NEW SS SMART_ 16 May 2016X

NEW SS SMART_ 16 May 2016.DOCX

Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program

OMB: 0704-0466

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OMB Control Number 0704-0466



1.  Need for the Information Collection

The DoD Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program, authorized by 5 U.S.C. §3304 Competitive service examinations and 10 U.S.C. §2192a, Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Defense Education Program is part of the National Defense Education Program. SMART is fully funded by the DoD and is designed to increase the number of new civilian science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) entrants to the DoD. Additionally, the SMART Program develops and retains current DoD civilian STEM employees that are critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense and are needed in the Department of Defense workforce. SMART awards scholarships, ranging from 1 year to 5 years, to undergraduate and graduate level students pursuing a degree in one of 19 technical disciplines. Upon graduation, participants fulfill a service commitment with the DoD facility that nominated the participant for an award (the sponsoring facility, or SF).

The information collection activity under review is a statutory and functional requirement necessary to administer the scholarship program. SMART requires a competitive application process. All awardees must be U.S. citizens at the time of application or a citizen of a country the government of which is a party to the Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) memorandum of understanding of October 24, 1995, 18 years or older as of 1 August 2016, able to participate in summer internships at DoD laboratories, willing to accept post-graduation employment with the DoD, be a current college student in good standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (as calculated by the SMART application), pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the 19 program funded disciplines, and eligible to obtain and maintain a secret level security clearance.

In order to apply for the program, information is required so that the application may be evaluated for compliance with statutory eligibility requirements, academic merit, and compatibility with DoD workforce needs. The information collected consists of applications submitted by members of the general public and current DoD personnel who actively choose to become involved in SMART and thus become subject to information collection. The applications include information on academic records, community and volunteer activities, letters of recommendations from faculty and community leaders, a list of publications, work experience, certification of citizenship and personal contact information. All this information is necessary to evaluate and rank each candidate’s credentials for awarding scholarships and determining whether the candidate meets specific DoD facility workforce needs.

1. 1 Legend

  • During the application selection phase, SMART Scholarship Program Candidates will be referred to as applicants throughout the supporting statement.

  • After the Award phase, SMART Scholarship Program Candidates will be referred to as participants throughout the supporting statement.

  • SMART Recruitment (RC) – SMART Scholarship Program Participants who are not employed in a permanent civilian position by the Sponsoring Facility (SF) at the time of award.

  • SMART Recruitment (RC) - Bureau of Labor Statistics minimum wage rate of $7.25 per hour will be used. Source:

  • During the application Selection Phase upper level DoD civilian employees are panelist reviewers. For the SMART Panelist, we will use the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2015 General Schedule (GS): GS 14/5 wage rate of $57.13 per hour.

  • Faculty Reviewers - The Bureau of Labor Statistics average hourly salary rate of $40 per hour will be used.

2.  Use of the Information

Individuals interested in participating in the SMART program complete an online application and submit supporting documentation. The process for receiving, evaluating, selecting, and awarding SMART scholarships is a multi-step process.

  • Application Phase

    • Applicants complete an on-line application

    • Applicants submit paper copies of official academic transcripts

    • Applicant references are submitted electronically

    • Applications are verified by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) for completeness and applicant eligibility

    • Applicants have the ability to monitor the status of their application and references as well as change submitted information at any time until the application period closes.

  • Evaluation Phase

    • Applications undergo a panel review board in which each application is evaluated and ranked by at least three panelists on a variety of criteria.

    • Panelists consist of DoD and academic members.

    • Each application is reviewed by panelists who are subject matter experts in the applicant’s proposed field of study and hold at least the degree level for which the applicant is seeking funding.

  • Selection Phase

    • General the top 50% of applications as ranked by the review panel are distributed for review to participating DoD SFs through a secure portal database. Access is limited to DoD personnel authorized to make nomination selections on behalf of the facility and is secured by password and smartcard security.

    • SFs conduct at least a phone interview with potential participants prior to nominating applicants for awards.

    • SFs nominate applicants for award whose field of study, degree level and graduation timeline meet facility personnel needs. SFs submit nominations ranked in order of preference to the Component Administrative Offices (CAOs) within the DoD Components.

    • The final determination of which applicants receive awards is made by the CAOs. The determination is validated based upon CAOs nominations and budget allocations across participating DoD Components.

  • Award Phase

    • Awards are issued by providing an email invitation to a secure database hosted by ASEE.

    • Awardees may decline a scholarship award electronically within the secure database.

    • Awardees may accept a scholarship by obtaining acceptance documents within the database and submitting signed documents in hard copy to the CAO. The program maintains limited hard copy participant records in accordance with Privacy Act information guidelines, including the use of security folders stored in OPM approved safes further secured by restricted keycard access and an alarm system. Access to these paper records is limited to the SMART Security Specialist.

    • There is currently no appeal process for applicants who do not receive an award.

After entry into the program, information is collected by authorized SMART Scholarship Program staff members as required to monitor participant progress, administrate participant awards, make required payments and effectively manage the program. SMART maintains a secure database system (httsp:// and communicates with participants primarily through email to reduce the need for paper and maximize efficiency.

The following forms are those presently utilized by the SMART Program. The SMART Application is an on line form. All others are obtained online through the SMART website: Upon completion the forms the participants are instructed to submit the form to their SMART Cohort Administrator via a SMART e-mail account.

1) SMART Application (on line)

2) SMART Award Length Change Approval

3) SMART Service Agreement

4) SMART Educational Work Plan

5) SMART Participant Information Verification

6) SMART Recruitment Site Visit Request

7) SMART Site Visit Report for Recruitment Participants

8) SMART Phase 1 Annual Report

9) SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program Science, Mathematics, And Research for Transformation (SMART) Service Agreement Amendment Request

10) SMART Recruitment Internship Request

11) SMART Internship Report for Recruitment Participants

12) SMART Foreign Travel Notification

13) SMART Media Release

3.  Use of Information Technology

The SMART Program utilizes information technology throughout the program to maximize efficiency. The majority of information collection is executed via secure technological means, including those outlined in Part A, Section 2 of this Statement. Currently, approximately 95% of SMART submissions are collected electronically. Secure technological collection methods have been deemed most efficient for collection of SMART Scholarship Program information of all types, as they reduce applicant and program burdens. The only paper documents collected are the acceptance documents and student transcripts. Acceptance documents are required in paper to ensure original signatures as the participant is executing a contract. Student transcripts are required in paper to ensure authenticity of the document via embossed stamp or other registrar certification. As information technology advances, the program will strive to seek appropriate methods of further reducing and/or eliminating the need for paper records.

4.  Non-duplication

There is not information already available which can be used for the purposes of this collection. All information collected is unique to each individual applicant/participant.

5.  Burden on Small Business

There is no burden on small business or other entities.

6.  Less Frequent Collection

Information collected is currently minimized to one application period and transcripts are required after completion of academic terms and upon degree conferral. SMART receives funding each fiscal year and receives applications during a defined annual period. After award, SMART must continue to maintain contact with participants in order to properly administer the awards and facilitate the transition to the post-graduation service period.

7.  Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines

No special circumstances exist. Information collection will be conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).

8.  Consultation and Public Comments

a. The 60 Day Federal Register Notice was published on November 17, 2015. 80 FR 71786. No comments were received. The 30 Day Federal Register Notice was published on June 14, 2016. 81 FR 38694.

b. SMART consults frequently with participants, mentors, academic advisors, DoD civilian employees, and other individuals, primarily through email and other electronic media, to obtain feedback regarding improvement of information collection efforts and instructions. The program continually implements improvements based on this feedback.

9.  Gifts or Payment

No payments or gifts outside the scope of the program will be provided to participants.

