of: 4/17/18
10:26 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
numbers BATS been killed by wind turbines. United Nations has
designated 2011-2012 the International Year of the Bat. . Bats play
an important role in many environments around the world. Some plants
depend partly or wholly on bats to pollinate their flowers or spread
their seeds, while other bats also help control pests by eating
insects. study found that bats save farmers more than $1 billion
worldwide . So why is the government give big tax dollars to the Wind
turbine suppliers ??
August 8 2008 The United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today that it will implement a
new initiative to better protect bees, BATS, birds and others that
are essential to global crop production and biodiversity. N United
Nations designated 2011-2012 the International Year of the Bat. Wind
farms and wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of bat per year in
was designed to tackle the recent decline and, in some
cases, near collapse of important pollinator populations around the
world, such as honey bees. Disease, pesticides, habitat loss and the
introduction of exotic species are all thought to be responsible in
part. Wind Turbines are destroying Bats.
Pollinators such as
bees, as well as BATS, butterflies, birds and even mosquitoes, play a
vital role in food production because they transfer pollen between
seed plants, affecting more than a third of the worlds agricultural
crops. Farmers and consumers are thus dependent on healthy pollinator
Under the initiative, protecting pollinator species
will be introduced worldwide and countries and regions will be given
assistance to help them protect pollinators.
Research determined
that free-tails are so effective that they save south-central Texas
farmers up to $1.7 million a year in pesticide costs, the BCI
reports. Mexican free-tailed bat, common in Texas, will reach an
altitude of 1,000 feet to snare crop-destroying corn earworm moths.
The corn earworm moth (or more specifically, the moths larvae) cause
major damage to U.S. corn crops. Researchers from Southern Illinois
University (SIU) wanted to find out what happens when bats arent
allowed to feed freely on the moths, so they built large outdoor
enclosures over cornfields in Southern Illinois. The enclosures were
covered in nets that let insects in but kept bats out. The corn grown
within the enclosures had significantly more larvae-damaged kernels
by 56 percent and less fungal damage.
The researchers noted
that bats suppress pest-associated fungal growth and mycotoxin in
corn as well as increased crop yield by 1.4 percent, which adds up to
a difference of more than $3 an acre. study found that bats save
farmers more than $1 billion worldwide and thats only for corn crops.
The estimate also doesnt factor in other benefits that bats provide,
such as a reduction in pesticide use. Study author Josiah Maine told
BBC News: In 2011, University of Tennessee at Knoxville researchers
also analyzed the economic importance of bats in agriculture.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville reduced costs of pesticide
applications that are not needed to suppress the insects consumed by
bats. bats help pollinate and disperse seeds, they can even play an
important part in helping regrowth after forest clearance. Without
bats, crop yields are affected. Pesticide applications go up. Even if
our estimates were quartered, they clearly show how bats have
enormous potential to influence the economics of agriculture and
forestry." While some bats provide pest control, nectar-feeding
bats act as beneficial pollinators. Giant cacti and agave are just
two types of plants that depend on bats for pollination, and in the
tropics over 500 different types of tropical plants are pollinated by
bats every year. Fruit-eating bats are sometimes called the farmers
of the tropics because they are incredibly efficient at dispersing
seeds. Theyre especially essential to regenerating clear-cut forests,
which requires seeds to be dropped over large, open spaces areas
where birds are reluctant to fly. Bats cover large distances while
feeding at night and defecate while flying, which means the seeds in
their feces are scattered across the vast open expanses of clear-cut
rainforests they can add still more, different seeds to the mix that
can lead eventually to a renewed forest. Bats have been reported
dispersing the seeds of avocado, dates, figs, and cashews vital part
of a healthy eco-system, bats are beneficial mammals that contribute
greatly to their surrounding ecosystems, and they deserve respect to
go along with it. Bats devour tons of crop-destroying insects, a
benefit that undeniably helps farmers get food to our tables. They
also feed on mosquitoes, which is why I'm cheering for bats to occupy
the bat houses I've put up in my yard. Bats fly at speeds of around
60 mph and sometimes at an altitude of 10,000 feet. Stop the Wind
Turbines from Killing the BATS.
of: 4/17/18
10:27 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
Rural America's infrastructure has been left behind for too long, eliminate barriers that prevent virtually all infrastructure projects from being efficiently developed and managed. Incentivize the efficient development and management of water infrastructure, in part, by providing more flexibility to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its partners. shorten and simplify the approval process for infrastructure projects. Eliminate certain redundant and inefficient provisions in environmental laws. make reforms so Americans secure good-paying jobs and meet the needs of our industries. Regulatory barriers that needlessly get in the way of infrastructure projects must be removed.
of: 4/17/18
10:28 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
are reaching a breaking point. Nation's critical infrastructure,
considering all hazards that could have a debilitating impact on
national security, economic stability, public health and safety, or
any combination thereof. These efforts should seek to reduce
vulnerabilities, minimize consequences, identify and disrupt threats,
and hasten response and recovery efforts related to critical
Critical infrastructure must be secure and able
to withstand and rapidly recover from all hazards. Achieving this
will require integration with the national preparedness system across
prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery
management policies that interrupted the natural and historical cycle
of fire. Needed to change a culture focused almost solely on
emergency firefighting to one that supports long-term forest
restoration and management. Property damage and firefighting costs
for local, state and federal governments run into the billions of
dollars annually. Forest service mismanaging of our national forests
has brought an unprecedented environmental catastrophe that impacts
all taxpayers and with it, a rare opportunity for transform a culture
change in forest management practices. rebuild healthy high-country
forests by building dams for storing water, Investing upfront to
create these healthier forests will pay dividends in the long run by
curbing the spiraling costs of state firefighting and tree removal
while building stronger recreational and sporting economies . Forests
largely restored to the less crowded natural conditions of through
greater use of prescribed burning to replace unilateral policies of
fire suppression and mechanical thinning to remove buildup of forest
fuels, also will improve wildlife habitat, enhance environmental
quality and add to the resilience of mountain landscapes, immediate
crisis is visible to anyone who recently has traveled in the forest,
where entire mountainsides are brown from wildfires with dying and
dead forests. Rural counties are reeling from costs of removing and
storing dead trees that threaten their public safety. Rural
homeowners are having to tap their life savings to take down dead
trees near homes and buildings. Government agencies are spending
millions of dollars to remove dead trees near highways and other
public infrastructure. Costs have risen year by year to battle as
catastrophic wildfires during a lengthening fire season on millions
of acres of the states dense, overgrown forests. energy providers are
budgeting emergency funds to remove dead and dying trees near power
lines. Water districts are spending their reserves to remove soils
from reservoirs in the wake of catastrophic mountain wildfires.
symptoms of a larger problem of forest mismanagement and neglect
giving us a environmental disaster and communities need to see
encouraging developing consensus around policy changes that will
begin to resolve it. If forest service does not take appropriate
action soon, National forest risk losing the priceless benefits
provided by forests. healthier, less overgrown forests that enhance
watersheds and wildlife, reduce the scale of catastrophic wildfires.
Need to provide immediate, emergency consequences of its
long-neglected forests. Forest are overrun with fire-intolerant trees
and thick carpets of forest fuels that can turn even the smallest
camp fire or sparking power line into a raging firestorm. Spending
heavily to remove hazard trees as a result wildfires is a must. The
costs of long neglecting and mismanaging forests have become an
unsustainable burden on national forests.
After devastating
fires, local water districts pay millions more to remove tons of
eroded soils from mountain reservoirs that supply downstream
Need to open mills and train new loggers since m many
of the facilities that might have burned millions of dead trees for
energy generate on have closed or are closing. A century of fire
suppression remains firmly entrenched within federal and state
firefighting agencies and has left forest floors deep in flammable
groundcover. prescribed burning to rid the forests of dense
groundcover are too often clash with regional activists that are
confused with air quality regulations, even as emissions from
catastrophic wildfires nullify carbon reduction on accomplishments.
Wildfires can produce more harmful pollutions than cars on freeways.
Environmentalists obstructing policy goals to thin overgrown forests
to their original conditions. invest more for proactive forest
management, including greater use of prescribed burning cutting and
selling timber, remove old dead trees, and less reliance on reactive
of: 4/17/18
10:29 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
sound of Living next to Wind Turbines for both Humans and Wildlife:
Whoomp, Whoomp, Whoomp. Low frequency noise causes immense suffering
to those who are unfortunate to be sensitive to it and chronic
psychophysiological damage may result from long-term exposure to
low-level low frequency noise.
World Health Organization
states: Noise measures based solely on LAeq values do not adequately
characterize most noise environments and do not adequately assess the
health impacts of noise. If the noise includes a large proportion of
low-frequency components, values even lower than the guideline values
will be needed, because low-frequency components in noise may
increase the adverse effects considerably. When prominent
low-frequency components are present, measures based on A-weighting
are inappropriate.
Conference Fourth International Meeting on
Wind Turbine Noise said main effect of daytime wind turbine noise is
annoyance. The night time effect is sleep disturbance lead to stress
related illness. Another research team conducted a study which
demonstrated those living in the immediate vicinity scored worse than
a matched control group in terms of physical and environmental health
related quality of life. The towering structures generate
low-frequency pulsations that people have described as a "feeling
or presence, something that is felt rather than heard, It's this
eerie sensation , It's the invisible intruder so we can imagine what
wildlife hear. Study found about one in 10 people, wind turbines are
highly annoy, especially those living closest to the structures and
those exposed to turbine noises exceeding 35 decibels. Annoyance is
statistically related to reports of migraines, tinnitus, dizziness
and high blood pressure. Developed headaches, ear aches and pressure
behind their eyes the thumping unbelievable, eyes and ears are
pounding, headaches are intense. It's like a dripping faucet in your
bedroom, or someone tapping their fingernails next to you or calling
your name and shaking your shoulder, night after night. thumping
vibrations that resonated through the walls of a home like bass-heavy
music from a distant. set a bowl of water in the window and watched
it ripple whenever the blades on the nearest turbine passed the
tower, that's what it's doing to your brain and your chest and your
eyes, that nonstop pulsation of energy." thin walls amplify the
effects of the turbines , sounds like a helicopter was landing inside
the house. Due to the air absorption, the higher low-frequency
content becomes even more pronounced, when sound pressure levels in
relevant neighbor distances are considered. Even when A-weighted
levels are considered, a substantial part of the noise is at low
frequencies, and for several of the investigated large turbines, the
one-third-octave band with the highest level is at or below 250 Hz.
It is thus beyond any doubt that the low frequency part of the
spectrum plays an important role in the noise.
adverse health effects include: annoyance, stress, sleep disturbance,
headache, tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, visual
blurring, tachycardia, irritability, problems with concentration and
memory, and panic episodes associated with sensations of internal
pulsation or quivering when awake or asleep. Other adverse impacts
include reduced well-being, degraded living conditions, and adverse
societal and economic impacts.
Government initiate, as a matter
of priority thorough, adequately resourced epidemiological and
laboratory studies of the possible effects of wind farms on human
health. This research must engage across industry and community, and
include an advisory process representing the range of interests and
These adverse impacts represent a serious degradation
of health in accordance with commonly accepted definitions of health
as defined by the WHO. Failure to carefully evaluate the indirect
causal pathways and the psychological harm of windfarm exposure
represent errors of omission. Annoyance, sleep disturbance, cognitive
and emotional response, and stress are health effects that occur
through the indirect pathway. The health outcomes associated with the
indirect pathway are significant: "Physiological experiments on
humans have shown that noise of a moderate level acts via an indirect
pathway and has health outcomes similar to those caused by high noise
exposures on the direct pathway. The indirect pathway starts with
noise-induced disturbances of activities such as communication or
sleep. Windfarm literature reviews is inappropriate as they contain
errors of omission and/or commission and are neither convincing nor
authoritative. Many of the conclusions are incomplete, inaccurate,
lack objectivity and consequently only serve to confuse the issue of
health effects.
Wind Turbines are a hazard for terrestrial and
aquatic habitat for 18 animal species listed as endangered or
of: 4/17/18
10:34 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
labor and environmental concerns of mining and producing toxic
minerals in key countries .
Why is Lithium, Cobalt, Steel, Iron,
and aluminum not added to conflict minerals law of 2010 ? And need US
tariffs ; Section 232 investigation is conducted under the authority
of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 to better understanding of the
social and environmental issues of Rare earth elements (REEs) due to
monopolistic supply conditions, environmentally unsustainable mining
practices, and rapid demand growth. The adoption of new technologies
can lead to rapid changes in materials demand. For example in 1978
Zaire controlled 48% of the cobalt supply and yet political unrest in
Zaire resulted in a disruption to global supply that became known as
the "Cobalt Crisis". 50% of all Rare Earth Elements (REE)
and Oxides (REO) are in China. Government intervention, corporate and
social responsibility policies should be clear on influence some
firm's decisions to use REE unless environmental concerns around
their mining are addressed.
Baotou, China , Industrial area
with activities which have led to serious air pollution and the
potentially toxic elements in atmospheric particles can cause various
health problems to humans. both the mass concentrations of
particulate matter and the concentrations of heavy metals (Cr, Ni,
Pb, Cd, Cu, Mn, Co, and Zn).
Africa , One of the largest
companies is Congo Dongfang Mining International (CDM). subsidiary of
China-based Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Company Ltd (Huayou Cobalt), 90
percent of China's cobalt originates in Congo, where Chinese firms
dominate the mining industry. CDM reported exporting 72,000 tons of
industrial and artisanal cobalt from Congo, China, which produces
over 40 percent of the world's refined cobalt, imports over 75
percent of the raw cobalt it uses from DR Congo.
China controls
98% of current supply production Neodymium magnets which are used as
important component in electric vehicles and wind turbines rely
heavily on dysprosium (Dy) and neodymium (Nd), in rare-earth magnets
. Neodymium is mostly dangerous in the working environment can cause
lung embolisms during exposure. Wind turbine contains more than 8,000
different components, steel, cast iron, and concrete. magnets made
from neodymium and dysprosium, rare earth minerals mined almost
exclusively in China.
Brazil; Iron mining;World bank said in a
report the Carajas area has seen some of the worst environmental
degradation in Amazonia. Outside the areas under the company's
jurisdiction, environmental protection measures were almost entirely
Peru,Highland desert of Salta and Jujuy lithium-rich is
classified as "extreme risk." Conflict between mine
operators and local populations over water rights.
Tshangalele water system , Report showed High levels of metals,
especially cobalt, aluminum, iron, manganese, zinc and cadmium were
found in fish.
U.S. Labor Department lists Congolese cobalt as a
product it has reason to think is produced by child labor.
International reports alleging improprieties including forced
relocations of villages and water pollution. Reports of Congo
DongFang of buying materials mined by children.
UNICEF estimated
in 2014 that approximately 40,000 boys and girls work in all the
mines across southern DRC, many of them involved in cobalt mining.
The lithium-ion battery industry has a massively complicated supply
International Labor Organization reports abuse in
small-scale mines of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and even parts of
Qianan, China's northern Hebei province. Smoke and
steam spew from the sprawling complex part of the Jiujiang steel and
rolling mills is country's 10 smoggiest cities in 2017. Shijiazhuang
saw the highest average reading in all of China last year of
particulate matter with a width of 2.5 microns, known as PM2.5 .
China's ten worst cities were Hebei's cities of Handan and Tangshan,
the world's biggest steel producing city.
China's Shanxi
province, the country's top coal producing region hazardous airborne
particles known as PM2.5. Pollution from the Xinjin Iron and Steel
plant has coated the rooftops and roads of a nearby village with a
layer of gray dust and soot. It's a serious source of pollution for
the villagers.
Research by SOMO reveals that serious human
rights violations and environmental pollution are happening in
Democratic Republic of Congo
Chile, children perform dangerous
tasks and engaged in the worst forms of child labor, including in the
production and distribution of drugs,
US dept of labor, Bureau
of International Labor Affairs. Chile has 70.6 percent of working
children ages 5 to 17 are engaged in work classified as dangerous.
Forced labor in agriculture, mining, construction. Countries that
Mine lithium and cobalt, the supply chain is very complicated so
areas of production have no laws or support increased traceability
for cobalt or Lithium mined in DR Congo
of: 4/17/18
10:34 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
quality in USA compared to China below : So why are agencies still
pushing environmental regulations in America which hurting the poor,
small business, and working family's. and the loss of America wealth
and National Security .
But The air in The United States has an
annual average of 8 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 20% below the WHO
safe level. India Delhi in India has 122 which is 12 times safe
levels, The United States is NOT even in the 500 Highest pollution
cities in World. Tariffs, Remove regulations in SEC and Commodity
Markets, and add China and India to the 2010 conflict minerals law.
Nearly 90 percent of China's big cities failed to meet air
quality standards in 2014, Of the worst-performing cities in 2014,
seven were located in the heavy industrial province of Hebei, which
China capital, Beijing the toxic air in has an annual
average of 85 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 8.5 times the WHO safe
China, city of Baoding the toxic air has an annual
average of 126 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 12.6 times the WHO
safe level.
China, city of Xingtai the toxic air has an annual
average of 128 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 12.8 times the WHO
safe level.
China, city of Shijiazhuang the toxic air has an
annual average of 121 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 12.1 times the
WHO safe level.
China city of Tangshan the toxic air has an
annual average of 102 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10.2 times the
WHO safe level.
China city of Handan the toxic air has an annual
average of 112 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 11.2 times the WHO
safe level.
China city of Zhengzhou the toxic air has an annual
average of 86 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 8.6 times the WHO safe
level. China city of Hengshui he toxic air in has an annual average
of 107 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10.7 times the WHO safe level.
China city of Langfang ; The toxic air has an annual average of 96
g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 9.6 times the WHO safe level. Report
: Key trends from 2008-2013: on Air Quality, World high-income
countries, percentage decreases to 56%. Low income Nations
increasing. USA in City Houston ; The good air quality has an annual
average of 10 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's at the WHO safe level.
USA, in City of Oklahoma City, OK the good air quality has an annual
average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below the WHO safe
level USA, in City of Fayetteville, AR the good air quality has an
annual average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below the WHO
safe level. USA, in City of Dayton, OH the good air quality has an
annual average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below the WHO
safe level. USA, in City of New York City, NY the good air quality
has an annual average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below
the WHO safe level. USA in City of Pittsburgh, PA the good air
quality has an annual average of 10 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's
at the WHO safe level. USA in City of Clarksburg, WV the good air
quality has an annual average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's
10% below the WHO safe level.
America is loosing National
security in Mining, Materials, and Jobs to China and India
was number 4 in iron ore production 2016 with 124 metric tons. While
USA was nine with iron ore 42 metric tons. China was number 1 in Zinc
Production with 5,270 metric tons while the US was 3 with only 798
metric tons. produces nearly half of the world's refined zinc.
was number 2 in Aluminum Bauxite Production with 60,788 metric tons
while the US was None. China was number 1 in Aluminum Refined
Production with 31,870 metric tons with the US was only ten at only
818 metric tons. produces 60 percent of the world's aluminum.
was number 3 in cooper Mine Production in 2016 with 1851 metric tons
with the US was 4 with 1431 tons. China was number 1 in cooper
refined production in 2016 with 8436 metric tons, while the US was
fourth with only 1221 metric tons.
China was number one in Crude
steel production in 2016 with 804 metric tons while USA was number 4
with only 79 Metric tons. Japan was 2 and India was 3.
was number one in Mine Production in 2016 with 2,230 metric tons
while USA was number 3 with only 324 metric tons. China controls 98%
of current supply production Neodymium magnets which are used as
important component in electric vehicles and wind turbines rely
heavily on dysprosium (Dy) and neodymium (Nd), in rare-earth magnets
. Neodymium is mostly dangerous in the working environment can cause
lung embolisms during exposure. Wind turbine contains more than 8,000
different components, steel, cast iron, and concrete. magnets made
from neodymium and dysprosium, rare earth minerals mined almost
exclusively in China. Is China behind Environmental Activist by
pushing bad regulations in USA to stop America from Growing? Does not
add up.
of: 4/17/18
10:36 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
More help must be given to the Board Patrol..... The Federal government spends a net amount of $45.8 billion on illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children. This amount includes expenditures for public education, medical care, justice enforcement initiatives, welfare programs and other miscellaneous costs. It also factors in the meager amount illegal aliens pay to the federal government in income, social security, Medicare and excise taxes. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $116,000,000,000. Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978, Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA). The national government should be deferential to the States when taking action that affects the policymaking discretion of the States and should act only with the greatest caution where State or local governments have identified uncertainties regarding the constitutional or statutory authority of the national government. With respect to Federal statutes and regulations administered by the States, the national government shall grant the States the maximum administrative discretion possible. Intrusive Federal oversight of State administration is neither necessary nor desirable. Required federal agencies must consult with state and local officials early in the process of developing proposed regulation where the regulation will impose substantial direct compliance costs on State and local governments and that is not required by statute.
of: 4/17/18
10:37 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
does not have a clean water issue, or clean air issue, America has a
Environmental activist issues which are hurting poor, hindering
business and take money from budget for china and support billionaire
projects. Wake up agency the lies and fake news is loud, but in
reality see below :......reports
China , Cities ranked by
highest air-pollution levels are Xingtai , Shijiazhuang , Baoding ,
Handan , Hengshui, , Tangshan and Langfang cities of Handan,
Shijiazhuang, Baoding and, Xingtai the skies turn a yellow-tinged
grey, large amount of air pollutants in the environment home to iron
and steel factories, cement plants, building materials makers,
petrochemical industries and electro power plants. company that
plates surfaces with metal, leaks of toxic waste into underground
water; plastics plants that leak chemicals into groundwater; cluster
of plants and mines, is one of the most heavily polluting factories
on the planet. iron, cement, electricity and glass which between them
give off 60 per cent of the province's sulphur dioxide, nitrogen
oxide. many factories in the Hebei region were polluting far beyond
the national limits.
Children wear masks going to school and are
warned not to take part in outdoor activities. classroom of schools
need air purifiers. Air in Beijing is an unbearable stage.
of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in Asia, and every year 2
millions of deaths are attributed to pollution but China not even
required to reduce emissions until 2030 and will not give precise
percentage, China does not seem to be working on carbon intensity by
up to 45 per cent from 2005 levels by 2020 .
Air Quality Index
app china people smartphones, which tells them the city's average
reading for various pollutants, the most nefarious of which is PM2.5,
the microparticles most damaging to health.
WHO's Air quality
guidelines should be below particulate matter (PM10) 20 micrograms
per cubic metre (g/m. Search site called Breathe
The air in China has an annual average of 54 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles.
