eCFR 30 CFR 250


Application for Permit to Modify(APM) and supporting documentation

eCFR 30 CFR 250

OMB: 1014-0026

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Subpart A

250.125(a)(3) – APD

250.125(a)(4) - APM

§250.125   Service fees.

(a) The table in this paragraph (a) shows the fees that you must pay to BSEE for the services listed. The fees will be adjusted periodically according to the Implicit Price Deflator for Gross Domestic Product by publication of a document in the Federal Register. If a significant adjustment is needed to arrive at the new actual cost for any reason other than inflation, then a proposed rule containing the new fees will be published in the Federal Register for comment.

Service—processing of the following:

Fee amount

30 CFR Citation

(3) Application for Permit to Drill (APD); Form BSEE-0123

$2,113 for initial applications only; no fee for revisions.

§250.410(d); §250.513(b); §250.1617(a).

(4) Application for Permit to Modify (APM); Form BSEE-0124


§250.465(b); §250.513(b); §250.613(b); §250.1618(a); §250.1704(g).

250.197(a)(1) to (a)(2) - APD

250.197(a)(3) - APM

§250.197   Data and information to be made available to the public or for limited inspection.

BSEE will protect data and information that you submit under this part, and 30 CFR part 203, as described in this section. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section describe what data and information will be made available to the public without the consent of the lessee, under what circumstances, and in what time period. Paragraph (c) of this section describes what data and information will be made available for limited inspection without the consent of the lessee, and under what circumstances.

(a) All data and information you submit on BSEE forms will be made available to the public upon submission, except as specified in the following table:

On form .  .  .

Data and information not immediately available are .  .  .

Excepted data will be made available .  .  .

(1) BSEE-0123, Application for Permit to Drill,

Items 15, 16, 22 through 25,

When the well goes on production or according to the table in paragraph (b) of this section, whichever is earlier.

(2) BSEE-0123S, Supplemental APD Information Sheet,

Items 3, 7, 8, 15 and 17,

When the well goes on production or according to the table in paragraph (b) of this section, whichever is earlier.

(3) BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify,

Item 17,

When the well goes on production or according to the table in paragraph (b) of this section, whichever is earlier.

250.199(e)(19) – APD

250.199(e)(20) - APM

§250.199   Paperwork Reduction Act statements—information collection.

(e) BSEE is collecting this information for the reasons given in the following table:

30 CFR Subpart, title and/or BSEE Form (OMB Control No.)

BSEE collects this information and uses it to:

(19) Application for Permit to Drill (APD, Revised APD), Form BSEE-0123; and Supplemental APD Information Sheet, Form BSEE-0123S, and all supporting documentation (1014-0025)

(i) Evaluate and approve the adequacy of the equipment, materials, and/or procedures that the lessee or operator plans to use during drilling.


(ii) Ensure that applicable OCS operations meet statutory and regulatory requirements.

(20) Application for Permit to Modify (APM), Form BSEE-0124, and supporting documentation (1014-0026)

(i) Evaluate and approve the adequacy of the equipment, materials, and/or procedures that the lessee or operator plans to use during drilling and to evaluate well plan modifications and changes in major equipment.


(ii) Ensure that applicable OCS operations meet statutory and regulatory requirements.


250.408 - APD

§250.408   May I use alternative procedures or equipment during drilling operations?

You may use alternative procedures or equipment during drilling operations after receiving approval from the District Manager. You must identify and discuss your proposed alternative procedures or equipment in your Application for Permit to Drill (APD) (Form BSEE-0123) (see §250.414(h)). Procedures for obtaining approval are described in §250.141 of this part.

250.409 - APD

§250.409   May I obtain departures from these drilling requirements?

The District Manager may approve departures from the drilling requirements specified in this subpart. You may apply for a departure from drilling requirements by writing to the District Manager. You should identify and discuss the departure you are requesting in your APD (see §250.414(h)).

250.410(d)(1) to (d)(2) - APD

§250.410   How do I obtain approval to drill a well?

You must obtain written approval from the District Manager before you begin drilling any well or before you sidetrack, bypass, or deepen a well. To obtain approval, you must:

(a) Submit the information required by §§250.411 through 250.418;

(b) Include the well in your approved Exploration Plan (EP), Development and Production Plan (DPP), or Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD);

(c) Meet the oil spill financial responsibility requirements for offshore facilities as required by 30 CFR part 553; and

(d) Submit the following to the District Manager:

(1) An original and two complete copies of Form BSEE-0123, Application for Permit to Drill (APD), and Form BSEE-0123S, Supplemental APD Information Sheet;

(2) A separate public information copy of forms BSEE-0123 and BSEE-0123S that meets the requirements of §250.186; and

(3) Payment of the service fee listed in §250.125.

250.411(a) through (h) - APD

§250.411   What information must I submit with my application?

In addition to forms BSEE-0123 and BSEE-0123S, you must include the information required in this subpart and subpart G of this part, including the following:

Information that you must include with an APD

Where to find a description

(a) Plat that shows locations of the proposed well,


(b) Design criteria used for the proposed well,


(c) Drilling prognosis,


(d) Casing and cementing programs,


(e) Diverter systems descriptions,


(f) BOP system descriptions,


(g) Requirements for using a MODU, and


(h) Additional information.


§250.414   What must my drilling prognosis include?

Your drilling prognosis must include a brief description of the procedures you will follow in drilling the well. This prognosis includes but is not limited to the following:

(a) Projected plans for coring at specified depths;

(b) Projected plans for logging;

(c) Planned safe drilling margin that is between the estimated pore pressure and the lesser of estimated fracture gradients or casing shoe pressure integrity test and that is based on a risk assessment consistent with expected well conditions and operations.

(1) Your safe drilling margin must also include use of equivalent downhole mud weight that is:

(i) Greater than the estimated pore pressure; and

(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, a minimum of 0.5 pound per gallon below the lower of the casing shoe pressure integrity test or the lowest estimated fracture gradient.

(2) In lieu of meeting the criteria in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, you may use an equivalent downhole mud weight as specified in your APD, provided that you submit adequate documentation (such as risk modeling data, off-set well data, analog data, seismic data) to justify the alternative equivalent downhole mud weight.

(3) When determining the pore pressure and lowest estimated fracture gradient for a specific interval, you must consider related off-set well behavior observations.

(d) Estimated depths to the top of significant marker formations;

(e) Estimated depths to significant porous and permeable zones containing fresh water, oil, gas, or abnormally pressured formation fluids;

(f) Estimated depths to major faults;

(g) Estimated depths of permafrost, if applicable;

(h) A list and description of all requests for using alternate procedures or departures from the requirements of this subpart in one place in the APD. You must explain how the alternate procedures afford an equal or greater degree of protection, safety, or performance, or why the departures are requested;

(i) Projected plans for well testing (refer to §250.460);

(j) The type of wellhead system and liner hanger system to be installed and a descriptive schematic, which includes but is not limited to pressure ratings, dimensions, valves, load shoulders, and locking mechanisms, if applicable; and

(k) Any additional information required by the District Manager needed to clarify or evaluate your drilling prognosis.

§250.418   What additional information must I submit with my APD?

Link to an amendment published at 81 FR 46561, July 15, 2016.

You must include the following with the APD:

(a) Rated capacities of the drilling rig and major drilling equipment, if not already on file with the appropriate District office;

(b) A drilling fluids program that includes the minimum quantities of drilling fluids and drilling fluid materials, including weight materials, to be kept at the site;

(c) A proposed directional plot if the well is to be directionally drilled;

(d) A Hydrogen Sulfide Contingency Plan (see §250.490), if applicable, and not previously submitted;

(e) A welding plan (see §§250.109 to 250.113) if not previously submitted;

(f) In areas subject to subfreezing conditions, evidence that the drilling equipment, BOP systems and components, diverter systems, and other associated equipment and materials are suitable for operating under such conditions;

(g) A request for approval, if you plan to wash out or displace cement to facilitate casing removal upon well abandonment. Your request must include a description of how far below the mudline you propose to displace cement and how you will visually monitor returns;

(h) Certification of your casing and cementing program as required in §250.420(a)(7); and

(i) Such other information as the District Manager may require.

Casing and Cementing Requirements

§250.420   What well casing and cementing requirements must I meet?

You must case and cement all wells. Your casing and cementing programs must meet the applicable requirements of this subpart and of subpart G of this part.

(a) Casing and cementing program requirements. Your casing and cementing programs must:

(1) Properly control formation pressures and fluids;

(2) Prevent the direct or indirect release of fluids from any stratum through the wellbore into offshore waters;

(3) Prevent communication between separate hydrocarbon-bearing strata;

(4) Protect freshwater aquifers from contamination;

(5) Support unconsolidated sediments;

(6) Provide adequate centralization to ensure proper cementation; and

(7)(i) Include a certification signed by a registered professional engineer that the casing and cementing design is appropriate for the purpose for which it is intended under expected wellbore conditions, and is sufficient to satisfy the tests and requirements of this section and §250.423. Submit this certification with your APD (Form BSEE-0123).

(ii) You must have the registered professional engineer involved in the casing and cementing design process.

(iii) The registered professional engineer must be registered in a state of the United States and have sufficient expertise and experience to perform the certification.

(b) Casing requirements. (1) You must design casing (including liners) to withstand the anticipated stresses imposed by tensile, compressive, and buckling loads; burst and collapse pressures; thermal effects; and combinations thereof.

(2) The casing design must include safety measures that ensure well control during drilling and safe operations during the life of the well.

(3) On all wells that use subsea BOP stacks, you must include two independent barriers, including one mechanical barrier, in each annular flow path (examples of barriers include, but are not limited to, primary cement job and seal assembly). For the final casing string (or liner if it is your final string), you must install one mechanical barrier in addition to cement to prevent flow in the event of a failure in the cement. A dual float valve, by itself, is not considered a mechanical barrier. These barriers cannot be modified prior to or during completion or abandonment operations. The BSEE District Manager may approve alternative options under §250.141. You must submit documentation of this installation to BSEE in the End-of-Operations Report (Form BSEE-0125).

(4) If you need to substitute a different size, grade, or weight of casing than what was approved in your APD, you must contact the District Manager for approval prior to installing the casing.

(c) Cementing requirements. (1) You must design and conduct your cementing jobs so that cement composition, placement techniques, and waiting times ensure that the cement placed behind the bottom 500 feet of casing attains a minimum compressive strength of 500 psi before drilling out the casing or before commencing completion operations. (If a liner is used refer to §250.421(f)).

(2) You must use a weighted fluid during displacement to maintain an overbalanced hydrostatic pressure during the cement setting time, except when cementing casings or liners in riserless hole sections.

§250.423   What are the requirements for casing and liner installation?

You must ensure proper installation of casing in the subsea wellhead or liner in the liner hanger.

(a) You must ensure that the latching mechanisms or lock down mechanisms are engaged upon successfully installing and cementing the casing string. If there is an indication of an inadequate cement job, you must comply with §250.428(c).

(b) If you run a liner that has a latching mechanism or lock down mechanism, you must ensure that the latching mechanisms or lock down mechanisms are engaged upon successfully installing and cementing the liner. If there is an indication of an inadequate cement job, you must comply with §250.428(c).

(c) You must perform a pressure test on the casing seal assembly to ensure proper installation of casing or liner. You must perform this test for the intermediate and production casing strings or liners.

(1) You must submit for approval with your APD, test procedures and criteria for a successful test.

(2) You must document all your test results and make them available to BSEE upon request.

§250.427   What are the requirements for pressure integrity tests?

You must conduct a pressure integrity test below the surface casing or liner and all intermediate casings or liners. The District Manager may require you to run a pressure-integrity test at the conductor casing shoe if warranted by local geologic conditions or the planned casing setting depth. You must conduct each pressure integrity test after drilling at least 10 feet but no more than 50 feet of new hole below the casing shoe. You must test to either the formation leak-off pressure or to an equivalent drilling fluid weight if identified in an approved APD.

(a) You must use the pressure integrity test and related hole-behavior observations, such as pore-pressure test results, gas-cut drilling fluid, and well kicks to adjust the drilling fluid program and the setting depth of the next casing string. You must record all test results and hole-behavior observations made during the course of drilling related to formation integrity and pore pressure in the driller's report.

(b) While drilling, you must maintain the safe drilling margins identified in §250.414. When you cannot maintain the safe margins, you must suspend drilling operations and remedy the situation.

§250.428   What must I do in certain cementing and casing situations?

The table in this section describes actions that lessees must take when certain situations occur during casing and cementing activities.

If you encounter the following situation:

Then you must .  .  .

(a) Have unexpected formation pressures or conditions that warrant revising your casing design,

Submit a revised casing program to the District Manager for approval.

(b) Need to change casing setting depths or hole interval drilling depth (for a BHA with an under-reamer, this means bit depth) more than 100 feet true vertical depth (TVD) from the approved APD due to conditions encountered during drilling operations,

Submit those changes to the District Manager for approval and include a certification by a professional engineer (PE) that he or she reviewed and approved the proposed changes.

(c) Have indication of inadequate cement job (such as lost returns, no cement returns to mudline or expected height, cement channeling, or failure of equipment),

(1) Locate the top of cement by:
(i) Running a temperature survey;
(ii) Running a cement evaluation log; or
(iii) Using a combination of these techniques.
(2) Determine if your cement job is inadequate. If your cement job is determined to be inadequate, refer to paragraph (d) of this section.
(3) If your cement job is determined to be adequate, report the results to the District Manager in your submitted WAR.

(d) Inadequate cement job,

Take remedial actions. The District Manager must review and approve all remedial actions before you may take them, unless immediate actions must be taken to ensure the safety of the crew or to prevent a well-control event. If you complete any immediate action to ensure the safety of the crew or to prevent a well-control event, submit a description of the action to the District Manager when that action is complete. Any changes to the well program will require submittal of a certification by a professional engineer (PE) certifying that he or she reviewed and approved the proposed changes, and must meet any other requirements of the District Manager.

(e) Primary cement job that did not isolate abnormal pressure intervals,

Isolate those intervals from normal pressures by squeeze cementing before you complete; suspend operations; or abandon the well, whichever occurs first.

(f) Decide to produce a well that was not originally contemplated for production,

Have at least two cemented casing strings (does not include liners) in the well. Note: All producing wells must have at least two cemented casing strings.

(g) Want to drill a well without setting conductor casing,

Submit geologic data and information to the District Manager that demonstrates the absence of shallow hydrocarbons or hazards. This information must include logging and drilling fluid-monitoring from wells previously drilled within 500 feet of the proposed well path down to the next casing point.

(h) Need to use less than required cement for the surface casing during floating drilling operations to provide protection from burst and collapse pressures,

Submit information to the District Manager that demonstrates the use of less cement is necessary.

(i) Cement across a permafrost zone,

Use cement that sets before it freezes and has a low heat of hydration.

(j) Leave the annulus opposite a permafrost zone uncemented,

Fill the annulus with a liquid that has a freezing point below the minimum permafrost temperature and minimizes opposite a corrosion.

(k) Plan to use a valve(s) on the drive pipe during cementing operations for the conductor casing, surface casing, or liner,

Include a description of the plan in your APD. Your description must include a schematic of the valve and height above the water line. The valve must be remotely operated and full opening with visual observation while taking returns. The person in charge of observing returns must be in communication with the drill floor. You must record in your daily report and in the WAR if cement returns were observed. If cement returns are not observed, you must contact the District Manager and obtain approval of proposed plans to locate the top of cement before continuing with operations.

Diverter System Requirements

§250.432   How do I obtain a departure to diverter design and installation requirements?

The table below describes possible departures from the diverter requirements and the conditions required for each departure. To obtain one of these departures, you must have discussed the departure in your APD and received approval from the District Manager.

If you want a departure to:

Then you must .  .  .

(a) Use flexible hose for diverter lines instead of rigid pipe,

Use flexible hose that has integral end couplings.

(b) Use only one spool outlet for your diverter system,

(1) Have branch lines that meet the minimum internal diameter requirements; and (2) Provide downwind diversion capability.

(c) Use a spool with an outlet with an internal diameter of less than 10 inches on a surface wellhead,

Use a spool that has dual outlets with an internal diameter of at least 8 inches.

(d) Use a single diverter line for floating drilling operations on a dynamically positioned drillship,

Maintain an appropriate vessel heading to provide for downwind diversion.

Drilling Fluid Requirements

§250.456   What safe practices must the drilling fluid program follow?

Your drilling fluid program must include the following safe practices:

(a) Before starting out of the hole with drill pipe, you must properly condition the drilling fluid. You must circulate a volume of drilling fluid equal to the annular volume with the drill pipe just off-bottom. You may omit this practice if documentation in the driller's report shows:

(1) No indication of formation fluid influx before starting to pull the drill pipe from the hole;

(2) The weight of returning drilling fluid is within 0.2 pounds per gallon (1.5 pounds per cubic foot) of the drilling fluid entering the hole; and

(3) Other drilling fluid properties are within the limits established by the program approved in the APD.

(b) Record each time you circulate drilling fluid in the hole in the driller's report;

(c) When coming out of the hole with drill pipe, you must fill the annulus with drilling fluid before the hydrostatic pressure decreases by 75 psi, or every five stands of drill pipe, whichever gives a lower decrease in hydrostatic pressure. You must calculate the number of stands of drill pipe and drill collars that you may pull before you must fill the hole. You must also calculate the equivalent drilling fluid volume needed to fill the hole. Both sets of numbers must be posted near the driller's station. You must use a mechanical, volumetric, or electronic device to measure the drilling fluid required to fill the hole;

(d) You must run and pull drill pipe and downhole tools at controlled rates so you do not swab or surge the well;

(e) When there is an indication of swabbing or influx of formation fluids, you must take appropriate measures to control the well. You must circulate and condition the well, on or near-bottom, unless well or drilling-fluid conditions prevent running the drill pipe back to the bottom;

(f) You must calculate and post near the driller's console the maximum pressures that you may safely contain under a shut-in BOP for each casing string. The pressures posted must consider the surface pressure at which the formation at the shoe would break down, the rated working pressure of the BOP stack, and 70 percent of casing burst (or casing test as approved by the District Manager). As a minimum, you must post the following two pressures:

(1) The surface pressure at which the shoe would break down. This calculation must consider the current drilling fluid weight in the hole; and

(2) The lesser of the BOP's rated working pressure or 70 percent of casing-burst pressure (or casing test otherwise approved by the District Manager);

(g) You must install an operable drilling fluid-gas separator and degasser before you begin drilling operations. You must maintain this equipment throughout the drilling of the well;

(h) Before pulling drill-stem test tools from the hole, you must circulate or reverse-circulate the test fluids in the hole. If circulating out test fluids is not feasible, you may bullhead test fluids out of the drill-stem test string and tools with an appropriate kill weight fluid;

(i) When circulating, you must test the drilling fluid at least once each tour, or more frequently if conditions warrant. Your tests must conform to industry-accepted practices and include density, viscosity, and gel strength; hydrogenion concentration; filtration; and any other tests the District Manager requires for monitoring and maintaining drilling fluid quality, prevention of downhole equipment problems and for kick detection. You must record the results of these tests in the drilling fluid report; and

(j) In areas where permafrost and/or hydrate zones are present or may be present, you must control drilling fluid temperatures to drill safely through those zones.

Other Drilling Requirements

§250.460   What are the requirements for conducting a well test?

(a) If you intend to conduct a well test, you must include your projected plans for the test with your APD (form BSEE-0123) or in an Application for Permit to Modify (APM) (form BSEE-0124). Your plans must include at least the following information:

(1) Estimated flowing and shut-in tubing pressures;

(2) Estimated flow rates and cumulative volumes;

(3) Time duration of flow, buildup, and drawdown periods;

(4) Description and rating of surface and subsurface test equipment;

(5) Schematic drawing, showing the layout of test equipment;

(6) Description of safety equipment, including gas detectors and fire-fighting equipment;

(7) Proposed methods to handle or transport produced fluids; and

(8) Description of the test procedures.

(b) You must give the District Manager at least 24-hours notice before starting a well test.

§250.462   What are the source control, containment, and collocated equipment requirements?

For drilling operations using a subsea BOP or surface BOP on a floating facility, you must have the ability to control or contain a blowout event at the sea floor.

(a) To determine your required source control and containment capabilities you must do the following:

(1) Consider a scenario of the wellbore fully evacuated to reservoir fluids, with no restrictions in the well.

(2) Evaluate the performance of the well as designed to determine if a full shut-in can be achieved without having reservoir fluids broach to the sea floor. If your evaluation indicates that the well can only be partially shut-in, then you must determine your ability to flow and capture the residual fluids to a surface production and storage system.

(b) You must have access to and the ability to deploy Source Control and Containment Equipment (SCCE) and all other necessary supporting and collocated equipment to regain control of the well. SCCE means the capping stack, cap-and-flow system, containment dome, and/or other subsea and surface devices, equipment, and vessels, which have the collective purpose to control a spill source and stop the flow of fluids into the environment or to contain fluids escaping into the environment. This SCCE, supporting equipment, and collocated equipment must include, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Subsea containment and capture equipment, including containment domes and capping stacks;

(2) Subsea utility equipment including hydraulic power sources and hydrate control equipment;

(3) Collocated equipment including dispersant injection equipment;

(4) Riser systems;

(5) Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs);

(6) Capture vessels;

(7) Support vessels; and

(8) Storage facilities.

(c) You must submit a description of your source control and containment capabilities to the Regional Supervisor and receive approval before BSEE will approve your APD, Form BSEE-0123. The description of your containment capabilities must contain the following:

(1) Your source control and containment capabilities for controlling and containing a blowout event at the seafloor;

(2) A discussion of the determination required in paragraph (a) of this section; and

(3) Information showing that you have access to and the ability to deploy all equipment required by paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) You must contact the District Manager and Regional Supervisor for reevaluation of your source control and containment capabilities if your:

(1) Well design changes; or

(2) Approved source control and containment equipment is out of service.

(e) You must maintain, test, and inspect the source control, containment, and collocated equipment identified in the following table according to these requirements:


Requirements, you must:

Additional information

(1) Capping stacks,

(i) Function test all pressure containing critical components on a quarterly frequency (not to exceed 104 days between tests),

Pressure containing critical components are those components that will experience wellbore pressure during a shut-in after being functioned.


(ii) Pressure test pressure containing critical components on a bi-annual basis, but not later than 210 days from the last pressure test. All pressure testing must be witnessed by BSEE (if available) and a BSEE-approved verification organization

Pressure containing critical components are those components that will experience wellbore pressure during a shut-in. These components include, but are not limited to: All blind rams, wellhead connectors, and outlet valves.


(iii) Notify BSEE at least 21 days prior to commencing any pressure testing

(2) Production safety systems used for flow and capture operations,

(i) Meet or exceed the requirements set forth in §§250.800 through 250.808, excluding required equipment that would be installed below the wellhead or that is not applicable to the cap and flow system.


(ii) Have all equipment unique to containment operations available for inspection at all times

(3) Subsea utility equipment,

Have all referenced containment equipment available for inspection at all times

Subsea utility equipment includes, but is not limited to: Hydraulic power sources, debris removal, and hydrate control equipment.

(4) Collocated equipment,

Have equipment available for inspection at all times

Collocated equipment includes, but is not limited to, dispersant injection equipment and other subsea control equipment.

Applying for a Permit To Modify and Well Records

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§250.465   When must I submit an Application for Permit to Modify (APM) or an End of Operations Report to BSEE?

(a) You must submit an APM (form BSEE-0124) or an End of Operations Report (form BSEE-0125) and other materials to the Regional Supervisor as shown in the following table. You must also submit a public information copy of each form.

When you .  .  .

Then you must .  .  .

And .  .  .

(1) Intend to revise your drilling plan, change major drilling equipment, or plugback,

Submit form BSEE-0124 or request oral approval,

Receive written or oral approval from the District Manager before you begin the intended operation. If you get an approval, you must submit form BSEE-0124 no later than the end of the 3rd business day following the oral approval. In all cases, or you must meet the additional requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Determine a well's final surface location, water depth, and the rotary kelly bushing elevation,

Immediately Submit a form BSEE-0124,

Submit a plat certified by a registered land surveyor that meets the requirements of §250.412.

(3) Move a drilling unit from a wellbore before completing a well,

Submit forms BSEE-0124 and BSEE-0125 within 30 days after the suspension of wellbore operations,

Submit appropriate copies of the well records.

(b) If you intend to perform any of the actions specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, you must meet the following additional requirements:

(1) Your APM (Form BSEE-0124) must contain a detailed statement of the proposed work that would materially change from the approved APD. The submission of your APM must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125;

(2) Your form BSEE-0124 must include the present status of the well, depth of all casing strings set to date, well depth, present production zones and productive capability, and all other information specified; and

(3) Within 30 days after completing this work, you must submit an End of Operations Report (EOR), Form BSEE-0125, as required under §250.744.

§250.470   What additional information must I submit with my APD for Arctic OCS exploratory drilling operations?

In addition to complying with all other applicable requirements included in this part, you must provide with your APD all of the following information pertaining to your proposed Arctic OCS exploratory drilling:

(a) A detailed description of:

(1) The environmental, meteorological, and oceanic conditions you expect to encounter at the well site(s);

(2) How you will prepare your equipment, materials, and drilling unit for service in the conditions identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, and how your drilling unit will be in compliance with the requirements of §250.713.

(b) A detailed description of all operations necessary in Arctic OCS conditions to transition the rig from being under way to conducting drilling operations and from ending drilling operations to being under way, as well as any anticipated repair and maintenance plans for the drilling unit and equipment. You should include, among other things, a description of how you plan to:

(1) Recover the subsea equipment, including the marine riser and the lower marine riser package;

(2) Recover the BOP;

(3) Recover the auxiliary sub-sea controls and template;

(4) Lay down the drill pipe and secure the drill pipe and marine riser;

(5) Secure the drilling equipment;

(6) Transfer the fluids for transport or disposal;

(7) Secure ancillary equipment like the draw works and lines;

(8) Refuel or transfer fuel;

(9) Offload waste;

(10) Recover the Remotely Operated Vehicles;

(11) Pick up the oil spill prevention booms and equipment; and

(12) Offload the drilling crew.

(c) A description of well-specific drilling objectives, timelines, and updated contingency plans for temporary abandonment of the well, including but not limited to the following:

(1) When you will spud the particular well (i.e., begin drilling operations at the well site) identified in the APD;

(2) How long you will take to drill the well;

(3) Anticipated depths and geologic targets, with timelines;

(4) When you expect to set and cement each string of casing;

(5) When and how you would log the well;

(6) Your plans to test the well;

(7) When and how you intend to abandon the well, including specifically addressing your plans for how to move the rig off location and how you will meet the requirements of §250.720(c);

(8) A description of what equipment and vessels will be involved in the process of temporarily abandoning the well due to ice; and

(9) An explanation of how you will integrate these elements into your overall program.

(d) A detailed description of your weather and ice forecasting capability for all phases of the drilling operation, including:

(1) How you will ensure your continuous awareness of potential weather and ice hazards at, and during transition between, wells;

(2) Your plans for managing ice hazards and responding to weather events; and

(3) Verification that you have the capabilities described in your BOEM-approved EP.

(e) A detailed description of how you will comply with the requirements of §250.472.

(f) A statement that you own, or have a contract with a provider for, source control and containment equipment (SCCE), which is capable of controlling and/or containing a worst case discharge, as described in your BOEM-approved EP, when proposing to use a MODU to conduct exploratory drilling operations on the Arctic OCS. The following information must be included in your SCCE submittal:

(1) A detailed description of your or your contractor's SCCE capability to stop or contain flow from an out-of-control well, including your operating assumptions and limitations; your access to and ability to deploy, in accordance with §250.471, all necessary SCCE; and your ability to evaluate the performance of the well design to determine how you can achieve a full shut-in without having reservoir fluids discharged into the environment;

(2) An inventory of the local and regional SCCE, supplies, and services that you own or for which you have a contract with a provider. You must identify each supplier of such equipment and services and provide their locations and telephone numbers;

(3) Where applicable, proof of contracts or membership agreements with cooperatives, service providers, or other contractors who will provide you with the necessary SCCE or related supplies and services if you do not possess them. The contract or membership agreement must include provisions for ensuring the availability of the personnel and/or equipment on a 24-hour per day basis while you are drilling below or working below the surface casing;

(4) A detailed description of the procedures you plan to use to inspect, test, and maintain your SCCE; and

(5) A detailed description of your plan to ensure that all members of your operating team, who are responsible for operating the SCCE, have received the necessary training to deploy and operate such equipment in Arctic OCS conditions and demonstrate ongoing proficiency in source control operations. You must also identify and include the dates of prior and planned training.

(g) Where it does not conflict with other requirements of this subpart, and except as provided in paragraphs (g)(1) through (11) of this section, you must comply with the requirements of API RP 2N, Third Edition “Planning, Designing, and Constructing Structures and Pipelines for Arctic Conditions” (incorporated by reference as specified in §250.198), and provide a detailed description of how you will utilize the best practices included in API RP 2N during your exploratory drilling operations. You are not required to incorporate the following sections of API RP 2N into your drilling operations:

(1) Sections 6.6.3 through 6.6.4;

(2) The foundation recommendations in Section 8.4;

(3) Section 9.6;

(4) The recommendations for permanently moored systems in Section 9.7;

(5) The recommendations for pile foundations in Section 9.10;

(6) Section 12;

(7) Section 13.2.1;

(8) Sections,,, through;

(9) Sections 13.9.1, 13.9.2, 13.9.4 through 13.9.8;

(10) Sections 14 through 16; and

(11) Section 18.

§250.471   What are the requirements for Arctic OCS source control and containment?

You must meet the following requirements for all exploration wells drilled on the Arctic OCS:

(a) If you use a MODU when drilling below or working below the surface casing, you must have access to the following SCCE capable of stopping or capturing the flow of an out-of-control well:

(1) A capping stack, positioned to ensure that it will arrive at the well location within 24 hours after a loss of well control and can be deployed as directed by the Regional Supervisor pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section;

(2) A cap and flow system, positioned to ensure that it will arrive at the well location within 7 days after a loss of well control and can be deployed as directed by the Regional Supervisor pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section. The cap and flow system must be designed to capture at least the amount of hydrocarbons equivalent to the calculated worst case discharge rate referenced in your BOEM-approved EP; and

(3) A containment dome, positioned to ensure that it will arrive at the well location within 7 days after a loss of well control and can be deployed as directed by the Regional Supervisor pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section. The containment dome must have the capacity to pump fluids without relying on buoyancy.

(b) You must conduct a monthly stump test of dry-stored capping stacks. If you use a pre-positioned capping stack, you must conduct a stump test prior to each installation on each well.

(c) As required by §250.465(a), if you propose to change your well design, you must submit an APM. For Arctic OCS operations, your APM must include a reevaluation of your SCCE capabilities for any new Worst Case Discharge (WCD) rate, and a demonstration that your SCCE capabilities will meet the criteria in §250.470(f) under the changed well design.

(d) You must conduct tests or exercises of your SCCE, including deployment of your SCCE, when directed by the Regional Supervisor.

(e) You must maintain records pertaining to testing, inspection, and maintenance of your SCCE for at least 10 years and make the records available to any authorized BSEE representative upon request.

(f) You must maintain records pertaining to the use of your SCCE during testing, training, and deployment activities for at least 3 years and make the records available to any authorized BSEE representative upon request.

(g) Upon a loss of well control, you must initiate transit of all SCCE identified in paragraph (a) of this section to the well.

(h) You must deploy and use SCCE when directed by the Regional Supervisor.

(i) Operators may request approval of alternate procedures or equipment to the SCCE requirements of subparagraph (a) of this section in accordance with §250.141. The operator must show and document that the alternate procedures or equipment will provide a level of safety and environmental protection that will meet or exceed the level of safety and environmental protection required by BSEE regulations, including demonstrating that the alternate procedures or equipment will be capable of stopping or capturing the flow of an out-of-control well.

§250.472   What are the relief rig requirements for the Arctic OCS?

(a) In the event of a loss of well control, the Regional Supervisor may direct you to drill a relief well using the relief rig able to kill and permanently plug an out-of-control well as described in your APD. Your relief rig must comply with all other requirements of this part pertaining to drill rig characteristics and capabilities, and it must be able to drill a relief well under anticipated Arctic OCS conditions.

(b) When you are drilling below or working below the surface casing during Arctic OCS exploratory drilling operations, you must have access to a relief rig, different from your primary drilling rig, staged in a location such that it can arrive on site, drill a relief well, kill and abandon the original well, and abandon the relief well prior to expected seasonal ice encroachment at the drill site, but no later than 45 days after the loss of well control.

(c) Operators may request approval of alternative compliance measures to the relief rig requirement in accordance with §250.141. The operator must show and document that the alternate compliance measure will meet or exceed the level of safety and environmental protection required by BSEE regulations, including demonstrating that the alternate compliance measure will be able to kill and permanently plug an out-of-control well.

Hydrogen Sulfide

§250.490   Hydrogen sulfide.

(c) Classifying an area for the presence of H2S. You must:

(1) Request and obtain an approved classification for the area from the Regional Supervisor before you begin operations. Classifications are “H2S absent,” H2S present,” or “H2S unknown”;

(2) Submit your request with your application for permit to drill;

(3) Support your request with available information such as geologic and geophysical data and correlations, well logs, formation tests, cores and analysis of formation fluids; and

(4) Submit a request for reclassification of a zone when additional data indicate a different classification is needed.

Subpart E

§250.513   Approval and reporting of well-completion operations.

(a) No well-completion operation may begin until the lessee receives written approval from the District Manager. If completion is planned and the data are available at the time you submit the Application for Permit to Drill and Supplemental APD Information Sheet (Forms BSEE-0123 and BSEE-0123S), you may request approval for a well-completion on those forms (see §§250.410 through 250.418 of this part). If the District Manager has not approved the completion or if the completion objective or plans have significantly changed, you must submit an Application for Permit to Modify (Form BSEE-0124) for approval of such operations.

(b) You must submit the following with Form BSEE-0124 (or with Form BSEE-0123; Form BSEE-0123S):

(1) A brief description of the well-completion procedures to be followed, a statement of the expected surface pressure, and type and weight of completion fluids;

(2) A schematic drawing of the well showing the proposed producing zone(s) and the subsurface well-completion equipment to be used;

(3) For multiple completions, a partial electric log showing the zones proposed for completion, if logs have not been previously submitted;

(4) All applicable information required in §250.731.

(5) When the well-completion is in a zone known to contain H2S or a zone where the presence of H2S is unknown, information pursuant to §250.490 of this part; and

(6) Payment of the service fee listed in §250.125.

§250.518   Tubing and wellhead equipment.

(a) No tubing string shall be placed in service or continue to be used unless such tubing string has the necessary strength and pressure integrity and is otherwise suitable for its intended use.

(b) When the tree is installed, you must equip wells to monitor for casing pressure according to the following chart:

If you .  .  .

you must equip .  .  .

so you can monitor .  .  .

(1) fixed platform wells,

the wellhead,

all annuli (A, B, C, D, etc., annuli).

(2) subsea wells,

the tubing head,

the production casing annulus (A annulus).

(3) hybrid* wells,

the surface wellhead,

all annuli at the surface (A and B riser annuli). If the production casing below the mudline and the production casing riser above the mudline are pressure isolated from each other, provisions must be made to monitor the production casing below the mudline for casing pressure.

*Characterized as a well drilled with a subsea wellhead and completed with a surface casing head, a surface tubing head, a surface tubing hanger, and a surface christmas tree.

(c) Wellhead, tree, and related equipment shall have a pressure rating greater than the shut-in tubing pressure and shall be designed, installed, used, maintained, and tested so as to achieve and maintain pressure control. New wells completed as flowing or gas-lift wells shall be equipped with a minimum of one master valve and one surface safety valve, installed above the master valve, in the vertical run of the tree.

(d) Subsurface safety equipment shall be installed, maintained, and tested in compliance with §250.801 of this part.

(e) When installed, packers and bridge plugs must meet the following:

(1) All permanently installed packers and bridge plugs must comply with API Spec. 11D1 (as incorporated by reference in §250.198);

(2) The production packer must be set at a depth that will allow for a column of weighted fluids to be placed above the packer that will exert a hydrostatic force greater than or equal to the force created by the reservoir pressure below the packer;

(3) The production packer must be set as close as practically possible to the perforated interval; and

(4) The production packer must be set at a depth that is within the cemented interval of the selected casing section.

(f) Your APM must include a description and calculations for how you determined the production packer setting depth.

Casing Pressure Management

§250.526   What do I submit if my casing diagnostic test requires action?

Within 14 days after you perform a casing diagnostic test requiring action under §250.524:

You must submit either .  .  .

to the appropriate .  .  .

and it must include .  .  .

You must also .  .  .

(a) a notification of corrective action; or,

District Manager and copy the Regional Supervisor, Field Operations,

requirements under §250.526,

submit an Application for Permit to Modify or Corrective Action Plan within 30 days of the diagnostic test.

(b) a casing pressure request,

Regional Supervisor, Field Operations,

requirements under §250.527.

Subpart F—Oil and Gas Well-Workover Operations

§250.613   Approval and reporting for well-workover operations.

(a) No well-workover operation except routine ones, as defined in §250.601 of this part, shall begin until the lessee receives written approval from the District Manager. Approval for these operations must be requested on Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify.

(b) You must submit the following with Form BSEE-0124:

(1) A brief description of the well-workover procedures to be followed, a statement of the expected surface pressure, and type and weight of workover fluids;

(2) When changes in existing subsurface equipment are proposed, a schematic drawing of the well showing the zone proposed for workover and the workover equipment to be used;

(3) All information required in §250.731.

(4) Where the well-workover is in a zone known to contain H2S or a zone where the presence of H2S is unknown, information pursuant to §250.490 of this part; and

(5) Payment of the service fee listed in §250.125.

(c) The following additional information shall be submitted with Form BSEE-0124 if completing to a new zone is proposed:

(1) Reason for abandonment of present producing zone including supportive well test data, and

(2) A statement of anticipated or known pressure data for the new zone.

(d) Within 30 days after completing the well-workover operation, except routine operations, Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, shall be submitted to the District Manager, showing the work as performed. In the case of a well-workover operation resulting in the initial recompletion of a well into a new zone, a Form BSEE-0125, End of Operations Report, shall be submitted to the District Manager and shall include a new schematic of the tubing subsurface equipment if any subsurface equipment has been changed.

§250.616   Coiled tubing and snubbing operations.

(a) For coiled tubing operations with the production tree in place, you must meet the following minimum requirements for the BOP system:

(1) BOP system components must be in the following order from the top down:

BOP system when expected
surface pressures are less than or equal to 3,500 psi

BOP system when expected
surface pressures are greater than 3,500 psi

BOP system for wells with returns taken through an outlet on the BOP stack

Stripper or annular-type well control component

Stripper or annular-type well control component

Stripper or annular-type well control component.

Hydraulically-operated blind rams

Hydraulically-operated blind rams

Hydraulically-operated blind rams

Hydraulically-operated shear rams

Hydraulically-operated shear rams

Hydraulically-operated shear rams.

Kill line inlet

Kill line inlet

Kill line inlet.

Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams

Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams

Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams.
Hydraulically-operated pipe rams.

Hydraulically-operated pipe rams

Hydraulically-operated pipe rams
Hydraulically-operated blind-shear rams. These rams should be located as close to the tree as practical

A flow tee or cross.
Hydraulically-operated pipe rams.
Hydraulically-operated blind-shear rams on wells with surface pressures >3,500 psi. As an option, the pipe rams can be placed below the blind-shear rams. The blind-shear rams should be located as close to the tree as practical.

(2) You may use a set of hydraulically-operated combination rams for the blind rams and shear rams.

(3) You may use a set of hydraulically-operated combination rams for the hydraulic two-way slip rams and the hydraulically-operated pipe rams.

(4) You must attach a dual check valve assembly to the coiled tubing connector at the downhole end of the coiled tubing string for all coiled tubing well-workover operations. If you plan to conduct operations without downhole check valves, you must describe alternate procedures and equipment in Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify and have it approved by the District Manager.

(5) You must have a kill line and a separate choke line. You must equip each line with two full-opening valves and at least one of the valves must be remotely controlled. You may use a manual valve instead of the remotely controlled valve on the kill line if you install a check valve between the two full-opening manual valves and the pump or manifold. The valves must have a working pressure rating equal to or greater than the working pressure rating of the connection to which they are attached, and you must install them between the well control stack and the choke or kill line. For operations with expected surface pressures greater than 3,500 psi, the kill line must be connected to a pump or manifold. You must not use the kill line inlet on the BOP stack for taking fluid returns from the wellbore.

(6) You must have a hydraulic-actuating system that provides sufficient accumulator capacity to close-open-close each component in the BOP stack. This cycle must be completed with at least 200 psi above the pre-charge pressure, without assistance from a charging system.

(7) All connections used in the surface BOP system from the tree to the uppermost required ram must be flanged, including the connections between the well control stack and the first full-opening valve on the choke line and the kill line.

(b) The minimum BOP-system components for well-workover operations with the tree in place and performed by moving tubing or drill pipe in or out of a well under pressure utilizing equipment specifically designed for that purpose, i.e.,snubbing operations, shall include the following:

(1) One set of pipe rams hydraulically operated, and

(2) Two sets of stripper-type pipe rams hydraulically operated with spacer spool.

(c) An inside BOP or a spring-loaded, back-pressure safety valve and an essentially full-opening, work-string safety valve in the open position shall be maintained on the rig floor at all times during well-workover operations when the tree is removed or during well-workover operations with the tree installed and using small tubing as the work string. A wrench to fit the work-string safety valve shall be readily available. Proper connections shall be readily available for inserting valves in the work string. The full-opening safety valve is not required for coiled tubing or snubbing operations.

§250.619   Tubing and wellhead equipment.

The lessee shall comply with the following requirements during well-workover operations with the tree removed:

(a) No tubing string shall be placed in service or continue to be used unless such tubing string has the necessary strength and pressure integrity and is otherwise suitable for its intended use.

