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2015 NSCG Adaptive Design
Experiment Goals, Interventions, and
Monitoring Metrics
2015 NSCG Adaptive Design Experiment Goals, Interventions,
and Monitoring Metrics
The 2015 NSCG will include an adaptive design experiment to identify appropriate data
collection interventions and monitoring methods for the NSCG. This appendix discusses
adaptive design goals that NSCG will pursue as part of the 2015 NSCG, what interventions
would allow the NSCG to achieve those goals, and what monitoring metrics would inform those
interventions. Since adaptive design is a data-driven approach for contact tailoring to encourage
response, the specific interventions used in the 2015 NSCG adaptive design experiment will be
determined based on data monitoring results.
The 2013 NSCG Adaptive Design experiment employed only a few interventions, and had only
one intervention available to apply to under-represented cases: moving a case to CATI [1]. The
full set of possible interventions for the 2015 NSCG adaptive design experiment are discussed
below. It should be noted that all of these interventions may not be used depending on the data
monitoring results – this is a comprehensive list detailing the functionalities we plan to have
available for 2015.
Goal 1: Balance Sample / Reduce Nonresponse Bias
Sampling balancing and/or reducing nonresponse bias relate to maintaining data quality in the
face of shrinking budgets and falling response rates. Nonresponse bias arises when the outcomes
of interest (the survey y-values) for respondents are different from those of nonrespondents.
This difference results in a bias because the resulting estimates only represent a portion of the
total target population. Surveys often try to correct for this after data collection using weighting,
post-stratification, or other adjustments. Adaptive design interventions during data collection
attempt to correct for nonresponse bias during data collection by actually changing the
respondent population to be more balanced on frame characteristics related to response and
outcome measures.
While discussing R-indicators, Schouten et al., provides reasons why balancing on variables
related to response status and outcome variables is desirable. “In fact, we view the R-indicator
as a lack-of-association measure. The weaker the association the better, as this implies that there
is no evidence that non-response has affected the composition of the observed data.” [3] This
suggests that “selective forces…are absent in the selection of respondents” out of the sample
population [2], and so nonresponse approaches missing at random, reducing the risk of nonresponse bias.
Interventions: Interventions are used to change the type or quantity of contacts targeted at
specific subgroups or individuals. Interventions used in the 2013 experiment that would
continue in the 2015 Test include:
Sending an unscheduled mailing to sample persons 21;
This was not actually used as an ad hoc intervention during data collection; rather, we sent apology
letters to cases that experienced poor internet server performance. However, this intervention could be
used in an adaptive design setting as well.
Sending cases to CATI prior to the start of production CATI non-response follow up
(NRFU), to target cases with an interviewer-assisted method rather than limiting contacts
to self-response methods;
Putting cases in CATI on hold, to reduce contacts in interviewer-assisted modes, while
still requesting response in self-response modes;
Withholding paper questionnaires while continuing to encourage response in the web
mode to reduce the operational and processing costs associated with certain groups of
cases; and
Withholding web invites to discourage response in certain groups of cases, while still
allowing these cases to respond using previous invitations.
Additional, new interventions being considered for use in the 2015 experiment include:
Sending paper questionnaires to web nonresponders earlier than the scheduled mail date
to provide two modes of self-response rather than one; and
Changing the CATI call time prioritization to increase or decrease the probability a case
is called during a specific time.
Monitoring Methods:
R-indicators [2], [3], [4];
Mahalanobis Distance or other distance measure [5];
Response influence [6]; and
Uncertainty/influence of imputed y-values [7].
We used R-indicators in the 2013 experiment, and plan to continue using them in the 2015 effort.
As a metric, R-indicators were useful for measuring response balance, and served their purpose
as a proof of concept for data monitoring. However, employing more metrics during data
collection allows us to assess the usefulness of each monitoring metric and provides more
confidence that data collection interventions were targeted in the most efficient way possible.
That is, if R-indicators identify subgroups that should be targeted to increase response balance,
and another metric (e.g., weighted response influence, Mahalanobis distance, etc.) identifies
specific cases in those subgroups that also are likely to have an effect on nonresponse bias, then
we have more confidence that those identified cases are the optimal cases for intervention, both
from a response balance and non-response bias perspective. One particular metric of interest that
we are exploring deals with uncertainty/influence of imputed y-values was discussed by Wagner
at the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings.
Goal 2: Increase Timeliness of Data Collection
Analysts and other data users that need relevant, up-to-date information to build models,
investigate trends, and write policy statements rely on timely survey data. NCSES specifically
focused on timeliness as a goal for the 2013 NSCG [4], and reduced the length of time from the
beginning of data collection to the time of data release from 28 months to 12 months. This
required a reduction in the data collection from ten months to six months. In the future, NCSES
is interested in further reducing data collection, specifically, from six months to five months.
Interventions: Interventions will attempt to either encourage response to the NSCG earlier than
the standard data collection pathway or will be used to stop data collection if new respondents
are not changing key estimates. This could be achieved by introducing modes earlier than the
standard data collection pathway, sending reminders that elicit response more quickly, or
stopping data collection for all or a portion of cases and reallocating resources. Possible
interventions include:
Sending cases to CATI prior to the start of production CATI non-response follow up
(NRFU), to target cases with an interviewer-assisted method rather than limiting contacts
to self-response methods;
Sending paper questionnaires to web nonresponders earlier than the scheduled mail date
to provide two modes of self-response rather than one;
Sending email reminders earlier than the scheduled dates in data collection; and
Stopping data collection for the sample or for subgroups given a sufficient level of data
quality. For example, we could stop data collection if:
o key estimates have stabilized and standard errors fall within acceptable ranges, or
o the coverage ratio for a subgroup of interest reaches a pre-determined threshold.