That's 5.4 times the WHO safe level. in China, 6716 children die of
air pollution-related diseases every year. The air in Beijing has an
annual average of 85 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 8.5 times the
WHO safe level. China; Polluting industries in 28 china northern
cities. 1,032,833 people die from an air pollution-related disease
each year.
China in Beijing, (the Capital) The air has an annual
average of 85 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 8.5 times the WHO safe
level. air quality index is 173 Unhealthy PM10 is 108 , PM2.5 is 85 ,
PM10 Pollution Level: Very High Pollution in Beijing, China Air
Pollution 85.13 Very High, Drinking Water Pollution hazard of 70.18,
High Water Pollution 73.41 China Air quality hazard 14.87 Very Low
Drinking Water Quality hazard 29.82 Low Water Quality harzard 26.59
Low China, in Xingtai , the toxic air has an annual average of 128
g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 12.8 times the WHO safe level. Some
parts of Xingtai, Hebei providence 155.2, higher
China, in
Baoding the toxic air has an annual average of 126 g/m3 of PM2.5
particles. That's 12.6 times the WHO safe level. Some parts of
Baoding, Hebei providence 127.9 higher
China, in Shijiazhuang
the toxic air has an annual average of 121 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles.
That's 12.1 times the WHO safe level. Some parts of Shijiazhuang,
Hebei providence higher 148.5
United States : Compare , The air
in The United States has an annual average of 8 g/m3 of PM2.5
particles. That's 20% BELOW the WHO safe level.
USA in City
Houston ; The good air quality has an annual average of 10 g/m3 of
PM2.5 particles. That's at the WHO safe level. USA, in City of
Oklahoma City, OK the good air quality has an annual average of 9
g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below the WHO safe level
in City of Pittsburgh, PA the good air quality has an annual average
of 10 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's at the WHO safe level. Air
pollution data from World Health Organization Info PM10 19 low PM2.5
low at 10 PM10 Pollution Level: Low , Air Pollution 36.36 Low,
Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility 33.04 Low, Air quality
high of 63.64 very good , Drinking Water Quality good at 66.96 High
quality. USA in City of Clarksburg, WV the good air quality has an
annual average of 9 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. That's 10% below the WHO
safe level.
USA in city of Dallas-Fort Worth Good to great
reading, The air in Dallas, TX has an annual average of 10 g/m3 of
PM2.5 particles. That's at the WHO safe level. Air pollution data
from World Health Organization Info PM10 low at 18 PM2.5 low at only
10 PM10 Pollution Level: Low Air Pollution 35.26 low, Drinking Water
Pollution very low at 28 , Air quality 65 very good and Drinking
Water Quality very good at 71
of: 4/17/18
10:37 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs Comment
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
quality index today.... Rejects the rhetoric and focuses on the facts
Colorado ,Grand Junction, Air Quality Index (AQI) observed at march 2
8:00 MST 34 Good AQI - Pollutant Details Ozone 34 Good Particles
(PM2.5) 23 Good. Kentucky, Louisville Current Conditions Air Quality
Index (AQI) observed at 10:00 EST 50 Good AQI - Pollutant Details
Ozone 31 Good Particles (PM10) 13 Good Particles (PM2.5) 50
Louisiana, Lafayette Current Conditions Air Quality Index (AQI)
observed at 9:00 CST 25 Good , AQI - Pollutant Details Ozone 25 Good
Particles (PM2.5) 25 Good Texas, Midland-Odessa Current Conditions
Air Quality Index (AQI) observed at 9:00 CST 37 Good AQI - Pollutant
Details Particles (PM2.5) 37 Good Particles (PM10) Good
Oklahoma City; Current Conditions Air Quality Index (AQI) observed at
9:00 CST 43 Good Current Conditions Air Quality Index (AQI)observed
at 9:00 CST 43 Good
China, city Beijing, capital Current Conditions observed at Mar 3,
2018 12:00 AM (LT) 193 AQI Unhealthy PM2.5 NOTE : health effects when
AQI values are between 151 and 200. China, city Chengdu Current
Conditions observed at Mar 2, 2018 11:00 PM (LT) 163 AQI Unhealthy
PM2.5 NOTE health effects when AQI values are between 151 and 200.
India , New Delhi, Current Conditions observed at Mar 2, 2018 9:00 PM
(LT) 148 AQI NOTE Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups PM2.5. India ,
Dhaka Current Conditions observed at Mar 2, 2018 10:00 PM (LT) 205
AQI VERY Unhealthy M2.5 Note : AQI values between 201 and 300 trigger
a health alert Indonesia , Jakarta South, Current Conditions
observed at Mar 2, 2018 11:00 PM (LT) 154 AQI Unhealthy PM2.5 We
should not choose radical environmentalists over the American people.
Those most hurt by Obama and Billionaire decision were the millions
of Americans who need these jobs the most.
of: 4/17/18
10:39 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
is attempting to use environmental activists in furtherance of its
influence to stop American oil and gas exports and pipelines.
a U.S. House Science Committee March 1, 2018 called Russian efforts
to influence U.S. energy markets. released a staff report uncovering
Russia's extensive efforts to influence U.S. energy markets through
divisive and inflammatory posts on social media platforms. The report
details Russia's motives in interfering with U.S. energy markets and
influencing domestic energy policy and its manipulation of Americans
via social media propaganda.
Russian Attempts to
Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social Media
March 1, 2018 . it demonstrates how the Kremlin manipulated various
groups in an attempt to carry out its geopolitical agenda,
particularly with respect to domestic energy policy. Congress
committee began investigating Russian attempts to influence U.S.
energy markets in the summer of 2017 intricate money-laundering
scheme. Russian-sponsored agents funneled money to U.S. environmental
organizations in an attempt to portray energy companies in a negative
way and disrupt domestic energy markets. American social media
companies produced for the Committee confirmed that Russian agents
were exploiting American social media platforms in an effort to
disrupt domestic energy markets, suppress research and development of
fossil-fuels, and stymie efforts to expand the use of natural gas.
Between 2015 and 2017, there were an estimated 9,097 Russian posts or
tweets regarding U.S. energy policy or a current energy event, a
significant portion of content related to energy or environmental
issues. Russia exploited American social media as part of its
concerted effort to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence
domestic energy policy. They targeted pipelines, fossil fuels,
climate change, and other divisive issues to influence public policy
in the U.S.
Russia provides roughly 75 percent of the natural
gas imported by countries in Central and Eastern Europe while the
countries in Southeast Europe "receive almost all of their
natural gas from Russia." "Russia's Gazprom has
acknowledged for the first time a threat to its dominant position in
European gas market from an expected influx of liquefied natural gas
(LNG) produced in the United States under [the Trump]
Russia has a significant interest in disrupting
U.S. energy markets and influencing domestic energy policy. American
energy is booming. Surge of American energy into the global
marketplace heightens the Kremlin's desire to eliminate or mitigate
the American energy threat and to do so by influencing social media
users, American voters, and public officials. American Gas and Oil
represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests. First, an
abundance of American supply in the global energy marketplace stands
to reduce Russian market share and thus revenues generated from oil
and gas activities. Second, by providing supply alternatives for
European countries dependent on Russian supply and infrastructure,
American energy stands to disrupt the Kremlin's ability to leverage
energy consumption for geopolitical influence.
The United
States has recently experienced an energy production boom that stands
to "fundamentally reshape the global energy landscape. primarily
"attributable to increased production of natural gas and crude
oil enabled by the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques," also
referred to as fracking
European officials, and the U.S.
intelligence community have all publicly noted that Russia and its
government corporations are funding a covert anti-fracking campaign
to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the
U.S., all in an effort to protect the influence of the Russian oil
and gas sector.
Secretary General of NATO, told reporters in
2014, "Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and
disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called
nongovernmental organizationsenvironmental organizations working
against shale gasto maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.
July 7, 2017, Chairman Smith and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy
Weber (R-Texas) sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
requesting that the Treasury Department investigate allegations of
Russian interference in the U.S. energy market through covertly
funding radical environmental groups opposed to fossil
Pipelines and domestic energy infrastructure were a
primary target of the Russian agents. Specifically, several posts
encouraged protests of pipeline construction, which is illustrative
of the Kremlin's indiscriminate efforts to influence U.S. energy
of: 4/17/18
10:39 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
is attempting to use environmental activists in furtherance of its
influence to stop American oil and gas exports and pipelines.
a U.S. House Science Committee March 1, 2018 called Russian efforts
to influence U.S. energy markets. released a staff report uncovering
Russia's extensive efforts to influence U.S. energy markets through
divisive and inflammatory posts on social media platforms. The report
details Russia's motives in interfering with U.S. energy markets and
influencing domestic energy policy and its manipulation of Americans
via social media propaganda.
Russian Attempts to
Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social Media
March 1, 2018 . it demonstrates how the Kremlin manipulated various
groups in an attempt to carry out its geopolitical agenda,
particularly with respect to domestic energy policy. Congress
committee began investigating Russian attempts to influence U.S.
energy markets in the summer of 2017 intricate money-laundering
scheme. Russian-sponsored agents funneled money to U.S. environmental
organizations in an attempt to portray energy companies in a negative
way and disrupt domestic energy markets. American social media
companies produced for the Committee confirmed that Russian agents
were exploiting American social media platforms in an effort to
disrupt domestic energy markets, suppress research and development of
fossil-fuels, and stymie efforts to expand the use of natural gas.
Between 2015 and 2017, there were an estimated 9,097 Russian posts or
tweets regarding U.S. energy policy or a current energy event, a
significant portion of content related to energy or environmental
issues. Russia exploited American social media as part of its
concerted effort to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence
domestic energy policy. They targeted pipelines, fossil fuels,
climate change, and other divisive issues to influence public policy
in the U.S.
Russia provides roughly 75 percent of the natural
gas imported by countries in Central and Eastern Europe while the
countries in Southeast Europe "receive almost all of their
natural gas from Russia." "Russia's Gazprom has
acknowledged for the first time a threat to its dominant position in
European gas market from an expected influx of liquefied natural gas
(LNG) produced in the United States under [the Trump]
Russia has a significant interest in disrupting
U.S. energy markets and influencing domestic energy policy. American
energy is booming. Surge of American energy into the global
marketplace heightens the Kremlin's desire to eliminate or mitigate
the American energy threat and to do so by influencing social media
users, American voters, and public officials. American Gas and Oil
represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests. First, an
abundance of American supply in the global energy marketplace stands
to reduce Russian market share and thus revenues generated from oil
and gas activities. Second, by providing supply alternatives for
European countries dependent on Russian supply and infrastructure,
American energy stands to disrupt the Kremlin's ability to leverage
energy consumption for geopolitical influence.
The United
States has recently experienced an energy production boom that stands
to "fundamentally reshape the global energy landscape. primarily
"attributable to increased production of natural gas and crude
oil enabled by the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques," also
referred to as fracking
European officials, and the U.S.
intelligence community have all publicly noted that Russia and its
government corporations are funding a covert anti-fracking campaign
to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the
U.S., all in an effort to protect the influence of the Russian oil
and gas sector.
Secretary General of NATO, told reporters in
2014, "Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and
disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called
nongovernmental organizationsenvironmental organizations working
against shale gasto maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.
