OMB Control No. 2010-0042
Expires: XX/XX/XXXX
Online User Response Survey for Beta Test of Website: EcoService Models Library (ESML)
The EcoService Models Library (ESML) is an on-line database that houses descriptions of ecological models which are potentially useful for estimating the production of ecosystem services. ESML is often used by researchers, environmental/nonprofit organizations and government agencies to:
Identify ecological models suitable for use in ecosystem service assessments
Determine ecological models suitable for inclusion in decision support tools
Compare the available ecological models to ecosystem service assessment needs
Research, review and critique approaches currently in use for estimation of ecosystem services
EPA is conducting an independent evaluation of the RSEI model to better understand your views on the usefulness of the tool. We need your input to accurately assess the uses and value of RSEI, in addition to identifying potential improvements. The data collected from this survey is intended to be used internally at EPA and will not be distributed to any other parties.
It should take approximately 15 minutes to answer the questions in this survey. Note: If you decide to use the optional ESML Navigation Guide to navigate ESML while completing the survey, more time should be alloted.
Page A inquires about your experience with specific ESML capabilities. (The Navigation Guide is included in case you want help finding these features.)
Page B inquires about your overall experience testing ESML.
Page C inquires about your interests.
The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed survey to this address.
A. Your experience with specific features of ESML This page requests your feedback on specific ESML features. You can respond based on your recent experience using ESML, or you can follow the optional ESML navigation guide and respond as you go. |
Survey Question |
Optional ESML Navigation Guide
Your experience finding ecological models (EMs) with the Search
EMs feature,
using the Pre-defined
to narrow the responses
Comments: ______________________________
From the Home Page, select Search EMs, then use the Pre-defined Filters on the left. |
Your experience finding ecological models (EMs) with the Search
feature, using Boolean
to narrow the responses.
While on the Search Ecological Models (EMs) page, use the radio button to select Boolean Search, and try entering text (using the Tips for creating Boolean searches if needed). |
Your experience examining the details of a selected ecological
model (EM).
Comments:________________________________ |
From the Search EMs page, click the hyperlinked EM ID “EM-12” (this action opens a new browser tab), then expand any of the headers. |
Your experience using the ESML
Data Map
as a guide to data structure.
Comments:________________________________ |
On the “EM-12” page, click View ESML Data Map. (After viewing, click “back” to return to the “EM-12” page.) |
Your experience viewing the interrelationships of variables for
EMs through Variable
Relationship Diagrams
Comments:_______________________________ |
On the “EM-12” page, click View Variable Relationship Diagram. (After viewing, click your browser’s “back” arrow to return to the “EM-12” page.) |
Your experience examining the details of model variables of a
selected EM.
Comments:_______________________________ |
On the “EM-12” page, open the EM Variables header, then click the “View Details” link, then expand any of the headers. (After viewing, click “back” to return to the “EM-12” page.) |
Your experience downloading EM data with the Export
Data to Spreadsheet
Comments:_______________________________ |
On the “EM-12” page, click Export Data to Spreadsheet |
Your experience viewing model run information using the View
EM Runs
Comments:_______________________________ |
On the “EM-12” page, click the View EM Runs button, then expand any of the headers. (After viewing, click “back” to return to the “EM-12” page.) |
Your experience comparing two or more EMs with the Compare
feature, viewing All
EM Descriptors
Comments:_______________________________ |
Return to the “Search Ecological Models” browser tab. For any two (or more) EMs in the list, check the “Compare” box and then click the “Compare” hyperlink. Expand any of the headers. |
Your experience using the Compare
feature, viewing Selected
EM Descriptors (grouped by EM comparison and selection concept)
Comments:_______________________________ |
Use the radio button to select “Selected EM Descriptors (grouped by EM comparison and selection concept),” then click on any concept or expand any of the headers. |
Your experience using the My
feature, to save selected EMs for later reference or analysis
Comments:_______________________________ |
(Registration and login is required to use this feature. If you have not registered, click the “Home” link to return to the Home Page. In the “My EMs” box, register, and log in.) Click the “Search EMs” icon, and then click the green “Save to My EMs” button for two or more EMs. Then click the “My EMs” icon at the top of the screen to view only the selected EMs. |
12. Any other comments about your experience using specific features of ESML? |
B. Your overall experience using ESML
13. What were the primary questions you tried to answer using ESML?
[Free form text box for user response]
14. Overall, how much time did you spend using ESML?
< 15 minutes
15 minutes to 1 hour
1 – 3 hours
< 3 hours
15. What did you learn (about ecological models, modeling the production of ecosystem goods and services, or another topic)?
[Free form text box for user response]
16. What aspects of ESML did you find useful or interesting?
16a [if Q16 is answered]. Please explain why those aspects were useful.
[Free form text box for user response]
17. What did you find unhelpful or confusing? What difficulties, if any, did you encounter?
[Free form text box for user response]
17a [if Q17 is answered]. Please explain why those aspects were not useful, and anything you think could be done to improve those aspects.
[Free form text box for user response]
18. What additional features did you wish ESML had?
18a [if Q18 is answered]. Please explain how those features would benefit you.
[Free form text box for user response]
19. What additional information (such as types of models or other informational content) would you like to see added?
[Free form text box for user response]
20. Any other comments about your overall experience using ESML?
[Free form text box for user response]
C. Your interests
21. Do you wish to be informed of updates - for example, new data or features added to ESML? [Y/N]
21a [if Yes]. What is your email address? Re-enter email address.
22. To help us understand what kinds of people may use ESML, please tell us your areas of work or study (select all that apply):
Air quality
Business/Professional Services
Computers (Hardware/Software)
Ecosystem restoration or rehabilitation
Ecosystem Services
Environmental sciences
Fish/Wildlife management
Geographic information systems
Landscape ecology
Land use, planning
Marketing/Market research/Public relations
Water resources
Waste management
Web development
Wetlands management
Other (explain)
23. To help us understand what kinds of organizations may be interested in the development of ESML, please tell us your organization/affiliation.
[Free form text box for user response]
24. Is there a specific question or challenge that you or your organization you might wish to use ESML for in the future? If so, please tell us a little about it.
[Free form text box for user response]
Your survey has been submitted. Thank you!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | VanBronkhorst, Kelly |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |