DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation

Attachment E_DELTA Focus Survey 5.9.16


OMB: 0920-0984

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DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
1. Introduction

Welcome to the DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey! The survey is being administered in
compliance with the DELTA FOCUS cooperative agreement (FOA-CE13-1302). As the SDVC
Executive Director, the SDVC DELTA FOCUS Coordinator, the Project Coordinator of a funded CCR,
or SDVC Empowerment Evaluator you were sent a direct link to this survey. This survey is part of
the DELTA FOCUS program evaluation and is being conducted for programmatic improvement. The
survey will not be used as a means of reducing or canceling funding.
We know your time is valuable. In designing the survey we made every effort to limit the questions
to those most essential to evaluating the implementation of DELTA FOCUS. The survey is expected
to take 1 hour to complete.
Responses to the survey are not anonymous but will be treated in a secure manner and any
findings will be reported in the aggregate. If you have immediate questions about navigating the
survey or technical issues please contact Moira Rivera at 302.521.0282 or via email at
[email protected]. If you are unable to complete the survey please have the primary
SDVC contact notify the assigned project officer.
THANK YOU for completing this survey and being a part of the DELTA FOCUS Program!


OMB Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0984
Exp. Date: X/XX/XXXX
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE,
MS D74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0984).


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
2. Survey Terminology

A word about the terms used in this survey.
CCR is the local coordinated community responses, or a local organization funded by the state
domestic violence coalitions (SDVC).
ED refers to Executive Director of the SDVC.
EE refers to the Empowerment Evaluators hired by the SDVCs.
IST refers to the Implementation Support Team which includes SDVC leadership, leadership from
CCRs, SDVC policy staff, SDVC prevention personnel, and the contracted/hired EE.
Leadership team is comprised of all members of the IST and other pertinent stakeholders from
various sectors, e.g., state health departments, local health departments, community organizing
networks, local youthbased community organizations, state sexual violence coalitions, CDCRPE
(Rape Prevention Education) recipients, etc.
MIS is the management information system.
PC or Project Coordinator are used to refer to the primary program manager of DELTA FOCUS at
the state and local levels even if their actual title differs.
Primary Prevention refers to approaches that take place before intimate partner violence has
occurred to prevent initial perpetration or victimization.
Year 1 ended on March 1, 2014. Items that specify input since the end of Year 1 should be based on
March 2, 2014 to the present.
Selected strategies are the strategies your SDVC or CCR have chosen to implement and evaluate


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
3. Screening Questions

1. Which SDVC funds or supports your role in the DELTA FOCUS Program?

2. What is your role in the DELTA FOCUS Program?


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
4. Communication and Support

This section asks about the usefulness of communication methods and helpfulness of technical
assistance in the DELTA FOCUS program.
3. Since the end of Year 1, please indicate how useful each of the following communication mechanisms
has been.






a. Project-wide calls
b. Grantee-led calls
c. Empowerment evaluator calls
d. Grantee meeting
e. PhConnect
f. Basecamp
g. MIS


4. Since the end of Year 1, please indicate how helpful or unhelpful CDC project team support has been for
each of the following.
Not Very Somewhat




a. Using PhConnect
b. Using CDMIS (Chronic Disease Management Information System)
c. Reporting (e.g. providing templates)
d. Technical assistance and subject matter expertise on implementing DELTA
FOCUS (i.e. grantees’ statewide efforts, grantees’ provision of TA, training
and monitoring to the CCRs on local efforts, and grantees’ evaluation efforts)
e. Technical assistance and subject matter expertise on evaluation (i.e.
evaluability assessments, evaluation plans, data-to-action process)
f. Sharing how data collected by CDC is/will be used
g. Facilitating a collaborative learning environment among DELTA FOCUS
SDVCs (includes collaboration among EEs)
h. Facilitating national-level dialogue to promote IPV prevention
i. Collaborating to align state, local, and project-wide evaluation plans
j. Facilitating a collaborative learning environment among EEs
Other areas for which more or less support is needed

5. Since the end of Year 1, please indicate how helpful or unhelpful the SDVC support has been for each of
the following.





a. Support for creating an action plan
b. Support for creating an evaluation plan
c. Support for strategy implementation and evaluation (i.e., technical
assistance, training, coaching)
d. Facilitating a collaborative learning environment among CCRs
e. Facilitating CCR participation in CDC sponsored collaborative learning
f. Facilitating and supporting the EE to work with CCRs
Other areas for which more or less support is needed


6. Since the end of Year 1, EEs please indicate the amount of support you provide to the SDVC(s) for each
topic below.
None At All