July 7, 2017, Chairman Smith and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy
Weber (R-Texas) sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
requesting that the Treasury Department investigate allegations of
Russian interference in the U.S. energy market through covertly
funding radical environmental groups opposed to fossil
Pipelines and domestic energy infrastructure were a
primary target of the Russian agents. Specifically, several posts
encouraged protests of pipeline construction, which is illustrative
of the Kremlin's indiscriminate efforts to influence U.S. energy
of: 4/17/18
10:41 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
Endangered Species Act (ESA) is failing to achieve its primary purpose of species recovery and instead has become a tool for litigation that drains resources away from real recovery efforts on the state, tribal and local level and blocks job-creating economic activities. original goal was to preserve and recover key domestic species from the brink of extinction. Recommends constructive changes in the following categories: 1. Ensuring Greater Transparency and Prioritization of ESA with a Focus on Species Recovery and De-Listing 2. Reducing ESA Litigation and Encouraging Settlement Reform . 3 Empowering States, Tribes, Local Governments and Private Landowners on ESA Decisions Affecting Them and Their Property. 4 Requiring More Transparency and Accountability of ESA Data and Science. The ESA, federal implementation of it, and seemingly never-ending litigation are creating increasing impediments towards reaching that goal. Only by removing these impediments can the ESA be improved for the benefit of saving species. Federal agencies that implement ESA should not list species unless and until they are able to identify actual recovery and numerical goals for healthy species populations upfrontbefore, or at the time of any proposed rule involving listing a species. Recovery plans should be drafted and completed and approved before listing or critical habitat is designated, not as an afterthought, years later, or not at all. Rather than basing decisions on vague trends showing decline or improvement or "professional opinions," ESA listing/delisting petitions should not be accepted by federal ESA implementing agencies unless based on actual data relating to species' condition. Data used for listing decisions should be made public, especially if the data and related studies are being financed by the taxpayer. Federal agencies should have discretion to extend 12 month or 90-day deadlines relating to species listing or critical habitat determinations, without fear of spurious litigation. Rather than force federal agencies to accept petition with equal weight no matter how lacking science and data. Agencies should allow to incorporate the best and most current data. Agencies' Listing Priority Guidance (48 Fed. Reg. 43098) should supersede any conflicting 12-month or 90-day deadline set by rule, settlement or other action. Several terms in the law have become magnets for misinterpretation, conflicting interpretations, or even litigation, and should be clarified, including, for example: "foreseeable future"; "significant portion of the range," "jeopardy" to a species, the technological and economic feasibility of "reasonable and prudent alternatives/measures," and "maximum extent practicable" relating to mitigation. Federal agencies should be required to disclose all details of consent decrees to Congress and an appropriate NEPA process should be applied for settlements to ensure public input in ESA decisions, and to ensure they include best scientific data. Litigious groups and plaintiffs should be discouraged from filing procedural challenges against agencies simply because they do not agree with the agency's decisions, (such as delisting determinations, findings of species listing not warranted). Litigants should be required to pay their own way to curb repeated litigation and foster court cases only on substantive matters. To discourage forum shopping by frequent ESA-litigation-plaintiffs, ESA lawsuits should not be permitted in federal courts other than in a state a species is primarily located. Hourly fees paid by the federal government to litigious attorneys for ESA litigation should be capped like other federal statutes to prevent lucrative payment of attorneys' fees. non-governmental organizations or individuals that file ESA-related lawsuits against the federal government should be barred from receiving federal taxpayer-funded grants. Since money is fungible, litigation should not be subsidized by taxpayers. Section 6(a) should be strengthened to ensure that states' roles in ESA policy provisions have meaning and are enforceable. To encourage voluntary Habitat Conservation Plans should be exempt from critical habitat designations. Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce should authorize certain circumstances to reevaluate, without judicial review, any critical habitat or listing decision where evidence shows significant economic harm . critical habitat economic analyses should be required at the time of any proposed listing . federal agencies should be required to justify why data relied upon for ESA decision is the "best available" and why such data is deemed "accurate" and "reliable." Data used by federal agencies for ESA decisions should be made publicly available . To ensure accountability, ESA-related peer reviews that do not comply with the Data Quality Act should be deemed "arbitrary and capricious
of: 4/17/18
10:42 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
has Good Air and Good Water Billions of taxpayer money wasted over
the last several years Based on Activist Environmental groups Fake
and flawed reports, and possible backed by Russia, per a March 1,
2018 Congress report called Russian efforts to influence U.S. energy
markets. released a staff report uncovering Russia's extensive
efforts to influence U.S. energy markets What does American air and
water show ?? What does china and india show?? Look below USA
Oklahoma City, OK Air pollution data from World Health Organization
Info Last update: February 2018 PM10 17 Green good PM2.5 9 Green ,
good PM10 Pollution Level: Low Green Pollution Index: 19.12 Good ,
Green Air Pollution 7.50 Very Low Good, Green Excellent Drinking
Water Pollution 25.00 Low , Excellent Water Pollution 30.36 Low
Air quality 92.50 Very High (excellent) Drinking Water
Quality and Accessibility 75.00 High (excellent) Water Quality 69.64
High ( excellent) USA Pittsburgh, PA Air pollution data from World
Health Organization Info PM10 19 Good PM2.5 10 Good PM10 Pollution
Level: Low Good Pollution Index: 41.68 Green Air Pollution 36.36 Low
Green Drinking Water Pollution 33.04 Low , Good Water Pollution 56.25
Air quality 63.64 High , Green Drinking Water Quality 66.96 High ,
green Water Quality 43.75 USA Denver, CO March 2018 Air pollution
data from World Health Organization Info PM10 13 Good PM2.5 7 Good
PM10 Pollution Level: Low green Pollution Index: 42.20 Green Air
Pollution 44.35 Drinking Water Pollution 22.73 Low Green Water
Pollution 34.72 Low Green Air quality 55.65 Drinking Water Quality
77.27 High Green Water Quality 65.28 High green Compare: CHINA
Beijing, Last update: March 2018 Air pollution data from World
Health Organization Info PM10 108 Red , Bad PM2.5 85 Red, Bad PM10
Pollution Level: Very High , Red, Bad Pollution Index: 89.78 Bad,
Red Air Pollution 85.26 Very High Bad, Red Drinking Water Pollution
70.45 High Bad, Red Water Pollution 73.65 High Bad, Red Air quality
14.74 Very Low Bad, Red Water Quality 26.35 Low Bad, Red Compare :
INDIA Delhi, Last update: March 2018
Air pollution data from
World Health Organization InfoPM10 229 VERY BAD, High Red , PM2.5 122
VERY BAD, HIGH REDPM10 Pollution Level: Extremely High Pollution
Index: 91.57 BAD, RED Air Pollution 88.17 Very High Unhealthy, Red
Drinking Water Pollution 64.60 High Unhealthy, Red Water Pollution
78.69 High unhealthy, Red Air quality 11.83 Very Low Red Drinking
Water Quality 35.40 Low Red Water Quality 21.31 Low red
of: 4/17/18
10:47 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
Key to bring back America tax dollar, as well as US business,
industrial, steel, farming, gas and oil, timber and mining is not
only Tariffs against China and India , but
Repeal of the UN
Investigate the CLIMATE TRUST.
Investigate SEC and
Commodity Trading Boards rules such as Dodd Frank, against American
resource companies.
The main aim of the Kyoto Protocol was the
global distribution of wealth. Billions of dollars were taken from
American by selling carbon credits starting In 2008 from schemes of
the UN Clean Development Mechanism is intended to provide a mechanism
to reigning in the rapid growth of developing country , by closing
Factories, moving Major companies, without the major polluters like
China, India themselves bearing the costs. And still the Air and
water in these 2 nations are some of the worst in world.
intent is that developing countries would send more tax payer money
and relocate business to China and India, in subsequent negotiation
rounds, if and as the richer countries fulfil their commitments the
richer nations would get weaker.
Trillions of dollars spend on
US regulations by Tax Payers, is based on idea of Climate change
which is a Trading scheme for Billionaires, Environmentalist activist
and elites of world, Regulatory awareness-raising instruments would
yield economic gains for this scheme using the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), with UN Carbon Trust which rely on US regulations to
embody compliance to pay up. Idea was designed for world to suck
trillions of dollars on energy provision over next few decades.
of the America public trading companies are being hindered, closed
and hurt by rules of the Dodd Frank Regulations. The SEC and the
Commodity Trading boards and rules should be investigated .
carbon market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world and
has already generated approximately 30 million carbon credits, the
second highest transacted volumes in the world. In Asia; the country
of Indian; industries were able to cash in on the sudden boom in the
carbon market making it a preferred location for carbon credit
buyers. It is expected that India would gain at least $5 billion to
$10 billion from carbon trading (Rs 22,500 crore to Rs 45,000 crore)
over a period of time.
The debate revealed deep theoretical
confusion idea that low carbon technologies are things for tomorrow
is a myth that does not reflect reality. Considerable uncertainty
about nature. Too many complexities and imperfections and wholly
erroneous to suggest that the best way to control Earth's climate is
a Trading scheme. Policies that can make investing strategically
worthless to America Tax Payers, (No benefit). In building
unprecedented array of economics requirements with global reach it is
a Treaty probably more strongly influenced by economic reasoning to
benefit the few than any other in history. ( PONZI SCHEME).
uncertainties were too deep and cost resistance too fierce to
establish long-run carbon price regulation . Industries & finance
communities are too remote from flawed science and governmental
decision-making to act substantively on the basis of hypothetical and
contested future political processes to internalize to encourage
climate damage costs. Climate change policy poses challenging
problems for economic appraisal.
UN scheme Called Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM), introduced into UNs' Kyoto Protocol by
the Clinton administration, required industrial nations to buy and
use credits from poorer nations that had found ways to radically
redistribution of wealth. Had nothing to do with Air or water or the
A global agreement, and so is the Framework
Convention which it is based, premature and inequitable, impractical
, huge uncertainties in their emissions data, growth trends and
governance. Willingness-to-pay vs willingness-to-accept
(compensation) remains unresolved. Theoretical paradox of the
view-the giant leap -the 'valley of death'.
The aim of the
Carbon Trust ( SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED ) was to remove curtain
business sector by implement CO2 emission reductions cost and to
develop a low carbon industry technology sector thereby removing
Natural resources of America. And make America weak. The global
emissions context Policy on climate change is set in a context of
large divergence of emissions between countries. NOTE: Carbon tax is
clearly a failed idea that could significantly ruin any chance for
the United States to have a full economic recovery,
tasked his Administration to pursue bureaucratic avenues to obstruct
our nation's energy independence, which has since been described by
his own party as "irresponsible" and a "war on jobs"
and "war on America". In a June 2013 speech at Georgetown
University, Obama made clear his intention to use all of his
Administration's authorities to execute this regressive agenda.
of: 4/17/18
10:47 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
threat of regulation can induce companies to behave in reactive ways,
distorting markets and creating economic inefficiency, compounding
stagnation. If businesses cannot predict regulations, they can not
expand. The modern regulation environment based on erroneous and
flawed reports, makes business more risk averse. Over-regulation and
its close ally uncertainty cut down on breakthroughs, slows growth.
The greatness of our unique nation hinges on the fundamental purpose
of the government to serve at the will of the people and to carry out
public policy that is in the public interest.
Study on
uncertainty created by regulations and fiscal, trade, and debt policy
estimated $261 BILLION in costs just since 2011 .
ill-founded and unclear regulations (and tax policy) dominate,
businesses cannot plan, hiring becomes an insupportable risk
(businesses will not hire if they know they cannot fire thanks to
labor law) and citizens suffer. In the competitive marketplace,
takes a lot of bad ideas to generate a winner; policy makers and
regulators fail to recognize that, while businesses want to "create
jobs" as a matter of good citizenship, that goodwill does not
change the reality that jobs are a cost, a liability.
Regulatory Right-to-Know Act calls for an analysis of the effects of
regulations on small business. Consistent with that direction,
Executive Order 12866, "Regulatory Planning and Review,"
consider effects and minimize costs on small business.
Order 13563, "Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,"
impose the least burden on society,
In the Bible : , "Masters,
give unto your servants that which is just and equal; .....knowing
that ye also have a Master in heaven..
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-4).
Congress mandated the
collection of monies by the Government be controlled by the
Miscellaneous Receipts Act; possible used the miscellaneous receipts
act in the tariffs against dumping nations of minerals.
Congressional Review Act (CRA) require cost-benefit and other
analyses for new regulations rules.
The Equal Access to Justice
Act (EAJA) must be reformed to ensure litigants are not able to
exploit the law, and avoid legal caps on attorney's fees. REFORM The
Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) .
the Regulatory Flexibility
Act has directed federal agencies to assess their rules' effects on
small businesses and describe regulatory actions under development
"that may have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities" (US GPO, 2009: 64,131-32). Greater use
of Regulatory Flexibility Act to assess rules and the effects on
small businesses.
Revise Improper Payments Information Act of
2002 (IPIA).
The REINS Act (Regulations from the Executive in
Need of Scrutiny, H.E. 367) to require an expedited congressional
vote on all major or significant rules before they are effective and
if hinder small business,
THE independent Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau created by Dodd-Frank , Unfunded Mandates Reform
Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-4), REPEAL this act was use to close or
hindering American mining, timber, oil and gas, steel, farming and
manufacturing had most far reaching rules on America life blood.
Concern goes well beyond lack of regulatory review : there exists a
fundamental lack of accountability, either executive or legislative
or judicial of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau since
Congress does not fund the self-financing agency, Congress lacks even
the necessary "power of the purse" to ensure even an
appearance of accountability to voters. New-Deal Administrative
Procedure Act (APA) of 1946 (P.L. 79-404), which set up the process
of public advance notice of rule-makings, better use of the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) need review and
REFORM ). Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), introduced into the
United Nations' Kyoto Protocol in 2008 by the Clinton administration,
established a radically new way for non industrial nations to take
money from industrial nations, reducing emissions had nothing to do
with it since China and India have the wrost air and water on plant.
China and India has raked in billions of dollars from these schemes ,
REPEAL and stop funding the UN mandate black hole. Clean Development
Mechanism was intended to provide a mechanism to start reigning in
the rapid growth of developing country such as America, without
countries like China and India themselves bearing the costs. Repeal
and Investigate carbon Trust. Follow the money,,, Repeal, National
Grid Development Carbon Tax/Cap and Trade, Quota/Renewable Portfolio
Standard. Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)/ Green Certificates.
Production Tax Credit (PTC), Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Truth in
Settlements Act of 2015, Miscellaneous Receipts Act. "requires
federal agencies to make public non-confidential information about
settlement agreements to ensure Transparences in Agencies
of: 4/17/18
10:48 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
China Import dumping and test items for Toxic materials. Protect
America Children, Billions of taxpayer money wasted based on Activist
Environmental groups attacking America with Fake and flawed reports.
They must be backed by China since China is the polluter with 70 per
cent of Chinese rivers and lakes are polluted from industrial
facilities like chemical and textile plants.
China should
be added to "Conflict Minerals Law of 2010". and UN and
international rights groups should apply conflict-sensitive
approaches to imports from china.
300 million Chinese in
rural areas lack access to safe drinking water. Thousands of dead
wildlife floating down the river that supplies Shanghai with its
drinking water. Chemical accident leaked benzene, into a tributary of
the Huangpu River . Country's most industrial regions are some of the
driest, with 45 per cent of the country's gross domestic product
produced in water-scarce provinces such as Hebei, Shandong and
Some 24,000 villages have been abandoned because
of the desertification effects of the Gobi desert factory spill in
Shanxi province that resulted in nine tonnes of the potential
carcinogen aniline being dispersed in the Zhuozhang River. 90 per
cent of Chinese cities are tapped into polluted groundwater supplies;
groundwater in two-thirds of those cities is considered "severely
About 40 percent of China's farmland
relies on underground water for irrigation, and an estimated 90
percent is polluted, 60 percent of the groundwater beneath Chinese
cities is described as "severely polluted". mud-choked
rivers and eroded topsoil are often the result of desertification. of
habitat loss and the resulting drop in biodiversity. heavily polluted
Lake Tai. As vast areas of forest are cleared for farmland, bamboo
plantations, timber and fuel wood, endangered animals like pandas
struggle to survive.
Entire towns that have been written
off as so polluted that simply living there is a cancer risk. the
high rates of stomach, liver, kidney and colon cancer in certain
areas, Shangba, a city in southern Guangdong province, the river that
flows through town changes from white to a startling shade of orange
because of varying types of industrial effluent, Many of the river's
contaminants, like cadmium and zinc. chemicals and heavy metals
banned in other countries are found throughout China. government's
recent admission that cancer villages exist "shows that the
environment ministry has acknowledged.
China supports 20
per cent of the world's population on only 6 per cent of the world's
water; Beijing, the amount of water available per person is just
one-tenth of the UN standard of 1,000 cubic metres; across the
country more than two-thirds of cities have water shortages.
River basin There are in total 378 known species of fish living
there, as well as more than 280 species of mammals, 145 known species
of amphibians, and 166 known reptile species (World Wildlife Fund
WWF). As the longest river in China which gets significant amount of
pollution discharge Eutrophication persists in key lakes ,
emphasizing heavily polluted "black and odorous water"
wastewater discharge in the Upper Reaches which is carried
downstream. Pollution anywhere on river poses a significant threat to
drinking water. According to the Yangtze River Water Resources
Commission, of the 329 drinking water resources monitored, only 193
of them or 59% met relevant water quality standards all year round.
pollutants discharged into the water can also either seep into
sediment or soil, leading to groundwater pollution and soil
contamination. rice contaminated with heavy metals . Groundwater
quality continues to worsen for 5th year; 'very bad' Hunan and Hubei
provinces, account for a most of YREB's discharge of Cadmium,
Arsenic, Lead at 69%, 71% and 63% respectively. 20% of Mercury
emissions. Air pollution in Beijing so impenetrable the U.S.
Embassy's air quality measuring station can only call it "beyond
index . Public outcry over thick blanket of toxic smog that covered
Beijing earlier this year. According to the Environmental
Protection Agency's air quality scale, air is unsafe to breathe. stay
indoors with air purifier, according to U.S. Embassy Beijing
guidelines. Chinese cities like Urumqi, Lanzhou and Linfen on lists
of the world's most polluted places. CHINA Beijing, Last update:
March 2018 Air pollution data from World Health Organization Info
PM10 108 Red , Bad PM2.5 85 Red, Bad PM10 Pollution Level: Very High
, Red, Bad Pollution Index: 89.78 Bad, Red Air Pollution 85.26 Very
High Bad, RedDrinking Water Pollution 70.45 High Bad, Red Water
Pollution 73.65 High Bad, Red Air quality 14.74 Very Low Bad, Red
Water Quality 26.35 Low Bad, Red American Regulation are tremendous
waste of taxpayer money since they are against the wrong Nation
of: 4/17/18
10:50 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
are living below structurally deficient, high hazard potential dams;
Americans are unaware of the risk; there is no plan in place to
evacuate them to safety in the event of a failure; or there is a plan
in place but they are not aware of it.
The cost of NOT
repairing and building new dams could be in trillions, and a dam
disaster could cost more than 100 new dams.
No other
infrastructure provides so many advantages to all taxpayers for so
little costs. Fema states the purpose of a dam is store water
Human and wildlife water supply ( keeps water
Irrigation ( Helps Environment green and grow.)
water supply, ( help Farmers and Ranchers )
Energy generation, (
for Clean green sustainable energy)
Stop containment of mine
tailings, Forest Fires and soil Run Off, ( helps Environment filter
Stop Pollution and Pesticide ( helps Environment stay
Support flood control. ( helps families and business and
taxpayers from damage).
Approximately 28,000 dams in the U.S.
More than 15,000 of these are considered high-hazard potential,
meaning their failure would result in probable loss of life. To
reduce the chances of a dam failing ......invest in building more ,
and repair and routine maintenance and not regulating a ditch or
swamp in middle of a field. Better use of money is needed.
reports that some states have been deficient in reporting actual work
performed, and in some cases inspections have not been performed on
low hazard dams. Intermediate inspections should be conducted on all
types of dams. BLM reports that many states were not able to
accomplish inspections on low hazard dams due to a lack of staff but
quality, experience, and training were not factors. If BLM discovered
a critical finding emergency maintenance action would be taken
against these states.. Actions is needed to stabilize our dams, lower
and do repairs as required. USBR - USBR reports that formal
inspections, referred to within USBR as comprehensive reviews (CRs),
are conducted every 8 years. The CR is conducted by a team under the
combined direction of the respective Regional Director and Chief of
Dam Safety Office led by a senior-level technical staff specialist
and includes other specialists. USBR has several types of
intermediate inspections.
Fema report 2016 to congress - FWS is
required to formal inspection dams every 6 years for high and
significant hazard dams, every 3 years for intermediate dams and an
annual checklist inspection by regional dam safety officer. Low
hazard dams are inspected every 6 years.
FWS conducted 134
total inspections during the reporting period. FWS reports 5
reclassifications of their dams, including 3 changes for the better
and 2 changes for the worse. Formal and intermediate inspections of
high, significant, and low hazard dams are performed by FWS
A-Econsulting firms (Gannett Fleming, URS Corp. and W.W. Wheeler).
Annual checklist inspections (informal) of high and significant
hazard dams are performed by the Regional Dam Safety Officers (RDSOs)
each year in which there is not a formal or intermediate Fema report
2016 to congress - NPS reports that their dams are inspected every
other year if there are no concerns and had 53 inspections during the
reporting period. NPS conducts their own inspections. Formal
inspections are done on high hazard potential dams, intermediate
inspections are done on significant hazard and low hazard potential
Fema required to report OSMRE ensures that dam
inspections are conducted and reports that frequencies of inspections
are dictated by dam size and hazard classification. Dependent on
criteria, MSHA also participates in dam inspections. Inspections are
conducted during construction, operation, and closure. During
construction, inspections are more frequent. For impoundments that
fall under certain MSHA criteria, impoundments are inspected weekly
or as otherwise determined by an MSHA District Manager.
regulations require quarterly inspections.
OSMRE regulations
also require all impoundments have an annual recertification that
must be conducted by a professional engineer or, under certain
circumstances, a professional land surveyor and must be certified by
the professional ensuring that the impoundment has been constructed
and/or maintained as designed and in accordance with the approved
plan. In the last 30 years, changing values, political shifts, and
economic constraints have resulted in major alterations in the Corps'
water resources program .
Approximately 95 percent of the dams
managed by USACE are more than 30 years old, and 52 percent have
reached or exceeded the 50-year service lives for which they were
Source of income; since 65% of all dams are private
owned, the Fines for not maintaining could be in the Billions, which
in turn could pay for new dams or fix public dams.
New dams
would also generate new jobs for millions. Money for Budget.
of: 4/17/18
10:50 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
the 19th century, logging shaped the landscape of northern Wisconsin.
It brought thousands of workers jobs, and formed today's paper
industry. In the late 19th century Wisconsin was one of the premier
lumber producing states in the U.S., and from 1890-1910 forest
products were #1 Wisconsin's economy.
TODAY IS International Day
of Forests, which is celebrated around the world each year
to wildfire including eliminates identified threats from particular
landscape by with greater fire fuel removal, timber sales, cutting
dead and dying trees, Management of over grown bushes and trees.
said the Forests are also at risk from, (unmanaged fires was one of
risk of today's forests) , which threaten forest health and the
ability of forests to function as productive and resilient
ecosystems. Meeting future demand for forest products and services
depends on urgent action and cross-sectoral policy coordination at
all levels to secure sustainable forest management. Forest Service
needs to be exempt from lawsuits challenging certain forest
management activities from the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA).
Such as tinning, logging, clearing of dead old trees and bushes that
are the fuel for future fires. Land Management depts should be
categorically excluded from the preparation of an environmental
assessment or an environmental impact statement under section 102 of
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332).
Hazardous fuel reduction on federal land should be
categorically excluded to the requirements of sections 102, 104, 105,
and 106 of title I of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (16
U.S.C. 6511 et seq.). Section 705 of title 5, United States Code,
should not apply to any challenge to the salvage operation or
reforestation activity.
No award should be made under section
2412 of title 28, United States Code, and no amounts may be obligated
or expended from the Claims and Judgment Fund of the United States
Treasury to pay any fees or other expenses under such sections to any
plaintiff related to an action challenging a forest management
activity carried out pursuant to this Act.
Section 6(d) of the
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16
U.S.C. 1604(d)) should be amended; Secretary shall not be required to
engage in consultation under this subsection or any other provision
of law (including section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C.
1536) and section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or
a successor regulation)) with respect to-- the listing of a species
as threatened or endangered, or a designation of critical habitat
pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);
whether the amount or extent of taking specified in the incidental
take statement is exceeded whether new information reveals effects of
the action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a
manner or to an extent not previously considered, whether the
identified action is subsequently modified in a manner that causes an
effect to the listed species or critical habitat that was not
considered in the biological opinion, Section 8206(a)(3) of the
Agricultural Act of 2014 (16 U.S.C. 2113a(a)(3)) should be amended--
construction, reconstruction, repair or restoration of roads as
necessary to achieve project objectives.
High severity wildfires
pose a serious threat to people and nature. Wildfires can pump as
much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a few weeks as cars
do in those areas in an entire year, a study suggests risk of
high-severity wildfire, burning hundreds of thousands of acres,
costing hundreds of million to fight.
2017 fire season one of
worst , with lose of life, lose of habit for animals, cost billions .
Fuel treatments before a fire can significantly reduce the size and
severity of wildfires, and currently are insufficient because of
Environmentalist activist stopping the forest service from doing the
required job.
2016 total 67,743 fires 5,509,995 acres
2015 total 68,151 fires 10,125,149 acres burned
total 63,312 fires 3,595,613 acres burned
2013 total 47,579
fires 4,319,546 acres burned
2012 total 67,774 fires 9,326,238
acres burned
2011 total 74,126 fires 8,711,367 acres
Core issues facing the USFS: lengthy and costly planning
processes to complete needed hazardous fuel reduction projects and
the threat of litigation forcing the USFS and BLM to take an overly
cautious approach to forest management.
Addresses these
challenges by including categorical exclusions for processes that are
routine and have known effects, allowing the agencies to perform
forest management activities sooner to save time and taxpayer money.
It rewards collaboration, giving all interest groups a seat at the
table, and minimizes the threat of litigation of these collaborative
projects. remove hazardous trees and salvage timber to protect public
safety, water supply, or public infrastructure.
of: 4/17/18
10:51 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
are mining Rare Earth Elements for Electric Cars and wind Turbines,
while Electric car and windfarm companies are mining government
subsidies for the rich , while American poor and hard working
taxpayers are put out of jobs from regulations.
New report
March, Tuesday TV, news , a team of reporters went to Africa and
confirmed many past reports of Amnesty International which revealed
that cobalt mined by children which goes into Rare Earth Elements for
Electric cars and wind Turbines , etc. has found child labor being
used in the dangerous mining of cobalt in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. International Labor Organization reports children in mining
can be seen in small-scale mines of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and
even parts of Europe. Child labor and environmental concerns of
mining and producing toxic minerals in key countries.
One of the largest companies is Congo Dongfang Mining International
(CDM). subsidiary of China-based Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Company Ltd
(Huayou Cobalt), which buys cobalt from traders, CDM then smelts the
ore at its plant in the DRC before exporting it to China. There,
Huayou Cobalt further smelts and sells the processed cobalt to
battery component manufacturers in China and South Korea. In turn,
these companies sell to battery manufacturers. 90 percent of China's
cobalt originates in Congo, where Chinese firms dominate the mining
industry. CDM reported exporting 72,000 tons of industrial and
artisanal cobalt from Congo,
Africa : Research by SOMO reveals
that serious human rights violations and environmental pollution are
happening in Democratic Republic of Congo as a result of cobalt
mining, including water pollution and forced evictions. SOMO's
research shows that these problems are structural.
Chile: Most
of the world's lithium production is in South America, Australia
lithium production exports to China and Asian countries. Chile is
number 2 producer of lithium , Bolivia negotiated with Japanese,
French, and Korean firms for extraction. Zimbabwe, Africa is 5th
producer of lithium.
Supply chain is very complicated and
possible veiled, so areas of production might be camouflaged. Key
challenges for human rights groups is traceability. Once mined,
minerals navigate a complex supply chain which is then transported
South America: Why do French want electric cars?
French companies are in south America mining, they have already
turned to alternative opportunities in Argentina (which, along with
Chile, is currently the world's major lithium supplier. They might
still consider a joint venture for battery production, according to
the French ambassador to Bolivia, French company has deposits in
Salta province covering nearly 200 square miles, same area where
children of South American work mines and Flamingos as endangered
species are being killed and habitat destroyed by Lithium miners.
Lithium, Cobalt, should be added to conflict minerals law of
2010 ? UN and international rights groups should apply
conflict-sensitive approaches in Rare Earth mining sector preventing
children and poor families from working in mines in Chile.
need US tariffs ; Section 232 investigation is conducted under the
authority of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 to better understanding
of the social and environmental issues of Rare earth elements (REEs)
due to monopolistic supply conditions, environmentally unsustainable
mining practices.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
estimates 40,000 children are working in DRC mines, but the Good
Shepherd Foundation, which works on the ground in the country,
believe the number is higher. little evidence of anyone on the ground
helping these children.
Many acknowledged problems with the Rare
Earth supply chain but very hard to think about lithium batteries for
electric cars and Wind Turbines without child mining cobalt and
Lithium in the Salar de Cauchar-Olaroz, in the province
of Jujuy, is a project developed by a joint venture . In total, there
are 53 projects in the exploration or project feasibility phases.
Mining companies work in the Cauchari-Olaroz lithium in the Argentine
province of Jujuy. Cauchari-Olaroz is in one of the richest lithium
deposits on earth.
Humans in Salt mining in south America is
hard work for very little money. Salt workers toil under the hot sun
without any protection. The boys generally dig the pits Girls,
generally accompanied by their mothers, help pile the sand, put it in
bags and transport it. Children in mining unstable underground
structures, heavy tools and equipment, the toxic and often explosive
chemicals, and the exposure to extremes of heat and cold.
peoples were incorporated into Argentina as 'subjugated peoples and
insecure occupiers' of their own lands.
of: 4/17/18
10:52 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an international body outside the
jurisdiction and oversight of the United States Congress. EPA, Energy
dept, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife and agricultural dept are the
entity of the United States government that during last
administration was seeking sweeping regulations on the basis that
GHGs are increasing global temperatures. EPA's reliance on the IPCC
for GHG emissions results is a VIOLATION of the Data Quality Act,
EPA Inspector General's was highly critical report
investigating EPA's review of external data for the GHGs endangerment
150 entities including 27 states, 24 trade
associations, 37 rural electric coops, and three labor unions
challenged the Clean Power Plan highlighting a range of legal and
technical concerns.
2017 EPA has determined that the CPP exceeds
its statutory authority based on a change in the agency's legal
interpretation of Section 111 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). In October
2017, the EPA completed a regulatory impact analysis for its proposal
to repeal the Clean Power Plan. October 10, 2017, (EPA) issued a
proposal to REPEAL the Obama Administration's 2015 rule, "Carbon
Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources:
October 16, 2017, the EPA proposed to repeal the Clean Power Plan
December 1, 2015, a bipartisan majority of the United States
Congress formally disapproved of the Clean Power Plan pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act.
On March 28, 2017, the Trump
Administration disbanded the IWG and withdrew its reports and
supporting documents as no longer representative of government
Aug 20, 2017 Federal Climate Advisory Committee ... for
the Sustained National Climate Assessment's was closed.
environmentalist policy that would drive up the cost of energy, food,
or other essential needs in the name of protecting nature must be
March 28, 2017, President Trump signed the Energy
Independence Executive Order; review of the Clean Power Plan;
reconsideration proceedings to suspend, revise, or rescind the
Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense
that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it.
Variations in the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth are
thought to influence climate
Repealing the CPP will save Billion
dollars in avoided compliance costs.
1997 Report of Prinn based
on the model developed for MIT's Program on the Science and Policy of
Global Change. emission caps proposed , will not prevent global
EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has cost their
consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting
carbon emissions, according to a 2011 UBS study.
2016 February
9, , the United States Supreme Court stayed the CPP immediately
halting implementation.
1995 IPCC meeting There are inadequate
data to determine whether consistent global changes in climate
2014 IPCC A second dimension of uncertainty, ( GHG)
that concerning whether the policies states implement will in fact
achieve desired outcomes
Decade of focus on global warming and
billions of dollars of research funds have still failed to establish
that global cooling or warming is a significant problem.
IPCC the lead author of the climate report stated in an email that
'we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment...1970
Prediction ( wrong ) If present trends continue, the world will be
about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990,
but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000...This is about twice what
it would take to put us in an ice age. Kenneth E.F. Watt on air
pollution, Earth Day (1970) The main greenhouse gas is water vapor
which is both natural in origin and highly variable in its
distribution. 1959 Edward Ney possible climatic link through cosmic
rays. Professor Judith Curry, chair of the School of Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences concern that past climate models have not proven
true. IPCC and regulations are mostly geared against emissions then
IPCC should be more skeptical of China and India, since future
emissions will come overwhelmingly from most significant emitters
(China, India, and Russia) they DO NOT abide to international GHG
reduction agreements. 1995 IPCC meeting China registered its
disagreement on the use of carbon dioxide emissions. China emit more
CO2 than the U.S. and Canada combined, and India is now the world's
third biggest emitter of CO2 - pushing Russia into fourth place.
Simultaneously, U.S. CO2 levels have been steadily declining.. EPA's
website, total GHG emissions have only risen 1% in the U.S. since
2005, while levels in China, India, and Russia have combined to rise
more than 6%. 2011 Patrick Moore , "We do not have any
scientific proof that we are the cause of the global warming that has
occurred in the last 200 years
of: 4/17/18
10:53 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
polluted countries in the world. report into global air pollution
with some concerning finds of Nations that do not agree to the GHG
emissions standards but are the number top polluters.
Average PM2.5 pollution: 101 ug/m3 With a population of almost 180
million urban air pollution in Pakistan causes thousands of adult
deaths each year. A World Bank report found that outdoor air
pollution alone causes more than 80,000 hospital admissions per year;
nearly 8,000 cases of chronic bronchitis, and almost five million
cases of lower respiratory cases in children under the age of
Bangladesh Average PM2.5 pollution: 79 ug/m3 Home to
nearly 155 million people, the air quality has fallen nearly 60 per
cent in the last 10 years. In fact three Bangladeshi cities are in
the top 25 cities with the poorest air quality.
Average PM2.5 pollution: 59 ug/m3 In the winter of 2013, air
pollution in New Delhi was 60 times higher than the level considered
safe according to India's Center for Science and Environment (CSE)
and it had the highest rate of air pollution in the world according
to WHO. Pollution from construction sites, industrial emissions, open
fires, vehicle emissions and a staggering population of 1.2 billion
put India at number nine on the list.
China , Yangtze
River basin There are in total 378 known species of fish living
there, as well as more than 280 species of mammals, 145 known species
of amphibians, and 166 known reptile species (World Wildlife Fund
WWF). As the longest river in China which gets significant amount of
pollution discharge Eutrophication persists in key lakes ,
emphasizing heavily polluted "black and odorous water"
wastewater discharge in the Upper Reaches which is carried
downstream. Pollution anywhere on river poses a significant threat to
drinking water. According to the Yangtze River Water Resources
Commission, of the 329 drinking water resources monitored, only 193
of them or 59% met relevant water quality standards all year round.
pollutants discharged into the water can also either seep into
sediment or soil, leading to groundwater pollution and soil
contamination. rice contaminated with heavy metals . Groundwater
quality continues to worsen for 5th year; 'very bad' .
and Hubei provinces, account for a most of YREB's discharge of
Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead at 69%, 71% and 63% respectively. 20% of
Mercury emissions.
Air pollution in Beijing so impenetrable the
U.S. Embassy's air quality measuring station can only call it "beyond
index . Public outcry over thick blanket of toxic smog that covered
Beijing earlier this year. According to the Environmental
Protection Agency's air quality scale, air is unsafe to breathe. stay
indoors with air purifier, according to U.S. Embassy Beijing
Chinese cities like Urumqi, Lanzhou and Linfen
on lists of the world's most polluted places.
Beijing, Last update: March 2018
Air pollution data from World
Health Organization Info
PM10 at 108 Red , Bad(as of 3.28.2018 )
Very Unhealthy
PM2.5 at 112 Red, Bad ( 3.28.18)
Pollution Level: Very High , Red, Bad
Pollution Index: 89.78
Bad, Red
Air Pollution 85.26 Very High Bad, Red
Water Pollution 70.45 High Bad, Red
Water Pollution 73.65 High
Bad, Red
Air quality 14.74 Very Low Bad, Red
Water Quality
26.35 Low Bad, Red
in Yongledianzhen PM10 AQI 160 Very Unhealthy 3.28 .2018
AQI 147
; in Langfang PM10 AQI 220 Very Unhealthy 3.28 .2018
should be added to "Conflict Minerals Law of 2010". and UN
and international rights groups should apply conflict-sensitive
approaches to imports from china.
300 million Chinese in rural
areas lack access to safe drinking water. Thousands of dead wildlife
floating down the river that supplies Shanghai with its drinking
water. Chemical accident leaked benzene, into a tributary of the
Huangpu River . Country's most industrial regions are some of the
driest, with 45 per cent of the country's gross domestic product
produced in water-scarce provinces such as Hebei, Shandong and
States is one of the Cleanest Airs and Water on the Plant earth
American Regulation are tremendous waste of taxpayer money since they
are against the wrong Nation America has Good Air and Good
Water,.(Air Apps are everywhere now showing American as GREEN..) ..
but Fake report reviews are inappropriate as they contain errors of
omission and/or commission and are neither convincing nor
authoritative. Many of the conclusions are incomplete, inaccurate,
lack objectivity and consequently only serve to confuse the issue.
Government initiate as a matter of priority thorough, adequately
resourced epidemiological and laboratory studies of the possible
effects on human health. This research must engage across industry
and community, and include an advisory process representing the range
of interests and concerns.
of: 4/17/18
10:54 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
Comment Wind
Turbines are threatening.... populations of insectivorous bats in
North America. Bats are voracious predators of nocturnal insects,
including many ....crop and forest pests. .... There are no
continental-scale monitoring programs for assessing wildlife
fatalities at wind turbines, so the number of bats killed across the
entire United States is difficult to assess. By 2020 an estimated
33,000 to 111,000 bats will be KILLED ANNUALLY by wind turbines in
the Mid-Atlantic Highlands alone . Mortality from factors is
substantial and will likely have long-term cumulative impacts on both
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. the economic consequences of
losing so many bats could be substantial. Loss of bats .... could
lead to... agricultural losses ...estimated at more than the value of
bats may be as low as... $3.7 billion/year and as high as $53
billion/year....... These estimates include the... reduced costs of
PESTICIDE applications that are not needed to suppress the insects
consumed by bats . Save More Money by helping with impacts of
PESTICIDES on ecosystems,... which can be substantial ,... or other
secondary effects of predation, such as ,,,reducing the potential for
evolved resistance of insects to PESTICIDS ,,,and genetically
modified crops,,,,,. , bats can exert top down suppression of forest
insects. For example, a single colony of 150 big brown bats
(Eptesicus fuscus) in Indiana has been estimated to eat nearly 1.3
million pest insects each year, possibly contributing to the
disruption of population cycles of agricultural pests . Other
estimates suggest that a single little brown bat can consume 4 to 8 g
of insects each night during the active season. published estimates
of the value of pest suppression services provided by bats ranges
from about $12 to $173/acre (with a most likely scenario of $74/acre)
in a cotton-dominated agricultural landscape in south-central Texas.
The value of bats to the agriculture industry is estimated nearly $23
billion per year, but may range from $3.7 billion to $53 billion a
year. Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) form
enormous summer breeding colonies, mostly in caves and under bridges,
in south-central Texas and northern Mexico. Their prey includes
several species of adult insects whose larvae are known to be
important agricultural pests, including the corn earworm or cotton
bollworm (Helicoverpa zea). We estimate the bats' value as pest
control for cotton production in an eight-county region in
south-central Texas. Calculations show an annual Bat value of range
of $121 000-$1725000, on a $4.6-$6.4 million per year annual cotton
harvest. That is money Farmers do not need to spend on Pesticides.
Bats feed on some of the most damaging crop pests - including the
moths of cutworms and armyworms - which helps to protect food crops
naturally. Farmers appreciate the pest control provided by bats and
many look forward to having bats return to their farms each year,
Urgent efforts are needed to educate the public and policy-makers
about the ecological and economic importance of insectivorous bats
and to provide practical conservation solutions. North America are
under severe pressure from major new threat. bats of several
migratory tree-dwelling species are being killed in unprecedented
numbers at wind turbines across the continent . Why these species are
particularly susceptible to wind turbines remains a mystery, and
several types of attraction have been hypothesized . Wind is Not
clean If it removes important Bat that helps the environment, bats
lower use of PESTICIDES, and cost to farmers are too great for use
windmills that generating occur less than 30% of the time. There is
NO market for electricity that cannot be delivered on demand. The
"demand" that exists is nothing more than legislated policy
artifice - in the absence of mandated fines, penalties and/or endless
subsidies the wind industry would have never got going at all.
Endless streams of massive subsidies for a meaningless power source
fits the "unsustainable" . taking billions from farmers to
produce to give to wind farms is a waste money and totally nonsense.
of: 4/17/18
10:57 AM |
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on FR Doc # 2018-02741
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Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
has clean air and clean water, China and India have the worse. Why is
the Agency huting the Poor and working class of America with unjust
regulations., when China has passed United States in 2011 as the
largest global GHG emitter and China, India, do not ascribe to
international GHG reduction agreements.
Reports on April 2018 ..
Traffs are needed against China and India, until they
agree to the with same GHG standards.
INDIA Coal India
will likely show growth in production year-on-year , Indian
government Wednesday gave its approval to state-run Coal India Ltd.
and its subsidiaries to extract coal bed methane from their coal
fields areas without applying for a fresh lease. expedite the
exploration and exploitation of CBM, enhance the availability of
natural gas. , the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs said in a
statement. state-owned Coal India buying more railway rakes to
reliably supply coal to their customers and the Indian government's
plans to allow private mining. The emission of the nitrogen dioxide
pollutant has gone up significantly in the South Asia region,
Chhattisgarh region of India, largest increases occurred over
Jamnagar (India), Dhaka (Bangladesh) had the largest increase (79 per
cent) of any world city.
CHINA and INDIA, has the Unhealthy air
and water BUT the USA has Good Air and Good Water Quality.
The global seaborne thermal coal market is expected to grow by around
48 million mt from 2017 to touch 963 million mt in 2018, according to
trading house Noble Group at the Coaltrans China conference in
Beijing Tuesday. The demand is going to be mainly powered by a
coal-hungry Asia led by China, India and the rest of eastern
hemisphere countries accounting for an increase of 16 million mt, 11
million mt and 14 million mt respectively. Thermal power generation
in China is up by 8.6%. Larger miners in China are becoming larger as
they have better sales and logistics networks, Chinas National Bureau
of Statistics, coal consumption in China increased 0.4 percent in
2017, and in 2016 Coal supplied 62 percent of Chinas energy.
Shanghai, China air has an annual average of 52 g/m3 of PM2.5
particles. Thats 5.2 times worse than WHO safe level. in China, 6716
children die of air pollution-related diseases every year. Air
pollution data from World Health Organization Info 2018. China, the
worlds growing manufacturing hub, saw an increase of 20 to 50 per
cent in nitrogen dioxide,
South Korea's News: Imports, Coal
which recently increased due to demand from power plants
Where are the environmental activists,
India and china has the worse air and water on the Plant.
air in America: Think of the Billions each year, spent on regulations
in USA on Fake water and air news, that could go to Schools, Health,
Roads, infrastructure, Budget, Trade Balance. Wow looks at the air
TEXAS HOUSTON The air has an annual average of 10 g/m3
of PM2.5 particles. Thats at the WHO safe level. Healthy,
ALABAMA, Birmingham The air quality has annual average of
11 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. Thats 10% BETTER than WHO safe level.
KENTUCKY , Louisville annual average of 11 g/m3 of PM2.5
particles. Thats 10% BETTER than WHO recommended safe level.
PENNSYLVANIA, Pittsburgh, air quality has an annual
average of 10 g/m3 of PM2.5 particles. Thats at the WHO safe level.
of: 4/17/18
10:58 AM |
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Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
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on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
Inspector Generals highly critical report investigating EPAs review
of external data for the GHGs endangerment finding. On December 15,
2009, EPA published its Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings
for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act. As
the primary scientific basis for EPAs finding, the Agency relied upon
assessments conducted. by other organizations.
Agencies reliance
on the IPCC is A VIOLATION of the Data Quality Act, (The DQA directs
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to issue government-wide
guidelines that provide policy and procedural guidance to Federal
agencies for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity,
utility, and integrity of information (including statistical
information) disseminated by Federal agencies. See Data Quality Act
515, 42 U.S.C. 502-504.
IPCC is an international body outside
the jurisdiction and oversight of the United States Congress.
Moreover, EPA is the entity of the United States government that is
seeking sweeping regulations on the basis that GHGs are increasing
global temperatures.
EPAs reliance on the IPCC violates the
Agencys own internal policy. ( see Peer Review Advisory Grp.,
Addendum to: Guidance for Evaluating the Quality of Scientific and
Technical Information, EPAS SCI. AND TECH. POLICY COUNCIL (Dec.
2012),. IPCC relied on data from a University of East Anglia CRU , in
Note History : IPCC Established in 1988, IPCC
stated working Group I, stated a Special Committee, Dr John Houghton
prepared Scientific Assessments, First working group rely on the
Carnegie Institution SCOPE 29 report of 1986 The Greenhouse Effect,
Climatic Change and Ecosystems ; Scientific Assessment, Working Group
I has built on this. First draft of Policy Makers in Edinburgh 1990,
Meteorological office in Brackell, England, was responsible for
organizing , .Members of the team included CHINA , Professor Cac Hong
Xing..AND , Financial support for the Bracknell, England core team
was provided by the Departments of the Environment and Energy in the
UK. The Staff of University of East Anglia CRU , England had been
heavily involved in the IPCC assessments, and CRUs work has been used
by IPCC in construction of future climate projections.
Technical support document Peer Review Methodology DID NOT Meet OMB
Requirements for Highly Influential Scientific Assessments. EPA had
the TSD Technical support document reviewed by a panel of 12 federal
climate change scientists.
EPAs disposition of the findings
were NOT made available to the public as would be required for
reviews of highly influential scientific assessments.
EPA panel
of scientists DID NOT fully meet the independence requirements for
reviews of highly influential scientific assessments because one of
the panelists was an EPA employee.
DID NOT Include language in
its proposed action, final action, or internal memoranda that
identified whether the Agency used influential scientific information
or highly influential scientific assessments to support the action.
EPA Office of Air and Radiation also DID NOT certify that the
supporting technical information was peer reviewed in accordance with
EPAs peer review policy.
EPA DID NOT contemporaneously document
how it applied and considered the assessment factors in determining
whether the IPCC and other assessment reports were of sufficient
quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity
maintain a record of its response and disposition of comments for the
two Technical support document that accompanied the proposed and
final rules.
EPA DID NOT discuss whether IPCC procedures
required a description of the credentials and relevant experiences of
each peer reviewer.
In November 2009, subsequent to publication
of EPAs proposed finding, approximately 1,000 e-mails were hacked
from the servers of the University of East Anglia CRU , in England,
and made public. CRU is recognized for its climate change research
and, since 1978, had developed and maintained a land-based
temperature record widely used by climate change researchers.
According to CRU, its staff have been heavily involved in the IPCC
assessments, and CRUs work has been used by IPCC in construction of
future climate projections. The content of the e-mails caused some to
challenge the work of CRU and the conclusions of the IPCC. Since EPA
relied heavily upon IPCCs AR4 in developing the TSD for its
endangerment finding, concerns have been raised about EPAs acceptance
and use of this information in light of federal and Agency
information quality guidelines. April 2010 study, chaired by
Professor Ron Oxburgh, examined; noted that there were unresolved
questions relating to the availability of environmental datasets.
Further, the Russell report found that both CRU scientists and the
University of East Anglia failed to display the proper degree of
openness regarding their research.
of: 4/17/18
10:58 AM |
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Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
should stop using reference to Climate, Environment in Rule making
without transparent public facts, even the IPCC is confused . Earth's
atmosphere is a distinctive blend of chemistry that sustains life
here on the planet. So monitor the atmosphere, from the ground, in
the air, and from space then publish air quality of that state or
city before a rule is made. Like Micro Pulse Lidar (MPL) System. Many
personal air and water quality systems are everywhere today.
many Alarmists have fail to adequately explain why temperatures began
warming at the end of the Little Ice Age in about 1850, long before
man-made CO2 emissions could have impacted the climate. Then about
1940, just as man-made CO2 emissions rose sharply, the temperatures
began a decline that lasted until the 1970's, prompting the media and
many scientists to fear coming ice age. temperatures got colder after
C02 emissions exploded. If C02 is the driving force of global climate
change, why so many in media ignore many skeptical scientists who
cite obvious inconvenient truths?
Advocates of alarmism have
grown increasingly desperate to try to convince the public that
global warming is the greatest moral issue of our generation.
periods of Globe warming occurred long before the invention of the
SUV or human GHG industrial activity could have possibly impacted the
Earth's climate. In fact, scientists believe the Earth was warmer
than today during the Medieval Warm Period, when the Vikings grew
crops in Greenland. Climate alarmists have been attempting to erase
the inconvenient Medieval Warm Period from the Earth's climate
history for at least a decade.
Medieval Warm Period 900 AD to
1300 AD
Little Ice Age 1500 to 1850.
Climate change used
repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate
catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of these
fears is justified. Global climate changes occur all the time due to
natural causes. Since 1895, the media has alternated between scares
during four separate and sometimes overlapping time periods.
1895 until the 1930's the media peddled a coming ICE AGE.
the late 1920's until the 1960's they warned of global WARMING.
the 1950's until the 1970's they warned us of a coming ICE AGE.
makes modern global warming the fourth estate's fourth attempt to
promote opposing climate change fears during the last 100 years. The
most media-HYPED environmental issue of all time, global warming. HOT
AND COLD MEDIA SPIN Cycle : This seems a real Challenge to
Journalists Who Cover Global Warming who cannot seem to get the story
the same. American people have been served up an unprecedented parade
of environmental alarmism by the media and entertainment industry,
which link every possible weather event to global warming.
Warming -- evokes the media, Hollywood elites pop culture to nod
their heads and fret about an impending climate disaster. Hollywood's
involvement like Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth."
Junk science. A London Society sent a chilling letter to the media
encouraging them to stifle the voices of scientists skeptical of
climate alarmism. Many major organs of the media dismiss any pretense
of balance and objectivity on climate change coverage and instead
crossed squarely into global warming advocacy. Developments in the
controversy over whether or not humans have created a climate
catastrophe. One of the key aspects that the United Nations,
environmental groups and the media have promoted as the "smoking
gun" of proof of catastrophic global warming is the so-called
'hockey stick' temperature graph by climate scientist Michael Mann
and his colleagues, fueling the global warming propaganda but The
"hockey stick" was completely and thoroughly broken once
and for all when two Canadian researchers tore apart the statistical
foundation for the hockey stick.
National Academy of Sciences
and an independent researcher further refuted the foundation of the
"hockey stick.
The media have missed the big pieces of the
puzzle when it comes to the Earth's temperatures and mankind's carbon
dioxide (C02) emissions. It is very simplistic to feign horror and
say the one degree Fahrenheit temperature increase during the 20th
century means we are all doomed. First of all, the one degree
Fahrenheit rise coincided with the greatest advancement of living
standards, life expectancy, food production and human health in the
history of our planet. So it is hard to argue that the global warming
we experienced in the 20th century was somehow negative or part of a
catastrophic trend.
Public needs to see : is there really a
problem. without the media or billionaire hype. before we spend
billions of dollars on nonsense regulations.
According to many
air apps and WHO org. America has Great Water and Air Quality. so is
this a waste of money.
of: 4/17/18
11:23 AM |
Collection Request; Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility
Loans, and Farm Loan Programs
On: FSA-2018-0002-0001
Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
Approvals: Marketing Assistance Loans, Farm Storage Facility Loans,
and Farm Loan Programs
on FR Doc # 2018-02741
Submitter Information
Name: Anonymous Anonymous
General Comment
numbers BATS been killed by wind turbines. United Nations has
designated 2011-2012 the International Year of the Bat. . Bats play
an important role in many environments around the world. Some plants
depend partly or wholly on bats to pollinate their flowers or spread
their seeds, while other bats also help control pests by eating
insects. study found that bats save farmers more than $1 billion
worldwide . So why is the government give big tax dollars to the Wind
turbine suppliers ??
August 8 2008 The United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today that it will implement a
new initiative to better protect bees, BATS, birds and others that
are essential to global crop production and biodiversity. N United
Nations designated 2011-2012 the International Year of the Bat. Wind
farms and wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of bat per year in
was designed to tackle the recent decline and, in some
cases, near collapse of important pollinator populations around the
world, such as honey bees. Disease, pesticides, habitat loss and the
introduction of exotic species are all thought to be responsible in
part. Wind Turbines are destroying Bats.
Pollinators such as
bees, as well as BATS, butterflies, birds and even mosquitoes, play a
vital role in food production because they transfer pollen between
seed plants, affecting more than a third of the worlds agricultural
crops. Farmers and consumers are thus dependent on healthy pollinator
Under the initiative, protecting pollinator species
will be introduced worldwide and countries and regions will be given
assistance to help them protect pollinators.
Research determined
that free-tails are so effective that they save south-central Texas
farmers up to $1.7 million a year in pesticide costs, the BCI
reports. Mexican free-tailed bat, common in Texas, will reach an
altitude of 1,000 feet to snare crop-destroying corn earworm moths.
The corn earworm moth (or more specifically, the moths larvae) cause
major damage to U.S. corn crops. Researchers from Southern Illinois
University (SIU) wanted to find out what happens when bats arent
allowed to feed freely on the moths, so they built large outdoor
enclosures over cornfields in Southern Illinois. The enclosures were
covered in nets that let insects in but kept bats out. The corn grown
within the enclosures had significantly more larvae-damaged kernels
by 56 percent and less fungal damage.
The researchers noted
that bats suppress pest-associated fungal growth and mycotoxin in
corn as well as increased crop yield by 1.4 percent, which adds up to
a difference of more than $3 an acre. study found that bats save
farmers more than $1 billion worldwide and thats only for corn crops.
The estimate also doesnt factor in other benefits that bats provide,
such as a reduction in pesticide use. Study author Josiah Maine told
BBC News: In 2011, University of Tennessee at Knoxville researchers
also analyzed the economic importance of bats in agriculture.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville reduced costs of pesticide
applications that are not needed to suppress the insects consumed by
bats. bats help pollinate and disperse seeds, they can even play an
important part in helping regrowth after forest clearance. Without
bats, crop yields are affected. Pesticide applications go up. Even if
our estimates were quartered, they clearly show how bats have
enormous potential to influence the economics of agriculture and
forestry." While some bats provide pest control, nectar-feeding
bats act as beneficial pollinators. Giant cacti and agave are just
two types of plants that depend on bats for pollination, and in the
tropics over 500 different types of tropical plants are pollinated by
bats every year. Fruit-eating bats are sometimes called the farmers
of the tropics because they are incredibly efficient at dispersing
seeds. Theyre especially essential to regenerating clear-cut forests,
which requires seeds to be dropped over large, open spaces areas
where birds are reluctant to fly. Bats cover large distances while
feeding at night and defecate while flying, which means the seeds in
their feces are scattered across the vast open expanses of clear-cut
rainforests they can add still more, different seeds to the mix that
can lead eventually to a renewed forest. Bats have been reported
dispersing the seeds of avocado, dates, figs, and cashews vital part
of a healthy eco-system, bats are beneficial mammals that contribute
greatly to their surrounding ecosystems, and they deserve respect to
go along with it. Bats devour tons of crop-destroying insects, a
benefit that undeniably helps farmers get food to our tables. They
also feed on mosquitoes, which is why I'm cheering for bats to occupy
the bat houses I've put up in my yard. Bats fly at speeds of around
60 mph and sometimes at an altitude of 10,000 feet. Stop the Wind
Turbines from Killing the BATS.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ball, MaryAnn - FSA, Washington, DC |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |