in government historic preservation property inventories. Pursuant to Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, release of information is tightly controlled when such release could have the potential of damaging those qualities that make a property historic.

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The Office of Management and Budget has reviewed and approved these information collection requirements and assigned OMB Control Number 1024-0038. We estimate that it will take you 1.5 hours to complete the Project Notification, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Service Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW. (2600), Washington, DC 20240.


A. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PROJECT NOTIFICATIONS. "Heading," "Title," and "item # of the narrative" refer to the model Project Notification form located below on page

8-A-7. The section below the banner section is called the "narrative."

1. Title. States must include a title of PROJECT NOTIFICATION in capital letters at the top of the page.

2. Heading.

a. The title of the subgrant (e.g., "Architectural survey of Woodmoor subdivision"), the county or counties where the grant-assisted work will be performed, and the Congressional District(s) where the work will be performed must be noted in the upper left corner of the Project Notification.

b. The amount of the Federal share being subgranted and the grant number from which the subgrant is being funded must be identified in the upper right corner. (If more than one grant number is involved, then separate Project Notifications are required for each grant source; e.g., for one subgrant from the prior year's funding carried over into the second year of the NPS grant agreement and for a second phase subgrant from the current Annual Grant).

c. Note that the Federal share provided in the upper right corner, when added to the nonfederal share identified in item #2 of the Project Notification narrative, must equal the total costs of the budget (work/cost breakdown) detailed in item #3 of the Project Notification. In addition, States should briefly explain how they are addressing an apparent shortfall of nonfederal share (i.e., when there is less than the required amount of nonfederal share listed, then identify the overmatch from another source that is being used to compensate).

3. Narrative.

a. A description is required of all proposed work. The description must be consistent with the line item project budget. Additional information required for specific project types is delineated in Section C., below.

b. Some States specify the Federal/nonfederal share for each cost item in the budget in item #3 of the narrative. This is not necessary as the same tests of allowability and reasonableness, etc., apply to the costs borne by both the Federal and the nonfederal shares. However, if this is useful to the State, it is acceptable to so indicate. Note that Chapter 8, Section F.2.b.2), requires Project Notifications for projects involving third parties whose costs are being used to meet matching share requirements for the HPF Annual aggregate Grant, even though no HPF funds are involved. It is important to document NPS approval for the matching share to withstand examination by fiscal auditors.

c. The certification statement (item #8) must be signed by the State Historic Preservation Officer, or by a person delegated signature authority in writing by the SHPO; and the signature must be dated to facilitate monitoring of timeliness.

In order to expedite the review of Project Notifications, the following sentence is part of the required Certification: "All proposed costs for personal compensation charged to the Federal or nonfederal share of this subgrant are within the maximum limit imposed by Chapter 13, Section B.34.e., and have been assessed by knowledgeable SHPO staff and found to be within the normal and customary range of charges for similar work in the local labor market, and appear to be appropriate charges for the product to be achieved with grant assistance."

Currently (effective Jan. 10, 2005) the maximum rate is $162,163 annually or $7.70 per hour, which is $622 per eight-hour day. As long as the State is fully implementing this certification by analyzing the reasonableness of proposed costs, it will not be required to detail the hourly or daily rates for personal compensation in item #3, the subgrant's cost breakdown.

4. Amendments. If an amended Project Notification is being transmitted, the heading should be so identified: AMENDED PROJECT NOTIFICATION, and the purpose statement in item #4 of the narrative must indicate the type of change (e.g., increase in Federal share, increase in nonfederal share, decrease in Federal or nonfederal share, increase or decrease in duration, scope change, or cancellation). 43 CFR 12.70 details when amendments are necessary. Note that only the affected portions of the Project Notification need be transmitted (e.g., if only the budget and product will change, then only transmit those items of the Project Notification after completing the heading and banner information, and the type of change in item #4).

5. NPS may use a rubber stamp with an "approval/concurrence" statement. If there is room on the grantee's Project Notification to legibly imprint it, comments or conditions may be added. NPS may also employ a standard boilerplate letter. However, if additional comments or conditions are appropriate, a letter will be sent by NPS to the State.

B. The following information is applicable to all subgrants or contracts and must be provided as part of the Project Notification. The numbers below correspond to the item number of the Project Notification narrative section (see page 8-A-7, below).

1. Subgrantee. Provide the name and address of the subgrantee or contractor. Include full legal name of organization, unit of local government or individual with whom the State will enter into a grant agreement or contract. (Note: For acquisition subgrants the subgrantee is the purchaser of the property.) A contact person may be listed in addition to, but not in lieu of, the subgrantee.

2. Nonfederal Matching Share. List donor, source, kind and amount of nonfederal matching funds (if any) to be applied to this activity.

a. donor: indicate "subgrantee" if donor, and/or list name(s) of other donor(s);

b. source: indicate where the funds are coming from (e.g., "private donation," or "State appropriated funds"). The source of the match should be carefully evaluated by the SHPO to ensure it is eligible nonfederal match.

c. kind: indicate the type of match (i.e., "cash," "in-kind services," "in-kind equipment," "indirect costs," "volunteer services"). See Chapter 14. If non-cash, indicate the rate at which it is valued and/or verify that the rate has been reviewed by the SHPO.

NOTE: Inasmuch as States must complete Attachment B, "Sources of Nonfederal Matching Share" as part of their End-of-Year Report (see Chapter 25), NPS recommends that States use terms for "source" that match those in Attachment B.

3. Budget. Provide a simple budget which includes major work elements and the cost of each element. For nonconstruction, major work elements may include items such as: personnel, supplies, equipment, travel, printing, administration, support services, indirect cost (if applicable), etc. If the budget includes "contractual services," indicate what the contract is for in parenthesis; e.g., Contractual (professional archeological consultant).

For development, use the construction terminology provided in Exhibit 8-F for major work elements to the extent possible. The budget must provide enough detail to allow for an administrative review by NPS.

NOTE: Prior NPS approval is required for any item of project equipment costing in excess of $5,000. (See Chapter 13, Section C.2.)

4. Purpose. Provide a brief summary of how the work is to be accomplished and list products that are expected to result from this subgrant. It is understood that a final performance report concerning the grant project will be provided to the SHPO from the subgrantee; it is not necessary to list it as a product.

a. The work summary statement must evidence compliance with the applicable Secretary of the Interior's "Standards and Guidelines," if any.

b. For development work, the summary list must clearly relate to the major work elements provided in the budget as line items.

c. Each budget line item should have a corresponding narrative statement about the work that will be accomplished for the stated cost.

5. Beginning/Ending Dates. List project beginning and end dates: If the beginning date precedes the date of the Annual Grant, please justify so that NPS may make a determination as to the acceptability of preagreement costs if necessary.

6. Environmental Certification. Attach either an Environmental Certification or an Environmental Assessment (see Chapter 11).

7. Program Income. If a subgrant/contract includes workshops, conferences, or publications, also indicate if these are to be made available free of charge or, if there is a fee, indicate the estimated amount of program income that will be produced before the grant end date and request NPS approval for the method of handling this income (see Chapter 16 and 43 CFR 12.65).

8. Certification. Provide the following certification:

C ERTIFICATION: As the duly authorized representative, I certify that this subgrant will be administered and work will be performed under the supervision of a professional meeting appropriate 36 CFR 61 requirements, in accordance with the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual, and the Secretary of the Interior's "Standards and Guidelines for

." All documentation required by the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual will be maintained on file for audit and State Program Review purposes. All proposed costs for personal compensation charged to the Federal or nonfederal share of this subgrant are within the maximum limit imposed by Chapter 13, Section B.34.e. of the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual. These costs have been assessed by knowledgeable SHPO staff and found to be within the normal and customary range of charges for similar work in the local labor market, and appear to be appropriate charges for the product to be achieved with grant assistance.

C. In addition to the information required in B. above, provide the following information for the specific subgrants or contracts as indicated:


a. For Survey subgrants/contracts the summary of work must state in Item 4:

1) Type of survey to be done (intensive or reconnaissance);

2) Type of resource being surveyed for (architectural, historical, or archeological);

3) Level of documentation to be produced (National Register level or other);

4) Estimated number of hectares to be surveyed;

5) The estimated number of inventory forms that will be produced;

6) The number and type of reports and/or other products that will be produced.

See Chapter 6, Section H for minimum requirements relating to Survey and Inventory Program Area activities.

b. For National Register subgrants/contracts state in Item 4:

1) Type of nomination(s) to be prepared (e.g., individual, district, multiple property);

2) Estimated number of nominations to be prepared;

3) Estimated number of contributing properties to be contained in nomination(s).

See Chapter 6, Section I for requirements relating to National Register Program Area activities.

c. For Planning subgrants/contracts state in Item 4:

1) Type of plan, report or guideline (historic structure report, historic district guidelines, etc., to be produced);

2) Who will use the report produced;

3) How this planning effort relates to the State's Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation Planning Process.

4) The number and nature of products that will be produced.

See Chapter 6, Section G for requirements relating to Planning Program Area activities.

d. ForError! Bookmark not defined. Other subgrants/contracts state in Item 4:

1) Purpose of subgrant and how it will be carried out;

2) Quantify products wherever possible.

NOTE: This applies to all other nonconstruction subgrants, not just those in the "Other Activities" Program Area (see Chapter 6, Section Q). The "Other Activities" Program Area applies to subgrants/contracts that cross-cut several program areas, and because the subcategory costs and work activities are more or less equal, cannot be properly classified in one program area. An example would be a workshop or brochure that covered all SHPO activities.

e. For multipurpose subgrants/contracts identify the Program Areas involved and provide the information required (above) for each type of activity.

2. DEVELOPMENT. In addition to the information required in Part B above:

a. Provide the name and address of the property owner (if different than the subgrantee or contractor) under Item 1.

b. To the extent possible, use the construction terminology provided in Exhibit 8-F for the budget in Item 3.

c. If preagreement costs are included in the work/cost breakdown, clearly identify these costs by item, amount, and date costs were first incurred as Item 9.

d. The Project Notification must specifically address areas of potential concern, depending on the type of proposed work; e.g., that a masonry analysis will be performed prior to tuckpointing masonry; that preliminary testing of chemical cleaners will be performed on a small and inconspicuous area prior to initiating any masonry cleaning; that only low pressure rinses will be used for masonry cleaning; whether historic fabric will be replaced with the same type of materials as originally used (explain why if it will not be); and whether other preliminary testing

will be performed as appropriate--such as a paint analysis. States must retain such documentation in their files for State Program Review or on-site review purposes.

e. Include a statement that all predevelopment work has been completed prior to the submission of the Project Notification to NPS, and that plans, specifications, and other necessary predevelopment work have been professionally reviewed by a qualified historical architect or architectural historian, or that this required documentation will be obtained prior to the disbursement of any HPF grant assistance for the subgrant.

f. If work is to be performed outside the scope of this subgrant or contract during the subgrant period, summarize the work elements and estimated costs that are not a part of the subgrant agreement as Item 10.

g. Add the following to the certification in Item #8:

I further certify that the required covenant (or preservation agreement) will be executed by the owner of record prior to or simultaneously with the release of Federal funds.

(If the costs of the project are being used solely for matching share purposes, the preservation agreement should be executed at the time the subgrant agreement is executed, since there will be no release of Federal funds.)


The State accepts the responsibility for the continued maintenance, repair, and administration of the property required by Section 102(a)(5) of the Act rather than through the execution of a covenant with the property owner. NPS written concurrence with this procedure was obtained on (insert date of NPS concurrence).

h. Provide at least two 8x10-inch black and white glossy photographs showing overall views of existing conditions, plus additional photos or slides, if needed, to enable NPS to evaluate proposed development work.

i. See Chapter 6, Section K. for requirements relating to Development activities.

3. ACQUISITION. In addition to the information required in Part B above:

a. Provide the name and address of the property owner (the seller) in Item 1.

b. Provide the following appraisal information as Item 9:

1) Name and address of appraiser; (two appraisals are required if the value of the property exceeds $100,000);

2) Date of the appraisals(s);

3) Appraised value of the property;

4) A statement from the seller indicating that he/she is aware of the appraised value and has been offered just compensation;

5) A statement that a copy of the appraisal(s) is on file with the SHPO and that the appraisal documents meet the requirements in Exhibit 6-B.

c. If relocation assistance is involved, explain as Item 10 (see Chapter 20).

d. Indicate if the property is to be sold as part of a revolving fund, and provide the date of written NPS approval for participation in the revolving fund as Item 11. (See Chapter 8, Section F.2.h.)

e. Add the following to the certification in item 8:

I further certify that the Fair Market Value of this property is the amount established by the appraisal and that the required covenant will be executed by the owner of record prior to or simultaneously with the release of Federal funds.


The State accepts the responsibility for the continued maintenance, repair, and administration of the property required by Section 102(a)(5) of the Act rather than through the execution of a covenant with the property owner. NPS written concurrence with this procedure was obtained on (insert date of NPS concurrence).

f. Provide at least two 8x10-inch black and white glossy photographs showing overall views of existing conditions to enable NPS to review and evaluate the proposed project.

g. See Chapter 6, Section L, for requirements relating to Acquisition activities.

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Last Modified ByHope
File Modified2014-08-25
File Created2014-08-25

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