Monitoring Methods:
Propensity to Respond by Modes [8];
Change Point Analysis [9];
Stability of Estimates [10]; and
Coverage Ratios.
Ongoing NSCG research conducted by Chandra Erdman and Stephanie Coffey [8] could inform
appropriate times to introduce new modes to cases ahead of the standard data collection
schedule. Another possibility involves exploring change point analysis. If respondents per day
as a metric changes over time, showing fewer responses in a given mode, there may be cause to
introduce a new mode ahead of schedule. In addition, we will be able to calculate key estimates
on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. As a result, we will be able to track stability of estimates
during data collection to identify times when the data collection strategy has peaked, resulting in
fewer responses or similar information that was already collected.
Goal 3: Reduce Cost
Controlling costs are always a survey management goal. More recently however, “the growing
reluctance of the household population to survey requests has increased the effort that is required
to obtain interviews and, thereby, the costs of data collection…[which] has threatened survey
field budgets with increased risk of cost overruns” [10]. As a result, controlling cost is an
important part of adaptive design. By allowing survey practitioners to reallocate resources
during the data collection period, surveys can make tradeoffs to prioritize cost savings over other
Interventions: Interventions will be used to encourage survey response via the web while
discouraging response in more expensive modes (mail, CATI), or to eliminate contacts that may
be ineffective. Possible interventions include:
Putting CATI cases on hold, to reduce contacts in interviewer-assisted modes, while still
requesting response in self-response modes;
Withholding paper questionnaires while continuing to encourage response by web to
reduce the operational and processing costs associated with certain groups of cases;
Withholding web invites to discourage response from certain groups of cases, while still
allowing these cases to respond using previous invitations;
Prioritizing or deprioritizing cases in CATI during certain call times to increase or
decrease the probability a case is called during a specific time frame without having to
stop calling the case entirely; and
Stopping data collection for the sample or for subgroups if key estimates and their
standard errors have stabilized.
Monitoring Methods:
Mahalanobis Distance or other distance measure;
Response influence;
Uncertainty/influence of imputed y-values;
Stability of estimates; and
Numbers of trips to locating.
The same indicators that are valuable for monitoring data quality also could measure survey cost
reduction. If cases are in over-represented subgroups, or have low response influence, we may
want to reduce or eliminate contacts on those cases.
In addition, the key estimates valuable to increasing timeliness, are also valuable for controlling
cost. When estimates stabilize and their standard errors fall within acceptable limits for
subgroups or the entire survey, new respondents are providing similar information to that which
we have already collected. If continuing data collection would have little effect on estimates and
their standard errors, stopping data collection to all or subgroups of cases would be an efficient
way to control costs.
Another potential cost-saving intervention would be to limit the number of times a case could be
sent to locating. If we have no contact information for a case, or previously attempted contact
information has not been useful for obtaining contact, a case is sent to locating where researchers
attempt to identify new, more up-to-date contact information. This operation can be time
intensive, especially for cases repeatedly sent to locating. We could track the number of times a
case is sent to interactive locating, or the length of time it spends in locating. Cases repeatedly
send to locating or spend a large amount of time being researched may not be ultimately
productive cases. Reallocating effort spent on these cases to those in locating for a fewer
number of times may be a sensible cost-saving measure that allows us to attempt contact on more
cases, rather than spending large amounts of time (money) on the same cases.
[1] Coffey, S. “Report for the 2013 National Survey of College Graduates Methodological
Research Adaptive Design Experiment”. Census Bureau Memorandum for NCSES. April,
[2] Schouten, B. Cobben, F. Bethlehem, J. “Indicators for representativeness of survey
response.” Survey Methodology. 35.1 (June 2009): pp 101 – 113.
[3] Schouten, B. Shlomo, N. Skinner, C. “Indicators for monitoring and improving
representativeness of response.” Journal of Official Statistics. 27.2 (2011): pp 231 – 253.
[4] Coffey, S. Reist, B. White, M. “Monitoring Methods for Adaptive Design in the National
Survey of College Graduates (NSCG).” 2013 Joint Statistical Meeting Proceedings, Survey
Research Methods Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
[5] de Leon A.R., Carriere K.C. “A generalized Mahalanobis distance for mixed data.” Journal
of Multivariate Analysis. 92 (2005). 174-185.
[6] Särndal, C., Lundström, S. (2008). Assessing auxiliary vectors for control of nonresponse
bias in the calibration estimator. Journal of Official Statistics. 24, 167-191.
[7] Wagner, J. (2014). “Limiting the Risk of Nonresponse Bias by Using Regression
Diagnostics as a Guide to Data Collection.” Presentation at the 2014 Joint Statistical
Meetings. August, 2014
[8] Erdman C., Coffey S. (2014). “Predicting Response Mode During Data Collection in the
NSCG.” Presentation at the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings. August, 2014
[9] Killick, R. Eckley, I. “Changepoint: An R Package for Changepoint Analysis”.
Downloaded from on August 8.,
[10] Groves, Robert M., and Steven Heeringa. (2006). “Responsive design for household
surveys: tools for actively controlling survey errors and costs.” Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 169, 439-457.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 1999 OMB Supporting Statement Draft |
Author | Demographic LAN Branch |
File Modified | 2015-03-18 |
File Created | 2015-03-18 |