A Small

A Fair Amount

A Great Deal

Not Needed At
This Time

a. Program or strategy goal setting
b. Developing SMART objectives
c. Creating logic models
d. Aligning work plans with goals, strategies,
timeline, and logic model
e. Conducting evaluability assessments
f. Developing evaluation plans
g. Identifying data sources
h. Identifying indicators
i. Developing evaluation questions
j. Collecting data
k. Managing data (i.e. cleaning and storing)
l. Analyzing data
m. Using evaluation findings for program
n. Sharing evaluation findings
o. Building evaluation capacity
p. Using evaluation findings to build practice-based
Other topic(s) (please specify)


7. Since the end of Year 1, EEs please indicate the amount of support you provide to the CCR(s) for each
topic below.
None At All

A Small

A Fair Amount

A Great Deal

Not Needed At
This Time

a. Program or strategy goal setting
b. Developing SMART objectives
c. Creating logic models
d. Aligning work plans with goals, strategies,
timeline, and logic model
e. Conducting evaluability assessments
f. Developing evaluation plans
g. Identifying data sources
h. Identifying indicators
i. Developing evaluation questions
j. Collecting data
k. Managing data (i.e. cleaning and storing)
l. Analyzing data
m. Using evaluation findings for program
n. Sharing evaluation findings
o. Building evaluation capacity
p. Using evaluation findings to build practice-based
Other topic(s) (please specify)


8. Since the end of Year 1, EEs please share your opinion on the support the CDC project team is currently
providing to SDVCs for each topic below.
Supported Is

Support Is

Less Support
Is Needed

No Support Is
Needed At
This Time

Don't Know

a. Program or strategy goal setting
b. Developing SMART objectives
c. Creating logic models
d. Aligning logic model with action plans
e. Conducting evaluability assessments
f. Developing evaluation plans
g. Identifying appropriate data sources
h. Identifying indicators
i. Developing evaluation questions
j. Collecting data
k. Managing data (i.e. cleaning and storing)
l. Analyzing data
m. Using evaluation findings for program
n. Sharing evaluation findings
o. Building evaluation capacity
p. Using evaluation findings to build practice-based
Other topic(s) (please specify)


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
5. Program and Strategy Implementation

This section asks about implementation factors that support competent and sustainable program
Evaluators, state domestic violence coalition Project Coordinators and Executive Directors please
answer for your SDVC. CCR respondents please answer for your CCR.
9. Which factors contributed most to deciding on which DELTA FOCUS strategies to implement? (Select 3
a. Evaluability assessments
b. Social deterimants of health equity trainings
c. Organization vision and mission
d. Previous or current organization prevention work
e. Priorities of partners/partner recommendation
f. CDC project officer
g. The Funding Opportunity Announcement/cooperative agreement
h. Community needs assessment
i. Health impact assessment
j. Existing local programs
k. Existing local data (judicial, medical, or educational)
Other factor(s) (please specify)

10. What trainings, meetings, or conferences did you find most useful to your DELTA FOCUS
implementation and evaluation (included but not limited to CDC-led trainings)?


11. Which procedures has the Implementation Support Team put into place to monitor and support
progress of implementing selected strategies for DELTA FOCUS? (Select all that apply)
a. Holding regularly scheduled meetings
b. Producing progress reports
c. Visiting implementation sites
d. Informal opportunities (hallway conversations, phone calls, etc.)
e. No formal or informal procedures
Other strategy/strategies (please specify)

12. How valuable was having an Implementation Support Team for your DELTA FOCUS work?
Not Valuable
Somewhat Valuable
Very Valuable
Please comment


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
6. Program and Strategy Implementation Continued

Evaluators, state domestic violence coalition Project Coordinators and Executive Directors please
answer for your SDVC. CCR respondents please answer for your CCR.
13. Please rate the extent of the Leadership Team's participation in each of the following activities.


Participation At


a. Development of the state action plans
b. Review of existing state plans for IPV prevention and sexual
violence prevention
c. Update of existing state plans for IPV prevention as needed
d. Addressing barriers to implementation
e. Ensuring linkages between state prevention strategies and
prevention strategies implemented across the state at local levels
f. Coordinating with other IPV prevention stakeholders across
public sectors to reduce duplication in programs, services, and/or
data collections
Other activity/activities (please specify)


14. On average, how often do the following entities use the State Action Plan to monitor progress and
evaluate the implementation of DELTA FOCUS at the state level?

