Department of Homeland Security
Verification Division
Website Content
January, 2012
Self Check - Website Content
Table of Contents
Wireframe 2.1 – Terms of Use 3
Self Check Terms of Use Screen Shot 3
Wireframe 2.1.1 – Terms of Use 4
Wireframe 3.1 – Enter Your ID Information Screen Shot 8
Wireframe 3.1.1 – Enter Your ID Information 9
Enter Your Identifying Information 9
Wireframe 3.2 – Review & Confirm Screen Shot 11
Wireframe 3.2.1 – Review & Confirm 12
Review and Confirm the Information Provided 12
Wireframe 3.3 – What Happens Next Screen Shot 13
Wireframe 3.3.1 – What Happens Next 14
Wireframe 4.1 – ID Proofing Questions Screen Shot 15
Wireframe 4.1.1 – ID Proofing Questions 16
Wireframe 5.1 – Enter Citizenship and Document Info Screen Shot 17
Wireframe 5.1.1 – Enter Citizenship and Document Info 18
Enter Your Citizenship Status and Document Details 18
Wireframe 6.1 – Please Confirm (SSA) Screen Shot 19
Wireframe 6.1.1 – Please Confirm (SSA) 20
Please Confirm the Information Below 20
Wireframe 6.2 – Please Confirm (DHS) Screen Shot 21
Wireframe 6.2.1 – Please Confirm (DHS) 22
Please Confirm the Information Below 22
OMB Control No. 1615-0117; Expiration date: xxxx
By accessing, viewing, or using Self Check, you are agreeing to use this service in compliance with the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement below and all applicable laws and regulations. To use the Self Check service, you must accept these terms of use by checking the box at the bottom of this page.
You are entering an official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. Websites for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been established in accordance with the Interim ISS Directive, which includes regular risk assessments and certifications. The Chief Information Officer of the Department of Homeland Security is the final authority on security requirements and controls for Homeland Security Websites. Every effort is made to ensure the quality, integrity and utility of the information on this site while ensuring privacy and security. Only authorized personnel may alter Web pages. Unauthorized use of this system may result in criminal, civil and/or administrative penalties.
Your Use of Self Check
Your use of Self Check is for the purpose of learning about your work authorization status and the accuracy of your related government records only. By using the Self Check service, you agree that you will not submit biographical or employment authorization document data that relates to anyone other than yourself. You also agree that you will not run a Self Check query at the request of another party or attempt to use the results of your Self Check query to prove to another party that you are authorized to work or eligible for admission to any organization or receipt of any benefit.
Information You Submit
Information from the work authorization query part of Self Check will not be shared outside of DHS except for the E-Verify data sharing requirements detailed under the Basic Pilot statute. This includes sharing work authorization query data with the Social Security Administration to facilitate the Self Check mismatch resolution process, as well as sharing data for law enforcement purposes as described in the E-Verify PIA dated May 4, 2010.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) does not retain any personally identifiable information in its Self Check logs. Only transaction ID and error codes are retained in order to facilitate troubleshooting and system management. Third party data providers may retain logs of access to personal information in order to comply with their legal obligations to protect personally identifiable information in their possession per the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The contract for identity proofing permits them to use this information only in very limited ways such as fraud monitoring and prevention, and as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This data may be kept for one year and is also reflected as a soft inquiry on your credit report for one year. A soft inquiry has no impact on your credit score and can be seen only by you and the credit bureau. It is required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act to assist in monitoring access to credit files.
USCIS will maintain all information collected during the work authorization query process in accordance with the USCIS Self Check Privacy System of Records Notice. To learn how we maintain your privacy, please review our privacy statement.
Intellectual Property
Use of this site or the receipt of information from it does not grant any licenses to any copyrights, patents or any other intellectual property rights or the rights to any of the materials on the site or sites or materials accessed by use of the site. Read more on the Department of Homeland Security Intellectual Property Policy at
Identity Assurance
Use of the Self Check service requires us to use an independent, third party identity assurance provider in order to for us to make certain that you are seeking access to the Self Check service only to verify your own work authorization status. This third party provides identity assurance services to USCIS in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Service Level Agreement. USCIS does not control or maintain the information gathered or utilized by Self Check from this identity assurance provider.
Accuracy, Completeness and Timeliness of Information on the Site
USCIS assumes no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information that is provided by the Self Check service. The user assumes all risks of use and the consequences of using the information from the site and any affiliated site, whether accurate or inaccurate.
