Form 952 2015 952 NCI Main_Qnaire New Model & CQs Nov-2015

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2015 952 NCI Main_Qnaire New Model & CQs Nov-2015.xlsx

2015 952 NCI Main_Qnaire New Model & CQs Nov-2015

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Model Questions v2
Custom Questions v2

Sheet 1: Model Questions v2

Model Name

Red & Strike-Through: Delete
Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order

Pink: Addition

Blue: Reword
Standard Web Model - Content Site providing Information
u Label Element Questions
Label Satisfaction Questions
Label Future Behaviors

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Likelihood to Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site. 19 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
22 Return How likely are you to return to in the future?
2 Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. 20 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. 21 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
23 Recommend How likely are you to recommend the National Cancer Institute's website to someone else?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

24 Primary Resource How likely are you to use the as your primary resource for information relating to cancer?
5 Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

6 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate how completely the page content loads on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Organized Please rate how well this site is organized.

8 Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

9 Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you need.

Information Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Information Browsing - Sort Please rate the ability to sort information by criteria that are important to you on this site.

11 Information Browsing - Narrow Please rate the ability to narrow choices to find the information you are looking for on this site.

12 Information Browsing - Features Please rate how well the features on the site help you find the information you need.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information provided on this site.

14 Site Information - Understandable Please rate how understandable this site’s information is.

15 Site Information - Answers Please rate how well the site’s information provides answers to your questions.

Sheet 2: Custom Questions v2

Model Name

red & strike-through: DELETE

Model ID

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER




blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

CQID Skip From Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label

Please rate the quality of information on this site. 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y
Content Quality










Please rate your perception of how current the information is on this site. 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y
Content Freshness










How often do you visit this site? First time
Radio buttons Single Required
Visit Frequency




Once every few months

Once every 6 months or less

In what role were you visiting the NCI website today? Patient with Cancer or a Related Disease/Condition A Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Role

Family Member or Friend of a Patient

Health Care Provider/Health Professional B1,B2,C

Scientist/Researcher D1,D2,C

General Health Consumer



Student C

Educator/Teacher C

Librarian or Information Professional

Other E

E Please specify the role in which you were visiting the NCI website today.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Role

A Which best describes your current status as a patient? Patient diagnosed with cancer
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Specific Role_Patient

Patient in treatment for cancer

Patient post treatment/cancer survivor

Patient with cancer that has come back

Person concerned about being at risk for cancer

Other A1

A1 Please specify your current status as a patient.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Specific Role_Patient

B1 Which best describes your specific role as a health professional? Physician/Nurse Practitioner
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Specific Role_Health Professional


Care coordinator/Case manager/Patient navigator


Counselor/Clinical social worker

Other B1A

B1A Please specify your role as a health professional.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Specific Role_Health Professional

B2 Do you specialize in the care of patients with cancer? Yes
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Cancer Specialist YN


D1 Which best describes your specific role as a scientist/researcher? Post doctoral fellow
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Specific Role_Scientist

Prospective or First time researcher

New Principal Investigator (PI)

Long-time/Experienced researcher

Research manager/Administrator

Other D1A

D1A Please specify your role as a scientist/researcher.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Specific Role_Scientist

D2 What type of research are you involved in? Clinical research
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Research Type

Basic research



C Did you look for information regarding grants or research training opportunities during this visit to Yes C1 Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Opportunities Sought YN


C1 What information did you look for regarding grants or research training opportunities during this visit to (Please select all that apply.) Research grants
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Required Skip Logic Group Opportunities

NCI grants process


NCI grants management

Other NCI funding opportunities

Research training opportunities C2

Research partnership or business collaboration

Other C1A


C1A Please specify what information you looked for regarding grants or research training opportunities during this visit to

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Research Opportunities

C2 Which training opportunities were you interested in? (Please select all that apply.) Training opportunities at NCI's campus in Maryland
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Required Skip Logic Group Training Opportunities

Training opportunities funded by NCI

Diversity training programs

Other C2A


C2A Please specify the training opportunity you were interested in.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Training Opportunities

Please complete this sentence: My primary reason for visiting the NCI website today was to find information on or relating to _____ . Cancer treatment or managing side effects
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group/Randomize Primary Reason

Cancer symptoms, diagnosis or prognosis


Cancer screening and detection

Clinical trials

Causes or prevention of cancer

Cancer statistics

Coping with cancer or managing care

News related to cancer or research results

Treatment facilities or cancer specialists

Grants or training opportunities

The National Cancer Institute


Other A1


A1 Please specify the information you were looking for during this visit.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Primary Reason

How do you plan to use the information you were seeking during this visit? (Please select all that apply.) Keep myself up-to-date
Check boxes Multi Required Skip Logic Group Use Info

Plan or verify cancer treatment


Provide cancer information to a patient, family member or caregiver

Provide information to colleagues

Provide information to students

Improve my understanding of NCI research priorities

Share cancer information with my physician

Prepare a research grant application

For my personal use


Didn't find or wasn't looking for new information


Other A1


A1 Please specify how you plan to use the information you were seeking during this visit.

Text field, <100 char Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Use Info

Were you able to find the information you were looking for during this visit? Yes
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Accomplish

Partially P

Not yet, still looking P

No P

P Please tell us exactly what you were unable to find on this site today.

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Accomplish

What was the primary source that referred you to the NCI website today? Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Acquisition Source

Familiarity with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) website


Email(s) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Link from another website or blog

Search engine results (e.g., Google, Bing)

Referred by someone I know

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

Other A

Anchor Answer Choice

A Please specify the primary source that referred you to the NCI website today.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Acquisition Source

How did you navigate the site today? (Please select all that apply.) Top navigation and menus
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Required Skip Logic Group Navigation Used

Search bar on the site A

Clinical trials search tool D

Links within the page

Navigation on the left side of the page

Site map

None of these


A Did the search bar on the site (not the clinical trials search tool) produce the results you expected? Yes C Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Search Results Expected YN

No B,C

Not sure C

B What is the primary reason the search functionality did not produce the results you expected? Returned too many results or results were too broad
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Unexpected Search Results

Returned too few results or results were too narrow

Returned incorrect or irrelevant results

Returned no results

Encountered an error message or technical difficulty while using search B1

Other B2

B1 Please provide more detail regarding the error message or technical difficulty you encountered while using the search functionality.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Search Error

B2 Please specify the primary reason the search functionality did not produce the results you expected.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Unexpected Search Results

C If you could make one improvement to the search functionality of this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Search Improvement

D Did the clinical trials search functionality produce the results you expected? Yes F Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Search Results Expected YN_CT

No E,F

Not sure F

E What is the primary reason the clinical trials search functionality did not produce the results you expected? Returned too many results or results were too broad
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Unexpected Search Results_CT

Returned too few results or results were too narrow

Returned incorrect or irrelevant results

Returned no results

Encountered an error message or technical difficulty while using search E1

Other E2

E1 Please provide more detail regarding the error message or technical difficulty you encountered while using the clinical trials search functionality.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Search Error_CT

E2 Please specify the primary reason the clinical trials search functionality did not produce the results you expected.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Unexpected Search Results_CT

F If you could make one improvement to the clinical trials search functionality of this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Search Improvement_CT

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Required Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

Links often did not take me where I expected A


Organization of the site did not match my expectations A

Links/labels are not clear or did not make sense A

Too many links/navigational options to choose from A

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) A

Could not navigate back to previous information A

Other A


A Please provide more detail about the navigation problem(s) you experienced.

Text area, no char limit Open Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Navigation Experience

What is your gender? Female
Radio buttons (single) Single Required
Demographics: Gender


Prefer not to answer

Please select the category that includes your age. Under 18
Radio buttons (single) Single Required
Demographics: Age

18 - 24

25 - 34

35 - 44

45 - 54

55 - 64

65 or older

Prefer not to answer

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed? Current middle or high school student
Radio buttons Single Yes
Demographics: Education

Some high school

High school graduate

Some college/vocational school

College graduate

Some postgraduate school

Graduate/professional degree

Prefer not to answer

From where are you accessing this site? United States
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group Country/Region


Europe, including United Kingdom



South America

Central America


New Zealand



Other A

A Please specify where you are accessing this site from.

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group OE_Country/Region

If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Single Optional

Would you like to contact the National Cancer institute? Yes
Radio buttons Single Required Smart Thank You Page Contact YN


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