Magnet Schools Assistance Program

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

MSAP Magnet Coordinator Survey_6-26-19

Magnet Schools Assistance Program

OMB: 1880-0542

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2017 MSAP Magnet Coordinator Survey


MSAP Principal Survey


Public Burden Statement:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1880-0542. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Vicki Robinson, program manager of the Magnet Schools Assistance Program via the program inbox at [email protected] directly.

Thank you for participating in this survey; it will take 15 minutes. We are assessing the FY 2017 Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) grantees’ current technical assistance needs, and this survey is part of our data collection effort. There are no right answers or wrong answers. We are interested in gathering information on your project implementation and management needs, and content interests for the 2019 Project Directors Meeting, to provide you with the most relevant and focused technical assistance.


  1. How long have you worked in schools?

  • 0-1 year

  • 2-5 years

  • 6-9 years

  • 10 or more years

  1. Prior to being a Magnet Coordinator, what was your primary professional field?

  • K-12 education

  • Higher education

  • Marketing

  • Communications

  • Public relations

  • Industry

  • Business

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

  1. How many months do you work in a calendar year?

  • 9 months

  • 10 months

  • 11 months

  • 12 months

  1. How many MSAP schools do you work with? (Dropdown with options 1-7)

  1. Which areas are you either primarily or jointly responsible for in your current role? For each area of responsibility where you select “Yes,” indicate how challenging you find the responsibility. If you select “No” for a particular responsibility, select “Not applicable” under “Extent to which the responsibility is challenging.”

Have responsibility

Extent to which the

responsibility is challenging

Area of responsibility









Not applicable

Marketing and student recruitment

  1. Marketing the magnet program

  1. Recruiting the desired number and type of students to reduce minority group isolation

  1. Assessing the effectiveness of your marketing/recruitment plan

Magnet theme, curriculum, and instruction

  1. Establishing program goals for delivering and achieving equitable STEM, STEAM, or other theme-related education

  1. Establishing definition of STEM, STEAM, or other theme that characterizes the school’s magnet program

  1. Developing a culturally responsive curriculum

  1. Developing theme-based magnet curriculum

  1. Aligning magnet curriculum and instructional materials with content and performance standards

  1. Overseeing integration of the magnet theme throughout the school

  1. Selecting appropriate instructional approaches

  1. Providing professional development linked to the magnet theme and curriculum

  1. Implementing teacher-focused supports, such as professional learning communities, theme-based partnerships, peer coaching, and theme-based internships

Stakeholder involvement

  1. Engaging families

  1. Liaising with district staff who have the resources and expertise needed to support the magnet program

  1. Cultivating long-term partnerships with community businesses and/or organizations

  1. Communicating MSAP plans and goals to school staff

Project management

  1. Tracking implementation of the school’s magnet program

  1. Purchasing equipment, supplies, and/or services that follow MSAP guidelines

  1. Communicating data findings to stakeholders

  1. Making decisions based on data findings

  1. Planning for program sustainability

  1. Other, please specify

Program Management

  1. What top three project implementation objectives do you want to achieve this grant year?

  1. What top three project implementation objectives do you want to achieve next grant year?

  1. Which of the following groups do you communicate with regularly about the MSAP project? If you select “Yes” for a particular group, indicate how well you think the group understands the MSAP project’s purposes and goals. If you select “No” for a particular group, select “Not applicable” for “Level of understanding.”

Level of understanding


Communicate regularly

Not well


Very well

Not applicable





District staff








  1. For the groups that you selected “not well,” why is this? Please limit your response to one to two sentences for each relevant group.


Technical Assistance Needs

  1. Do you have other technical assistance needs not addressed in the previous sections?

  • No

  • Yes (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

  1. What is your preferred method for receiving technical assistance from the MSAP Center? (Please select your top three choices.)

  • Conference workshops

  • Webinars

  • Individual telephone consultations with subject-matter expert

  • Individual onsite consultations with subject-matter expert

  • Toolkits

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

2019 Project Directors Meeting Interests

The U.S. Department of Education hosts an annual 2-day meeting in the Washington, DC area for MSAP grantee staff. The meeting covers magnet topics and provides information from the Department through general, breakout, and peer-learning sessions. To help the Department plan the upcoming meeting, please share your meeting preferences by answering the following questions.

  1. Have you attended an MSAP Project Directors Meetings prior to 2019?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Do you plan to attend this year?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Please indicate your preferred type of conference session by ranking the items below from 1 to 8, with 1 representing least preferred session type and 8 representing most preferred session type.

  • General session presentations

  • Breakout content-based presentations presented by a grantee

  • Breakout content-based presentations presented by a subject-matter expert

  • General session panel discussions

  • Breakout peer-learning discussions

  • General informal networking sessions

  • Breakout question and answer sessions with an expert

  • General question and answer sessions with an expert

  1. What topics would be helpful for you at the 2019 MSAP Project Directors Meeting? (Please select your top six options.)

  • Developing effective marketing strategies

  • Implementing student selection strategies

  • Retaining students to graduation

  • Engaging families in their students’ education

  • Establishing long-term community partnerships

  • Developing diverse and equitable instructional practices

  • Integrating the magnet theme across the school

  • Developing theme-based curriculum

  • Implementing inquiry-based instructional methods

  • Sustaining the magnet program

  • Improving student achievement

  • Meeting minority group isolation targets

  • Effective technology use

  • Gathering and using data

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

  1. Who would you prefer be the keynote speaker at the 2019 MSAP Project Directors Meeting?

  • District superintendent

  • Magnet expert

  • Education expert

  • U.S. Department of Education representative

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

  1. When do you prefer to have peer-learning discussions? (If the respondent selects “I do not find peer-learning discussions useful, the respondent will not answer questions 18 and 19.)

  • In the afternoon of Day 1

  • In the afternoon of Day 2

  • In the afternoon of both days

  • I do not find peer-learning discussions helpful

  1. Do you want the peer-learning discussions to

  • focus on a single magnet topic?

  • focus on magnet implementation in general?

  • be a knowledge sharing session among grantees?

  • be a knowledge sharing or debriefing session within your grant project team?

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

  1. Who should facilitate the peer-learning sessions?

  • A content-based expert

  • An experienced MSAP project director

  • An MSAP Team member

  • Other (A textbox will display as a comment field with “Please specify.”)

Thank you for your participation.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorStacey Merola
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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