USCIS does not guarantee the availability of the Self Check Service, nor for it to be operational nor to be available to the general public. USCIS does not guarantee that the sites for identity assurance and for verification of work authorization will be accurate, will be operational or will be available to the general public. The user assumes all risks of accuracy, operational status and of the availability of the Self Check Service.
USCIS makes no representations whatsoever about any other Web site as to content, accuracy, inaccuracy or reliability of the information gathered by the third party Identity Assurance Provider from its sources. We have no role in selecting or culling out the information sources, but do rely on the expertise of the third party sites to gather relevant information. We will hold the third party identity assurance provider to the standards of security and privacy included in the terms of the contract and what is laid out in the security and privacy documentation for this service.
Your Liability
If you cause a technical disruption of the site or the systems transmitting the site to you or others by intentional or grossly negligent acts, you agree to be responsible for any and all civil and or criminal penalties, including but not limited to attorneys fees, actual and consequential damages arising from the disruption of the sites, all efforts taken to correct and restore the site, and to defend the rights of the United States Government.
The federal laws of the United States govern the terms, conditions and use of this site, and all users irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal laws of the United States for any action to enforce these terms, conditions, and use of this site. Unauthorized access is a violation of the laws of the United States (U.S.) and the policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and may result in administrative or criminal penalties. Users shall not attempt to access other users' files or system files without prior authorization. Absence of access controls is not an authorization to access or a waiver of applicable laws or Department policies.
This site has been designed to comply with the federal laws of the United States. If any materials on this site or use of this site are contrary to the law of the place where accessed and viewed, the site is not intended for access and view and shall not be used or viewed. Therefore, viewers are responsible for informing themselves of the laws of their specific jurisdiction and complying with them.
The Department of Homeland Security is committed to providing access to our Web pages for individuals with disabilities, both members of the public and federal employees. To meet this commitment, we will comply with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Read more on the Department of Homeland Security Accessibility policy at
Changes to These Terms
The Department of Homeland Security reserves the right, at its complete discretion, to change these terms of use at any time by posting revised terms of use on the site. It is the viewer's responsibility to check periodically for any changes DHS may make to these terms, conditions and use restrictions. Continued use of this site following the posting of changes to these terms, conditions and use restrictions means you accept the changes.
By using this website, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should read these terms of use each time you seek access to the Self Check Service.
Our Privacy Commitment to You
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is committed to maintaining the privacy of your Personally Identifiable Information (PII). That is why the Self Check service requires that you authenticate your identity before we allow you to access the work authorization status information we have about you.
E-Verify Self Check involves a two-step process: 1) identity authentication; and 2) E-Verify query to confirm current work authorization status.
To complete the first part of the process, USCIS uses a third-party Identity Proofing (IdP) service to generate a quiz containing questions that only you should be able to answer. These questions are generated by the third-party IdP service based on commercial identity verification information (USCIS does not have access to the commercial information), collected by third-party companies from financial institutions, and other service providers.
In order to generate the quiz, the IdP will ask you to provide name, address of residence, date of birth, and optionally, SSN. USCIS does not have access to your quiz questions or the answers you provide. If you pass the quiz and decide to move on in the Self Check process to confirm your work authorization status, the IdP passes your name, date of birth, and SSN (if provided). To ensure you are the same person who originally passed the quiz, these data elements cannot be altered. Next, you will be required to enter your SSN, if you did not already provide it for identity authentication, as well as additional information, based on the documentation you would present to an employer for processing in E-Verify. The information collected from you is dependent on your citizenship status and your document choices but could include: SSN; Citizenship Status; Alien Number; Passport Number; I-94 Number; and /or Permanent Resident or Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Card Number. This is the same information that is used to determine employment authorization in the E-Verify process.
The IdP sends USCIS a transaction number, a pass/fail indicator, the date and time of the transaction, and any applicable error code(s) to facilitate troubleshooting and system management and improvement. We do not retain your PII if you are unable to authenticate your identity or if you decide not to complete the next step of the Self Check process, the E-Verify query.
The IdP maintains a logs of access to your information and the type of inquiry (credit check, identity check, etc.) to comply with their legal obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The Self Check inquiry is an identity check that does not affect your credit score and is not shown to third parties who may request copies of credit reports. The IdP also maintains an audit log of all identity verification transactions to conduct system management and to generate customer usage statistics. The audit log includes information submitted by the user (name, address, date of birth, SSN (if provided), the questions asked of the user, whether the user correctly answered the questions, the scores generated during the identity proofing process, and the business rules that were triggered during the transaction.
USCIS maintains a record of your E-Verify query including your name, date of birth, SSN, work authorization documentation information, the query result, and an E-Verify case number. This is consistent with how E-Verify queries initiated by authorized employers are maintained in E-Verify.
If you would like to learn more about how Self Check protects your privacy, please review the E-Verify Self Check Privacy Impact Assessment, September 6, 2013 available at
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time.
Last Reviewed/Updated: 11/01/2013
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting burden for myE-Verify is estimated as follows: the E-Verify Self Check – Identity Authentication Check at 5 minutes per response; E-Verify Self Check – Self Check Query at 5 minutes per response; E-Verify Self Check – Further Action Pursued 1 hour 11 minutes; and myE-Verify Account Creation at 15 minutes per response. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Regulatory Coordination Division, Office of Policy and Strategy, 20 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington DC 20529-2020. Please reference OMB Control Number 1615-0117. Do not mail your application to this address.
By clicking this box, the “Continue in English” or “Continue in Spanish” button, and using this site, you agree to do so in compliance with these terms and conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these terms, you cannot use Self Check.
The information that you enter below will be used by a third party identity assurance service to generate questions. Every Self Check user is required to answer these questions to ensure that an individual is only allowed to perform an employment eligibility check on his or her own records. The name and date of birth entered below will be "locked in" for use in the employment eligibility check later.
All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
Please click any question mark below to view additional
(Data entry fields – see wireframes)
If you don’t see your state in the drop down menu, click here
Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor any component agency or program will know the questions you are asked or the answers that you choose. In addition, all information entered above will be deleted from the Self Check system at the end of your session. Once we know from the identity assurance service that you have proven your identity, we are ready to let you query government databases and determine your work eligibility.
Details about the Self Check privacy policy are located in the privacy statement found on the previous screen.
Please review the information above before proceeding.
Please review the information below before continuing. If there are any errors, please click the button to the right and edit the information.
Name: (dynamic first name, middle initial, last name)
Date of Birth: (dynamic month [spelled out], day, year)
Social Security Number: (dynamic SSN)
Address: (dynamic address - street, city, state, ZIP Code)
Once your information is submitted, you will be redirected to an independent, secure, identity assurance service. This service will use non-governmental information to generate questions that you will be asked to answer. You have 60 seconds per question to select an answer. DHS will not be provided the questions you are asked, the multiple choice answers you will be shown, or the selections you choose.
This process is designed to prevent others from viewing your information, thereby protecting your privacy and the integrity of the Self Check system. When the quiz is completed and DHS receives sufficient assurance of your identity, you will return to Self Check to complete your employment eligibility check.
If you do not want your information to be used in this manner, you may decline below and Self Check will delete all of the information that you have entered.
Details about the Self Check privacy policy are located in the privacy statement that can be found by clicking the link to the left.
Yes, I wish to proceed. No, I do not wish to proceed
You are visiting an independent, secure, identity assurance service. This service is using non-governmental information to generate identity-based questions that only you should be able to answer. When the quiz is completed, you will return to complete the Self Check employment eligibility check.
Please do not use the Back button on your browser during this process. If you do, your session will be terminated and you will have to start over.
(Third party question and multiple choice answers)
Welcome back to Self Check! You have successfully completed the identity assurance process and are ready to confirm your work eligibility.
The information you enter below will be compared to Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security records to determine if you would be successfully authorized by the E-Verify system.
Please select from the citizenship options below and then choose the documentation you have that confirms your eligibility to work in the United States.
All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
Please click any question mark below to view additional
Name: (dynamic first name, middle initial, last name)
Date of Birth: (dynamic month [spelled out], day, year)
(Data entry fields – see wireframes)
Please review the information above for accuracy before continuing. An error in the information you provide may prevent Self Check from immediately verifying your employment eligibility.
After review, click the button below to submit the information for an employment eligibility check.
An initial check of your records indicates that you may have mistyped your Social Security number. Please review the number you provided below and correct any errors.
(Data entry fields – see wireframes)
Please review the information above for accuracy before continuing. An error in the information you provide may prevent Self Check from immediately verifying your employment eligibility.
After review, click the button below to submit the information for an employment eligibility check.
An initial check of your records indicates that you may have mistyped some information from the document indicated. Please review the information you provided below and correct any errors.
(Data entry fields – see wireframes)
Please review the information above for accuracy before continuing. An error in the information you provide may prevent Self Check from immediately verifying your employment eligibility.
After review, click the button below to submit the information for an employment eligibility check.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Self Check - Website Content |
Author | USCIS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-12 |