SemiAnnually Annually Quarterly



a. Leadership Team
b. State-level Implementation Support Team
c. State Domestic Violence Coalition Executive Director
d. State Domestic Violence Coalition Project Coordinator
e. CCR Project Coordinator
f. Empowerment Evaluator
In the space below, please identify which (if any) other entities use the State Action Plan to guide their efforts

15. On average, how often do the following entities use the Community Action Plan to monitor progress
and evaluate the implementation of DELTA FOCUS at the local level?

SemiAnnually Annually Quarterly



a. Leadership Team
b. State-level Implementation Support Team
c. State Domestic Violence Coalition Executive Director
d. State Domestic Violence Coalition Project Coordinator
e. CCR Project Coordinator
f. Empowerment Evaluator
In the space below, describe which (if any) other entities use the Community Action Plan to guide their work

16. Provide one specific example of a structure or process within a community (neighborhood, region,
county, or city) or institution (e.g. school, church, hospital, community center, or agency) that changed to
support the implementation of a DELTA FOCUS strategy. (If nothing changed write “no changes were
made” in the box below)


17. Since the end of Year 1, what opportunities for your organization were created by the implementation of
DELTA FOCUS strategies? (Select all that apply)
a. No opportunities were created by the implementation of DELTA FOCUS strategies
b. Established new partnerships with new sectors (e.g. housing, transportation, city or state planners, faith institutions, parks, or
c. Increased organization visibility
d. Greater emphasis on prevention
e. New or strengthened relationship with [state or local] public health department
f. New or strengthened relationship with elected officials
g. New or strengthened relationship with community leaders
h. New or strengthened relationship with CDC's RPE recipients
i. Identified new community resources
j. Expanded reach of existing programs or strategies
k. Integrated IPV prevention into other initiatives or sectors
l. Greater media exposure for IPV prevention
m. Leveraged findings for additional prevention funding
n. Don't know
Other opportunity/opportunities (please specify)


18. Since the end of Year 1, what barriers for the organization were created by the implementation of
DELTA FOCUS strategies? (Select all that apply)
a. No barriers were created by the implementation of selected strategies
b. Loss of support from traditional partners
c. Perceived loss of focus on providing victim services
d. Perceived loss of accountability for perpetrators
e. Perceived shift of focus from core mission
f. Old partnerships were strained with the addition of new partner types
g. Evaluation became a greater challenge due to outer layer focus
h. Don't know
Other barriers (please specify)


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
7. Prevention and Public Health Approach

This section addresses integration and support for prevention and the public health approach.
Evaluators, state domestic violence coalition Project Coordinators and Executive Directors please
answer for your SDVC. CCR respondents please answer for your CCR.
19. Since the end of Year 1, how has your organization provided opportunities for staff (beyond DELTA
FOCUS funded personnel) and board members to be trained on concepts related to preventing intimate
partner violence? (check all that apply)
a. No training opportunities for IPV prevention provided
b. Conducted in-person workshops
c. Allowed staff to attend trainings conducted outside the organization
d. Encouraged board members to attend training conducted outside the organization
e. Held retreats that included IPV prevention topics
f. Incorporated prevention topics into staff or board meetings
g. Distributed written information
Other opportunity/opportunities (please specify)

20. We know that all efforts to prevent IPV and address its consequences are important. Relative to victim
services, in your opinion how does the organization prioritize primary prevention? (Select one)
a. Not a priority at all
b. Less of a priority than victim services
c. About the same priority as victim services
d. Higher priority than victim services
e. Don’t know


21. Please indicate the extent to which your organization has or has not engaged in each of the activities

Yes, often

Yes, but
or in a
limited way

Not at all

Don't Know


a. Identified risk and protective factors of intimate partner
b. Collected our own data on intimate partner violence risk and
protective factors
c. Used publicly available data to track and monitor risk and
protective factors
d. Identified programs, practices, or strategies that are based on
the best available evidence to prevent intimate partner violence
e. Identified programs, practices, or strategies that address
social determinants of risk for intimate partner violence
f. Examined scientific and programmatic literature to identify
programs, practices, or strategies that have shown positive
effects in reducing or preventing intimate partner violence or
social determinants of inequities in intimate partner violence


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
8. Data Informed Decision-making

This section addresses decisions to change course in either how strategies are implemented or
which strategies to implement.
Evaluators, state domestic violence coalition Project Coordinators and Executive Directors please
answer for your SDVC. CCR respondents please answer for your CCR.
22. Since the end of Year 1, has the organization made data-informed changes in how the DELTA
FOCUS strategies are implemented? (Select all that apply)
a. No changes were made
b. Yes, changes were made based on anecdotal information
c. Yes, changes were made based on data-to-action findings
d. Yes, changes were made based on community data
e. I am not aware whether changes were made or were not made
Yes, changes were made based on other reason(s) (please explain)