10.  Confidentiality

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected is protected and secured appropriately. The use of any and all other information collected from students is exclusively internal, without exception. SMART takes all reasonable precautions to maintain the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the systems and information collected to enable privacy-aware lifecycle management. The SMART program has taken the following steps to protect confidentiality and PII:

  • Privacy Verification. As verified with the OSD’s Privacy Officer, all data collected for the purpose of the program will be protected in accordance with OSD Privacy Policy and Procedures.

  • A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) was completed as well as a revised Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN), System of Records Notice ID number: DUSDA 14. Copies of the PIA and SORN are included as part of the submission package. .

  • Prior to information collection, students are informed of their privacy rights via Privacy Act Statements which include the purpose of the information collection, routine issues, and disclosure requirements. Students agree to the terms and conditions of the collection prior to providing the information.

  • Privacy banners are placed on documents containing applicant/participant PII.

  • Privacy obligations are complementary to access control policies and data handling policies. The security features of the SMART Program System provide a level of protection that meets or exceeds the minimal requirements of DoD Directives 5400.11 and 8500.01E. The concept of identification and authentication, “layered protection,” is used to keep unauthorized users out of the SMART Program System.

  • The SMART Program System is accredited through the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) which includes accredited security and access, and data handling processes that foster privacy information security to include: limiting and controlling access only to authorized individuals; ensuring staff/contractors maintain awareness of their responsibilities as they relate to the privacy and handling of sensitive data; firewalls; virus protection; and security patches.

  • The SMART Program System only uses the data collected for the purposes stated, limits access to those who need to know in the performance of their duties, and requires authentication to the system/data.

  • Records are maintained and will be destroyed according to the principles of the Federal Records Act and the regulations and records schedules approved by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

  • SMART Program System administrators ensure employees and staff are kept informed of agency policy regarding requirements, roles, and responsibilities in accessing, sharing, and disseminating information in order to maintain information security and privacy. Individuals are reminded of the proper methods to request/receive and process sensitive information, conforming to documented procedures and guidance.

  • When SMART Program System administrators determine the purpose for which the information that was provided has been fulfilled, data will be destroyed accordingly. Approved disposal methods for electronic records and media include: overwriting, degaussing, erasing, disintegration, pulverization, burning, melting, incineration, shredding, or sanding. For paper records, approved disposal methods include: tearing, burning, melting, chemical decomposition, pulping, pulverizing, shredding, or mutilation.

The DoD Blanket Routine Uses, set forth in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) compilation of systems of records notices, may apply to this system. The complete list of DoD blanket routine uses can be bound online at:

11.  Sensitive Questions

Questions of a sensitive nature (e.g. race and/or ethnicity) are not obligatory and do not violate the Privacy Act. All questions of such nature are used exclusively to provide baseline demographic data for internal use. The SMART Program does request the participant to provide a social security number. Attached is a SSN Justification Memorandum indicating the reason for the collection of this information.

12.  Respondent Burden, and its Labor Costs

a. Estimation of Respond Burden

b. Labor Cost of Respond Burden

Burden hours and associated costs for each program aspect is broken out below.

Application. Applicants to SMART apply for a scholarship and, if selected, fill a position with the DoD with the SF. The information collected for the competitive application process includes: name, academic address, permanent address, phone numbers, email addresses, citizenship, letters of recommendation, proposed field of study, proposed degree level, official transcripts, statement of academic and professional goals, official test scores (SAT, GRE, etc.), grade point average, anticipated graduation date, resume, list of honors and awards, veteran status, and preferred DoD facility. This information is provided via secure online electronic application with the exception of official transcripts which are provided in hard copy. The application response burden is determined by calculating the number of annual respondents multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The Recruitment (RC) applicants are considered to be at minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. The cost is determined by using the labor rate by total hours needed to complete the application.

