Title II, Part A Survey on the Use of Funds for 2017-18
Appendix B – Explanation of Changes for the LEA Survey
1 – Receipt of Title II, Part A funds
2 – Allocation of Title II, Part A funds in various areas:
The table in this question has been updated to reflect the new allowable activities following the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Although there are more activities in this table than before, we do not believe there will be a significant change in the burden of this question as LEAs should already be aware of what they are using their funds for.
3 – Allocations for activities in specific areas:
The previous question on teachers funded by Title II, Part A funds has been replaced by Question 4, which is greatly simplified.
Question 3 is now two parts and asks if districts allocated funds towards activities designed to improve equitable access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders for low-income and minority students, and activities designed to prepare, develop, and retain teacher leaders.
questions are similar to the existing Questions 5 and 6, and ask
districts to provide a yes/no answer with an accompanying short
narrative and amount of funds if they answered yes. The existing
Questions 5 and 6 are the same format, except on different topics;
we do not believe the burden has changed from the existing
Questions 5 and 6.
4 – Teachers funded by Title II, Part A:
The existing Question 4 on professional development by subject area for teachers and principals has been removed.
This question on teachers funded by Title II, Part A was previously Question 3. It has been greatly simplified; previously it asked about the number of FTEs funded by grade and teacher type. The revised question requests similar data aggregated by full-time or part-time teachers, both in number and FTE.
combination with the removal of the existing Question 4 and
simplification of what was previously Question 3, we believe the
total burden has decreased by two hours.
Question 5 – Teachers participating in professional development:
Question 5 was previously about uses of Title II, Part A funds for specific activities (see “Question 3” above). The corresponding question on teachers participating in professional development in the previous version of the survey was Question 7.
This question has been expanded to ask LEAs to provide the number of teachers participating in professional development funded specifically by Title II, Part A.
We estimate that this increased level of detail will increase the burden by approximately one hour, as districts will need to specifically identify professional development activities funded by Title II, Part A.
Question 6 – Types and methods of professional development:
Question 6 was previously about uses of Title II, Part A funds for specific activities (see “Question 3” above). The corresponding question on methods of professional development in the previous version of the survey was Question 8.
This question has been revised slightly and expanded. It now splits out types of professional development and the delivery method for professional development, whereas it previously focused on delivery methods.
We estimate that this increased level of detail will increase the burden by approximately one hour, as districts will need to not only identify the method of professional development, but also the type of professional development teachers participated in.
Question 7 – Topics of professional development:
Question 7 was previously about the number of teachers participating in professional development, which was re-numbered to Question 5. The corresponding question on topics of professional development in the previous survey was Question 9.
The topics in this question have been revised, but there are no other changes.
do not believe the changes in the topics will alter the burden for
this question.
service questions
These questions will be optional and asks respondents about the ease of completing the survey, their perception of how useful the information provided in the survey will be to the Department, and recommendations on how to improve the survey.
As these questions are optional, we do not believe they will increase the burden to respondents.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Shen Lee |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |