Study of the ESEA Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program

OMB 1875-0288

OMB 1875-0288

This data collection supports a national study of the implementation of the Title VI Indian Education Grants to Local Educational Agencies program. It will provide descriptive information on the nature of program-funded services. It will also examine how grantees align and leverage Title VI-funded services with those funded by other federal, state, and local sources; how they identify American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students who are eligible for these services; how they establish and implement program priorities with parent, community, and tribal involvement; and how they measure progress toward their Title VI project objectives. This information will inform the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education (OIE), other federal policy, budget and program staff, and grantees about the implementation of current practices. To gather consistent information that addresses how Title VI grantees are identifying eligible children and planning and implementing services for them, it is necessary to collect additional information beyond current federal data collections (e.g., Annual Performance Reports and EASIE Budget Reports provided by the OIE).

The latest form for Study of the ESEA Title VI Indian Education LEA Grants Program expires 2021-02-28 and can be found here.

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