(b) When reinstalling the tree, you must:

(1) Equip wells to monitor for casing pressure according to the following chart:

If you have .  .  .

you must equip .  .  .

so you can monitor .  .  .

(i) fixed platform wells,

the wellhead,

all annuli (A, B, C, D, etc., annuli).

(ii) subsea wells,

the tubing head,

the production casing annulus (A annulus).

(iii) hybrid* wells,

the surface wellhead,

all annuli at the surface (A and B riser annuli). If the production casing below the mudline and the production casing riser above the mudline are pressure isolated from each other, provisions must be made to monitor the production casing below the mudline for casing pressure.

*Characterized as a well drilled with a subsea wellhead and completed with a surface casing head, a surface tubing head, a surface tubing hanger, and a surface christmas tree.

(2) Follow the casing pressure management requirements in subpart E of this part.

(c) Wellhead, tree, and related equipment shall have a pressure rating greater than the shut-in tubing pressure and shall be designed, installed, used, maintained, and tested so as to achieve and maintain pressure control. The tree shall be equipped with a minimum of one master valve and one surface safety valve in the vertical run of the tree when it is reinstalled.

(d) Subsurface safety equipment shall be installed, maintained, and tested in compliance with §250.801 of this part.

(e) If you pull and reinstall packers and bridge plugs, you must meet the following requirements:

(1) All permanently installed packers and bridge plugs must comply with API Spec. 11D1 (as incorporated by reference in §250.198);

(2) The production packer must be set at a depth that will allow for a column of weighted fluids to be placed above the packer that will exert a hydrostatic force greater than or equal to the force created by the reservoir pressure below the packer;

(3) The production packer must be set as close as practically possible to the perforated interval; and

(4) The production packer must be set at a depth that is within the cemented interval of the selected casing section.

(f) Your APM must include a description and calculations for how you determined the production packer setting depth.


General Requirements

§250.701   May I use alternate procedures or equipment during operations?

You may use alternate procedures or equipment during operations after receiving approval as described in §250.141. You must identify and discuss your proposed alternate procedures or equipment in your Application for Permit to Drill (APD) (Form BSEE-0123) (see §250.414(h)) or your Application for Permit to Modify (APM) (Form BSEE-0124). Procedures for obtaining approval of alternate procedures or equipment are described in §250.141.

§250.702   May I obtain departures from these requirements?

You may apply for a departure from these requirements as described in §250.142. Your request must include a justification showing why the departure is necessary. You must identify and discuss the departure you are requesting in your APD (see §250.414(h)) or your APM.

Rig Requirements

§250.713   What must I provide if I plan to use a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) for well operations?

If you plan to use a MODU for well operations, you must provide:

(a) Fitness requirements. Information and data to demonstrate the MODU's capability to perform at the proposed location. This information must include the maximum environmental and operational conditions that the MODU is designed to withstand, including the minimum air gap necessary for both hurricane and non-hurricane seasons. If sufficient environmental information and data are not available at the time you submit your APD or APM, the District Manager may approve your APD or APM, but require you to collect and report this information during operations. Under this circumstance, the District Manager may revoke the approval of the APD or APM if information collected during operations shows that the MODU is not capable of performing at the proposed location.

(b) Foundation requirements. Information to show that site-specific soil and oceanographic conditions are capable of supporting the proposed bottom-founded MODU. If you provided sufficient site-specific information in your EP, DPP, or DOCD submitted to BOEM for that well location and conditions, you may reference that information. The District Manager may require you to conduct additional surveys and soil borings before approving the APD or APM if additional information is needed to make a determination that the conditions are capable of supporting the MODU, or equipment installed on a subsea wellhead. For a moored rig, you must submit a plat of the rig's anchor pattern approved in your EP, DPP, or DOCD in your APD or APM.

(c) For frontier areas. (1) If the design of the MODU you plan to use in a frontier area is unique or has not been proven for use in the proposed environment, the District Manager may require you to submit a third-party review of the MODU design. If required, you must obtain a third-party review of your MODU similar to the process outlined in §§250.915 through 250.918. You may submit this information before submitting an APD or APM.

(2) If you plan to conduct operations in a frontier area, you must have a contingency plan that addresses design and operating limitations of the MODU. Your plan must identify the actions necessary to maintain safety and prevent damage to the environment. Actions must include the suspension, curtailment, or modification of operations to remedy various operational or environmental situations (e.g., vessel motion, riser offset, anchor tensions, wind speed, wave height, currents, icing or ice-loading, settling, tilt or lateral movement, resupply capability).

(d) Additional documentation. You must provide the current Certificate of Inspection (for U.S.-flag vessels) or Certificate of Compliance (for foreign-flag vessels) from the USCG and Certificate of Classification. You must also provide current documentation of any operational limitations imposed by an appropriate classification society.

(e) Dynamically positioned MODU. If you use a dynamically positioned MODU, you must include in your APD or APM your contingency plan for moving off location in an emergency situation. At a minimum, your plan must address emergency events caused by storms, currents, station-keeping failures, power failures, and losses of well control. The District Manager may require your plan to include additional events that may require movement of the MODU and other information needed to clarify or further address how the MODU will respond to emergencies or other events.

(f) Inspection of MODU. The MODU must be available for inspection by the District Manager before commencing operations and at any time during operations.

(g) Current monitoring. For water depths greater than 400 meters (1,312 feet), you must include in your APD or APM:

(1) A description of the specific current speeds that will cause you to implement rig shutdown, move-off procedures, or both; and

(2) A discussion of the specific measures you will take to curtail rig operations and move off location when such currents are encountered. You may use criteria, such as current velocities, riser angles, watch circles, and remaining rig power to describe when these procedures or measures will be implemented.

Well Operations

§250.720   When and how must I secure a well?

(a) Whenever you interrupt operations, you must notify the District Manager. Before moving off the well, you must have two independent barriers installed, at least one of which must be a mechanical barrier, as approved by the District Manager. You must install the barriers at appropriate depths within a properly cemented casing string or liner. Before removing a subsea BOP stack or surface BOP stack on a mudline suspension well, you must conduct a negative pressure test in accordance with §250.721.

(1) The events that would cause you to interrupt operations and notify the District Manager include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) Evacuation of the rig crew;

(ii) Inability to keep the rig on location;

(iii) Repair to major rig or well-control equipment; or

(iv) Observed flow outside the well's casing (e.g., shallow water flow or bubbling).

(2) The District Manager may approve alternate procedures or barriers, in accordance with §250.141, if you do not have time to install the required barriers or if special circumstances occur.

(b) Before you displace kill-weight fluid from the wellbore and/or riser, thereby creating an underbalanced state, you must obtain approval from the District Manager. To obtain approval, you must submit with your APD or APM your reasons for displacing the kill-weight fluid and provide detailed step-by-step written procedures describing how you will safely displace these fluids. The step-by-step displacement procedures must address the following:

(1) Number and type of independent barriers, as described in §250.420(b)(3), that are in place for each flow path that requires such barriers;

(2) Tests you will conduct to ensure integrity of independent barriers;

(3) BOP procedures you will use while displacing kill-weight fluids; and

(4) Procedures you will use to monitor the volumes and rates of fluids entering and leaving the wellbore.

§250.721   What are the requirements for pressure testing casing and liners?

(a) You must test each casing string that extends to the wellhead according to the following table:

Casing type

Minimum test pressure

(1) Drive or Structural,

Not required.

(2) Conductor, excluding subsea wellheads,

250 psi.

(3) Surface, Intermediate, and Production,

70 percent of its minimum internal yield.

(b) You must test each drilling liner and liner-top to a pressure at least equal to the anticipated leak-off pressure of the formation below that liner shoe, or subsequent liner shoes if set. You must conduct this test before you continue operations in the well.

(c) You must test each production liner and liner-top to a minimum of 500 psi above the formation fracture pressure at the casing shoe into which the liner is lapped.

(d) The District Manager may approve or require other casing test pressures as appropriate under the circumstances to ensure casing integrity.

(e) If you plan to produce a well, you must:

(1) For a well that is fully cased and cemented, pressure test the entire well to maximum anticipated shut-in tubing pressure, not to exceed 70% of the burst rating limit of the weakest component before perforating the casing or liner; or

(2) For an open-hole completion, pressure test the entire well to maximum anticipated shut-in tubing pressure, not to exceed 70% of the burst rating limit of the weakest component before you drill the open-hole section.

(f) You may not resume operations until you obtain a satisfactory pressure test. If the pressure declines more than 10 percent in a 30-minute test, or if there is another indication of a leak, you must submit to the District Manager for approval your proposed plans to re-cement, repair the casing or liner, or run additional casing/liner to provide a proper seal. Your submittal must include a PE certification of your proposed plans.

(g) You must perform a negative pressure test on all wells that use a subsea BOP stack or wells with mudline suspension systems.

(1) You must perform a negative pressure test on your final casing string or liner. This test must be conducted after setting your second barrier just above the shoe track, but prior to conducting any completion operations.

(2) You must perform a negative pressure test prior to unlatching the BOP at any point in the well. The negative pressure test must be performed on those components, at a minimum, that will be exposed to the negative differential pressure that will occur when the BOP is disconnected.

(3) The District Manager may require you to perform additional negative pressure tests on other casing strings or liners (e.g., intermediate casing string or liner) or on wells with a surface BOP stack as appropriate to demonstrate casing or liner integrity.

(4) You must submit for approval with your APD or APM, test procedures and criteria for a successful negative pressure test. If any of your test procedures or criteria for a successful test change, you must submit for approval the changes in a revised APD or APM.

(5) You must document all your test results and make them available to BSEE upon request.

(6) If you have any indication of a failed negative pressure test, such as, but not limited to, pressure buildup or observed flow, you must immediately investigate the cause. If your investigation confirms that a failure occurred during the negative pressure test, you must:

(i) Correct the problem and immediately notify the appropriate District Manager; and

(ii) Submit a description of the corrective action taken and receive approval from the appropriate District Manager for the retest.

(7) You must have two barriers in place, as described in §250.420(b)(3), at any time and for any well, prior to performing the negative pressure test.

(8) You must include documentation of the successful negative pressure test in the End-of-Operations Report (Form BSEE-0125).

§250.724   What are the real-time monitoring requirements?

(a) No later than April 29, 2019, when conducting well operations with a subsea BOP or with a surface BOP on a floating facility, or when operating in an high pressure high temperature (HPHT) environment, you must gather and monitor real-time well data using an independent, automatic, and continuous monitoring system capable of recording, storing, and transmitting data regarding the following:

(1) The BOP control system;

(2) The well's fluid handling system on the rig; and

(3) The well's downhole conditions with the bottom hole assembly tools (if any tools are installed).

(b) You must transmit these data as they are gathered, barring unforeseeable or unpreventable interruptions in transmission, and have the capability to monitor the data onshore, using qualified personnel in accordance with a real-time monitoring plan, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. Onshore personnel who monitor real-time data must have the capability to contact rig personnel during operations. After operations, you must preserve and store these data onshore for recordkeeping purposes as required in §§250.740 and 250.741. You must provide BSEE with access to your designated real-time monitoring data onshore upon request. You must include in your APD a certification that you have a real-time monitoring plan that meets the criteria in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) You must develop and implement a real-time monitoring plan. Your real-time monitoring plan, and all real-time monitoring data, must be made available to BSEE upon request. Your real-time monitoring plan must include the following:

(1) A description of your real-time monitoring capabilities, including the types of the data collected;

(2) A description of how your real-time monitoring data will be transmitted onshore during operations, how the data will be labeled and monitored by qualified onshore personnel, and how it will be stored onshore;

(3) A description of your procedures for providing BSEE access, upon request, to your real-time monitoring data including, if applicable, the location of any onshore data monitoring or data storage facilities;

(4) The qualifications of the onshore personnel monitoring the data;

(5) Your procedures for, and methods of, communication between rig personnel and the onshore monitoring personnel; and

(6) Actions to be taken if you lose any real-time monitoring capabilities or communications between rig and onshore personnel, and a protocol for how you will respond to any significant and/or prolonged interruption of monitoring or onshore-offshore communications, including your protocol for notifying BSEE of any significant and/or prolonged interruptions.

Blowout Preventer (BOP) System Requirements

§250.731   What information must I submit for BOP systems and system components?

For any operation that requires the use of a BOP, you must include the information listed in this section with your applicable APD, APM, or other submittal. You are required to submit this information only once for each well, unless the information changes from what you provided in an earlier approved submission or you have moved off location from the well. After you have submitted this information for a particular well, subsequent APMs or other submittals for the well should reference the approved submittal containing the information required by this section and confirm that the information remains accurate and that you have not moved off location from that well. If the information changes or you have moved off location from the well, you must submit updated information in your next submission.

You must submit:


(a) A complete description of the BOP system and system components,

(1) Pressure ratings of BOP equipment;


(2) Proposed BOP test pressures (for subsea BOPs, include both surface and corresponding subsea pressures);


(3) Rated capacities for liquid and gas for the fluid-gas separator system;


(4) Control fluid volumes needed to close, seal, and open each component;


(5) Control system pressure and regulator settings needed to achieve an effective seal of each ram BOP under MASP as defined for the operation;


(6) Number and volume of accumulator bottles and bottle banks (for subsea BOP, include both surface and subsea bottles);


(7) Accumulator pre-charge calculations (for subsea BOP, include both surface and subsea calculations);


(8) All locking devices; and


(9) Control fluid volume calculations for the accumulator system (for a subsea BOP system, include both the surface and subsea volumes).

(b) Schematic drawings,

(1) The inside diameter of the BOP stack;


(2) Number and type of preventers (including blade type for shear ram(s));


(3) All locking devices;


(4) Size range for variable bore ram(s);


(5) Size of fixed ram(s);


(6) All control systems with all alarms and set points labeled, including pods;


(7) Location and size of choke and kill lines (and gas bleed line(s) for subsea BOP);


(8) Associated valves of the BOP system;


(9) Control station locations; and


(10) A cross-section of the riser for a subsea BOP system showing number, size, and labeling of all control, supply, choke, and kill lines down to the BOP.

(c) Certification by a BSEE-approved verification organization (BAVO),

Verification that:
(1) Test data demonstrate the shear ram(s) will shear the drill pipe at the water depth as required in §250.732;
(2) The BOP was designed, tested, and maintained to perform under the maximum environmental and operational conditions anticipated to occur at the well; and
(3) The accumulator system has sufficient fluid to operate the BOP system without assistance from the charging system.

(d) Additional certification by a BAVO, if you use a subsea BOP, a BOP in an HPHT environment as defined in §250.807, or a surface BOP on a floating facility,

Verification that:
(1) The BOP stack is designed and suitable for the specific equipment on the rig and for the specific well design;
(2) The BOP stack has not been compromised or damaged from previous service; and
(3) The BOP stack will operate in the conditions in which it will be used.

(e) If you are using a subsea BOP, descriptions of autoshear, deadman, and emergency disconnect sequence (EDS) systems,

A listing of the functions with their sequences and timing.

(f) Certification stating that the MIA Report required in §250.732(d) has been submitted within the past 12 months for a subsea BOP, a BOP being used in an HPHT environment as defined in §250.807, or a surface BOP on a floating facility

§250.733   What are the requirements for a surface BOP stack?

(a) When you drill or conduct operations with a surface BOP stack, you must install the BOP system before drilling or conducting operations to deepen the well below the surface casing and after the well is deepened below the surface casing point. The surface BOP stack must include at least four remote-controlled, hydraulically operated BOPs, consisting of one annular BOP, one BOP equipped with blind shear rams, and two BOPs equipped with pipe rams.

(1) The blind shear rams must be capable of shearing at any point along the tubular body of any drill pipe (excluding tool joints, bottom-hole tools, and bottom hole assemblies that include heavy-weight pipe or collars), workstring, tubing provided that the capability to shear tubing with exterior control lines is not required prior to April 30, 2018, and any electric-, wire-, and slick-line that is in the hole and sealing the wellbore after shearing. If your blind shear rams are unable to cut any electric-, wire-, or slick-line under MASP as defined for the operation and seal the wellbore, you must use an alternative cutting device capable of shearing the lines before closing the BOP. This device must be available on the rig floor during operations that require their use.

(2) The two BOPs equipped with pipe rams must be capable of closing and sealing on the tubular body of any drill pipe, workstring, and tubing under MASP, as defined for the operation, except for tubing with exterior control lines and flat packs, a bottom hole assembly that includes heavy-weight pipe or collars, and bottom-hole tools.

(b) If you plan to use a surface BOP on a floating production facility you must:

(1) For BOPs installed after April 29, 2019, follow the BOP requirements in §250.734(a)(1).

(2) For risers installed after July 28, 2016, use a dual bore riser configuration before drilling or operating in any hole section or interval where hydrocarbons are, or may be, exposed to the well. The dual bore riser must meet the design requirements of API RP 2RD (as incorporated by reference in §250.198), including appropriate design for the maximum anticipated operating and environmental conditions.

(i) For a dual bore riser configuration, the annulus between the risers must be monitored for pressure during operations. You must describe in your APD or APM your annulus monitoring plan and how you will secure the well in the event a leak is detected.

(ii) The inner riser for a dual riser configuration is subject to the requirements at §250.721 for testing the casing or liner.

(c) You must install separate side outlets on the BOP stack for the kill and choke lines. If your stack does not have side outlets, you must install a drilling spool with side outlets. The outlet valves must hold pressure from both directions.

(d) You must install a choke and a kill line on the BOP stack. You must equip each line with two full-bore, full-opening valves, one of which must be remote-controlled. On the kill line, you may install a check valve and a manual valve instead of the remote-controlled valve. To use this configuration, both manual valves must be readily accessible and you must install the check valve between the manual valves and the pump.

§250.734   What are the requirements for a subsea BOP system?

(a) When you drill or conduct operations with a subsea BOP system, you must install the BOP system before drilling to deepen the well below the surface casing or before conducting operations if the well is already deepened beyond the surface casing point. The District Manager may require you to install a subsea BOP system before drilling or conducting operations below the conductor casing if proposed casing setting depths or local geology indicate the need. The following table outlines your requirements.

When operating with a subsea BOP system, you must:

Additional requirements:

(1) Have at least five remote-controlled, hydraulically operated BOPs;

You must have at least one annular BOP, two BOPs equipped with pipe rams, and two BOPs equipped with shear rams. For the dual ram requirement, you must comply with this requirement no later than April 29, 2021.


(i) Both BOPs equipped with pipe rams must be capable of closing and sealing on the tubular body of any drill pipe, workstring, and tubing under MASP, as defined for the operation, except tubing with exterior control lines and flat packs, a bottom hole assembly that includes heavy-weight pipe or collars, and bottom-hole tools.


(ii) Both shear rams must be capable of shearing at any point along the tubular body of any drill pipe (excluding tool joints, bottom-hole tools, and bottom hole assemblies such as heavy-weight pipe or collars), workstring, tubing provided that the capability to shear tubing with exterior control lines is not required prior to April 30, 2018, appropriate area for the liner or casing landing string, shear sub on subsea test tree, and any electric-, wire-, slick-line in the hole no later than April 30, 2018; under MASP. At least one shear ram must be capable of sealing the wellbore after shearing under MASP conditions as defined for the operation. Any non-sealing shear ram(s) must be installed below a sealing shear ram(s).

(2) Have an operable redundant pod control system to ensure proper and independent operation of the BOP system;

(3) Have the accumulator capacity located subsea, to provide fast closure of the BOP components and to operate all critical functions in case of a loss of the power fluid connection to the surface;

The accumulator capacity must:
(i) Operate each required shear ram, ram locks, one pipe ram, and disconnect the LMRP.
(ii) Have the capability of delivering fluid to each ROV function i.e., flying leads.
(iii) No later than April 29, 2021, have bottles for the autoshear, and deadman that are dedicated to, but may be shared between, those functions.
(iv) Perform under MASP conditions as defined for the operation.

(4) Have a subsea BOP stack equipped with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) intervention capability;

The ROV must be capable of opening and closing each shear ram, ram locks, one pipe ram, and LMRP disconnect under MASP conditions as defined for the operation. The ROV panels on the BOP and LMRP must be compliant with API RP 17H (as incorporated by reference in §250.198).

(5) Maintain an ROV and have a trained ROV crew on each rig unit on a continuous basis once BOP deployment has been initiated from the rig until recovered to the surface. The ROV crew must examine all ROV-related well-control equipment (both surface and subsea) to ensure that it is properly maintained and capable of carrying out appropriate tasks during emergency operations;

The crew must be trained in the operation of the ROV. The training must include simulator training on stabbing into an ROV intervention panel on a subsea BOP stack. The ROV crew must be in communication with designated rig personnel who are knowledgeable about the BOP's capabilities.

(6) Provide autoshear, deadman, and EDS systems for dynamically positioned rigs; provide autoshear and deadman systems for moored rigs;

(i) Autoshear system means a safety system that is designed to automatically shut-in the wellbore in the event of a disconnect of the LMRP. This is considered a rapid discharge system.


(ii) Deadman system means a safety system that is designed to automatically shut-in the wellbore in the event of a simultaneous absence of hydraulic supply and signal transmission capacity in both subsea control pods. This is considered a rapid discharge system.


(iii) Emergency Disconnect Sequence (EDS) system means a safety system that is designed to be manually activated to shut-in the wellbore and disconnect the LMRP in the event of an emergency situation. This is considered a rapid discharge system.


(iv) Each emergency function must close at a minimum, two shear rams in sequence and be capable of performing its expected shearing and sealing action under MASP conditions as defined for the operation.


(v) Your sequencing must allow a sufficient delay for closing the upper shear ram after beginning closure of the lower shear ram to provide for maximum sealing efficiency.


(vi) The control system for the emergency functions must be a fail-safe design once activated.

(7) Demonstrate that any acoustic control system will function in the proposed environment and conditions;

If you choose to use an acoustic control system in addition to the autoshear, deadman, and EDS requirements, you must demonstrate to the District Manager, as part of the information submitted under §250.731, that the acoustic control system will function in the proposed environment and conditions. The District Manager may require additional information as appropriate to clarify or evaluate the acoustic control system information provided in your demonstration.

(8) Have operational or physical barrier(s) on BOP control panels to prevent accidental disconnect functions;

You must incorporate enable buttons, or a similar feature, on control panels to ensure two-handed operation for all critical functions.

(9) Clearly label all control panels for the subsea BOP system;

Label other BOP control panels, such as hydraulic control panel.

(10) Develop and use a management system for operating the BOP system, including the prevention of accidental or unplanned disconnects of the system;

The management system must include written procedures for operating the BOP stack and LMRP (including proper techniques to prevent accidental disconnection of these components) and minimum knowledge requirements for personnel authorized to operate and maintain BOP components.

(11) Establish minimum requirements for personnel authorized to operate critical BOP equipment;

Personnel must have:
(i) Training in deepwater well-control theory and practice according to the requirements of Subparts O and S; and
(ii) A comprehensive knowledge of BOP hardware and control systems.

(12) Before removing the marine riser, displace the fluid in the riser with seawater;

You must maintain sufficient hydrostatic pressure or take other suitable precautions to compensate for the reduction in pressure and to maintain a safe and controlled well condition. You must follow the requirements of §250.720(b).

(13) Install the BOP stack in a well cellar when in an ice-scour area;

Your well cellar must be deep enough to ensure that the top of the stack is below the deepest probable ice-scour depth.

(14) Install at least two side outlets for a choke line and two side outlets for a kill line;

(i) If your stack does not have side outlets, you must install a drilling spool with side outlets.
(ii) Each side outlet must have two full-bore, full-opening valves.
(iii) The valves must hold pressure from both directions and must be remote-controlled.
iv) You must install a side outlet below the lowest sealing shear ram. You may have a pipe ram or rams between the shearing ram and side outlet.

(15) Install a gas bleed line with two valves for the annular preventer no later than April 30, 2018;

(i) The valves must hold pressure from both directions;
(ii) If you have dual annulars, you must install the gas bleed line below the upper annular.

(16) Use a BOP system that has the following mechanisms and capabilities;

(i) A mechanism coupled with each shear ram to position the entire pipe, completely within the area of the shearing blade and ensure shearing will occur any time the shear rams are activated. This mechanism cannot be another ram BOP or annular preventer, but you may use those during a planned shear. You must install this mechanism no later than May 1, 2023;


(ii) The ability to mitigate compression of the pipe stub between the shearing rams when both shear rams are closed;


(iii) If your control pods contain a subsea electronic module with batteries, a mechanism for personnel on the rig to monitor the state of charge of the subsea electronic module batteries in the BOP control pods.

(b) If operations are suspended to make repairs to any part of the subsea BOP system, you must stop operations at a safe downhole location. Before resuming operations you must:

(1) Submit a revised permit with a verification report from a BAVO documenting the repairs and that the BOP is fit for service;

(2) Upon relatch of the BOP, perform an initial subsea BOP test in accordance with §250.737(d)(4), including deadman. If repairs take longer than 30 days, once the BOP is on deck, you must test in accordance with the requirements of §250.737; and

(3) Receive approval from the District Manager.

(c) If you plan to drill a new well with a subsea BOP, you do not need to submit with your APD the verifications required by this subpart for the open water drilling operation. Before drilling out the surface casing, you must submit for approval a revised APD, including the verifications required in this subpart.

§250.737   What are the BOP system testing requirements?

Your BOP system (this includes the choke manifold, kelly-type valves, inside BOP, and drill string safety valve) must meet the following testing requirements:

(a) Pressure test frequency. You must pressure test your BOP system:

(1) When installed;

(2) Before 14 days have elapsed since your last BOP pressure test, or 30 days since your last blind shear ram BOP pressure test. You must begin to test your BOP system before midnight on the 14th day (or 30th day for your blind shear rams) following the conclusion of the previous test;

(3) Before drilling out each string of casing or a liner. You may omit this pressure test requirement if you did not remove the BOP stack to run the casing string or liner, the required BOP test pressures for the next section of the hole are not greater than the test pressures for the previous BOP test, and the time elapsed between tests has not exceeded 14 days (or 30 days for blind shear rams). You must indicate in your APD which casing strings and liners meet these criteria;

(4) The District Manager may require more frequent testing if conditions or your BOP performance warrant.

(b) Pressure test procedures. When you pressure test the BOP system, you must conduct a low-pressure test and a high-pressure test for each BOP component. You must begin each test by conducting the low-pressure test then transition to the high-pressure test. Each individual pressure test must hold pressure long enough to demonstrate the tested component(s) holds the required pressure. The table in this paragraph (b) outlines your pressure test requirements.

You must conduct a .  .  .

According to the following procedures .  .  .

(1) Low-pressure test

All low-pressure tests must be between 250 and 350 psi. Any initial pressure above 350 psi must be bled back to a pressure between 250 and 350 psi before starting the test. If the initial pressure exceeds 500 psi, you must bleed back to zero and reinitiate the test.

(2) High-pressure test for blind shear ram-type BOPs, ram-type BOPs, the choke manifold, outside of all choke and kill side outlet valves (and annular gas bleed valves for subsea BOP), inside of all choke and kill side outlet valves below uppermost ram, and other BOP components

The high-pressure test must equal the RWP of the equipment or be 500 psi greater than your calculated MASP, as defined for the operation for the applicable section of hole. Before you may test BOP equipment to the MASP plus 500 psi, the District Manager must have approved those test pressures in your APD.

(3) High-pressure test for annular-type BOPs, inside of choke or kill valves (and annular gas bleed valves for subsea BOP) above the uppermost ram BOP

The high pressure test must equal 70 percent of the RWP of the equipment or be 500 psi greater than your calculated MASP, as defined for the operation for the applicable section of hole. Before you may test BOP equipment to the MASP plus 500 psi, the District Manager must have approved those test pressures in your APD.

(c) Duration of pressure test. Each test must hold the required pressure for 5 minutes, which must be recorded on a chart not exceeding 4 hours. However, for surface BOP systems and surface equipment of a subsea BOP system, a 3-minute test duration is acceptable if recorded on a chart not exceeding 4 hours, or on a digital recorder. The recorded test pressures must be within the middle half of the chart range, i.e., cannot be within the lower or upper one-fourth of the chart range. If the equipment does not hold the required pressure during a test, you must correct the problem and retest the affected component(s).

(d) Additional test requirements. You must meet the following additional BOP testing requirements:

You must .  .  .

Additional requirements .  .  .

(1) Follow the testing requirements of API Standard 53 (as incorporated in §250.198)

If there is a conflict between API Standard 53, testing requirements and this section, you must follow the requirements of this section.

(2) Use water to test a surface BOP system on the initial test. You may use drilling/completion/workover fluids to conduct subsequent tests of a surface BOP system

(i) You must submit test procedures with your APD or APM for District Manager approval.
(ii) Contact the District Manager at least 72 hours prior to beginning the initial test to allow BSEE representative(s) to witness testing. If BSEE representative(s) are unable to witness testing, you must provide the initial test results to the appropriate District Manager within 72 hours after completion of the tests.

(3) Stump test a subsea BOP system before installation

(i) You must use water to conduct this test. You may use drilling/completion/workover fluids to conduct subsequent tests of a subsea BOP system.


(ii) You must submit test procedures with your APD or APM for District Manager approval


(iii) Contact the District Manager at least 72 hours prior to beginning the stump test to allow BSEE representative(s) to witness testing. If BSEE representative(s) are unable to witness testing, you must provide the test results to the appropriate District Manager within 72 hours after completion of the tests.


(iv) You must test and verify closure of all ROV intervention functions on your subsea BOP stack during the stump test.


(v) You must follow paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(4) Perform an initial subsea BOP test

(i) You must perform the initial subsea BOP test on the seafloor within 30 days of the stump test.


(ii) You must submit test procedures with your APD or APM for District Manager approval.


(iii) You must pressure test well-control rams according to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.


(iv) You must notify the District Manager at least 72 hours prior to beginning the initial subsea test for the BOP system to allow BSEE representative(s) to witness testing.


(v) You must test and verify closure of at least one set of rams during the initial subsea test through a ROV hot stab.


(vi) You must pressure test the selected rams according to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(5) Alternate testing pods between control stations

(i) For two complete BOP control stations:


(A) Designate a primary and secondary station, and both stations must be function-tested weekly;


(B) The control station used for the pressure test must be alternated between pressure tests; and


(C) For a subsea BOP, the pods must be rotated between control stations during weekly function testing and 14 day pressure testing.


(ii) Remote panels where all BOP functions are not included (e.g., life boat panels) must be function-tested upon the initial BOP tests and monthly thereafter.

(6) Pressure test variable bore-pipe ram BOPs against pipe sizes according to API Standard 53, excluding the bottom hole assembly that includes heavy-weight pipe or collars and bottom-hole tools

(7) Pressure test annular type BOPs against pipe sizes according to API Standard 53

(8) Pressure test affected BOP components following the disconnection or repair of any well-pressure containment seal in the wellhead or BOP stack assembly

(9) Function test annular and pipe/variable bore ram BOPs every 7 days between pressure tests

(10) Function test shear ram(s) BOPs every 14 days

(11) Actuate safety valves assembled with proper casing connections before running casing

(12) Function test autoshear/deadman, and EDS systems separately on your subsea BOP stack during the stump test. The District Manager may require additional testing of the emergency systems. You must also test the deadman system and verify closure of the shearing rams during the initial test on the seafloor

(i) You must submit test procedures with your APD or APM for District Manager approval. The procedures for these function tests must include the schematics of the actual controls and circuitry of the system that will be used during an actual autoshear or deadman event.
(ii) The procedures must also include the actions and sequence of events that take place on the approved schematics of the BOP control system and describe specifically how the ROV will be utilized during this operation.
(iii) When you conduct the initial deadman system test on the seafloor, you must ensure the well is secure and, if hydrocarbons have been present, appropriate barriers are in place to isolate hydrocarbons from the wellhead. You must also have an ROV on bottom during the test.
(iv) The testing of the deadman system on the seafloor must indicate the discharge pressure of the subsea accumulator system throughout the test.
(v) For the function test of the deadman system during the initial test on the seafloor, you must have the ability to quickly disconnect the LMRP should the rig experience a loss of station-keeping event. You must include your quick-disconnect procedures with your deadman test procedures.
(vi) You must pressure test the blind shear ram(s) according to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
(vii) If a casing shear ram is installed, you must describe how you will verify closure of the ram.
(viii) You must document all your test results and make them available to BSEE upon request.

(e) Prior to conducting any shear ram tests in which you will shear pipe, you must notify the District Manager at least 72 hours in advance, to ensure that a BSEE representative will have access to the location to witness any testing.

§250.738   What must I do in certain situations involving BOP equipment or systems?

The table in this section describes actions that you must take when certain situations occur with BOP systems.

If you encounter the following situation:

Then you must .  .  .

(a) BOP equipment does not hold the required pressure during a test;

Correct the problem and retest the affected equipment. You must report any problems or irregularities, including any leaks, on the daily report as required in §250.746.

(b) Need to repair, replace, or reconfigure a surface or subsea BOP system;

(1) First place the well in a safe, controlled condition as approved by the District Manager (e.g., before drilling out a casing shoe or after setting a cement plug, bridge plug, or a packer).


(2) Any repair or replacement parts must be manufactured under a quality assurance program and must meet or exceed the performance of the original part produced by the OEM.


(3) You must receive approval from the District Manager prior to resuming operations with the new, repaired, or reconfigured BOP.


(4) You must submit a report from a BAVO to the District Manager certifying that the BOP is fit for service.

(c) Need to postpone a BOP test due to well-control problems such as lost circulation, formation fluid influx, or stuck pipe;

Record the reason for postponing the test in the daily report and conduct the required BOP test after the first trip out of the hole.

(d) BOP control station or pod that does not function properly;

Suspend operations until that station or pod is operable. You must report any problems or irregularities, including any leaks, to the District Manager.

(e) Plan to operate with a tapered string;

Install two or more sets of conventional or variable-bore pipe rams in the BOP stack to provide for the following: two sets of rams must be capable of sealing around the larger-size drill string and one set of pipe rams must be capable of sealing around the smaller size pipe, excluding the bottom hole assembly that includes heavy weight pipe or collars and bottom-hole tools.

(f) Plan to install casing rams or casing shear rams in a surface BOP stack;

Test the affected connections before running casing to the RWP or MASP plus 500 psi. If this installation was not included in your approved permit, and changes the BOP configuration approved in the APD or APM, you must notify and receive approval from the District Manager.

(g) Plan to use an annular BOP with a RWP less than the anticipated surface pressure;

Demonstrate that your well-control procedures or the anticipated well conditions will not place demands above its RWP and obtain approval from the District Manager.

(h) Plan to use a subsea BOP system in an ice-scour area;

Install the BOP stack in a well cellar. The well cellar must be deep enough to ensure that the top of the stack is below the deepest probable ice-scour depth.

(i) You activate any shear ram and pipe or casing is sheared;

Retrieve, physically inspect, and conduct a full pressure test of the BOP stack after the situation is fully controlled. You must submit to the District Manager a report from a BSEE-approved verification organization certifying that the BOP is fit to return to service.

(j) Need to remove the BOP stack;

Have a minimum of two barriers in place prior to BOP removal. You must obtain approval from the District Manager of the two barriers prior to removal and the District Manager may require additional barriers and test(s).

(k) In the event of a deadman or autoshear activation, if there is a possibility of the blind shear ram opening immediately upon re-establishing power to the BOP stack;

Place the blind shear ram opening function in the block position prior to re-establishing power to the stack. Contact the District Manager and receive approval of procedures for re-establishing power and functions prior to latching up the BOP stack or re-establishing power to the stack.

(l) If a test ram is to be used;

The wellhead/BOP connection must be tested to the MASP plus 500 psi for the hole section to which it is exposed. This can be done by:


(1) Testing wellhead/BOP connection to the MASP plus 500 psi for the well upon installation;


(2) Pressure testing each casing to the MASP plus 500 psi for the next hole section; or


(3) Some combination of paragraphs (l)(1) and (2) of this section.

(m) Plan to utilize any other well-control equipment (e.g., but not limited to, subsea isolation device, subsea accumulator module, or gas handler) that is in addition to the equipment required in this subpart;

Contact the District Manager and request approval in your APD or APM. Your request must include a report from a BAVO on the equipment's design and suitability for its intended use as well as any other information required by the District Manager. The District Manager may impose any conditions regarding the equipment's capabilities, operation, and testing.

(n) You have pipe/variable bore rams that have no current utility or well-control purposes;

Indicate in your APD or APM which pipe/variable bore rams meet these criteria and clearly label them on all BOP control panels. You do not need to function test or pressure test pipe/variable bore rams having no current utility, and that will not be used for well-control purposes, until such time as they are intended to be used during operations.

(o) You install redundant components for well control in your BOP system that are in addition to the required components of this subpart (e.g., pipe/variable bore rams, shear rams, annular preventers, gas bleed lines, and choke/kill side outlets or lines);

Comply with all testing, maintenance, and inspection requirements in this subpart that are applicable to those well-control components. If any redundant component fails a test, you must submit a report from a BAVO that describes the failure and confirms that there is no impact on the BOP that will make it unfit for well-control purposes. You must submit this report to the District Manager and receive approval before resuming operations. The District Manager may require you to provide additional information as needed to clarify or evaluate your report.

(p) Need to position the bottom hole assembly, including heavy-weight pipe or collars, and bottom-hole tools across the BOP for tripping or any other operations.

Ensure that the well is stable prior to positioning the bottom hole assembly across the BOP. You must have, as part of your well-control plan required by §250.710, procedures that enable the removal of the bottom hole assembly from across the BOP in the event of a well-control or emergency situation (for dynamically positioned rigs, your plan must also include steps for when the EDS must be activated) before MASP conditions are reached as defined for the operation.


§250.801   Subsurface safety devices.

(a) General. All tubing installations open to hydrocarbon-bearing zones shall be equipped with subsurface safety devices that will shut off the flow from the well in the event of an emergency unless, after application and justification, the well is determined by the District Manager to be incapable of natural flowing. These devices may consist of a surface-controlled subsurface safety valve (SSSV), a subsurface-controlled SSSV, an injection valve, a tubing plug, or a tubing/annular subsurface safety device, and any associated safety valve lock or landing nipple.

(b) Specifications for SSSVs. Surface-controlled and subsurface-controlled SSSVs and safety valve locks and landing nipples installed in the OCS shall conform to the requirements in §250.806 of this part.

(c) Surface-controlled SSSVs. All tubing installations open to a hydrocarbon-bearing zone which is capable of natural flow shall be equipped with a surface-controlled SSSV, except as specified in paragraphs (d), (f), and (g) of this section. The surface controls may be located on the site or a remote location. Wells not previously equipped with a surface-controlled SSSV and wells in which a surface-controlled SSSV has been replaced with a subsurface-controlled SSSV in accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall be equipped with a surface-controlled SSSV when the tubing is first removed and reinstalled.

(d) Subsurface-controlled SSSVs. Wells may be equipped with subsurface-controlled SSSVs in lieu of a surface-controlled SSSV provided the lessee demonstrates to the District Manager's satisfaction that one of the following criteria are met:

(1) Wells not previously equipped with surface-controlled SSSVs shall be so equipped when the tubing is first removed and reinstalled,

(2) The subsurface-controlled SSSV is installed in wells completed from a single-well or multiwell satellite caisson or seafloor completions, or

(3) The subsurface-controlled SSSV is installed in wells with a surface-controlled SSSV that has become inoperable and cannot be repaired without removal and reinstallation of the tubing.

(e) Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs. The SSSVs shall be designed, installed, operated, and maintained to ensure reliable operation.

(1) The device shall be installed at a depth of 100 feet or more below the seafloor within 2 days after production is established. When warranted by conditions such as permafrost, unstable bottom conditions, hydrate formation, or paraffins, an alternate setting depth of the subsurface safety device may be approved by the District Manager.

(2) Until a subsurface safety device is installed, the well shall be attended in the immediate vicinity so that emergency actions may be taken while the well is open to flow. During testing and inspection procedures, the well shall not be left unattended while open to production unless a properly operating subsurface-safety device has been installed in the well.

(3) The well shall not be open to flow while the subsurface safety device is removed, except when flowing of the well is necessary for a particular operation such as cutting paraffin, bailing sand, or similar operations.

(4) All SSSVs must be inspected, installed, maintained, and tested in accordance with American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 14B, Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, Repair, and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems (as specified in §250.198).

(f) Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells. (1) New completions (perforated but not placed on production) and completions shut in for a period of 6 months shall be equipped with either—

(i) A pump-through-type tubing plug;

(ii) A surface-controlled SSSV, provided the surface control has been rendered inoperative; or

(iii) An injection valve capable of preventing backflow.

(2) The setting depth of the subsurface safety device shall be approved by the District Manager on a case-by-case basis, when warranted by conditions such as permafrost, unstable bottom conditions, hydrate formations, and paraffins.

(g) Subsurface safety devices in injection wells. A surface-controlled SSSV or an injection valve capable of preventing backflow shall be installed in all injection wells. This requirement is not applicable if the District Manager concurs that the well is incapable of flowing. The lessee shall verify the no-flow condition of the well annually.

(h) Temporary removal for routine operations. (1) Each wireline- or pumpdown-retrievable subsurface safety device may be removed, without further authorization or notice, for a routine operation which does not require the approval of a Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, in §250.601 of this part for a period not to exceed 15 days.

(2) The well shall be identified by a sign on the wellhead stating that the subsurface safety device has been removed. The removal of the subsurface safety device shall be noted in the records as required in §250.804(b) of this part. If the master valve is open, a trained person shall be in the immediate vicinity of the well to attend the well so that emergency actions may be taken, if necessary.

(3) A platform well shall be monitored, but a person need not remain in the well-bay area continuously if the master valve is closed. If the well is on a satellite structure, it must be attended or a pump-through plug installed in the tubing at least 100 feet below the mud line and the master valve closed, unless otherwise approved by the District Manager.

(4) The well shall not be allowed to flow while the subsurface safety device is removed, except when flowing the well is necessary for that particular operation. The provisions of this paragraph are not applicable to the testing and inspection procedures in §250.804 of this part.

(i) Additional safety equipment. All tubing installations in which a wireline- or pumpdown-retrievable subsurface safety device is installed after the effective date of this subpart shall be equipped with a landing nipple with flow couplings or other protective equipment above and below to provide for the setting of the SSSV. The control system for all surface-controlled SSSVs shall be an integral part of the platform Emergency Shutdown System (ESD). In addition to the activation of the ESD by manual action on the platform, the system may be activated by a signal from a remote location. Surface-controlled SSSVs shall close in response to shut-in signals from the ESD and in response to the fire loop or other fire detection devices.

(j) Emergency action. In the event of an emergency, such as an impending storm, any well not equipped with a subsurface safety device and which is capable of natural flow shall have the device properly installed as soon as possible with due consideration being given to personnel safety.

§250.807   Additional requirements for subsurface safety valves and related equipment installed in high pressure high temperature (HPHT) environments.

(a) If you plan to install SSSVs and related equipment in an HPHT environment, you must submit detailed information with your Application for Permit to Drill (APD), Application for Permit to Modify (APM), or Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP) that demonstrates the SSSVs and related equipment are capable of performing in the applicable HPHT environment. Your detailed information must include the following:

(1) A discussion of the SSSVs' and related equipment's design verification analysis;

(2) A discussion of the SSSVs' and related equipment's design validation and functional testing process and procedures used; and

(3) An explanation of why the analysis, process, and procedures ensure that the SSSVs and related equipment are fit-for-service in the applicable HPHT environment.

(b) For this section, HPHT environment means when one or more of the following well conditions exist:

(1) The completion of the well requires completion equipment or well control equipment assigned a pressure rating greater than 15,000 psig or a temperature rating greater than 350 degrees Fahrenheit;

(2) The maximum anticipated surface pressure or shut-in tubing pressure is greater than 15,000 psig on the seafloor for a well with a subsea wellhead or at the surface for a well with a surface wellhead; or

(3) The flowing temperature is equal to or greater than 350 degrees Fahrenheit on the seafloor for a well with a subsea wellhead or at the surface for a well with a surface wellhead.

(c) For this section, related equipment includes wellheads, tubing heads, tubulars, packers, threaded connections, seals, seal assemblies, production trees, chokes, well control equipment, and any other equipment that will be exposed to the HPHT environment.

Subpart P—Sulphur Operations

§250.1605   Drilling requirements.

(a) Sulphur leases. Lessees of OCS sulphur leases shall conduct drilling operations in accordance with §§250.1605 through 250.1619 of this subpart and with other requirements of this part, as appropriate.

(b) Fitness of drilling unit. (1) Drilling units shall be capable of withstanding the oceanographic and meteorological conditions for the proposed season and location of operations.

(2) Prior to commencing operation, drilling units shall be made available for a complete inspection by the District Manager.

(3) The lessee shall provide information and data on the fitness of the drilling unit to perform the proposed drilling operation. The information shall be submitted with, or prior to, the submission of Form BSEE-0123, Application for Permit to Drill (APD), in accordance with §250.1617 of this subpart. After a drilling unit has been approved by a BSEE district office, the information required in this paragraph need not be resubmitted unless required by the District Manager or there are changes in the equipment that affect the rated capacity of the unit.

(c) Oceanographic, meteorological, and drilling unit performance data. Where oceanographic, meteorological, and drilling unit performance data are not otherwise readily available, lessees shall collect and report such data upon request to the District Manager. The type of information to be collected and reported will be determined by the District Manager in the interests of safety in the conduct of operations and the structural integrity of the drilling unit.

(d) Foundation requirements. When the lessee fails to provide sufficient information pursuant to 30 CFR 550.211 through 550.228 and 30 CFR 550.241 through 550.262 to support a determination that the seafloor is capable of supporting a specific bottom-founded drilling unit under the site-specific soil and oceanographic conditions, the District Manager may require that additional surveys and soil borings be performed and the results submitted for review and evaluation by the District Manager before approval is granted for commencing drilling operations.

(e) Tests, surveys, and samples. (1) Lessees shall drill and take cores and/or run well and mud logs through the objective interval to determine the presence, quality, and quantity of sulphur and other minerals (e.g., oil and gas) in the cap rock and the outline of the commercial sulphur deposit.

(2) Inclinational surveys shall be obtained on all vertical wells at intervals not exceeding 1,000 feet during the normal course of drilling. Directional surveys giving both inclination and azimuth shall be obtained on all directionally drilled wells at intervals not exceeding 500 feet during the normal course of drilling and at intervals not exceeding 200 feet in all planned angle-change portions of the borehole.

(3) Directional surveys giving both inclination and azimuth shall be obtained on both vertically and directionally drilled wells at intervals not exceeding 500 feet prior to or upon setting a string of casing, or production liner, and at total depth. Composite directional surveys shall be prepared with the interval shown from the bottom of the conductor casing. In calculating all surveys, a correction from the true north to Universal-Transverse-Mercator-Grid-north or Lambert-Grid-north shall be made after making the magnetic-to-true-north correction. A composite dipmeter directional survey or a composite measurement while-drilling directional survey will be acceptable as fulfilling the applicable requirements of this paragraph.

(4) Wells are classified as vertical if the calculated average of inclination readings weighted by the respective interval lengths between readings from surface to drilled depth does not exceed 3 degrees from the vertical. When the calculated average inclination readings weighted by the length of the respective interval between readings from the surface to drilled depth exceeds 3 degrees, the well is classified as directional.

(5) At the request of a holder of an adjoining lease, the Regional Supervisor may, for the protection of correlative rights, furnish a copy of the directional survey to that leaseholder.

(f) Fixed drilling platforms. Applications for installation of fixed drilling platforms or structures including artificial islands shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of subpart I, Platforms and Structures, of this part. Mobile drilling units that have their jacking equipment removed or have been otherwise immobilized are classified as fixed bottom founded drilling platforms.

(g) Crane operations. You must operate a crane installed on fixed platforms according to §250.108 of this subpart.

(h) Diesel-engine air intakes. Diesel-engine air intakes must be equipped with a device to shut down the diesel engine in the event of runaway. Diesel engines that are continuously attended must be equipped with either remote-operated manual or automatic-shutdown devices. Diesel engines that are not continuously attended must be equipped with automatic shutdown devices.

§250.1617   Application for permit to drill.

(a) Before drilling a well under a BOEM-approved Exploration Plan, Development and Production Plan, or Development Operations Coordination Document, you must file Form BSEE-0123, APD, with the District Manager for approval. The submission of your APD must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125. Before starting operations, you must receive written approval from the District Manager unless you received oral approval under §250.140.

(b) An APD shall include rated capacities of the proposed drilling unit and of major drilling equipment. After a drilling unit has been approved for use in a BSEE district, the information need not be resubmitted unless required by the District Manager or there are changes in the equipment that affect the rated capacity of the unit.

(c) An APD shall include a fully completed Form BSEE-0123 and the following:

(1) A plat, drawn to a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, showing the surface and subsurface location of the well to be drilled and of all the wells previously drilled in the vicinity from which information is available. For development wells on a lease, the wells previously drilled in the vicinity need not be shown on the plat. Locations shall be indicated in feet from the nearest block line;

(2) The design criteria considered for the well and for well control, including the following:

(i) Pore pressure;

(ii) Formation fracture gradients;

(iii) Potential lost circulation zones;

(iv) Mud weights;

(v) Casing setting depths;

(vi) Anticipated surface pressures (which for purposes of this section are defined as the pressure that can reasonably be expected to be exerted upon a casing string and its related wellhead equipment). In the calculation of anticipated surface pressure, the lessee shall take into account the drilling, completion, and producing conditions. The lessee shall consider mud densities to be used below various casing strings, fracture gradients of the exposed formations, casing setting depths, and cementing intervals, total well depth, formation fluid type, and other pertinent conditions. Considerations for calculating anticipated surface pressure may vary for each segment of the well. The lessee shall include as a part of the statement of anticipated surface pressure the calculations used to determine this pressure during the drilling phase and the completion phase, including the anticipated surface pressure used for production string design; and

(vii) If a shallow hazards site survey is conducted, the lessee shall submit with or prior to the submittal of the APD, two copies of a summary report describing the geological and manmade conditions present. The lessee shall also submit two copies of the site maps and data records identified in the survey strategy.

(3) A BOP equipment program including the following:

(i) The pressure rating of BOP equipment,

(ii) A schematic drawing of the diverter system to be used (plan and elevation views) showing spool outlet internal diameter(s); diverter line lengths and diameters, burst strengths, and radius of curvature at each turn; valve type, size, working-pressure rating, and location; the control instrumentation logic; and the operating procedure to be used by personnel, and

(iii) A schematic drawing of the BOP stack showing the inside diameter of the BOP stack and the number of annular, pipe ram, variable-bore pipe ram, blind ram, and blind-shear ram preventers.

(4) A casing program including the following:

(i) Casing size, weight, grade, type of connection and setting depth, and

(ii) Casing design safety factors for tension, collapse, and burst with the assumptions made to arrive at these values.

(5) The drilling prognosis including the following:

(i) Estimated coring intervals,

(ii) Estimated depths to the top of significant marker formations, and

(iii) Estimated depths at which encounters with fresh water, sulphur, oil, gas, or abnormally pressured water are expected.

(6) A cementing program including type and amount of cement in cubic feet to be used for each casing string;

(7) A mud program including the minimum quantities of mud and mud materials, including weight materials, to be kept at the site;

(8) A directional survey program for directionally drilled wells;

(9) An H2S Contingency Plan, if applicable, and if not previously submitted; and

(10) Such other information as may be required by the District Manager.

(d) Public information copies of the APD shall be submitted in accordance with §250.186 of this part.

§250.1618   Application for permit to modify.

(a) You must submit requests for changes in plans, changes in major drilling equipment, proposals to deepen, sidetrack, complete, workover, or plug back a well, or engage in similar activities to the District Manager on Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify (APM). The submission of your APM must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125. Before starting operations associated with the change, you must receive written approval from the District Manager unless you received oral approval under §250.140.

(b) The Form BSEE-0124 submittal shall contain a detailed statement of the proposed work that will materially change from the work described in the approved APD. Information submitted shall include the present state of the well, including the production liner and last string of casing, the well depth and production zone, and the well's capability to produce. Within 30 days after completion of the work, a subsequent detailed report of all the work done and the results obtained shall be submitted.

(c) Public information copies of Form BSEE-0124 shall be submitted in accordance with §250.186 of this part.

§250.1619   Well records.

(a) Complete and accurate records for each well and all well operations shall be retained for a period of 2 years at the lessee's field office nearest the OCS facility or at another location conveniently available to the District Manager. The records shall contain a description of any significant malfunction or problem; all the formations penetrated; the content and character of sulphur in each formation if cored and analyzed; the kind, weight, size, grade, and setting depth of casing; all well logs and surveys run in the wellbore; and all other information required by the District Manager in the interests of resource evaluation, prevention of waste, conservation of natural resources, protection of correlative rights, safety of operations, and environmental protection.

(b) When drilling operations are suspended or temporarily prohibited under the provisions of §250.170 of this part, the lessee shall, within 30 days after termination of the suspension or temporary prohibition or within 30 days after the completion of any activities related to the suspension or prohibition, transmit to the District Manager duplicate copies of the records of all activities related to and conducted during the suspension or temporary prohibition on, or attached to, Form BSEE-0125, End of Operations Report, or Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, as appropriate.

(c) Upon request by the District Manager or Regional Supervisor, the lessee shall furnish the following:

(1) Copies of the records of any of the well operations specified in paragraph (a) of this section;

(2) Copies of the driller's report at a frequency as determined by the District Manager. Items to be reported include spud dates, casing setting depths, cement quantities, casing characteristics, mud weights, lost returns, and any unusual activities; and

(3) Legible, exact copies of reports on cementing, acidizing, analyses of cores, testing, or other similar services.

(d) As soon as available, the lessee shall transmit copies of logs and charts developed by well-logging operations, directional-well surveys, and core analyses. Composite logs of multiple runs and directional-well surveys shall be transmitted to the District Manager in duplicate as soon as available but not later than 30 days after completion of such operations for each well.

(e) If the District Manager determines that circumstances warrant, the lessee shall submit any other reports and records of operations in the manner and form prescribed by the District Manager.

§250.1622   Approvals and reporting of well-completion and well-workover operations.

(a) No well-completion or well-workover operation shall begin until the lessee receives written approval from the District Manager. Approval for such operations shall be requested on Form BSEE-0124. Approvals by the District Manager shall be based upon a determination that the operations will be conducted in a manner to protect against harm or damage to life, property, natural resources of the OCS, including any mineral deposits, the National security or defense, or the marine, coastal, or human environment.

(b) The following information shall be submitted with Form BSEE-0124 (or with Form BSEE-0123):

(1) A brief description of the well-completion or well-workover procedures to be followed;

(2) When changes in existing subsurface equipment are proposed, a schematic drawing showing the well equipment; and

(3) Where the well is in zones known to contain H2S or zones where the presence of H2S is unknown, a description of the safety precautions to be implemented.

(c)(1) Within 30 days after completion, Form BSEE-0125, including a schematic of the tubing and the results of any well tests, shall be submitted to the District Manager.

(2) Within 30 days after completing the well-workover operation, except routine operations, Form BSEE-0124 shall be submitted to the District Manager and shall include the results of any well tests and a new schematic of the well if any subsurface equipment has been changed.

Subpart Q—Decommissioning Activities


§250.1704   What decommissioning applications and reports must I submit and when must I submit them?

You must submit decommissioning applications, receive approval of those applications, and submit subsequent reports according to the requirements and deadlines in the following table.

Decommissioning Applications and Reports Table

Decommissioning applications and reports

When to submit


(a) Initial platform removal application [not required in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region]

In the Pacific OCS Region or Alaska OCS Region, submit the application to the Regional Supervisor at least 2 years before production is projected to cease

Include information required under §250.1726.