SMART Application – Form #1



Number of Applicants:



Frequency of Responses (Approximate number of time the applicant response):



Total Annual Responses (Number of Applicants x Frequency of Response):



Burden Per Response (Approximate total hours to complete the applications) :

8 hrs

8 hrs

Total Burden Hours(Total Annual Response x Burden Per Response):

22,400 hrs

22,400 hrs

Total Cost (Total Burden hours x $ Salary Rate/hour):



SMART Service Agreement/Handbook Package. SMART participants submit an onetime Service Agreement/Handbook Package that contains all the necessary documentation required to enter the program including security clearance applications. These documents are: the Service Agreement, the SMART Education Work Plan, the Participant Information Verification, and the Media Release form. The Service Agreement/Handbook is reviewed and signed by the SMART participants and the CAO. This information is provided via hardcopy to the program. The Service Agreement/Handbook Package as well as all other required forms is determined by calculating the number of annual participants multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The RC participants are considered to be at minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Cost is determined by using the labor rate by total hours needed to complete all of these forms.

SMART Service Agreement/Handbook Packages with Forms # 3,4,5 & 13



*Number of Participants:



Frequency of Responses(Approximate number of time the participant respond):



Total Annual Responses(Number of participant x Frequency of Response):



Burden Per Response(Approximate total hours to complete the packages):

10 hrs

10 hrs

Total Burden Hours(Total Annual Response x Burden Per Response):

1,500 hrs

1,500 hrs

Total Cost(Total Burden hours x $ Salary Rate/hour):



* The approximate number of RC awardees per the current SMART Program budget

Once a SMART Scholarship participant is in the program there are some required documents which must be submitted periodically by the participant. Additionally, there are documents that must be submitted by the participant if the participant makes changes to their program or request something not within then normal SMART Program protocol. The Annual Report, and the Transcript Submittal are documents that are required during various intervals during the SMART Program.

Annual Report. SMART participants submit an Annual Report that tracks and projects degree completion requirements, internships, work start date, and reports participant achievements and activities. The Annual Report is reviewed and signed by the participant’s academic or research advisor. This information is provided electronically to the program. The Annual Report response burden is determined by calculating the number of annual participants multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The participants are considered to be at minimum wage, $7.25 per hour.

Annual Report – Form #8



*Number of Participants:



Frequency of Responses(Approximate number of time the participant respond):



Total Annual Responses(Number of participant x Frequency of Response):



Burden Per Response(Approximate total hours to complete the report):

4 hrs

4 hrs

Total Burden Hours(Total Annual Response x Burden Per Response):

1,800 hrs

1,800 hrs

Total Cost: (Total Burden hours x $ Salary Rate/hour):



* The approximate number of RC participants within the program at any given phase

.Transcript Submittal. Participants submit official academic transcripts at the end of each academic term. Depending on how the academic institution structures its courses (semesters or quarters), a participant may submit transcripts two or three times per year. The transcript response burden is determined by calculating the number of annual participant multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The RC participants are considered to be at minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Cost is determined by using the labor rate by total hours needed to complete the application.

Transcript Submittal (no form)



*Number of Participants:



Frequency of Responses(Approximate number of time the participant respond):



Total Annual Responses(Number of participant x Frequency of Response):



Burden Per Response(Approximate total hours to submit):

1.0 hr

1.0 hr

Total Burden Hours(Total Annual Response x Burden Per Response):



Total Cost:(Total Burden hours x $ Salary Rate/hour):



* The approximate number of RC participants within the program at any given phase

Award Changes and other forms. Participants requesting a change in their award must provide additional information and complete administrative documents. For example, a participant may request to take additional classes during the summer or request additional time in order to complete a degree program. Furthermore, all graduating participants must complete hiring documentation necessary to complete the hiring process at their SF. The RC participants are considered to be at minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Depending on a participant’s circumstance, this information collection can vary for RC participants.

Award Changes and other forms Item #2,6, 7,9,10, 11& 12



*Number of Participants:



Frequency of Responses (Approximate number of time the applicant response):



Total Annual Responses (Number of Applicants x Frequency of Response):



Burden Per Response (Approximate total hours to complete the Award Change Request and other documents) :

2.5 hrs

2.5 hrs

Total Burden Hours(Total Annual Response x Burden Per Response):

3,375 hrs


Total Cost (Total Burden hours x $ Salary Rate/hour):



* The approximate number of RC participants within the program at any given phase

Summary Total for All Documents by SMART Participants



*Total Number of Participants and Applicants:



Frequency of Responses:



Total Responses:



Total Burden per response

25.5 hrs

25.5 hrs

Total Burden Hours:



Total Cost (Total Burden hours x $ Salary



*The approximate total number of RC applicants participants within the program at any given phase

13. Respondent Costs Other Than Burden Hour Costs

Transcript Submittal. Participants submit official academic transcripts at the end of each academic term. Depending on how the academic institution structures its courses (semesters or quarters), a participant may submit transcripts two or three times per year. This cost represents the actual out of pocket expense to the SMART Participant to request and mail transcript to the SMART Program.

Transcript Submittal


*Number of Participants:


Frequency of Responses (Approximate number of time the participants response):


Total Annual Responses (Number of participants x Frequency of Response):


Cost Per Response(Approximate out of pocket expense for the participants):


Total Cost (Cost Per Response x Total Annual Response):


* The approximate number of participants within the program at any given phase

14.  Cost to the Federal Government

Application Review. Cost to the Federal Government for reviewing applications at panel review is determined by using the reviewer’s average hourly salary of $57.13/hour multiplied by the total hours the review would take. The panelists are a combination of DoD civilian employees (GS 14/5 hourly wage of $57.13, per hour) and faculty personnel from academia (Bureau of Labor Statistics average hourly salary of $40. Applications are reviewed at the panel three times by three separate reviewers. The below chart highlights the total burden and cost associated with Application Review.

Application Review


*Number of Government Reviewers:


**Total number reviews (Number of Applicants reviewed):


Total number of reviews:


Total hrs to review an application (Approximate burden time on the reviewer ):

1.50 hr

Total Burden Hours (Burden Per Response x Total Annual Responses):


Total Cost (Total Burden Hours x $57.13/hour):


*Reviewers only review application within their area of expertise

**Not all government reviewers review each application.

The Application review also includes a review performed by non-government employee. The SMART Program also utilizes subject matter experts from academia to assist in the evaluation process. The academians participating in the SMART evaluation process do not receive additional compensation for their services however, the government does provide a set $250.00 honorarium for their services.

Application Review by Academia


*Number of Academia Reviewers:


**Total number reviews (Number of Applicants reviewed):


Total number of reviews:


Total hrs to review an application (Approximate burden time on the reviewer ):

1.50 hr

Total Burden Hours (Burden Per Response x Total Annual Responses):


Cost (Total Burden Hours x *$51.44/hour):


Honorarium paid to Academia ($250.00 x 100)


*Department of Labor Statistics for academia salary

SMART Service Agreement/Handbook Package. SMART participants submit an onetime Service Agreement/Handbook Package that contains all the necessary documentation required to enter the program. The Service Agreement/Handbook is reviewed and signed by the participant’s and the Component Administrator Officer (CAO). This information is provided via hardcopy to the SMART Program Office (SPO). The Service Agreement/Handbook Package response burden is determined by calculating the number of annual participant multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The reviewer are a combination of DoD civilian employees (GS 11/5 hourly salary of $34.26) and faculty (Bureau of Labor Statistics average hourly salary of $40). Cost is determined by using the labor rate by total hours needed to complete the processing and review of the packages.

SMART Service Agreement/Handbook Packages/other documents


*Number of Participants:


Frequency of Responses (Approximate number of time the reviewer responds):


Total Annual Responses (Number of participants x Frequency of Response):


Burden Per Response (Approximate burden time on the reviewer ):

.50 hr

Total Burden Hours (Burden Per Response x Total Annual Responses):

187.5 hrs

Total Cost (Total Burden Hours x $34.26/hour):


* The approximate number of awardeee per the current SMART Program budget

Annual Report. SMART participants submit an Annual Report that tracks and projects degree completion requirements, internships, work start date, and reports participant achievements and activities. The Annual Report is reviewed and signed by the participant’s academic or research advisor. This information is provided electronically to the program. The Annual Report response burden is determined by calculating the number of annual participants multiplied by the number of responses, multiplied by the number of hours required to complete the response. The reviewers are a combination of DoD civilian employees (GS 11/5 hourly salary of $34.26) and faculty (Bureau of Labor Statistics average hourly salary of $40). Cost is determined by using the labor rate by total hours needed to complete the processing and review of the annual report. Annual reports are reviewed by the facilities three separate times by three separate DoD civilian employees. The below chart highlights the total burden and cost associated with Annual Reports review.

Annual Report


*Number of Participants


Frequency of Responses (Approximate number of time the reviewer responds):


Total Annual Responses (Number of Participants x Frequency of Response):


Burden Per Response: (Approximate e burden time on the reviewer ):

.50 hr

Total Burden Hours (Burden Per Response x Total Annual Responses):

562.5 hrs

Total Cost (Total Burden Hours x $34.26/hour):


* The approximate number of participants within the program at any given phase

SMART Scholarship Program Supporting Staff. Cost to the Federal Government for maintaining the program and the program participants is determined by using the average hourly salary per/hour multiplied by the total hours per contract year. The supporting staff are a combination of DoD civilian employees (GS 11/5 hourly salary of $34.26), Faculty (Bureau of Labor Statistics average hourly salary of $40), SMART Program Office (NCI Contract statistical average hourly services/per year), and ASEE (ASEE Contract statistical average hourly services/per year).

SMART Program Supporting Staff

DoD Civilian Employees

Sponsoring Faculties

SMART Program Office


American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)


Number of FTE’s





Number of Students:





Burden Hours Per Participant:

130 hrs

59.5 hrs

16.3 hrs

205.8 hrs

Total Burden Hours:

65,000 hrs

29,760 hrs

8,150 hrs

102,910 hrs

Total Cost





SMART Program System. SMART contracted with the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) to design, test, and evaluate a secure database system for administering the program. The operation and maintenance budget includes some funds for technical adjustments to the system. The cost to the Federal Government of obtaining and maintaining the SMART Program System database is:

SMART Program System Database


Design, testing, and evaluation (one-time)


Operation and maintenance (annual)


Total Cost


Cost to the Federal Government. The below chart displays the overall grand total number of burden hours and cost the Federal Government incurs.

14. Total Federal Government Burden & Labor Costs Totals

Total Cost

Total Burden Hr.

SMART Application Review


75,000 hrs

SMART Service Agreement/Handbook Packages


187.50 hrs

Annual Report


562.5 hrs

SMART Program Supporting Staff


102,910 hrs

SMART Program System Database






15.  Reasons for Change in Burden

This Statement documents a previously approved collection for which approval has expired. The change is the result of a better understanding of all the details that are required from this submission. Additionally, these changes were identified as a result of recent program administration change and the creation of a DoD SMART instruction. The original filing only included the cost to establish a SMART Information Management System (SIMS) and the cost to maintain the system.

In consultation with subject matter expert, the STEM Development Office better understands the burden costs and therefore, included all cost to the government.

16.  Publication of Results

Data from this information collection will be limited to the use of the SMART Scholarship Program Manager and the program sponsor, SDO.

17.  Non-Display of OMB Expiration Date

SMART is not requesting this approval.

18.  Exceptions to "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Submissions"

SMART is not seeking any exception to the certification statement.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorDennis Franko
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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