

Title 46 CFR Subchapter Q: Lifesaving, Electrical, Engineering and Navigation Equipment, Construction and Materials & Marine Sanitation Devices (33 CFR part 159)


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Pt. 159

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

Subpart A—General
159.1 Purpose.
159.3 Definitions.
159.4 Incorporation by reference.
159.5 Requirements for vessel manufacturers.
159.7 Requirements for vessel operators.

Subpart B—Certification Procedures
159.11 Purpose.
159.12 Regulations for certification of existing devices.
159.12a Certification of certain Type III devices.
159.14 Application for certification.
159.15 Certification.
159.16 Authorization to label devices.
159.17 Changes to certified devices.
159.19 Testing equivalency.

Subpart C—Design, Construction, and
159.51 Purpose and scope.
159.53 General requirements.
159.55 Identification.
159.57 Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions.
159.59 Placard.
159.61 Vents.
159.63 Access to parts.
159.65 Chemical level indicator.
159.67 Electrical component ratings.
159.69 Motor ratings.
159.71 Electrical controls and conductors.
159.73 Conductors.
159.75 Overcurrent protection.
159.79 Terminals.
159.81 Baffles.
159.83 Level indicator.
159.85 Sewage removal.
159.87 Removal fittings.
159.89 Power interruption: Type I and II devices.
159.93 Independent supporting.
159.95 Safety.
159.97 Safety: inspected vessels.
159.101 Testing: general.
159.103 Vibration test.
159.105 Shock test.
159.107 Rolling test.
159.109 Pressure test.
159.111 Pressure and vacuum pulse test.
159.115 Temperature range test.
159.117 Chemical resistance test.
159.119 Operability test; temperature range.
159.121 Sewage processing test.
159.123 Coliform test: Type I devices.
159.125 Visible floating solids: Type I devices.
159.126 Coliform test: Type II devices.

159.126a Suspended solids test: Type II devices.
159.127 Safety coliform count: Recirculating
159.129 Safety: Ignition prevention test.
159.131 Safety: Incinerating device.

Subpart D—Recognition of Facilities

Recognition of facilities.

AUTHORITY: Sec. 312(b)(1), 86 Stat. 871 (33
U.S.C. 1322(b)(1)); 49 CFR 1.45(b) and 1.46(l)
and (m).
SOURCE: CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975,
unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 159.1 Purpose.
This part prescribes regulations governing the design and construction of
marine sanitation devices and procedures for certifying that marine sanitation devices meet the regulations and
the standards of the Environmental
Protection Agency promulgated under
section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1322), to
eliminate the discharge of untreated
sewage from vessels into the waters of
the United States, including the territorial seas. Subpart A of this part contains regulations governing the manufacture and operation of vessels
equipped with marine sanitation devices.
§ 159.3 Definitions.
In this part:
Coast Guard means the Commandant
or his authorized representative.
Discharge includes, but is not limited
to, any spilling, leaking, pouring,
pumping, emitting, emptying, or dumping.
Existing vessel includes any vessel, the
construction of which was initiated before January 30, 1975.
Fecal coliform bacteria are those organisms associated with the intestine of
warm-blooded animals that are commonly used to indicate the presence of
fecal material and the potential presence of organisms capable of causing
human disease.
Inspected vessel means any vessel that
is required to be inspected under 46
CFR Ch. I.
Length means a straight line measurement of the overall length from the


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§ 159.4

foremost part of the vessel to the aftermost part of the vessel, measured parallel to the centerline. Bow sprits,
bumpkins, rudders, outboard motor
brackets, and similar fittings or attachments are not to be included in the
Manufacturer means any person engaged in manufacturing, assembling, or
importing of marine sanitation devices
or of vessels subject to the standards
and regulations promulgated under section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act.
Marine sanitation device and device includes any equipment for installation
on board a vessel which is designed to
receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage, and any process to treat such sewage.
New vessel includes any vessel, the
construction of which is initiated on or
after January 30, 1975.
Person means an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or association,
but does not include an individual on
board a public vessel.
Public vessel means a vessel owned or
bare-boat chartered and operated by
the United States, by a State or political subdivision thereof, or by a foreign
nation, except when such vessel is engaged in commerce.
Recognized facility means any laboratory or facility listed by the Coast
Guard as a recognized facility under
this part.
Sewage means human body wastes
and the wastes from toilets and other
receptacles intended to receive or retain body waste.
Territorial seas means the belt of the
seas measured from the line of ordinary low water along that portion of
the coast which is in direct contact
with the open sea and the line marking
the seaward limit of inland waters, and
extending seaward a distance of 3
Type I marine sanitation device means
a device that, under the test conditions
described in §§ 159.123 and 159.125, produces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than
1,000 per 100 milliliters and no visible
floating solids.
Type II marine sanitation device means
a device that, under the test conditions
described in §§ 159.126 and 159.126a, pro-

duces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than
200 per 100 milliliters and suspended
solids not greater than 150 milligrams
per liter.
Type III marine sanitation device
means a device that is designed to prevent the overboard discharge of treated
or untreated sewage or any waste derived from sewage.
Uninspected vessel means any vessel
that is not required to be inspected
under 46 CFR Chapter I.
United States includes the States, the
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the
Canal Zone, and the Trust Territory of
the Pacific Islands.
Vessel includes every description of
watercraft or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as
a means of transportation on the waters of the United States.
[CGD 96–026, 61 FR 33668, June 28, 1996, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51194, Sept. 30,

§ 159.4

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in paragraph
(b) of this section, the Coast Guard
must publish notice of change in the
FEDERAL REGISTER; and the material
must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW.,
suite 700, Washington, DC, and at the
Engineering Division, U.S. Coast Guard
Marine Safety Center, 400 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590, and
is available from the sources indicated
in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part, and
the sections affected, are as follows:
American Society for Testing and Materials
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428–2959.


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§ 159.5

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

ASTM E 11–95, Standard Specification for
Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing Purposes—159.125
[USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67176, Dec. 1, 1999, as
amended by USCG–2001–9286, 66 FR 33641,
June 25, 2001]

§ 159.5 Requirements for vessel manufacturers.
No manufacturer may manufacture
for sale, sell, offer for sale, or distribute for sale or resale any vessel
equipped with installed toilet facilities
unless it is equipped with:
(a) An operable Type II or III device
that has a label on it under § 159.16 or
that is certified under § 159.12 or
§ 159.12a; or
(b) An operable Type I device that
has a label on it under § 159.16 or that is
certified under § 159.12, if the vessel is
19.7 meters (65 feet) or less in length.

treated sewage is prohibited by the Environmental Protection Agency under
40 CFR 140.3, the operator must secure
each Type III device in a manner which
prevents discharge of sewage. Acceptable methods of securing the device include—
(1) Closing each valve leading to an
overboard discharge and removing the
(2) Padlocking each valve leading to
an overboard discharge in the closed
position; or
(3) Using a non-releasable wire-tie to
hold each valve leading to an overboard
discharge in the closed position.
[CGH 95–028, 62 FR 51194, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart B—Certification
§ 159.11

[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51194, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 159.7 Requirements for vessel operators.
(a) No person may operate any vessel
equipped with installed toilet facilities
unless it is equipped with:
(1) An operable Type II or III device
that has a label on it under § 159.16 or
that is certified under § 159.12 or
§ 159.12a; or
(2) An operable Type I device that
has a label on it under § 159.16 or that is
certified under § 159.12, if the vessel is
19.7 meters (65 feet) or less in length.
(b) When operating a vessel on a body
of water where the discharge of treated
or untreated sewage is prohibited by
the Environmental Protection Agency
under 40 CFR 140.3 or 140.4, the operator must secure each Type I or Type
II device in a manner which prevents
discharge of treated or untreated sewage. Acceptable methods of securing
the device include—
(1) Closing the seacock and removing
the handle;
(2) Padlocking the seacock in the
closed position;
(3) Using a non-releasable wire-tie to
hold the seacock in the closed position;
(4) Locking the door to the space enclosing the toilets with a padlock or
door handle key lock.
(c) When operating a vessel on a body
of water where the discharge of un-


This subpart prescribes procedures
for certification of marine sanitation
devices and authorization for labels on
certified devices.
§ 159.12 Regulations for certification
of existing devices.
(a) The purpose of this section is to
provide regulations for certification of
existing devices until manufacturers
can design and manufacture devices
that comply with this part and recognized facilities are prepared to perform
the testing required by this part.
(b) Any Type III device that was installed on an existing vessel before
January 30, 1975, is considered certified.
(c) Any person may apply to the
Commanding Officer, USCG Marine
Safety Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20590 for certification
of a marine sanitation device manufactured before January 30, 1976. The
Coast Guard will issue a letter certifying the device if the applicant shows
that the device meets § 159.53 by:
(1) Evidence that the device meets
State standards at least equal to the
standards in § 159.53, or
(2) Test conducted under this part by
a recognized laboratory, or
(3) Evidence that the device is substantially equivalent to a device certified under this section, or


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§ 159.15

(4) A Coast Guard field test if considered necessary by the Coast Guard.
(d) The Coast Guard will maintain
and make available a list that identifies each device certified under this
(e) Devices certified under this section in compliance with § 159.53 need
not meet the other regulations in this
part and may not be labeled under
§ 159.16.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15325, Apr. 12,
1976; CGD 82–063a, 48 FR 4776, Feb. 3, 1983;
CGD 88–052, 53 FR 25122, July 1, 1988; CGD 96–
026, 61 FR 33668, June 28, 1996; USCG–2001–
9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, 2001]

§ 159.12a Certification of certain Type
III devices.
(a) The purpose of this section is to
provide regulations for certification of
certain Type III devices.
(b) Any Type III device is considered
certified under this section if:
(1) It is used solely for the storage of
sewage and flushwater at ambient air
pressure and temperature; and
(2) It is in compliance with § 159.53(c).
(c) Any device certified under this
section need not comply with the other
regulations in this part except as required in paragraphs (b)(2) and (d) of
this section and may not be labeled
under § 159.16.
(d) Each device certified under this
section which is installed aboard an inspected vessel must comply with
§ 159.97.
[CGD 76–145, 42 FR 11, Jan. 3, 1977]

§ 159.14 Application for certification.
(a) Any manufacturer may apply to
any recognized facility for certification
of a marine sanitation device. The application for certification must indicate whether the device will be used
aboard all vessels or only aboard
uninspected vessels and to which
standard in § 159.53 the manufacturer
requests the device to be tested.
(b) An application may be in any format but must be in writing and must
be signed by an authorized representative of the manufacturer and include or
be accompanied by:
(1) A complete description of the
manufacturer’s production quality control and inspection methods, record

keeping systems pertaining to the
manufacture of marine sanitation devices, and testing procedures;
(2) The design for the device, including drawings, specifications and other
information that describes the materials, construction and operation of the
(3) The installation, operation, and
maintenance instructions for the device; and
(4) The name and address of the applicant and the manufacturing facility.
(c) The manufacturer must furnish
the recognized facility one device of
each model for which certification is
requested and samples of each material
from which the device is constructed,
that must be tested destructively
under § 159.117. The device furnished is
for the testing required by this part except that, for devices that are not suited for unit testing, the manufacturer
may submit the design so that the recognized facility may determine the
components of the device and materials to be submitted for testing and
the tests to be performed at a place
other than the facility. The Coast
Guard must review and accept all such
determinations before testing is begun.
(d) At the time of submittal of an application to a recognized facility the
manufacturer must notify the Coast
Guard of the type and model of the device, the name of the recognized facility to which application is being made,
and the name and address of the manufacturer, and submit a signed statement of the times when the manufacturer will permit designated officers
and employees of the Coast Guard to
have access to the manufacturer’s facilities and all records required by this
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15325, Apr. 12,

§ 159.15


(a) The recognized facility must
evaluate the information that is submitted by the manufacturer in accordance with § 159.14(b) (1), (2), and (3),
evaluate the device for compliance
with §§ 159.53 through 159.95, test the
device in accordance with § 159.101 and
submit to the Commanding Officer,


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§ 159.16

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

USCG Marine Safety Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
the following:
(1) The information that is required
under § 159.14(b);
(2) A report on compliance evaluation;
(3) A description of each test;
(4) Test results; and
(5) A statement, that is signed by the
person in charge of testing, that the
test results are accurate and complete.
(b) The Coast Guard certifies a test
device, on the design of the device, if it
determines, after consideration of the
information that is required under
paragraph (a) of this section, that the
device meets the requirements in Subpart C of this part.
(c) The Coast Guard notifies the manufacturer and recognized facility of its
determination under paragraph (b) of
this section. If the device is certified,
the Coast Guard includes a certification number for the device. If certification is denied, the Coast Guard notifies the manufacturer and recognized
facility of the requirements of this part
that are not met. The manufacturer
may appeal a denial to the Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety
Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590.
(d) If upon re-examination of the test
device, the Coast Guard determines
that the device does not in fact comply
with the requirements of Subpart C of
this part, it may terminate the certification.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,
1976; CGD 82–063a, 48 FR 4776, Feb. 3, 1983;
CGD 88–052, 53 FR 25122, July 1, 1988; CGD 96–
026, 61 FR 33668, June 28, 1996; USCG–2001–
9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, 2001]

§ 159.16 Authorization to label devices.
(a) When a test device is certified
under § 159.15(b), the Coast Guard will
issue a letter that authorizes the manufacturer to label each device that he
manufactures with the manufacturer’s
certification that the device is in all
material respects substantially the
same as a test device certified by the
U.S. Coast Guard pursuant to section
312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972.
(b) Certification placed on a device
by its manufacturer under this section

is the certification required by section
312(h)(4) of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act Amendments of 1972, which
makes it unlawful for a vessel that is
subject to the standards and regulations promulgated under the Act to operate on the navigable waters of the
United States, if such vessel is not
equipped with an operable marine sanitation device certified pursuant to section 312 of the Act.
(c) Letters of authorization issued
under this section are valid for 5 years,
unless sooner suspended, withdrawn, or
terminated and may be reissued upon
written request of the manufacturer to
whom the letter was issued.
(d) The Coast Guard, in accordance
with the procedure in 46 CFR 2.75, may
suspend, withdraw, or terminate any
letter of authorization issued under
this section if the Coast Guard finds
that the manufacturer is engaged in
the manufacture of devices labeled
under this part that are not in all material respects substantially the same
as a test device certified pursuant to
this part.
§ 159.17

Changes to certified devices.

(a) The manufacturer of a device that
is certified under this part shall notify
the Commanding Officer, USCG Marine
Safety Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20590 in writing of any
change in the design of the device.
(b) A manufacturer shall include with
a notice under paragraph (a) of this
section a description of the change, its
advantages, and the recommendation
of the recognized facility as to whether
the device remains in all material respects substantially the same as the
original test device.
(c) After notice under paragraph (a)
of this section, the Coast Guard notifies the manufacturer and the recognized facility in writing of any tests
that must be made for certification of
the device or for any change in the letter of authorization. The manufacturer
may appeal this determination to the
Commandant (G–MSE), U.S. Coast
Guard, Washington, D.C. 20593–0001.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 82–063a, 48 FR 4776, Feb. 3,
1983; CGD 88–052, 53 FR 25122, July 1, 1988;
CGD 96–026, 61 FR 33668, June 28, 1996; USCG–
2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, 2001]


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§ 159.57

§ 159.19 Testing equivalency.
(a) If a test required by this part may
not be practicable or necessary, a manufacturer may apply to the Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety
Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590 for deletion or approval of an alternative test as equivalent to the test requirements in this
part. The application must include the
manufacturer’s justification for deletion or the alternative test and any alternative test data.
(b) The Coast Guard notifies the
manufacturer of its determination
under paragraph (a) of this section and
that determination is final.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 82–063a, 48 FR 4776, Feb. 3,
1983; CGD 88–052, 53 FR 25122, July 1, 1988;
CGD 96–026, 61 FR 33668, June 28, 1996; USCG–
2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, 2001]

Subpart C—Design, Construction,
and Testing
§ 159.51 Purpose and scope.
(a) This subpart prescribes regulations governing the design and construction of marine sanitation devices.
(b) Unless otherwise authorized by
the Coast Guard each device for which
certification under this part is requested must meet the requirements of
this subpart.
§ 159.53 General requirements.
A device must:
(a) Under the test conditions described in §§ 159.123 and 159.125, produce
an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than 1,000 per
100 milliliters and no visible floating
solids (Type I),
(b) Under the test conditions described in §§ 159.126 and 159.126a,
produce an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than
200 per 100 milliliters and suspended
solids not greater than 150 milligrams
per liter (Type II), or
(c) Be designed to prevent the overboard discharge of treated or untreated
sewage or any waste derived from sewage (Type III).
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15325, Apr. 12,

§ 159.55 Identification.
(a) Each production device must be
legibly marked in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section with the
following information:
(1) The name of the manufacturer.
(2) The name and model number of
the device.
(3) The month and year of completion
of manufacture.
(4) Serial number.
(5) Whether the device is certified for
use on an inspected or an uninspected
(6) Whether the device is Type I, II,
or III.
(b) The information required by paragraph (a) of this section must appear
on a nameplate attached to the device
or in lettering on the device. The
nameplate or lettering stamped on the
device must be capable of withstanding
without loss of legibility the combined
effects of normal wear and tear and exposure to water, salt spray, direct sunlight, heat, cold, and any substance
listed in § 159.117(b) and (c). The nameplate and lettering must be designed to
resist efforts to remove them from the
device or efforts to alter the information stamped on the nameplate or the
device without leaving some obvious
evidence of the attempted removal or
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15325, Apr. 12,

§ 159.57 Installation, operation, and
maintenance instructions.
(a) The instructions supplied by the
manufacturer must contain directions
for each of the following:
(1) Installation of the device in a
manner that will permit ready access
to all parts of the device requiring routine service and that will provide any
flue clearance necessary for fire safety.
(2) Safe operation and servicing of
the device so that any discharge meets
the applicable requirements of § 159.53.
(3) Cleaning, winter layup, and ash or
sludge removal.
(4) Installation of a vent or flue pipe.
(5) The type and quantity of chemicals that are required to operate the
device, including instructions on the
proper handling, storage and use of
these chemicals.


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§ 159.59

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

(6) Recommended methods of making
required plumbing and electrical connections including fuel connections and
supply circuit overcurrent protection.
(b) The instructions supplied by the
manufacturer must include the following information:
(1) The name of the manufacturer.
(2) The name and model number of
the device.
(3) Whether the device is certified for
use on an inspected, or uninspected
(4) A complete parts list.
(5) A schematic diagram showing the
relative location of each part.
(6) A wiring diagram.
(7) A description of the service that
may be performed by the user without
coming into contact with sewage or
(8) Average and peak capacity of the
device for the flow rate, volume, or
number of persons that the device is
capable of serving and the period of
time the device is rated to operate at
peak capacity.
(9) The power requirements, including voltage and current.
(10) The type and quantity of fuel required.
(11) The duration of the operating
cycle for unitized incinerating devices.
(12) The maximum angles of pitch
and roll at which the device operates in
accordance with the applicable requirements of § 159.53.
(13) Whether the device is designed to
operate in salt, fresh, or brackish
(14) The maximum hydrostatic pressure at which a pressurized sewage retention tank meets the requirements of
§ 159.111.
(15) The maximum operating level of
liquid retention components.
(16) Whether the device is Type I, II,
or III.
(17) A statement as follows:
NOTE: The EPA standards state that in
freshwater lakes, freshwater reservoirs or
other freshwater impoundments whose inlets
or outlets are such as to prevent the ingress
or egress by vessel traffic subject to this regulation, or in rivers not capable of navigation by interstate vessel traffic subject to
this regulation, marine sanitation devices
certified by the U.S. Coast Guard installed
on all vessels shall be designed and operated
to prevent the overboard discharge of sewage, treated or untreated, or of any waste de-

rived from sewage. The EPA standards further state that this shall not be construed to
prohibit the carriage of Coast Guard-certified flow-through treatment devices which
have been secured so as to prevent such discharges. They also state that waters where a
Coast Guard-certified marine sanitation device permitting discharge is allowed include
coastal waters and estuaries, the Great
Lakes and interconnected waterways, freshwater lakes and impoundments accessible
through locks, and other flowing waters that
are navigable interstate by vessels subject to
this regulation (40 CFR 140.3).
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15325, Apr. 12,

§ 159.59 Placard.
Each device must have a placard
suitable for posting on which is printed
the operating instructions, safety precautions, and warnings pertinent to
the device. The size of the letters printed on the placard must be one-eighth of
an inch or larger.
§ 159.61 Vents.
Vents must be designed and constructed to minimize clogging by either the contents of the tank or climatic conditions such as snow or ice.
§ 159.63 Access to parts.
Each part of the device that is required by the manufacturer’s instructions to be serviced routinely must be
readily accessible in the installed position of the device recommended by the
§ 159.65 Chemical level indicator.
The device must be equipped with
one of the following:
(a) A means of indicating the amount
in the device of any chemical that is
necessary for its effective operation.
(b) A means of indicating when
chemicals must be added for the proper
continued operation of the device.
§ 159.67 Electrical component ratings.
Electrical components must have
current and voltage ratings equal to or
greater than the maximum load they
may carry.
§ 159.69 Motor ratings.
Motors must be rated to operate at 50
°C ambient temperature.


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§ 159.97

§ 159.71 Electrical controls and conductors.
Electrical controls and conductors
must be installed in accordance with
good marine practice. Wire must be
copper and must be stranded. Electrical controls and conductors must be
protected from exposure to chemicals
and sewage.
§ 159.73 Conductors.
Current carrying conductors must be
electrically insulated from non-current
carrying metal parts.
§ 159.75 Overcurrent protection.
Overcurrent protection must be provided within the unit to protect subcomponents of the device if the manufacturer’s recommended supply circuit
overcurrent protection is not adequate
for these subcomponents.
§ 159.79 Terminals.
Terminals must be solderless lugs
with ring type or captive spade ends,
must have provisions for being locked
against movement from vibration, and
must be marked for identification on
the wiring diagram required in § 159.57.
Terminal blocks must be nonabsorbent
and securely mounted. Terminal blocks
must be provided with barrier insulation that prevents contact between adjacent terminals or metal surfaces.
§ 159.81 Baffles.
Baffles in sewage retention tanks, if
any, must have openings to allow liquid and vapor to flow freely across the
top and bottom of the tank.
§ 159.83 Level indicator.
Each sewage retention device must
have a means of indicating when the
device is more than 3⁄4 full by volume.
§ 159.85 Sewage removal.
The device must be designed for efficient removal of nearly all of the liquid
and solids in the sewage retention
§ 159.87 Removal fittings.
If sewage removal fittings or adapters are provided with the device, they
must be of either 11⁄2″ or 4″ nominal
pipe size.

§ 159.89 Power interruption:
and II devices.



A discharge device must be designed
so that a momentary loss of power during operation of the device does not
allow a discharge that does not meet
the requirements in § 159.53.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,

§ 159.93

Independent supporting.

The device must have provisions for
supporting that are independent from
connecting pipes.
§ 159.95


(a) Each device must—
(1) Be free of design defects such as
rough or sharp edges that may cause
bodily injuries or that would allow
toxic substances to escape to the interior of the vessel;
(2) Be vented or provided with a
means to prevent an explosion or over
pressurization as a result of an accumulation of gases; and
(3) Meet all other safety requirements of the regulations applicable to
the type of vessel for which it is certified.
(b) A chemical that is specified or
provided by the manufacturer for use
in the operation of a device and is defined as a hazardous material in 46 CFR
Part 146 must be certified by the procedures in 46 CFR Part 147.
(c) Current carrying components
must be protected from accidental contact by personnel operating or routinely servicing the device. All current
carrying components must as a minimum be of drip-proof construction or
be enclosed within a drip-proof compartment.
§ 159.97

Safety: inspected vessels.

The Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety Center, approves the design
and construction of devices to be certified for installation and operation on
board inspected vessels on the basis of
tests and reports of inspection under
the applicable marine engineering requirements in Subchapter F of Title 46,
Code of Federal Regulations, and under
the applicable electrical engineering


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§ 159.101

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

requirements in Subchapter J of Title
46 Code of Federal Regulations.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,
1976; USCG–2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25,

§ 159.101

Testing: general.

Unless otherwise authorized by the
Coast Guard, a recognized facility must
perform each test described in §§ 159.103
through 159.131. The same device must
be used for each test and tested in the
order in which the tests are described.
There must be no cracking, softening,
deterioration, displacement, breakage,
leakage or damage of components or
materials that affects the operation or
safety of the device after each test described in §§ 159.103 through 159.117 and
§ 159.121, and the device must remain
operable after the test described in
§ 159.119. The device must be set up in a
manner simulating installation on a
vessel in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions with respect to
mounting, water supply, and discharge
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,

§ 159.103

Vibration test.

The device, with liquid retention
components, if any, filled with water to
one-half of their volume, must be subjected to a sinusoidal vibration for a
period of 12 hours, 4 hours in each of
the x, y, and z planes, at the resonant
frequency of the device (or at 55 cycles
per second if there is no resonant frequency between 10 to 60 hertz) and with
a peak amplitude of 0.019 to 0.021
§ 159.105

Shock test.

The device, with liquid retention
components, if any, filled with water to
half of their volume, must be subjected
to 1,000 vertical shocks that are ten
times the force of gravity (10g) and
have a duration of 20–25 milliseconds
measured at the base of the half-sine
shock envelope.
§ 159.107

Rolling test.

(a) The device, with liquid retention
components, if any, filled with water to

half of their volume, must be subjected
to 100 cycles with the axis of rotation 4
feet from the centerline of the device,
no more than 6 inches below the plane
of the bottom of the device, and parallel to any tank baffles. The device
must then be rotated 90 degrees on its
vertical axis and subjected to another
100 cycles. This testing must be repeated with the liquid retention components filled to the maximum operating level as specified by the manufacturer in § 159.57.
(b) Eighty percent of the rolling action must be approximately 15 degrees
on either side of the vertical and at a
cyclic rate of 3 to 4 seconds. Twenty
percent motions must be approximately 30 degrees, or the maximum
angle specified by the manufacturer
under § 159.57, whichever is greater, on
either side of the vertical at a cyclic
rate of 6 to 8 seconds.
§ 159.109

Pressure test.

Any sewage retention tank that is
designed to operate under pressure
must be pressurized hydrostatically at
a pressure head of 7 feet or to 150 percent of the maximum pressure specified by the manufacturer for operation
of the tank, whichever is greater. The
tank must hold the water at this pressure for 1 hour with no evidence of
§ 159.111

Pressure and vacuum pulse

Liquid retention components of the
device with manufacturer specified
venting installed must be subjected to
50 fillings of water at a pressure head
of 7 feet or the maximum pressure
specified by the manufacturer for operation of the device, whichever is greater, and then emptied with a 45 gallon
per minute or larger positive displacement pump that remains in operation
30 seconds after emptying the tank at
the end of each cycle.
§ 159.115

Temperature range test.

(a) The device must be held at a temperature of 60 °C or higher for a period
of 16 hours.
(b) The device must be held at a temperature of ¥40 °C or less for a period
of 16 hours following winterization in


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§ 159.123


§ 159.117 Chemical resistance test.
(a) In each case where the recognized
facility doubts the ability of a material
to withstand exposure to the substances listed in paragraphs (b) and (c)
of this section a sample of the material
must be tested.
(b) A sample referred to in paragraph
(a) of this section must be partially
submerged in each of the following substances for 100 hours at an ambient
temperature of 22 °C.
(1) Sewage.
(2) Any disinfectant that is required
in the operation of the device.
(3) Any chemical compound in solid,
liquid or gaseous form, used, emitted
or produced in the operation of the device.
(4) Fresh or salt (3.5 percent Sodium
Chloride) flush water.
(5) Toilet bowl cleaners.
(6) Engine Oil (SAE/30).
(7) Ethylene Glycol.
(8) Detergents (household and bilge
cleaning type).
(c) A sample of the material must be
doused 20 times, with a 1 hour drying
period between dousings, in each of the
following substances:
(1) Gasoline.
(2) Diesel fuel.
(3) Mineral spirits.
(4) Turpentine.
(5) Methyl alcohol.
§ 159.119 Operability test; temperature
The device must operate in an ambient temperature of 5 °C with inlet operating fluid temperature varying from 2
°C to 32 °C and in an ambient temperature of 50 °C with inlet operating fluid
temperature varying from 2 °C to 32 °C.
§ 159.121 Sewage processing test.
(a) The device must process human
sewage in the manner for which it is
designed when tested in accordance
with this section. There must be no
sewage or sewage-treating chemicals
remaining on surfaces or in crevices
that could come in contact with a person using the device or servicing the
device in accordance with the instructions supplied under § 159.57(b)(7).

(b) During the test the device must
be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Any initial start-up time specified by the manufacturer must be allowed before test periods begin. For 1
hour of each 8-hour test period, the device must be tilted to the maximum
angles specified by the manufacturer
under §§ 159.55 and 159.57.
(c) Except for devices described in
paragraph (d) of this section, the devices must process and discharge or
store human sewage over at least an 8consecutive hour period on at least 10
days within a 20-day period. The device
must receive human sewage consisting
of fecal matter, urine, and toilet paper
in a ratio of four urinations to one
defecation with at least one defecation
per person per day. Devices must be
tested at their average rate of capacity
as specified in § 159.57. In addition, during three periods of each day the system must process sewage at the peak
capacity for the period of time it is
rated at peak capacity.
(d) A device that processes and discharges continuously between individual use periods or a large device, as
determined by the Coast Guard, must
process and discharge sewage over at
least 10-consecutive days at the average daily capacity specified by the
manufacturer. During three periods of
each day the system must process sewage at the peak capacity for the period
of time it is rated at peak capacity.
The sewage for this test must be fresh,
domestic sewage to which primary
sludge has been added, as necessary, to
create a test sewage with a minimum
of 500 miligrams of suspended solids per
§ 159.123

Coliform test: Type I devices.

(a) The arithmetic mean of the fecal
coliform bacteria in 38 of 40 samples of
effluent discharged from a Type I device during the test described in
§ 159.121 must be less than 1000 per 100
milliliters when tested in accordance
with 40 CFR Part 136.
(b) The 40 samples must be taken
from the device as follows: During each
of the 10-test days, one sample must be
taken at the beginning, middle, and
end of an 8-consecutive hour period


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§ 159.125

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition)

with one additional sample taken immediately following the peak capacity
processing period.

one additional sample taken immediately following the peak capacity
processing period.

[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,

[CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12, 1976]

§ 159.125 Visible floating solids: Type I
During the sewage processing test
(§ 159.121) 40 effluent samples of approximately 1 liter each shall be taken
from a Type I device at the same time
as samples taken in § 159.123 and passed
expeditiously through a U.S. Sieve No.
12 as specified in ASTM E 11 (incorporated by reference, see § 159.4). The
weight of the material retained on the
screen after it has been dried to a constant weight in an oven at 103 °C. must
be divided by the volume of the sample
and expressed as milligrams per liter.
This value must be 10 percent or less of
the total suspended solids as determined in accordance with 40 CFR Part
136 or at least 38 of the 40 samples.
NOTE: 33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(3) prohibits discharge of harmful quantities of oil into or
upon the navigable waters of the United
States or adjoining shorelines or into or
upon the waters of the contiguous zone.
Under 40 CFR 110.3 and 110.4 such discharges
of oil include discharges which:
(a) Violate applicable water quality standards, or
(b) Cause a film or sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining
shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to
be deposited beneath the surface of the water
or upon adjoining shorelines. If a sample
contains a quantity of oil determined to be
harmful, the Coast Guard will not certify the
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,
1976; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67176, Dec. 1,

§ 159.126 Coliform test: Type II devices.
(a) The arithmetic mean of the fecal
coliform bacteria in 38 of 40 samples of
effluent from a Type II device during
the test described in § 159.121 must be
200 per 100 milliliters or less when tested in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136.
(b) The 40 samples must be taken
from the device as follows: During each
of the 10 test days, one sample must be
taken at the beginning, middle and end
of an 8-consecutive hour period with

§ 159.126a Suspended solids test: Type
II devices.
During the sewage processing test
(§ 159.121) 40 effluent samples must be
taken at the same time as samples are
taken for § 159.126 and they must be
analyzed for total suspended solids in
accordance with 40 CFR Part 136. The
arithmetic mean of the total suspended
solids in 38 of 40 of these samples must
be less than or equal to 150 milligrams
per liter.
[CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12, 1976]

§ 159.127 Safety coliform count: Recirculating devices.
Thirty-eight of forty samples of flush
fluid from a recirculating device must
have less than 240 fecal coliform bacteria per 100 milliliters. These samples
must be collected in accordance with
§ 159.123(b) and tested in accordance
with 40 CFR Part 136.
[CGD 73–83, 40 FR 4624, Jan. 30, 1975, as
amended by CGD 75–213, 41 FR 15326, Apr. 12,

§ 159.129




(a) Components of a device that are a
potential ignition source in an explosive atmosphere must pass the test in
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section or
meet the requirements of paragraph (d)
or have a specific warning in the instruction manual required by § 159.57
that the device should not be installed
in an explosive atmosphere.
(b) Components protected by vapor
exclusion must be placed in a chamber
filled with a rich mixture of gasoline or
propane in air with the pressure being
varied from 0 to 2 psig once an hour for
8 hours. Vapor readings must be taken
in the void being protected and must
indicate a leakage less than 20 percent
of the lower explosive limit of the mixture in the chamber.
(c) Components providing ignition
protection by means other than vapor
exclusion must be fitted with an ignition source, such as a spark plug, and a


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§ 159.201

means of injecting an explosive mixture of gasoline or propane and air into
the void that protects the component.
Connections must be made so as to
minimize any additional volume added
to the protected void by the apparatus
delivering the explosive mixture. The
component must be placed in a chamber filled with an explosive mixture
and there must be no ignition of the
explosive mixture surrounding the
component when the following tests
are conducted:
(1) Using any overload protection
that is part of the device, the potential
ignition source must be operated for
one half hour at 110 percent of its rated
voltage, one half hour at 50 percent of
its rated voltage and one half hour at
100 percent of its rated voltage with
the motor or armature locked, if the
potential ignition source is a motor or
part of a motor’s electrical circuit.
(2) With the explosive mixture in the
protected void, the test installed ignition source must be activated 50 times.
(3) The tests paragraphs (c) (1) and (2)
of this section must be repeated with
any plugs removed.
(d) Components that are certified as
being intrinsically safe in accordance
with the Instrument Society of America (RP 12.2) or explosion proof in accordance with the Underwriters Laboratories STD 698 in Class I, Group D
hazardous locations (46 CFR 111.80–5(a))
need not be subjected to this testing.

§ 159.131

Safety: Incinerating device.

An incinerating device must not incinerate unless the combustion chamber is closed, must purge the combustion chamber of combustible fuel vapors before and after incineration must
secure automatically if the burner does
not ignite, must not allow an accumulation of fuel, and must neither
produce a temperature on surfaces adjacent to the incineration chamber
higher than 67 °C nor produce a temperature on surfaces in normal body
contact higher than 41 °C when operating in an ambient temperature of 25
°C. Unitized incineration devices must
completely burn to a dry, inert ash, a
simultaneous defecation and urination
and must not discharge fly ash,
malodors, or toxic substances.

Subpart D—Recognition of
§ 159.201

Recognition of facilities.

A recognized facility is an independent laboratory accepted by the
Coast Guard under 46 CFR 159.010 to
perform the tests and inspections required under this part. A list of accepted laboratories is available from the
Commandant (G–MSE–3).
[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51194, Sept. 30, 1997, as
amended by USCG–1999–5832, 64 FR 34715,
June 29, 1999]


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EDITORIAL NOTE: This listing is provided for informational purposes only. It is compiled
and kept up-to-date by the Coast Guard, Department of Transportation.

Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Coast Guard District Offices and
EPA Regional Offices .............................................................................. Table 1
Administrative Regions of States and Corresponding Coast Guard District and EPA Regions............................................................................. Table 2
Administration of the Pollution Fund
Applicability................................................................................................ 153.403
Cost summary reports ................................................................................. 153.415
Deposit of money into the fund ................................................................... 153.413
Liability to the pollution fund .................................................................... 153.405
Payments or reimbursement from the pollution fund ................................. 153.407
Procedures for payment of judgement ......................................................... 153.411
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 153.401
Reimbursement for actions under section 311(c) or 311(d) of the Act of
the Intervention on the High Seas Act .................................................. 153.417
Appendices ................................................................................................... Part 154
A - Guidelines for Detonation Flame Arresters
B - Standard Specification for Tank Vent Flame Arresters
C - Guidelines for Determining and Evaluating Required Response Resources for
Facility Response Plans
D - Training Elements for Oil Spill Response Plans
Appendices ................................................................................................... Part 155
A - Specifications for Shore Connection
B - Determining and Evaluating Required Response Resources for Vessel Response Plans
C - Training Elements for Oil Spill Response Plans
Appendices ................................................................................................... Part 157
A - Damage Assumptions, Hypothetical Outflows, and Cargo Tank Size and Arrangements
B - Subdivision and Stability Assumptions
C - Procedure for Determining Distribution of Segregated Ballast Tanks to Provide Protection Against Oil Outflow in the Event of Grounding, Ramming,
or Collision
D - Example of a Procedure for Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operations
E - Specifications for the Design, Installation and Operation of a Part Flow
System for Control of Overboard Discharges
F - Guidelines and Specifications for Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control Systems for Tankers
G - Timetables for Application of Double Hull Requirements

Ballast Water Management for Control of


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Subchapter O
Nonindigenous Species............................................................. Part 151-Subpart C
Ballast water management......................................................................151.1510
Ballast water management alternatives under extraordinary conditions...................................................................................................151.1514
Compliance monitoring ...........................................................................151.1516
Definitions ...............................................................................................151.1504
Purpose ....................................................................................................151.1500
Restriction of operation ..........................................................................151.1506
Revocation of clearance ..........................................................................151.1508
Vessel safety ............................................................................................151.1512

Certification Procedures............................................................. Part 159-Subpart B
Application for certification ......................................................................... 159.14
Authorization to label devices ...................................................................... 159.16
Certification.................................................................................................. 159.15
Certification of certain Type III devices ..................................................... 159.12a
Changes to certified devices .......................................................................... 159.17
Purpose.......................................................................................................... 159.11
Regulations for certification of existing devices .......................................... 159.12
Control of pollution by oil and hazardous substances, discharge removal................................................................................................Part 153
Criteria for Adequacy of Reception Facilities:
Garbage.................................................................................... Part 158-Subpart D
Capacity and exceptions .............................................................................. 158.420
General ........................................................................................................ 158.410
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 158.400
Criteria for Adequacy of Reception Facilities:
Residues and Mixtures Containing Oil..................................... Part 158-Subpart B
General ........................................................................................................ 158.200
Ports and Terminals
Loading crude oil ......................................................................................158.210
Loading more than 1,000 metric tons of oil other than crude oil or
bunker oil............................................................................................158.220
Other than ports and terminals under §§ 158.210, 158.220, and 158.240
............................................................................................................ 158.230
Ship repair yards ......................................................................................... 158.240
Standard discharge connection.................................................................... 158.250
Criteria for Certifying that a Port’s or Terminal’s
Facilities are Adequate for Receiving NLS Residue. ............... Part 158-Subpart C
Ports and Terminals: Equipment................................................................. 158.330
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 158.300
Reception facilities: Capacity and exceptions ............................................. 158.320
Reception facilities: General ....................................................................... 158.310
Crude Oil Washing (COW) System on Tank Vessels.................... Part 157-Subpart D
Assistant Personnel ..................................................................................... 157.154
Cargo Tanks
Ballasting and crude oil washing ..............................................................157.160
Hydrocarbon vapor emissions ...................................................................157.132
COW Operations
Changed characteristics ............................................................................157.158
Crew member: Main deck watch ...............................................................157.168
During a voyage ........................................................................................157.162
Equipment; Removal.................................................................................157.170


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Hydrocarbon emissions .............................................................................157.166
Limitations on grades of crude oil carried................................................157.172
Meeting manual requirements ..................................................................157.156
Person in charge .......................................................................................157.152
Use of inert gas system .............................................................................157.164
With more than one grade of crude oil......................................................157.130
COW System
Evidence for inspection .............................................................................157.148
Tank washing machines ............................................................................157.124
Documents; Required
Foreign tank vessels .................................................................................157.118
U.S. tank vessels .......................................................................................157.116
Waiver of ...................................................................................................157.120
Evidence for inspections; COW..................................................................157.148
Letter of acceptance .................................................................................157.106
Recording information after inspection....................................................157.150
Similar tank design; Foreign tank vessels................................................157.147
Similar tank design; U.S. tank vessels .....................................................157.146
Tank vessels of the same class ..................................................................157.144
Operations and Equipment Manual ............................................................. 157.138
Approved ...................................................................................................157.112
Foreign tank vessel; Submission ..............................................................157.110
Not approved .............................................................................................157.114
Recording information after inspection....................................................157.150
U.S. tank vessel; Submission ....................................................................157.108
Piping, valves, and fittings .......................................................................... 157.122
Plans, submission
Foreign tank vessels .................................................................................157.102
U.S. tank vessels .......................................................................................157.100
Pumps .......................................................................................................... 157.126
Scale models ................................................................................................ 157.104
Two-way voice communications .................................................................. 157.136

Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks on Tank Vessels ........................ Part 157-Subpart E
Alterations .................................................................................................. 157.218
Documents required for Foreign tank vessels ................................. 157.216; 157.202
Documents required for U.S. tank vessels ................................................... 157.214
General ........................................................................................................ 157.225
Isolating valves: Closed during a voyage ..................................................... 157.228
Letter of acceptance .................................................................................... 157.204
Operations Manual....................................................................................... 157.224
Approved manual ......................................................................................157.210
Foreign tank vessels; Submission .............................................................157.208
Not approved .............................................................................................157.212
Procedures to be followed .........................................................................157.226
U.S. tank vessels; Submission...................................................................157.206
Plans: Submission...............................................................................................
Foreign tank vessels .................................................................................157.202
U.S. tank vessels .......................................................................................157.200
Pumps and piping arrangements ................................................................. 157.222
Standards for clean ballast tanks ................................................................ 157.220
Design, Construction, and Testing............................................................ Subpart C
Access to parts .............................................................................................. 159.63
Baffles ........................................................................................................... 159.81
Chemical level indicator ............................................................................... 159.65


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Subchapter O
Conductors .................................................................................................... 159.73
Electrical component ratings........................................................................ 159.67
Electrical controls and conductors ............................................................... 159.71
General requirements.................................................................................... 159.53
Identification ................................................................................................ 159.55
Independent supporting................................................................................. 159.93
Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions ................................ 159.57
Level indicator .............................................................................................. 159.83
Motor ratings ................................................................................................ 159.69
Overcurrent protection ................................................................................. 159.75
Placard .......................................................................................................... 159.59
Power interruption: Type I and II devices..................................................... 159.89
Purpose and scope ......................................................................................... 159.51
Removal fittings ........................................................................................... 159.87
Safety ............................................................................................................ 159.95
Coliform count: Recirculating devices ......................................................159.127
Incinerating device ...................................................................................159.131
Inspected vessels.........................................................................................159.97
Sewage removal............................................................................................. 159.85
Suspended solids test: Type II devices ....................................................... 159.126a
Temperature range test ............................................................................... 159.115
Terminals ...................................................................................................... 159.79
Testing ..................................................................................... Part 159-Subpart C
Chemical resistance test ...........................................................................159.117
Coliform test: Type I devices ....................................................................159.123
Coliform test: Type II devices ...................................................................159.126
Ignition prevention test ............................................................................159.129
Operability test: Temperature range ........................................................159.119
Pressure and vacuum pulse test ................................................................159.111
Pressure test .............................................................................................159.109
Rolling test ...............................................................................................159.107
Sewage processing test..............................................................................159.121
Shock Test ................................................................................................159.105
Testing equivalency....................................................................................159.19
Vibration test............................................................................................159.103
Vents ............................................................................................................. 159.61
Visible floating solids: Type I devices ......................................................... 159.125
Design, Equipment, and Installation .......................................... Part 157-Subpart B
Applicability ................................................................................................. 157.08
Cargo and ballast system information .......................................................... 157.23
Cargo monitor and control system................................................................ 157.12
Cargo tank arrangement and size ................................................................. 157.19
Designated observation area ......................................................................... 157.13
Discharges ..........................................................................................................
Chemical additives .....................................................................................157.31
From tank barges exempted from certain discharge requirements ............157.28
Of cargo residue ..........................................................................................157.37
Of clean and segregated ballast: Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross
tons or more .........................................................................................157.43
Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross tons or more.........................................157.29
Tank vessels carrying oil exclusively on rivers, lakes, bays, sounds,
and the Great Lakes, and seagoing tank vessels of less than 150
gross tons..............................................................................................157.27
Double hulls on tank vessels ....................................................................... 157.10d
Oily residue tank........................................................................................... 157.17
Pumping, piping, and discharge arrangements ............................................. 157.11
Segregated Ballast Tanks ...................................................................................


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Crude oil washing systems for certain new vessels.....................................157.10
Crude oil washing systems, and dedicated clean ballast tanks for certain new and existing vessels of 40,000 DWT or more ..........................157.10a
Crude oil washing systems, and dedicated clean ballast Tanks for
certain new and existing vessels of 20,000 to 40,000 DWT.....................157.10c
Dedicated clean ballast tanks, and special ballast arrangements for
tank vessels transporting Outer Continental Shelf oil .......................157.10b
Slop tanks in tank vessels............................................................................. 157.15
Submission of calculations, plans, and specifications................................... 157.24

Equipment .................................................................................. Part 155-Subpart B
Bilge slops discharges on oceangoing ships of 400 gross tons and above,
but less than 10,000 gross tons, excluding ships that carry ballast
water in their fuel oil tanks .................................................................. 155.360
Bilge Slops/Fuel Oil Tank Ballast Water Discharges..........................................
On oceangoing ships of less than 400 gross tons ........................................155.350
On oceangoing ships of 10,000 gross tons and above and oceangoing
ships of 400 gross tons and above that carry ballast water in their
fuel oil tanks .......................................................................................155.370
On U.S, non-oceangoing ships ...................................................................155.330
Containment of Oil and Hazardous Material Cargo Discharges ................... 155.310
Damage Stability Information for:
Inland oil barges .......................................................................................155.245
Oil tankers and offshore oil barges ...........................................................155.240
Definitions ................................................................................................... 155.200
Discharge Removal Equipment for Vessels:
Less than 400 feet in length.......................................................................155.210
400 feet or greater in length ......................................................................155.205
Carrying oil as secondary cargo ................................................................155.220
Inland oil barges .......................................................................................155.215
Emergency Towing Capability for:
Oil barges ..................................................................................................155.230
Oil tankers ................................................................................................155.235
Fuel Oil and Bulk Lubricating Oil Discharge Containment ........................ 155.320
Internal Cargo Transfer Capability ............................................................. 155.225
Oily-water Separating Equipment, Bilge Alarm, and Bilge Monitor Approval Standards.................................................................................... 155.380
Overfill Devices............................................................................................ 155.480
Placard ........................................................................................................ 155.450
Platform Machinery Space Drainage on Oceangoing Fixed and Floating Drilling Rigs and other Platforms ................................................... 155.400
Prohibited Spaces ........................................................................................ 155.470
Pumping, Piping, and Discharge Requirements for:
Ocean-going ships of 100 gross tons and above, but Less than 400 gross
tons .....................................................................................................155.420
U.S. non-oceangoing ships of 100 gross tons and above .............................155.410
Segregation of Fuel Oil and Water Ballast on New Ocean-going Ships
of 4,000 Gross Tons and above, other than Oil Tankers, and on New
Oceangoing Oil Tankers of 150 Gross Tons and above ............................ 155.440
Standard Discharge Connections for Oceangoing Ships of 400 Gross
Tons and above ...................................................................................... 155.430
Equipment Requirements ........................................................... Part 154-Subpart C
Closure devices ............................................................................................ 154.520
Communications .......................................................................................... 154.560
Discharge containment equipment .............................................................. 154.545
Discharge removal ....................................................................................... 154.540


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Subchapter O
Emergency shutdown................................................................................... 154.550
Hose assemblies ........................................................................................... 154.500
Lighting ....................................................................................................... 154.570
Loading arms ............................................................................................... 154.510
Monitoring devices ...................................................................................... 154.525
Small discharge containment ...................................................................... 154.530
Exemption from § 157.10a or § 157.10c ........................................... Part 157-Subpart F
Applying for an exemption or requesting modification of an exemption ........................................................................................................ 157.302
Exempted vessels: Operations...................................................................... 157.310
Granting, denying or modifying an exemption ............................................ 157.306
Qualifications for exemptions under this part............................................. 157.300
Revocation of exemptions: Procedure and appeal........................................ 157.308

Facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk ............................ Part 154
Facility Operations .................................................................... Part 154-Subpart D
Compliance with operations manual ........................................................... 154.750
General ........................................................................................................ 154.700
Persons in charge:
Designation and qualifications .................................................................154.710
Evidence of designation ............................................................................154.730
Records ........................................................................................................ 154.740
Safety requirements .................................................................................... 154.735

Garbage Pollution and Sewage ................................................... Part 151-Subpart A
Applicability ................................................................................................. 151.51
Exceptions for emergencies........................................................................... 151.77
Grinders or comminuters .............................................................................. 151.75
Inspection for compliance and enforcement.................................................. 151.61
[Reserved] .................................................................................................... 153.107
General ............................................................... Parts, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159
Alteration .................................................................................................... 154.107
Appeals .............................................................................................. 157.06, 158.190
Applicability................................................... 151.03, 154.100, 155.100, 157.01, 158.110
Authorization of classification societies....................................................... 157.04
CERCLA delegations.................................................................................... 153.109
Certificate of Adequacy: Applying for ......................................................... 158.140
Certificate of Adequacy: Change of information ......................................... 158.165
Certificate of Adequacy: Issuance and termination..................................... 158.160
Certificate of Adequacy: Ports and Terminals; Which must have ............... 158.135
Definition .................................................................................................... 154.105
Definitions and acronyms ............................................................................ 158.120
Definitions ......................................................... 151.05, 153.103, 155.110, 157.03, 159.3
Delegations ....................................................................................... 151.07, 158.130
Denial of entry .............................................................................................. 151.08
Equivalents ....................................................................................... 155.120, 157.07
Exemptions ...................................................................................... 154.108, 155.130
Facility examination ................................................................................... 154.120
FWPCA delegations and redelegation.......................................................... 153.105
Incorporation by reference ..................................................... 154.106,155.140, 157.02
Letter of intent............................................................................................ 154.110
Penalties for Violation...................................................................... 151.04, 158.115
Performing calculations for this part ........................................................... 157.05
Ports and Terminals; Which must provide facilities ................................... 158.133
Purpose......................................................................... 151.01, 153.101, 158.100, 159.1


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Reception Facility Operations..................................................................... 158.163
Reporting inadequate reception facilities ................................................... 158.167
Requirements for vessel manufacturers ......................................................... 159.5
Requirements for vessel operators.................................................................. 159.7
Revocation, Procedures after ...................................................................... 158.180
Special areas ................................................................................................. 151.06
Suspension ................................................................................................... 158.174
Suspension: Actions during ......................................................................... 158.178
Suspension: Effects of .................................................................................. 158.176
Suspension: Grounds for .............................................................................. 158.170
Suspension: Notification of ......................................................................... 158.172
Waivers and alternative............................................................................... 158.150

Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 and the Protocol on Environmental
Protection to the Antarctic Treaty as it Pertains to Pollution from
Ships ................................................................................................... Subpart A
Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Animal or Vegetable Oils ............................................ Part 157-Subpart H
Operational measures .................................................................................. 157.510
Purpose and applicability ............................................................................ 157.500
Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Other Non-Petroleum Oils............................................ Part 157-Subpart I
Operational measures .................................................................................. 157.610
Purpose and applicability ............................................................................ 157.600
Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Petroleum Oils ............................................................ Part 157-Subpart G
Additional operational requirements for tank barges ................................. 157.460
Autopilot alarm or indicator ....................................................................... 157.440
Bridge resource management policy and procedures ................................... 157.415
Emergency lightering requirements for oil tankers .................................... 157.410
Enhanced survey requirements.................................................................... 157.430
Maneuvering and vessel status information ................................................ 157.450
Maneuvering performance capability .......................................................... 157.445
Minimum under-keel clearance ................................................................... 157.455
Purpose and applicability ............................................................................ 157.400
Vessel specific watch policy and procedures................................................ 157.420
Vital systems surveys.................................................................................. 157.435

Lightering Zones and Operational Requirements for the Gulf of Mexico ......................................................................................... Part 156-Subpart C
Designated lightering zones......................................................................... 156.300
Gulmex No. 2 .........................................................................................156.300(b)
Offshore Pascagoula No. 2 .....................................................................156.300(c)
South Sabine Point...............................................................................156.300(d)
Southtex ...............................................................................................156.300(a)
Helicopter Operations.............................................................................. 156.330(c)
Maximum operating conditions ................................................................... 156.320
Operations ................................................................................................... 156.330
Prohibited areas .......................................................................................... 156.310
Ewing ....................................................................................................156.310(c)
Flower Garden ......................................................................................156.310(b)


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Subchapter O
Marine sanitation devices ............................................................................ Part 159

Notice of the Discharge of Oil or Hazardous Substance.............. Part 153-Subpart B
Fines ............................................................................................................ 153.205
Procedure for the notice of discharge .......................................................... 153.203
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 153.201
Noxious Liquid Substance Pollution
Applicability ................................................................................................. 151.30
A, B, C, and D; reporting spills of NLS .......................................................151.45
A, B, C, and D NLS; requirements for oceangoing ships .............................151.31
C and D Oil-like NLSs allowed for carriage ................................................151.49
C Oil-like NLS; certificates needed to carry ..............................................151.33
C and D Oil-like NLSs; operating requirements for ocean-going ships
with IOPP Certificates .........................................................................151.41
D NLS and Category D Oil-like NLS ..........................................................151.35
D NLS; operating requirements..................................................................151.39
D NLSs other than oil-like Category D NLSs that may be carried
under this Subpart................................................................................151.47
NLS residues, control of discharge .............................................................151.43
Obtaining an Attachment for NLS to the IOPP Certificate and obtaining an NLS Certificate ...................................................................151.37

Oil and hazardous material transfer operations ......................... Part 156-Subpart A
Alternatives................................................................................................. 156.107
Applicability................................................................................................ 156.100
Compliance with suspension order............................................................... 156.113
Connection ................................................................................................... 156.130
Declaration of Inspection ............................................................................ 156.150
Definitions ................................................................................................... 156.105
Discharge cleanup........................................................................................ 156.125
Equipment tests and inspections ................................................................. 156.170
Exemptions .................................................................................................. 156.110
Incorporation by reference .......................................................................... 156.111
Person in Charge
Limitations ...............................................................................................156.115
Supervision ...............................................................................................156.160
Suspension order.......................................................................................... 156.112
Advance notice..........................................................................................156.118
Requirements ............................................................................................156.120
Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention regulations for vessels ......................................................................................................... Part 155
Oil Pollution
Applicability ................................................................................................. 151.09
Control of discharge of oil ............................................................................. 151.10
Exceptions for emergencies........................................................................... 151.11
Foreign ships ................................................................................................. 151.29
Inspections for compliance and enforcement ................................................ 151.23
International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificates ......................... 151.19
Oil Record Book ............................................................................................ 151.25
Operating Requirements: Discharge of garbage
From fixed or floating platforms .................................................................. 151.73


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In the navigable water prohibited ................................................................. 151.66
Outside special areas ..................................................................................... 151.69
Within special areas ...................................................................................... 151.71
Operating Requirements: Discharge of plastic prohibited ............................... 151.67
Operating requirements: Discharge of sewage within Antarctica .................... 151.79
Operations Manual...................................................................... Part 154-Subpart B
Amendment ................................................................................................. 154.320
Contents....................................................................................................... 154.310
General ........................................................................................................ 154.300
Procedures for examination......................................................................... 154.325

Placards ........................................................................................................... 151.59
Review and revision ...................................................................................... 151.28
Submission and approval............................................................................... 151.27
Reporting requirements ................................................................................ 151.15
Shipboard oil pollution emergency plans ...................................................... 151.26
Special areas for Annex of MARPOL 73/78..................................................... 151.13
Surveys.......................................................................................................... 151.17
Ports and terminal operations................................................. Part 158-Subpart E
Draining cargo area and piping systems...................................................... 158.500
Following the instruction manual............................................................... 158.520

Reception facilities for oil, noxious liquid substances (nls), and garbage ........................................................................................................ Part 158
Recognition of Facilities
Application .................................................................................................. 159.201
Criteria for recognition ............................................................................... 159.205
Recordkeeping requirements............................................................................ 151.55
Reporting requirements ................................................................................ 151.65
Removal of Discharged Oil........................................................................... Part 153
Applicability................................................................................................ 153.303
Methods and procedures for the removal of discharged oil.......................... 153.305
Penalties...................................................................................................... 153.307
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 153.301
Response Plans for Animal Fats and Vegetable
Oils Facilities .......................................................................... Part 154-Subpart H
Development and evaluation criteria for facilities that handle, store,
or transport animal fats and vegetable oils ......................................... 154.1225
Methods of ensuring the availability of response resources by contract
or other approved means ...................................................................... 154.1228
Purpose and applicability .......................................................................... 154.1210
Submission requirements ........................................................................... 154.1220
Response Plans for Oil Facilities ................................................ Part 154-Subpart F
Appeal process............................................................................................ 154.1075
Applicability .............................................................................................. 154.1015
Deficiencies ................................................................................................ 154.1070
Definitions ................................................................................................. 154.1020
Exercises .................................................................................................... 154.1055
Facility classification by COTP ................................................................. 154.1016
General response plan contents.................................................................. 154.1030
Inspection and maintenance of response resources .................................... 154.1057
Methods of ensuring the availability of response resources by contract
or other approved means ...................................................................... 154.1028
Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization ..................... 154.1025


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Subchapter O
Plan review and revision procedures .......................................................... 154.1065
Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual ............................. 154.1026
Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that
handle, store, or transport Group I through Group IV petroleum
oils........................................................................................................ 154.1045
Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that
handle, store, or transport Group V petroleum oils ............................. 154.1047
Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected
to cause significant and substantial harm to the environment ........... 154.1035
Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected
to cause substantial harm to the environment .................................... 154.1040
Specific response information to be maintained on mobile MTR facilities ....................................................................................................... 154.1041
Submission and approval procedures ......................................................... 154.1060
Worst case discharge .................................................................................. 154.1029
Response Plans for Other Non-Petroleum Oil
Facilities .................................................................................. Part 154-Subpart I
Purpose and applicability .......................................................................... 154.1310
Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that
handle, store, or transport other non-petroleum oils........................... 154.1325
Response plan submission requirements .................................................... 154.1320
Response Plan Requirements...................................................... Part 155-Subpart D
Applicability .............................................................................................. 155.1015
Definitions ................................................................................................. 155.1020
Development and Evaluation Criteria for Vessels Carrying:
Groups I through IV petroleum oil as a primary cargo ................................. 155.1050
Group V petroleum oil as a primary cargo ..............................................155.1052
Exercises .................................................................................................... 155.1060
General response plan requirements .......................................................... 155.1030
Inspection and Maintenance of Response Resources .................................. 155.1062
Manned Vessels Carrying Oil as a Primary Cargo...................................... 155.1035
Review, Revision, Amendment, and Appeal.............................................155.1070
Submission, Approval, Requests for Acceptance of Alternative Planning Criteria, and Appeal ..................................................................155.1065
Qualified Individual and Alternate Qualified Individual............................ 155.1026
Training ..................................................................................................... 155.1055
Unmanned Tank Barges Carrying Oil as a Primary Cargo......................... 155.1040
Vessels Carrying Oil as a Secondary Cargo ................................................ 155.1045
Response Plan Requirements for Vessels Carrying Animal
Fats and Vegetable Oils as a Primary Cargo ........................... Part 155-Subpart F
Development and Evaluation Criteria........................................................ 155.1230
Purpose and Applicability .......................................................................... 155.1210
Submission Requirements .......................................................................... 155.1225
Response Plan Requirements for Vessels Carrying Other
Non-Petroleum Oils as a Primary Cargo ................................. Part 155-Subpart G
Plan Development and Evaluation Criteria ............................................... 155.2230
Purpose and Applicability .......................................................................... 155.2210
Submission Requirements .......................................................................... 155.2225
Rules for the protection of the marine environment relating to tank vessels carrying oil in bulk ......................................................................... Part 157

Shipboard control of garbage ........................................................................... 151.63
Special areas for Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 .................................................... 151.53
Special areas for the purpose of Annex II......................................................... 151.32
Special Requirements for Lightering of Oil and Hazardous


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Material Cargoes...................................................................... Part 156-Subpart B
Applicability................................................................................................ 156.200
Definitions ................................................................................................... 156.205
General ........................................................................................................ 156.210
Lightering Zones
Designation ...............................................................................................156.225
Factors considered ....................................................................................156.230
Pre-arrival Notices ...................................................................................... 156.215
Reporting of Incidents ................................................................................. 156.220

Tankers Loading Cargo at a Facility Permitted under the Trans-Alaska
Pipeline Authorization Act (TAPAA) ................................... Part 155-Subpart E
Additional Requirements ........................................................................... 155.1125
Definitions ................................................................................................. 155.1115
Development and Evaluation Criteria........................................................ 155.1135
Operating Restrictions and Interim Operating uthorization ..................... 155.1120
Pre-positioned Response Equipment .......................................................... 155.1130
Purpose and Applicability .......................................................................... 155.1110
Revision and Amendment Procedures ........................................................ 155.1115
Submission and Approval Procedures ........................................................ 155.1145
Transfer Personnel, Procedures, Equipment, and Records ......... Part 155-Subpart C
Closure Devices............................................................................................ 155.805
Communications .......................................................................................... 155.785
Deck Lighting.............................................................................................. 155.790
Draining into bilges ..................................................................................... 155.770
Emergency Shutdown .................................................................................. 155.780
Maximum Cargo Level of Oil ....................................................................... 155.775
Person in Charge.......................................................................................... 155.700
Designation ...............................................................................................155.700
Records ........................................................................................................ 155.820
Tank Vessel ................................................................................................. 155.815
Security ....................................................................................................155.810
Transfer Hose............................................................................................... 155.800
Transfer Procedures..................................................................................... 155.720
Amendments .............................................................................................155.760
Contents ....................................................................................................155.750
Transportation of Municipal and Commercial Waste ................. Part 151-Subpart B
Appeals ....................................................................................................... 151.1021
Applicability .............................................................................................. 151.1003
Applying for a conditional permit.............................................................. 151.1012
Definitions ................................................................................................. 151.1006
Display of number ...................................................................................... 151.1024
Issuing or denying the issuance of a conditional permit............................ 151.1015
Purpose....................................................................................................... 151.1000
Transportation of municipal or commercial waste .................................... 151.1009
Withdrawal of a conditional permit ........................................................... 151.1018
Trans Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (TAPAA) Facility Operating in
Prince William Sound, Alaska.............................................. Part 154-Subpart G
Additional response plan requirements...................................................... 154.1125
Definitions ................................................................................................. 154.1115
Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization ..................... 154.1120
Purpose and applicability .......................................................................... 154.1110


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Subchapter O
Requirements for pre-positioned response equipment................................ 154.1130
Response plan development and evaluation criteria .................................. 154.1135
TAPAA facility contracting with a vessel ................................................. 154.1140

Vapor Control Systems
Applicability................................................................................................ 154.800
Application for acceptance as a certifying entity ....................................... 154.806
Definitions ................................................................................................... 154.802
Detonation arresters, flame arresters, and flame screens ........................... 154.822
Fire, explosion, and detonation protection.................................................. 154.820
Inerting, enriching, and diluting systems ................................................... 154.824
Operational requirements ............................................................................ 154.850
Personnel training ....................................................................................... 154.840
Review, certification,, and initial inspection .............................................. 154.804
Vapor compression and blowers ................................................................... 154.826
Vapor control system, general..................................................................... 154.808
Vapor line connections ................................................................................ 154.810
Vapor recovery and vapor destruction units ............................................... 154.828
Vessel liquid overfill protection, facility requirements .............................. 154.812
Vessel vapor over pressure an vacuum protection ....................................... 154.814
Vessels carrying oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or
commercial waste, and ballast water..................................................... Part 151
Vessel Operation
Applicability ................................................................................................. 157.25
Ballast added to cargo tanks......................................................................... 157.35
Discharges of/from
Cargo residue ..............................................................................................157.37
Chemical additives .....................................................................................157.31
Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross tons or more.........................................157.29
Tank vessels carrying oil exclusively on rivers, lakes, bays, sounds,
and the Great Lakes, and seagoing tank vessels of less than 150
gross tons..............................................................................................157.27
Tank barges exempted from certain design requirements..........................157.28
Of clean and segregated ballast: Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross
tons or more ......................................................................................157.43
Emergencies .................................................................................................. 157.41
Information for master ................................................................................. 157.47
Instruction manual ....................................................................................... 157.49
Machinery space bilges ................................................................................. 157.39
Operation of a tank vessel in violation of regulations .................................. 157.26
Valves in cargo or ballast piping system ...................................................... 157.45

Waste management plans ................................................................................. 151.57


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