(b) Final removal application for a platform or other facility

Before removing a platform or other facility in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, or not more than 2 years after the submittal of an initial platform removal application to the Pacific OCS Region and the Alaska OCS Region

Include information required under §250.1727.

(c) Post-removal report for a platform or other facility

Within 30 days after you remove a platform or other facility

Include information required under §250.1729.

(d) Pipeline decommissioning application

Before you decommission a pipeline

Include information required under §250.1751(a) or §250.1752(a), as applicable.

(e) Post-pipeline decommissioning report

Within 30 days after you decommission a pipeline

Include information required under §250.1753.

(f) Site clearance report for a platform or other facility

Within 30 days after you complete site clearance verification activities

Include information required under §250.1743(b).

(g) Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify (APM). The submission of your APM must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125;

(1) Before you temporarily abandon or permanently plug a well or zone,

(i) Include information required under §§250.1712 and 250.1721.
(ii) When using a BOP for abandonment operations, include information required under §250.731.


(2) Before you install a subsea protective device,

Refer to §250.1722(a).


(3) Before you remove any casing stub or mud line suspension equipment and any subsea protective device,

Refer to §250.1723.

(h) Form BSEE-0125, End of Operations Report (EOR);

(1) Within 30 days after you complete a protective device trawl test,

Include information required under §250.1722(d).


(2) Within 30 days after you complete site clearance verification activities,

Include information required under §250.1743(a).

(i) A certified summary of expenditures for permanently plugging any well, removal of any platform or other facility, and clearance of any site after wells have been plugged or platforms or facilities removed

Within 120 days after completion of each decommissioning activity specified in this paragraph

Submit to the Regional Supervisor a complete summary of expenditures actually incurred for each decommissioning activity (including, but not limited to, the use of rigs, vessels, equipment, supplies and materials; transportation of any kind; personnel; and services). Include in, or attach to, the summary a certified statement by an authorized representative of your company attesting to the truth, accuracy and completeness of the summary. The Regional Supervisor may provide specific instructions or guidance regarding how to submit the certified summary.

(j) If requested by the Regional Supervisor, additional information in support of any decommissioning activity expenditures included in a summary submitted under paragraph (h) of this section

Within a reasonable time as determined by the Regional Supervisor

The Regional Supervisor will review the summary and may provide specific instructions or guidance regarding the submission of additional information (including, but not limited to, copies of contracts and invoices), if requested, to complete or otherwise support the summary.

§250.1706   Coiled tubing and snubbing operations.

If you use a BOP for any well abandonment operations, your BOP must meet the following requirements:

(a) For coiled tubing operations with the production tree in place, you must meet the following minimum requirements for the BOP system:

(1) BOP system components must be in the following order from the top down:

BOP system when expected
surface pressures are less than or equal to 3,500 psi

BOP system when expected
surface pressures are greater than 3,500 psi

BOP system for wells with returns taken through an outlet on the BOP stack

(i) Stripper or annular-type well-control component,

Stripper or annular-type well-control component,

Stripper or annular-type well-control component.

(ii) Hydraulically-operated blind rams,

Hydraulically-operated blind rams,

Hydraulically-operated blind rams.

(iii) Hydraulically-operated shear rams,

Hydraulically-operated shear rams,

Hydraulically-operated shear rams.

(iv) Kill line inlet,

Kill line inlet,

Kill line inlet.

(v) Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams,

Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams,

Hydraulically-operated two-way slip rams.
Hydraulically-operated pipe rams.

(vi) Hydraulically-operated pipe rams,

Hydraulically-operated pipe rams.
Hydraulically-operated blind-shear rams. These rams should be located as close to the tree as practical,

A flow tee or cross.
Hydraulically-operated pipe rams.
Hydraulically-operated blind-shear rams on wells with surface pressures >3,500 psi. As an option, the pipe rams can be placed below the blind-shear rams. The blind-shear rams should be located as close to the tree as practical.

(2) You may use a set of hydraulically-operated combination rams for the blind rams and shear rams.

(3) You may use a set of hydraulically-operated combination rams for the hydraulic two-way slip rams and the hydraulically-operated pipe rams.

(4) You must attach a dual check valve assembly to the coiled tubing connector at the downhole end of the coiled tubing string for all coiled tubing well abandonment operations. If you plan to conduct operations without downhole check valves, you must describe alternate procedures and equipment in Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, and have it approved by the BSEE District Manager.

(5) You must have a kill line and a separate choke line. You must equip each line with two full-opening valves and at least one of the valves must be remotely controlled. You may use a manual valve instead of the remotely controlled valve on the kill line if you install a check valve between the two full-opening manual valves and the pump or manifold. The valves must have a working pressure rating equal to or greater than the working pressure rating of the connection to which they are attached, and you must install them between the well-control stack and the choke or kill line. For operations with expected surface pressures greater than 3,500 psi, the kill line must be connected to a pump or manifold. You must not use the kill line inlet on the BOP stack for taking fluid returns from the wellbore.

(6) You must have a hydraulic-actuating system that provides sufficient accumulator capacity to close-open-close each component in the BOP stack. This cycle must be completed with at least 200 psi above the pre-charge pressure, without assistance from a charging system.

(7) All connections used in the surface BOP system from the tree to the uppermost required ram must be flanged, including the connections between the well-control stack and the first full-opening valve on the choke line and the kill line.

(b) The minimum BOP system components for well abandonment operations with the tree in place and performed by moving tubing or drill pipe in or out of a well under pressure utilizing equipment specifically designed for that purpose, i.e., snubbing operations, must include the following:

(1) One set of pipe rams hydraulically operated, and

(2) Two sets of stripper-type pipe rams hydraulically operated with spacer spool.

(c) An inside BOP or a spring-loaded, back-pressure safety valve, and an essentially full-opening, work-string safety valve in the open position must be maintained on the rig floor at all times during well abandonment operations when the tree is removed or during well abandonment operations with the tree installed and using small tubing as the work string. A wrench to fit the work-string safety valve must be readily available. Proper connections must be readily available for inserting valves in the work string. The full-opening safety valve is not required for coiled tubing or snubbing operations.

Permanently Plugging Wells

§250.1712   What information must I submit before I permanently plug a well or zone?

Before you permanently plug a well or zone, you must submit form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, to the appropriate District Manager and receive approval. A request for approval must contain the following information:

(a) The reason you are plugging the well (or zone), for completions with production amounts specified by the Regional Supervisor, along with substantiating information demonstrating its lack of capacity for further profitable production of oil, gas, or sulfur;

(b) Recent well test data and pressure data, if available;

(c) Maximum possible surface pressure, and how it was determined;

(d) Type and weight of well-control fluid you will use;

(e) A description of the work;

(f) A current and proposed well schematic and description that includes:

(1) Well depth;

(2) All perforated intervals that have not been plugged;

(3) Casing and tubing depths and details;

(4) Subsurface equipment;

(5) Estimated tops of cement (and the basis of the estimate) in each casing annulus;

(6) Plug locations;

(7) Plug types;

(8) Plug lengths;

(9) Properties of mud and cement to be used;

(10) Perforating and casing cutting plans;

(11) Plug testing plans;

(12) Casing removal (including information on explosives, if used);

(13) Proposed casing removal depth; and

(14) Your plans to protect archaeological and sensitive biological features, including anchor damage during plugging operations, a brief assessment of the environmental impacts of the plugging operations, and the procedures and mitigation measures you will take to minimize such impacts; and

(g) Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer of the well abandonment design and procedures and that all plugs meet the requirements in the table in §250.1715. In addition to the requirements of §250.1715, the Registered Professional Engineer must also certify the design will include two independent barriers, one of which must be a mechanical barrier, in the center wellbore as described in §250.420(b)(3). The Registered Professional Engineer must be registered in a State of the United States and have sufficient expertise and experience to perform the certification. You must submit this certification with your APM (Form BSEE-0124).

Temporary Abandoned Wells

§250.1721   If I temporarily abandon a well that I plan to re-enter, what must I do?

You may temporarily abandon a well when it is necessary for proper development and production of a lease. To temporarily abandon a well, you must do all of the following:

(a) Submit form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, and the applicable information required by §250.1712 to the appropriate District Manager and receive approval;

(b) Adhere to the plugging and testing requirements for permanently plugged wells listed in the table in §250.1715, except for §250.1715(a)(8). You do not need to sever the casings, remove the wellhead, or clear the site;

(c) Set a bridge plug or a cement plug at least 100-feet long at the base of the deepest casing string, unless the casing string has been cemented and has not been drilled out. If a cement plug is set, it is not necessary for the cement plug to extend below the casing shoe into the open hole;

(d) Set a retrievable or a permanent-type bridge plug or a cement plug at least 100 feet long in the inner-most casing. The top of the bridge plug or cement plug must be no more than 1,000 feet below the mud line. BSEE may consider approving alternate requirements for subsea wells case-by-case;

(e) Identify and report subsea wellheads, casing stubs, or other obstructions that extend above the mud line according to U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) requirements;

(f) Except in water depths greater than 300 feet, protect subsea wellheads, casing stubs, mud line suspensions, or other obstructions remaining above the seafloor by using one of the following methods, as approved by the District Manager or Regional Supervisor:

(1) A caisson designed according to 30 CFR 250, subpart I, and equipped with aids to navigation;

(2) A jacket designed according to 30 CFR 250, subpart I, and equipped with aids to navigation; or

(3) A subsea protective device that meets the requirements in §250.1722.

(g) Submit certification by a Registered Professional Engineer of the well abandonment design and procedures and that all plugs meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, the Registered Professional Engineer must also certify the design will include two independent barriers, one of which must be a mechanical barrier, in the center wellbore as described in §250.420(b)(3). The Registered Professional Engineer must be registered in a State of the United States and have sufficient expertise and experience to perform the certification. You must submit this certification with your APM (Form BSEE-0124) required by §250.1712 of this part.

§250.1722   If I install a subsea protective device, what requirements must I meet?

If you install a subsea protective device under §250.1721(f)(3), you must install it in a manner that allows fishing gear to pass over the obstruction without damage to the obstruction, the protective device, or the fishing gear.

(a) Use form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify to request approval from the appropriate District Manager to install a subsea protective device.

(b) The protective device may not extend more than 10 feet above the seafloor (unless BSEE approves otherwise).

(c) You must trawl over the protective device when you install it (adhere to the requirements at §250.1741(d) through (h)). If the trawl does not pass over the protective device or causes damage to it, you must notify the appropriate District Manager within 5 days and perform remedial action within 30 days of the trawl;

(d) Within 30 days after you complete the trawling test described in paragraph (c) of this section, submit a report to the appropriate District Manager using form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify that includes the following:

(1) The date(s) the trawling test was performed and the vessel that was used;

(2) A plat at an appropriate scale showing the trawl lines;

(3) A description of the trawling operation and the net(s) that were used;

(4) An estimate by the trawling contractor of the seafloor penetration depth achieved by the trawl;

(5) A summary of the results of the trawling test including a discussion of any snags and interruptions, a description of any damage to the protective covering, the casing stub or mud line suspension equipment, or the trawl, and a discussion of any snag removals requiring diver assistance; and

(6) A letter signed by your authorized representative stating that he/she witnessed the trawling test.

(e) If a temporarily abandoned well is protected by a subsea device installed in a water depth less than 100 feet, mark the site with a buoy installed according to the USCG requirements.

(f) Provide annual reports to the Regional Supervisor describing your plans to either re-enter and complete the well or to permanently plug the well.

(g) Ensure that all subsea wellheads, casing stubs, mud line suspensions, or other obstructions in water depths less than 300 feet remain protected.

(1) To confirm that the subsea protective covering remains properly installed, either conduct a visual inspection or perform a trawl test at least annually.

(2) If the inspection reveals that a casing stub or mud line suspension is no longer properly protected, or if the trawl does not pass over the subsea protective covering without causing damage to the covering, the casing stub or mud line suspension equipment, or the trawl, notify the appropriate District Manager within 5 days, and perform the necessary remedial work within 30 days of discovery of the problem.

(3) In your annual report required by paragraph (f) of this section, include the inspection date, results, and method used and a description of any remedial work you will perform or have performed.

(h) You may request approval to waive the trawling test required by paragraph (c) of this section if you plan to use either:

(1) A buoy with automatic tracking capabilities installed and maintained according to USCG requirements at 33 CFR part 67 (or its successor); or

(2) A design and installation method that has been proven successful by trawl testing of previous protective devices of the same design and installed in areas with similar bottom conditions.

§250.1723   What must I do when it is no longer necessary to maintain a well in temporary abandoned status?

If you or BSEE determines that continued maintenance of a well in a temporary abandoned status is not necessary for the proper development or production of a lease, you must:

(a) Promptly and permanently plug the well according to §250.1715;

(b) Remove any casing stub or mud line suspension equipment and any subsea protective covering. You must submit a request for approval to perform such work to the appropriate District Manager using form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify; and

(c) Clear the well site according to §§250.1740 through 250.1742.

Site Clearance for Wells, Platforms, and Other Facilities

§250.1743   How do I certify that a site is clear of obstructions?

(a) For a well site, you must submit to the appropriate District Manager within 30 days after you complete the verification activities a form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, to include the following information:

(1) A signed certification that the well site area is cleared of all obstructions;

(2) The date the verification work was performed and the vessel used;

(3) The extent of the area surveyed;

(4) The survey method used;

(5) The results of the survey, including a list of any debris removed or a statement from the trawling contractor that no objects were recovered; and

(6) A post-trawling job plot or map showing the trawled area.

(b) For a platform or other facility site, you must submit the following information to the appropriate Regional Supervisor within 30 days after you complete the verification activities:

(1) A letter signed by an authorized company official certifying that the platform or other facility site area is cleared of all obstructions and that a company representative witnessed the verification activities;

(2) A letter signed by an authorized official of the company that performed the verification work for you certifying that it cleared the platform or other facility site area of all obstructions;

(3) The date the verification work was performed and the vessel used;

(4) The extent of the area surveyed;

(5) The survey method used;

(6) The results of the survey, including a list of any debris removed or a statement from the trawling contractor that no objects were recovered; and

(7) A post-trawling job plot or map showing the trawled area.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorOdom, Kelly D
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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