
PTA, USCIS - G-1499 PRA Renewal, 20161221, PRIV Final.pdf

myE-Verify Program


OMB: 1615-0117

Document [pdf]
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Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

This form serves as the official determination by the DHS Privacy Office to
identify the privacy compliance requirements for all Departmental uses of
personally identifiable information (PII).
A Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA) serves as the document used to identify
information technology (IT) systems, information collections/forms, technologies,
rulemakings, programs, information sharing arrangements, or pilot projects that involve
PII and other activities that otherwise impact the privacy of individuals as determined by
the Chief Privacy Officer, pursuant to Section 222 of the Homeland Security Act, and to
assess whether there is a need for additional Privacy Compliance Documentation. A PTA
includes a general description of the IT system, information collection, form, technology,
rulemaking, program, pilot project, information sharing arrangement, or other Department
activity and describes what PII is collected (and from whom) and how that information is
used and managed.
Please complete the attached Privacy Threshold Analysis and submit it to your
component Privacy Office. After review by your component Privacy Officer the PTA is sent
to the Department’s Senior Director for Privacy Compliance for action. If you do not have a
component Privacy Office, please send the PTA to the DHS Privacy Office:
Senior Director, Privacy Compliance
The Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Tel: 202-343-1717

Upon receipt from your component Privacy Office, the DHS Privacy Office will review this
form and assess whether any privacy compliance documentation is required. If compliance
documentation is required – such as Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), System of Records
Notice (SORN), Privacy Act Statement, or Computer Matching Agreement (CMA) – the DHS
Privacy Office or component Privacy Office will send you a copy of the relevant compliance
template to complete and return.
Privacy Threshold Analysis – IC/Form

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)

Specialized Template for
Information Collections (IC) and Forms
The Forms-PTA is a specialized template for Information Collections and Forms. This
specialized PTA must accompany all Information Collections submitted as part of the
Paperwork Reduction Act process (any instrument for collection (form, survey,
questionnaire, etc.) from ten or more members of the public). Components may use this PTA
to assess internal, component-specific forms as well.
Form Number:

Form G-1499

Form Title:

MyE-Verify (existing collection) – PRA renewal


U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services



Collection Title:
OMB Control
Collection status:


OMB Control No.: 1615-0117


OMB Expiration
Date of last PTA (if

July 31, 2017
December 28,

Matthew Wiggins
Product Owner
Product Development,
Verification Modernization

Matthew Wiggins

Privacy Threshold Analysis – IC/Form

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528


Product Development,
Verification Modernization




Product Owner


1. Purpose of the Information Collection or Form
a. Describe the purpose of the information collection or form. Please provide a
general description of the project and its purpose, including how it supports the DHS
mission, in a way a non-technical person could understand (you may use
information from the Supporting Statement).
If this is an updated PTA, please specifically describe what changes or upgrades are
triggering the update to this PTA.
The E-Verify program allows employers to electronically confirm the employment
authorization of newly hired employees by matching information provided by employees on
the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, against existing information contained in
the Verification Information System, a database that matches the information provided against
the information contained by both the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The myE-Verify will allow employees to proactively engage with E-Verify through a suite of
Web-based services. The features of myE-Verify are free and provides individuals a way to
establish a secure account that facilitates an ongoing relationship between the user and U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). myE-Verify lets individuals confirm that their
records for employment eligibility are accurate. It also helps individuals protect their identity
and informs them about their E-Verify employer’s responsibilities and their rights in the EVerify employment eligibility verification process.
The first myE-Verify feature is E-Verify Self Check. USCIS developed the E-Verify Self
Check service to allow workers in the United States to enter data into the Verification
Information System (VIS) to ensure that the information relating to their eligibility to work is
accurate before beginning new employment. This will lead to a more reliable and accurate EVerify system that works better for both employers and employees. It verifies their personal
information against the same records E-Verify checks. Job seekers can confirm that their
records are in order or, if a mismatch occurs, learn how to make updates.
The next functionality of myE-Verify will be the ability for individuals to create a secure
account and access the Self Lock feature after using E-Verify Self Check. Below are brief
descriptions of myE-Verify features:

myE-Verify Accounts – allows the individual who completes the Self Check process
to set up a secure account to access features.

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Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528


Self Lock – empowers individuals to actively protect their Social Security Number
(SSN) from use in employment related identity fraud by allowing the account holder to
lock his or her SSN from use by anyone in E-Verify.
Case Tracker – lets employees follow the status of their own E-Verify case resolution.
It allows the account holder to get detailed information and guidance about a contested
Self Check case.
Document Expiration Reminders – allows an account holder to enter information about
employment eligibility documents and set up expiration reminders.
Case History – It allows individuals to see where their information has been used in EVerify and Self-check. It allows an account holder to view a modified VIS report to
review details around use of his or her SSN in E-Verify to detect any instances of
identity fraud.

b. List the DHS (or component) authorities to collect, store, and use this information.
If this information will be stored and used by a specific DHS component, list the
component-specific authorities.
The authority for the E-Verify program is contained in section 404 of the Illegal Immigration
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA) Public Law 104–208. Section
404(d) requires that the system be designed and operated to maximize the reliability and ease
of use. Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) developed E-Verify Self

2. Describe the IC/Form
a. Does this form collect any
Personally Identifiable
Information” (PII 1)?

b. From which type(s) of
individuals does this form
collect information?
(Check all that apply.)

☒ Yes
☐ No

☒ Members of the public (anyone who has a EVerify account)
☒ U.S. citizens or lawful permanent
☒ Non-U.S. Persons.
☒ DHS Employees

Personally identifiable information means any information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including
any other information which is linked or linkable to that individual regardless of whether the individual is a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident,
visitor to the U.S., or employee or contractor to the Department.

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Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

c. Who will complete and
submit this form? (Check
all that apply.)

d. How do individuals
complete the form? Check
all that apply.

☒ DHS Contractors
☒ Other federal employees or contractors.

☒ The record subject of the form (e.g., the
individual applicant).
☐ Legal Representative (preparer, attorney,
☐ Business entity.
If a business entity, is the only
information collected business contact
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Law enforcement.
☐ DHS employee or contractor.
☐ Other individual/entity/organization that is
NOT the record subject. Please describe.
Click here to enter text.

☐ Paper.
☐ Electronic. (ex: fillable PDF)
☒ Online web form. (available and submitted via
the internet)
Provide link:

e. What information will DHS collect on the form? List all PII data elements on the
form. If the form will collect information from more than one type of individual,
please break down list of data elements collected by type of individual.
The creation of a myE-Verify account requires the collection and retention of the following data
• User Name (established by the user)
• Password (established by the user)
• Mailing address (street address, city, state, zip code)
• Email address and/or cell phone number
To check employment authorization using myE-Verify Self Check, a user will first enter minimal
biographical information (name, address, date of birth, and optional SSN, alien number, and/or
passport number). To authenticate the user’s identity, the information will be sent to a 3rd party
identity authentication service that will then generate a series of questions back to the user. The user
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Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

will then have to correctly answer the identity authentication questions before continuing the process.
The exact questions generated will be unique to each user. The following is a sample of the category
of questions:

SSN State of issue;
SSN last four digits;
Phone Number;
Personal Property;
Driver’s License Number; and
Credit questions relating to: Mortgage/ Home Equity Loan, Auto Loan, Personal
Installment Loan, Student Loan, and Credit Accounts.

If the identity authentication process is successful, the user enters their citizenship status
information, SSN, and document number(s) from documents showing their employment
authorization. Drop-down menus will be provided for citizenship status and document
selection. The system then transmits the data to SSA to compare the name and social security
account number provided by the user against the records created by SSA at the time of
enumeration, and maintained by SSA, to confirm (or not confirm) the validity of the
information provided by the employee, including whether the individual’s name and the SSN
correspond to each other, and whether the social security account number provided is
valid/invalid for employment. The results of the SSA records comparison are returned to the
user via Self Check. If the user enters immigration information (e.g., Arrival Departure
Record (I-94) number, Alien number, USCIS number), then the information is transmitted to
DHS to compare the documents numbers provided by the user against DHS records. The
results of the DHS records comparison are also returned to the user via Self Check.
The use of the case tracking functionality requires the collection of the following data elements. These
elements are not stored by Self Check after the status inquiry is completed.
• Case Verification Number (provided by Self Check)
• Date of Birth
The use of Self Lock functionality requires the collection and retention of the following data elements:
• Social Security Number
• Three challenge questions and answers (these challenge questions will be used as part of the
authentication procedure for individuals who call Status Verification Operations (SVO) to change their
Self Lock preferences from locked to unlocked).
The use of E-Verify Case History reports requires the collection of the SSN and DOB. The information
is not retained but re-entered with each new use in order to pull reports.
Document Expiration Reminders is a feature that allows an account holder to enter information about
employment authorization documents and set up reminders. The information provided will be stored
by the 3rd party account management service providers. The provided information will not be checked

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

against government records for accuracy and will not be used for any purpose aside from providing the
account holder with document reminders pertaining to the information submitted by the user.
The following information is needed for the Document Expiration Reminders feature:
Document Type (e.g., Employment Authorization Document, Permanent Resident Card, etc.); and
Expiration Date.

f. Does this form collect Social Security number (SSN) or other element that is
stand-alone Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII)? Check all that
☒ Social Security number
☐ DHS Electronic Data Interchange
Personal Identifier (EDIPI)
☒ Alien Number (A-Number)
☐ Social Media Handle/ID
☐ Tax Identification Number
☐ Known Traveler Number
☐ Visa Number
☐ Trusted Traveler Number (Global
☒ Passport Number
Entry, Pre-Check, etc.)
☐ Bank Account, Credit Card, or other
☒ Driver’s License Number
financial account number
☐ Biometrics
☐ Other. Please list:
g. List the specific authority to collect SSN or these other SPII elements.

The Illegal Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA) required DHS to establish the
Basic Pilot Program with voluntary participation by employers who could use this system to determine
whether newly hired employees are authorized to work in the United States. This program was
subsequently renamed the E-Verify program. Specifically, Section 404(d) requires that the system be
designed and operated to maximize the reliability and ease of use, enabling DHS to offer enhanced
services to improve the reliability of the records used by E-Verify for work authorization. The
authority provided by IIRIRA extends to the E-Verify Self Check service, which enhances the E-Verify
program. E-Verify Self Check is designed to improve the reliability of records by allowing individuals
to check their work authorization status and correct any errors in their records prior to employment.
The authority for Self Lock is the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of
1996 (IIRIRA). The Self Lock program and the collection of information associated are within the
spirit and letter of the IIRIRA provisions (Subtitle A, Title IV, Div. C of the Illegal Immigration
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-208, as amended (8 U.S.C.A. 1324a
note)). Further, IIRIRA requires the E-Verify system to include appropriate administrative, technical,
physical and procedural safeguards to detect and deter fraud or other misuse within the E-Verify
system. The scope of Self Lock’s identity theft protection is limited to use of SSN’s within the EVerify system for the protection of SSNs within the E-Verify program.

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

h. How will this information be used? What is the purpose of the collection?
Describe why this collection of SPII is the minimum amount of information
necessary to accomplish the purpose of the program.

Individuals use E-Verify Self Check to determine their work authorization using the same process as EVerify. E-Verify Self Check facilitates the identification and correction of potential errors in federal
databases that provide inputs into the E-Verify system thereby improving the E-Verify process for both
the employee and employer. In the first step of the E-Verify Self Check process, individuals must
provide name, date of birth, address of residence, and SSN, so that their identity can be verified.
Information collected for Self Lock is used to prevent an individual’s SSN from being used in the EVerify system without the individual’s permission and thus prevent identity theft.


Are individuals
provided notice at
the time of collection
by DHS (Does the
records subject have
notice of the
collection or is form
filled out by third

☒ Yes. Please describe how notice is provided.

E-Verify Self Check is a voluntary program. Notice is
provided in the Terms and Conditions, which the
individual must accept before moving forward through the
E-Verify Self Check process. The individual is also
provided a Privacy Act notice before he or she begins
identity authentication. The individual is given notice of
the use, collection, and maintenance of his or her
information. In addition, notice is provided through the
DHS/USCIS-013 E-Verify Self Check System of Records
SORN and this PIA.

☐ No.
3. How will DHS store the IC/form responses?
a. How will DHS store
☐ Paper. Please describe.
the original,
Click here to enter text.
completed IC/forms?
☒ Electronic. Please describe the IT system that will
store the data from the form.
Some information will be stored in the Verification
Information System.

Privacy Threshold Analysis – IC/Form

☐ Scanned forms (completed forms are scanned into
an electronic repository). Please describe the
electronic repository.
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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

b. If electronic, how
does DHS input the
responses into the IT

c. How would a user
search the
submitted on the
forms, i.e., how is the

d. What is the records
schedule(s)? Include
the records schedule

Click here to enter text.

☐ Manually (data elements manually entered). Please
Click here to enter text.
☒ Automatically. Please describe.

All information for E-Verify Self Check will be collected
electronically through a Web-based portal at This method provides
the most efficient means for collecting and processing the required

☒ By a unique identifier. 2 Please describe. If
information is retrieved by personal identifier, please
submit a Privacy Act Statement with this PTA.
These include SSN, Case verification number,
Date of birth, Passport number, Alien number, Form
I-94 number, and/or lawful permanent resident card
or work authorization document (EAD) number,
and email address. The identifier used is dependent
on the user (the employee, SSA or IdP) or the
document submitted.
,☐ By a non-personal identifier. Please describe.
Click here to enter text.

If an individual passes identity authentication and completes
the Self Check process, DHS maintains a record of the EVerify query and response to the query conducted via Self
Check for 10 years in accordance with NARA retention
schedule N1-566-08-7. If an individual does not pass identity
authentication, all PII entered by the individual during the IdP
session and any questions that may have been generated by the
IdP are deleted at the end of the session (including if a user
decides to end a session and not complete the Self Check
The IdP also maintains an audit log of all identity verification
transactions. The audit log includes information submitted by


Generally, a unique identifier is considered any type of “personally identifiable information,” meaning any information that permits the identity
of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any other information which is linked or linkable to that individual regardless of
whether the individual is a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, visitor to the U.S., or employee or contractor to the Department.

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

e. How do you ensure
that records are
disposed of or deleted
in accordance with
the retention

the user (name, address, date of birth, SSN (if provided), the
questions asked of the user, whether the users got the answers
correct, the scores generated during the identity proofing
process, and the business rules that were triggered during the
transaction. These audit logs are maintained by the IdP service
to conduct system management and to generate customer
usage statistics. Audit logs of IDP transactions are first stored
in the IDP Service’s live database for three months. After
three months, the audit logs are archived for an additional
seven years. DHS does not have access to the IDP Service live
database or the archives.
USCIS minimizes PII retention to a record of the E-Verify
query and query result for those individuals that successfully
complete identity authentication and complete an E-Verify
query. Further, regardless of whether the individual passes the
identity assurance quiz, USCIS retains neither the questions
generated by the IdP, nor the answers provided by the
individual. USCIS retains a log of IdP transactions consisting
of transaction ID, pass/fail indicator, date and time of the
transaction, and any applicable error code(s)in order to
facilitate troubleshooting and system management so that
USCIS may keep statistics of how many individuals are able
to use the IdP and therefore E-Verify Self Check.

f. Is any of this information shared outside of the original program/office? If yes,
describe where (other offices or DHS components or external entities) and why.
What are the authorities of the receiving party?
☐ Yes, information is shared with other DHS components or offices. Please describe.
Click here to enter text.
☒ Yes, information is shared external to DHS with other federal agencies, state/local
partners, international partners, or non-governmental entities. Please describe.

Name, date of birth, address of residence, and SSN (if provided) will be collected for identity
authentication purposes by a third-party IdP. This information sharing is covered under the Terms
and Conditions document with the contracted third-party IdP service. The third-party IdP service is
barred from sharing any of the information provided under this service except as described under
the terms and conditions of the contract in order to comply with an extensive set of legal
requirements detailed in the FCRA that is protective of this type of information. The IdP does not
share information with DHS except for the pass/fail of the identity authentication. As a result, this
information cannot be and is not shared with any other elements of DHS, including the operators of
the E-Verify Self Check service or other external entities.
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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Information from the work authorization query part of E-Verify Self Check will not be shared
outside of DHS except for the E-Verify data sharing requirements detailed under the Basic Pilot
statute. This includes sharing work authorization query data with SSA to facilitate the E-Verify
Self Check mismatch resolution process, as well as sharing data for law enforcement purposes as
required by IIRIRA to prevent fraud and misuse of the E-Verify system.

☐ No. Information on this form is not shared outside of the collecting office.

Please include a copy of the referenced form and Privacy Act Statement (if
applicable) with this PTA upon submission.

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Component Privacy Office Reviewer:

Date submitted to component Privacy
Date submitted to DHS Privacy Office:
Have you approved a Privacy Act
Statement for this form? (Only
applicable if you have received a
waiver from the DHS Chief Privacy
Officer to approve component Privacy
Act Statements.)

Sarita Rijhwani/Kristy Sawyer
November 21, 2016
November 30, 2016

☒ Yes. Please include it with this PTA
☐ No. Please describe why not.
Click here to enter text.
There is an existing PA statement since this
is PRA package renewal. USCIS Office of
Privacy developed a Privacy Act Statement
and is seeking OCC approval.

Component Privacy Office Recommendation:

The E-Verify program allows employers to electronically confirm the employment authorization of newly
hired employees by matching information provided by employees on the Form I-9, Employment
Eligibility Verification, against existing information contained in the Verification Information System, a
database that matches the information provided against the information contained by both the Social
Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The myE-Verify will allow employees to proactively engage with E-Verify through a suite of Web-based
services. The features of myE-Verify are free and provides individuals a way to establish a secure
account that facilitates an ongoing relationship between the user and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS). myE-Verify lets individuals confirm that their records for employment eligibility are
accurate. It also helps individuals protect their identity and informs them about their E-Verify employer’s
responsibilities and their rights in the E-Verify employment eligibility verification process.
This is an existing collection that is being renewed since the current OMB approval expires on
7/31/2017. The collection is covered by existing privacy documents –
DHS/USCIS/PIA-030(e) myE-Verify,
DHS/USCIS/PIA – 030(d) E-Verify Program
DHS/USCIS/PIA-030(b) E-Verify Self Check

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Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

DHS/USCIS-011 E-Verify Program, August 11,2014, 79 FR 4852
DHS/USCIS-013 E-Verify Self Check, February 16, 2011, 76 FR 9034
DHS/ALL-037 E-Authentication Records, August 11, 2014, 79 FR 46857

Click here to enter text.

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

DHS Privacy Office Reviewer:

Max Binstock

PCTS Workflow Number:
Date approved by DHS Privacy Office:
PTA Expiration Date

December 21, 2016
December 21, 2019


Privacy Sensitive IC or

Yes If “no” PTA adjudication is complete.

DHS IC/Forms Review:

DHS PRIV has not received this ICR/Form.


☐ PTA sufficient at this time.
☐ Privacy compliance documentation determination in
☐ New information sharing arrangement is required.
☐ DHS Policy for Computer-Readable Extracts Containing SPII
☒ Privacy Act Statement required.
☒ Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) required.
☒ System of Records Notice (SORN) required.
☐ Specialized training required.
☐ Other. Click here to enter text.

Date IC/Form Approved Click here to enter a date.
by PRIV:
IC/Form PCTS Number: Click here to enter text.
Privacy Act
New e(3) statement is required.
Click here to enter text.
New system PTA required.
Click here to enter text.
System covered by existing PIA
If covered by existing PIA, please list: DHS/USCIS/PIA-030 E-Verify

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Version number: 04-2016

Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

If a PIA update is required, please list: Click here to enter text.
System covered by existing SORN
If covered by existing SORN, please list: DHS/USCIS-011 E-Verify
Program, August 11, 2014, 79 FR 46852; DHS/ALL-037 EAuthentication Records System of Records, August 11, 2014, 79 FR
If a SORN update is required, please list: Click here to enter text.
DHS Privacy Office Comments:
Please describe rationale for privacy compliance determination above.
USCIS Privacy is submitting this PTA because myE-Verify will allow employees to
proactively engage with E-Verify through a suite of Web-based services. myE-Verify
lets individuals confirm that their records for employment eligibility are accurate. It
also helps individuals protect their identity and informs them about their E-Verify
employer’s responsibilities and their rights in the E-Verify employment eligibility
verification process.
PRIV finds that is a privacy sensitive system and a PIA is required because myEVerify collects PII from members of the public, DHS employees and contractors,
contractors working on behalf of DHS, and employees of other federal agencies.
PRIV agrees with USCIS Privacy that the E-Verify PIAs provide adequate coverage.
DHS/USCIS/PIA-030(b) discusses E-Verify Self Check, which enables any individual
to check his own work authorization status prior to employment, and facilitates
correction of potential errors in federal databases that provide inputs into the EVerify process. DHS/USCIS/PIA-030(d) discusses the collection and verification of
foreign passport COI through US-VISIT. DHS/USCIS/PIA-030(e) discusses myE-Verify,
a voluntary service that provides individuals with features that foster greater insight
and control into the handling of their PII in E-Verify and Self Check.
PRIV finds that a SORN is required because myE-Verify retrieves information by a
unique identifier. PRIV agrees with USCIS Privacy that the E-Verify Program SORN
and E-Authentication SORN provide adequate coverage. DHS/USCIS-011 covers
employment authorization information to employers participating in E-Verify and to
individuals seeking to check employment eligibility under the INA.
DHS/ALL-037 covers records about individuals who electronically authenticate their

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Version number: 04-2016

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-12-21
File Created2016-12-21

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