23. Please select the data-informed changes that were made. (Select all that apply)
a. Selected different partners
b. Modified which risk or protective factors will be changed
c. Moved the physical location of a program or strategy
d. Changed a strategy setting (e.g. from school to neighborhood)
e. Increased or decreased size of population to be affected by a strategy (e.g. School district-wide vs. middle schools only)
f. Changed a strategy's target population (e.g. youth to youth workers)
g. Changed a strategy's objectives or intended outcomes
h. Changed data collection plan (e.g. what data to collect, how to collect data, where to collect data, who provides the data, or
who collects the data)
i. Changed strategy entirely
Other change(s) (please specify)

24. Since the end of Year 1, has the organization made data-informed changes in what to implement?
a. No changes were made in which strategies to implement
b. Yes, changes were made based on anecdotal information
c. Yes, changes were made based on data-to-action findings
d. Yes, changes were made based on community data
e. I am not aware whether changes were made or were not made
Yes, changes were made based on other reason(s) (please explain)


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
9. Sustainability

This section will address general organizational capacity, prevention capacity, and evaluation
capacity which are all necessary for 1) implementing and evaluating any kind of intervention and 2)
maintaining the momentum to collaboratively sustain prevention outcomes and programmatic
Evaluators, state domestic violence coalition Project Coordinators and Executive Directors please
answer for your SDVC. CCR respondents please answer for your CCR.
25. Please rate your organization's success with each of the following efforts.



Successful Don't Know


a. Creating clear communication network between
the organization and the broader community
b. Using the media to promote awareness of
organization goals and accomplishments
c. Welcoming new members to the organization
d. Recruiting new members to the organization
e. Sustaining member interest in participating in
the organization
f. Making efforts to sustain itself over time
g. Successfully generating resources for itself
h. Making contributions to intimate partner violence
prevention (e.g. developing tools, programs, or
approaches; building or enhancing surveillance
system; sharing evaluation or research findings)
i. Actively engaging youth in teen dating violence
j. Sustaining survivor participation in the
k. Achieving organizational practices that are
culturally competent and relevant


26. Different types of violence overlap and are often funded separately. In the past year which types of
violence did your organization seek to prevent (regardless of funding source)? (Check all that apply)
a. None
b. Intimate partner violence
c. Sexual violence
d. Child maltreatment
e. Bullying
f. Teen dating violence
g. Youth violence other than bullying and teen dating violence
h. Suicide
i. Gun violence
j. Elder abuse
k. Don't know
Other type(s) (please specify)

27. Please rate the extent to which your organization has personnel with expertise to do the following?
Some Moderate Strong
expertise expertise expertise expertise



a. Explain the benefits of evaluation to organization partners
b. Effectively overcome barriers to organization participation in
evaluations (including board members and leadership team)
c. Effectively overcome barriers to community participation in
evaluations (including partner organizations and partner settings)


28. Since the beginning of DELTA FOCUS, which of the following dissemination channels have you used to
share your DELTA FOCUS work beyond your state or community (select all that apply):
a. Presented at national or regional professional conferences
b. Collaborated on the work with prevention organizations in other states
c. Offered webinars or workshops on IPV prevention outside of your state (includes webinars or workshops that were attended by
participants outside of your state or community)
d. Shared information about the work for news stories on IPV prevention that were disseminated outside of your state
e. Offered products or tools on your website
f. Shared products or tools with CDC
g. Participated in the development of highlight stories
h. Participated in the development of case studies
i. Described the work in peer-reviewed professional publications
j. Shared evaluation findings with violence prevention practitioners in other states
k. Shared evaluation findings with CDC
l. Don't know
Other way(s) (please specify)


29. Indicate the strength of partnership with each type of partner listed below.
New And


Improvement Don't Know



a. Academia/Education
b. Business/For Profit/ Consultant
c. Coalition/Alliance
d. Community Based Organization
e. Community Member
f. Elected/Appointed Official
g. Foundation/ Philanthropic
h. Government Organization
i. Public Health Organization
j. Public Relations/ Media
k. Rape Prevention Education (RPE) Program
l. Tribal Government Organization
m. Other DELTA FOCUS Coalitions
Other type(s) (please specify)

30. Is there a written sustainability plan in place at your organization to promote and support intimate
partner violence prevention efforts on an ongoing basis?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know


DELTA FOCUS Program Evaluation Survey
10. Finished

Thank you for completing this survey on behalf of the entire CDC DELTA FOCUS team!


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2016-05-11
File Created2016-05-09

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