Form 1024 2017 1024 first draft questionnaire 6.5.17

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2017 1024 first draft questionnaire 6.5.17.xlsx

2017 1024 first draft questionnaire 6.5.17

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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How to read this file
Welcome and Thank You Text
Model Questions
Custom Questions

Sheet 1: How to read this file

Welcome and Thank You Text

The text you see here will appear at the top and bottom of your survey. Default text is included and you may modify this text as needed.

Model Questions

As discussed during the kick-off call, the model questions are part of the ForeSee methodology. For consistency within the model, these questions are standardized and have been tested and validated. Standardization of model questions allows benchmarking across companies/industries, and these questions are used in calculating scores and impacts.

Focus on the future behaviors; I’ve started with some that I believe are a good fit but we can certainly make adjustments. These are desired customer outcomes that are impacted by customer satisfaction.

Custom Questions

When reviewing the custom questions tab, keep in mind these questions are used for segmentation analysis of the model data. It is suggested that you add, delete or change custom questions over time, as your needs or business objectives change.

Focus Area #1: Achieving Actionable Data
- Know what changes are being made based on the intelligence
- Change Custom Questions so that stakeholders see a clear “must do”

Focus Area #2: Aligning Data to Business Strategies
- Update your Custom Questions as business cycles change
- Integrate Executive Level questions to evaluate initiatives

Focus Area #3: Strategic and Tactical Value
- Influence Board Room Decisions
- Change Operational Approaches
- Mature Your Research

Sheet 2: Welcome and Thank You Text

The text you see here will appear at the top and bottom of your survey, examples below.

Default text is included and you may modify this text as needed.

Welcome and Thank You Text

Welcome Text
Welcome Text - Tablet / Phone

Thank you for visiting You've been randomly chosen to take part in a brief survey to let us know what we're doing well and where we can improve.

Please take a few minutes to share your opinions, which are essential in helping us provide the best online experience possible.

Thank you for visiting You've been selected to participate in a brief survey to let us know how we can improve your experience. Please take a minute to share your opinions.

Thank You Text
Thank You Text - Tablet / Phone

Thank you for taking our survey - and for helping us serve you better.

Please note you will not receive a response from us based on your survey comments. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please visit the Contact Us section of our website.

Thank you for taking our survey - and for helping us serve you better.
We appreciate your input!

Example Desktop
Example Mobile

Sheet 3: Model Questions

Model Name Browse 2017

Red & Strike-Through: Delete
Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order
Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition

Blue: Reword
Model Version

Label Element Questions
Label Satisfaction Questions
Label Future Behaviors

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


(1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site. 19 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
23 Return How likely are you to return to in the future?
2 Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. 20 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

(1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. 21 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
24 Recommend How likely are you to recommend to someone else?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

21 Primary Resource How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for getting information on Medicaid?
5 Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

6 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate how completely the page content loads on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Organized Please rate how well this site is organized.

8 Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

9 Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you need.

Information Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Information Browsing - Sort Please rate the ability to sort information by criteria that are important to you on this site.

11 Information Browsing - Narrow Please rate the ability to narrow choices to find the information you are looking for on this site.

12 Information Browsing - Features Please rate how well the features on the site help you find the information you need.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information provided on this site.

14 Site Information - Understandable Please rate how understandable this site’s information is.

15 Site Information - Answers Please rate how well the site’s information provides answers to your questions.

Sheet 4: Custom Questions

Model Name Browse 2017

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order

Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID QUESTION META TAG Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label

Primary Reason
What was your primary reason for visiting the website? Federal policy or program information for Medicaid or CHIP
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Primary Reason

State-specific policy or program information for Medicaid or CHIP

Federal Medicaid or CHIP guidance (regulation, SHO and SMD policy letters, etc.)

Medicaid or CHIP data

Section 1115 demonstration or other waiver information

Other (Please specify). A

A Please explain your primary reason for visiting the website. (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* Primary Reason - Other

Which of these best describes you? Federal employee
Y Radio button, one-up vertical

State government employee

Local government employee

Elected official

Academic researcher


Healthcare policy analyst

Intergovernmental liaison

Professional healthcare provider (doctor, physician assistant, nurse, etc.)

Individual looking for Medicaid coverage information for myself or another person.

What best describes your organization? Research institute or association
Y Radio button, one-up vertical

Law firm

National state government association (Executive Branch)

National state government association (Legislative Branch)

National local government association (county)

National local government association (city/municipal)

National healthcare policy association


How did you look for information or navigate the site today? (Please select all that apply.) Top navigation bar
Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Navigation Method

Middle navigation bar

Search feature Y,X,Z

Clicked on links on the page

Page bookmark or favorite link

Site map

Google or other search engine

Other (Please specify). A

Don't recall

Mutually Exclusive

A Please tell us how else you looked for information. (Please refrain from entering any personal information.)

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* Navigation Method - Other

Y Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply.) Results were not relevant/not what I wanted
Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Randomize Search Experience

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Skip Logic Group*

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue: C

Anchor Answer Choice

I had no difficulty with search/results were helpful

Mutually Exclusive

C Please specify the search issue you experienced. (Please refrain from entering any personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Search Issue - Other

X Did you try using the site's navigational links before using the search feature today? Yes, I navigated first
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Search or Nav First

No, I went straight to the search feature

Don't recall

Z Did the search feature help you to locate what you were looking for today? Yes B Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Search Help Locate

Partially B

No B

B Please describe in detail what you were primarily searching for. (Please refrain from entering any personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Search Detail OE

How would you describe your browsing experience on the site today? (Please select all that apply.) Links often did not take me where I expected L Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Navigation Experience

I had difficulty finding relevant information

Links and labels were difficult to understand U

There were too many links or navigation options to choose from


I had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) T

I could not navigate back to previous information

I had a different navigation difficulty A

Anchor Answer Choice

I had no difficulty navigating the site

Mutually Exclusive

A Please specify your navigation difficulty. (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Navigation Experience - Other

L Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have. (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Navigation Not Expected OE

U What specific links or labels were difficult to understand? (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Nav Links and Labels OE

T Please describe the technical difficulty you encountered (include as much detail as possible). (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Navigation Technical Issue OE

Which of the following issues, if any, did you experience while reviewing information? (Please select all that apply.) Information was not up to date
Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Information Issues

Information did not answer my questions B

Information was not presented in a concise format

Wording was not clear

Text was difficult to read

Other (please specify) A

I did not experience any issues while reviewing information

Mutually Exclusive

A Please describe the issue you experienced reviewing information. (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Other Information Issues

B What information were you looking for that you could not find? (Please refrain from entering personal information.)

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* Information Looking For

In which state/territory do you live? Alabama
Y Drop down, select one


American Samoa







District of Columbia






















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota

Northern Mariana Islands





Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota



U.S. Virgin Islands





West Virginia



I live outside of the United States

Prefer not to respond

Visit Frequency
How often do you visit our site using a mobile device? Every 6 months or less
Y Drop down, select one
Visit Frequency

About once a month

About once a week


More than once a day

I have never accessed the site using a mobile device

Are you affiliated with an American Indian/Alaskan Native Tribe? Yes
Y Drop down, select one
Native Tribe Affiliation


Prefer not to respond

OE_Improve Experience
What else would you like to share with us to help improve your online experience with the site? (Please refrain from entering any personal information.)

Y Text area, no char limit

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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