NCA State or Tribal Cemeteries Satisfaction Survey

NCA Customer Satisfaction Surveys

NCA State_Tribal_Cemeteries Satisfaction Survey

NCA State or Tribal Cemeteries Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 2900-0571

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Please read and answer the following question first.
Have you visited a state or tribal Veterans cemetery in the past 12 months?

No (STOP. You do not have to complete the rest of this questionnaire, but please return the questionnaire
in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.)
Yes (Continue on to the next question.)

VA may not conduct, sponsor, or require the respondent to respond to this collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB Control Number. All responses to this collection are voluntary. Public reporting burden for
this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time necessary for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. The information collected is intended to be used in making
improvements in services within the State or Tribal Organization of the National Cemetery Administration of the
Department of Veterans Affairs and for associated administrative purposes. Failure to furnish the requested
information will have no adverse effect on any VA benefit to which you may be entitled.
The information you supply will be confidential and protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a) and the
VA’s confidentiality statute (38 U.S.C. 5701) as implemented by 38 CFR 1.526(a) and 38 CFR 1.576(b). Disclosure
of information involves releases of statistical data and other non-identifying data for the improvement of services
within the State or Tribal Cemetery Administration and for associated administrative purposes. Please send any
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to VA Clearance Officer (005G2), 810 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington DC 20420. SEND

Please complete this survey based on your experiences at the state or tribal Veterans cemetery
where your loved one was interred.
1. Since the committal service, how many times have you visited the state or tribal Veterans
cemetery where your loved one was interred?
o 1–3
o 4–6
o 7–9
o 10 or more
o None, I have not visited
2. Your recently deceased loved one was your...
o Spouse
o Parent


Son/Daughter (includes stepchildren)
Other relative

3. How far do you reside from the state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Less than 15 miles
o 15 to 29 miles
o 30 to 44 miles
o 45 to 59 miles
o 60 to 75 miles
o Over 75 miles
4. Do the following factors limit the number of times you visit the state or tribal Veterans
cemetery where your loved one is interred? (Please mark Yes or No for each item below.)


a. Distance to the cemetery
b. Travel time to the cemetery
c. Inconvenient location of the cemetery (e.g., neighborhood, no direct
d. My access to transportation (private or public)
e. My health status (e.g., physical limitation or constraints)
f. Other (please specify in General Comments, page 8)
5. Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces, either in the regular military or
a National Guard or reserve unit?
o Yes
o No
6. Prior to your time of need, to what extent were you aware of the benefits related to burial in a
state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Completely aware
o Somewhat aware
o Unaware (SKIP TO Q8)
7. How did you learn of these benefits prior to your time of need? (Mark all that apply)
o Family member/friend
o Funeral home
o Military discharge-related materials
o Other veteran/active duty member
o State or tribal/VA/NCA pamphlet, brochure, newsletter
o State or tribal/VA/NCA Web site
o State or tribal/VA/NCA social media (Facebook or Twitter)
o Veterans Service Organization
o Other state, tribal, or VA organization
o Local newspaper/television news reports
o Public events (e.g., parades, speeches)
o Professional/military association meetings


8. Prior to the time of need, what is the BEST way for the state or tribal Veterans cemetery to
convey information regarding benefits?
o E-mail
o State or tribal/VA/NCA Web site
o State or tribal/VA/NCA social media (Facebook or Twitter)
o Newsletter/flyer
o Local newspaper/television news reports
o Public events (e.g., parades, speeches)
o Professional/military association meetings
o Other
9. To what extent were you informed of the details (e.g., length of service, use of
committal shelters) related to the committal service prior to attending the service?
o Very informed
o Somewhat informed
o Neither informed nor uninformed
o Somewhat uninformed
o Very uninformed
10. Overall, how satisfied are you with the information you were provided throughout your
experiences with the state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
11. At the committal service, did your family have any of the following special needs or
requests? (Mark all that apply)
o Visit the gravesite
o View the burial
o Special music
o Special religious practices (e.g., blessing
o the gravesite)
o Additional seating at the committal service
o Handicapped accommodations
o No, my family did not have any special needs or requests (SKIP TO Q13)
12. Was the cemetery able to accommodate these special needs or requests to your
o Yes, completely
o Yes, somewhat
o No, and I understand why
o No, and I did not understand why
If your loved one was NOT a veteran, please SKIP TO Q16.
13. Did the funeral home provide you with adequate information on military honors?
o Yes
o No


14. If your loved one was a veteran, did your family request military funeral honors?
o Yes, and honors were provided
o Yes, but honors were not provided
o (SKIP TO Q16)
o No, did not request military funeral honors
o (SKIP TO Q16)
15. How satisfied were you with the quality of the military funeral honors your loved one
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
16. Overall, how satisfied were you with the committal service at the state or tribal Veterans
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
17. Were the headstone, marker, or columbarium niche cover inscription options explained to
o Yes
o No (SKIP TO Q21)
o Not sure/don’t know (SKIP TO Q21)
18. Which of the following inscription options were explained to you? (Mark all that apply)
o Military service information (e.g., rank, service, valor awards)
o Emblems of belief (e.g., religious symbols)
o Terms of endearment (e.g., beloved father)
19. Did you feel you had sufficient time to make a decision on the headstone, marker, or
columbarium niche cover inscription options?
o Yes
o No


20. Who explained headstone, marker, or columbarium niche cover inscription options to you?
o State or tribal Veterans cemetery representative ONLY
o Funeral director ONLY
o BOTH the state or tribal Veterans cemetery representative and the funeral director
o NEITHER the state or tribal Veterans cemetery nor the funeral director
21. How satisfied were you with the length of time it took for the permanent headstone, marker,
or columbarium niche cover to be in place?
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
o Don’t know/the marker or headstone has not yet arrived (SKIP TO Q24)
22. When the headstone, marker, or columbarium niche cover arrived, was the inscription
o Yes
o No
o Don’t know
23. Overall, how satisfied were you with the quality and appearance of the headstone, marker,
or columbarium niche cover when it arrived?
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
If your loved one was NOT a veteran, please SKIP TO Q25.
24. If your loved one was a veteran, did you receive a Presidential Memorial Certificate?
o Yes
o No
25. Looking back at your overall experiences with the state or tribal Veterans cemetery, which
items would you have liked more information about? (Mark all that apply)
o None, I was well informed
o Details of the committal service
o Military funeral honors
o Location of gravesite
o Layout of cemetery (maps)
o Directions to cemetery
o Presidential Memorial Certificate
o Floral policy
o Headstone or marker inscription options
o Timeline for placement of headstone/Marker


26. After the loss of your loved one...
a. Did you need bereavement counseling or support?
o Yes
o No
o Don’t know
b. Did you seek bereavement counseling or support?
o Yes
o No
27. Have you contacted VA to find out if you are eligible for VA survivor benefits?
o Yes
o No
o Don’t know
28. Are you eligible for VA survivor benefits?
o Yes
o No
o Don’t know
29. If eligible, have you applied for VA survival benefits?
o Yes
o No
o Don’t know
(For information on survivor benefits, contact VA 800.827.1000)
30. Overall, what was the single biggest contributing factor to the decision to bury your loved
one in a state or tribal Veterans cemetery? (Mark only one)
o Honor the wishes of my loved one
o Recognition of military service
o Other family member also buried at this state or tribal Veterans cemetery
o Location
o Affordability
31. What is your gender?
o Male
o Female
32. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
o Yes
o No


33. What is your race? (Mark one or more)
o White
o Black or African American
o American Indian or Alaskan Native
o Asian
o Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
A. Looking at the attached form, please identify the state or tribal Veterans cemetery with which
you most frequently do business and fill in the corresponding number in the spaces below.
Please complete this survey based on your experiences at this state or tribal Veterans cemetery
within the last 12 months.
B. How far is your funeral home from the state or tribal Veterans cemetery with which you most
frequently do business?

Less than 15 miles
15 to 29 miles
30 to 44 miles
45 to 59 miles
60 to 75 miles
Over 75 miles

C. How long has your funeral home worked with the state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Less than 1 year
o 1 to 4 years
o 5 to 8 years
o 9 to 12 years
o 13 years or more
o Don’t know
D. Of the eligible veteran families you serve, approximately what percent choose burial in the
state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o 1 – 4%
o 5 – 9%
o 10 – 14%
o 15 – 24%
o 25 – 49%
o 50 – 74%
o 75 – 100%


E. How would you characterize the overall communication from the state or tribal Veterans
cemetery to your funeral home?
o Excellent
o Good
o Fair
o Poor
F. Do you feel that you are well informed by the state or tribal Veterans cemetery of its policies
and procedures?
o Yes, well informed
o Yes, somewhat well informed
o No, not well informed
G. In general, of the following services, which one provides you the MOST information about
state or tribal Veterans cemetery policies and procedures? (Mark only one)
o State or tribal/VA/NCA Web site
o Local newspaper/television news reports
o Public events (e.g., parades, exhibits, speeches)
o Professional associations/conventions/meetings
o Veterans Service Officers
o Outreach by cemetery staff
o Other
H. What state or tribal Veterans cemetery policies or procedures do you feel you could use
more information about? (Mark all that apply)
o None, I feel well informed
o Eligibility requirements for burial in a state or tribal Veterans cemetery
o Scheduling process
o Military funeral honors
o Presidential Memorial Certificates
o Floral policy
o Headstone, marker, or columbarium niche cover inscription options
I. What is the best way for the state or tribal Veterans cemetery to communicate with your
funeral home regarding changes in its policies and procedures? (Mark only one)
o Phone
o Fax
o Letter
o Email
o State or tribal Web site
o Newsletter or flyer
J. Overall, how satisfied are you with the communication between your funeral home and the
state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied


K. Overall, how would you compare the level of service you receive from the state or tribal
Veterans cemetery with the level of service you receive from private cemeteries?
o Superior to private cemeteries
o Better than private cemeteries
o About the same
o Worse than private cemeteries
o Much worse than private cemeteries
o Don’t know/not applicable
L. Overall, how would you compare the appearance of the state or tribal Veterans cemetery with
the appearance of private cemeteries?
o Superior to private cemeteries
o Better than private cemeteries
o About the same
o Worse than private cemeteries
o Much worse than private cemeteries
o Don’t know/not applicable
M. To what extent do you understand the eligibility requirements for burial in a state or tribal
Veterans cemetery, including eligibility for reservists and Veteran dependents?
o Understand completely
o Understand somewhat
o Do not understand
N. Are you aware of any state or tribal cemetery informational resources on military honors?
o Yes
o No
O. Do you typically provide these informational resources on military honors to next-of-kin?
o Yes
o No
P. How well do you understand the headstone, marker, or columbarium niche cover inscription
options available to next of kin?
o Understand completely
o Understand somewhat
o Do not understand
Q. How easy is the process of scheduling an interment at the state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Very easy
o Somewhat easy
o Neither easy nor hard
o Somewhat hard
o Very hard


R. How long does it typically take to confirm the scheduling of an interment with the state or
tribal cemetery?
o Less than 1 hour
o 1 to 2 hours
o 3 to 4 hours
o 5 to 8 hours
o 1 to 2 days
o More than 2 days
S. Overall, how satisfied were you with the length of time it took to confirm the scheduling of an
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
o Somewhat dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
T. During committal services, how often do you receive the support you need from cemetery
o Always
o For the most part
o Occasionally
o Never
U. Generally, how often do committal services at the state or tribal Veterans cemetery start on
o Always
o For the most part
o Occasionally
o Never
V. If you are delayed in arriving at the state or tribal Veterans cemetery for a scheduled service,
how successful is the cemetery in adjusting the schedule to accommodate the family?
o Very successful
o Somewhat successful
o Neither successful nor unsuccessful
o Somewhat unsuccessful
o Very unsuccessful
o Don’t know/Not applicable
W. How easy is it to schedule military honors at the state or tribal Veterans cemetery?
o Very easy
o Somewhat easy
o Neither easy nor hard
o Somewhat hard
o Very hard


X. To what extent is the quality of military honors acceptable?
o Very acceptable
o Somewhat acceptable
o Neither acceptable nor unacceptable
o Somewhat unacceptable
o Very unacceptable
34. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.


agree nor




a. The maintenance of the
cemetery grounds is
b. The upkeep of the
headstones, markers, or
columbarium niche covers
is excellent
c. The maintenance of
other landscape features
(e.g., flowers, trees,
shrubs) is excellent
d. The committal shelter
used for the service was
clean, free of safety
hazards, and private
e. There is adequate
handicap accessibility for
visitors who need it
f. The availability of
restrooms is suitable to
accommodate visitors on
busy days
g. The cemetery honors all
Veterans and their service
to our nation
h. There are sufficient
signs within the cemetery
to assist visitors
i. Parking at the cemetery
is adequate to
accommodate visitors on
most days




agree nor




j. The cemetery’s roadways
and intersections are safe
and easily navigated
k. The quality of service
received from cemetery
staff is excellent
l. The state or tribal
Veterans cemetery staff
was courteous
m. The state or tribal
Veterans cemetery staff
was professional in terms
of being knowledgeable,
helpful, and responsive
n. The state or tribal
Veterans cemetery hours
of operation meet my
o. The appearance of my
loved one’s
gravesite/columbaria is
excellent (next-of-kin only)
p. The information kiosks
(i.e., gravesite locators) are
helpful to me
q. Public ceremonies and
events at the cemetery
promote a sense of
patriotism and heritage
r. The overall appearance
of the state or tribal
Veterans cemetery is
s. Overall, I am satisfied
with my experiences at the
state or tribal Veterans
t. I would recommend the
cemetery to Veteran
families during their time of




agree nor




u. I am willing to rely on the
state or tribal Veterans
Cemetery to meet the
burial needs of Veterans in
the future
v. I am willing to rely on the
state or tribal Veterans
Cemetery to maintain
these cemeteries as
shrines in the future
w. My experiences with the
state or tribal Veterans
cemetery exceeded my
General Comments: Please use this space to elaborate on any aspect of your experiences at
the state or tribal Veterans cemetery you wish to share with us.
Note: If you would like to be contacted by the cemetery, please write your name and contact
information (address or telephone number):
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your answers are very important to ensure that the services provided
by state or tribal Veterans cemeteries meet your needs and expectations. Please return your questionnaire in the postagepaid envelope.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-12-19
File Created2013-04-17

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