Email Text with Survey Link
Dear {Title VI Grant Coordinator name}:
The U.S. Department of Education has commissioned the Study of the ESEA Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program. The study includes a survey on three primary topics: (1) the services the grant program funds, (2) the strategies grantees use to identify eligible AI/AN students and plan services, and (3) how grantees measure progress toward their Title VI project objectives.
The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. We ask that you complete this survey no later than {XXXX, 2018}.
If you are not the best person to respond to questions about the Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program, please send a message to [email protected] with the name, email address, and phone number of a more appropriate respondent in your [LEA/school/tribe] or call 800-xxx-xxxx. 1
Linked Log-in Page Text
Survey of Title VI Grantees
Dear Title VI Grant Coordinator,
Thank you for participating in the Study of the ESEA Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program.
Purpose of Study: To describe nationwide operations of and strategies used by Title VI grantees to provide culturally responsive services and activities and help Native students meet challenging state academic standards; align and leverage program-funded services with those funded by other federal, state, and local sources; identify eligible American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students; establish and implement project priorities with parent, community, and tribal involvement; and measure progress towards Title VI project objectives.
Sponsor: The study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and is being conducted under contract by SRI International.
Participation: Participation in this study is required under Section 8306(a)(4) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XX.
Reporting and Confidentiality: Responses to this survey will be used to summarize findings in an aggregate manner (across groups or sites) or will be used to provide examples of program implementation in a manner that does not associate responses with a specific site or individual. The final report may refer to the generic title of an individual (e.g., Title VI Grant Coordinator), but neither the site name nor the individual name will be used. All efforts will be made to keep the description of the site general enough that the reader would not be able to determine the identity of the site. The study team will make sure that access to all data with identifiable information is limited to members of the study team. Except for that which is already public, every effort will be made to maintain the confidentiality for all information collected, and we will not provide information that identifies you or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
Response Burden: This survey should require approximately 30 minutes of your time.
Benefits: Your participation will help inform policy makers, educators, and researchers at the local, state, and national levels about the implementation of the Title VI Indian Education Program.
More Information: For questions or more information about this study, you may contact the SRI study team at or call the study toll-free-number, 1-800-XXX-XXXX.
Please answer the questions to the best of your ability by clicking on the appropriate response. Use the “Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of each page to move through the survey. Know that you do not have to complete the survey in one sitting; you can exit and reenter the survey at any time. |
Thank you for your cooperation in this very important effort!
Email follow-up text
Dear Title VI Grant Coordinator,
We recently sent you an invitation to participate in the online survey for the U.S. Department of Education’s Study of the ESEA Title VI Indian Education LEA Grant Program. Because your input is very important to this study, I am writing today to make sure you received the survey information. You can access the survey from any computer.
The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. We ask that you complete this survey no later than {XXXX, 2018}.
The survey focuses on five primary topics: (1) the strategies grantees use to identify and count eligible AI/AN students, (2) how grantees plan services, (3) the services the grant program funds, (4) efforts to coordinate Title VI-funded services with other programs and services, and (5) how grantees measure progress toward their Title VI project objectives. If you are not the best person to respond to questions about the Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program, please send a message to [email protected] with the name, email address, and phone number of a more appropriate respondent in your [LEA/school/tribe] or call 800-xxx-xxxx. 2
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the SRI study team at or call the study toll-free-number, 1-800-XXX-XXXX.
Thank you.
The Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program requires grantees to report the number of students eligible for services. The number includes all AI/AN students for whom schools or districts have collected an Indian Student Certification (ED 506) form that is signed by the child’s parent or guardian. This section asks questions designed to understand how grantees collect timely, accurate, and complete information about students eligible for Title VI‐funded services.
[FOR LEAs ONLY] This school year, in 2017-18, approximately how many AI/AN tribes, bands, and groups (including federally recognized, state-recognized, terminated, and/or organized Indian groups) are (a) enrolled by your school district; and (b) served by Title VI-funded services? NOTE: If you do not know the answer to one or both of these questions, please write DK (“Don’t Know”) in the appropriate space below.
Number of AI/AN tribes, bands and groups with students enrolled in the district: ____________
Number of AI/AN tribes, bands, and groups with students served by Title VI-funded services: ___________
For this school year, 2017-18, which of the following strategies does your Title VI‐funded project use to identify students who are eligible to receive Title VI‐funded services? (Select ALL that apply.)
Conduct targeted outreach (e.g., by phone or email) to notify AI/AN families about available Title VI-funded services for eligible AI/AN students
Conduct awareness‐raising activities (e.g., trainings, presentations, meetings) to identify Title VI-eligible AI/AN students with: (Triggers drop down menu)
District staff (e.g., enrollment administrators, directors of other federal programs)
School staff (e.g., secretaries, administrators, counselors, teachers)
[FOR LEAs ONLY] Collaborate and coordinate with local tribes and tribal organizations to determine AI/AN student eligibility to receive Title VI-funded services (e.g., help to distinguish multiple federal definitions of AI/AN students, including Title VI grant definition versus Johnson-O’Malley Act definition)
Collaborate and coordinate with organizations that work with AI/AN families to notify them about available Title VI-funded services: (Triggers drop down menu)
Title VI Parent Advisory Committee
Local tribes and tribal organizations
Community‐based organizations
Local government agencies
School- or tribal-based parent committees
Include questions about students’ AI/AN status as part of the school registration processes
Include common tribal affiliations on the ED 506 form
Disseminate eligibility information (flyer, fact sheet) to schools
Ask schools to run reports for students who identified their secondary ethnicity as AI/AN on enrollment forms and submit information to the Title VI office
Include ED 506 form in school enrollment packets
N/A: My project did not identify students eligible to receive Title VI‐funded services for the 2017-18 school year. [Skip to Q4)
[[Note: Online survey software will pipe in the activities selected in Q2] For this school year, 2017-18, to what extent does each of the following strategies challenge your project’s efforts to identify Title VI‐eligible students?
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
[For activities in Q3 considered “somewhat” or “very challenging”] In what way(s) does this activity (these activities) challenge your project’s efforts to identify and count Title VI‐eligible students?
For this school year, 2017-18, which of the following strategies does your project use to ensure that the data collected through the Indian Student Certification (ED 506) form are accurate and complete? (Select ALL that apply.)
Link data collected through the ED 506 form to district student enrollment systems
Link data collected through the ED 506 form to state student enrollment systems
Conduct an annual review of information collected through the ED 506 form to update information on eligible students (e.g., by removing students who have left the LEA/BIE‐operated school, by checking for and removing duplicate student entries)
Collect physical copies of completed ED 506 forms from AI/AN families
Collect electronic copies of ED 506 forms from AI/AN families
Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): _______________________________________________
N/A: We do not engage in any of these activities.
For this school year, 2017-18, to what extent do any of the following challenge your project’s efforts to collect or confirm the accuracy of information on Title VI‐eligible students?
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
N/A: We do not engage in this activity |
What would help your project identify and count Title VI-eligible students and/or collect ED 506 forms (e.g., information, services, supports)?
How frequently does your project conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify AI/AN students’ educational and culturally related academic needs?
Semi‐annually (i.e., twice per year)
Every 2 years
Every 3 years
We do not conduct assessments to identify AI/AN students’ educational and culturally related academic needs. (Skip to Q10)
When your project conducted its last comprehensive needs assessment, which strategies were used to collect information from the following stakeholder groups about AI/AN students’ educational and culturally related academic needs?
My Title VI‐funded project did not consult with any stakeholder
groups to identify AI/AN students’ needs. (Skip
Note: Categories will change depending on grantee type (e.g., Tribes applying in lieu of an LEA would see “Other tribal organizations” for option “c”).
Stakeholder groups |
Surveys |
Interviews/ focus groups |
Listservs or other online forums |
Convenings with stakeholder group |
Public hearings |
Title VI-sponsored
events/ |
Other (specify) [Online version will include pop-up box for response] |
Not consulted about AI/AN students’ needs |
N/A: Not a stakeholder |
Which of the following objectives did your project identify in its 2017-18 grant application to address AI/AN students’ educational and culturally related academic needs? (Select ALL that apply.)
Increase AI/AN students’ school readiness
Increase AI/AN students’ academic achievement
Decrease achievement gaps between AI/AN students and students of other racial/ethnic groups
Increase AI/AN students’ knowledge of cultural identity and awareness
Enhance AI/AN students’ problem solving and cognitive skills development
Increase school attendance rate for AI/AN students
Decrease school dropout rate for AI/AN students
Increase graduation rate for AI/AN students
Increase AI/AN students’ career readiness skills (e.g., technology skills, leadership skills)
Increase college enrollment for AI/AN students
Increase substance abuse prevention for AI/AN students
Increase parent engagement in AI/AN students’ schools
Increase Native American Language instruction programs
In planning for this school year, 2017-18, which strategies, if any, did your project use to collect input from the following stakeholders to plan Title VI‐funded services and activities?
My Title VI‐funded project did not consult with any stakeholder
groups to plan Title VI‐funded services and activities to
support AI/AN students’ needs. (Skip
Surveys |
Interviews/ focus groups |
Online forums |
Convenings with stakeholder group |
Public hearings |
Title VI-sponsored
events/ |
Other (specify) |
Not consulted to plan project services and activities |
N/A: Not a stakeholder |
In planning for this school year, 2017-18, which of the following data sources did your project use to plan Title VI-funded services and activities? (Select ALL that apply.)
My Title VI‐funded project did not use any data sources to plan
services and activities to support AI/AN students’ needs. (Skip
Data sources |
In planning for this school year, 2017‐18, to what extent did each of the following challenge your Title VI-funded project’s efforts to plan services and activities? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
For this school year, 2017‐18, does your project use Title VI funding to provide the following services and activities to eligible AI/AN students? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Yes |
No |
[Note: Online survey software will pipe in the education‐related services selected in Q14] For this school year, 2017‐18, does, or will, your project offer professional development to teachers and/or school support staff to support the delivery of the following services or activities to eligible AI/AN students? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Yes, in 2017-18 we offer professional development to teachers and/or support staff in this area |
No, but we plan to offer professional development in this area |
N/A: We do not plan to offer professional development to teachers or staff in this area |
[Note: Online survey software will pipe in the education‐related services selected in Q14] For each of the educational services your project funds this school year, 2017-18, which use the following practices to support a culturally responsive education (i.e., an education that draws on students’ identities and backgrounds to foster inclusive learning environments) for AI/AN students? (For each row, select as many responses as apply.)
Deliver instruction in AI/AN students’ heritage language |
Use instructional strategies that reflect different learning styles |
Incorporate AI/AN history and culture into the curriculum |
Administer assessments in AI/AN languages |
Use AI/AN teachers and/or support staff |
Connect AI/AN students with mentors or counselors from tribal community |
Other |
Don’t know |
N/A: None of these practices are used for this service |
[NOTE: If “N/A” or “Don’t know” selected for all practices in Q16, respondent skips to Q18]
Please provide a brief example of an educational service your project funds to support a culturally responsive education for AI/AN students.
[Note: Online survey software will pipe in services selected in Q16] For this school year, 2017‐18, to what extent is it challenging to deliver the following services using culturally responsive practices? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
[NOTE: If “Not challenging,” or “Minimally challenging,” or “Don’t know” selected for all items in Q18, skip to Q20]
[If any services in Q18 are considered “Somewhat” or “Very” challenging to deliver using culturally responsive practices] For this school year, 2017‐18, to what extent does each of the following factors contribute to the challenges of delivering services using culturally responsive practices? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Not Challenging |
Minimally Challenging |
Somewhat Challenging |
Very Challenging |
Don’t know |
For this school year, 2017-18, which of the following groups, if any, are represented on your Title VI Parent Advisory Committee? (Select ALL that apply.)
Parents/guardians of AI/AN students eligible to receive Title VI-funded services
Parents/guardians of students not from recognized AI/AN tribes, bands, or groups
Students eligible for Title VI-funded services
Students not from recognized AI/AN tribes, bands, or groups as defined on the ED 506 form
Representatives from tribes on Indian lands within 50 miles of schools that enroll students from respective tribes, bands, and/or groups
Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): _________________________
During this school year, 2017-18, how frequently does your Title VI Parent Advisory Committee meet?
Once during the academic year
Once each academic semester
Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): __________________________
During this school year, 2017-18, which of the following activities, if any, does your Title VI Parent Advisory Committee support? (Select ALL that apply.)
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
For this school year, 2017‐18, does your project coordinate Title VI‐funded services and activities with any of the following programs? (Select ALL that apply for each row.)
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
N/A: Program not offered/ available |
[Note: If “No,” “Don’t Know,” or “N/A” selected for ALL items, skip to Q25]
[Note: Online survey software will pipe in programs selected in Q23] For this school year, 2017‐18, which of the following strategies does your project use to facilitate coordination of Title VI‐funded services and activities with other programs? (Select ALL that apply for each row.)
Participating in interagency task forces or committees |
Sharing data on AI/AN students |
Sharing costs associated with providing services for AI/AN students |
Building programmatic linkages among programs, agencies and organizations serving AI/AN students |
Sharing information on effective programs/services to address the needs of AI/AN students |
Other |
For this school year, 2017‐18, to what extent has each of the following aspects of coordinating Title VI-funded services challenged your Title VI-funded project? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
For the 2016‐17 school year, which of the following data sources did your Title VI-funded project use to measure progress toward project objectives (e.g., increase school readiness, academic achievement, knowledge of cultural identity and awareness, school attendance) (Select ALL that apply.)
Performance portfolios for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services, including examples of student work and other artifacts
Survey or focus group data for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
Other culturally relevant measures (PLEASE DESCRIBE): __________________
Attendance data for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
Graduation/dropout data for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
College acceptance data for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
School staff surveys or focus group data (e.g., with teachers, administrators, and/or support personnel) collected from schools serving AI/AN students
Survey or focus group data collected from parents, guardians, or families of AI/AN students
State standardized assessments for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
Local standardized assessments for AI/AN students receiving Title VI-funded services
N/A: None of these data sources were used.
For the 2016‐17 school year, to what extent were each of the following data collection or data use strategies challenging to implement? (Select ONE response for each row.)
Not challenging |
Minimally challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
N/A: We do not do this |
[For factors in Q27 considered “very challenging”] What made this data collection or data use strategy challenging to implement?
What do you believe are successful Title VI strategies for serving AI/AN students’ educational and culturally relevant academic needs? Why?
Is there anything that you would like to add that you think we should know about the Title VI grant in [your LEA/tribe/school] or your experiences as a Title VI grantee?
Thank you for completing this survey!
1 A toll-free number will be generated when the study receives OMB clearance.
2 A toll-free number will be generated when the study receives OMB clearance.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Task 3.3 Indian Ed TWG Materials Package_rev28July17 |
Author | E28742 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |